CRITICAL ARTS A Journal for Media Studies 1981;Vol 2 No 2 Press and Broadcasting CRITICAL ARTS Editors: Keyan G Tomaselli John van Zyl Editorial Board: Eve Bertelsen Tim Couzens Peter Horn David Maughan Brown Robert Stam Ian Steadman Les Switzer Overseas Organisers: London: Susan Gardner USA East Coast: Peter Davis USA West Coast: David Mesenbring Sao Paulo: Ismail Xavier Paris: Patrice Pavis Published by: Critical Arts Study Group Printed by Central Printing Unit University of the Witwatersrand 1 Jan Smuts Avenue 2001 Johannesburg, South Africa Distributed by: l f r * g vH Critical Study Group (\3PEJl Rhodes University V%^/ ^Jw/ N*/ P O Box 94 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa Copyright is vested with Editors and individual authors. fTH Contents soae notes on this volme E d i t o r i a l: MAJOR ARTICLES Ideolo$y/Culture/Hege*ony and Mass Media in South Africa: A literature survey - Keyan G Toaaselli and Ruth Towselli - Keyan 6 Towselli The World Newspaper 1968-1976 - Fred St Leger t 1 27 of Information - Christo Doherty fforld by R Righter Is there r e a l ly a difference between by A Smith, and Whose Hews? Politics, The Wits-Koornhof Debate: the English and Afrikaans presses? Black Housing, Ideology and the Media in South Africa 1970-1979 Jeffrey McCarthy and Michelle Friedaann REVIEW ESSAY The Ideology of Cultural Deveiopaent: Theoretical foundations for resources and action on cowBunications. A review of Camunication and Class Struggle Vol I by A Mattelart and S Siegelaub; The Geo- politics the Press and the Third CONFERENCE REPORTS F i r st National Student Film and Video Festival: Two Views View One: Theory or Practice View Two: Conflicting Paradigms and Ideologies Tomaselli and Graham Hayraan Black Gold or White Elephant? on TV2/3 BOOK REVIEWS Capital and Ideology Nature of the Ruling Class by Belinda Bozzoli Reviewed by Ruth Tomaselli The Imitation Game by Ian McEwan - Reviewed by John Cundill in South Africa 1890-1933: The Political Coordinated Marketing Conference - Brian Murphy John van Zyl - Johan Grove - Keyan S - 39 51 67 77 80 84 " 92 ** 25 Imges, by Colin MacCabe, Mick Eaton by Len Masterman Uses and Abuses by Albert Hunt Sounds, Politics - Reviewed by John van Zyl The Language of Television: Teaching about Television Reviewed by Graham Hayman Oodard: and Laura Mulvey Other books mentioned: Madia, Politics Sews and Mare Bed News (94); Theories on Authorship Queotions on Cinema (97) FILM REVIEWS Peter Davis1 Film View of South Africa: An American review Kimberley Safford Notes on Contributors and Culture {37)» Sad (50); and - 9* iv Editorial: Some Notes on this Volume Keyan G Tomaselli , '< It is certainly one of the f i r st major attempts to study This is the f i r st Critical Arts issue devoted entirely to the study of the Sou* African mass media. these media from a radical point of view. As such, we hope that this issue w i ll generate discussion and debate, with future issues building on the ideas explored here. The f i r st paper attempts to contextualise media studies in South Africa and tries to bring clarity to the complex notions of ideology, culture and hegemony. Pointing out that the liberal-humanist and radical'approaches are essentially irreconcilable, a point emphasised by Brian Murphy and further examined in the interchange on the Students Film and Video Festival, the Toraaselli's contribution questions the value of bourgeois methodologies and theories. The paper ends with a discussion of the possible reasons for the government distrust of the English, press. Certainly, this section of the South African press is seen as a prime cause of the country's bad overseas image. This is also the view taken by the Afrikaans press. Die Burger, for example, defending the government's actions at the Nyanga squatter camp where the shanties of thousands of people were torn down and burnt by police in mid-winter charged: " If there is one matter in which the opposition and its Press have acquired a cunning proficiency over the years, it is in creating an image of a heartless inhumanity on the part of the government" llr/15Aa £Ondonin? insensitive police action within the framework of "law and order , Die. Burger claimed that it made no sense to abuse the government over In- ^T "!•• !!Ot of h Z ™rnJ]ed t h e ir o wn m a k i n9- In contrast, the Rand Daily Hail response of a group of United States Congressmen on page sL ?v LwS ph e-d l l"e cT e a rs as US T e am s e es s h e 1 t^ misery" (12.8.81). Finally, SABC-TVJgws_Rey_i!£ °u S u n d ay 30 September, in an unprecedented three-quarter Vth hZ "Would it not have h a VV ?1 < t e Ml and BSMM. This issue was compiled and edited by Keyan G Tomaselli. Cover photograph by Ashley la Grange. Products by *^ Tomasell and the Rhodes Univ. Print Unit. Printed by Central Printing unit, University of Witwatersrand