CHIPS & PUTTS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION Founded in 1936 VOL. 17 NO. 3 May 2011 May Meeting Jack Frost National Golf Club Bryan Nuss, Superintendent Dr. Peter Landschoot, PSU Jack Frost National is located in Blakeslee, PA, in the heart of the Pocono Mountains. The course is situated on over 200 acres and was planned as the centerpiece of a housing development. The course was designed by Terry LaGree who has designed other courses as well, including Royal Oaks Golf Course in Florida, along with Pennbrooke Fairways, Diamond Players Club, and Citrus Hills all located in Florida, as well. Jack Frost National, since opening in 2007, has been credited with quite a few accolades, some of which include Top 20 new course 2009 by Golfweek and being named a Top 10 course to play in PA 2010 by Golfweek. Jack Frost is designed with five sets of tees ranging from 5129 yards all the way up to 7256 yards for the daring. With all the elevation changes in the area, the course was designed with no blind shots, which takes a bit of doing considering the rocky terrain found in the area. The course is managed by Billy Casper Golf, which has a few courses in Pennsylvania in its portfolio. Bryan Nuss is the superintendent and has been there since the grow-in started in 2005. Bryan started at Pocono Farms C.C. as the assistant superintendent and then moved on to be the superintendent at Timber Trails G.C. before coming to Jack Frost Natioanl. Danny Barone has just been promoted this year to be Bryan's assistant. He started at the club in 2006 as a laborer and just finished the two year program at Rutgers. Bryan has a state-of-the-art maintenance facility, which was built during construction and is home to all of his equipment. The club is equipped with a wash station and storage bins for materials also located in the maintenance area. The maintenance building is a spacious 5500 square feet. Bryan has a crew of 11 in the summer and a winter crew of 2. They are charged with caring for 3.5 acres of greens, 3 acres of tees, 30 acres of fairways and 65 acres of maintained rough. Bryan has been battling extremely low pH issues on his course since its opening. This was treated with copious amounts of lime during the first 4 years. The treatments have helped establish stronger and more dense turfgrass. The course has low mow bluegrass fairways with tees and, of course, bentgrass greens seeded with A-4. The course features a practice area of 10 acres including a putting green, chipping green with a sand bunker, a short game area, and a driving range, including a sand bunker. (Continued on page 6) Page 2 President's Message..... Officers & Directors 2011 Here we go…...everybody buckle-up, looks like we are off to a rough start. Living here in Northeast Pa never ceases to amaze me and confuse me at the same time. This year’s beginning has me feeling like PRESIDENT we are still in a holding pattern and not sure when we can land. Most Rick Anglemyer, Water Gap CC seasons we hit the ground running, but this time its start and stop- 570-424-6391 repeat. Good luck this year and come to a meeting. We had a great VICE PRESIDENT time at Southmoore. A big Thanks to Kelly and all the staff. John Downer, Elkview C.C. 570-840-0078 It looks like this is the last newsletter for quite a while, Jim has TREASURER Ray Wadell, Elmhurst CC done a wonderful job of keeping us informed, making us laugh and 570-842-4705 has taught us a few things along the way. My personal Thank-you to SECRETARY Jim is a heartfelt one. Patrick Knelly Sugarloaf Golf Club 570-384-4724 DIRECTORS Rick Anglemyer Steven Chirip, Grass Roots, Inc. 973-418-3468 Matthew Brown, Turf Equipment & Supply 484-357-6312 Greg Boring, Country Club of Scranton 570-587-4046 Patrick Healey, Scranton Canoe Club 570-378-2249 Editor’s Notes….. Thomas Height, Country Club of Scranton 570-237-0878 Gino Marchetti, Glen Oak CC. 570-586-5791 __________________________ Guys, it has been a great ride, but this is my last newsletter. You CHIPS & PUTTS STAFF will have to find someone else who will take no pay for a job no one EDITOR wants. I have done my best to grow the newsletter advertising, Jim Gurzler, George Schofield Co. provide useful information and try to keep a little levity in the 570-926-2442 newsletter each month. Managing Editor Melinda Wisnosky I am hopeful someone will step forward and continue to grow 570-388-2167 this publication and double my advances. The newsletter was a four Editorial Committee page issue barely getting out all the issues in a year and look at it now; Darrin Larkin well I guess I did increase the size of the issues, granted I still had some Matt Brown work to do on the timeliness side, but each year we did get all 9 out. I Past President hope those who supported our publication