m OCt Institute of African Studies Research Review GLOBALISATION, SURVIVAL AND CARE New Series Vol. 17, No. 2 2001 UNIVERSITY OF GHANA LEGON The Research Review of the Institute of African Studies is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal appearing twice a year. The Editorial Committee welcomes submissions of papers for publication. These should be academic and scholarly articles that set forth the findings of new research in any branch of African Studies, or discuss and re-evaluate earlier research by the author and authors, or combine these approaches. Articles submitted should not have been previously published. The Editorial Committee also welcomes short reports on research in progress and brief research notes. These will be published in a new journal of the Institute of African Studies, entitled Research Notes and Queries. Submissions should be sent to: The General Editor, Research Review, Institute of African Studies, P.O.Box 73, Legon, Ghana They should be accompanied by a brief biographical note giving the author's name in the form it should appear in print, current academic or professional position, field of research interest, and titles of one or two previous publications. Please see the inside back cover of this issue for detailed instructions. The Editorial Committee also welcomes books from authors and publishers for review in the Research Review. The current subscription price for the Research Review is US$35.00 (surface postage included). Cheques should be made out to the Institute of African Studies. Enquiries about subscriptions and purchase of back issues, and also of other Institute publications, should be addressed to: The Publications Officer, Institute of African Studies, P.O. Box 73, Legon, Ghana. ISSN 0855-4412 Published and printed by the Institute of African Studies, Legon © Institute of African Studies, Legon, 2002 INSTITUTE OF AFRICAN STUDIES RESEARCH REVIEW New Series Vol. 17 No.2 2001 GLOBALIZATION, SURVIVAL AND CARE Editorial Committee Prof. Takyiwaa Manuh (Director & Hon. Chair) Professor M. E. Kropp Dakubu (Genera! Editor) Mrs. Delali Badasu (Issue Editor) Prof. Christine Oppong Dr. Akosua Adomako Ampofo Dr. Osman Al-Hassan Advisory Editors Professor R. Addo-Fening Professor J. R. Anquandah Professor Kofi Anyidoho Dr. S. A. Asiama Professor Max Assimeng Nana Professor Abayie Boaten Mr. Kofi Drah Professor G.P. Hagan Professor John Nabila The Research Review is a journal of current research in African Studies published by the Institute of African Studies, of the University of Ghana, Legon. Authors are solely responsible for opinions expressed in their articles. Acknowledgement The Institute of African Studies gratefully acknowledges support from UNFPA towards the, publication of this issue, © Institute of African Studies, 2002, J TABLE OF CONTENTS Editors' Preface Foreword Value of Children: Effects of Globalisation on Fertility Behaviour and Child-rearing Practices in Ghana David Lackland Sam Ghanaian Migrants in Toronto, Canada Care of Kin and Gender Takyiwaa Manufi The Sex Trade, Globalisation and Issues of Survival in Sub-Saharan Africa Akosna Adomakv Ainpofu Public Versus Private Resources gor Childbirth and Care in Ghaiia Delali Badasn Cultural Responses to the Management of HIV/A JDS: The Repackaging of Puberty Rites Brigid M. Sackey Sexual Pleasures and the Logic of Excess in the Era of AIDS Kjall Soleim 17 27 63 73 Notes on Contributors Akosua Adomako Ampofo is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies Delaii Badasu is a Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies Takyiwaa Manuh is a Professor at the Institute of African Studies Brigid Sackey is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies David Lackland Sam is a Lecturer/Professor of Psychosocial Science at the department of Psychosocial Science, Centre for International Health, University of Bergen. Kjell Soleim is at. the Centre for Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Bergen, Norway. IV