CHIPS & PUTTS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION Founded in 1936 VOL. 18 NO. 8 October 2012 October Meeting Glen Oak Country Club Host: Gino Marchetti, GCS Speaker: Darin Bevard, USGA Year in Review Our final meeting of the season brings us to Glen Oak C.C. in Clarks Summit where we will hold the Asso- ciation Championship. It’s been a few years since we’ve visited Glen Oak, and a few things have changed; namely our host superintendent, Gino Marchetti. Gino, a native to Northeastern PA, is a 2001 graduate of Penn State. After graduation he went to Fieldstone C.C. as the assistant there from 2001-2005. When the opportunity arose to return to the area as the assistant at Glen Oak he jumped on it. He served as the assistant until 2008, when former superintendent Greg Boring (our host for the August meeting) moved across town to The Country Club of Scranton. Gino then stepped right into the superintendent position at Glen Oak, where he has contin- ued to keep Glen Oak in fantastic condition. In his task of maintaining these primarily poa greens, bent/poa fairways, and rye tees, Gino is assisted by Drew White (a Fieldstone alum), and Pat Moran (who came from Ber- wick C.C.). The in season crew of 22 is whittled down to 6 full time members over the winter months. Originally called The Excelsior Club, Glen Oak was first opened in 1951. Designed by James Harrison, an understudy of Donald Ross, this track plays to just over 6,600 yards from the tips, but don’t let the length fool you Continued on Page 6 Page 2 President's Message..... Officers & Directors 2012 PRESIDENT John Downer, Elkview C.C. 570-840-0078 VICE PRESIDENT Patrick Knelly, Sugarloaf Golf Club 570-384-4724 TREASURER Greg Boring, Country Club of Scranton 570-587-4046 SECRETARY Ray Wadell, Elmhurst CC 570-842-4705 DIRECTORS Steven Chirip, Grass Roots, Inc. 973-418-3468 Matthew Brown, Turf Equipment & Supply 484-357-6312 Patrick Healey, Scranton Canoe Club 570-378-2249 Thomas Height, Country Club of Scranton 570-237-0878 Gino Marchetti, Glen Oak CC. 570-586-5791 Editor’s Notes….. James Gurzler, Green Valley Landscaping 570-592-2473 __________________________ CHIPS & PUTTS STAFF EDITOR Brian Bachman, Genesis Turfgrass, Inc. The leaves are changing and the deer are starting to run 484-661-6105 around (just ask Drew at our host course for this month’s meeting...nice buck for opening day archery!!). Soon show season will be upon us Managing Editor with much needed time away from the courses. Melinda Wisnosky 570-388-2167 Many thanks to Dr. Olga S. Kostromytka and Dr. Albrecht M. Editorial Committee Koppenhöfer from Rutgers for the article this month. Olga was our Darrin Larkin speaker at last month’s meeting and their research is a result in part of Matt Brown the Association’s support. PAST PRESIDENT Rick Anglemyer, Water Gap CC Hope to see everyone at Glen Oak. 570-424-6391 As always, I’m looking for pictures or contributions from anyone interested in sending information to this newsletter. Brian Bachman PTGA Office 309 Terrace Avenue Harding, PA 18643 Phone/Fax: 570-388-2167 Any opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and/or person quoted, and may not represent the position of PTGA. Information contained in this publication may be used freely, in whole or in part, without special permission, as long as the true context is maintained. We would appreciate a credit line. Page 3 Host Plant Resistance for ABW Management Olga S. Kostromytka and Albrecht M. Koppenhöfer Department of Entomology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Annual bluegrass weevil (ABW) (Figure 1) is a a susceptible plant but overcome the feeding stress serious and expanding pest of short cut turfgrass. and not show damage. In contrast, resistant plants ABW larvae feed inside the stem (1st to 3rd instar) and on the grass crown (3rd to 5th instar), causing severe damage on highly maintained turf (Figures 2). Effective management of ABW is challenging, requiring close pest monitoring and precise timing of management activities. Presently, chemical control is the only effective and commonly used manage- ment strategy. Targeting adult ABW with pyrethroid insecticides has been a particularly effective and therefore overused strategy. Not sur- prisingly, incidenc- Figure 1. Annual blue grass adult, eggs, es of re- and larva feeding inside P.annua stem. duced pyrethroid significantly reduce pest development, efficacy growth, survival, and reproduction, and/or are less have attractive and suitable for oviposition; consequently, been on they suppress population build up. the rise, While field observations indicate that annual and an bluegrass, Poa annua, is a preferred host of ABW increasing number of pyrethroid resistant ABW pop- and/or particularly susceptible to it, ABW infestations ulations have been documented. To make matters also occur in and can be damaging to creeping worse, ABW populations resistant to pyrethroids bentgrasses. Several studies demonstrated that simi- seem to be less susceptible to most other presently lar larval densities may occur in P. annua and bent- available insecticides and overuse of any remaining grass in the field, but damage becomes apparent effective active ingredients is likely to reduce their sooner and tends to be more severe in P. annua. It efficacy, too (Koppenhöfer et al. 2012). With re- remains unclear whether bentgrasses are resistant to sistance on the rise and few management tools ABW or just more tolerant than P. annua. Mere toler- available, searching for alternatives is crucial. New ance is not an ideal scenario for ABW management strategies are necessary to improve management because population build up can still occur and re- of already resistant ABW populations and to prevent sult in damage in adjacent P. annua patches and the development of resistance in still susceptible occasionally even in bentgrasses. populations. The overall goal of our research (supported by the Host plant resistance is a powerful manage- GCSAA, the PTGA, and six other GCSAA chapter and ment tool and is relatively cheap, highly compatible turfgrass associations in PA, NJ, and NY) is to study with other management strategies, and environ- ABW host plant interactions with the practical goal of mentally friendly. Host plant resistance has two ma- selecting the most ABW resistant among available jor components: 1) tolerance and 2) true resistance bentgrass cultivars (cvs.). Creeping bentgrasses are due to antibiosis (detrimental effect of plant char- widely used in short cut golf course areas, and a acteristics on insect survival, development and re- wide variety of cvs. with improved qualities are avail- production) and/or antixenosis (non-preference). able to superintendents. Tolerant plants may sustain the same pest density as Continued on Page 4 Page 4 Continued from Page 3 Thus, we tested two older cvs. (‘L93’, ‘Penncross’), and two newer high quality cvs. with im- proved dollarspot resistance (‘007’, ‘Declaration’). In addition, two co- lonial bentgrass cvs. ( ‘Tiger II’, ‘Capri’ [a new cv. with better quali- ty and improved brown patch re- sistance]) and two velvet bentgrass cvs. (‘Greenwich’, ‘Villa’) were test- ed. The main advantages of velvet bentgrass are low fertility require- ments, exceptional drought toler- ance, shade tolerance, and fine texture improved dollarspot re- sistance (‘007’, ‘Declaration’). In addition, two colonial bentgrass cvs. ( ‘Tiger II’, ‘Capri’ [a new cv. with better quality and improved brown patch resistance]) and two velvet bentgrass cvs. (‘Greenwich’, ‘Villa’) were tested. The main ad- Figure 2. Damage caused by ABW larvae feeding on the collar vantages of velvet bentgrass are low of a putting green. fertility requirements, exceptional drought tolerance, shade tolerance, and fine texture (Torello and Lynch 2001). Colonial bentgrass is more dis- ease resistant and requires lower maintenance input than creeping bentgrass (Bonos and Murphy 2008). In a series of laboratory and field experiments conducted to determine ABW egg-laying preferences Poa annua was clearly preferred over all tested bentgrasses. In no choice tests the highest number of eggs was recovered from P. annua (on average 28-36 eggs per 2” plug). Among bentgrasses, the fewest eggs were found in 'Villa’ (on average 0-4.6), ‘Greenwich’(on average 0-3.6 eggs), and 'Tiger II' (on average ≥ 1 egg per plug) and the most in cvs. ‘Penncross’, ‘Capri’ and ‘L93’. When females were given a choice between three bentgrass cvs. and P. annua, 63-88% of the total number of eggs was laid in P. annua while the lowest number of eggs was found in the bentgrass cvs. ‘Declaration’ and ‘Greenwich’ (Figure 3). Attractiveness of Poa diminished when the antennae of ABW females were blocked so that no olfacto- ry cues could be received. Thus, host plant volatiles are important for ABW host recognition and non- preference is at least partially involved in the lower susceptibility of bentgrass, suggesting resistance rather than just greater tolerance. This finding was confirmed in the series of choice experiments in which we observed dis- tinct attractiveness of P. annua and non-preference or even repellency (cvs. ‘Declaration’ and ‘Villa)’ of bent- grasses. In greenhouse pot experiments, Poa annua was the most suitable host for ABW larval survival, growth and development among all grass types tested with consistently high numbers of ABW life stages (equivalent to 380-450 larvae per sq. foot). Larvae grew better and developed faster in P. annua than in most of the bent- grasses. Larval densities were also very high in cvs. ‘Villa’ and ‘Capri’. In contrast, all creeping bentgrass cvs. had relatively low larval densities (less than 120 per sq. foot), larval development was delayed (‘L93’, ‘Penncross’), and larvae weighed less (all creeping bentgrasses). To determine tolerance to ABW larval feeding, all bentgrass cvs. and P. annua were exposed to a range of larval densities (0, 6, 12, and 24 larvae per pot; equivalent to 0-284 larvae per sq. foot) and feeding damage was rated after 7 and 14 days of exposure. Overall, bentgrasses were more tolerant to ABW feeding than P. annua. In P. annua damage became apparent after 7 days at 12 and 24 larvae per pot (28% and 53%, respectively) and reached as high as 64% at 24 larvae per pot after 14 days. In contrast, it took the highest lar- val density and 14 days to express damage in creeping bentgrasses (‘L93’, 31%; ‘Declaration’, 23%; Continued on page 5….. Page 5 Continued from Page 4 ‘Penncross,23%). No visible damage was ob- served in cv. ’007’. Other bentgrasses were less toler- ant with cvs. ‘Capri’ and ‘Villa’ being the least toler- ant. Our data model predicts that bentgrasses gen- erally can tolerate 2-3 times higher densities of ABW larvae than P. annua before sustaining the same damage level (20%). To summarize, P. annua 1) was the most suitable host for ABW survival, growth, development, and reproduction among all grasses tested, 2) was clear- ly preferred by ABW females for egg-laying; and 3) was most susceptible to ABW larval feeding. Howev- er, ABW females laid eggs in the bentgrasses even if P. annua was available and ABW could develop from eggs to pupae on all bentgrasses tested. All bentgrasses, but especially creeping bentgrasses, were more tolerant to ABW larvae feeding. Consid- ering the low egg number (compared to P. annua) and poorer larval survival, growth and development observed in creeping bentgrasses, it is apparent that creeping bentgrasses are not only more tolerant than P. annua but also are most resistant among the tested species. Additional experiments are being conducted to confirm and expand these findings to Figure 4. ABW females clearly prefer Poa annua to bent- ultimately develop recommendations on which bent- grass cultivars for egg-laying in laboratory choice experiments: grasses are most susceptible to ABW damage and most eggs were laid in P.annua plugs . The older creeping which are most suitable for the replacement of P. an- bentgrass cvs. ‘Penncross’ and ‘L93’ and colonial bentgrass nua in area with established ABW populations. cv. ‘Capri’ tend to have higher numbers of eggs than other bentgrasses. Similar egg laying preferences were observed in field experiments. References cited: Bonos S. A., Murphy J. A. 2009. Bentgrass cultivars for golf course turf. Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Bulletin E324 Koppenhöfer A.M., Alm S.R., Cowles R.A., McGraw B.A., Swier S., Vittum P.J. 2012. Controlling annual bluegrass weevil: optimal timing and rates. Golf Course Management, March 2012, 98-104. Torello W.A., Lynch S. 2001. Velvet bentgrass management. Online. Seed Research of Oregon, Corvallis, OR, and hosted by Evergro Canada Inc., Delta, BC. Page 6 Continued from Page 1 The greens are devilishly fast, and as with many Pocono courses, there are plenty of trees and water fea- tures to challenge your game. With a strong golfing membership of 360, Glen Oak has continued to improve the course over the years by rebuilding #7 green and also installing XGD drainage on#9, #10, #12, and #14 greens. Additional plans to redo the 18th tee complex are in the works for the near future. I hope you’ll join us for what will certainly be a great day of golf with friends and peers. As a service to our members and a way to say thank you…..all PTGA members will receive their own bag tag to proudly display. Joh Do w n Please pick up your tag at the meetings ner throughout the season. PTG A Me mb er Page 7 Photo of the Month We all see interesting things every day….wildlife (like bald eagles and bears), strange turf problems (like a lightning strike), an employee who stayed out too late the night before, etc. So if you have a great photo, send it to me ( and share it for everyone to enjoy (or laugh at). September Photo of the Month This photo was submitted by Derrick Hudson, a for- mer Pocono member who has been the superinten- dent at Bellewood CC for several years. This wasn’t a staged picture….he ac- tually had this on his head when Derrick drove by. No explanation is needed, but we’ve all had crew members like this….. Chips & Putts PATRON SPONSORS AERIFICATION AND OVERSEEDING Aer-Core Stephen Thompson 610-972-5933 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 John Deere Brent Wood 570.499.1441 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Turf Equip. & Supply George Skawski 610.554.9366 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 710.933.5801 Matt Brown 484-357-6312 PLANT PROTECTANTS EQUIPMENT Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Aer-Core Stephen Thompson 610-972-5933 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Turf Equip. & Supply Matt Brown 484.357.6312 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 George Skawski 610.554.9366 John Deere Brent Wood 570.499.1441 Finch Services Ted Zabrenski 484.614.6436 Growth Products Craig Lambert 973-601-3303 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Syngenta Lee A. Kozsey 610.861.8174 FERTILIZER Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 SEED & SOD Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Genesis Turfgrass Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Finch Services Ted Zabrenski 484.614.6436 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Growth Products Craig Lambert 973-601-3303 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 TOPDRESSING / SOIL AMENDMENTS GREEN AND TEE SUPPLIES Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 607.768.0575 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 Blue Ridge Peat Farms Gene Evans 570.443.9596 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Fisher & Son Bob Seltzer 610.704.4756 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Genesis Turfgrass Brian Bachman 484.661.6105 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Jim MacLaren 570-443-7154 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 Grass Roots, Inc. Steve Chirip 973.418.3468 John Deere Brent Wood 570.499.1441 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Lawn & Golf Chris Butler 610.933.5801 Profile Products LLC Dan Fick 610.562.0547 Support our Sponsors - They support us! Page 9 Equipment Sales: Agronomic Sales: Finch Services, Inc. NE PA: Brent Wood, SOW, 419 Industrial Drive 570-499-1441 North Wales, PA 19454 Page 10 POCONO ROUNDUP PTGA SCHEDULE Oct 15th PTGA Meeting @ Glen Oak CC Speaker: Darin Bevard PLEASE NOTE! USGA Year in Review Oct 18th MET Tournament If anyone should have any news The Stanwich Club concerning the PTGA membership; i.e., some- one getting married, having a baby, chang- Nov 13-15 PSU Turf Conference ing jobs, or anything else of interest concern- ing the industry, please let us know. Don’t miss PTGA’s last golf meeting of the year at Glen Oak Country Club! POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 309 TERRACE AVENUE NAME & ADDRESS HARDING, PA 18643 PHONE/FAX 570-388-2167 WEBSITE: ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED.