56. NOTES DAGOMBA RESEARCH A promising start has been made on the collection of historical, sociological, linguistic and literary data from the Dagomba area. Material collected so far shows that a very rich field of data exists particularly in the case of oral literature and tradition. The following outlines work completed up-to-date in the Institute. Linguistics W . A . A. Wilson left a published pamphlet, which deals with the phonology of the nominal in Dagbani and a number of typed notes and story texts in the Institute Library - useful sources of information for the student of the structure of the Dagbani language. History and oral literature A few Arabic manuscripts referring to events and people in Dagbon have been collected, some still await translation. Extracts from the Salaga papers Vol.1 collected by Mrs. M. Johnson show that a considerable amount of historical material remains to be tapped in German sources. * » •• The number of recorded drum history texts, songs and stories is growing and includes an original collection of historical texts collected from Dagomba drummers by Tait and Fage in the early fifties. Freshly collected tapes, some recorded during the sessions of evening drumming held at chiefs' palaces in the fasting month of January, 1966 are at the moment in process of transcription. ' Social organization Preliminary investigation has been undertaken in the following areas residence patterns, the traditional political and kinship systems, organiza- tion of an recruitment to traditional specialist groups, the rearing arid fostering of children and state school attendance. NOTES 57. . Below is some of the material, mostly in typescript form, referring to Dagbon, which has recently been deposited in the Library. Many story, song and historical texts remain to be edited and catalogued:- Some Sociological Aspects of Education in Dagbon 1965. C. Oppong The Dagomba Response to the Introduction of State Schools, in Ghana Journal of Sociology V o l .2 N o. 1. February, 1966. A Dagomba History Book (Compiled from published and oral sources). Social Change in the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast (A talk written for the B.B.C.). A note on Muslims in Dagbon (Draft Paper Inst. of African Studies) 1964 The Phonology of the Nominal in Dagbani 1965B.I.A.S. Vol. I - - - - C. Oppong A . M. Osumanu D. Tait I.Wilks W . A . A. Wilson & Bendor-Samuel. !»--*- Christine Oppong. EAST AFRICAN STUDIES During the Long Vacation three students /whose M.A. studies are especially concerned with eastern African history, visited different parts of East Africa and carried out field work. Mr. G. Akinola carried out a ground survey of a number of places in southern Tanzania which were of importance .as trading centres in the eighteenth century with a view to