PROJECT REPORTS 17. ARABIC MSS COLLECTION A full descriptive catalogue of this material is in course of preparation. The collection now comprises almost five hundred items - mainly in xerox copy. The task of cataloguing this material is an arduous and time-consuming one, involving not only the reading of the MSS, but the search for other MSS of the same work in this and other collections, the examination of paper and watermarks, the identification of authors and copyists, etc. the first catalogue will be issued in the course of this year. meantime, for the information of scholars working in this field, it has been decided to publish in each issue of Research Review a selection of entries for MSS already examined and catalogued. Full details of watermarks, paper etc. will be found from the accession card index which, when completed, will be kept in the Library of the Institute of African Studies. The catalogue entries, however, of which we list forty below, are intended only to guide scholars as to whether a given MSS is or is not of relevance to a particular inquiry. It is hoped, however, that In the The MSS below were all accessioned between 1960 and 1965, in the IASAR series (Institute of African Studies Arabic). Especial thanks go to Or. Bradford Martin and Mr. K. Odoom for the energy and time which they have contributed to the work of cataloguing. Ivor Wilks Iff* 18. PROJECT REPORTS IASAR/1 ARABIC Author: Description: Date of work: Date of copy: MS from: Other copies: MAHMClD B.CABDALLAH QISSAT SALGHA TA'RIKH GHUNJA Accounts of the campaigns of Jakpa, King of Gonja; of the growth of Salaga; ant) of the civil war in Salaga, 1891/2. 54 folios. AH 1350, AD 1931, by al-Hajj CAbdallah "who is under the Sultan of Alfay, Muhammad Kanakulay". Kpembe. IASAR/6; / 2 6 1. See also a translation of a Hausa version: J. Withers Gill, A Short History of Salaga, 1924. See also translation from the Arabic by M. Wakkad, in Ghana Notes and Queries, 3,4. IASAR/15. IASAR/18 ARABIC Author: Description: Date of Work: MS from: Other copies: Notes: I B T I D A ' D FN WA" fl CAM 875 Account of the state of Islam in Wa, with reference to the historical connections between the ulama of Wa and Kong. ILA CAM 1382. Wa. I folio. Apparently an abstract, made in 1963 by Imam SiddFq, of a longer work. PROJECT REPORTS IASAR/26 ARABIC 19. Author; Title: Description; Date of works MS from; Other copies; CALI B. MUHAMMAD BARAW AL-SALGHAW7 MUNA'YA MADlH SHAYKHl DHT AL-SANA'I Acrostic poem in praise of Shaykh Mahmud b. Sa icl JalydT, a Tijam muqaddam, with an additional five verses also in his praise. 17 Rajab, 1339 = 27 March, 1921. Kete Krakye. IASAR/78 (which has one additional verse). 2 folios. IASAR/41 ARABIC Author; Description; Date of work; MS from; Other copies; List of twenty-three sultans of Daboya, with lengths of reigns. Daboya. I folio, ..*-« IASAR/42 ARABIC Author; Title: Description; Date of work; MS from; Other copies: List of chiefs of Daboya. Daboya. . 2 folios. 20. IASAR/45 HAUSA PROJECT REPORTS Author: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other Copies: Notes: AL-AHB'ARI History of Wa with particular reference to the Widana section. 5 folios. Wa. IASAR/21 This work is attributed to Malam Ibrahim of Jangbeyiri, Wa, by his son, Su layman. IASAR/46 ARABIC Title: Author: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: List of the Imams of Wa from Ya muru to Sa Td, with a prayer in the name of each. C C Wa. IASAR/17,/61,/296, (all with variant readings). 2 folios. IASAR/61 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: DHIKR I M X M I NA List of Imams of Wa, with a prayer in the name of each. MIN WA Wa. see IASAR/17,/46,/61,/296 (all with variant readings). 2 folios. PROJECT REPORTS IASAR/62 ARABIC 21. Author: Title: Description; Date of work: MS from: Other copies; Notes: AL-rJAJJ MUHAMMAD B. AL-MUSTAFA Compilation of early Gonja traditions, with a chronicle of events from the early to mid-18rh century 7 folios. Buipe. IASAR/10//11//12//13//14//248(i)/272. See also J. Goody, Ethnography of the Northern territories of the Gold Coast, etc, 1954, App. IV. This work appears on internal evidence to have been compiled in or shortly after 1751/2. IASAR/79 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Notes: ISNAD AL-SODAN (?) Account of the origins of the Watara in Mecca, and of their settlement at Bi u and Kong. Dormaa Ahenkro. I folio. Extremely corrupt text. IASAR/80 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: TA'RfKH MULOK AL-KUFFAR Fl AQALfM BUNTUQ List of twenty-two kings of Gyaman, ending with Yeboah. Dormaa Ahenkro. I folio. A-m •-* KM. "0 22. PROJECT REPORTS IASAR/ 81 ARABIC Author: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Notes: List of seven Kamaghatay imams, with the duration of each imamate, totalling 159 years. Dormaa Ahenkro. I folio. Apparently the Kamaghatay of Bonduku, though the imamate is now Ttmitay. IASAR/90 ARABIC Author: MUHAMMAD B. Y ACQ 0B AL-WATARA Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Elaboration in TanV?0 form of a poem (IASAR/88), by al-Hajj Salih al-Jawam al-Tijani", written by Muhammad b. Ya qub for his student Bakr b. Hasan dl-Timiti. Wench i. 3 folios. IASAR/100 ARABIC Author: Tttle: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: MUHAMMAD AL-SABBAN 'ILM AL-SHI'R (MANZOMAT AL-§ABBAN) Didactic poem giving the rules of prosody. Bonduku. 4 folios. PROJECT REPORTS IASAR/101 ARABIC 23. Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: HADfTH AL-SHAFACA Collection of traditions attributed to Abdallah b. a l- Abbas concerning the day of Judgement, with a long charm on the last page. Boromo. 6 folios. IASAR/102 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Collection of hadlth relating to the Prophet, without isnad . Boromo. 8 folios. IASAR/112 ARABIC Author: CALl B. MUHAMMAD AL-SALGHAWT known as BARAW Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies; Acrostic poem in praise of Ahmad al-Tijam 27 Jumada |# 1340 = 26 January, 1922. Kete Krakye. IASAR/I6(ix). 2 folios. 24. PROJECT REPORTS IASAR/113 ARABIC Authort Description; Date of work: MS from; Other copies: Permission granted by al Hajj Umar b. Abl Bakr al-Kabawi to Muhammad al-Thani b. Uthman Salagha to use the Tijanfwird. 15 Dhu al-qacdarn339 = 21 July, 1921. Kete Krakye. 2 folios. IASAR/148 ARABIC Author; Title; Description; Date of work; MS from; Other copies; ASMA'MULUK AL-ASANTI List of the kings of Ashanti "as kept by the Shaykhs", with mention of their wars; on reverse a short account of the ruling dynasties of Mande. Sunyani. I folio. IASAR/151 ARABIC Author: Description; Date of work: MS from: Other copies: TA'RTKH TADHKIRAT AL-AMMMA fl BILADINA WA History of the kings and imams of Wa. copy made in 1963 of an undated work. Obuasi. 2 folios. PROJECT REPORTS 25. IASAR/153 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: ABO BAKR B. AL-HUSAYN B. CABD AL-QADIR TIMITAY (KARAMO SUBRUNI) QA$lDA fl CIB^DAT Poem on devotion and worship, rhyming in ayn. Duayaw Nkwanta. 2 folios. IASAR/164 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Notes: List of twelve West African jjlama) (? 17-18th centuries) and of the towns they settled in on their return from Mecca. Namasa. Corrupt text. 2 folios. [ASAR/169 HAUSA Author: Title! Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies! YOSUFU ABIN-NEMA Topical poem dealing with events in northern Ghana at the time of European penetration, with references to the Salaga civil war, etc. Kete Krakye. 2 folios. 26. PROJECT REPORTS 223 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Poem in praise of al-Hajj Umar al-Futf al-TijanT Kumasi, 2 folios. IASAIV225 HAUSA Author: TftTsT" Description: Ddte of work: MS from: Other copies: Admonition, with a silsila for the author to Uthman dan Fodio. Kintampo. 10 folios. IASAR/233 HAUSA Author: Title; Description: Date of work: MS fromT Other copies: MUHAMMAD BUKHARI son of the imam of Soko^o. Poem in praist of Ahmadu Bello, with a genealogy of the Fodio family to ai -Hasan, grandson of the Prcphet. Kumasi. 2 folios. PROJECT REPORTS 27. IASAR/241 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Notes: TA'RfKH DAGHABAwI History of the kings of Dagomba, with obituaries and notes in the margins in various hands. 3 folios. Yendi. IASAR/250 Apparently compiled in its present form by Khalid b. Ya qub, Imam of Yendi 1915-35. IASAR/249 ARABIC AND HAUSA Author: Title: Description! Date of work: MS from: Other copies: ASMA1 MULOK MAN FURS F List of the kings of Mamprusi, with some account of their wars. Gambaga. 3 folios. IASAR/250 ARABIC Author: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Notes: TA'RfKH DAGHABAwr History of the kings of Dagomba. 2 folios. Yendi. IASAR/241 Apparently compiled in its present form by Khalid b. Ya qiib, Imam of Yendi 1915-35. 28. IASAR/252 ARABIC PROJECT REPORTS Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Author: TTtTel Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Lists of the chiefs of Bawku Zongo, arid of the imams of Bawku Bawku. I fof io HAUSA Account of relations between Jakpa, king of the Gonja, and Osei Tutu, king of Ashanti, with a section on Jakpa and the pagans of Krakye. Salaga. IASAR/255 (Arabic version). See also J.Goody, Ethnography of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast/ 1954/ app. xv. 3 folios. IASAR/292 HAUSA Author: Title: Description: Dote of work: MS from: Other copies: Notes: Attributed orally to al-Hajj CUmar b. AblBakr of Kete Krakye. Poem in praise of Uthman"the lion of Kumasi"/ with an exposition on the divine basis of kingship. Kete Krakye. 16 folios. Apparently in praise of y«jm Kumasi, who died about 191$. , Sarkin Zongo of PROJECT REPORTS 29. IASAR/296 ARABIC Author; TttTe: Description: Date of work: MS from; Other copies: DHIKR I M A M J A K R I Y ON List of the imams of Wa with a prayer in the name of each, with additional genealogical material in the margins in a different hand. Obuasi. IASAR/17;/46;/61 1 folio. JASAR/307 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from; Other copies: List of 13 Imams and 14 chiefs of Gushiegu. Gushiegu. IASAR/351. 2 folios. IASAR/318 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies; List of the Kamaghatay imams of Namasa Namasa. IASAV340(i). 1 folio. 30. PROJECT REPORTS IASAR/322 HAUSA Author: Title: Description Date of v/ork: MS from: Other copies: LABARIN HAUSA The origins of the Hausa, with an account of the spread of Islam in Bornu and Hausaland. Salaga. 8 folios. IASAR/341 ARABIC Author: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: Notes: List of eleven imams of Dokrupe . Dokrupe . 1 folio. Copy made 1964 from older MS. IASAR/360 ARABIC Author: Title: Description: Date of work: MS from: Other copies: AL-HAJJ MUHAMMAD AL-MUSTAft KlfAB MfRA"TH Compilation of the rules of Inheritance, made at the request of al-Hajj Alfa °Uthmanal-Wanghan Kumasi. 15 folios. PROJECT REPORTS IASAR/368 ARABIC 31, Author: Title: Description; Date of work; MS from: Other copies: Traditions/ without isnad , concerning prayer, fasting, etc., apparently extracts from a longer collection. Gambaga. 31 folios. IASAR/376 ARABIC Author: Description! Date of work: Ms from; Other copies: Genealogical notes on the family of Ayyub al-Ansari and Isa b. Maryam (Jesus). Larabanga. See IASAR/342. 2 folios.