86 ANNUAL REPORT 1965-66 The following are Papers read or presented at Conferences and materials published during 1965-66 academic year by Senior Members of the Institute. (A) Name: Professor J . H. Nketia. Status; Director Titles of Papers read or presented at Conferences: c 1. Artistic Values in African Music 2. Music in African Cultures 3. Musicology and African Music 4. Multi-part Organisation in the Music of the Gogo of Tanzania. 5. Music Education in African Schools 6. The use of authentic fold music in Music Education Publications during the year: 1. Music, Dance and Drama: a review of the Performing Arts of Ghana. 'Artistic Values in African Music' The Composer Vol. N o. 1966 p. 'The Dimensions of Musical Studies' in Traditional Music, p. (German translation of Music in African Cultures) ' Artistic Values 2. 3. 4. (B) Name: K.A.B. Jones-Quartey Status: Associate Professor Titles of Papers read or presented at Conferences: 1. "Ghana: Historical Background from Independence to the Present" - Valco Orientation Course, Legon, April 18, 1966. 2. "Opposition: Con land Pro", History Department Staff Seminar, Legon, June 2, 1966. 3. "What Went Wrong with the Ghana Press: 1951-1966", in I.P.E. Lecture Series, Accra, June 3, 1966. 87 Publications during the year; 1. "Press Archives Research as an Approach to West African History", in Research Review, Legon, Michaelmas Term, 1965-66. 2. "Tragedy and the African Audience" , in Okyeame, September, 1966 3. A Life of Azikiwe - Penguins, African Series, July, 1965. (C) Name: Gilbert Ansre: Status; Research Fellow in Linguistics Publications during the year; 1. Verbids - A Caveat to 'Serial Verbs'. Journal of West African Languages, Vol.3 No. 1. University of Cambridge Press, London. (D) Name; A . S . Y. Andoh "" Titles of Papers read or presented at Conferences; Status; Secretary/Senior Research " Fellow *»-*. 1. The Constitutions and their Amendments (in Institute of Publication Education Lecture Series on 'What Went Wrong In Ghana1, from 1957-1966). 2. Political Developments in Ghana 1951-1966. (to American University-African Area Programme June 29, 1966). Publications during the year; 1. A note on "Ntam"in Research Review Vol.2 No.3 2. Epitaph to Ghana's First Republic (Draft Paper). 88 (E) Name; Dr. J . M. Stewart Status: Senior Research Fellow Titles of Papers read or presented at Conferences; 1. 'Tongue Root Position in Akan Vowel Harmon/1 (at Universite Federate du Cameroun, Yaounde 16th-23rd March, 1966). Publications during the year: 1. The above paper has been accepted for publication 2. 4. 3. in Phonetica 'Akan History: Some linguistic evidence', to appear in Ghana Notes and Queries 'Asanre Twi in the Polyglotra Africana1, to appear in the Sierra Leone Language Review. 'Comparative Study of the Volta-Comoe Languages', Research Review, Vol.2, part 2 1966, pp.41-47. 5. Awutu, Larteh, Nkonya and Krachi, No. 1 in the series Comparative African Wordiists. 6. Edited the following numbers of the Comparative African Wordlftti Series. N o .l Awutu, Larteh, Nkonya and Krachi by J .M Stewart. (No.5 above) No.2 Ga, Adcngme and Ewe, by M.E. Kropp 7. Edited the following numbers of the Collected Language Notes Series: No.3 The Phonology of Konkomba, by M. Steele and G. Weed. No.4 The Phonology of Vagala, by Crouch and N. Smiles. No.5 The Phonology of Basari, by M. Abbott and M. Cox. No.6 The Phonology of Dagaari, by S. Ktrniey No.7.Linguistic field notes from Banda, and "ogy Tfeia (language maps of the Guang speaking areas (langu by C. inter. 89 (F) Name: N.O.Addo Status: Research Fellow Titles of Papers read or presented at Conferences: 1. Demographic Aspects of Urban Development in Ghana in the 20th Century, read at Conference, Ibadan University 3rd-7th Jan. 1966. Publications during the year: 1. Madina; A survey of the Development of a Contemporary sub-urban settlement in Ghana, by A.K. Quarcoo, N . O. Addo and M. Peil (July, 1966). (Preliminary Report). 2. (G) Name; Mrs. C. Oppong Status: Research Fellow Publications during the year; 1. The Dagomba Response to the Introduction of State Schools in Ghana (Soc. Review Vol.2 No. 1). (H) Name: A.K. Quarcoo Status: Research Fellow Titles of Papers read or presented at Conferences: 1. Family and Tribal mores in Ghana 2. Mythology Religion and Festivals in Ghana Publications during the year: 1. Shai Pottery - Hambolt University Journal 2. Madina Survey (Part I) - Research Review (supplement) Trinity, 1965. 3. Collections - 1964-65 - Professor Nketia arranging for its publication. "Ghanaian Plastic Arts" 4. "Pottery in Ghana" - (Past and Present, State Publishing Corporation) 90 •> *" (1) Name: K.N.Bame Status: Asst.Secretary/Research Fellow. Publications during the /ear: 1. The Parent and Teacher Association (Ghana Teachers' Journal, 1965 No.3) 2. Politics Without Parties (The Legon Observer Vol. 1 No.4, 19th Aug. 1966) (J) Name: A . C. Denteh Status: Principal Research Assistant Grade I. Publications during the year 1. Akanfoo Asranna (for 1966) (K) Name: Miss Blum Status: Instructor Titles of Papers read or presented at Conferences: 1. "How to present the reading of dance to Beginning Notation Students" (Score Analyses). Publications during the year: 1. Dance Score of Doris Humphreys "Water Study". (L) Name : Mist Elizabeth Partos Status! Tutor In Music Titles of Papers read or presented at Conferences 1. The Place of Western Music in the Music Education of Africa. Publications during the year: 1. 'The Place of Western Music in the Music Education of Africa1. (Research Review Vol.2 No.3, Trinity Term 1966). 91 (M) Name: N . Z . N a yo Status: Tutor Titles of Papers read or presented at Conferences 1. "Melody and Harmony in African Music" at Ghana Society of Musicians Conference 21st May, 1966. Publications during the year: 1. Musical Compositions - Cello and Piano (a) "A Husago Theme" (b) "Companions" Claniet and Piano (c) "Conflict and Victory" (d) "An Akpalu Theme" Piano Duet (e) "Akpalu-Alakple" (N) Name: J.P.Y. Kedjanyi Status: Senior Technician Publications during the year: 1. Set-Design and the Student of Drama. Published by the School of Music & Drama, University of Ghana, Legon. [•*-*