there are not T V keeps is no adequate place for exposure keen to include fist an iron such on all offerings that it the of in their beams out finished supporting to a happy product: cinemas progranrnes, nation. and And so, in ideas rigid of artistic ldeas a uniquely and attitudes preconceived all at creativity level attitudes s, Tomaselli dynamic art form flounders surrounding it. and engage through Only once we, in an open and genuine the as lack a nation, of dynamism relax interchange in which the can we hope to produce the atrrosphere envisages is encouraged and flourishes. If Tomaselli's its appearance obscured side ful book in any way foments is fairly track main issues, cOOlparisons to be welcoired. amorphous especially French New ~Jave and Jean Vigo in particular) at and Tomaselli's case of one or its main thrust propensity structure in the debate within rrore open However, by its tiires the (to is to , two overdone wish- film circles, Keya~ Tomaselli Instltute. R2,7S (inclUding First September edition 1980. University tax). of print. out - The S A Film Industry. of Witwatersrand, Published Braamfontein, by African Studies Johannesburg. Second edition is scheduled to appear in REPLY TO R.W. HARVEY Harri et Gavs hon sorre (Critical for system, not have however, vague valuable Arts, example, a neutral is marred concl usi ons such from a consciousness that one may be able does Harvey offers Industr~ subsidy state criticism, reach "It is again, determine i~arch are interest by academic as: of ideology, to est"imate criticism of Tomaselli's 1, no. 1980, vol. especially useful book, The S A Film ,Hi~ conm;nts 1). as 1t 1S obV10US tha~ the on the in subsidi sing obscu;-ity. films. This allows Mucn of hl s him to . ' from it the direction hav,iog been made Vls1ble and to challenge, the strength needed to be successful." (p .59) \'iithin even consistent, long established which In addition always of production s~ecificity tlOn but Har~ey should De discussing 10glcal and as taken commodity account. takes artistic seems of there into the He states industrial brevity that structures'(p.58) of " ... critique, the S A comirercial - a static Harvey's film ... an~lysis is not lS the,pn;>duct no account production. to be little is such the is of the Late: connectlon specificit~ dynamism that he discusses between of the subject to d1fferent art1stlc ~iew of from,the ldeologlca; e~r~s ltS two ~olnts. of What the productlon an l~eo- forceS WhlCh must De func- Moreover, lations" film production but a force in defining is not irerely those product "the rel ations, of defined social re- Harvey inventing al so suffers a contradiction from some "critical in Tomaselli misunderstandings". wnich does not exist. He seems No one would to be 49 that free suggest unjustified and he is production comnodity what ~1arx was doing enterprise exclude~ "intense structurat~on in saying in conditions in Kapita17) "it 1S thoroughly of free enterprise" his renders and it m1s1ead1ng (p .57) and managemen~", to conce~tual1se th1S not (Is argument meaningless. omission. cultural the various that That Tomaselli serious separate examining be implying but correctly he never is rrodified did not examine The structure production stages a film is by the production out that not pOints did imply that Tomaselli's films were the social the of formation book however from economic of production structure within the detail in shows that as Harvey industry is indeed he does suggests. he seems only defended by powerful ideological a not to By interests process itsel ideological "ideology-free", f, Furthenrore stance is al though Harvey often confused, all Of course be classified also relatively are of reality". Tomaselli's eyes art to the be regrettable of an artist despite realisation terms films "art". embody social as critical They are of - "art". (whose course vision and could They are is eMbodying of social the relations. contradictions and ultimately sterile. can that limited, investigation they through and exists are the in as submit relations but some films The films even be called by no means of Ross Devenish, a "tool "ideology-free" despite although the but for a view of reality by that determined the For inherent mediated reality) film-maker in cultural to merely production would although is more films like The references It dream", cal g~utted with American d1d manage to forge straints of cultural those of Devenish that seem to be Tomaselli's to the French New 'lave can only be seen South Africa shares the expor':s and local feature with imitations. "self-critical" post War France The New 'lave cinema within "idle as histori- of being however con- the an indiaenous production. his have called conditions should the present is no. "Black Tomaselli as under There fa~to~y" Wh1Ch are written, does warrant ThlS 1ndustry 1s at present rese archi ng it. Film Industry" book he could other "The South African White about not than have written the and financed "rroving-photo-novella- production by white by Tomaselli recognised a fact directed examination, Film Industry" any other. houses. who 1 ~he mos~ important h1msel f. Harvey intended. economy of ~he "in~us~ry book and 1ts ment therefo~ if prOV1des it raw material or 1S its stil1lJlates set Perhaps Tomase~l1 fo~ ~hlCh 1t ~as PO~1t1cal 1n:tlVe wntten ma1nly for a popular successf~l alternat1vely ~ parameter failed in which to take Undeniably "reformi the South African to judge cognisance st" (white) the book the of that is readersn1p ~~ich and by no means film industry" is film-goer". "the def- it was therefore It the should industry academic It be seen itself study. as or' informed the accessibility. change within for a rrore rigorous 1. Ew;Ption dunng is Gibson Kente's How Long which was disrupted productlOn and has never been seen commercially. by the police The S A,Film Industry, UnlVers1ty 1979, the ~4itwatersrand, of Published by the African Studies Institute, 1st Edition. 50