CHIPS- %PUTTS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE Founded in POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 1936 ASSOCIATION VOL. 4, NO. 2 APRIL 1998 INDUSTRY NEWS: PENN STATE STUDENTS PICK GRASS SEED, FLAG TO GO TO SPACE University Park, PA - At the suggestion of four students from Penn State’s New Kensington campus, Dr. James Pawelczyk, the University’s first faculty astronaut, will carry Penn State grass seed and a commemorative flag with him when he blasts off in the Space Shuttle Columbia on April 2. PTC WEBSITE The Pennsylvania Turfgrass Council is well on its Eastern PA links to close for way to establishing its presence on the Worldwide greens remodel.... Web. The Board of Directors approved development of a website at the November meeting, and we ALLENTOWN, PA - The Allentown Municipal currently have a site “Under Construction” at http:// Golf Course, a popular 18-hole facility built in 1962, Included on the site will be a will operate with nine holes this year before closing calendar of upcoming events, membership completely on July 12 for a greens reconstruction information, history of the Council, and registration project. The course is scheduled to re-open by June forms for PTC sponsored conferences. A page of 1999. links will provide site visitors a path to other useful The greens reconstruction is the last phase of a websites. Down the road we expect to offer on line four-year project that has included new tees and registration for PTC events. By early March, the bunkers, a computerized underground irrigation sys­ PTC website will be fully functioning, though we tem for greens and fairways, a practice green, and a will be constantly adding to and upgrading its lake and two ponds. The renovation design has been contents. Be sure to add to handled by Ault. Clark & Associates of Kensington, your list of “favorites”! MD. Submitted by Mike Smith Textron completes Ransomes acquisition... by M. Levans PROVIDENCE, R.I./LONDON - The four-company i'py. t L t race has been winnowed to three. Textron Inc. has succeeded in its move to take • PGA Tour N o t All Pad? over Ransomes PLC, the UK based turf-care equipment manufacturer, for $230 million for the • P eter Jacobsen Thoughts entire issued capital stock of Ransomes. Faculties Convene OFFICERS President’s Message. & DIRECTORS It was nice to get back to our monthly meetings! Thank you, Mr. Binns and TURFGRASS 1998 your staff, for a great day. For those of you who missed this day, we hope to see you ASSOCIATION at this month’s meeting at Silver Creek! PRESIDENT Also, a big thanks to our Education Chairman, Gene Huelster, for putting Ron Garrison, CGCS together the GCSAA regional seminar in March. It was a very good seminar. It’s Fox Hill Country Club too bad many of us were unable to attend. We again will be hosting a GCSAA seminar in 1999. Let’s all try to attend. VICE PRESIDENT The 1998 Golf Season is upon us. The unseasonably warm temperatures Jack Bird have pushed this season on us sooner than we expected. If there are any new The Hideout, Inc. techniques and daily routines you are trying, let us know. We are still looking for topics of discussion for the Roundtable Format at SECRETARY/TREASURER the next meeting. Please get your questions and concerns to Gene Huelster quickly. Scott A. Schukraft As always, this Association cannot exist and improve without our members Huntsville Golf Club participating. Pick up the phone, give someone a call, or drop by for a visit. See you at the meetings! PAST PRESIDENT Jeff Peters, CGCS Valley Country Club Ronald C. Garrison, CGCS DIRECTORS Stephen Stranzl Green Acres Golf Course Jim MacLaren Turf Specialty, Inc. From the Editor’s Desk..... Thomas Wilchak Bethlehem Golf Club Accountability. I wasn’t even sure it was a word. I looked it up to make sure I had the meaning correct, and sure enough, I did. So if it is a word, why doesn’t Gene Huelster anyone want to be accountable for his or her actions anymore? Pocono Farms C.C. All my favorite toys from childhood are banned now. Lawn Darts were the first to go. Did you know that if someone hit you in the head with a Lawn Dart, you Tony Grieco, CGCS could get hurt! Dah! Now we have the spikeless shoe issue and everyone wants to Silver Creek C.C. cash in. The day our golf course went spikeless, an attorney set up office down the street. Coincidence? You be the judge. My most recent favorite is the guy who sued both the club and the ball manufacturer when he got hit. His justification, CHIPS & PUTTS STAFF before these products were introduced, nobody could hit the ball far enough in the air EDITORS to reach where he was standing. Tony Grieco, CGCS/Jim MacLaren How come we can’t sue the government for taking away our studded tires and 147 Hayfleld Road chains? Because driving isn’t a right, it’s a privilege, and if you can’t learn to drive Shavertown, PA 18708 when it is slippery - STAY OFF THE ROAD! 717-675-3800 So why do golfers think they can sue if they slip with spikeless shoes? Because Fax: 717-675-0564 some lady who didn’t realize coffee is HOT got millions for spilling it on herself. E-Mail: What’s my point? I love this country and wouldn’t live anywhere else, but things EDITORIAL COMMITTEE have got to change. If not, the next time someone sues, you could be the one to loose Doug Bowman everything. So make sure you have indemnity insurance through your club, and next John Chassard, CGCS time someone wins one of these crazy lawsuits, make your opinion known, or next Scott Schukraft thing you know, there will be corruption in government. Jonathan Suitch Tony Grieco, CGCS Managing Editor, Melinda Wisnosky pfi# l PGA Tour to use superintendents in media day events.... O FF IC E ft HOME PH ON E W h i t e h a v e n 717-443-959« TOP DRESSING BUNKER SAND INFIELD MIX MEDIA/PUBLIC RELATIONS - The tournament sponsors and/or directors to C E R T I F I E D & C U L T IV A T E D PGA Tour has instructed its tournament determine the date and schedule of HUMILL sponsors and directors to consider using events for media day activities. In addi­ BLUE RIDGE PEAT FARMS, INC. golf course superintendents in media day tion, superintendents should share with W H IT E H A V E N , P A . 1 8 6 6 1 * 9 6 7 4 activities for Tour, Senior and Nike tournament personnel, in advance, the POTTING SOIL G E N E E V A N S , OW NER events in 1998. general nature of any remarks to the s o i l m ix e s P r o f e s s io n a l E n g in e e r On using superintendents, the PGA media so that all parties communicate Tour said in its newsletter to tournament the same, accurate message. management: “It is a way to get a vital If you have questions about participat­ person, often overlooked, into the spot­ ing in media day functions, contact Jeff light, gain publicity and provide the me­ Bollig, Senior Manager of Media/Public T u r f S pecialty Inc. dia with accurate information about the Relations, Ext. 430, or Kristi Frey, Pub­ condition of the course.” lic Relations Specialist, Ext. 608, at 800- J im M acLaren Superintendents hosting PGA Tour 472-7878. 800 - 700-0018 events should contact their respective Phone— 717-443-7154 FAX— 717-443-7015 Pager-— 717-978-5649 Mobile— 717-650-4982 New group fights for the right to walk... By J. Barry Mothes WASHINGTON, D.C. - It’s a classic to walk while they play. The non-profit golf story for these times. A story with association will fight to keep walking an Cd legs. essential part of the game of golf. Graham Whatley, a former Clinton “This is a political movement in the Earthw orks CNl administration appointee now working golf world,” said Whatley, a 39-year old N atu ral O rganic Products on P.O. Box 278K • 6574 S. Delaware Drive as a consultant, has launched the Walk­ attorney who plays to a 12 handicap - Martins Creek, PA 18063 ing Golfer’s Association to promote and “We’re quite serious about this.” 6 10 *2 5 0 *9 6 5 0 o Fax: 250 *78 4 0 <3 OO advocate the rights of golfers who prefer Joel Sim m ons Softspikes.... AgrEvo ♦ Superintendents have been among early in 1998. the biggest supporters of alternative ♦ Other non-metal percentages for spikes. But why should amateurs 1998: LPGA 70.8, Senior Tour Shaun M. Barry wear non-metal spikes when pros 62.9, Nike Tour 42.4. These figures Senior Sales Representative refuse to wear them? Well, look come from the Darrell Survey, the Green Industry AgrEvo USA Com pany 1133 Route 127 again. authoritative record keeper of all Somerset, N) 08873 Telephone: (908) 846-8173 Fax: (908) 846-8113 ♦ Through the first five weeks of the tours in this country. barrysCw llm 1998 season, non-metal spikes had drawn into a virtual dead heat with GolflYeb - Library, Jim Achenbach a metal spikes on the four major ♦ American tours (PGA Tour, Senior 1000 Springbrook Avenue Don Liprando Your Link to Legacy Moosic, PA Turf & Ornamental Specialist PGA Tour, LPGA Tour and Nike 18507 Golf Course 800.650.1936 Tour). The percentages were 50.6 LEGACY™ Irrigation Systems LESCO , Inc. metal and 49.4 non-metal. ♦ The most dramatic increase can be JJESCO 911 Fox Lane Mountaintop, PA 18707 seen on the PGA Tour, where just 26.3 percent of all 1997 rounds / CÉÑTmRÁ¡ÑA¡D/ 4217 Fritch Drive Bethlehem, PA 717.868.3592 610.778.4003 Pager 18017 717.868.3597 Fax £$ were played in non-metal spikes. 800-347-4272 610.866.6665 That percentage has grown to 40.8 How Well Do You Know Your Staff? A survey conducted by Kenneth A. Kovach, Ph.D., of George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, compared what employees desired in a job versus what managers believed their employees wanted. The survey rated the following desires on a scale of 1 (most important) to 10: Managers think Employees Want employees want Interesting work 1 5 Appreciated for work done 2 8 Feeling of being “in on things” 3 10 Job security 4 2 Good wages 5 1 Promotions/growth opportunities 6 3 Good working conditions 7 4 Personal loyalty to workers oo 6 Tactful disciplining 9 7 Sympathetic help with personal 10 9 problems OTHER NEWS..... Heed the halos. A ring around the sun Charlie says: Eat fish: A 30-year study During the workday... or moon, created when light passes of 1,800 men in the Chicago area found Put Mozart in your desktop CD through high-altitude ice crystals, can that those who consumed an overage of player. Several studies in the last few indicate precipitation within the next 18 at least 8 ounces of fish a week were 40 years have shown that listening to to 36 hours. Even better: When there’s percent less likely to die of a heart attack Mozart’s piano sonatas can significantly a halo and a falling barometer, there’s an than those who ate no fish. The most improve abstract reasoning, at least in the 80 percent chance of the wet stuff in the frequent fish of choice for this group? short term. Make sure you stick with next 24 hours. Canned tuna. Wolfgang Amadeus, however. Researchers have also found that Cows against colon cancer: According listening to the repetitive music of Philip to new research, eating low-fat meals and Glass does nothing for your brain. Not getting plenty of dairy products help pro­ that this should surprise anyone. tect against colon cancer, one of the lead­ ing killers in the United States. Is your cholesterol too low? A recent study at the Minneapolis VA Medical Center found that men with normal total cholesterol counts but low HDL, or “good,” cholesterol counts still had cholesterol-clogged arteries. HDL cholesterol removes buildups of the “bad” LDL cholesterol. “Without enough HDL cholesterol, even normal amounts of the LDL cholesterol can build up in your arteries and cause heart disease or a stroke,” says Timothy J. Wilt, M.D., associate professor of medicine and study author. “Your total cholesterol should be less than 200, and your HDL should be more than 35,” he says. You can raise your HDL without raising your total cholesterol by eating a low-fat, high-fiber diet and exercising aerobically. Peter Jacobsen’s thoughts.... ketball team), because I love sports. I PHILADELPIA TURF COMPANY blame the players. They did not pass on 4049 LANDISMLLE ROAD, BOX 865 DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901-0865 One of the most entertaining personali­ the legacy of the love of the game. All ties at this year’s National was Peter they’re interested in is their money and TURF EQUIPMENT Jacobsen. If you missed it, here are some their endorsements.” IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT & DESIGN SERVICES FLOWTRONEX/PSI PUMP STATIONS of this thoughts: OTTERBINE AERATORS On Tiger Woods: “What we’re doing On the green committee chairman: (in golf) is teaching the proper values to OFFICE# 215-345-7200 FAX# 215-345-8132 PARTS “You got some guy there and he doesn’t our children. Obviously, something was SALES TOKO TIME SAVER# 215-348-4314 SERVICE know the game, and he’s well-liked, and done right at Tiger Woods’ home. Com­ he came from the dance committee.” pare him to Shaquille O’Neal or some of these other idiots with all this money and ROTAOAJROIM 717-200-9004 On architecture: “Why do you want 18 Tiger’s doing pretty good. I wasn’t paid VERTVORAIN DEALERS & CONTRACTORS 000554-4063 FAX 717-208-9023 finishing holes? That’s why Augusta to say that (both are members of the Nike National is so exciting (in spite of its staff). I think he’s gonna do some great E S M G olf S u pply C o. greens). It’s because there aren’t 18 things.” A DIVISION OF H.V. INC. £0 2 W O O D W A R D HILL RO., EDWAROSV1LLE. PA 18704 finishing holes at Augusta. You can SPECIALIST IN DEEP TINE AERATION make birdies and eagles. The hole that I To parents of junior golfers: “Don’t go WILLIAM SMITH fear the most is No. 12. You hit it short, out and buy your kids a full set of clubs. and it comes back in the water, unless Buy them a few clubs. Let them be you’re Fred Couples.” imaginative. Let them learn how to hit different shots. Seve Ballesteros is the most imaginative player in the game. M E R IT 75 W SP On the Stimp meter: “I’d like to go ahead and cast my vote for the worst Why? Because he played around with Insecticide invention in the history of golf. No, it’s one club when he was little. He learned not the green committee. No, it’s not the to do unbelievable things with that club.” ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Imidacloprid, 1 -[(6-Chlono-3-pyridinyl) club manager. It’s the Stimp meter. It methyl]-A/-nitro-2-imidazolidinimine........... 75.0% seems that everybody has Augusta envy. INERT INGREDIENTS..........................................................25.0% 100.0 % Augusta is the worst fun you could have. The greens are very impossible to putt KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN because they’re too fast. You can’t build CAUTION hills and have fast greens. It’s ridicu­ PESTICIDE CREDITS Refer to accompanying manufacturer's recommenda­ lous. You have to match the speed of the tions for com plete directions for use and precautions. greens with the intent of the original The Pennsylvania Department of Agri­ EPA Reg. No. 3125-439 EPA Est. 33967-NJ-1 design. You can’t have greens with this culture (PDA) is pleased to announce a kind of slope with these speeds. It both­ new statewide service to aid certified Net Contents 1.6 ounces ers me that green committees use speed applicators in locating open meetings ap­ 907073 032394 of greens as weapons against other golf proved for pesticide recertification cred­ courses in their area. ‘Oh, our greens are its. These services are provided by the 11’. ‘Ours are 12, and that means we PDA in cooperation with the Penn State have a better golf course.’ It’s stupid.” University Offices of Pesticide Educa­ tion and Telecommunications. John W. Wiblishauser Field Sales R epresentative On golf as a game of integrity and sportsmanship: “The proof is how FAXBACK System: 814-865-1636 Agriculture Division Phone System: 800-Penn-IPM these gentlemen (tour players) act on the G arden & Professional C a re golf course. Be true to yourself, be true (736-6476) to the game, be true to the competition. Internet WebSite: You don’t see this kind of respect in Bayer Corporation (other) professional sports today. I’ve peted/index.html 31 8 E. Glenside Avenue, Glenside, PA 1 9 038 Phone: 2 1 5 -8 8 7 -8 9 3 6 • Fax: 215-887-0971 had it with pro sports. It kills me (the Voicemail: 8 8 8 -2 4 2 -4 2 0 0 , ext. 3 6 0 5 attack on his friend, P. J. Carlisimo, coach of the Golden State Warriors bas­ PAft 6 Chips & Putts Forum Seminar at Lake Harmony.,.. As many of you know, we co-sponsored a seminar at Lake Harmony with the GCSAA. The speaker, Tommy D. Witt, CGCS, was excellent. All who attended went away with some great information and new ideas. I’d like to thank Ron Garrison, CGCS, Darrin Batisky, Bryan Nuss and Robert Brown for all their help throughout the seminar. We had 21 paid attendees. Even though 21 was enough to cover all costs, I am disappointed in the lack of participation from the PTGA membership. I attend every PTGA monthly meeting and get the same comments over and over again: “I do not get anything from these meetings.” Well, here was an opportunity for every superintendent and assistant to get some very good information to utilize in their workplace. As of March 31, 1998, we still have not received any questions or topics for the round table discussion in April at Silver Creek C. C., or for the answer section of the Chips & Putts newsletter. So again, here’s the address to send your questions or topics: Gene Huelster, 7000 Lake Road, Tobyhanna, PA 18466, or e-mail me at turf- Remember, these ideas will not work without your participation. The education committee has developed a strong program for this year’s PTGA monthly meetings. We are in the process of finalizing the last speaker, so keep your eyes open for the upcoming schedule. See you at Silver Creek! Gene Huelster JOHN M. BODOCK Faculty convenes.... EDUCATION - Be sure to check out the GCSAA faculty discussion threads on Lawn and Golf Supply Co., Inc. GCSAA’s WebSite at These faculty discussions give you a chance to S pecialists In E quipment A nd S upplies F or M aintenance O f T urf talk about GCSAA seminars or ask questions related to the instructors’ areas of interest. Several GCSAA faculty members representing a variety of areas of expertise, are PHONE: (610) 933-5801 participating. Each week two faculty members will begin a thread in the discussion (800) 362-5650 647 NUTT RD., P.O. BOX 447 FAX' (610) 933-8890 PHOENIXVILLE, PA 19460 forum that best fits their seminar content (either “Talking turf;” “Talking it over” or “Shop talk”). They will then monitor the discussion on a daily basis to answer questions as quickly as possible. Planned discussion topics include turf-related subjects, business principles and technician training, but will largely be guided by members’ questions. Don’t miss this opportunity. Through your feedback, instructors will be able to better U A R IU S . address member needs in future seminar presentations. You’ll find the week’s featured instructors and topics, as well as a list of who’s next on Choose Thompson Mfg. Local the rotation, on the “What’s New” page in the members-only section. If you have any Courses w ith Brass Gear questions about the discussion forums, please contact the Education Department at Drives in continual use 800-472-7878, Ext. 474. since 19 4 0 T Call for references PA 1800-989-7374 NJ 1800-922-0717 • Layout and Design • Typesetting It’s every player s responsibility... • Mac/IBM desktop publishing interface • Laser color separations ■ Repair ball marks • Scitex® electronic photo retouching ■ Replace or fill divots 31 New Hill Street, P.O Box 507 • Full electronic prepress services ■ Rake bunkers w m Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0507 • Foil stamping, embossing 717-822-8181 • Complete bindery including FAX: 717-823-3579 saddlestitch and perfect binding A message fro m your g o lf course superintendent a n d G CSAA Ptfc-) 1998 PTGA MEETING SITES April 20,1998 - Silver Creek Country Club July 7,1998 - Shawnee Inn and C. C. Host: Tony Grieco, CGCS Host: Steven Taggart May 20, 1998 - Berwick Country Club August 1998 - Blue Ridge Country Club Host: Jason Bamdt Host: Paul E. Weiss, Jr. June 23, 1998 - C. C. at Woodloch Springs September 1998 - Delaware Water Gap Host: Mark Eisele Host: Charles LaBar October 19,1998 - Fox Hill Country Club Host: Ron Garrison, CGCS PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF THESE IMPORTANT DATES. Superintendent Profile Creek C. C. is a 27-hole facility, 18 of AER-CORE. Inc. A good time was had by all at which were designed by Donald Ross. It was built in 1947 by Bethlehem Steel, Specialized Turf grass Aerification Schuylkill C. C.; even Kelly Kressler managed to have fun despite his “injury”. then sold to the membership in 1976. Natt Binns and his staff did a great job When we asked Tony the highlight of his CONTRACT AERIFICATION USING: preparing the course so early in the sea­ career, he stated, “It would have to be the ♦ Southern Green Soil Reliever son. When was the last Pocono meeting superintendents that I have worked for. (Deep Tine) to have weather like that in March? Ap­ Terry Bonar, Marsh Benson, Tim Heirs ♦ TORO Fairway A erator parently not everyone’s game was in as are all considered tops in the field. Of ♦ TORO Hydroject good shape as the golf course. There course there is John Chassard, just as were no Net scores in the 60’s, but some brilliant, but his true genius probably EQUIPMENT SALES FEATURING: fine scores for March. Rich Patterson won’t be understood until long after he’s ♦ Southern Green Soil Reliever won low Net with a 71, Rich Pang was gone ” ♦ Proseed SeederZTopdresser second with a 72 and third went to Kelly When not on the golf course, Tony Morgan with a 73. Tony Grieco got low enjoys anything that has to do with health ♦ Blecavator Ground Prep Machine Gross with 77. Thanks again, Natt, for a or the great outdoors. He is married to ♦ Greensgroomer Topdressing Brush great meeting. Brooke, and although they don’t have any This month we head to Silver Creek kids, they make up for it with four dogs EIGHT YEARS IN THE C.C. where Tony Grieco is the golf course and a cat. AERIFICATION BUSINESS ♦ Competitive Prices superintendent. As you can tell by last ♦ Proven Track Record month’s score, Tony has been working and playing on golf courses since he was 15. Despite growing up in Ohio, Tony PARTAC PARTAC PEAT For Service or Demo Please Call: attended Penn State’s Turf program in TOP-DRESSING CORPORATION 1983 and ‘84. His first superintendent’s Kelsey Park 1 800 823-7267 - - job came in 1989, and after a short stint u. Great Meadows, NJ 07838-9721 Boh Eichert Bill Rahling 1-800-247-2326 on the Eastern Shore, he landed back in ^ Local (908) 637-4191 Pennsylvania at Silver Creek. He has Fax (908) 637-8421 been there for the last four years. Silver POCONO ROUNDUP Congratulations also go out to: NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION Kelly Kressler and Jim Vedomski for completing their first year at Rutgers, and... Superintendent Changes: Tom McLean who graduated from Rutgers. Jeff Peters is the new superintendent at Wild Pines. Robert Price is the new superintendent at Four Seasons Golf Course. Eric Reed is the new superintendent at Valley Country Club. Eric FIPEÜ comes from Stow, Ohio. Hal Sprague has accepted the superintendent’s position at The The Golf Course Maintenance Building at Buck Hill Falls C.C. Granite in New York. burned to the ground Sunday night, March 29. If anyone wishes to help Fran Davitt, Golf Course Superintendent, by lending him Congratulations & Best of Luck equipment of ALL kinds to help them get along, they would be to you all! very grateful. Call Fran at a NEW number: 717-595-0686. The Nike Tournament will be held at The Center Valley Club on June 15 through June 21. POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 147 HAYFIELD ROAD POSTAGE SHAVERTOWN, PA 18708-9748 TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION NAME & ADDRESS ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED.