cineaste Published continually since 1967, Cineaste is today in- ternationally recognized as America's leading magazine on the art and politics of the cinema. "A trenchant, eter- nally zestful magazine," says the International Film Guide, "in the forefront of American film periodicals. Cineaste always has something worth reading, and it permits its writers more space to develop ideas than most maga- zines." Published quarterly, Cineaste covers the entire world of cinema — including Hollywood, the independents. Europe, and the Third World—with exclusive interviews, lively articles, and in-depth reviews. Subscribe now, or send $2 for a sample copy, and see what you've been missing! Here's $7 (S12 foreign) for 4 issues • Here's $12 ($20 foreign) for 8 issues • Now bi-monthly! September/October 1982 Sex and spectatorship: Theorising the Female Spectator 'The Eyes of Laura Mars' The Male Pin-up 'Out of the Blue' & Into the Black Fashion 'n' Passion July/August 1982 Film history: Early Cinema Soviet Sound Films Hollywood Posters of the '30s & '40s Trevor Griffithson Reds May/June 1982 The literary adaptation: James M. Cain Classics on TV The History Man Single Copies £2.50 ($7) p«p60p($l) Subscriptions £13 ($34) individuals £18 (S45) institutions Distribution details from: SEFT Ltd, 29 Old Compton Street, London W.I. NAME ADDRESS __ CITY _STATE_ Cineaste 419 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10016 ACTIVSM IN THE DEPRESSION • FREUD*) MARIE PITT AND LE5SA HARFORP*5£RVANT5 IN 50UTH AfWCA * NAHNE fiORDIMEirj & T O Cg " * AUSTRALIAN WOMEN NOVELIST}* suwrnm im-mm mm us isoo ?.K tmm& mo «£ mm\otiW9>wmwm\K SI. UKW. fluaHfl/M>4