CHIPS & PUTTS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION Founded in 1936 VOL. 18 NO. 6 August 2012 August Meeting Country Club of Scranton Host: Greg Boring, GCS Our Annual Clambake and Scholarship Fundraiser Tournament takes us to one of Northeast PA’s truly his- toric and beautiful golf courses - the Country Club of Scranton. The Club, started in 1896, was originally located in downtown Scranton on the site of Marywood University. In 1926 they moved the site to their current location with the 18 hole course being designed by Walter Travis. With an extensive membership of over 600, the 18 hole course could not meet the demands of the members, so in 1989 a new 9 holes (The Falls), were constructed un- der the architectural supervision of Michael Hurzdan. Known for its difficult sloping greens, the C.C. of Scranton has hosted many tournaments over the years. Three PA State Amateurs, a PA State Open, and the Anthracite Open, which boasted players such as Ben Ho- gan, Sam Snead, and Gene Sarazen. They are also slated to hold the Senior PA State Amateur in 2013 and the State Amateur in 2015. As with most of the established courses in our area, the fairways, greens, and tees are all a poa/bent mix. The course plays to a par 72 at 7,000 yards from the tips and is protected by 62 bunkers. The 27 hole property boasts 4 acres of greens, 4 acres of tees, and 44 acres of fairways. Continued on page 5…. Page 2 President's Message..... Officers & Directors 2012 Hope you are enjoying the summer, even though it has been quite a hot and dry one. At least we received some rain off and on the past few days. PRESIDENT John Downer, Elkview C.C. Hope to see many of you at the upcoming August meeting at 570-840-0078 the C.C. of Scranton. Should be a great time! VICE PRESIDENT Patrick Knelly, Sugarloaf Golf Club 570-384-4724 TREASURER Greg Boring, Country Club of Scranton John Downer 570-587-4046 SECRETARY Ray Wadell, Elmhurst CC 570-842-4705 DIRECTORS Steven Chirip, Grass Roots, Inc. 973-418-3468 Matthew Brown, Turf Equipment & Supply 484-357-6312 Patrick Healey, Scranton Canoe Club 570-378-2249 Thomas Height, Country Club of Scranton 570-237-0878 Gino Marchetti, Glen Oak CC. 570-586-5791 Editor’s Notes….. James Gurzler, Green Valley Landscaping 570-592-2473 __________________________ CHIPS & PUTTS STAFF EDITOR Brian Bachman, Genesis Turfgrass, Inc. Wow, the season is quickly running along and most of the area 484-661-6105 has now received some much needed rain which lets everyone take a deep breath. Managing Editor Melinda Wisnosky We had a great time at Honesdale last month with the course 570-388-2167 and greens in fantastic shape. Editorial Committee Darrin Larkin Thanks again to Gino Marchetti for this month’s photo, as un- Matt Brown fortunate as it was for him. As always, keep the pictures and infor- PAST PRESIDENT mation coming. Rick Anglemyer, Water Gap CC 570-424-6391 See you at Scranton….. Brian Bachman PTGA Office 309 Terrace Avenue Harding, PA 18643 Phone/Fax: 570-388-2167 Any opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and/or person quoted, and may not represent the position of PTGA. Information contained in this publication may be used freely, in whole or in part, without special permission, as long as the true context is maintained. We would appreciate a credit line. PagePage 3 3 Opportunity The PTGA is looking for members who are willing to donate rounds of golf to assist in raising money for research. Check out the following article for details and contact PTGA if you are able and interested in donating. Guide to Rounds 4 Research Rounds 4 Research is a novel fundraising program conducted by the Environmental Institute for Golf (EIFG) where- by rounds of golf (defined as a tee time for two or four, generally with carts) are auctioned to the public through an online auction. Through this program, participating organizations can solicit donated rounds with a minimum 80 per- cent of the proceeds being directed back to the organization. The EIFG’s Rounds 4 Research is an expansion of the innovative program that was introduced by the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association. The scope had grown beyond what the Carolinas GCSA could administer and therefore offered the program to GCSAA. As GCSAA’s philanthropic organization, the EIFG is now administering the program. The Rounds 4 Research auction will take advantage of the online auction platform. Bidding for Good is a leading auction site whose sole purpose is to support charitable giving by linking buyers with nonprofit organizations. The service is a natural fit, with more than 650,000 registered bidders, and rounds of golf as its top- selling item. National communications efforts and grassroots efforts from the participating organizations will also drive golfers to the bidding platform. These efforts will provide a nationwide marketing opportunity for the golf facili- ty. The first auction is slated to begin in fall 2012, with additional auctions being held on a rolling basis, depending on the number and timing of the rounds donated. Who can participate? GCSAA-affiliated chapters, golf course superintendent associations (state, national or international) or their foun- dations can participate in the program. Other turfgrass- and research-related foundations and not-for-profit organizations are free to inquire, but GCSAA- affiliated chapters will generally have precedence in their respective state or region. The EIFG will review the circum- stances in regard to the precedence of chapter participation. How your organization can participate: Although the EIFG is administering the Rounds 4 Research program, it is actually a local “franchised” fundraising pro- gram that enables participating organizations to raise revenue. In fact, participating organizations should consider the Rounds 4 Research program their own fundraising program that is supported by the EIFG. Key responsibilities: There are three primary responsibilities for all participating organizations: 1. Solicit for and obtain donated rounds to be sent to the EIFG for the auction. 2. Promote the program to golfers, allied associations, golf associations, media and members of your organization to supplement the national efforts being made by the EIFG. 3. Provide an annual summary of distributions received from the EIFG that indicates how the monies were used. How the donation process works Once your organization has committed to Rounds 4 Research, you will receive information and tools to begin your campaign. In the meantime, here are some guidelines that apply specifically to organizations: • Participating organizations can submit donated rounds from any golf facility regardless of geographic location. Continued on Page 8 Page 4 PTGA Membership Drives Thinking of becoming a PTGA Member?? Know someone who would like to be a PTGA Member?? The Pocono Turfgrass Association has revived some old initia- tives to make your membership even more valuable than it already is by introducing two new membership drives: Drive #1: Any Class A superintendent member who joins the Associa- tion (with their paid dues and approved application, of course) will be able to attend the monthly meeting immedi- ately following their membership for FREE!!! Please Note: Free meeting excludes the clambake in August Drive #2: Any existing member who signs up 3 new members (with their paid dues and approved application, of course) will be able to attend the monthly meeting of their choice (excluding the clambake) for FREE!!! Talk to any Board Member for additional details. The Summer Heat Is On! By Stanley J. Zontek, director, Mid-Atlantic Region July 3, 2012 The second heat wave for the summer of 2012 is upon us. Almost no one has been unaffected by the heat, the hu- midity and the resulting thunderstorms which have oc- curred. Nearly the entire continental United States is be- ing affected by hot weather; record breaking heat in fact. First, kudos need to be extended to the staff at Congressional Country Club in Bethesda, Maryland for being able to complete this weekend’s AT&T National Tournament. It took a herculean effort to return the course to play and then to provide a great venue for the galleries that came in spite of many of their own is- sues with power outages, fallen trees, broken limbs and general disruption to one’s life. The distraction was good and the golf course was at its best. Much has been writ- ten about the need for common sense turfgrass man- Preserving roots through the summer stress agement when it’s hot. This update is to remind everyone period is a high priority for any turf manager. that the basics of agronomy, plant health, and mainte- Overwatering damages roots. Aeration/ nance never change. surface venting generates new roots. Continued on Page 6 Page 5 Continued from Page 1 Since 2009, shortly after Greg’s arrival at Scranton, the course has undergone some major renovations and improvements which just finished up this month. In the fall of 2009 all of the greens had new drainage installed via the XGD System. In July of 2011 the Club embarked on a major renovation project that included the com- plete rebuilding of all 62 bunkers on the 18 hole course, the re- contouring of some fairways, construction of some forward tees, and the addition of 2.5 acres of tightly mowed greens surounds/collection areas as seen in the picture on the right. Oh, and I can’t fail to men- tion that Greg and his crew have also overseen the removal of more than 2,500 trees through his years there, as well. The Ladies’ locker room was also completely renovated, along with the downstairs of the clubhouse. Future plans include the update and renovation of the driving range which will possibly start in October. Greg, an Ohio State grad who interned at Oakmont, has been superintendent at C.C. of Scranton since January 2008 coming over from neighboring Glen Oak C.C. after a stint of 3 years as super- intendent there. Before that, he spent 2 years as the assistant at Preakness Hills C.C. in NJ and 3 years as an assistant in Florida. As you can imagine, this sizeable property takes a sizeable staff to keep it in tip-top shape. The in season crew of 35 has 4 em- ployees with Turf degrees, including Assistants Tom Height and Jeff Wilbur, along with long time employee and now equipment manag- er Charlie Saxe and spray tech Dan Bantell. I certainly hope you have the opportunity to get away to play this course and catch up with some peers as the season quickly continues. As a service to our members and a way to say thank you…..all PTGA members will Jo receive their Dow hn own bag tag to ner PT proudly display. Me GA mb er Page 6 Continued from Page 4 Raise mowing heights, mow less, do not apply large amounts of nitrogen, compress your fungicide spray rotations and increase fungicide rates. Do not be concerned about short-term niceties like how fast the greens are rolling on a given day. That will come with time and more reasonable weather. Sometimes it is what you do not do that is as important as what you actually do. Do not over stress the grass with double cutting, grooming or abrasive topdressings. Hand water, back-off general maintenance and focus on keeping the turf healthy and alive. Surface aerate, roll versus mow and generally follow a defensive, conservative maintenance and management program when turfgrass is under oppressive heat. It’s a time to be careful. There is always a time to become more aggressive but that takes cooler weather. No one knows what the future holds but following a conservative and careful putting green and golf course maintenance and management program now can help maintain better turf throughout the rest of the summer. There are no new flashy agronomic bright ideas mentioned here. It’s all common sense maintenance and management practices. Managing stress early in the season should help prolong the health of the grass for more of the summer. Be careful…it’s hot out there! PS - Remember to use that sunscreen and reapply every two hours. The Mid-Atlantic Region agronomists are part of your agronomic support team. If you have a question or concern, give us a call or send an email. You can reach Stan Zontek ( and Darin Bevard ( at 610/ 558-9066 or Keith Happ ( at 412/ 341- 5922. Photo of the Month We all see interesting things every day….wildlife (like bald eagles and bears), strange turf problems (like a lightning strike), an employee who stayed out too late the night before, etc. So if you have a great photo, send it to me ( and share it for everyone to enjoy (or laugh at). July Photo of the Month This photo was submitted by Gino Marchetti, Superinten- dent at Glen Oak C.C. in Clarks Summit, PA. On his walk to work one morning he dropped his wallet, but no worries, the mower found it! Everyone who works on a golf course has lost something to a mower. So when your wife asks you to go out, just tell her “the mower ate my wallet.” Chips & Putts PATRON SPONSORS AERIFICATION AND OVERSEEDING Aer-Core Ryan Davidheiser 610-310-3925 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 John Deere Brent Wood 570.499.1441 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Turf Equip. & Supply George Skawski 610.554.9366 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 710.933.5801 Matt Brown 484-357-6312 PLANT PROTECTANTS EQUIPMENT Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Aer-Core Ryan Davidheiser 610-310-3925 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Turf Equip. & Supply Matt Brown 484.357.6312 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 George Skawski 610.554.9366 John Deere Brent Wood 570.499.1441 Finch Services Ted Zabrenski 484.614.6436 Growth Products Craig Lambert 973-601-3303 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Syngenta Lee A. Kozsey 610.861.8174 FERTILIZER Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 SEED & SOD Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Genesis Turfgrass Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Finch Services Ted Zabrenski 484.614.6436 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Growth Products Craig Lambert 973-601-3303 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 TOPDRESSING / SOIL AMENDMENTS GREEN AND TEE SUPPLIES Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 Blue Ridge Peat Farms Gene Evans 570.443.9596 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 John Deere Brent Wood 570.499.1441 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Profile Products LLC Dan Fick 610.562.0547 Support our Sponsors - They support us! Page 8 Continued from Page 3 However, you are encouraged to be aware of and respect similar fundraising efforts already being conducted in states and locations outside of your own local and regional boundaries. That said, donors may help more than one program at their discretion. • A donating facility can direct the proceeds to any participating organization or the EIFG. In the event there is no local participating organization, the facility can still designate its local affiliated chapter, and the EIFG will notify the chapter about the available monies. The affiliated chapter can then either elect to participate in the program or donate the monies to the EIFG. The EIFG will follow up with donors as necessary to clarify dona- tions and directions regarding beneficiaries. When soliciting donations, you are encouraged to ask for two donations per year from each facility. However, we sincerely appreciate every donation and recognize that some facilities may not be able to give at this level. How the proceeds will be distributed As a participating organization, you will receive a minimum of 80 percent of the proceeds (amount of sale per round, excluding any fees or surcharges) from each donation that has been designated for your organization. The EIFG will retain 20 percent, plus any fees and surcharges collected, to offset programmatic costs, including expenses related to the auction platform, advertising and marketing costs, administrative overhead, and other fees associated with managing the program on a national scale. The EIFG will process revenues received and distribute payments to the participating organizations within 90 days of the close of an auction period. The amount of revenue received will depend on the number of rounds sold and when they are sold during the auction period. Organizations accustomed to lump sum distributions from an- nual auctions should adjust for this change in distribution. Example: A donated round for four has sold for $150 plus $15 for fees. The donating facility specified that the proceeds are to benefit the Carolinas GCSA. The EIFG will pay the Carolinas GCSA $120 for the round and retain $30 in addi- tion to the $15 fee. July Meeting Wrap Up Honesdale Golf Club It was a great day for golf. Chris and his crew had the course in great shape for us. The greens were absolutely beautiful. Thanks go out to our sponsor, Atlantic Irrigation. We had two formats running for this tournament, a Pink Ball (substituted by the now famous yellow Sponge Bob ball), and a Team Better Ball. 1st place in the team Sponge Bob format: Chris Moran Gary Fulkenson Irv Williams Tim Powell 1st place in the Better Ball format: Don Stanton Paul Edwards Tim Moffett Bob Simons Long Drive: T.J. Hart (on one good leg, by the way) Closest to the Pin: Dave Huttie There were 4 skins won: Barry Goodhart Jerry Decker Irv Williams Justin Manly Page 9 PTGA SCHEDULE POCONO ROUNDUP Aug 9-10 PSU Turf Field Days If you have any news to report, i.e., new job positions, weddings, births, Aug 13th PTGA Clambake @ etc., please email Brian Bachman at Scranton CC Sept 18th PTGA mtg @ Woodstone CC Speaker: Dr. Koppenhoffer, Rutgers University Oct 15th PTGA mtg @ Glen Oak CC Speaker: Darin Bevard USGA year in review POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION R.R. 1, BOX 219 POSTAGE HARDING, PA 18643 POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 309 TERRACE AVENUE HARDING, PA 18643 NAME & ADDRESS PHONE/FAX 570-388-2167 WEBSITE: ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED.