INSTITUTE OF AFRICAN STUDIES RESEARCH S E R I A LS SEP2OW68 CHIGAN STATE UNIVUBUJI VOL.4 N0.2 LENT TERM 1968 UNIVERSITY OF GHANA UNIVERSITY OF GHANA INSTITUTE OF AFRICAN STUDIES RESEARCH REVIEW VOL.4 NO.2 LENT TERM 1968. * • ••,4 RESEARCH REVIEW EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Professor J.H. Nketia Rev. Dr. G • Ansre Mr. K . N. Bame Mrs, C. Oppong Mr. K.A. Opoku (Editor) Published thrice yearly by the Institute of African Studies. Communications about subscriptions should be sent to the Publications Officer, Institute of - #• African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon. THE RESEARCH REVIEW During the brief and formative period in which the Research Review has been in existence, it has helped in making available Information about some of the research being carried on at the Institute. In our endeavour to broaden the scope of this publication, we have included in this issue f u l l- length articles to replace the familiar "leading article", found in the opening pages of previous issues. We continue to have research reports as well as r* library and museum reports, and as readers will notice, the Institute News has now been put at the end. Without doubt, the progress we have made is due, in large measure, to the comments, criticisms and suggestions which interested readers have sent to us. We hope that such helpful comments will continue to come in to aid us towards the fulfilment of the purposes for which the Research Review was established. Legon , March,! 968. Kofi Asa re Opoku. V • - • • *• .ft * A RESEARCH REVIEW CONTENTS ARTICLES The Missionary Role on the Gold Coast and in Ashanti: Reverend F.A. Ramseyer and the British take over of Ashanti 1869-1894 Africanisms in the New World . .. . .. The Gold Coast Press: 1822-c 1930, And the Anglo- African Press: 1825-c 195D-The Chronologies Page 1 16 •K. Arhin A. Irele K.A.B. Jones- 30 Quartey Traditional Religious Beliefs and Spiritual Churches in Ghana: A Preliminary Statement . .. .. K.A. Opoku 47 RESEARCH REPORTS The Use of Language and the Ghanaian Actor's Technique J.S. Kennedy A Note on A Dagomba Chief's Drummer Arabic Collection . .. . .. C. Oppong K . O. Odoom J . J. Holden LIBRARY AND MUSEUM REPORTS Books Donated to African Studies Library Radiocarbon Dates for Ghana: Kintampo Series C. Flight 61 63 66 103 105 Some Notes on The Settlement-Mounds of Central Gonja . .. . .. INSTITUTE NEWS R.D.Mathewson 108 115