98. RESEARCH REPORT ON DANGME STUDIES PROJECT by E.O. Apronti Background At a general staff meeting early this year (1972), the Institute decided to embark on a number of inter-disciplinary area study projects, on the model of the Ashantl Research Project. One such project is the Dangme Studies Project in which scholars specializing In Social Anthropology, Linguis- tics, Literature, Music, Food and Nutrition, and History have come together to do an intensive problem-oriented study of the Dangme area. The project is expected to involve the collection, analysis, archiving and publishing of data on the Dangme area. This area, comprising seven traditional authority areas, was chosen because of Its relative accessibility to Legon and the availability of staff to embark on It. The seven areas are Manya Krobo, Yllo Krobo, Shal, Osudoku, Prampram, Ningo and Ada. Kpone Is also on the periphery of the area, whose proper designation is Dangme, since other names such as Krobo and Shai are clearly sub-divisions of the larger area. Scope The project lends Itself to both long and short* term approaches. The long term alms are to collect, analyse and publish materials on the following: (a) The Land and the People: geography, topography, ecology and occupations of the people. (b) Social organization of the Dangme people. * Dr. E.O. Aprontl Is a Research Fellow In Linguistics. **.; -* * * 99. (c- Religion in the Dangme area: the organi- zation and roles of churches and shrines. (d) Linguistic and socio-iinguistic character- istics of the area. (e) History and Traditions: world view, oral traditions and oral literature. (f) Music of the area: musical forms, instru- ments and their organization. (g) Land tenure and agriculture, food and nutritional matters. (h) Drama in its relation to oral literature, ritual, religion and the performing arts. (f) The economy, food supply, migration of labour, market systems. (j) Art and artefacts in their anthropological perspective. As the expertise that has been assembled in the group would seem to favour an inter-dlsciplinary approach, the following short-term subjects have been selected for joint research: (a) The Priesthood in Dangmeland « *• (b) The Concept of Fertility (rites of passage) (c) Mortuary Usages (texts, kinship structure) (d) Social control (e) Dangme festivals. (f) Klama as a mechanism of social contrpl and as an art form. (g) Market surveys (in association with the Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research). T3 4 : * • «•* 100. (h) Dialect and socio-1inguistIc survey. In the Ada Traditional Area, Nene Picco Pedfator III, Chief of the Kujragbe clan has provided the group with use- ful contacts In all the coastal fishing towns and villages as well as some towns and villages In the Immediate hinter- land. The Ada Traditional Area has been selected as a pilot area for the project. Personnel The group consists of the following: Mrs. A. Aklta Dr. E.O. Aprontf Mr. D, Copeland Mr. L. Chrtstophersen - Dr. M.E. Kropp Dakubu - Mr. K.O. Odoom Dr. A.K. Quarcoo - Food, NutrItion and Health Language and Literature Mus Ic Music Language and Literature Islamic Studies Social and Visual Anthropology. Some local scholars such as Messrs E.A, Addy and T. Puplampu, Headmasters of Secondary Schools at Dodowa and Ada Foah respectively, have expressed Interest in contributing to the historical study of the area. Local support In the form of reporters on festivals and allied activities are also to be used. It is expected that, with the help of field assistants, much work on the project will be undertaken In the long vacation of 1972.