.07 y.10 ml INSTITUTE OF AFRICAN STUDIES RESEARCH REVIEW Vol. 10 No. 1 MICHAELMAS TERM, 1982 UNIVERSITY OF GHANA LEGON /lilJIYEHSITY OP GHANA INSPIfTTIE OF AJEICAN SOTHE1S R E S E A R CH E E V I Note? fflIS number of t he T ^ e a r ch Reviev, Should come out in ltffo but for several reasons, this was not possible- CU,' Orf, 44a ad. cut ad, d=t> cfch CfcJ, "VOL. 1 0, M ). 1 C o n t e n ts The Value of Children for Parents in Kwahu, Ghana - TSblf Bleek Socio-political Relevance of Chiefship in Contemporary Ghana - A«K. Quarcoo The Academic Approach to African Art - Chukwulozie ipyasw. Urban/Rural Upbringing as a Correlate of Yoruba Children's Perception to Family Power Structure - Michael Olasebeya Olasehinde Axim Kundum - A Preliminary Survey - J.K. Agovi The Credibility of Scientific Typology and Aggregate data in Cross-cultural ^Analysis Hassan Hasan Sheikh Salim EL-Yacoubi and Jane Merritt Biddle EL-Yacoubi - Some Genet ive Constructions in Twi (Oni/ ^/ - A«C Denteh P a ge 1 21 38 63 70 .. • ••• •• • ••• . .. . .. 83 Women and Social Change in West Africa - Katie Church . .. 100 Notes Some Field Problems in Rural Social Research with P a r t i c u l ar Reference to Ghana - P.A* Twumasi ••• 120