appreciated the effort, Darrin Larkin, Greenfield Power Equipment 570-222-4330 even if I was a wee bit tardy sometimes. I would like to thank all those supers who gave of their courses and their time with me to do the meeting write ups. It was great to get to know each of you a little better and see the passion you had for your properties. I really will miss doing that and may still do it for a blog that I am considering, but that is for another day. PTGA Office 309 Terrace Avenue Thanks to both of you who submitted articles, you know who Harding, PA 18643 Phone/Fax: 570-388-2167 you are and thanks to the presidents for handling their duties and getting me the message each month. Duane. feel free to drop a beer Any opinions expressed in this publication are those of the in my mailbox once in a while. author and/or person quoted, and may not represent the position of PTGA. Information contained in this publication Addios and Happy Trails, may be used freely, in whole or in part, without special Jim Gurzler permission, as long as the true context is maintained. We would appreciate a credit line. PagePage 3 3 April Meeting Wrap Up We raised $68.00 dollars for the scholarship with We had quite a good turnout considering the our 50/50 this month and Steve Chirip of Grass Roots weather forecast. We had twenty four for golf, who and Jim Hill of Huntsville went home with some enjoyed the tournament and then the speaker, Joe additional pocket change from your generosity. Gallagher. Joe spoke on pond management strategies. Kelly Kressler, Superintendent, made sure Joe Gallagher of Ecological Solutions gave a everything was great for our group. Sam in the talk on pond management. He discussed the different restaurant provided us with food that will prove very aeration methods and how and why they work or tough to beat going forward. don’t work, sedimentation remediation and the benefits of dredging your pond, aquatic plant id on The course was in great shape for us and the teams the most common species and then he talked about had at it in the light rain. We shortened the tournament control methods, both chemical and natural methods. to nine holes but have played them all. We had two Joe did a great job talking about the various topics Closet to the Pins; #3 was won by Jerry Decker of Fern and keeping the audience involved. Hall and #5 was won by Patrick Knelly of Sugarloaf. The Long Drive was awarded to new member T. J. Hart Once again, thanks to Kelly Kressler, Jim of Golf Car Services who can play this game and can Muschiltz, and all the staff at Southmoore and handle some good natured ribbing as well. The Gaetano’s Restaurant for going above and beyond to tournament was a two part tournament with a 2 man make our tournament special. Next month we return to scramble and a blind draw after golf to make up a four Jack Frost National, and Dr. Peter Landschoot will be man team. The winning team with a 72 was Patrick there to give us an update that is sure to prove useful. Knelly, Chris Butler of Lawn and Golf, Ed Ladamus of Come on out and enjoy these great events with your Huntsville, and newcomer Jeff Smolha of Davidson peers. Thanks to Syngenta and Advanced Turf for their Golf. We had two skins awarded in our skins format, as sponsorship of the meeting this month. well; one went to the group of John Downer of Elkview and Barry Goodhart, the other went to Steve Chirip of Grass Roots and Corey Pries of Pocono Manor. Reminder from the Golf Committee and the Board of Directors: We have a reservation deadline for meetings as a courtesy to the hosting superintendent, and the pro shop and restaurant staffs. The PTGA policy is: a cancellation 24 hours prior to the event will result in no charge to the club or individual who cannot attend; additionally late registrations incur the additional fee of $10.00 over the regular advertised price of the meeting. We use these rules out of respect to our members who graciously give of their course for our gatherings. These fees will be assessed to the member for themselves and their guests. Please make the necessary calls to Melinda regarding your attendance so that everyone may enjoy these gatherings. Thank you! Page 4 Proposed By Law Changes This is the first reading of the 2011 proposed by law changes. The by law changes will be emailed to each member for review. The changes are to be voted on by A and SM members after 3 readings. The changes and current by laws are available on the website for review as well. Should you have questions or comments on these proposed changes or any other changes you may wish to have made, please contact Tom Height with your suggestions and make yourself available for the voting meeting to be held in July at Scranton Canoe Club. SECTION 3 . MEMBERSHIP CLASSES Class AA - Life Members To qualify for Life Membership one must have retired as a Golf Course Superintendent, and have reached the age of 55, and meet one of the following criteria: (a) A voting member for at least twenty-five (25) years (b) A former board member A Life Member shall have all the rights and privileges of the Association except that of holding office. They shall pay no dues or assessments. Class A - Golf Course Superintendent To qualify for Class A membership, an applicant shall have at the time of application for membership a minimum three (3) years experience as a Golf Course Superintendent and be employed in such capacity. Class A Members shall have all the privileges of the Association, subject to the provisions of Article V, Section 1 hereof. Class SM . Golf Course Superintendents (formerly Class B) To qualify for Class SM membership, an applicant shall be a Golf Course Superintendent who has at the time of application for membership, less than three years experience as a Golf Course Superintendent, and shall be presently employed in such capacity. Class SM Members shall have all the privileges of the Association, subject to the provisions of Article V, Section 1 hereof. Class C - Assistant Golf Course Superintendents To qualify for Class C membership, an applicant shall be, at the time of application for membership, an Assistant to a Golf Course Superintendent, and shall be presently employed in such capacity. Class C Members shall have all the privileges of the Association, subject to the provisions of Article V, Section 1 hereof. One Class C member will serve as a “C Liaison” on the Board of Directors as voted on by the membership. Class D - Golf Course Employees To qualify for Class D membership, an applicant shall be any person of good character who at the time of application for membership is employed at a golf course represented by a Class A or Class SM member of this Association. Class D members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Board of Directors may specify (Continued on page 5) Page 5 (Continued from page 4) by Standing Rules, except those of voting or holding office. Associate (AS) To qualify for Associate membership, an applicant must be a person interested in the growing, management or production of turfgrasses. Associate members shall have all the privileges of the Association, except those of voting and holding office. Affiliate (AF) To qualify for Affiliate membership, an applicant must be a person interested in the growing, management or production of turfgrass, either individually or through employment by, or other affiliation with, a company, proprietorship or association, who does not qualify for membership in any other class. Affiliate Members shall have all the privileges of the Association, except those of voting for the Class A, SM and C members of the Board of Directors. AF members vote for AF board members. ARTICLE V OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECTION 1 . OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS The control and management of the Association and its affairs and its property shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors, consisting of its officers and at large Directors. A majority of the Board of Directors shall be Class A, Class SM, as well as one Class C Member of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. The Officers of the Association shall be Class A or SM members of the Golf Course Superintendent Association of America which shall include President, Vice- President, Secretary and Treasurer. SECTION 2 . QUALIFICATIONS AND TERMS OF OFFICE Class A, Class SM, and one Class C member(s) who are actively employed as Golf Course Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents are eligible to serve as Directors of this Association. Affiliate (AF) Members can also hold positions on the Board of Directors as long as their numbers are in a minority to the Class A, Class SM and Class C Board Member summation. There shall be elected at each annual meeting of this Association the following named Officers who shall serve on the Board of Directors: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall hold office for a period of one (1) year and until their successors are elected and qualified and who shall perform the duties hereinafter prescribed for each of such offices. There shall likewise be a maximum of three (3) successive terms. There shall likewise be elected to the Board of Directors five (5) members of this Association who shall be elected to two year terms by the membership. An election (Continued on page 6) Page 6 (Continued from page 5) shall be held each year for those Director positions whose terms are to expire. The Immediate Past President of the Association shall serve as a Director until he is succeeded by the presiding President. The Officers of the Association, as hereinabove provided for, together with the Directors as above constituted, shall constitute the Board of Directors of this Association. Each member of such Board of Directors shall be entitled to vote at the meetings thereof and a quorum necessary for the transaction of business shall be not less than a majority of said Board of Directors. In the event a member of the Board of Directors becomes unemployed, he has six (6) months to become employed again as a Class A, Class SM, or Class C Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent before having to resign his seat on the Board of Directors. In the case of the Affiliate Member, a vacancy shall occur, and a replacement found under the guidelines of Section 3 of this Article. ARTICLE XI DISSOLUTION SECTION 1 In the event of the dissolution of the Pocono Turfgrass Association, after all liabilities and responsibilities have been met, its assets shall be distributed for one or more of the exempt purposes specified in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as from time to time amended. Decision of distribution shall be by the Board of Directors, and focus on Universities and research programs with the highest regard to Turfgrass studies. (Continued from page 1) Dr. Peter Landschoot of Penn State University will be our speaker. Dr. Landschoot will be talking on the topic of Pythium Root Rot and Dysfunction and Bacterial Wilt as well as symptoms commonly misdiagnosed as diseases. This is sure to be a great topic so be there early to hear Dr. Landschoot. Our meeting sponsors this month are Bob Seltzer of Fisher & Sons and Joe Sellers of Premier Turf Solutions. We have a Closet to the Pin sponsorship from Jim Gurzler of Sportsturf Irrigation as well. The tournament this month will be a 4 man best ball blind draw after golf. Make sure you come on out and enjoy this great new golf course and our speaker. Thanks to our sponsors for helping to keep meeting costs down. Page 7 Pocono Turfgrass Association 2011 Scholarships The Patterson Scholarship for Turfgrass Related Studies The Pocono Turfgrass Association is now accepting scholarship applications for the Patterson Scholarship. The deadline for application is June 30, 2011. The following is a list of guidelines for all individuals interested in applying for the scholarship: 1. Applicant must be in his or her final year of study or a recent graduate of a two- or four-year turf related program. 2. The applicant must be a member of the Pocono Turfgrass Association, employed by a member of PTGA, or an immediate family member of a member of PTGA. 3. The applicant must submit, in writing, why he or she would like to be considered for the scholarship. The essay should include what he or she feels their contribution to the turfgrass field will be. 4. Applicants must include a letter of endorsement from their PTGA relation with their application. The Pocono Turfgrass Association Scholarship for Non-Turf Related Studies The Pocono Turfgrass Association is now accepting applications for a non-turfgrass related field of study scholarship. The deadline for application is October 31, 2010. The following is a list of guidelines for all individuals interested in applying for the scholarship: 1. Applicant must be in his or her final year of study or a recent graduate of a two- or four-year non-turf related program. 2. The applicant must be a member of the Pocono Turfgrass Association, employed by a member of PTGA, or an immediate family member of a member of PTGA. 3. The applicant must submit, in writing, why he or she would like to be considered for the scholarship. The essay should include information pertaining to field of study, educational achievement, and future goals with respect to utilization of his or her education. 4. Applicants must include a letter of endorsement from their PTGA relation with their application. Applications should be submitted to: Rick Anglemyer Water Gap Country Club PO Box 725 Mountain Rd. Delaware Water Gap, PA 18327 Page 8 MetGCSAA Tournament Qualifying Rules The PGTA will send 8 participants to the MetGCSAA Tournament, 4 players in the Gross division and 4 players In the Net division. The current president of the PTGA will be given the option to participate in his preferred division without qualifying. If the president chooses not to use his exemption, the next highest qualifier in his preferred division will earn the spot PTGA members will be given preference for attending PTGA monthly Meetings. Meeting attendance is worth 3 points per meeting attended. Point totals will be available before the qualifying meeting for members to view. These results will be posted to the website, and published in the newsletter before the qualifying tournament. MetGCSAA Qualifying Tournament Rules: The qualifying tournament will use the standard PGA Stableford scoring system of -3pt (double bogey or worse) -1pt (bogey) 0pt (par) 2pt (birdie) 5pt (eagle) 8pt (double eagle) There will be 2 divisions, Gross and Net • Any player that does NOT present a verifiable USGA handicap will be automatically placed in the GROSS division of the tournament • In accordance with MetGCSAA policy a maximum handicap ceiling of 18 will be enforced in the NET division • The top four accumulated point totals from each division will qualify for the MetGCSAA tournament. Any qualifiers unable to attend will be replaced by the next highest available qualifier • Both divisions are open to PTGA members in the A, SM, AF, and AS classifications • Guests of PTGA members are not eligible to qualify for the MetGCSAA tournament in either division There will be a maximum of 4 Affiliate members allowed to attend the MetGCSAA tournament per year. All meeting results and MetGCSAA tournament qualifiers will be posted on the PTGA website upon completion of the qualifying tournament. This year’s tournament is at Galloway National in New Jersey, rated one of the top 100 new courses. Next month we travel to Mountain Valley Golf Course for the first time in many years. Come out and see the new holes. Our speaker will be discussing irrigation efficiency. Chips & Putts PATRON SPONSORS AERIFICATION AND OVERSEEDING IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Atlantic Irrigation Ken Givens 201 294 9673 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Turf Equip. & Supply George Skawski 610.554.9366 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 710.933.5801 Matt Brown 484-357-6312 EQUIPMENT PLANT PROTECTANTS Aer-Core, Inc. Dennis DeSanctis 610.608.3181 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Finch Services Ted Zabrenski 484.614.6436 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Turf Equip. & Supply Matt Brown 484.357.6312 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 George Skawski 610.554.9366 Jim MacLaren 570.443.7154 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 SynaTek Mike Zellner 484.357.9197 FERTILIZER Syngenta Lee A. Kozsey 610.861.8174 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Genesis Turfgrass Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 SEED & SOD Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 East Coast Sod & Seed Kevin Driscoll 609.760.4099 SynaTek Mike Zellner 484.357.9197 Finch Services Ted Zabrenski 484.614.6436 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Jim MacLaren 570.443.7154 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 SynaTek Mike Zellner 484.357.9197 GREEN AND TEE SUPPLIES Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 TOPDRESSING / SOIL AMENDMENTS Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Blue Ridge Peat Farms Gene Evans 570.443.9596 SynaTek Mike Zellner 484.357.9197 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 SynaTek Mike Zellner 484.357.9197 Support our Sponsors - They support us! PTGA SCHEDULE POCONO ROUNDUP May 2 Rutgers Turfgrass Research Golf Classic, The By laws are under review and changes will be Fiddlers Elbow, Bedminster NJ voted on in July at Scranton Canoe Club. Check the website and newsletter for the revisions. The first May 17 Jack Frost National, Blakeslee, PA reading will be at the May meeting, so try to at least Bryan Nuss, Supt. make dinner to hear about the forthcoming changes. Dr. Peter Landscoot, PSU It was nice to see Ron Garrison of Fox Hill at the April June 21 Mountain Valley, Frackville PA meeting, although someone else pulled a Garrison. Jeff Reber, Supt. Mike Hartley, TES Welcome T.J. Hart of Golf Car Services, Tom Klich of Atlantic Irrigation and Jeff Smolha of Davidson Golf to July 12 Scranton Canoe Club, Lake Winola, PA the Association. Thanks for coming out and Pat Healey, Supt. supporting the Association. John Kaminski , PSU Aug 16 Buck Hill Country Club Buck Hill Fallls, PA The 2011 directories have gone to press. If you are not Tim Stem, Supt. listed, you were not paid for 2011. There are some events that are open only to members of the Sept 27 Paupack Hills Country Club, Greentown PA Association, such as the Championship, the Met Mark Monahan, Supt./GM Team Championship and invoicing of fees for events Doug Linde, Del Val to name a few. Oct 18 Blue Ridge Country Club, Palmerton PA To my CSI informant, your article was a hit. Thanks for Pete Bablevy, Supt taking care of it. Stan Zontek, USGA POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION R.R. 1, BOX 219 POSTAGE HARDING, PA 18643 POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 309 TERRACE AVENUE HARDING, PA 18643 NAME & ADDRESS PHONE/FAX 570-388-2167 WEBSITE: ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED.