INSTITUTE NEWS 117. Dr. Beulesh L. Brown, B. Mus (Edinburgh 1962)r Music Teachers Certificate (Institute of Education, London University, 1963), PhD (Manchester 1966), has been appointed a Research Fellow In Music, Odowuru_ A new magazine, in Aketn, has been added to the list of publications It is intended to be a quarterly and will by the Institute ©f African Studies. serve, not only the specialists in the Twi language, but also students in secondary schools and training colleges, as well as the general public. Articles published in the magazine Include ,poemsf research nefes# cultural materials and other original works. The first Issue, which appeared in September, 1968, contains the following, among other things: 1. Some valuable notes on the symbol callad "Sankofa", which is one of the proverbial patterns of the "adlnkra" cloth. ' .2, A six-stanza, four-line lullaby, 3. A brief biographiqal sketch of the late Dr. C.A. Akrofi, the notable Twi scholar and grammarian, 4. The traditional festival calendar of the Akan people. 5. A poem on peace and a memoir on Yaw Kan I, author of many Twi books. 6. A treatise on the Akan custom of greetings and their appropriate responses. 7. A list of the Akan names of most, if not o i l, the birds of« Ghana. • N •if INSTITUTE NEWS 118. 8. A review of B.S. Akuffo's book, "Kontonkrowi", an exhaustive account of 14 types of Akan funerals. 9. An analysis of some Akan proverbs. 10. A word of advice to the sons and daughters of Ghana. Odawuru is jointly edited by Messrs. A. "Crakye" Denteh and Kof? Asare Opoku. Articles are invited for publication in the subsequent issues of Odawuru. Articles written in English will be accepted and translated Into Akan. Visual Arts - M . A. (African Studies) 1 . Definition and Aim; Detailed examination of aesthetics, history and sociology of the visual arts of traditional and contemporary Africa, with primary emphasis on sculpture and the crafts. History, and the visual arts, will also be an important feature to be examined. Attention to be given to arts like dance and drama but also music and verbal art which are inextricably bound up with the visual art. The coverage is all Africa but with special emphasis on Ghana and West Africa. (East, and Central Africa and Ethiopia for comparative studies). The principal aim will be the study of "The Visual Arts and Society". Method: Prftnary studies in the field and secondary studies in seminars, lectures, etc. Students whose background in African Studies INSTITUTE NEWS 119. is Inadequate, v/H! need to do Intensive library work In specific and genera! fiferaH?re on Africa relating fo soda! organisation and culture,. *r»fefesr In elementary archaeology will be encouraged. Efforts w;J! be mods to &chl®v&. the aim of the course through the $*wiy of aesthetics, history, and sociology of the visual arts. Thss methodology will bs fl ce! and inter-disciplinary. Aesthetics: Stylistics - art in general; general stylistic vjt visual and plastic art, Techniques and canons of Ah>can ort, Problems of form and meaning - (symbolism, naturalism ate.) Art appreciation, typologies^ morphology and distribution of the visual arts of Africa. of Work in this sscHon will be Intensive end exfemsva to form the basis of other ports of the syllabus« Histor*, History of Suropeaji attitude fo arts of Africa; Problems ond difficulties .ii'-, t'.-fiif; o>i-in cultural context; design and meaning; art o?, n.'i siemant of culture; physiological and psychological mstk o? African art; the problem of meaning; the social framework • African visual art-; African visual art and social institution?,. for example (religion, politic.-, and government, economics, family and wantage); avofuHon end progress In art; maskr-j. regal and rsrua1 a*-} anci social control; religion* and art; erf, magic end psychology; visual art ond traditional or contem- porary dances. Visual art - (a) htiditional (b) c and ed-' Special study of art ond reSs»)ior. which have been regarded by some writers as the hub of all African art. Social and Cultural chango and the visual arts. 'Case st Aesthetics; sociological and histortcai study of Ass art of selected African communities; field and iaborofory work will be mainly in Ghanaf but work outside Ghana may how ever be undertaken Specific Individual and^ or,, group projects on design,, patrerns, history, and sociology of arts above. A * Q. Nois !he rii-ticle^ :'The Genemi State of Research Review Into the •Hisfcrv of 3han&''f which appear^ in Rfs^Ofch R«v!ew# Vo!-4 No 3, 1968 unde.;1 ^o •-.'.'••'''orshFo of D' ^.H K Darkwah was based on report? INSTITUTE NEWS 121. prepared by scholars from rhe departments of History and ArcHaeoiogy and the Institute of African Studies, ft was prepared for the UNESCO Conference for the Coordination and Planning of the Coliection of Orai Traditions in Africa heid in Oagadougou, Upper Vaita, from July 29 - August 2, 1968. The omission of this note in the said issue of the Research Review is regretted. Editor.