chips« pi/rrs OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE Founded in POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 1936 VOL. 3, NO. 4 JUNE1997 PHOSPHORUS MANAGEMENT imbalance which may promote intolerance to stresses, greater disease susceptibility and generally OF TURF.... poor growth. If clippings are retained, Phosphorus Editor’s Note: A special thanks to co-editor James applications to an established turf may be MacLaren for this information regarding reduced. There is virtually no Phosphorus loss from Phosphorus and turf Listed below are some general a turf-soil ecosystem if clippings are not removed. suggestions governing phosphorus management in In such a case, consistent with 4 above, Phosphorus turf may accumulate in the soil and further additions may serve no purpose. Again, this will be a valid Phosphorus applications should be made to a consideration only in established turf where mature turf based on the results of soil tests for clippings have not been removed for many years. plant available Phosphorus and/or tissue analyses. Monitor soil pH and apply lime as needed since Because most soils contain so much Phosphorus that Phosphorus availability to roots is directly is not available to plant roots, it is important to know influenced by the H+ concentration of the soil how much readily available and slowly available solution. Lime applications can easily be Phosphorus is present in a soil at the beginning of a overlooked by turf managers and the soil pH can growing season. For most soils, 150 to 200 lbs. of drop below the optimum for most turfgrasses. This available Phosphorus per acre should easily satisfy will have several negative effects on turf growth not turf needs. the least of which may be reduced Phosphorus Incorporate Phosphorus fertilizers throughout availability and fluctuating incipient Phosphorus the soil profile before seeding or sodding turf. deficiency. Phosphorus is so immobile in soil that its penetration If a low pH or Phosphorus availability problem throughout the root zone from surface applications is detected and turf re-establishment is not an will occur very slowly, if at all. option, apply lime and Phosphorus fertilizer in Apply Phosphorus fertilizer in the fall. In most conjunction with aerification treatments. By parts of the U.S. rainfall is more abundant during the allowing these materials to infiltrate into aerification fall-winter-spring season than it is during the holes, their incorporation into the soil profile can be summer. Phosphorus is incorporated into the soil achieved without disrupting the turf. While this under an established turf mostly by water infiltration, method is not very efficient, with time, it can correct possibly assisted by freeze-thaw cycles, so soil pH or fertility problems more quickly than Phosphorus application prior to the wet cold season surface applications. will enhance soil incorporation. Do not apply Do not rely on deficiency symptoms to indicate Phosphorus, or any fertilizer, on snow or frozen when Phosphorus must be applied since ground. That practice may promote excessive runoff symptoms are rarely seen on turf. An appropriate and contaminate surface water bodies. soil analysis is the best way to monitor Phosphorus Maintain a balanced fertilizer program. Plants availability. Tissue analysis is less reliable since the require six macronutrient elements and all should be Phosphorus content of turfgrass leaves can vary considered when culturing plants especially on a greatly depending on the rate of leaf growth and the non-soil medium. While Phosphorus deficiency is health of the root system. The best approach to A not common on turf, its requirement for healthy maintaining proper Phosphorus nutrition of turf is to grass is as great as that of any macronutrient. The make an annual application approximately equal to ratio of nutrients in fertilizer should approximate the the Phosphorus removed or fixed within the soil ratio in plant tissues. A radical departure from such (about 4-8 lbs. Phosphorus/acre/year). a ratio can cause metabolic disorders due to nutrient \\\ OFFICERS President’s ... & DIRECTORS April showers bring May flowers??? Maybe in Seattle! What happened to the spring weather?? I guess we have 1997 two seasons, instead of four anymore. TURFGRASS And who knows which season we will ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT get next. Apparently, we may be in for the area clubs will be wondering why Ron Garrison, CGCS another strange year. “our” course doesn’t look like Fox Hill Country Club Congressional. It has been interesting Many thanks need to be extended to of late to watch a few of the VICE PRESIDENT Jim Vedomsky and his staff for a great televised events with less than near Jack Bird day at Woodland Hills! Now we have perfect conditions. Or was it because The Hideout, Inc. completed our Lehigh Valley swing and the broadcast companies have reduced will begin our POCONO swing for the their color filters? SECRETARY/TREASURER remainder of the year. Jack, you really Mike Vella know how to schedule these monthly A sincere thanks for those clubs who meetings. Woodloch Springs, have offered golf passes for the annual PAST PRESIDENT Edgewood in the Pines, Blue Ridge raffle drawing. Once again, Steve Jeff Peters, CGCS C.C., Paupack Hills, and Split Rock Stranzl and his committee did a great Valley Country Club C.C. —what a great lineup! job putting this year’s raffle together. DIRECTORS The golf community has started its I hope to see you all at the next Kelly Kressler annual tournament schedule and soon meeting. Southmoore Golf Course we will be requested to present super fast greens and near perfect conditions. Stephen Stranzl The U. S. Open was held recently and Ron Garrison, CGCS Green Acres Golf Course Jim MacLaren Turf Specialty, Inc. From The Editor’s Desk Thomas Wilchak Bethlehem Golf Club Scott Schukraft Huntsville Golf Club CHIPS & PUTTS STAFF With all the recent hullabaloo (I actually had to check Webster’s to see if that was correct English. The month of June tends to bring out the worst in me.) about the EDITOR Joseph M. Duich Turfgrass Endowment, I feel it appropriate to spend considerable Scott A. Schukraft editorial space regarding this issue. The PTGA Board of Directors has received and 147 Hayfield Road discussed at length the letter and endowment information from John Chassard (See Shavertown, PA 18708 Page 4 and Page 6). With the information provided to us, the endowment was looked 717-675-3800 upon favorably by the Board of Directors. Although some questions may remain Fax:717-675-0564 unanswered, it certainly is our opinion that all members of this association in some E-Mail: small way can and will continue to benefit from this endowment. I ask that you EDITORIAL COMMITTEE review this information carefully and direct any comments you may have to one of us Jim MacLaren on the Board so that we can base our decision to support or not support the Mark McCormick endowment in the best interests of all. Jeff Peters, CGCS George Skawski Scott A. Schukraft, Editor Jonathan Suitch Paul Weiss Managing Editor, Melinda Wisnosky BLACK CUTWORMS.... Black cutworms (Agrotis ipsilon) are destructive pests of creeping bentgrass on greens and tees. Their feeding causes small patches of dead turf and depressions. This damage interferes with ball roll and reduces the overall aesthetics or value of the turf. Many Skin cancer is the most common form of superintendents will find themselves Listed below are the results of the raffle. cancer in the United States with more making several insecticide treatments Winning tickets were drawn at the June than 1 million new cases diagnosed each each year in an attempt to control this 10 meeting at the Country Club at year. The following suggestions may pest. Woodloch Springs. help to reduce the chances of being The larvae stage is the only destructive affected by skin cancer: stage of this pest. These larvae actively 1. Fox Hill Country Club - feed throughout the night on bentgrass Aer-Core 1 Wear a wide brimmed hat. putting greens and tees. 2. Old Homestead Golf Club - 2 Protect as much of your skin as In North America, most areas in the Charles Masteller possible with clothing. cool season turfgrass zones have one to 3. Locust Valley Golf Club - 3 Use sunscreen SPF-15 or greater. three generations per year. Each Bob Bachman 4 Work in the shade in peak UV hours generation (egg to adult) averages 40 to 4. Southmoore Golf Course - (10: A.M. to 3 P.M.). 50 days depending on temperatures. The Peter Beblavy 5 Wear UV filtering protective transition zone has three to four 5. Hickory Valley Golf Club- eyewear. generations per year and in warm season Bob Bob Jerry Joe turf areas, the pest may have up to seven 6. Green Acres Golf Club - generations a year. Frank DeGaebno T Y \e OVERSEEDING AND Since this pest has several generations 7. Country Club of the Poconos - TOOSEED DRESSING MACHINE per year, several insecticide treatments Gail Messina S A V E T IM E - S A V E S E E D - S A V E M O N E Y may be necessary. The following 8. Wyoming Valley Country Club - AM) --------- - - y ^ W suggestions may help reduce cutworm Lori Stranzl V :: fpROSEEDj ' * . / / When not overseedmg ; G re e n s populations. 9. The Hideout Golf Club - T ees ... / / um lex conventional W>f>-dre»*mg and bni*t\ 1 Nearly all the eggs deposited by Aer-Core F a ir w a y s black cutworms are laid on the grass 10. Bethlehem Golf Club - S p o r ts f le W s Mark McCormick x'" SEE blades. By removing the clippings, unhatched eggs will also be f ; (<5) removed. CONGRATULATIONS TO REA» DRAGBSUiSH FOPf INAL ----------- A UhASuRfO AMOUNTOf XOIS^NCc St FT " SATURATE T-*£ GKCX.*N; 2 Insecticides applied just before ALL THE WINNERS! ^‘/I. 'UOL'CROTAPr W,.** — SP«EAODIRECTLYONTO ONTOHOLES * 9-\iARf MRRE* sunset are less susceptible to photodegradation and volatilization. HAVE A GREAT TIME 3 Choose an insecticide carefully, ON YOUR GOLF OUTING. based on its label and on its The PROSEED Overseeding & Topdressmg Ma­ chine is recognized as the most efficient and time performance under your local saving machine available for introducing new grass conditions. seed into existing turf areas. 4 Apply the insecticide when the The PROSEED produces between 1000/1200 holes insect is at its most vulnerable stage. per square yard, then accurately deb vers a measured amount of topdressing on top of the seed and holes. 5 Be sure equipment is calibrated The PROSEED finally gently incorporates the seed O f f ic e & H o m e P h o n e T O P D R E S S IN G accurately and that application W h it e H a v e n 7 1 7 - 4 4 3 - 9 5 9 0 BU N K ER SA N D and topdressing into the holes with the hydraulic I N F I E L D M IX patterns are well planned to avoid brush. There is a rear drag brush which is spring C E R T IF IE D & CULTIVATED skips and overlaps. loaded to complete the operation.. .The surface is 6 Consider using materials which HUMILL left ready to play. For more information or demo please call: remain in the thatch (e.g. Dursban) BLUE RIDGE PEAT FARMS, IN C . W H IT E HAVEN, PA. 1 8 6 6 1 -9 6 7 4 or some of the relatively new AER-CORE, Inc. pyrethroids. POTTING SOIL GENE EVANS, O W NER s o il mixes P r o f e s s io n a l En g in ee r 1 800 823-7267 - - PESTICIDE CREDITS! THE PTC AND THE nationally to State schools. This has especially had an impact on the The Eastern PA Pesticide Institute JOSEPH M. DUICH Turfgrass Science Department in terms located at Lehigh University in ENDOWMENT.... of funding from the University. There Bethlehem, PA, will hold its seminar on was a hold on staff replacements and August 14, 1997. June 2, 1997 even doubt that vacant positions would be filled. This is one example where the Following is the schedule for the day: Mr. Ron Garrison, CGCS J.M. Duich Endowment could fund the 7:30 A.M. - Registration President, Pocono Turfgrass Association expense of replacing key positions in the 8:00 A.M. -10:30 A.M .- Turfgrass Department. In the uncertain Turf Track: (Category 7 & 23) 4 credits Dear Ron: financial climate of the University, the Participate in six 20- minute sessions and endowment has come to the forefront as learn about pesticide formulation, organo I wanted to write to follow up our one vehicle to help fund the progression silicone surfactants, ID and control conversation regarding the J.M. Duich of education, research, and extension in options for pests, and plant growth Endowment Tournament. I’ve enclosed the Turfgrass Department at Penn State. regulation on turfgrass. a brief description from Penn State about The Tournament was created to bring 11:00 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. (lunch 12:15 the endowment. There hasn’t been awareness to the endowment and its P.M .-1:15 P.M.) much awareness of the endowment and purpose. The intent was to have Penn Core Track: 4 credits its purpose. Even as a director of the State Turfgrass alumni at high profile Speakers with recognized expertise will Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council, I was clubs host a tournament every 18 months cover topics such as low volume ignorant to its existence until recently. in different areas of the country. The applications, surviving spot checks, and Penn State is no exception to the first was held at Oakmont Country Club storing pesticides safely. financial restrictions that are happening in the fall of 1995. The Oakmont 2:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. tournament raised over $35,000 for the Product Showcase: (Category 6 & 7) endowment. This year’s tournament was 4 credits held in Denver at Castle Pines Golf Club Learn the latest technical information on TlieGXT-1500 Can Carry on May 19. It is still early, but we six new products. Six 20-minute More Than Its Own Weight believe we’ve surpassed the first event’s earnings. sessions will give you an opportunity to ask the experts. As part of the turf industry, I thought you may find value in not only being Pesticide Credits will not be awarded to aware of the endowment tournament and Attendees arriving late! its purpose, but participating to a certain Continued on Page 6 Lunch during the Core Category is not provided by the PLNA. Send a completed registration form, F F along with payment, to PA Landscape OWEN REGAN and Nursery Association, P. O. Box u P.O. BOX 418 I™, Ml Exeter, Rhode Island 02822 4765, Harrisburg, PA 17111-0765. □ Checks should be made payable to TEE& phone: 401-789-8177 Keystone Service Alliance. Call PLNA GREEN SO D fax: 401-789-3895 -INCORPORATED - pager: 800-592-0675 at 717-238-1673 for more information or a Registration Form. The 7th Annual Pesticide Institute promises to be better than ever! MID-ATLANTIC PHILADELPHIA TURF COMPANY 4049 LANDISVILLE ROAD, BOX 865 \ 3$ M P M E / V r DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901-0865 Interactive learning stations will be C O R P O R A T IO N OFFICE 215-345-7200 FAX 215-345-8132 featured for the second year. Receive P.O. B O X 158, R O U T E 29, C O L L E G E V IL L E , PA 19426 recertification credits while hearing MATTHEW W. BROWN GEORGE J. SKAWSKI, JR. Commercial Products Irrigation Products experts discuss the latest information on Robert A. Vail, III Voice Mail Voice Mail Territory M anager 215-340-5401 215-340-5450 specific pest problems, diseases, insects, (610) 4 89 -1 40 0 and weeds. Fax: (610) 489 -9 47 8 TOROj METHODS OF mowers. While removing a few plants CHEMICAL CONTROL - Herbicides by hand in a small pond can be effective, are a convenient but expensive means of AQUATIC WEED generally, mechanical aquatic weed aquatic weed control in most cases. CONTROL.... control is useless on a large scale. Before you try any herbicide, you must E N V I R O N M E N T A L accurately identify the aquatic weed. Aquatic plants fulfill many natural MANIPULATION - This can be You must choose the correct and most functions and definitely have important effective on ponds that have extensive economical herbicide and proper and vital roles to play in aquatic feathered edges which can be reworked treatment rate. Make an accurate environments. However, they may to deepen the edges to a minimum depth measure of the water volume or surface interfere with man’s use of the of 18 inches. This eliminates the habitat area to be treated Always read and environment. Since many aquatic plants for many of the troublesome aquatic observe label precautions before using are desirable and in some cases weeds. Deepening the pond edges any herbicide in an aquatic environment. necessary, you should control them only coupled with a good fertilization when they become a pest by interfering program, will, in many cases, be the most with use of a particular aquatic economical and best method for environment. controlling many aquatic weeds. There are four methods to control BIOLOGICAL CONTROL - This may aquatic weeds: be the most promising form of aquatic MECHANICAL CONTROL weed control. The long term cost benefit Mechanical methods may be as simple as ratio can be extremely attractive. The pulling or digging up a few objectionable grass carp is an excellent biological plants along the water margin. control for some aquatic weeds in certain Mechanical methods also include using situations. expensive and complicated underwater E Q U IP M E N T F O R ALL YOUR TURF MANAGEMENT N E E D S ... Featuring Q uality John D eere Products Moyer & Son is the region's leading supplier of fertigation systems and liquid fertilizer for tne golf course industry. If You're considering fertigation at your dub, TURF EQUIPMENT, me. make sure to put us on your W tH T U U n M U H IH Il n t l t a m t MNU I U U H TV UIt S IM N IM ItU a short list! artitiå for CLOSE CUT Now a Kentuck)' Bluegrassfor Close Cut Sport Fields and G olf Courses. 800- 345-0419 ( 215) 723-6000 1127 Littlestown Pike (Rt. 97N) W estm inster, MD 21157-3005 410- 848-7211 * 410- 876-2211 Servicing MD • DE • VA • W.VA 3 R A RR TE HN EB AR SU TG 404 Elm Avenue N O 113 E. Reliance Rd. Souderton, PA 1 8 9 6 4 -0 1 9 8 OGDENSBURG, NJ PITTSBURGH, PA DIVISION: North Wales, PA 19454 (800) 435-5296 (412) 321-1272 FAX (2 1 5 ) 7 2 1 -2 8 0 0 215- 661-0390 • Servicing PA* NJ Continuedfrom Page 4 JOSEPH M. DUICH encompasses all areas of turfgrass science TURFGRASS ENDOWMENT including: turfgrass breeding and degree. Its obvious that being a evaluation; pest management; soil fertility The purpose of the J. M. Duich and modification; fate of pesticides and player participant in the tournament Endowment is to provide monies for fertilizers; and athletic field would be impossible at this point. In turfgrass research, education, and characterization. The research covers the future you may want to consider extension in the center for Turfgrass many types of turfgrass management playing yourself or even hosting your Science in the College of Agricultural systems, from highways to home lawns to own team. You can still have some Sciences, The Pennsylvania State athletic fields to golf courses. The University. The initial principal of this participation in this year’s event by extension effort is utilized to disseminate endowment, in excess of $1,000,000, has being a sponsor or contributor. For this and other university research to the been received by The Pennsylvania State $500.00 or more, Pocono will be turfgrass industry. University from royalties and gifts Turfgrass education at Penn State is recognized in all post tournament designated for the above-stated purpose available in a few different formats. A publication as a tee sponsor. Any in honor of Joseph M. Duich, Ph.D., Two-Year Technical Program is offered to amount less than $500.00 and you Class of 1952 and 1957. provide a specialized training in turfgrass will be recognized as a contributor. Penn State has one of the world’s management. The Turfgrass Science As I mentioned in our conversation, leading academic programs in turfgrass major is another educational option which technically 1 was representing science. A majority of the world’s golf is a four-year baccalaureate degree Pocono with my presence at the courses employ turfgrasses developed at program. Turfgrass courses and an Penn State, and much of contemporary tournament. Without sounding internship provide students with principles, turfgrass technology reflects the results concepts, and practical experience. pushy, I believe politically, it would of research conducted at this University Advanced degree programs in turfgrass be great for Pocono to donate the during the past 65 years. Penn State has $500.00 and have it go directly into science also are available in the one of the few undergraduate Turfgrass Department of Agronomy. the endowment, if monies are Science majors and one of the available. preeminent two-year technical programs If you find value in participating, in turfgrass management in the United please make your tax deductible States today. Many of the leading check out to the J. M. Duich turfgrass professionals from around the Finch Turf Equipment is pleased to an­ Endowment and mail it ASAP to Mr. world had their technical, undergraduate nounce the appointment of Mr. Robert and/or graduate training at Penn State. Kaufman as Sales Representative for the George Hamilton, Department of The Center for Turfgrass Science Central PA Area. Robert’s responsibili­ Agronomy, LMRC Orchard Road, involves a substantial group of faculty ties will be the marketing of the John University Park, PA 16802. 1 can be and support staff from many academic Deere Golf and Turf products along with reached at 610-967-4643 to answer departments from the College of allied products to your golf course. any further questions. Thank you for Agricultural Sciences. Laboratories and Robert enjoys golf, fishing, and garden­ your consideration to this invaluable other facilities available for turfgrass ing; his wife Noelle Sue is a teddy bear cause. research are among the best found collector and a great cook! Please join us Sincerely, anywhere in the world. The teaching in welcoming Robert to our Golf and Turf facilities include well-equipped, fully Team. John A. Chassard computerized, state-of-the-art Director, Pennsylvania classrooms and laboratories. Turfgrass Council Turfgrass research at Penn State • Layout and Design • Typesetting It’s every player’:s responsibility... • Mac/IBM desktop publishing interface • Laser color separations • Scitex® electronic photo retouching ■ Repair ball marks ■ Replace or fill divots 10m ! 31 New Hill Street, P.0 Box 507 • Full electronic prepress services ■ Rake bunkers 0f A m ^ Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0507 • Foil stamping, embossing 717-822-8181 • Complete bindery including FAX: 717-823-3579 A message fro m your g o lf course superintendent a n d GCSAA saddlestitch and perfect binding two new holes, and is planning to Straight Drive: MEETING NOTES attend Rutgers in the winter of 1997. Jason Bamdt The golf event for the day was a two person scramble. The results were: Jim and Phil, being the sports they are, relinquished their winning to the GOLF AT WOODLAND 1st Flight: most honest twosome - Sean Cullen HILLS C.C. (match of cards, both and Pat Roda. 4 under par 68) Guest speaker, Joe Battellino of The Pocono Turfgrass Association Jim Vedomsky, Jr. & Phil Contents Otterbine Barebo, showed us some landed at W oodland Hills Country easy to use methods for treating water Club on Tuesday, May 20. Jim Gary Phillips & Mr. Albino quality problems through use of Vedomsky, Jr., Superintendent, and surface and sub-surface water Alex Patullo, Sr., Owner, rolled out 2nd Flight: aeration. Thanks, Joe, for the the carpet and gave us a great time. (match of cards) handouts and info. The hospitality was unbeatable! Scott Schukrafit & Robert Vail We would like to again thank Jim Woodland Hills opened in 1966 in for a wonderful day. The course was the rolling hills o f Lower Saucon Gene Huelster & John Vojick great, along with the service in the Township. The layout consumes 160 golf shop and clubhouse. acres and offers rye grass tees and Closest to Pin: fairways, with bentgrass greens. Jim Steve Stranzl & Gary Phillips Jack Bird, G olf Committee started here in 1987 as a mechanic and took over as superintendent in Long Drive: August 1990. He designed and built Mike Fischer i LEGACY" G olf I r r i g a t i o n Y o u r L in k t o L e g a c y JUNE 10,1997 SEPT. 16,1997 Philadelphia Woodloch Springs Country Club Paupack Hills Golf and Country Club G o lf C o u rs e Honesdale, PA Greentown, PA Ir r ig a tio n S y s te m s Mark Eisele, Host Superintendent Mark Monahan, CGCS, Host Supt. Speaker: Andy McNitt, Penn State Speaker: Dr. Peter Landscoot, Penn State JULY 11, 1997 OCTOBER 7,1997- Edgewood in the Pines PTC Valentine Tournament ICentury Rain Awl Drums, PA Huntsville Golf Club Anthony Barletta, Host Supt. Lehman, PA Speaker: Bob Dickison, Scott A. Schukraft, Host Supt. Upper Montclair C.C. Call Century today for an on-site consultation. AUGUST 18,1997 - PTGA Clambake OCTOBER 1977 Blue Ridge Country Club Split Rock Country Club Palmerton, PA Lake Harmony, PA Paul Weiss, Host Superintendent Scott Seidel, Host Superintendent 800 - 347-4272 P*f2 POCONO ROUNDUP The Pocono Turfgrass Association would like to welcome the following new members: N EW S AN D V IEW S FR O M T H E PO CO N O TU R FG R A SS A S SO C IA T IO N Michael Bird, Class S, Delaware Valley College Mark Fuller, Class A, Green Pond Country Club The Annual Joseph Valentine Memorial Golf Tournament will Edward Gross, Class B, Northampton Country Club be held at the Huntsville Golf Club in Lehman, PA on October 7, Adam Herman, Class C, Southmoore Golf Course 1997. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Turf Project at Penn Darrin E. Larkin, Class B, Panorama Golf Course State University. Contact John Chassard (610-967-4643) or Todd Don Liprando, Class AF, Lesco Inc. Struse (215-884-2590) for more information. Anyone interested in assisting with the preparation of the course on the day of the event, Douglas Bowman, an employee of Paul Weiss at Blue Ridge please contact Scott Schukraft, Superintendent at (717-675-3800). Country Club, has recently accepted an Assistant’s position at Huntsville Golf Club. Doug, we look forward to having you as Hal Parr, CGCS, is currently serving on the GCSAA Chapter a member of the PTGA. RElations Committee, chaired by GCSAA Vice President George Renault, CGCS. Hal recently attended a Chapter Relations Meeting Best wishes to Jeff Peters, CGCS, our current Past President. in the Washington, D. C. area. We look forward to an update at a He is recovering from Gall Bladder surgery. Hope you’re forthcoming meeting. To our knowledge, Hal is currently the only feeling better, Jeff. PTGA member to serve on a GCSAA committee. DID YOU KNOW? In 1984 the Pocono Turfgrass Association Our sincere condolences go out to Sean Cullen and his family on had more certified members than any other Pennsylvania the death of his brother, Christopher John Cullen, who passed away association! on Friday, June 13, 1997. POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 2430 MILWAUKEE ROAD POSTAGE CLARK SUMMIT, PA 18411 TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION NAME & ADDRESS ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED.