MAR 20 2001 chips & PUTTS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE Founded in POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION 1936 VOL. 6, NO. 9 JANUARY 2001 Superintendents Speak Their Mind on the Profession’s Shaky Job Security By: Gerry Finn, Contributing Editor; GCSANE (The following appeared in the CGSA of New “I foresee the end of retirement from a long- England’s Newsletter; December 2000) serving position,” warned another superintendent who is closing in on the magic cutoff number of The dilemma persists. In fact, it’s picking up 25 years at one club. “Eventually, most of us steam. Golf course superintendents, those with a lot of time served on one job will be once thought to be cemented to their present pushed out. Oh, there’ll probably be opportunity places of employment, are losing_________ to resign so that your resume still looks squeaky their jobs at an alarming clean. However, in reality, it’ll be nothing but a rate. They are not fly-by- put-on.” night superintendents, “If it could The squeeze on veteran superintendents often either. They are the pick, begins as a matter of personality preference by the pride of the profession happen to those in charge. “It’s happened more than once,” Yet, they are being tossed someone like a disgusted superintendent noted. “Two or three to the wind as a new wave Don Hearn, people on the board don’t like you and the next of country club presidents, no one is safe thing you know, you’re gone. It’s like you have to green chairmen, board be perfect. You have to have a personality that members, and course now....” bubbles all the time. owners cut through the “I think if I could, I’d find a public relations ranks with a wild, out of course I could take over and over again. That’s control sword. what you have to be on the job now ... a public One superintendent, insisting on anonymity relations expert with yourself as your only client. as did all contributors to this project, epitomized Which means you have to know how to throw the anxiety spreading like the plague among the bull and butter up people. That’s not what the older generation of the profession in this profession was all about when I started. And reference to the recent dismissal of Don Hearn. it wasn’t that long ago.” Hearn is an icon among nationally recognized How about the superintendent who slips up on superintendents, but his release from Weston the course, perhaps presents playing grounds Golf Club proves even icons can fall out of that don’t live up to expectations? Does he have favor. “If it can happen to someone like Don a chance to make amends in time to avoid the Hearn, no one is safe now,” was the dramatic stroke of the dispatcher’s ax? Or does he just conclusion. (Continued on page 3) Part of the dilemma defies logic, because most of the dismissals aren’t related to performance. Those with the power to In this issue.... discharge a superintendent at a moment’s notice equate the act with the job life expectancy of the times. It almost has become • Avoid Training Mistakes sport for people to change jobs four, five, or six • 2001 Committee Chairman times in a lifetime and that kind of mentality underlines the precarious position of • Making Reviews superintendents who have earned a form of Valuable permanence at their club or course. Are they becoming an endangered species? President's Message....... OFFICERS Recently, a survey was sent to all qualified PTGA/GCSAA class A & B voting members concerning a PDI issue that was voted on at the GCSAA & Convention last week in Dallas. The survey was sent with simple directions DIRECTORS and even a self addressed stamped envelope. With 60 surveys going out, returns were about 50%!! Of the 50% received three were disqualified for not being completed properly. Bringing our 2000 response percentage to less than 45%!! This specific PDI issue passed on a national level at 77%. Whereas, with the association, our survey responses reflected a split up the middle. In an effort to best represent PTGA, I would hope that when surveys are PRESIDENT sent, every respondent would please take some time to let us know how they Gene Huelster feel. It is important to the Board of Directors and myself that we hear from as Pocono Farms Country Club many of the members as possible.. Getting a large return back from any survey will help us represent this Association better in the future. VICE PRESIDENT I feel that surveys are a valuable means of communication, and we will Darrin M. Batisky continue to survey the membership on various topics. I hope that in the Glen Oak Country Club future, we as members care more to share our opinions and take a more involved position in our association. SECRETARY/TREASURER Tony Grieco, CGCS Gene Huelster DIRECTORS From the Editor's Desk,...... Jason J. Barndt Berwick Golf Club As the winter winds down, we all look forward to a new season. Along with Mark Eisele a new season comes spring and new life. I just returned from Dallas and am Country Club at Woodloch Springs ready to start getting back out on the golf course to implement the new and improved strategies that were under review all winter, along with some John Downer, CGCS brought to my attention while at the GCSAA Conference and Show. Just a Elkview Country Club couple thoughts on Dallas; It was another outstanding effort from GCSAA, the Board and staff to organize an event we all can be proud of. However the Eric Reed city of Dallas was not real conducive to the convention business. Don’t get Valley Country Club me wrong; Dallas, Texas, is a great city. I just believe the convention in Orlando or New Orleans spoils us. Plus, 6 out of 7 rainy days did not help. Steven Chirip On the thought of new and refreshing, I’d like to thank the people who have Egypt Farms contacted me recently to help out with Chips & Putts. As everyone knows, I do need a lot of help and input. Also, for the people who have not helped, your phone may ring one day. It will be me asking for assistance. As we’ve CHIPS & PUTTS STAFF always stated “This Association is here for the membership,” and will remain that way. It would be a pleasure to hear from you before I have to call. EDITOR As stated in previous editions Chips & Putts went through some off-season Darrin Batisky revamping of its own. Starting with the February/March edition, the committee, including myself, are dedicated to bringing you a quality publication which will include: timely delivery, new concepts/old concepts, Managing Editor non-turf related articles, original material and thought provoking information Melinda Wisnosky that we all can use. If you have something that you believe is newsworthy, R.R. 1, Box 219 pass it along to one of the committee members listed below or to me. Harding, PA 19643 570-388-2889 Ron Garrison; CGCS, Fox Hill C.C. Jeff Koch, Glenmaura National G.C. Fax: 570-388-2167 Eric Reed, Valley C.C. Jim MacLaren, Simplot Partners As always your comments are welcome, see you at the winter/spring Editorial Committee meetings & seminars and thank you for reading!! Jim MacLaren Tony Grieco, CGCS Darrin Batisky Chips & Putts PATRON SPONSORS AERIFICATION AND OVERSEEDING IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Aquarius Irrigation Joe Jaskot 201.423.0222 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Century Rain-Aid Phil DeMarco 800.642.3706 Aer-Core,Inc. Bill Rahling 610.458.0890 Koonz Sprinkler Wayne Foster 570.868.3592 BobEichert 610.458.0890 Lesco Ed Zimmerman 610.432.2919 E&M Golf Supply Stephen Michael 800.554.4863 Philadelphia Turf Co. George Skawski 215.345.7200 EQUIPMENT PLANT PROTECTANTS Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Aer-Core Bill Rahling 610.458.0890 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 BobEichert 610.458.0890 Bayer Corporation John Wiblishauser 215.887.8936 E&M Golf Supply Stephen Michael 800.554.4863 Lawn & Golf John Bodock 800.362.5650 Finch Turf Equipment Bill Sablich 800.875.8873 Lesco Ed Zimmerman 610.432.2919 Dale Andrew 800-875-8873 Novartis John Fowler 610.998.2896 Golf Cars, Inc. Paul Szymanski 215.340.0880 Simplot Partners, Inc. Jim MacLaren 570.443.7154 Lawn & Golf John Bodock 800.362.5650 Zeneca Prof. Products Lee Kozsey 610.861.8174 Philadelphia Turf Co. Matt Brown 215.345.7200 SEED & SOD FERTILIZER Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Lawn & Golf John Bodock 800.362.5650 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 Lesco Ed Zimmerman 610.432.2919 Earthworks Joel Simmons 800.732.8873 Northerns Nurseries Dan Fick 610.863.6006 Egypt Farms Steve Chirip 410.335.3700 Turf Partners, Inc. Jim MacLaren 570.443.7154 Lawn & Golf John Bodock 800.362.5650 Lesco Ed Zimmerman 610.432.2919 Northern Nurseries Dan Fick 610.863.6006 TOPDRESSING / SOIL AMENDMENTS Simplot Partners, Inc. Jim MacLaren 570.443.7154 Philadelphia Turf Co. Matt Brown 215.345.7200 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Rich Gdovin 570.278.1131 Blue Ridge Peat Farms Gene Evans 570.443.9596 Egypt Farms Steve Chirip 410.335.3700 GREEN AND TEE SUPPLIES Partac Peat Co. Jim Kelsey 800.247.2326 Andre & Son, Inc. John Vojick 570.278.1131 Simplot Partners, Inc. Jim MacLaren 570.443.7154 Rich Gdovin 570-278-1131 Lawn & Golf John Bodock 800.362.5650 Lesco Ed Zimmerman 610.432.2919 Partac Peat Co. Jim Kelsey 800.247.2326 The Pocono Turfgrass Association would like to acknowledge the efforts of Llewellyn & McKane, Inc., Manufacturers of Fine Printing. They are located at GOLF CARTS 31 New Hill Street, P. O. Box 507, Wilkes-Barre, PA Golf Cars, Inc. Paul Szymanski 215.340.0880 18703-0507, Phone: 570-822-8181; Fax 570-823-3579. Support our Sponsors - They support us! (Continued from page 1) pack his bags and wait to get the official word? “That’s easy to answer,” another voice is heard. “What we have now are the second and third generations of members taking over Nothing Runs Like A Deere for the original people or the ones who hired us. They’re all experts, at least they think they are. With them, one mistake, however small, and you’re out. DALEANDREW “It seems I’ve hit the one definitive chord in the problem. The people who were in charge, say 30 years ago, are either gone to FINCH TURF EQUIPMENT, INC. Service: (215) 661 -0390 419 Industrial Drive (800) 875-TURF their final reward or too detached from the mainstream of the club to North Wales, PA 19454 FAX: (215) 661-9161 Web Site: PARTS: (800) 78-DEERE make a difference in personnel matters. To them, you’re either history or about to become history.” The new kids on the governing block, so to speak, appear hard to please. They feel no sense of loyalty when it comes to assessing the worth and future of a superintendent who might have been on the job even before they were born. “I worry about my situation,” another member of the 25-year club offered. “I’m worried because I’m in the dark about my bosses. I don’t know what they want from me, and I’m not sure they even know themselves. Even perfection isn’t that good if they are thinking of making a change. Right now I know my job's in jeopardy but I GOLF CARS INC. LEASING * SALES • SERVICE can’t tell you why.” PAUL SZYMANSKI SALES Another superintendent, visibly upset over the outbreak of 4180 SKYRON DRIVE BUCKINGHAM, PA 18912-0247 dismissals of colleagues in his age and experience bracket, has two 215-340-0880 OFFICE 215-340-1634 FAX views on the situation. “I think the people now in charge at clubs and courses are products of a microwave society,” he explained. “They’re only interested in instant results. If you have a project that was scheduled to be completed tomorrow, they insist it be done yesterday. So, they have unrealistic expectations and make unrealistic demands. How do you deal with that kind of mentality? “In line with that, those same people want to do business with employees closer to their age and perspective. So, they zero in on the young golf course superintendent to do the job. In turn, the young superintendents are hanging around like leeches ready to cling to any opportunity to advance their careers. Personally, I’m convinced they couldn’t feel better about what’s happening. Wow! It sounds as if a battle of age-based groups is about to break out in the profession, especially in New England, where older superintendents are being pink-slipped out of their workplaces with frightening regularity. Is that attitude, the proposal labeling young superintendents as insensitive bloodsuckers, for real, or just a wild accusation? This project dipped into the ranks of superintendents waiting for the chance to take a giant step forward in their careers. There was a Carryall Turf voice in the group that didn’t mind being heard. Fittingly, it is also a candid voice, one laced with sincerity. “I can’t deny that a lot of movement in the profession is good for Club Car® the young guys in it. Guys like me,” an admittedly ambitious sprout sized up the situation. “And I am one of those people with my ear to play to win the wind, looking for something better. But I should point out that we don’t control the job market. We’re not vultures. Older superintendents aren’t losing their jobs because of us. “In fact, while we’re excited about the opportunities surfacing, we’re also concerned about superintendents being let go, fired is the (Continued on page 4) (Continuedfrom page 3) years down the road. word, without valid reason or just because they were born on “Strange, I think we (superintendents) are our own or before a certain date. In every development there’s a right worst enemies. We’ve turned the business and wrong component. Many of the firings are not right. conditioning a golf course into an art, a science. We've Then, too, we know that down the road the same thing could reached a point where our employees think, ‘anybody happen to us. We are the patriarchs of tomorrow. So, no, can do it. It follows that they decide it’s easy to replace we’re not cheering for the bad guys in this one.” us and get the same results. We’re turning out too The faction clash, or possible infighting of superintendents many good people. The marketplace is overpopulated according to age group, brought another interesting reaction with them. It could be our demise.” from the aforementioned young Turk. Now, there’s a switch. The superintendents too good “Generally, I think there is good rapport between the two for their own good? Amazing? age groups, if you want to break it down that way,” he Finally, here is a view through the eyes and proven proposed. “But it’s only natural that you feel more perspective of the golf course superintendent who comfortable with people your own age. We, the young guys, made it to retirement from his last base of operations. usually sit together at meetings, but why not? We speak the He had spent 36 years there. His retirement, breaking same language. We have similar interests.” away from the profession, was a pleasant experience. “That doesn’t mean one side of the room is made up of Yet, he is not without cutting observations of the superintendents 35 years or younger and the other loaded present state of affairs. with those over 35. I have friends in both age groups. I also “Getting the ax goes with any kind of work you’re respect experience, accomplishment, intelligence, and doing,” he opened his diatribe. “We’re living in an age whatever goes into the making on an established of young hotshots who talk about things like being superintendent. It’s just like life. For example, you aren’t stressed out and change jobs simply for a change of invited when there’s a party thrown by young people in your scenery. The sad part of their involvement in golf is that neighborhood, are you?” they’re the ones running the country clubs and courses. Hmmm. I really don’t know. I’d better check my mailbox Some of them are into double figures in the matter of around New Year’s Eve (my birthday, by the way). changing jobs. That’s the situation the superintendent Another victim of this scourge that looks upon elder has to deal with. employees as easy prey is the superintendent who moves up “Lifestyles are different today. The older to a management position and takes heat for more superintendent has to adjust to it or he become responsibilities than he signed on for. casualty. He has to know who his enemies are and “I wish I’d never taken that big step up, intoned our man them over to his side. That’s a communications who had spent 30 years on the same course. He situation. They can’t sit back and let the ‘yuppies’ make contemplated a lawsuit when he was terminated. “I don’t the first move. If they do, the first time an issue is know why I did it. I was very happy just concentrating on raised they’ll get the zing. I guess what I’m trying to say grooming the golf course. Then one day, out of the blue, is you comply or you’re cut out of the action.” they said, ‘Here’s your walking papers. What a jolt! The big So, from all the sounds heard here, there isn’t one boss even sent someone else to do his dirty work. single indisputable solution to the long-term golf course “I hired a lawyer to pursue a lawsuit. The only thing to superintendents’ dilemma, as one by one, they continue come out of that was a curt rejoinder from my former to walk the plank. And, horror of horrors, if they are too employer. It said they were eliminating my position. When good for their own good, as suggested by one of their my lawyer said the suit would be endless and very own, maybe they’re painting themselves out of golf’s expensive, I had no choice but to drop it and try to redirect big picture. my life. I’m 56 years old. That’s a dubious age when you’re looking for a job.” There is another side to rejection of the superintendent who sees the handwriting on the wall and decides not to renew his contract. He is a reluctant defector, though. In EarthWorksTM many cases, being in one place 25 years constitutes a career in itself. Yet, he throws his possibilities on a risk- Natural Organic Products versus-reward scale and decides his future at that one place Joel Simmons is doomed. “Yes, I could have stayed,” he disclosed. “But my concern P.O. Box 278K 6574 S. Delaware Drive Fax: 610-250-7840 was the long-term developments waiting at the end of Martins Creek, PA 18063 Phone: 610-250-9560 another contract. Right now, people who run golf courses are 800-732-TURF looked on as a disposable breed and my fear was that I’d be too old to be thrown to the wolves three or four Avoid These Making Reviews Training Mistakes Valuable Use the following tips to add value to your team mem­ In their eagerness to show support for the team concept, bers’ performance reviews: management often spends substantial time and money on training. Unfortunately, training dollars and opportunities 1. Schedule regular “mini-reviews” throughout are often ultimately wasted because leaders make the fol- the year. lowing mistakes: A mini-review should be exactly like it sounds quick and Failing to assess team needs. Are you teaching to the point. It can take fewer than five minutes. Keep people skills they already have? Many managers think, good notes so you’ll be prepared for more formal re­ “Even if they know this stuff, it won’t hurt them to get a re- views. fresher:’ Wrong. Team members don’t need training just for the sake of training. Solution: Before launching a training 2. Don’t schedule raises at the same time as program, conduct a needs assessment. Establish an ex- evaluations. tensive list of team members’ current skills. Then you’ll dis- cover what they already know and what they need (and Or, make sure that if you give an above-average review, want) to learn. you give an above-average raise. Team leaders tend to say only good things about a team member, then give Thinking that training sessions will eliminate what’s perceived as an average raise. This sends incon­ conflict. While team training should help people learn to sistent messages and leaves the team member feeling get along, too often training sessions overemphasize team- slighted. work rather than team effectiveness. All team efforts must be task and relationship oriented. When team training ses- 3. Avoid the terms “average” and sions concentrate too much on relationship building, many “satisfactory” — they’ve got negative connotations. members won’t take them seriously (or worse, they’ll see them as glorified brainwashing sessions aimed at eliminat- Better: Use phrases such as “fully meets the job require­ ing complaints). Solution: Make sure members know con- ments with work of good quality.” This accurately defines flict is an important part of the team process. Without it, the member’s performance. the result is mediocrity, because the opposite of conflict is apathy, not peace and harmony. 4. Set clear performance standards. Treating team building as a program rather Keep these questions in mind: than a process. Teams are sometimes sent to a two-, Does the team member agree with me on the word­ three-, or even five-day training program, and the organi- ing and meaning of each standard? zation expects years of habit to be changed forever. Re- √ Are the standards specific so nothing is left to inter­ search shows that shorter sessions, spread across time, pretation? result in more long-term retention of learning than massed √ Are they realistic and attainable? practices do. Solution: For training to work, insights gained √ Will each of us know when a standard is met? must quickly be translated into actions - actions that are reinforced by the team leader. Real development is never Managing People, Bob Adams et al. Adams Media Cor­ completed. poration, 260 Center St., Holbrook, MA 02343. Tools For Team Excellence, Gregory E. Huszczo. Davies- Black Publishing, 3803 E. Bayshore Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94303. 2001 PTGA Committee Chairman Chairman Position Committee Featuring Ron Garrison Past President Allied (alt) GCSAA Liaison Gene Huelster President Rotors • Valves • Central Control Systems 800-347-4272 Darrin Batisky Vice President Publicity/Editorial Long Range Steering Tony Grieco Treasurer/Secretary Finance PHILADELPHIA TURF COMPANY 4049 LANDISVILLE ROAD, BOX 865 Allied DOYLESTOWN, PA 18901-0865 OFFICE 215-345-7200 FAX 215-345-8132 Mark Eisele Director Treasurer (co-chair) Scholarship/Research MATTHEW W. BROWN GEORGE J. SKAWSKI, JR. Commercial Products Irrigation Products Voice Mail voice Mail 215-340-5401 215-340-5450 John Downer Director Social & Welfare Survey & Response Eric Reed Director Government Relations Membership NOVARTIS Jason Barndt Director Education Career Development John D. Fowler Novartis Crop Protection, Inc. Turf and Ornamental 325 Mill Pond Lane Sr. Marketing Specialist Oxford, PA 19363 Steve Chirip Affiliate Director Golf Tel 610 998 2896 Fax 800 334 9481 Ext. 5899 Fax 610 998 2897 All committees are looking for volunteers. Please contact the respective chairman if you would like to participate Lee A. Kozsey on a PTGA committee for 2001! Senior Territory Sales Lead Zeneca Professional Products 3710 Amherst Court Bethlehem. PA 18020-1356 Telephone (610) 861-8174 Mobile (610)730-9185 Fax (610)882-9358 E-mail Voice Mail (888) 875-9990. X0163 ZENECA A business unit of ZENECA Inc. • Layout and Design • Typesetting It’s every player’s responsibility... • Mac/IBM desktop publishing interface • Laser color separations ■ Repair ball marks • Scitex® electronic photo retouching • Full electronic prepress services ■ Replace or fill divots 31 Hill Street, P.O. Box 507 Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0507 • Foil stamping, embossing ■ Rake bunkers 570-822-8181 • Complete bindery including FAX: 570-823-3579 saddlestitch and perfect binding A message from your golf course superintendent and GCSAA Seminar Northern Nurseries, inc. Professional Turf Product's Division RT 115, Sullivan Trail Wind Gap, PA 18091 Phone: (610) 863-6006 Fax: (610) 863-6384 The Lake Wallenpaupack Watershed Management District and F. X. Browne, Home Phone/Fax: Inc. are presenting a seminar on Environmentally Sustainable Golf Course DAN FICK (610) 562-6812 Management on April 18, 2001 at Woodloch Springs in Hawley. This seminar Sales Representative Pager. (610) 791-8336 is geared toward golf course superintendents and managers in the Lake Wal­ lenpaupack watershed and surrounding area. It is GCSAA sponsored, and you will be able to earn 0.35 points towards re-certification. The cost is $12.00, Premium sod for golf courses which includes continental breakfast and lunch. The seminar is followed by a round of golf at Woodloch Springs Golf Club in the afternoon. If you are inter­ ested in attending this seminar and would like more information, please contact Chip Presendofer A T Sales Associates, Ltd. 1011 Church Road Rebecca L. Buerkett at F. X. Browne, Inc., telephone number 518-891-1410 or Oreland, PA 19075 you can e-mail her at Tel 215-886-6011 Fax 215-886-1203 Pager 800-983-3430 Reminder So you want to upgrade existing sprinklers but don't want to dig up The 2001 PTGA Dues invoices have been mailed out. Deadline for returns is your old TORO® or Rain Bird. sprinkler bodies... Bear April 1, 2001. If for some reason you have not received your invoice, please call Melinda at 570-388-2167 and let her know. She will send one out to you. offers Don’t wait until the last minute - get your check out today! the solution... ...for less Shaun M. Barry Ed Zimmerman Aventis Sales Representative CHIPCO® Professional Products Market Sales Representative Aventis Environmental Science Lesco LESCO, Inc. 1121 Lehigh Street Allentown, PA Starting at 1133 Rt. #27 Somerset, NJ 08873 18103 800.321.5325 V.M. 6284 $62.50 Tel. (732) 846-8173 610.432.2919 Office Fax (732) 846-8113 e-mail: 1-800-922-0717 Conversion Kits designed to upgrade existing TORO or Ram Bird® sprinklers while still VERTI-DRAIN & ROTADAIRON DEALERS & CONTRACTORS 570-602-3054 800-554-4863 FAX 570602-3053 KOONZ providing the superior performance you would expect from... KOONZ Sprinkler Supply, Inc. E & M GOLF SUPPLY CO. No on knows irrigation like Koonz A DIVISION OF H.V. INC. 950 SATHERS DRIVE, PITTSTON TOWNSHIP. PA 18640 800-772-8486 SPECIALIST IN DEEP TINE AERATION ESD Waste Water Treatment STEPHEN MICHAEL & Recycling System POCONO ROUNDUP NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION Things Learned in Dallas, Texas, at the GCSAA Convention: When you hear: It really means: The engine’s runnin’, but Not too smart! In Sympathy ain’t nobody driving. Our sympathy goes out to Aaron Kramer, Windsor Heights G. As welcome as a skunk at Self explanatory C. His mother was killed in an automobile accident January a lawn party. 25. Tighter than the bark on Cheap! a tree. Paul Weiss's lovely wife, Jean, fell and broke her shoulder. We hope she has a quick recovery. Big hat, no cattle. All show, no go. We’ve howdied, but Haven’t been introduced REMINDER ain’t shook. yet. He thinks the sun comes He likes himself too Pocono Turfgrass Association meeting in conjunction with up just to hear him crow. much! Simplot Partners 2001 Customer Meeting Thursday, March 8, 2001 She got a tongue for 10 She can talk. Split Rock Lodge rows of teeth. POCONO TURFGRASS ASSOCIATION c/o MELINDA WISNOSKY R.R. 1, BOX 219 HARDING, PA 18643 GCSAA INFORMATION CENTER 1421 RESEARCH PARK DRIVE LAWRENCE, KANSAS 66049-3859 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED.