new jersey turfgrass association Clippings & Green World VOLUME 36 FALL 1999 njta NJTA Expo '99 The Countdown Begins... Table of Contents CLIPPINGS President's Message At The Stadium, It's Time For Splendor In The Grass The Tragic Carpet? The Alliance For Environmental Concerns: IPM In The Next Millennium Speak Up! Did You Know... The Deer Herds Are Woefully Over Populated. The Environmentalists Resist Suggested Controls. New Turfgrass Center Grows At Rutgers NJTA Expo '99 Information State of the Industry Report Calendar of Events On-Line Information GREEN WORLD Plant Diagnostic Laboratory Highlights Fungicide Injection Technology for Improved Root Disease Control Diseases of Landscape Ornamentals NJTA Needs You! 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 12 14 23 26 28 15 16 17 18 Opportunities for the Genetic Improvement of Underutilized Plants for Turf 19 Plant & Pest Advisory Subscription Information Monthly Lawn Care Suggestions - November 21 22 Message President's John Buechner President, NJTA My message for this Fall Issue of Clippings/ Greenworld will be brief. There are four things that I would like to emphasize at this time. First and foremost, I urge you to attend Expo '99, December 7, 8, and 9, 1999 at the Trump Taj Mahal Casino/Resort in Atlantic City, New Jersey. We have gained national recognition as one of the Green Industry's finest eduction convocations and trade shows. This year we have continued with our international format by bringing two experts from the United Kingdom to speak on important topics. The Sports Turf Research Institute of the United Kingdom will also have a booth at the Trade Show. Second, please be advised that construction of the new teaching and research complex at Ryders Lane has begun. We expect construction to be completed by the first of the year. This building situated on the farm, literally in the middle of much of the most significant research plots, gives students and teachers unparalleled opportunities for a truly "hands-on" educational experience. To all who donated to this endeavor, I extend our heartfelt gratitude. The completed complex will have a market value of approximately $750,000.00. There is no limit to what we can do when those in "The Industry" pull together!! (See pages 12 and 13). Third, the Annual Turfgrass Awards Banquet was held Saturday, November 6, 1999 on the Cook College Campus. Approximately $57,000 in scholarships, grants, etc. were awarded through the Foundation and other benefactors associated with NJTA. Fourth, I urge you to attend the Annual Meeting of The Alliance for Environmental Concerns. See pages 6 and 7 for a complete description of this program, which will be held at Fiddler's Elbow on November 16, 1999. The Alliance has always taken a proactive stance on important environmental issues. "Taking the Mystery Out of IPM" is certainly an appropriate topic at this time. My two year term as President of the Association will conclude at the Turf Expo in Atlantic City and I would like to take this opportunity to say that it has been an honor and a privilege to serve NJTA and The Foundation. I appreciate all of the support given to me and my administration over the last two years. I look forward to seeing you at Expo ’99! John Buechner At The Stadium, It’s Time For Splendor In The Grass Giants & Jets Rejoice At Decision To Go With Nature! By Paul Needell, STAR-LEDGER Staff Reprinted from THE STAR-LEDGER, September 30, 1999 The prayers of Giants, Jets and MetroStars players every­ where were finally answered yesterday when the New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority decreed: Let there be grass at Giants Stadium. For the first time since the Meadowlands complex opened in 1976, the artificial turf so despised by most players will be permanently replaced by natural grass next season. Several "operational and financial issues" are still to be ironed out between the sports authority and its tenant clubs, but the biggest hurdle has been cleared to make the transition for the new millennium. "I don't see that the operational and financial issues are insurmountable, or else, frankly, we wouldn't have made the announcement," sports authority President and Chief Executive Officer James DiEleuterio said. "We're moving forward under the assumption there will be grass in the stadium for the 2000 season." The consensus to move to grass was reached during a 2 1/4- hour meeting that included DiEleuterio and sports authority Chairman Raymond Bateman, Giants Executive Vice President John Mara and Jets President Steve Gutman. The system implemented for several football games this summer, featuring 6,400 replacement trays of grass, will make Giants Stadium the 18th of 30 NFL facili­ ties to feature a natural, player-friendly surface. "This," Giants coach Jim Fassel said, "is state-of-the-art." Scott Clark, who owns the Delhi, NY-based company installing the new field, made a compelling presentation to open the meeting and satisfied all concerns Mara and Gutman had about long-term duration of his grass sys­ tem. He allayed any fears that grass damage would become irreparable as the winter wears on, especially under the stress of games on consecutive days. "They don't want to play on painted dirt," Clark said. "They want grass, but they want good grass. And I think we're going to be able to give it to them. Everything we're doing to this field is to make it the very best field in the world." After Clark answered their questions, the sports authority, Giants and Jets agreed it was time to make the change to grass and issued a joint statement to that effect. "It was important for Scott Clark to be confident," Mara said, "and he was confident." Said Gutman: "There is a general atmosphere and trend in the country that grass fields are coming again. It's some­ thing that is desirable and wanted. Grass is something you want to try to achieve." Over the past four years, soccer's MetroStars have spent more than $3 million of their own money installing grass until the football season. General Manager Charlie Stillitano said the commitment to grass by his Giants sta­ dium co-tenants was "a long time coming," but did not indicate how it might affect the team's interest in building a stadium of its own in Newark. "Our choices are either to build at the sports authority, build in Newark or stay at Giants Stadium," Stillitano said. "Either way, we're delighted because any stadium project would take several years, so next season we would have to play at Giants Stadium regardless." Chief among the operational and financial issues to be addressed in future meetings is how the initial bill of more than $3 million will be divided among the sports authori­ ty and the three clubs. One person familiar with the talks said that the sports authority is expected to pick up the tab on the anticipated $500,000 annual maintenance fees for the field. We have a good relationship with the three franchises," DiEleuterio said, "and we're going to sit down and ham­ mer this all out." Once he acquires the necessary permits from New Jersey, Clark plans to begin installing the cooling, heating and humidifying systems for the field this winter. The grass trays used this summer are being maintained behind the Meadowlands Racetrack. They will be installed on top of the existing stadium turf in late March, complete with fresh grass. In addition, trays containing the equivalent of another 1.2 football fields will be kept behind the racetrack. They will be used to replace the ones in the stadium when they get worn out from bearing the brunt of approximately 20 foot­ ball games, 30 soccer games and events such as concerts hosted by the Meadowlands. According to Clark, the field at Giants Stadium was trampled on for 79 various activities in a span of 160 days continued on page 4 Splendor In The Grass - continued from page 3 during the spring and summer. They included everything from team practice sessions to marching band rehearsals. For the sake of keeping the grass in top shape, Clark said, "We need to get the non-revenue producing things out of there." The spare grass field could be used for some prac­ tices. DiEleuterio emphasized that while "you certainly want to get some traffic off of (the grass) ... I don't think anyone is interested in canceling events as a result of having the grass there." Thus, he expects Giants Stadium to continue to host New Jersey State Championship football games on a rotating basis, as it has in the past. They would fall under DiEleuterio's umbrella of a "typical schedule at Giants Stadium." The debate of artificial turf vs. grass has long been waged. Players have always contended they are more prone to injury on turf, which is hard as cement, rips their skin and pounds on their joints. However, Mara and Gutman said recent non-contact injuries suffered by Jets stars Vinny Testaverde (ruptured Achilles tendon) and Wayne Chrebet (broken foot) on the Giants Stadium turf did not factor into this decision. Gutman called those mishaps "a run of bad luck," defend­ ing the current turf as "a fine surface." But in a survey conducted by the NFL Players Association last year, the playing surface at Giants Stadium was among the five worst in the league. Most Giants and Jets players rejoiced when they learned that they will be playing on grass next season. "That's great," Giants wide receiver Amani Toomer said. "Now I won't have to try to sleep on one side after having the skin peeled from my body by the turf." Said cornerback Phillippi Sparks: "I don't care about the rain or mud, anything is better than turf. Heck, they could put a bunch of Chia pets together and let us play on it and that would be better than turf." "There's no comparison," center Brian Williams said. "Besides, it's kind of nice to get dirty once in a while." Indeed, when it comes down to it, the romantic notion that football should return to its natural habitat finally won out. "Aesthetically, from a tradition point of view, the game was meant to be played on grass," Mara said. "And we all feel better that it will be played on grass here now." Alas, Testaverde's agent, Michael Azzarelli, said: "Too bad it didn't happen sooner." A Successful Season... Starts with Century Golf Course Services Sprinklers • Valves • Controllers Pump Stations Controller Board Repairs • Fountains Century Rain Aid An inviting, well-maintained course means challenging play...and a profitable season. As a golf superintendent, you can achieve this success with Century Golf Course Services. Century's team of profes­ sionals can help you solve irrigation or drainage problems and show you what's new in clubhouse lighting, water features and more. Call today for a free catalog and on-site consultation: 800-347-4272. Legacy Golf System Century offers the complete line of Legacy Golf products to help you control water, labor and energy costs. Featuring Legacy rotors and valves, Genesis central satellite and Viking decoder control systems. LEGACYby Hunter SyncroFlo Eagle Pumps Efficient and economical, SyncroFlo VFD pumping stations are the solution to many golf course Irrigation problems. SyncroFlo, Inc. Controller Board Repairs Call the Century National Service Center for repairs or upgrades on Toro and Rain Bird golf controller boards. Replacements in 24 hours. Toll free 888-855-9132 BoardTronicsinc.™ 800-347-4272 CENTURY COLF PROFESSIONALS ■ NJ/PA/LONG ISLAND NY >PHIL DEMARCO >JEFF FABIANO 800-642-3706 The Tragic Carpet? A Rash Of Injuries Is Again Focusing Attention On The Safety Of Artificial Turf By Ed Barnes Reprinted from TIME, October 4,1999 First it was the Jets. Wayne Chrebet, a wide receiver, broke his foot while making a cut upheld during an exhibition game. Then Vinny Testaverde, their quarterback, popped his Achilles tendon pushing off to recover a fumble. Last week the Atlanta Falcons star running back, Jamal Anderson, tore a knee ligament trying to outmaneuver linemen. In each case the only contact the players had was with the artificial turf. Both teams had been playoff hope­ fuls, the Falcons eyeing a return to the Super Bowl. Now it is doubtful these teams can put together a winning sea­ son. At least nine other players have faced similar injuries in just the second week of the schedule. These season-ending injuries have reignited a battle over the safety of artificial turf, particularly AstroTurf, the dominant brand. For at least 15 years the issue has been discussed and studied by doctors and the National Football League. Scientific studies have been inconclusive. AstroTurf's owner insists its carpet is safe. "Every time there is an injury on turf, it is the turf's fault; when it is on grass, it is just the game. Football is a dan­ gerous game, whether it is played on turf or grass," says James Savoca, vice president of Southwest Recreational Industries. Yet at least three deaths and several cases of paralysis have been blamed on artificial surfaces. More than a few players would like to slam Savoca to the carpet just to make a point. Nearly everyone who plays on artificial turf - think sandpaper laid over concrete - hates it. Players say ligaments pop because the surface doesn't "give" once the foot is planted. Skin shreds from its abrasiveness; heads hurt from its hardness. Clark Gaines, regional representative of the National Football League's Players Association, says artificial turf causes up to three times as many non-contact injuries as grass. "These injuries simply don't happen on a natural sur­ face," he said. "Players have their own terminology for it. They call it turf injuries.” Players also charge that even without injuries, the pound­ ing their bodies take on turf shortens their careers. Recently, baseball player Barry Larkin of the Cincinnati Reds demanded a trade to a grass-field team to try to extend his career. According to Gaines, many free agents have refused to sign with teams whose home field is car­ peted. The Green Bay Packers requested a preseason game with the New Orleans Saints to be played on grass, so the Superdome was covered with a temporary grass pitch. Artificial turf now covers the field in about half of all foot­ ball stadiums at the professional and major college level, as well as more than 1,500 high school and small college fields. AstroTurf controls the bulk of the market, a $50 million-a-year business. That market is under pressure as player opposition, new technology and the rise of single-purpose stadiums have swung team owners over to grass. Virtually every new non-domed stadium under construction will have a grass surface. The Chicago Bears and the New England Patriots, as well as a number of baseball teams, switched back to grass several years ago. But even Gaines acknowledges that grass isn't the answer everywhere, particularly in northern climes and on municipal fields that get tons of use. New technology may have a solution. An upstart company called FieldTurf, k in alliance with sports monolith Nike, has devel­ oped a surface that more closely resembles the tex­ ture and response of grass. It is made of syn­ thetic blades and is held up by an artificial dirt composed of silica and rubber that can be made of recycled running shoes. The University of Nebraska recently installed the surface after a year in which 40 foot­ ball players sustained injuries on AstroTurf. "It is the clos­ est thing to natural grass that I've seen," says John Ingram, the Cornhuskers' director of athletic facilities. "This year we haven't had any injuries, and the players like it." AstroTurf recently introduced a similar product, provok­ ing a nasty battle and a patent-infringement suit. A new turf war is on, but grass may be the ultimate winner. ■ The Alliance For Environmental Concerns PresentsIPMIn The Next Millennium - CORE NJ - 3A NY - 7A NY Pesticide Recertification Credits: 8 4.5 4.5 Realities of Risk Management! Dr. Darrel Sumner, Ph.D. Doctor of Toxicology, Wake Forest University, School of Medicine A blockbuster program designed to take the mystery out of “IPM” featuring an address by Luncheon Buffet Included - Cost for Full Day Program $45 per person (AEC Members) $55 per person (Non-Members) The Alliance For Environmental Concerns Annual Meeting & Seminar Thursday • November 18, 1999 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Fiddler's Elbow Country Club Bedminster Township, NJ Registration Form Dr. Sumner is an expert on risk assessment, food safety and pesticide safety. He teaches and conducts research in these areas of expertise at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. He has lectured on recognition and management of pesticide poisoning and general toxicology for nearly 2 decades. Prior to his years as a professor, Dr. Sumner worked for the Ciba Crop Protection (now Novartis) for over 25 years in the areas of metabolism, toxicology, environmental fate and exotoxicology. While at Ciba he taught organic chemistry at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Sumner makes understandable the very complicated issues of risk assessment! He plans to share with our conference attendees his knowledge on risk analysis of the chemicals our industry relies on, as well as risk assessment of the natural products being presented as the safer alternative. Come learn the facts about the asthma, bee-stings and the appropriateness of various IPM programs from this knowledgeable speaker! Review Our Seminars Exciting Agenda Name.................................................................................................................................NJ Legislative District....................... Company.......................................................................................................................... E-mail.................................................. Phone#...........................................................................................Fax #........................................................................................ Mailing Address...............................................................................................................Member...................Non-Member... City, State, Zip Code.......................................................................................................Amount Enclosed: $.......................... Please Register By November 16th Questions Call: 752-565-9252 Make Check Payable To: The Alliance For Environmental Concerns Send To: PO Box 4292 Warren, NJ 07059 IPM In The Next Millennium AGENDA 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast Silent Auction Bidding Alliance Business Announcements Ilona Gray Environmental Award 9:15 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. “DEP Update” - Ray Ferrarin - NJDEP - Pesticide Control Program 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. “The Realities of IPM - The Past, The Present, The Future” - Richard Cooper - Cooper Pest Control 10:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. “Balance of Risks - Synthetic vs. Natural Chemicals” - Dr. Darrell Sumner 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lunch - Silent Auction Bidding 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Countering Calls for Pesticide Use Restrictions and Bans: What You Can Do/ IPM and Chemical Use on Golf Courses: The San Francisco Case Study - Kevin Hutchins - Presidio Golf Course, Arnold Palmer Golf Management, San Francisco, CA - Mike Blankinship - McLaren / Hart ChemRisk, Sacramento, CA 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Panel Introductions - Panel Discussions of IPM Moderator: - Fred Langley - RISE IPM Panel Members: - Mr. Richard Cooper - Cooper Pest Control - Dr. Donald Booth - Bartlett Tree Experts - Dr. Kirk Hurto - TruGreen ChemLawn - Ms. Jane Nogaki - NJ Environmental Federation - Dr. Darrell Sumner - The Bowman Gray School of Medicine 4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Announcements: Silent Auction Winners - Door Prizes 4:30 p.m. Meeting Adjournment Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club 811 Rattlesnake Bridge Road Bedminster Twp., NJ 07921 908-439-2123 Club House: Golf Pro Shop: 908-439-2513 FROM WOODBRIDGE: Route 1 SOUTH to Route 287 NORTH; Route 287 NORTH to Route 78 WEST; Route 78 WEST to Exit 26 - Lamington/North Branch. Left at stop light. Cross over Route 78 on Rattlesnake Bridge Road to Fiddler’s Elbow C.C. - immediately on right. FROM NORTHERN NEW JERSEY: Routes 46 and 80 WEST to Route 287 SOUTH; Route 287 SOUTH to Route 78 WEST to Exit 26 - Lamington/North Branch. Left at stop light. Cross over Route 78 on Rattlesnake Bridge Road to Fiddler's Elbow C.C. - immediately on right. FROM NEWARK AIRPORT: Route 78 to Exit 26 - Lamington/North Branch. Left at stop light. Cross over Route 78 on Rattlesnake Bridge Road to Fiddler's Elbow C.C. - immediately on right. FROM WILMINGTON & PHILADELPHIA: N.J. Turnpike NORTH to Exit 10 - Route 287 NORTH; Route 287 NORTH to Route 78 WEST; Route 78 WEST to Exit 26 - Lamington/North Branch. Left at stop light. Cross over Route 78 on Rattlesnake Bridge Road to Fiddler's Elbow C.C. - immediately on right. FROM NEW YORK CITY (TWO OPTIONS) George Washington Bridge and Route 80 WEST to Route 287 SOUTH; Route 287 SOUTH to Route 78 WEST; Route 78 WEST to Exit 26 - Lamington/North Branch. Left at stop light. Cross over Route 78 on Rattlesnake Bridge Road to Fiddler's Elbow C.C. - immediately on right. -OR- Lincoln Tunnel to the NJ Turnpike SOUTH to Exit 14 onto Route 78 WEST to Exit 26 - Lamington/North Branch. Left at stop light. Cross over Route 78 on Rattlesnake Bridge Road to Fiddler's Elbow C.C. - immediately on right. FROM THE WEST (PENNSYLVANIA, EASTON, PHILLIPSBURG): Route 78 EAST to Exit 26 - Lamington/North Branch. Right at the stop light to Fiddler’s Elbow C.C. - immediately on right. FIDDLER’S ELBOW COUNTRY CLUB DRESS CODE: Appropriate dress is required. Bermuda-length shorts are permitted for golf and in the Grill Room area. However, jeans, sneakers, t-shirts and sweatsuits are not permitted. Jackets and slacks for gentlemen are required after 5:00 p.m. The dress code is strictly enforced. Please observe the stated guidelines whenever vising the Club. Your consideration is appreciated. Pesticide Bans Are Increasing... But Are They Really Reducing Risk? Did you know that the City of San Francisco was the first to adopt a pesticide ban? Did you know that the City and County of Albany, New York has adopted a pesticide ban? Did you know that the New Jersey municipality of Mountain Lakes Borough is considering a pesticide ban, citing the success of San Francisco's ban? Come Here The Real Story! The San Francisco / Presidio Golf Course Story Prominent golf course superintendent Mr. Kevin Hutchins from the highly publicized “Presidio Golf Course” in San Francisco, California will share with us the difficulties he has experienced in managing a golf course under the strick regulations of the National Park Service and City of San Francisco. Countering Calls for Pesticide Use Restrictions and Bans: What You Can Do Mike Blankinship of McLaren/Hart ChemRisk is an environmental chemist and toxicologist that has been involved with various users of agricultural and structural pest control chemicals such as applicators, school and park district administrators, and golf course superintendents that are practicing IPM and are facing pesticide bans. He has provided these users with Chemical Application Management Plans (CHAMPs), Integrated Pest Management Plans (IPMPs) and ecological and human health risk assessments to demonstrate that pesticides have an important role to play in managing pest populations and that these uses can be safe. For Your Turf Management Issue Choose The Right Product Establish Uniform Turf with: aquatrols Primer Matrix Flow Soil Surfactant TREAT And Promote the RECOVERY Of Turf Under Stress With: Aquatrols AQUEDUCT SOIL SURFACTANT Promote Improved Turf Quality On Fairways By Injecting: AQUATROLS Infiltrx SOIL PENETRANT For More Information, Call: (973) 361-5943 grass roots 1978-1998 20th Anniversary Equipment for All Your Turf Management Needs... Featuring Quality John Deere Products FINCH TURF EQUIPMENT Inc. 404 Elm Avenue • North Wales, PA 19454 215-661-0390 • Servicing PA • NJ 1127 Littlestown Pike Westminster, MD 21157-3005 410-848-7211 • 410-876-2211 Servicing MD • DE • VA • W.VA NJTA Patrons... Clippings/GreenWorld has inaugurated a "Patron Listing". Please consider including your name, company or golf club name to what we hope will be an extensive list of supporters so that this periodical can continue to grow! RATES: $50.00 per year - 4 issues Shaun Barry - Agrevo Steve Chirip - Egypt Farms Ken Kubik - Grass Roots, Inc., Barbara Vydro - Bloomfield Cemetery Co. Dr. Henry Indyk - Turfcon Professional Turfgrass Consultants The Scotts Company Leon's Sod Farms SPEAK UP! If you have a message you would like to communicate to your fellow NJTA members, send it to: Dr. Richard Caton 41 Lupton Avenue • Woodbury, NJ 08096 Phone: 856-853-5973 • Fax: 856-853-1917 Deadline for Winter Issue: December 31,1999 Did You Know... Grateful Berry Growers Honor Two Rutgers Scientists Prominent players in New Jersey's cranberry and blueberry industries helped dedicate a university research facility to the late Philip E. Marucci and Edward V. Lipman. By Leonard N. Fleming, Inquirer Staff Writer, The Philadelphia Inquirer, South Jersey, Monday, October 18, 1999 They were admired as caring men and scientists who had a passion for agriculture and the cranberry and blueberry industry in New Jersey. The pair's mark on the industry is now indelible: On Friday, the agricultural research center here was renamed the Philip E. Marucci Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research and Extension. A new wing of the laboratory building was named in honor of Edward V. Lipman. With the fresh smell of berries in the air, more than 100 growers, scientists and university officials gathered with the families of the two deceased Rutgers gradu­ ates, who had dedicated their lives to research on how to improve the breeding of blueberries and cranberries. William S. Haines, Sr., who owns the biggest cranber­ ry and blueberry farm in New Jersey and is chairman of the Rutgers research advisory committee, called Marucci a "compassionate person" who was "always for the little guy." He dubbed Lipman as "Mr. Agriculture," a friend who did all he could to help the growers succeed by such means as securing loans for them. Marucci was an authority on blueberry and cranberry cultivation, serving as chief scientist of the center for more than 30 years and bringing national recognition to the center and to Rutgers. Lipman spent 32 years contributing to Ocean Spray and the grower's cooperative. He also was the presi­ dent of the New Jersey Agriculture Society and the state Board of Agriculture. Rutgers president Francis L. Lawrence said the two had "left an indelible imprint on the center." Lipman's son Ned said his father had two great loves besides his family: Rutgers and cranberries. "I know that he is watching here today," he said. "We are deeply appreciative of this recognition." The Lipman wing, paid for by New Jersey growers, includes a library, a main meeting room, office space, a kitchen and two incubator rooms. Marucci's sister Ruth said she felt proud that the industry would honor him with a building in his name. "If he had to be here, he wouldn't like that because he was very modest and a little shy," she said. The Year 2000 Marks 100 Years for the New Jersey State Golf Association PLCAA To Promote Careers At FFA Convention Through its involvement with the Future Farmers of America, the Professional Lawn Care Association of America hopes to encourage FFA members to choose a career in the lawn and landscape industry. To this end, PLCAA exhibited and gave away two $500 schol­ arships at the 72nd National FFA Convention in Louisville, KY, October 27-30, 1999. IANJ Celebrates 25th Anniversary Saturday night, September 18, 1999 members of the Irrigation Association of New Jersey started boarding the "Queen of Hearts," docked at Lincoln Harbor in Weehawken, for the start of a night of celebration to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the IANJ. Food and drinks were served upon boarding as every­ one greeted each other. After about an hour, the cap­ tain set out on a course toward the Statue of Liberty and to breathtaking sites along the Hudson and East Rivers. After some fine dining, dancing and more spectacular views of the Manhattan skyline, there was a drawing for 25 contractors to win $150 cash each. There was also a Grand Prize drawing of a trip for two to the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas. The Bahamas trip was won by Franco and Ellen DiMeglio from Green Oasis Maintenance. A special presentation was made by President Walter Muguvin on behalf of the Board of Trustees to Charter Member Mary Lou DesChamps of Storr Tractor Co. for her never-ending support and dedication to the IANJ. The Deer Herds Are Woefully Over Populated... The Environmentalists Resist Suggested Controls. So... People Die, Crops Are Destroyed, Shrubs Are Devoured & The Beat Goes On! When Will The Nonsense End? FQPA Threat Looms Reprinted from Lawn & Landscape, October 1999 Dursban, a popular insecticide from Dow AgroSciences, Indianapolis, Ind., became the first widely used green industry pesticide to find itself in the crosshairs of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. As a result of the Food Quality Protection Act, which was passed in August 1996, EPA is reassessing the safety of all previously registered pesticide prod­ ucts, but now the Agency is evaluating these products with widely different standards than those used for the last 27 years. The EPA has been widely criticized to date, however, for what pesticide sup­ pliers and a host of third-party scientists have termed "unscientific based research". These critics have charged that EPA has launched a politically motivated attack on specialty pesticide products, safe and unsafe. "We believe in and stand for good science - that's what we're all about as a company," noted Tim Maniscalo, manager for government and public affairs for Dow AgroSciences. "All that we're asking is that EPA use good science as it reassesses all of these products." Instead of sound scientific research, critics of the EPA claim the Agency ignores pesticide manufacturer's research and instead relies on tremen­ dously conservative default assumptions about the relative toxicity levels of pesticide products in a response to environmentalists' continued lobbying efforts. Chlorpyrifos, the active ingre­ dient in Dursban and a product that has been prevalent in lawn care and pest control markets for more than two decades, for example, was found by EPA to be more than seven times as toxic as is acceptable under the new guidelines. An additional concern of pesticide suppliers is that the new guidelines established by FQPA don't require EPA to consider the benefits of a particular pesticide product and its use controlling unwanted and potentially dangerous pests as early legislation did. Legislation that would require EPA to analyze all pesticides with more widely accepted scientific practices has been introduced into both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, and pro-lawn care individuals are optimistic about both bills' chances of passing some time this year. Some More Facts About Pesticide Safety That Bear Repeating! What To Know About Pesticides & Food Safety On average, only one in 20,000 chemicals makes it from the chemist's laboratory to the farmer's field. To ensure that a product, when used properly, will not present any health or environmental concerns, it is subjected to more than 120 separate tests. Pesticide development, testing and EPA approval takes eight to 10 years and costs manufacturers $35 million to $50 million for each product. In addition to the federal government, state governments maintain complete pesticide regulation and monitoring systems. According to the National Cancer Institute, there is no scientific evidence that ingestion of pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables causes cancer in human beings. The legally allowable amount of pesticide residue that may remain is set at a level that includes wide safety margins. For example, a 150-pound adult would have to eat 3000 heads of lettuce each day for the rest of his or her life to ingest the amount of pesticide found to cause health problems in laboratory mice. We're the Green Industry's truck center MEADOWLAND FORD TRUCKS The leading commercial truck center In the NJ/NY Metro area NEW & USED LIGHT •MEDIUM HEAVY DUTY SALES/LEASES SERVICE/PARTS Ford RENT-A-TRUCK DAY* WEEK* MONTH Ford Credit COMMERCIAL LENDING EASY TO REACH! Via NJ Turnpike - Int 16E (North) 17S (South) SALES: Mon. to Thurs. 8:30 to 7; Fri. 8:30 to 6; Sat. 9 to 3. 201-617-0700 SERVICE: Mon. to Fri. 5 am to 9 pm: Sat. & Sun. 7 to 3. 201-617-5577 PARTS: Mon. to Fri. 7:30 to 7; Sat. 8 to 12. 201-617-5200 We welcome VISA, MasterCard, Comchek, NYCE, MAC © 1999 Meadowland Ford Truck Sales, Inc. Visit us at NJTA Expo ‘99, Dec. 7, 8, 9, Trump Taj Mahal, Atlantic City Ford Trucks MEADOWLAND FORD TRUCKS SECAUCUS, NJ 330 County Ave. at Secaucus Rd. STERLING Trucks Opposite NJ Motor Vehicle Inspection Station New Turfgrass Center Grows at Rutgers By Hollie A. Gilroy Reprinted from RUTGERS FOCUS, September 24,1999 Some of the most widely grown grasses in the world have sprouted from research conduct­ ed at Rutgers. On September 17, a partnership between the university and the turfgrass industry produced another major turf advancement at the Cook College campus - groundbreaking for the new Turfgrass Education Center. Some 80 well-wishers braved the flooding that followed Hurricane Floyd and attend­ ed the ceremony on Horticultural Farm II. Among the attendees were Arthur Brown, New Jersey secretary of agriculture; Bruce Carlton, executive dean of Cook College and executive director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station; and turfgrass-industry representatives. The center, to be built alongside the world-renowned turf research plots, will combine laboratory, classroom and comput­ er facilities to "improve the educational opportunities for students who are going to be our future golf course superinten­ dents and leaders in the turf industry," announced Dr. Bruce Clarke, director of the Center for Turfgrass Science. Similarly, Carlton noted, "For the first time since Rutgers launched turfgrass research in the 1920's, our faculty, our students and our certificate program participants will enjoy state-of-the-art laborato­ ry, classroom and computer facilities - all under one roof." "When completed, this building will truly be an asset to students, to the turfgrass-science program and, most importantly, to the landscape and golf turf industries throughout the Northeastern United States," he said. The $750,000 facility is being funded with a heavy commitment from the turfgrass industry. Dr. Bruce Clarke, Director, Center for Turfgrass Science, congratulates Mr. Ralph Geiger (left) on having the new Turfgrass Education Center at Cook College/Rutgers University named in his honor. Official groundbreakng ceremony for the new Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center on the Cook College Campus, North Brunswick, New Jersey was held on September 17, 1999. (r to l) Edward Lipman, Jr., Director, Office of Continuing Professional Education; Sam Leon, President, New Jersey Turfgrass Foundation; Dr. Zane Helsel, Director, Rutgers Cooperative Extension; Floyd Bragg, Rutgers University Foundation; Mike Mongon, Golf Course Superintendents Association of New Jersey; Dr. Bruce Clarke, Director, Center for Turfgrass Science; Dr. William Meyer, Associate Director, Center for Turfgrass Science; Gene Westmoreland, Tournament Director, Metropolitan Golf Association; Dr. Bruce Carlton, Executive Dean of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Ralph Geiger, donor; John Buechner, President, New Jersey Turfgrass Association; and Arthur Brown, New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture. Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center Over 70 participants turned out on September 17, 1999, the day after Hurricane Floyd, to assist in the groundbreaking ceremony for the Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center on the Cook College Campus. This 5,000 square foot building will provide turfgrass students from throughout the region with a state-of-the-art classroom, computer lab, diagnostic lab, library, and conference facility. Join Us At The NJTA EXPO '99 Trump Taj Mahal Casino / Resort Atlantic City, NJ Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday December 7, 8, 9,1999 Sponsored by: New Jersey Turfgrass Association In Cooperation With: New Jersey Turfgrass Foundation, Rutgers Cooperative Ext., New Jersey Agriculture Experiment Station, Cook College/Rutgers University and The Center for Turfgrass Science ...presents turfgrass education featuring nationally & internationally recognized speakers on subjects pertaining to the establishment and maintenance of Golf Courses, Lawns, Parks, Athletic Fields, Cemeteries, etc. Topics of interest to Irrigation Contractors, Landscape Contractors, Landscape Architects and Nurserymen are also included. Pesticide Credits (NJ, PA, NY, DE, CT, MA and MD) for DEPE certification and recertification. TAJ Mahal Trump CASINO • RESORT For Registration & information, Call: 732-821-7134 or 856-853-5973 Your #1 Source For All Your Turf and Chemical Supplies Custom Blended Fertilizers (Bagged or Bulk) Grass Seeds Hydroseeding Supplies Lime Soluble Fertilizers Herbicides Fungicides Insecticides Landscape Edging Erosion Control Products Soil Samples For Your Golf Course: We carry a complete line of golf course fertilizers and chemicals. We have grass seed blends, or can have your mix blended. We can also custom blend your fertilizer to meet your soil samples. We carry greens grade fertilizers and granular fertilizers. Please call us for a quote on your fer­ tilizer, chemical, and grass seed needs. For The Landscaper: We carry all your fertilizer and grass seed needs. We can custom blend fertilizer to meet your soil sample. We have an entire line of hydroseeding supplies for your hydroseeders. We carry all the chemicals that you may need for your lawns. South Jersey Farmers Exchange, Inc. 101 East Ave. Woodstown, NJ 08098 609-769-0062 Voice 609-769-0343 Fax Since 1909 • Plant Diagnostic Laboratory Highlights • Fungicide Injection Technology for Improved Root Disease Control • Disease of Landscape Ornamentals • Opportunities for the Genetic Improvement of Underutilized Plants for Turf • Lawn Care Suggestions - November njta Green World applied turfgrass research, from Rutgers the State University, and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association Plant Diagnostic Laboratory Highlights By Richard Buckley, Laboratory Coordinator Turfgrass We thought we dodged the gray bullet, but then Dennis and Floyd came to town. With all the rain, Gray leaf spot, caused by the fungus Pyricularia grisea, has reared its ugly head. The disease was first diagnosed on golf turf from our area on September 2nd. On the 14th, samples began to come into the laboratory on a daily basis. From the sub­ missions, it appears the disease is more common in north­ ern New Jersey counties and New York than in the south. We even diagnosed the disease on perennial ryegrass from the Great Lawn in Central Park. The common thread among the submitted samples is the fairways had all been recently seeded. Gray leaf spot is a very well known seedling disease. Most of the samples also have some "regular" leaf spot activity, caused by the fungi Drechslera siccans (brown blight) or Bipolaris sorokiniana. Early in the period pythium blight, pythium induced root dysfunction, and pythium seedling blight cause problems on several golf courses. Remember that Pythium can cause problems in cooler weather, particularly in newly seeded turf stands. Diseases caused by species of Rhizoctonia were also common. Brown patch, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, was active during the humid period at the beginning of the month, and yellow patch, caused by Rhizoctonia cerealis, is active now. Anthracnose continues to be an issue for some turf managers at this time. The dis­ ease was identified on landscape turf submitted from Morris County and on golf course turf from Pennsylvania. Rust is also very active. Kentucky bluegrasses and peren­ nial ryegrasses are the favored hosts for rust. Dead spot, the new disease described by Dr. Peter Dernoeden of the University of Maryland, has finally been confirmed on a golf course in New Jersey. To date, the fun­ gus Ophiosphaerella was the only seen by this laboratory on out-of-state samples or on Rutgers research plots. I won't name names, but it's a new golf course in Monmouth County. Check out the third green, those aren't ball marks! Landscape Oak leaf scorch, caused by the xylem-limited bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, was confirmed in pin oak samples from Mercer County. Several other samples are currently being tested for the disease. Other suspect samples tested nega­ tive and were subsequently diagnosed with environmen­ tal stress. If you suspect oak leaf scorch, now is the time to test your trees. Boxwood has a myriad of problems. Environmental stresses like winter injury, sunscald, or nutrient imbalances seem to plague the shrub. Boxwood that is stressed in this man­ ner is an excellent host for the fungi Macrophoma and Volutella. Macrophoma causes leaf tissue to brown, and Volutella causes branch dieback. Almost every boxwood sample that we look at in the lab­ oratory has these fungi. This week's sample came from a landscape in Morris County. Other diseases and insects of note include: white pine weevil injury from pines in Atlantic and Passaic counties, botryosphaeria canker on sweet gum from Monmouth County; and sphaeropsis tip blight on Japanese black pine from Atlantic County. ■ Fungicide Injection Technology for Improved Root Disease Control By Bruce B. Clarke, James A. Murphy, Margaret E. Secks, and Pradip Majumdar, Department of Plant Pathology and Plant Science Patch diseases, caused by ectotropic root-infecting fungi, are among the most difficult diseases to control in warm- and cool-season turf. Although often effective, foliar applications of turfgrass fungicides are expensive and must be used throughout the growing season at high rates to attain commercially acceptable levels of disease suppression. Transport studies indicate that most fungicides applied to the foliage for patch disease control are retained in the foliage or thatch layer and only reach the root zone in low concentrations. The objectives of our field investigations were: 1) to compare the efficacy of surface and subsurface applications of azoxy- strobin (Heritage) for the control of patch diseases, 2) to assess the impact of injection hole spacing and depth on fungicide efficacy, and 3) to deter­ mine whether fungicide injection could be used to reduce fungicide rates. Studies were conducted from 1996 to 1997 on a bentgrass (Agrostis palustris) fairway naturally infested with Gaeumannomyces graminis var. avenae, the incitant of take-all patch, and a Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) turf artificially inoculated with Magnaporthe poae, the causal agent of summer patch. Azoxystrobin was applied as either surface or subsurface (1.9, 3.8, or 7.6 cm injection depth and 2.5 x 2.5 cm or 5.0 x 5.0 cm injection hole spacing) treatments using a CO2 powered sprayer (1,000 L H2O ha-1 @ 0.3 MPa) or a prototype fungicide applicator (15,000 to 62,000 L H2O ha-1 @ 10.5 to 22.5 MPa), respectively. Azoxystrobin was applied in late-May, late-June, and late-July @ 0.6 kg ai ha-1 in 1996 and 0.3, 0.45, and 0.6 kg ai ha-1 in 1997. Treatments were arranged at each site in a randomized complete block with four replications. Azoxystrobin provided good to excellent summer patch control when applied as either surface or subsurface treatments. In 1996, the 2.5 x 2.5 cm injection spacing (all depths) provided disease suppression equivalent to surface applications. At the 5.0 x 5.0 cm spacing, however, only the 1.9 cm treatment was as effective as the foliar sprays. At the second site in 1997, disease pressure intensified and subsurface treatments were generally more efficacious than surface applications. Compared to the 5.0 x 5.0 cm injection spacing, disease was improved 60% at the 2.5 x 2.5 cm spacing (all depths) and was greatest when fungicides were injected to a 1.9 cm depth. When fungicide rates were reduced to either 0.3 or 0.45 kg ai ha-1, excellent disease control was obtained (90% and 91% respectively) with subsurface injection (1.9 cm depth; 2.5 x 2.5 cm spacing) but only fair control (69% and 54% respectively) with surface treatments. In the absence of fungicide, water injection significantly decreased disease severity in 1996 but not in 1997. Similar results were obtained in the take-all patch control study (year 1 = fall 1996 to spring 1997). Although disease suppression decreased at the 3.8 and 7.6 cm depths, the 1.9 cm treatment was as effective as the foliar treat­ ments. Take-all patch control attributed to subsurface applications was independent of injection spacing. TEXTRON TURF CARE AND SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 2 Terminal Road Lyndhurst, N.J. 07071 Sales: 201-804-1000 Parts: 201-804-1004 Service: 201-804-1002 GREEN T LIQUID FERTILIZER Green T Liquid Fertilizer means more green for you and your turf The Liquid Fertilizer Experts 38 Hightstown- Cranbury Station Road Cranbury, New Jersey 08512 ♦ Phone: (609) 448-0935 ♦ Phone: (800) 562-1291 ♦ Fax: (609) 443-8038 E-Mail: PLANT FOOD COMPANY, INC. Diseases of Landscape Ornamentals By Ann B. Gould, Ph.D., Plant Pathology End of Growing Season Notes Drought stress on landscape vegeta­ tion was a major concern this past growing season (refer to the July 29th edition of this newsletter for more information). Although we have had considerable rain in the last few weeks, trees and shrubs that were affected are not out of the woods. Severe drought has affected the root systems of many landscape trees (especially newly transplanted ones), and it often takes trees five or more years to recover from the effects of a severe drought. Furthermore, excessive moisture in some communities has compounded the problem by displacing oxygen from soil, which stresses root systems even further. Keep these stresses in mind during the next few years when monitoring landscape trees and shrubs for plant health. The Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Laboratory has received samples this year of oak trees with diseases that affect the leaves. In many cases, oaks throughout New Jersey have been sim­ ply affected by springtime leaf spot diseases and anthracnose. These dis­ eases are very common, occur when weather during the spring is good for disease development, and are merely cosmetic and do not require chemical control. Other oaks, however, have exhibited a leaf scorch typical of mois­ ture stress (particularly on young transplanted trees) or of the biotic dis­ ease, oak leaf scorch, which is caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. The causes of leaf scorch (both biotic and abiotic) on oaks were discussed in the August 26th edition of this newsletter. Since symptoms of leaf scorch are still evident on trees, refer to this article when trying to identify the cause of the scorch. Definitive diagnosis for bacterial leaf scorch requires a special laboratory test. If in doubt, contact your local Rutgers Cooperative Extension fact sheet FS 875. Evidence of leaf spot diseases and anthracnose is still present on many other shade trees (not just oaks!) and shrubs in New Jersey landscapes. Again, trees become infected with the fungi that cause these diseases in the spring, and disease severity depends on environmental conditions present at the time. To manage leaf spots and anthracnose next year, rake away fall­ en leaves this autumn. This helps to remove a source of inoculum (or the source of the disease) next growing season. Powdery mildew is still evident on many landscape trees and shrubs. Powdery mildew is a very common disease and is caused by fungi that grow on the surface of leaves. This growth is evident as "powdery" spots or mats on tissue surfaces. Hosts com­ monly affected by powdery mildew include ash, azalea, and rhododen­ dron, flowering dogwood, elm, lilac, oak and rose. In most landscape trees and shrubs, powdery mildews do little harm to the host. Refer to the June 17th edition of this newsletter for more information. Diseases of Turfgrass By Bruce B. Clarke, Ph.D., Turfgrass Pathology New Fungicide Novartis Crop Protection, Inc. recently received a turf label for Compass (trifloxystrobin), a new strobilurin fungicide. Compass has been particu­ larly effective against brown patch in tests at Rutgers, but is also labeled for the control of leaf spot, anthracnose, summer patch, gray leaf spot, red thread, pink patch, rust and pink snow mold/Fusarium patch. Although Compass is a strobilurin like Heritage, it is in a different subclass called oximinoacetates. Since this product is not translocated in the vascular tissue, it functions much like a localized penetrant. The fungicide, however, is distributed locally within the leaf (translaminar activity) and does appear to be redistributed through a vapor phase short distances (2-3 inches) within the turf canopy. Stem and Crown Rust These diseases are prevalent on susceptible Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass cultivars, respec­ tively, at this time. As rust intensifies, the turf prematurely yellows and orange pustules called uredia (repro­ ductive structures) appear on affected blades. To control both stem and crown rust, maintain adequate fertility and apply Banner, Bayleton, Daconil, Eagle, mancozeb, Manicure, Sentinel, or Thalonil per manufac­ turer's recommendations. Clear Choice The Finding the right products for dis­ ease prevention and control just got easier with the introduction of Spectra™ from Cleary Chemical. STC Storr tractor company Spectro is based on a physical combination of Daconil Weather Stik® and 3336™fungicides-two of the best formulations for disease control on the market today. Cleary has removed the guesswork from tank mixing by creating Spectra, a 90% WDG. Make no mistake, there is no other product with this unique formulation. Field research shows that Spectra's contact and systemic action provides one of the widest spectrum of disease control available. Spectro also performs with a lower cost per use. All this plus less plant stress than DMI's dur­ ing the heat of the season. Choose a proven winner with outstanding results that won't break your budget. Spectro-The Clear Choice for fine turf disease control. Cleary Chemical Now available in a 5 lb bag/20 lb case. 178 Ridge Road, Dayton, NJ 732-274-0894 fax, 800-524-1662 3336™ is a trademark of the Cleary Chemical Corporation. Daconil Weather Stik™ is a trademark of a Zeneca Group Company. TORO Professional Turf Equipment and Irrigation Products Helping you put quality into play.™ 3191 U.S. Highway 22 • Somerville, NJ 08876 908-722-9830 NJTA Needs You! Each One - Reach One! Please use this membership application to recruit a new member. NUMBERS = STRENGTH! MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Name:_____________________________ Place of Business: Address: City: State:____________________________Zip: □ Sustaining Membership - $150.00 (for businesses, golf courses, associations, or individuals who wish to provide increased support for better turf. Sustaining members will be listed as such and can receive multiple copies of all NJTA's publications.) □ Individual Member - $50.00 □ Student Member - $20.00 (must be currently enrolled in a college or vocational school and actively pursuing a career in turfgrass or a related field. Check one category which best describes your profession: _____ Golf Course ______ Lawn Care Applicator ______ Landscaper/Lawn Maintenance ______ Cemetery ______ Irrigation ______ Sod Producer ______ Parks & Recreation _____ Schools and Athletic Fields ______ Manufacturer/Supplier ______ Professional (architect, university) ______ Student ______ Other NOTE: Please make checks payable to the N.J.T.A. MAIL TO: New Jersey Turfgrass Association P.O. Box 340 Milltown, NJ 08850-0340 Opportunities for the Genetic Improvement of Underutilized Plants for Turf By Reed Funk, Department of Plant Science Exciting progress has been made dur­ ing recent decades in the genetic improvement of many turfgrasses including perennial ryegrass, tall fes­ cue, hard fescue, Chewings fescue and creeping bentgrass. The best new varieties show little resemblance to varieties available in 1960. Population improvement programs in these species were based on collection of elite plants surviving in old turfs. This was followed by many cycles of phe­ notypic assortive mating followed by phenotypic and genotypic recurrent selection combined with a modified population-backcrossing program. This enabled breeders to make dra­ matic changes in many characteristics of value to the turfgrass industry. Each cycle of improvement built on all previous cycles in these highly het­ erozygous, heterogeneous, cross-pol­ linated species. The discovery, study, and utilization of superior strains of useful Neotyphodium endophytes added to the value of many species. The substantial and continued genetic improvement made in these species and associated symbionts suggests that we will not be able to predict the true usefulness of unimproved species until they have been subjected to an extensive collection and evalua­ tion of their useful genetic variation. This must be followed by many cycles of effective population improvement. Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) continues to be the premier lawn-type turfgrass for temperate regions of the United States and Canada. It is hardy, attractive and widely adapted. Extensive rhizomes enable it to spread and recover from stresses of heat, drought, excess wear, insect injury and disease damage. Kentucky bluegrass has an immense range of genetic diversity including nearly every characteristic needed in an ideal lawn grass. Its apomictic repro­ duction allows us to utilize a rare, outstanding, highly heterozygous plant as the foundation of a uniform, true-breeding variety with the advan­ tages of both hybrid vigor and seed propagation. Single-plants selected from old turfs and controlled hybridization have produced many good, but not truly outstanding, varieties. Our inade­ quate control of apomictic versus sex­ ual reproduction has limited our abil­ ity to effectively use many of the pop­ ulation improvement programs that have been so successful in the rapid genetic improvements of many sexu­ al, cross-pollinated species. New ideas and increased efforts are needed to improve breeding methods in apomictic species. Most breeding efforts in Kentucky bluegrass have been directed to developing lower-growing, disease resistant turf-type varieties. These efforts should continue. However, considerable emphasis should be made to develop mid-Atlantic types with increased tolerance of heat and drought, improved resistance to and recovery from insects and disease, and high seed yields. This would greatly increase the value of Kentucky in the transition zone. Genetic improvements are also need­ ed in common-type Kentucky blue- grasses able to produce economical seed yields under dryland production and thrive in low-maintenance turfs. Improved varieties of P. angustifolia should be developed and evaluated for this purpose. Opportunities exist in the selection and improvement of low-growing, fine textured varieties of bulbous bluegrass (P. bulbosa), low-growing perennial types of Poa annua and P. supina. Interspecific crosses between Kentucky bluegrass x Canada bluegrass (P. com­ pressa), Texas bluegrass (P. arachinifera) x Kentucky bluegrass, and P. angusti­ folia x Kentucky bluegrass should be of considerable interest and value. The genus, Agrostis, contains a number of species with considerable potential for genetic improvement for turf. Creeping bentgrass (A. palustris) is the premier turfgrass for closely mowed golf course putting greens. Penncross, released by the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station in 1954, dominated the market for improved bentgrasses for over three decades. Following the release of Pennlinks (1986), SR-1020 (1987) and Providence (1988), a number of other improved creeping bentgrasses have been developed. Many were specifically adapted to various areas of the country or management regimes. Considerable potential exists for additional improvements in this species. Velvet bentgrass (A. canina L.subsp. canina) can form an attractive, low- growing, compact, soft turf with very fine leaves spreading by creeping, leafy stolons. Dr. Howard B. Sprague, a noted Rutgers agronomist, studied turfgrasses during the 1930's. He felt that velvet bentgrass had great poten­ tial. It required little or no fertilizer, continued on page 20 Underutilized Plants for Turf- continued from page 19 grew well in the sun or shade, and performed well as either a putting green or lawn-type turf. His variety, Raritan, was released by the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station in 1940. Due to disruptions caused by World War II, this variety was lost. Recent research by the Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station, Seed Research of Oregon, and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station indi­ cate great potential for additional genetic improvement of this species. Brown bentgrass (A. canina L. subsp. montana) is a drought-resistant lawn grass, spreading by rhizomes to form a fine compact turf. It is widespread in the British Isles and found in tem­ perate regions of Europe and Asia. We are not aware of any efforts to collect, evaluate or improve this grass for turf use in the United States. Colonial bentgrass (A. tenius) is exten­ sively used as a lawn grass in the British Isles, northern Europe, and New Zealand, often in mixtures with Chewings fescue. It is also preferred for putting greens and fairways in these countries. High susceptibility to Rhizoctonia brown patch makes it less useful in areas with hot, humid summers. An extensive search for colonial bentgrasses surviving in old turfs of the mid-Atlantic region could well provide germplasm for the genetic improvements needed in this attractive turfgrass. Dryland or Highland bentgrass (A. castellana) is a hardy densely to loose­ ly tufted perennial turfgrass, vigor­ ously spreading stout, short rhi­ zomes. The variety, Highland, was selected in Oregon from naturalized stands. Its characteristics are strongly suggestive of a Mediterranean origin. Recent collections from old, closely mowed turfs in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States indicate that substantial improvement can be made in attractiveness and turf per­ formance. Redtop (A. gigantea) has been used for pastures, hay and erosion control throughout the northeastern and north central parts of the United States, especially on infertile, poorly drained, acid soils. It was widely used as a temporary grass in lawn seed mixtures prior to the development of improved turf-type perennial rye­ grasses. Redtop is more robust and less aggressive than dryland or colo­ nial bentgrasses. Germplasm collec­ tion, evaluation and enhancement programs should be effective in developing better adapted varieties with improved performance for low- maintenance turfs on wet, acid and infertile soils. Significant advances have been made in the genetic improvement of Chewings fescue and hard fescue. Efforts to obtain additional improve­ ments should continue. In addition many opportunities exist for substan­ tial enhancement of turf performance of strong creeping red fescue, slender creeping red fescue, sheeps fescue, blue fescue, and hybrids between hard and blue fescue. Selections of Puccinellia spp. are high­ ly salt tolerant and can produce attractive, fine textured turfs for saline soils and for roadsides where salt is frequently used for removal of snow and ice. Barkoel, an improved variety of Koeleria has produced a surprisingly dense, attractive, low-growing turf under low maintenance conditions, but has not performed well when fer­ tilized. Are we discarding many use­ ful species and germplasm sources because of inadequate evaluation techniques? Recent selections of Deschampsia spp. also show promise for low maintenance turfs. Finer textured, lower growing, darker green selections of orchard grass are occasionally found growing on poor soils and in moderate to heavy shade. An extensive germplasm collection effort followed by a few cycles of pop­ ulation improvement might make orchardgrass a more useful species for turf. Zoysiagrass has a tremendous amount of genetic variation and many characteristics needed in an excellent low-maintenance turfgrass. Its native range extends from south­ ern Australia through Indonesia and the Philippines to islands north of Japan. Types exist with a very low growth habit and fine leaves; others have excellent salt-tolerance. It has good resistance to heat, drought, infertile soils, many diseases, and insect pests. Eastern Asia, where many ecotypes evolved, has climate and soils similar to those of eastern North America. If New Jersey and other parts of the eastern United States had been colonized by settlers from Korea and northeast China, it is likely that Zoysia would be our dom­ inant turfgrass. Dramatic advances have been made in the genetic improvement of bermudagrass for warmer regions. These range from exceptionally fine- textured, low growing varieties (Tifdwarf), and wear-tolerant types for sports turf, to very productive, robust forage grasses. Germplasm collection from the mountains of Africa, Europe, and southern Asia, followed by cycles of population improvement could extend the use of this exceptionally wear-tolerant grass into more northern areas. White dutch clover, strawberry clover, birdsfoot trefoil, turf-type alfalfa, crown vetch, and perennial sweet pea are examples of legumes which may well play an increasingly important role in many lower mainte­ nance turfs. Symbiotic nitrogen fixa­ tion and deep tap roots aid in enhanc­ ing soil fertility and structure and promotes growth of associated grass­ es and other plants. Attractive flowers add to the beauty and diversity of turfs containing legumes. Please be advised of the availability of the Plant & Pest Advisory... Plant & Pest Advisory Plant & Pest Advisory Please Fill Out All Sections Below: A Seasonal Management Newsletter Available In Five Editions: Vegetable Crops; Field Crops; Landscape, Nursery &Turf; Fruit; Cranberries The Plant & Pest Advisory is a cooperative effort between New Jersey County Agents, Research Specialists, Growers, Landscapers and the agricultural services industry. No other publication provides you with more timely information pertaining to your growing problems and IPM needs. If you are a commercial grower, dealer, landscaper, turf manager or arborist you will benefit from the latest research information, field observations, and industry professional education events from Rutgers Cooperative Extension County Agricultural Agents and Specialists. 1. I'd like to receive the newsletter starting early Spring 2000: O By Mail O Same Day By Fax 2. Check Which Edition(s): Landscape, Nursery & Turf (16 Issues) $22 Vegetable Crops (28 Issues) $25 Field Crops/Livestock (13 Issues) $20 Cranberries (12 Issues) $20 Fruit (32 Issues) $27 Total Enclosed 3. Business Name................................................................................... To Whose Attention: First Name............................................................................................. Last Name............................................................................................. Address.................................................................................................. City, State, Zip..................................................................................... County.................................................................................................... Phone (..............)................................................................................... Fax# (..............)................................................................................... (For Fax Subscriptions Only) 4. Make Check Payable To: Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 5. Mail Payment To: Plant & Pest Advisory Rutgers Cooperative Extension 18 College Farm Road New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551 For Office Use Rutgers Cooperative Extension provides information and educational services to all people without regard to sex, race, color, national origin, disability or handicap or age. Rutgers Cooperative Extension is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Lofts Seed Presents More Timely Turf Tips... Monthly Lawn Care Suggestions Lofts Seed November FERTILIZATION Late fall is probably the most impor­ tant time of the year for lawn fertiliza­ tion. Fertilizer applied in the late fall will be taken up by the plants and uti­ lized to build a strong root system. Additionally, plants will utilize fertil­ izer to build food reserves important for good spring growth. Late fall fer­ tilization with Lofts Fall Feed and Seed Starter Plus Iron 17-10-12 (Step 4) will make your lawn green up one to two weeks earlier in the spring than normal and will also provide a healthy spring growth rate. Fertilizing in the spring encourages a flush of growth, which increases the need for mowing. With fall fertilization, you get all of the advantages of spring fertilization plus the addition of early spring color with less mowing. SEEDING November through December is a desirable time to seed bare spots. Seedbed preparation should consist of raking bare spots to enhance seed to soil contact prior to the ground freezing. Seed should be sown on frozen ground. It will not germinate during November and December, but will remain dormant in the soil until spring and then germinate as temper­ atures rise. For best results, select any one of the following Lofts mixtures: • Deluxe Sun & Shade • Ecology Mixture • • • Tri-Plex Ryegrass • Repellent Perennial Ryegrass • A Rebel product, such as Rebel Sunny Lawn Summer Stress Elite or Rebel Supreme • Dense Shade • Palmer’s Pride South Jersey Farmers Exchange, Inc. We have all your turf needs in stock from fertilizers and chemicals to lime and hydroseeding supplies Give us a call for a quote on any turf supplies you need (609) 769-0062 State of the Industry report Reprinted from Lawn & Landscape, October 1999, Vol. 20, No. 10 Market Overview "The market is booming," according to Randy James, vice president, Davis Landscape of Hilton Head, Hilton Head Island, SC. Audrie Seeley, president, Audrie Seeley & Co., agreed when asked about business in Kansas City, MO. "This year has been a great year, and the market should be strong for at least the next three years." "We've surpassed the best months in our company's history," added Marty Grunder, founder and president, Grunder Landscaping, Miamisburg, OH. "There is plenty of business out there -I think we'll end up having a great year," echoed P.J. Lenihan, vice president, Nature's Select, Winston- Salem, NC. And the list of contractors boasting of record sales and booming service goes on and on all around the country. continued from page 24 Companies:...................................................................................................70,000 Revenues:................................................................................$60 billion in 1998 Employees:.............................. ......................................................... ......... 875,000 Average years in business: ............................................................ . 17.7 years Average year-round employees: ...................................................... ........... 12.5 Average seasonal employees: ...................................................................9.4 Average 1998 gross sales:.................................................................$863,800 Average 1998 net profit:........................................................ 16.4 percent Average sales growth over 1997: ..................................................22.7 percent Anticipated sales growth for 1999: .......................... 19.5 percent Landscape contractors: ........................................... 35.3 percent Lawn maintenance contractors:.......................................................... 19.3 percent Lawn care company:.......................................................................... 14.4 percent Grounds management: .........................................................................7.3 percent Ornamental shrub & tree care: ..........................................................5.3 percent Revenues from single-family residential contracts: ......................58.7 percent Revenues from multi-family residential contracts:........................... 6.7 percent Revenues from commercial/industrial contracts:.........................27.0 percent Revenues from government contracts:...................................................................5.3 percent Average truck expenditures per company:......................................... $34,162 Average mower expenditures per company:........................................$9,504 Average pesticide expenditures per company: ..... ...........................$ 13,045 Average nursery stock expenditures per company: ....................... $ 104,027 Source: Research USA super SALES The lawn and land­ scape industry continues to be an industry comprised primarily of businesses generating less than $500,000 in annual sales. In fact, 71.6 percent of respon­ dents to a survey of 1,000 Lawn & Land­ scape readers reported 1998 gross sales of $500,000 or less. good GROWTH An impressive 72 percent of Lawn & Landscape readers who respond­ ed to an industry survey expect their 1999 revenues to surpass their 1998 revenues. This represents a slight decrease from last year's survey, which showed that about 72 percent of the industry enjoyed growth from 1997 to 1998, although last year's growth was stronger than this year's - 24.1 percent to 19.5 percent. This slowed pace of growth is certainly understandable, however, as the labor shortage becomes more restrictive the more companies grow and the overall health of the industry continues to attract new competition. Of greater concern than the slowed pace of growth is the increase in the number of contractors who expected their sales to decrease in 1999 - from 3 percent of respondents last year to 10 percent this year. To the right is a breakdown of the expected growth ranges from survey respondents who do expect their companies to grow in 1999. Source: Research USA Source: Research USA Lawn mowing lies at the heart of most landscape companies, which is certainly not a surprise to anyone in this industry. However, physical lawn maintenance (mowing, edging, trimming, etc.) doesn't even account for 40 percent of the overall revenues generated by this industry, which may surprise some people. While the mix in the first chart below isn't representative or the percent of sales from different services for every contractor, the numbers do reflect the increasingly full-service nature of contractors' businesses and the expected higher billing rates for some services (design and/or installation) over others. Respondents were also asked to note the three services that represented the largest volume of sales to their company. Turf is TOPS the labor CRISIS In recent years, few issues have challenged lawn and landscape contractors' business­ es more than the shortage of quality labor. A survey conducted by Lawn & Landscape found that downward pressure on prices, the rising level of education and career expectations within the youngest sectors of the American workforce, and the restric­ tions and regulations placed on hiring legal aliens (most commonly Hispanics from Central and Latin America) by government agencies have combined to severely limit the pool of workers available to lawn and landscape contractors. Not surprisingly, mowing, landscape installation and landscape design ser­ vices were ranked as being the three most profitable services contractors offer. Following are respondents' average gross margin for their most profitable services: The business lost by lawn and landscape contractors from inadequate staffing is substantial in many cases. On average, firms would employ an additional 9 percent more employees if they could find people willing to work. For 1998, these 300 respondents predicted they would have boosted revenues almost 11 percent - nearly $150 million collectively - had they had an unlimited supply of ■ qualified works to hire. Source: Research USA Calendar of Events... 1999 November 17-18 COOK COLLEGE, OFFICE OF CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION Small Engine Repair Contact: Kurt Martens, 732-932-8451 November 18 AEC ANNUAL MEETING AND SEMINAR 732-563-9252 (See Pages 6 and 7) December 6 December 7 GCSAA SEMINAR: Maximizing Job Satisfaction NJTA Expo '99 Trump Taj Mahal Casino / Resort Atlantic City, NJ 800-472-7878 GCSAA ETONIC 1/2 DAY SEMINAR Bringing Out The Best In The People You Manage NJTA Expo '99 Trump Taj Mahal Casino / Resort Atlantic City, NJ 800-472-7878 December 7, 8, 9 NJTA EXPO ’99: THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS Trump Taj Mahal Casino / Resort Atlantic City, NJ 856-853-5973 or 732-821-7134 2000 February 9 -10 NJNLA'S NJ TRADE SHOW & EDUCATIONAL SESSIONS Somerset, NJ February 23 NEW JERSEY LANDSCAPE 2000 Meadowlands Exposition Center Secaucus, NJ Sponsored by: NJ Landscape Contractors Association Contact: Skip Powers, 201-664-6310 May 15 RUTGERS TURFGRASS RESEARCH 5TH ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC FREE CLASSIFIED ADS! If you've got something to sell, something you wish to buy or trade, need to advertise a job or you are looking for a job, etc., take advantage of our free classified ads now being offered in Clippings to all NJTA members. Send your ad to: DICK CATON 41 LUPTON AVENUE WOODBURY, NJ 08096 Include your phone number so we can call if we have any questions. Please Take Note... NJTA's South Jersey Office Area Code Has Changed From 609 To 856! 856-853-5973 Phone 856-853-1917 Fax Calendar of Events... 2000 COOK COLLEGE Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Office of Continuing Professional Education Rutgers Cooperative Extension January 3-14 January 5-6 Professional Landscape and Grounds Management School Landscape Lighting: A Practical Approach January 7 - February 4 January 7 - March 17 January 7 - March 17 Urban Forestry: Make Your Town a Tree City USA Basics of Plant Materials for Landscape Use Basics of Landscape Design January 8 - February 26 Designer Plant Materials Series - Bulbs: How, When and Where To Plant Them - Winter & Spring Perennials - Summer Perennials - Mixed Borders: Woody & Herbaceous - Vines: Annuals & Perennials - Small Trees & Shrubs for Screening and Accent - Feature Plants and Property Placement - Ornamental Grasses and Bamboos January 11 -12 Practice Landscape Marketing: Making Money with IPM January 12 - 26 Professional Parks Maintenance January 17 - February 4 Golf Turf Management: A Millennium Offering - A Three Week Preparatory Short Course Applied Topics in PGM: The Successful Identification and Control of Turfgrass Diseases January 25 - 26 Integrated Pest Management January 20 January 27 - February 24 February 1-2 February 8-9 February 15 Contact: 732-932-9271 Irrigation Systems: Designing, Installing and Cost Estimating Integrated Pest Management Integrated Pest Management Applied Topics in PGM: Successfully Identifying and Effectively Managing Turf and Landscape Weeds Pest Management of Ornamental Landscape Plants February 16 Water Gardens: Designing and Maintaining Ponds in the Landscape February 26 Successful Lawn Care Management February 28 - 29 Applied Topics in PGM: Better March 1 Landscapes Through Betters Soils February 28 - 29 Landscape Construction: Building Practical and Innovative Solutions for Your Customers Concrete Pavers: Creative Applications and Efficient Installation Methods Designing and Installing Concrete Block and Timber Retaining Walls Pruning Landscape Ornamentals for Beneficial Effects March 13 March 9 March 14 -15 Beyond the Basics of Landscape Construction March 15 March 16 March 17 April 25 Applied Topics in PGM: Successful Insect Identification and Control for Ornamental Plants Hazardous Tree Identification Large Tree Pruning and Rigging Roadside and Right-of-Way Vegetation Management 75years in TheIndustry and we're The Turfgrass Alumni Association New Jersey Turfgrass Association and Are ON-LINE! still green. 75YEARSAND STILL GROWING Lofts Seed Lofts Seed, Inc. PO Box 26223 Winston-Salem, NC 27114-6223 Toll free: 1.888. LOFTS CO Please make note of the call numbers for these organizations and be sure to visit these web sites: New Jersey Turfgrass Association: Turfgrass Alumni Association: Premium Liquid Fertilizers for Getting to the Root of Healthier Foilage The Liquid Fertilizer Experts 38 Hightstown- Cranbury Station Road Cranbury, New Jersey 08512 ♦ Phone: (609) 448-0935 ♦ Phone:(800)562-1291 ♦ Fax: (609) 443-8038 E-Mail: PLANT FOOD COMPANY, INC. new jersey turfgrass association clippings & Green World njta PO Box 340 Milltown, New Jersey 08850-0340 (732) 821-7134 fax (732) 821-8157 1st Class Mail U.S. Postage PAID Bellmawr, NJ Permit #58 Board of Directors John Buechner, President Steve P. Chirip, Vice President Barbara Vydro, Treasurer Edmund I. Milewski, Secretary Samuel Leon, Past President Clyde Ashton, Director Joseph Bianco, Director Dr. Bruce Clarke, Advisor Lise DesChamps, Director Robert A. Dickison, Expo General Chairman William F. Koonz, Jr., Director Armand LeSage, Director Louis S. Makrancy, Director Dr. James Murphy, Advisor Howard Perdun, Director Marie Pompei, Director Chris Zelley, Director Dr. Richard Caton, Executive Director Bea Devine, Executive Secretary T6 P2 AUTO**3-DIGIT 079 James T. SNOW U.S.G.A. PO BOX 708 FAR HILLS NJ 07931-0708