RESEARCH .'•• P; U |-,N A N A NA SfiR IV f •) A ; » r- i f !' The A N A NA shrine is one of $<-\erai shriner. located at Big Ada, capital (own of ih« Ado T radii tonal A era of Soul-hern Ghana. If houses what is claimed in i,e c; *m ;.|u pbenomp-'on for study, -^pc-ciaN)' r*•"»*t- appeanH n»i intcrpst<» since there appears fu !ta-- r,o -'onstant renewal vf t!-is stucV,, vvSiirh oti!'.'iv-ii community and, on a preliminary analysis,, M..;orpot'ot>i..j r it \YK i"iac.i *'•=-!•>*<.r for the io:' w i ll evet'irufjiiy fp-vv.o "tro,i> *u of the orcc. „ 7;u- irivcst'gotiork hactgrnvid of" ih-:- sh» has been colft-cred os well bur this ztaqe, '':f5>»- the linguistic a-ipe-rf of whet ^o» been elicited so for. M has been noted that" women devotees were tWi main speakers of the tanauage. In the course of three Hteivisws o"e-" 0 period of five weeksr only once v/as a male devotee (the cr.e ',s,vj.~ dentally acted as linguist or ©kyecme for the proceedings) beard to speak the ANANA language, "TKeother male devotee con far? ^rJ •'::%': they understood only a few v^ords, but *ho\ they had no fiuer c.j. '*> either production or of comprehension of this lOngua^o. Most of the questiof 5 put were answered by the ?r»cumbasnl priestess, with occasional Interruptions and additions by one or two rfale elders. On one occasion the priestess took exception to such an interruption ond spontaneously broke Sn*-o the ANANA fanguoQ.? with considerable feeling and at quite a racy speed. A tronsiefion of this outburst ond of a few libations and songs In ihm language Is in preparation ond will form the theme of later reports 00 this project. Some lexical Items were extracted, though, and a selection of these will serve as a conclusion to this report: RESEARCH REPORTS Adangme Eng 1 ish Anana ssnya II dido bo dsttsi bonyu < £ tiungrrME home door firewood water pot- cloth rubbish soup heed nose gbaa n gufigo 2 LIU bnu