ASPA BULLETIN AMERICAN SOD PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION December 3, 1971 IT'S CALIFORNIA FOR YOU IN '72 All roads will be leading West for the greatest sod producer activity ever conducted. Plans for the 1972 ASPA Educational Conference and Field Day are in the final stages of completion. President Grether and Cal-Turf staff have been exceptionally busy for some time getting the site prepared for what should prove to be the largest group of sod producers from within as well as outside of the United States that ever met at one time. The scheduled dates of February 22, 23 and 24 are brusting at the seams with planned activities. This year's program will be the most ambitious effort undertaken by ASPA to date. A tremendous program of exceptional interest, variety and talent has been arranged. It will include: 1. Educational Sessions - Prominent turf authorities, nationally and internationally known for their contributions to the turfgrass industry, have been invited to participate with discussions on carefully selected topics of vital interest to the sod industry. The lineup will include such authorities as: Dr. James Beard, Michigan State University - leader of one of the most comprehensive turfgrass research groups in the country and one of the few research teams working on sod technology. Dr. Glenn Burton, Agriculture Research Service of the U.S.D.A. - prominent turfgrass breeder and developer of the Tif - varieties of hybrid Bermudagrasses. Dr. C. Reed Funk, Rutgers University - leader of one of the most concentrated turfgrass breeding programs in the country; developer of hybridization in Kentucky bluegrasses. Mr. Toby Grether, Cal-Turf, Inc.,-President, ASPA - a recognized leader in the sod industry. Mr. Channing Jones, Ortho Garden and Home Marketing - one of the most successful marketing programs in the lawn and garden supply industry. Mr. Donald Juchartz, Director of Wayne County, Michigan, Cooperative Extension Service - contributed immeasurably to the determination of the cost of producing sod in Michigan. (continued) Dr. Victor Youngner, University of California - outstanding turfgrass physiologist and breeder. Also, a management expert, a representative of the Associated Landscape Contractors of America and a representative of the American Association of Nurserymen. 2. Tours - A wide variety of attractions are scheduled - * Experiment Station Research Plots - University of California, South Coast Field Station * Demonstration Plots of Chemical Performance * * Cal-Turf Sod Production Facilities Cal-Hy Production Facilities (collection and dehydration of Kentucky bluegrass clippings) Production of Container Nursery Stock * * Glimpse of some California agriculture 3. 4. 5. Equipment Field Day - Many types of products and machinery for sod production will be discussed and demonstrated "doing their thing." There will be new ideas for using traditional equipment and the intro­ duction of some new revolutionary equipment - all together adding up to new ideas and techniques for more efficient and economical sod production. Fun - Many opportunities available. ASPA headquarters will be the famous Disneyland Hotel which is a very short mono-rail ride into the Disneyland Park. A special tour of Disneyland for sod producers has been organized. Disneyland Park offers pure fun for the entire family and the many pretty belles will appeal not only to the young but also to the more sod-istic oldsters. Site Seeing - Unscheduled but unlimited opportunities available. Entire sunny Southern California will be at your beck and call for a most enjoyable CONFERENCE and VACATION. So, it all adds up to a tremendous program that promises to produce a SOD PRODUCERS RUSH to California. It may seem distant for some to travel but you can't afford to miss what it has to offer for your benefit - it's in your GRASS-P! The stage is set, the welcome mat is out, so plan now to Go West! You too can become the Marquis de Sod in Paradise. If you are interested in sod production - IT'S CALIFORNIA FOR YOU - FEBRUARY 22, 23 and 24, 1972. A complete packet of information containing the printed program, pre­ registration forms, lodging information, etc. will be mailed in early January. (continued) WOMEN'S LIB Previous programs have been very negligent in considering attendance of the fairer sex. In formulating your plans to attend the California meeting, become a part of the Women's Lib Movement and don't forget to include your fair lady (wife and/or girlfriend). Let's not forget, they may want to get away from it all too for a change of pace and scenery. Plans are being considered for a women's program. A program will be organized if there is sufficient expression of interest. In order to guide us as to whether we should proceed with such plans, please complete the attached questionnaire and return to the Executive Secretary before December 20. ASPA PARTICIPATION IN ALCA CONFERENCE ASPA has been granted the opportunity of presenting a half-day work­ shop on sodding at the Annual Conference of the Associated Landscape Con­ tractors of America on February 9, 1972 at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas. The program to be presented will include the following brief presentations: Advantages of Using Sod - Ben Warren Varieties of Sod - Toby Grether Site Preparation - Joe McDermott Specifications - Jack Kidwell Post-Planting Maintenance - John Nunes Moderator - Dr. Henry W. Indyk followed by a lengthy discussion from the floor. In addition, ASPA will set up and staff a booth at their Trade Show on February 8. We are very apprecia­ tive of being given this opportunity which should lead to a better understanding and closer working relationship with an Association that has a vital interest in high quality sod. REMINDER ASPA membership must continue to grow to obtain a greater representation of the sod industry. Do your part - encourage fellow sod producers to become members. Membership leaflets and application forms will be gladly provided upon request. ENCLOSURE Enclosed is a leaflet written by one of my associates at Rutgers. Although written for nurserymen, it contains a wealth of information that is applicable to the sod industry as well. (continued) GREETINGS Your officers, Board of Directors and Executive Secretary wish you and yours a VERY HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON and a VERY PROSPEROUS 1972! Get a good start by attending the meetings in California. Henry W. Indyk Executive Secretary PLEASE DETACH FORM HERE WOMEN'S PROGRAM QUESTIONNAIRE I (am, am not) in favor of a special program for women attending the 1972 ASPA Educational Conference and Field Day in California. (Number) women from my organization are planning to attend. Name Organization Please return completed questionnaire on or before DECEMBER 20 to: Dr. Henry W. Indyk Soils and Crops Department P.O. Box 231 College of Agriculture & Environmental Science New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903