Institute of African Studies RESEARCH REVIEW New Series Vol. 4 No. 7,1988 UNIVERSITY OF GHANA LEGON SUBMISSION OF PAPERS The Editorial Committee welcomes the submission of papers for publication in the Research Review. These may be academic and scholarly articles that set forth the findings of new research in any branch of African Studies, discuss and re-evaluate earlier research by the author and others, or combine these approaches. They should not have been previously published. The authors also welcome short reports on research in progress, brief research notes and reviews of books in the area of African Studies. All contributions must be submitted in English, in duplicate, typed, double-spaced with adequate margins, on one side of the paper, which should be of standard size (not foolscap). should be sure to keep an additional copy for their own future reference. Notes should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper and gathered at the end. References need not be given in full in the notes, but must be listed in full after the notes, with full information in this order: name of author or editor, date of publication, title, place of publication, publisher. Articles should not exceed 30 quarto pages. Authors Figures and diagrams should be drawn in black ink on white paper, and require little or no reduction in size. Tables can be reduced, but authors should bear in mind that this will make the numbers very much smaller. Photographs should be black and white on glossy paper. text should be indicated by numbers (in pencil). Preferred placement of diagrams, tables and figures in the Words and short passages in Ghanaian language orthographies, or orthographies of other African languages that use I PA symbols, may be included, but diacritics must be kept to an absolute minimum. Material in languages other than English should be underlined. Submissions should be sent to the Editors of the Research Review, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, P.O. Box 7 3, They should be accompanied by a brief biographical Legon, Ghana. note, giving the author's name in the form it should appear in print, current academic or professional position, field of research interest, and titles of one or two previous publications. The Editors also welcome books from authors and publishers for review in the Research Review. RESEARCH REVIEW New Series Vol. 4, No. 1 1988 Editorial Committee M.E. Kropp Dakubu Takyiwaa Manuh S.S. Quarcoopone THE RESEARCH REVIEW is a journal of current research in African Studies, published twice yearly by the Institute of African Studies of the University of Ghana. Authors are solely responsible for opinions expressed in their articles. Inquiries about subscriptions and purchase of back issues should be addressed to the Adminis- trative Secretary, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, P.O. Box 73, Legon, Ghana. TABLE OF CONTENTS line Aesthetics of Creative CcrTnuiity in African Performance Situations, by Kofi Erraeleh AGQVI ... Economic Differentiation among Qianaian Migrant Cocoa Farmers, by Kwarre ARHIN Africa's Debt: the Appeal of Repudiation Types ,of Farm Labour in Northern Qiana, by G. BENCH The Multilingual Envirormant in the Ada District, by M.E. Kropp DAKUBU Book Reviews: Erica Powell, Private Secretary (Female) Gold Coast, by Takyiwaa WNUH Msyer Fortes, Religion, Morality and the Person, by Albert K. AWEDOBA ... Conference Report Africa in the World of Popular Music, byKlevorAGO RESEWCH IN PROGRESS Planned and Current Projects of the Fellows of the Institute of African Studies Anaury Talbot Prize Notes on Contributors Page r 10 19 28 35 46 60 63