ASPA BUSINESS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE'S Management Letter Vol. 13-Feb. 15, 1983 Good news... one of the leading Washington information services states that housing is clearly cutting loose from the recession. Signs are thus pointing to stronger business in the months ahead, which is great news with spring just around the corner (hopefully to us in the Midwest). Housing starts expected to be up by a third over 1982 or an estimated 1.3 million starts. The sale of used houses up 30% which also provides opportunity for sod installation. Conventional housing loans to be about 12% or slightly under in the spring with FHA and VA about 10 1/2%. Only slight rise in housing of 5% to 10% forecast. Home building looks to be up about 30%, according to a Washington source. Conventional fixed rate mortgages to be about 12% in the spring with VA and FHA 10 1/2% to 11%. Plenty of money is available it is reported. To relieve eye strain... when you are typing, reading, working on computers or other visually demanding jobs, take a few seconds to roll your eyes looking up, down, and to each side as far as you can. Doing this every 20 minutes or so will relieve strain. Rolling the head on the neck can likewise loosen tightened neck muscles which can in turn cause eye strain and unpleasantness. Using a security guard agency rather than hiring your own security guards has some advantages. In case of sickness or absence, agency will provide a substitute. Also possible protection for the company hiring the agency in case of a lawsuit for improper conduct of the guard. Sloppy dressed or drunken guards can be replaced on demand of the customer... its tougher to deal with when its your own employees. More optimism for spring means you should be prepared for aggressive sales promotion and be likewise prepared to meet the demand which hopefully will result from that sales promotion. Early planning can prevent a considerable amount of difficulty and will allow for maximum profits at minimum expense. (OVER) American Sod Producers Association Assn. Bldg., 9th & Minnesota Hastings, Nebraska 68901 Phone (402) 463-4683 Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act (FLORA) which required farmers employing migrant or seasonal workers to register as farm labor contractors including the filling out of a bunch of forms, fingerprinting, etc. has been repealed. On January 14, 1983, a new bill "Migrant & Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act" (H.R.7102) was signed by the President which includes the repealing of FLORA. This is effective 90 days after the signing on January 14th, a welcome relief from the frustrations a number of sod growers have encountered with the ridiculous FLORA requirements. May FLORA rest in peace! Note: This monthly newsletter is compiled and published under the auspices of the ASPA Business Management Committee to serve as a helpful business update for all ASPA members. We invite your comments and recommendations. AL GARDNER, Chairman Business Management Committee