Issue 1: 2012 - Spring | VOL 82 Come to the 17th Annual Rutgers Turfgrass Research Golf Classic...You’ll be Smiling too. May 7, 2012 In Memoriam: Richard G. Caton, Sr. August 31, 1934 - March 31, 2012 BASF 2012 Patron Directory BASF PLANT FOOD COMPANY David Schell Ted Platz 1717 Pleasantville Road Fertilizer Manufacturer/Supplier Forest Hill, MD 21050 38 Hightstown-Cranbury Station Road Ph: (410) 420-0568 Fx: (410) 420-0247 Cranbury, NJ 08512 Ph: (800) 562-1291 Fx: (800) 443-8038 BAYER Jeffrey Weld PROSEEDS MARKETING, INC/ 91 Schofield Road West Milford, NJ 07480 ALLIANCE SEED Ph: (914) 419-9384 Fx: (877) 492-1897 JP Olsen, Henry Lesinski 13965 Westside Ln S Jefferson OR 97013 CLEARY CHEMICAL Ph: (541) 928-9999 Bryan Bolehala 178 Ridge Road STORR TRACTOR COMPANY Dayton NJ Ken Indyk Ph: (201) 874-8060 3191 Highway 22 East Branchburg NJ 08876 Ph: (908) 722-9830 DUPONT PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS Mike McDermott Laurel Run 705, 1N11 SYNGENTA Wilmington DE 19880 Dennis E. DeSanctis Jr. Lee Kozsey GRASS ROOTS INC. Plant Protectants Ken and Keith Kubik PO Box 36 PO Box 7182 Mt. Freedom, NJ 07970 Monroe Township, NJ 08831 Ph: (973) 252-6634 Fx: (973) 252-6630 Ph: (732) 580-5514 Fx:(609) 918-1696 THE SCOTTS COMPANY JOHN DEERE GOLF John Sass Tom Hannigan 14111 Scottslawn Road 6 Berkshire Road Marysville OH 43041 Westampton NJ 08060 Ph: (937) 644-7260 Ph: (609) 265-1524 TURF TRADE Alan Phillips, Steve Segui, Mike Nicotra LEBANON TURF Fertilizer, Seed, Plant Protectant Supplies John Hunt 517 Franklinville Road 1600 East Cumberland Street Mullica Hill, NJ 08062 Lebanon PA 17042 Ph: (856) 478-6704 Fx: (856) 478-0842 Ph: (315) 263-1974 MOUNTAIN VIEW SEEDS Ted Kuenzi 8955 Sunnyview Road NE Salem OR 97305 2 Clippings |Spring 2012 President’s Message Table of Contents by Matt Sweatlock, NJTA President Clippings Ihowever, should start this letter talking about spring cleanup; this past winter, we went from fall cleanup 2012 NJTA Patron Directory 2 directly into spring. According to The National Oce- anic and Atmospheric Administration, New Jersey President’s Message 3 had one of the warmest and driest first quarters (January 2012 – March 2012) on record. Instead of discussing snow removal and winter From the Executive Director 4 damage, March’s discussions included the lack of rain/snow melt and whether or not pre-emergent control needed to be applied before the Support Rutgers Research Golf Classic 5 end of March. April has brought us seasonable temperatures, but pre- GREEN WORLD:: Turfgrass Insecticides and cipitation totals remain well below normal. The NJDEP currently lists Safety for Applicators, Non-Targets, Environ. 6 New Jersey Reservoirs and the Delaware River Basin Commission at or near normal levels, however precipitation totals have continued to Meet Nick Polanin 7 register below normal for the last 90 days. Good Things Happening...Rutgers CTS 9 Membership is the key to any association. The New Jersey Turfgrass Association is comprised of a diverse group of professionals with a Richard Caton Passes, NJTA’s 1st Exec Dir 11 common bond -- turfgrass. We are landscapers, golf course superin- tendents, sod growers, irrigation specialists, cemeterians, manufactur- Golf Classic Brochure & Registration 12-13 ers, suppliers, dealers, sports field and parks managers, school ground- Silent Auction Winners Enjoy Cooking School 15 skeepers, nurserymen, landscape contractors, educators, scientists, and students. Many of us are involved with the allied associations What NJTA Does for You! 18 within our specialized fields. This diversity makes our association strong. The board is comprised of members of the different groups, NJTA Membership Application 19 adding a well-balanced approach to its governance. This diversity coupled with the association’s partnership with Rutgers Center for New Jersey Fertilizer Law 20 Turfgrass Science enables the NJTA to provide its members with the best educational opportunities in the country. I urge members to take Save the Dates: Turfgrass Research Field Days 22 advantage of the programs offered through the association. Rutgers County Extension Contacts 23 The National Labor Relations Board deadline for employers to post Calendar of Events 23 the Employee Rights notice is April 30, 2012. Information on this “right to organize” posting and copies of the notice can be found at NJTA Board of Directors 24 Our Association is sound with 2012 membership nearing 800. The Field Day Committee met, and preparations are underway. We have Please keep us informed of any changes 35 exhibitors registered for the Green Expo 2012 so far. The Expo to your member profile Education Committee has been working on the educational portion of the conference. Our next event, The Rutgers Turfgrass Research Golf (Company/Address/Email) Classic is to be held on May 7, 2012. The proceeds are used to assist the turf program at Rutgers University, enhancing the turf industry. Call Us • Email Us • Mail Us Take advantage of all your association offers...and check our website NJTA for the latest updates on events. 25 US Highway 46 West Faithfully submitted, Wayne NJ 07470-6801 (973) 812-6467 25 US Highway 46 West Wayne, NJ 07470-6801 Phone: (973) 812-6467 Matthew M Sweatlock Fax: (973) 812-6529 President, NJTA Clippings | Winter 2011 3 H o w A r e We D o i n g ? The NJTA 2012 by Cece Peabody, MAT, CMP, Member Directory NJTA Executive Director is on its way to you... Yes, we want to ask...How Are We watch for it! Doing? We thank you for your membership in NJTA...whether you’re an indi- vidual or a company with many members. Evidence 2012 shows that our numbers are growing and we expect to crest 800 members this year...that’s huge. b e r s h ip Mem Are you getting what you need from the NJTA? i r e c t o ry D ent Are we providing the information you seek in our quarterly magazine, Clippings? Do you actively use ancem d ic a te d to the adv y in the the annual Membership Directory to connect with and De ustr fgrass ind of the tur f New Jersey do business with other members? Have you taken ad- State o world. vantage of the registration discounts offered for Field d th r o u g hout the an Days and the Green Expo? n r f g r a s s Associatio New Jersey Tu hwa y 46 West Any organization needs to have an ear to the com- 25 US Hig J 07470 Way , N -6467 n e ments of its members and continually seek to improve 812 Ph: (973) 2-6529 Fx: (9 7 3 ) 81 the benefits they provide. Growth is listening to the rg w w .n jt u rfgrass.o good as well as the not-so-good and doing a better w Since 197 0 job. NJTA has a strong voice in the turfgrass industry 4:51:59 PM and we do our best to represent your interests with 4/10/12 science-based information when current legislative frontcove r12.indd 1 issues impact us...that’s one great reason we are so actively involved with the research and professors at NEXT EVENT: Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science. If we can do a better job to make your membership experience and investment have more value to you, then reach out -- by phone or email and share your concerns, questions, or comments. Or if you see me at one of our events, take a few minutes and talk to me. Things can’t change if no one shares. Cece Peabody Executive Director "It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows." Monday -- Epictetus May 7, 2012 4 Clippings | Spring 2012 Support Yourself by Supporting the Rutgers Turfgrass Research Golf Classic by Shaun Barry, Golf Classic There is an old expression about “preaching to the choir” When the golf is finished ,your fun continues with a grand cocktail hour with lots of wonderful hors d-hoeuvres that and it is still used to this day and everyone understands what it means. That is what I am doing today. This brief are to become your dinner. If you wish something different reminder is about the Rutgers Turfgrass Research Golf be sure to try the pizzas fresh out of their outdoor pizza- Classic on May 7, 2012. Many of you will have this date oven. Last year we consumed over 125 pizzas. It was quite on your calendar and are probably scheduled to attend. You may be bringing a team from your company or your club. a hit. While this is all going on you will have a chance Every industry that helps make the NJTA such a diverse to participate in the silent auction. Darrell Marcinek and and active group is represented. You may be attending as a Rick Krok have gone to great lengths to find items that are guest with another team or you may be attending by your- self knowing that you will be paired with an old friend or a of interest and useful for work or pleasure. Get a number soon-to-be new friend. It is a day that once you attend you and start bidding. You will have lots of company who just will want to return to enjoy the day and all that it offers and might try and steal the items you want. also because you know how successful this tournament has been in supporting turfgrass research. There is a brief introduction by Dr Clarke. He has lots of In the last 16 years, over $1,100,000 has been raised and people to acknowledge. He has to thank all of the sponsors it has been raised solely for the purpose of funding turf- especially the Premier Sponsors and he never misses the grass research at Rutgers. The results that have come out superintendents and the wonderful staff at the club. This is of Rutgers have been used throughout the world. If you get to attend, you know that your support is going to help you done while everyone is still enjoying their dinner. Soon the and others do their jobs better when the time comes that silent auction is completed, the winners are identified by help is needed. the pro-shop, and prizes are given out and everyone heads home or they continue the day either by sitting out on the In addition to the good feeling of helping that is shared by everyone, there are many other benefits. Each year Rutgers patio or inside but in every case they are laughing and offers an hour of educational talks that not only enlighten, smiling with friends. It is the final touch to a great day. but also allow participants the chance to earn credits from NJ, NY, PA and GCSAA. If you get the chance to join the field of more than 330 golfers, you will enjoy one of Fid- I hope you can join us. Call Cece at the NJTA office if you dlers Elbow`s three Championship courses. You will also have any questions [973-812-6467]. enjoy a wonderful breakfast and dinner in the clubhouse with a hot burger or dog out on the course. The highlight of the day for some is when they get to “Meet the Professors” during their round of golf. On each course your group gets to meet one of the professors from the Center For Turf- grass Research. Last year it was Dr. Bruce Clarke, Dr. Bill Meyer, and Dr. James Murphy, and most likely they Find our Facebook link @ will be back for a return engagement. Their goal is to meet everyone personally and to help you hit a shot that could benefit your team. That might be a tee-shot or a chip or a Please “Like” our page. putt depending upon the professor`s individual skills. Clippings | Spring 2012 5 Turfgrass Insecticides and Their Safety for Applicators, Non-Targets, and Environment by Dr. Albrecht M. Koppenhöfer, Ph.D., Turfgrass Entomology Applied Turfgrass Research from Rutgers, the State University, and the New Jersey Turfgrass Association While the implementation of the Food Quality Protection When assessing the toxicity of a control product to the ap- Act of 1996 has led to the loss or use restriction of many plicator, the concentration of the AI in the formulation has insecticides, particularly of organophosphates and carbam- to be considered (see MSDS for specific products). Obvi- ates, it has also enhanced efforts by the chemical indus- ously, the lower the concentration of AI in a formulation, try to bring to market new insecticides classes with better the lower the danger for the person dealing with the for- toxicological and environmental profiles. Several product mulation, generally when mixing the product. However, a with new active ingredients (AI) have become available lower AI concentration in the formulation (such as in gran- over the last few years including one anthranilic diamide ular formulations) does not change the amount of toxicity (chlorantraniliprole), one oxadiazine (indoxacarb) and two applied as that is based on amount of AI per treated area neonicotinoids (thiamethoxam, clothianidin). Currently at least 21 AIs belonging to 11 pesticide classes are labeled In assessing the potential effects on the public, non-target for the control of turfgrass insect and/or mite pests in New organism, and the environment in general, the use rates Jersey (Table 1 - next page). of the material have to be considered. For example, the LD50 for rats is very similar for trichlorfon and imidaclo- Most of the newer AIs tend to have a narrower spectrum prid resulting in similar dangers to the person handling the of pests against which they are very effective, but most of concentrated product (e.g., Dylox 80 vs. Merit 75 WP). them still cover most of the important pests against which But imidacloprid is used at 5 to 26 times lower rates than most applications are targeted. Many of these new com- trichlorfon making it generally safer for non-targets and pounds have a long residual activity and thus can cover the environment. However, newer products can be even several of the important insect pests with one application if safer. Thus, chlorantraniliprole has a 12-fold lower tox- applied at the optimal rate and time (see article in Clippings icity to mammals than imidacloprid and is applied at 1/3 Summer 2011). At the same time, they are much less toxic the rate (against white grubs), resulting in a further 36-fold to applicators and vertebrate non-target organisms (mam- reduction in the amount of toxicity applied. mals, birds, fish; see Table 2 - page 8) and many beneficials (bees, predators, parasitic wasps and/or parasitic flies). To give a better idea about the relative toxicity load for the environment of the various compounds, I have used the The toxicological data for technical grade (high purity) AIs following formula: average use rate (lbs AI per acre) × in presently labeled insecticides/miticides are listed in Ta- toxicity (1/LD50 or LC50) × 1,000. For mammalian safe- ble 2. Individuals in a test population vary in their suscep- ty, trichlorfon, chlorpyrifos, and carbaryl (9.1−16.3) have tibility to different toxins. Therefore toxicity is generally the highest toxicity load among presently available insecti- quantified as LD50 and LC50 values. These are the lethal cides, whereas chlorantraniliprole, halofenozide, spinosad, dosages (LD = directly administered to organism) and le- clothianidin, cyfluthrin, and indoxacarb have the lowest thal concentrations (LC = concentration in water) that kill (0.02−0.1). For avian safety, the organophosphates and 50% of the individuals in a test population. The more toxic carbaryl have the highest toxicity load (1.3−5.9), whereas a material is, the lower is the value and the less material is all pyrethroids, imidacloprid, spinosad, halofenozide, in- needed to kill the target. Materials with the lowest LD50 doxacarb, chlorantraniliprole, and clothianidin have the value for rats (the most common mammalian test organ- lowest (0.01−0.13). For fish safety, the pyrethroids are by ism) tend to be the most toxic to humans and mammals in far the most problematic (10,000−666,667), followed by general. Materials with low LD50 values for bees should carbaryl (2,500) and chlorpyrifos (125), whereas chloran- be avoided in areas were bees are active (weedy turf). traniliprole, imidacloprid, and indoxacarb have the low- est toxicity load (0.01−0.15). Regarding bee toxicity, the continued on page 7 6 Clippings | Spring 2012 Turfgrass Insecticides..continued Meet pyrethroids and carbaryl have the highest toxicity load (5,000−7,143) followed by acephate, chlorpyrifos, halofe- Nicholas Polanin nozide and imidacloprid (750−1,667), whereas chlorantra- niliprole, clothianidin, indoxacarb, and trichlorfon have the lowest (25−109). Taken together, the lower toxicity of the AIs and the lower average use rates of products containing these AIs result in products containing the newer AIs generally being much less hazardous to non-targets and the environment than those with older AIs (especially organophosphates and car- bamates). Based on these considerations, the safest syn- thetic insecticide presently used in turf is Acelepryn (AI chlorantraniliprole) followed by Provaunt (indoxacarb), Conserve (spinosad), and Arena (clothianidin). These products seem to be also relatively safe for naturally oc- Nicholas Polanin is currently an Associate Professor curring predatory and parasitic insects. The other newer (County Agent II, with tenure) with Rutgers University, products are also rather safe but have some toxicity issues New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Cooperative with fish (halofenozide) or honey bees (halofenozide, imi- Extension in Somerset County. Since joining Rutgers Uni- dacloprid, and spinosad). versity in 1999, Nick has been nationally recognized for his leadership and educational initiatives in training arborists As a note caution, the reader has to consider that various and other tree care professionals, workforce and volunteer other factors can also come into play in determining how development, distance education, research and outreach a product affects non-target organism such as application in ornamentals, and communication. He currently serves method (e.g., spray vs. granular), residual activity, toxic- as statewide coordinator for the Rutgers Master Garden- ity of chemicals into which the AI breaks down over time, er Program active in 18 of NJ’s 21 counties. Nick holds water solubility, systematic activity, etc. Hence, the reader an MS in Horticulture/Urban Forestry (1989), and a BS in Natural Resource Management/Forestry (1982), both from should always carefully read the pesticide label in order to Rutgers University. be award of special precautions to be taken in mixing and applying a specific product. We welcome Nick to the NJTA Board of Directors! Table 1. Synthetic insecticides and miticides labeled for turfgrass in 2011. Armyworms Chinch bugs Leafhoppers White grubs ABW. Billbugs Common name (IRAC a) Trade names adult / larva Ants adult / larva BTA Crane flies Cutworms Fleas Greenbug SWW Ticks Wasps Clover mite WGM Carbaryl (1A)e Sevin - / X X X - / X - X X X X - X X X X - - - Acephate (1B) Address, Orthene - / - X X - / - X X - X X X X X - - X - - b,c,d Chlorpyrifos (1B) Dursban X / X X X - / - X X X X X X X X X - - X X Trichlorfon (1B) Dylox - / X - X - / - - - X - - - X - X - - - b Bifenthrin (3) Talstar X / - X X X / - X X - X X - X X X - - X - b, Cyfluthrin (3) Tempo X / - X X X / - X X - X X - X X X - X - - b Deltamethrin (3) DeltaGard X / - X X X / - X X - X X - X X X - - - - b Lambda-cyhalothrin (3) Battle, Scimitar X / - X X X / - X X - X X - - X X - X X - Permethrin (3) Astro, Permethrin - / - X X - / - - X - - X - X X X - X - - Halofenozide (18A) Mach 2 - / X - X - / X - - - X - - - X - X - - - Clothianidin (4A) Arena - / s X X - / X - X X - - - - X - X - - - Imidacloprid (4A) Merit, Enforce - / s - - - / X - s - s - - X - - X - - - Thiamethoxam (4A) Meridian - / s - - - / X - s - - - - - - - X - - - Indoxacarb (22) Provaunt - / X - X - / - - - X X - - - X - - - - - Chlorantraniliprole (28) Acelepryn - / X - X - / X - s X X - - - X -- X - - - Spinosad (5) Conserve - / X - X - / - X - - X X - - X - - - - - Hydramethylnon (20a) Amdro, Maxforce - / - X - - / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Abamectin B1 (6) Advance - / - X - - / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b Bifenth.+imidacl. (3+4A) Allectus X / X X X X / X X X X X X - X X X X - X - b Bifenth.+clothian. (3+4A) Aloft X / X X X X / X X X X X X - X X X X - X - Dicofol (3) Dicofol, Kelthane - / - - - - / - - - - - - - - - - - X - X = label claims control; s = label claims suppression only; ABW = annual bluegrass weevil (Hyperodes); BTA = black turfgrass ataenius adults; SWW = sod webworms; WGM = winter grain mite. a IRAC = Insecticide Resistance Action Committee mode of activity classification (use for rotation schemes); b Restricted use pesticide: may be purchased and applied only by certified applicator. c Amount may not exceed 1 lb ai/acre. d Not for use on residential turf. e Insecticide class: 1A = carbamate; 1B = organophosphate; 3 = pyrethroid; 4A = neonicotinoid; 5 = spinosyn; 6 = Avermectin; 18A = diaclhydrazine; 20a = aminohydrazone; 22 = oxadiazone; 28 = anthranilic diamide. NOTE: no endorsement of named products is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned Clippings | Spring 2012 7 Table 2. Ecotoxicological characteristics of active ingredients in insecticides/miticides for turfgrass in 2011a. b Oral LD50 (mg/kg) Rainbow trout Water c Use rates LC50 (ppm) Bee LD50 solubility Mallard Chemical name (g AI/ha) (µg/bee)d (mg/L) Rat duck carbaryl 2.0−8.0 550 > 2179 2 0.1 40.0 acephate 1.0-3.0 906 350 > 1000 1.2 790000 chlorpyrifos 1.0 97 170 8 0.6 2.6 trichlorfon 5.5−8.2 400 > 5000 430 59.8 136000 bifenthrin 0.04−0.11 62 2150 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.1 cyfluthrin 0.05−0.1 1070 > 5000 < 0.1 < 0.1 2.0 deltamethrin 0.03−0.13 96 > 4640 < 0.1 < 0.1 2.0 λ-cyhalothrin 0.03−0.12 100 > 3950 < 0.1 < 0.1 0.005 halofenozide 1.0−2.0 > 5000 > 5000 9 > 100.0 12.3 clothianidin 0.2−0.33 > 5200 > 2000 > 100 4.0 327 imidacloprid 0.3−0.4 424 > 4797 > 8300 0.4 514 thiamethoxam 0.2−0.266 1563 576 > 100 0.1 4000 spinosad 0.076−0.395 > 5000 > 2000 30 0.1 235 indoxacarb 0.0375−0.22 999 > 5620 650 0.2 0.2 5 chlorantraniliprole 0.026−0.225 > 5000 2200 > 15000 > 4.0 1.0 dicofol 0.25–0.5 493 2214 0.12 > 100.0 0.8 a Toxicological data based on active ingredient are from Etoxnet (2010) or MSDS sheets. For simplicity, average values are given for compounds where ranges were listed. b EPA toxicological classifications: < 10 = very highly toxic; 10–50 = highly toxic; 51–500 = moderately toxic; 501–2000 = slightly toxic; > 2000 = practically non-toxic. c EPA toxicol. class.: < 0.1 = very highly toxic; 0.1–1 = highly toxic; 1–10 = mod. toxic; 10–100 = slightly toxic; > 100 = practic. non-toxic. d EPA toxicol. class.: < 2 = highly toxic; 2–11 = mod. toxic; 11–100 = slightly toxic; > 100 = practic. non-toxic. 8 Clippings | Spring 2012 Good Things Have Been Happening at the Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science 1. Bingru Huang Named Ralph Geiger Endowed Chair in 2. Here is an article about Bingru Huang’s being selected Turfgrass Science as a fellow in the American Association for the Advance- ment of Sciences (AAS) a very prestigious group of scien- Bingru Huang (Plant Biology tists in the US. She was one of three RU professors to be and Pathology) was approved as the Ralph Geiger Endowed so honored in 2011. Chair in Turfgrass Science by releases/2011/12/three-rutgers-profes-20111212 the Rutgers University Board of Governors (BOG) on Oc- tober 12. Huang succeeds 3. Graduate Student National Awards: Bruce Clarke (Plant Biology and Pathology; director of the Rutgers’ Center for Turfgrass • James Hempfling (Plant Biology and Pathology) received Science), who was named the 2nd place in the Graduate Student Oral Paper Competition inaugural chair in 2005. at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Northeast Division of the American Phytopathological Society in New Brunswick, Huang, an expert in turfgrass NJ. His presentation was titled “The effect of mechanical stress physiology, joined the injury on anthracnose severity of annual bluegrass turf,” faculty in the Department of co-authored with Jim Murphy and Bruce Clarke (Plant Bi- Plant Biology and Pathology at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences in ology and Pathology). 2000 and has served as the Director of the Graduate Pro- gram in Plant Biology. Rutgers Plant Biology graduate students won awards “Bingru Huang is among a cadre of outstanding young for the following presentations at the Annual Meeting of scientists at Rutgers who are enthusiastically and deeply the Crop Science Society of America held in San Antonio, engaged in teaching and mentoring our students,” said Bob TX: Goodman (executive dean). “Her particular expertise in turfgrass tolerance to environmen- tal stresses was highly sought by Rutgers and has led to  David Jespersen - Turfgrass Stress Tolerance (Oral Pre- fruitful collaborations with several institutions across the sentations): Identification of proteins associated with heat- globe,” added Goodman. induced and genetically-controlled leaf senescence in cool- season grass species. The BOG resolution praised Huang for having “greatly ex- panded our understanding of how environmental stress af- fects plant health through her outstanding work, which has  Lisa Beirn - Turfgrass Pathology (Oral Presentations): solved complex problems in basic What Is the true identity of the fungus that causes Dollar research and applied that research to practical problems in Spot on turfgrass? turfgrass management.”  Emily Merewitz - Turfgrass Stress Tolerance (Poster Huang earned her Ph.D. from Texas Tech University. Pri- Presentations): Identification of differentially expressed or to coming to Rutgers, she was an assistant professor at Kansas State University for four years. genes in Creeping Bentgrass with elevated Cytokinin con- The Ralph Geiger Endowed Chair in Turfgrass Science tent under drought stress. was funded by an endowment from Ralph Geiger, an avid golfer and philanthropist who donated generously to the  Katelyn Venner - Poster Presentation: Response of Tall Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science. Fescue cultivars to Mesotrione applied at establishment. The center is regarded as one of the premier research, teaching, and outreach institutions of its kind in the world and its cultivars can be found everywhere from New York’s Central. Clippings | Spring 2012 9 Good Things Have Been Happening at the Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science... continued from pg 9  James W. Cross - Poster Presentation: Responses of Tall Fescue Genotypes to heat and drought stress. 4. Bruce Clarke (Plant Biology and Pathology) received the Visionary Leadership Award from the Epsilon Sigma Phi National Extension Society at its an- Dr. Bruce Clarke nual meeting in Syracuse, NY, on October 12. This award is presented to an Extension professional whose visionary leadership has enabled Extension to anticipate emerging needs and develop relevant programs to support stakehold- ers in the state, region, or nation. 5. William Meyer (Plant Biology and Pathology) was awarded the Breeder’s Cup Award for developing Mallard Kentucky bluegrass by the Turfgrass Breeder’s Association at the Crop Science Society of America meet- ing in San Antonio, TX, on October 19. 6. Bruce Clarke (Plant Biology and Pathology) was se- Dr. William Meyer lected to receive the Fellow Award from the American Phytopathological Society (APS). Clarke was chosen as one of fewer than 12 individuals selected each year out of a membership of 5,000 plant pathologists. He will be pre- sented the award at the opening at the annual APS meeting in Providence, RI, on August 5. Left to Right: Back: James Hempfling, David Jespersen, Katelyn Venner, Emily Merewitz Front: James Cross, Lisa Beirn 10 Clippings | Spring 2012 NJTA’s First Executive Director, Richard Caton, Passes Away: 1934 - 2012 by Steve Chirip “Dr. Richard Caton”, “Dick Caton”, “Doc” -- he went by a few different names but to all who knew him he was FRIEND. Dick passed away on March 31, 2012. The first part of his life was spent working in the school system all the way to where he was a school su- perintendant. He was later introduced to the turfgrass industry by no other than Dr. Henry Indyk. He soon became the first Executive Director for NJTA. He was thorough and very well organized and did his job with the upmost professionalism. He did have his moments usually when speaking to large groups you never were quite sure which joke would come out. There were quite a few things that Dick helped with -- The Grand Reception at EXPO, the splitting up of Field Days into Fine Turf and Lawn and Landscape, and The Golf Classic to name a few. As Executive Director, NJTA grew and flourished. As a President of NJTA, I worked closely with “The Big Guy” and it was always interesting. People would ask “Who is Dick Caton?” We can say now he was a Father, a Husband, a Grandfather, a Fa- ther-in law, and a Brother-in-law. He was proud to say he was a Berwick Bulldog and a Bloomsburg Hus- kie, a darn good trumpet player, teacher and always a joke teller. He was proud of his sons. He would take them to the car races and he used to tell me “how much trouble could they get into if they were with the old man on a Friday night”. His lovely wife Margie passed before him and this really took a lot out of the man as she was his biggest fan. Dick was awarded one of NJTA’s highest awards a cou- Longtime friends attend ple of years ago at Green EXPO. I know he was proud the celebration of Dick’s life on April 14. to get such recognition and treasured the award. One of his favorite sayings was “the world is run by those who show up”. So if you would like to honor the man, volunteer for a NJTA Committee, do some- thing in your home town, step up, show up, and make a difference. All who knew Dick will miss him. Rest in peace my friend. Clippings | Spring 2012 11 12 Clippings | Spring 2012 Proceeds from the Rutgers Turfgrass Research Golf Classic will be used to provide Complete form and mail or fax (973)812-6529 to NJTF Office. Online: The Golf Classic Event - May 7, 2012 Research Grants, Scholarships, Funds for Special Projects (e.g., a new Sand-Based Root Golf Classic Registration Information Zone), Equipment, Supplies, and Facilities to support Turfgrass Research and Education Name:___________________________________________________________ at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences/Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Company:________________________________________________________ Rutgers University and the New Jersey Turfgrass Foundation represent a formidable alliance Address:_________________________________________________________ in support of the Turfgrass Industry in the State of New Jersey and across the country.The Foundation is a non-profit organization which accepts and manages tax-deductible monetary City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________________ donations and the proceeds from events such as this Golf Classic. Phone:____________________________Fax: ___________________________ E-mail for Confirmation:____________________________________________ Premier Sponsors are an elite group. Sponsorship Opportunities • Three Foursomes • Complimentary Golf on Sunday, May 6, 2012 Requested Foursome (Please Print Names): • Recognition on NJTA website and in press releases • New Business membership in NJTA Premier Sponsor - $7,500 1.________________________________Hdcp Index/Avg Score____________ • Brunch with Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science Professors • Display Product literature and Samples • Four (4) Complimentary 1/4 Pg Ads in Clippings • Company name on Sponsor Banner & Signage • One Room Upgrade to Suite at Green Expo 2.________________________________Hdcp Index/Avg Score____________ • Listing on Sponsor Sign at Entrance to Grand Reception • Tee or Green Sign - each course. 3.________________________________Hdcp Index/Avg Score____________ • Two Foursomes • Opportunity to Display Product Literature or Samples Eagle Sponsor - $5,000 • Company name on Sponsor Banner & Signage Recognition 4.________________________________Hdcp Index/Avg Score____________ • Listing on Sponsor Sign at Entrance to Grand Reception • Three (3) Additional Grand Reception Tickets • Tee or Green Sign - each course. • Name1_____________________Name2_________________Name3_____________________ Please Select Sponsorships and Golf & Reception Choices Below: Payment Information • One Foursome • Company Name on Sponsor Banner & Signage Recognition q Premier $7,500 * q Eagle $5,000 * q Birdie $3,500 * • Listing on Sponsor Sign at Entrance to Grand Reception q Par $2,000 * q Hole $500 q Golf Club $200 Birdie Sponsor - $3,500 • Tee or Green Sign - each course. q Reception $100 q Individual Golfer $325* q Scarlet Tee Club (Min $50) • Two (2) Additional Grand Reception Tickets * Registration Includes: Rutgers Research Update, Greens Fees and Golf Cart, • Name1_________________Name2_____________________ Additional Sponsorships: Breakfast, Lunch on course, Silent Auction, Grand Reception, Gift Make Checks Payable to: NJTF (New Jersey Turfgrass Foundation) • One Foursome Signage Recognition • Tee or Green Sign • Amount Enclosed: $__________________________________________ - $2,000 • Listing on Sponsor Sign at Entrance to Grand Reception Par Sponsor Golf Club Signage Recognition Check #_________Visa ________ Mastercard________AMEX________ • One (1) Additional Grand Reception Ticket $200Patron • Name______________________________________ Name on Card:_______________________________________________ Clippings | Spring 2012 Minimum $50 and upwards Card Number: __ __ __ __/ __ __ __ __/ __ __ __ __ /__ __ __ __ / Scarlet Tee Club • One Ticket to Grand Reception • Signage Recognition • Name______________________________________ Security Code:____________Expiration Date: MM/YY __ __/ __ __ __ __ Hole Sponsor - $500 NJTF Tax ID: 22-3270805 Billing Address:_______________________________________________ New Jersey Turfgrass Foundation w 25 US Highway 46 West, Wayne NJ 07470 13 Ph: (973) 812-6467 w Fax: (973) 812-6529 w Signature:_____________________________________________________ 2012Registration BrochureB.indd 2 2/23/12 1:26:34 PM Do you have an article that would be interesting to share with other NJTA members about the turfgrass industry? How about a bio about you and your company? And a picture too... We would love to hear what’s important to you. Please consider connecting, sharing and sending your ideas, your thoughts, your perspectives and your articles. Tell Us What You Think. Email them to: Cece Peabody, Executive Director Thanks in advance! 14 Clippings | Spring 2012 January 14, 2012: Winners of the 2011 Golf Classic Silent Auction Item -- COOKING WITH CHEF JIM -- enjoying their day in the kitchen. Thanks to Shaun Barry for taking all the great photos! Clippings | Spring 2012 15 Looks like a good time was had by all! Bryan Bolehala Technical Sales Representative 201-874-8060 TURF & ORNAMENTAL PRODUCTS 16 Clippings | Spring 2012 NJTA at the NJNLA Show (New Jersey Nursery and Landscape Association) Above: President, Matt Sweatlock and Di- NJTA and several allied associa- rector, Thom Ritchie, meet and greet tions attend each other’s shows at the NJTA booth. to inform, show support, and Right: increase awareness about the Cece Peabody, Executive turfgrass industry. Director, and Thom Ritchie Clippings | Spring 2012 17 New Jersey Turfgrass Association... WHAT IT DOES FOR YOU! (Reprinted from the NJTA 1995 Silver Anniversary Expo and Member Directory.) Most of these items continue to be priority with NJTA while others have changed to match current needs. The New Jersey Turfgrass Association has developed and fostered a close working relationship between Rutgers University and the turfgrass industry. Through its organizational strength, NJTA has gained respect as the voice of the industry, and impacts significantly upon legislative and policy decisions affecting the industry in New Jersey. Over the years NJTA has made the following contributions to the turfgrass industry in NJ: • New Jersey Turfgrass Expo - a cooperative effort between NJTA and Rutgers, the State University, to provide a nationally-recognized educational program and trade show to promote the industry and generate funds to sponsor research and scholarship endeavors. • Support of Turfgrass Research - The NJTA awards research grants annually to research project leaders at Rutgers University, in the areas of turfgrass breeding, insect and disease control, and turfgrass management. Financial support from NJTA was also responsible for reestablishment of the Turfgrass Extension Specialist position and recruitment to the University of Dr. James Murphy. • Scholarship Awards to students in the 2-year, 4-year, and graduate turf programs at Rutgers Univer- sity. • New Jersey Turfgrass Foundation - was incorporated as a separate entity to solicit and administer fund- ing programs for turfgrass research and education. • Project D.R.E.A.M. - Demonstratoin of Research, Experimentaton, And Management display at Hort Farm II in East Brunswick serves to educate the public about turfgrass research, experimentation, and manage- ment techiniques. The display was initiated and created as a project of NJTA. • Turfgrass Field Day - alternating between Hort Fam II in East Brunswick and the Adelphia farm, the annual NJTA Turfgrass Field Day gives anyone from the turfgrass industry access to the latest turf breeding and management research. • Economic Impact Survey - NJTA funded a survey of the turfgrass industry, and its publication in both long and abbreviated forms. The survey has served to focus attention on the size and the importance of the turfgrass industry in New Jersey. • Turfgrass Building - NJTA funded approximately half the cost of the turf building at Hort Farm II on Ryders Lane in East Brunswick. The turf building houses turf seed and chemical storage, a dry lab, and a con- ference room which also serves as a meeting place for NJTA and other related groups, as well as serving as a photo gallery of NJTA Hall of Fame recipients. • Project T.R.I.B.U.T.E (Turf Fram Rebuilding to Improve Buildings, Utilities, Teaching, and Experimenta- tion) was inaugurated with NJTA’s pledge of $60,000 to build a second turf building/classroom at Hort Farm II. • Shade, Frame, Underground Irrigation, Microscopes - and other equipment donated by NJTA to en- hance the study of turf at Rutgers University. We value your membership in NJTA to continue to positively impact the turfgrass industry. Please use the Member Application form on the next page to Renew or Become a New member of the New Jersey Turfgrass Association. Thank you. 18 Clippings | Spring 2012 MISSION: To promote the Turfgrass industry and New Jersey Turfgrass Association enhance the environment through education, pro- fessionalism, leadership, and our partnership with MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Individual or Business Partner Information (Please Print Clearly) Please Select a Membership Level below: ____Renewal ____New Primary Member Name:____________________________________________ I - Business Partner $ 275.00 III - Individual Member (Up to 4 members) $ 80.00 (1 person) Company Name:__________________________________________________ II - Addl Business Partner Title:___________________________________________________________ IV - Student Member (5 or more) Each is $ 60.00 $ 20.00 (1 person) Address:_________________________________________________________ Benefits of NJTA Membership Which category best describes your City:_________________________________State:_________Zip:__________ business or profession: * Savings on GREEN EXPO & Field Days Registration Fees q Golf Course Phone:________________________________Fax:_______________________ * Opportunities to earn Pesticide Applicator q Lawn Care Applicator E-Mail: _________________________________________________________ License Credits q Landscape/Lawn Maintenance * Clippings Quarterly Newsletter q Cemetery * Outreach & Education impact in Trenton q Irrigation Business Partner: Additional Member Information * Access to Education & Research at Rutgers q Sod Producer Please complete. If needed, use another sheet for 5 or more members. * Membership Directory * Support of Rutgers University’s Turf q Parks & Recreation 1. Name:_______________________________________________________ program and facilities q Schools & Athletic Fields * Website: q Manufacturer/Supplier E-Mail:_______________________________________________________ * Marketing Opportunities in NJTA q Professional (Architect, University) Address:______________________________________________________ publications q Student * Participate in events that raise scholarships City, State, Zip:_________________________________________________ for the NJ Turfgrass Foundation q Other ______________________ Phone: __________________________Fax:__________________________ Payment Information 2. Name:_______________________________________________________ _____Check (payable to NJTA) _____Visa _____MasterCard _____AmEx E-Mail:______________________________________________________ Account #: | ___ ___ ___ ___| ___ ___ ___ ___| ___ ___ ___ ___| ___ ___ ___ ___| Address:_____________________________________________________ Exp. Date: (MM/YY): ___ ___//___ ___ 3 Digit Security Code: ___ ___ ___ ___ City, State, Zip:________________________________________________ Name on Account:________________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________Fax:_________________________ Authorized Signature:_____________________________________________________ 3. Name:_______________________________________________________ NJTA Annual Dues (January 1 - December 31): $ E-Mail:______________________________________________________ NJ Turfgrass Foundation Contribution: $ Address:_____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:________________________________________________ Outreach & Education Contribution*: $ (*This portion is non-deductible.) Phone:__________________________Fax:_________________________ Total Amount Enclosed: $ Mail to: 25 US Highway 46 West Fax to : (973) 812-6529 Cece Peabody, MAT, CMP Clippings | Spring 2012 2012 NJ TA Membership...A sk a Fr iend to Join Wayne NJ 07470-6801 E-Mail: Executive Director Phone: (973) 812-6467 Web Site: Updated 9/2009 19 20 Clippings | Spring 2012 Clippings | Spring 2012 21 2012 Rutgers Turfgrass Research Field Days Mark your calendars for this year’s event – Golf and Fine Turf on Tuesday, July 31 and Lawn, Landscape & Sports Fields on Wednesday, August 1, 2012. . If you are looking for in- formation on product effectiveness, BMPs for disease and fertilizer management, or the latest cool season varieties for the North East you will find it here. If you need pesticide credits, we have them for you whether you need New Jersey credits or you are coming from sur- rounding states such as New York or Delaware. Guess what everyone! We have a Silent Auction set up near the registration area. So please take a few minutes to visit and look over the items, perhaps there is something you need or want there. All proceeds go to the New Jersey Turfgrass Foundation, which serves to help the Rutgers University Turfgrass program. In the next few weeks you may receive a notice of a program survey on our website. Please take a few minutes to visit our website and fill it out as it will give us information on how to improve the field days. One last thing to remember is that we will have a bar becue lunch when everything is said and done. So fill up with good food, but do save some room for the delicious brownies! Field Day Registration forms, opportunities for Sponsorship and Donations to the Silent Auction will be posted on 22 Clippings | Spring 2012 Rutgers Extension C A L E N D A R Offices & Numbers RCE of Atlantic County (609) 625-0056 2012 EVENT DATES RCE of Bergen County (201) 336-6780 RCE of Burlington County (609) 265-2900 Monday, May 7, 2012 RCE of Camden County (856) 566-5757 Rutgers Turfgrass Research GOLF CLASSIC RCE of Cape May County (609) 465-5115 Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club RCE of Cumberland County (856) 451-2800 Far Hills, NJ RCE of Essex County (973) 353-5525 RCE of Gloucester County (856) 307-6450 Tuesday, July 31, 2012 RCE of Hudson County (201) 915-1393 Rutgers Turfgrass Research FIELD DAY 1: RCE of Hunterdon County (908) 788-1339 Golf & Fine Turf RCE of Mercer County (609) 989-6830 Hort Farm II, New Brunswick NJ RCE of Middlesex County (732) 398-5262 RCE of Monmouth County (732) 431-7278 Wednesday, August 1, 2012 RCE of Morris County (973) 285-8307 Rutgers Turfgrass Research FIELD DAY 2: RCE of Ocean County (732) 349-1246 Lawn, Landscape & Sports Fields RCE of Passaic County (973) 305-5740 Adelphia Farm, Freehold NJ RCE of Salem County (856) 769-0090 RCE of Somerset County (908) 526-6293 Tuesday - Thursday RCE of Sussex County (973) 948-3040 December 4-6, 2012 GREEN EXPO RCE of Union County (908) 654-9854 Turf & Landscape Conference RCE of Warren County (908) 475-6505 Taj Mahal Resort, Atlantic City NJ Please notify the NJTA office if any of the above numbers have changed. Thank you. 973-812-6467 Clippings | Spring 2012 23 First Class Mail PRESORT U.S. Postage PAID Wayne, NJ Permit #347 New Jersey Turfgrass Association 25 US Highway 46 W • Wayne, NJ 07470-6801 Phone (973) 812-6467 • Fax (973) 812-6536 Email: • Website: 2012 Board of Directors Matt Sweatlock, President Shannon Sked, Vice President Darrell Marcinek, Secretary Dennis DeSanctis Jr, Treasurer Keith Kubik, Past President Shaun Barry, Director Brian Feldman, Director Nick Polanin, Director Pedro Perdomo, Director Thom Ritchie, Director Craig Tolley, Director Tracy Wadhams, Director Chris Carson, Expo Chairman Dr. Bruce Clarke, Advisor Dr. Jim Murphy, Advisor Cece Peabody, MAT, CMP, Executive Director