CHIPS & PUTTS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION Founded in 1936 VOL. 15 NO. 9 Nov/Dec 2009 Reflections from 2009 - We Survived Just Fine (More or Less) By Stanley J. Zontek, Director December 16, 2009 As we prepare for the holidays, it is good to reflect on the past year. 2009 has been a challenging year in many different ways for golf courses in the Mid-Atlantic Region. That said, much of the gloom and doom about golf course closings, membership decline, and the economy, while serious, were not catastrophes. In fact, our region of the country seems to have survived many of these problems better than most. Was it luck or the natu- ral tendency of golf course turf managers to be, (1) inherently conservative and (2) good managers under stress? Either way, catastrophes out on the golf course were few and far between. What was also good was that most of the golf courses we visited this season were under budget. All courses were asked to either maintain the existing budget or to reduce costs. While it was a struggle, the "heroes" at many golf facilities were the grounds department and how well they controlled costs. These actions no doubt helped all parts of the facility survive the lower incomes and great unknowns of 2009. 2010 will have its own challenges with, hopefully, more generous operating budgets. Most inventories have been exhausted, equipment continues to wear out, and you just cannot defer golf course maintenance for very long as invariably it will show. From the agronomy to the personal, this is a great time of the year to realize how fortunate most all of us are. • Appreciate Your Staff. No one can do every job on the golf course. You need a motivated staff to prepare and present the golf course to the level of maintenance the golfers expect. Thank your employees who work for you and the course. It is a tough job maintaining today’s golf courses. • Appreciate Your Employer and Your Family. Without the support from both, the job could not be accomplished as efficiently or as effectively. We live and work in a great industry. • Give Thanks. All of us have much to worry about, but we also have much to be thankful for this year. Page 2 President's Message..... Officers & Directors 2010 First of all, Thank-you to Darrin Larkin and his commitment to the Presidency. His dedication and service to the PTGA will not soon be forgotten. A big hand to the whole Board for their efforts this past year PRESIDENT and Welcome to new Board members, Patrick Healy and Gino Rick Anglemyer, Water Gap CC Marchetti. Lest we not forget Melinda who is seldom seen, but we 570-424-6391 couldn’t do without. She does more than most know, so Thank-you. VICE PRESIDENT John Downer, Elkview C.C. One of my goals as President is to get more members involved in 570-840-0078 what the Board does. Just because you are not a Board member TREASURER doesn’t mean we wouldn’t want your input and help. A few members Ray Wadell, Elmhurst CC 570-842-4705 have already expressed interest in assisting with our meetings, and I applaud that. Please call me or another Board member to voice your SECRETARY Patrick Knelly, Sugarloaf Golf Club concerns, needs or offer advice, this is after all your turf association. 570-384-4724 Hope to see you at a meeting in 2010 and have a Great DIRECTORS Holiday. Steven Chirip, Grass Roots, Inc. 973-418-3468 Matthew Brown, Philadelphia Turf 215-340-5401 Rick Anglemyer Greg Boring, Glen Oak C.C. 570-586-5791 Thomas Height, Frosty Valley C.C. 570-275-4266 Patrick Healy, Scranton Canoe Club 570-378-2249 Editor’s Notes….. Gino Marchetti, Glen Oak C.C. 570-586-5791 __________________________ CHIPS & PUTTS STAFF EDITOR Jim Gurzler, George Schofield Co. 732-433-5474 My apologies about the tardiness of the last issue in 2009. The holidays and trade shows crept up on me and time got away Managing Editor from me. The good thing is 2009 is now behind us and there is the Melinda Wisnosky prospect of a better year ahead. As of this writing temps have been 570-388-2167 colder than the norm and snow has been present almost all winter, Editorial Committee Darrin Larkin so hopefully the courses will be able to rest without much winter play Matt Brown and recover for a great summer of golf in 2010. Past President Darrin Larkin, Panorama Golf Course Our new Board is in place and the membership is their prior- 570-222-9260 ity. We are under taking some programs to hopefully better inform that membership of the events of the Board. Remember, those voices that reach out to the Board are the ones who get their voices at the Board level. Please take time to voice concerns or praises so the Board is sure they are acting in your best interest. PTGA Office Have a Great and Healthy New Year. 309 Terrace Ave. Harding, PA 18643 Phone/Fax: 570-388-2167 Jim Gurzler Any opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and/or person quoted, and may not represent the position of PTGA. Information contained in this publication may be used freely, in whole or in part, without special permission, as long as the true context is maintained. We would appreciate a credit line. Page Page 3 3 Off season? What's that? Presented by the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America Many golf facilities have a nine-month golf season, The off-season also provides the opportunity to which means they also have a period when the volume complete a variety of business management re- of play declines. So what type of activity does the golf sponsibilities. Annual plans and budgets must be course management staff engage in during the "off" developed and then presented to the appropriate season? club leaders. Inventories for fertilizers, pesticides, seed and other supplies need to be replenished. While golfer activity may be virtually non-existent dur- Staffing plans must be developed and employees ing the off-season, there is still much work to be done have to be secured for the golf season. Golf course by the golf course superintendent and his/her staff. It managers should also review their course condition- should be noted that a golf ing programs on annual basis. Issues such as turf se- course is staffed on a seasonal While golfer lection, green speed, bunker sand characteristics, schedule to meet demand, thus activity may be fairway widths and integrated pest management temporary workers and/or stu- programs all require significant research and plan- dent interns may not be avail- virtually non- ning. able during the off-season to as- existent during sist the full-time staff. Staff development is also a requirement for golf the off-season, course managers. Superintendents and assistants Depending upon weather condi- there is still much participate in regional education seminars and at- tions, a variety of golf course pro- tend the GCSAA Education Conference and Golf jects can be completed even work to be done Industry Show. These continuing education opportu- though the temperatures are not nities provide information on the latest manage- conducive for member play. ment techniques, products and services available Such activities could include sodding bare areas with to course managers. The opportunity to network turf, renovating bunkers, rebuilding tee areas, trimming with peers and learn how others tackle challenges and planting trees, etc. These projects could close can result in significant benefits to a facility, some of down portions of the course if undertaken during the which do not have a price tag. playing season, therefore the off-season offers the op- portunity to make improvements with little or no incon- For more information regarding golf course man- venience. Whether or not there is play on the course, agement practices, contact your local superinten- superintendents must be attuned to turf conditions. For dent or the GCSAA at (800) 472-7878 or example, allowing ice to sit on the turf for extended periods can result in turf winterkill. Various golf course accessories might also need repair. Key points: Benches, signs, water cooler containers, trash bins, ball • A golf course is staffed on a seasonal schedule washers, rakes, etc., may need to be built or reno- to meet demand. vated. Routine building maintenance on areas such as • The offseason offers the opportunity to make the clubhouse, turf care center, pump houses, green improvements with little or no inconvenience. house, tennis center, etc., are often set aside for this • The offseason provides the opportunity to time period. Again, delaying work on these areas until complete a variety of business management consumption patterns decline results in little interruption. responsibilities. Equipment is also a focus for the golf course superinten- • Superintendents focus on equipment during this dent during this time period. Everything from purchas- time period. ing to various mechanical repairs such as engine tune- • Staff development is a requirement for golf ups and reel sharpening are on the schedule. Irrigation course managers. systems are in need of similar annual maintenance to ensure that they do not get damaged during extreme cold spells. Page 4 OCTOBER RESULTS Glenmaura National Golf Course Superintendents 1st Place Jerry Decker 2nd Place Ian Kunesch Affiliates 1st Place Chris Butler 2nd Place Steve Chirip Guests 1st Place Ed Cimoch 2nd Place Tom Moore Closest to the Pin #2 Les Kozsey 16’ Closest to the Pin #11 Ed Ladamus 9’6” Closest to the Pine #9 Ron Garrison 11’3” Longest Drive Patrick Knelly Page 5 2009 MET Area Team Championships Plainfield CC West Course – Par 72 October 5, 2009 Team Scores Par 288 Score 1st GCSA of New Jersey 294 2nd Connecticut AGCS 295 3rd MET GCSA 304 4th Philadelphia AGCS 306 5th Central Penn GCSA 306 6th Long Island GCSA 308 7th Mid-Atlantic AGCS 309 8th GCMA of Cape Cod 314 T9th Pocono TGA 316 T9th Hudson Valley GCSA 316 11th Northeastern GCSA 323 12th Rhode Island GCSA 333 Skill Events Closest to the pin hole #3, sponsored by Toro Paul Strani – Toro 8’ 2” Closest to the pin hole #6, sponsored by BASF Chris Strong – Northeastern GCSA 12’ 11” Closest to the pin hole #11, sponsored by Syngenta Joe Herkalo – Mid Atlantic AGCS 1’ 8” Closest to the pin hole #14, sponsored by Bayer Jerry Noons – Rhode Island GCSA 3’ 7” Long Drive Sponsors Division sponsored by Aquatrols Blake Halderman – Brae Burn CC Net Division sponsored by The Care of Trees Les Kennedy Jr. – MET GCSA Gross Division sponsored by Agrium Adv. Tech. Chet Walsh – Philadelphia GSCA Individual Gross Glen Smickly – Mid Atlantic AGCS Score of 81 Sponsorship Team Winner Dennis DeSanctis and Lee Kozsey from Syngenta Score of 68 Two Man Team High Score Gross Jerry Noons & Joe Olivera – Rhode Island GCSA Score of 93 Net Nick Burchard and Jim Santoro – Rhode Island GCSA Score of 83 Page 6 SOME TIME MANAGEMENT TIPS IN A BUSY LIFE Article Author: Craig Lock TIME WASTERS MORE COMMON TIME WASTERS (IN RANK) 1. Telephone Interruptions 2. Drop-in Visitors 1. Planning (lack of). 3. Meetings 2. Priorities (lack of) 4. Crisis Management 3. Telephone interruptions 5. Lack of Objectives, Priorities a Daily plan 4. Disorganization/cluttered desk 6. Cluttered Desk, Personal Disorganization. 5. Procrastination 7. Ineffective Delegation 6. Visitors 8. Attempting too Much at Once 7. Lack of Self Discipline 9. Lack of Clear Communication 8. Ineffective delegation 10. Inadequate, Inaccurate Delayed Information 9. Attempting too much 11. Indecision and Procrastination 10. Inability to say 'No' 12. Confused Responsibility and Authority. 13. Inability to Say "No". 14. Leaving Tasks Unfinished 15. Lack of Self-Discipline The 80/20 Principle 20% of activity gives 80% of results and 80% of activity gives 20% of results (known as the Pareto Principle). • Focus on the important few activities, not the trivial many. * Don't procrastinate * The key is self discipline. * "First we make habits, then habits make us." TIME TIPS FOR THE BUSY Get the news only once a day - in only one form - read the paper or watch television or listen to the radio, but vary the form so you don't get the news through one bias. Don't worry about or spend time on things irrelevant to you, eg.. reading every bit of the newspaper. Unless it is crucial for your business, the news is not only depressing (don't worry about it, unless you can do some- thing about it), but it gives a distorted picture of life. If you can't sleep, don't waste time lying in bed. Get up and do something. Use an answer phone. Walk out of a poor movie or show. You've already wasted the money - so don't waste the time as well. Plan your leisure. Don't expect your free time to fall into place by itself. Plan your weekends as carefully as you plan your weeks...and it's OK to do nothing. Don't read a book, just because it has been given to you- if it doesn't interest you, give it to someone who would be interested. (Continued on page 7) Page 7 (Continued from page 6) Stop going to social events you would rather avoid - life's too short. On the other hand, don't miss a social event you would enjoy just because you feel tired. If you enjoy something, it revitalizes you. But remember - there is usually work tomorrow! "Never hurry - and don't worry - and don't forget to stop and smell the flowers." • Walter Hagen American Golfer "What I do with this day is important, because I have exchanged a day of my life for it." Take rest; a field that has rested gives a beautiful crop. - Ovid Always remember, "Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, tomorrow is a promissory note, today is ready cash - use it." WHEN YOU TAKE CONTROL OF TIME, YOU TAKE CONTROL OVER YOUR LIFE. Chips & Putts PATRON SPONSORS AERIFICATION AND OVERSEEDING IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Atlantic Irrigation Ken Givens 201 294 9673 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Turf Equip. & Supply George Skawski 610.554.9366 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 710.933.5801 Matt Brown 484-357-6312 EQUIPMENT PLANT PROTECTANTS Aer-Core, Inc. Dennis DeSanctis 610.608.3181 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Turf Equip. & Supply Matt Brown 484.357.6312 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 George Skawski 610.554.9366 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 SynaTek Mike Zellner 484.357.9197 Syngenta Lee A. Kozsey 610.861.8174 FERTILIZER Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 SEED & SOD Genesis Turfgrass Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 East Coast Sod & Seed Kevin Driscoll 609.760.4099 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 SynaTek Mike Zellner 484.357.9197 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 SynaTek Mike Zellner 484.357.9197 GREEN AND TEE SUPPLIES Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 TOPDRESSING / SOIL AMENDMENTS Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Blue Ridge Peat Farms Gene Evans 570.443.9596 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 SynaTek Mike Zellner 484.357.9197 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Geo. Schofield Jim Gurzler 732-433-5474 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 SynaTek Mike Zellner 484.357.9197 Support our Sponsors - They support us! PTGA MEETING SCHEDULE POCONO ROUNDUP 2010 Golf Schedule Tentative Meeting Schedule 2010 Jan 12-14 Eastern PA Turf Conference Valley Forge PA April Bethlehem Municipal May Pocono Manor Jan 28 Northeast PA Turfgrass Show The Woodlands, Wilkes Barre, PA June Glenbrook July Jack Frost Golf Course Jan 29 SNOW Meeting Elk Mountain Aug Elmhurst Contact Darrin Larkin for more info. Sept Pine Hills Feb 8-12 GIS Show Oct Valley CC San Diego, CA Congratulations to our Scholarship Award winner: John Drzewicki John attends Virginia Tech and has worked the last 4 summers at Green Pond with Rodger Zellner and Todd Krauss. POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION R.R. 1, BOX 219 POSTAGE HARDING, PA 18643 NAME & ADDRESS Locations in NY, NJ, PA, CT Ph 973-379-9314 Fax 973-379-6504 Contact Fred Rapp Mike Yarussi Ken Givens Suppliers of all your irrigation needs ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED.