Da E. 8. No. 432, O Mrs. LOU DETWILER GROSSE POINTE CHAPTER Worthy Matron FRANK HOLMES Mrs. MARGATHA MARKS Worthy Patron Secretary CHAPTER INSTITUTED, AUGUST 4, 1915 _ CHARTER GRANTED, OCTOBER 12, 1915 me CHAPTER CONSTITUTED JAN. 20, 1916 : 2619 Connors Ave. ‘Hickory 2919 Quality -- Service E y Coal Company Lae MEEK, Prop. Phones Edgewood 3693—1126—2699 WOOD’S PHARMACY PRESCRIPTION PHARMACISTS 7352 KERCHEVAL CORNER SHERIDAN EASTMAN KODAKS AND MAC DIARMID’S CANDIES SODAS Exceptionally Fine Cigar Department LUNCHES EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES C KRYGER ae Phone Hickory 2097 DRY GOODS De Luxe Drug Co. LADIES’ and MEN’S FURNISHINGS 406 KERCHEVAL AVE. 7728 — DETROIT, MICH. 9368 KERCHEVAL AVE., Cor. Parkview Phone Hickory 659-W Kercheval Upholstery Co. H. VAN MOURIK, Proprietor ALL KINDS OF UPHOLSTERING WE REPAIR AND BUILD OLD FURNITURE INTO NEW Caning Done—Mattresses Made To Order—Call Us Up For An Estimate 8652 KERCHEVAL AVE., DETROIT, MICH. Good Things To Cook May Be Found In This Book; But for Good Things To Wear It’s aS DRY SOUPS Ox-Tail Soup Take 2 tails, wash, and put into a kettle with about 1 gallon cold water and a little salt; skim off the broth; when the meat is well cooked, take out the bones, and add a little onion, carrot and tomatoes; it is better made the day before using, so that the fat can be taken from the top; add vegetables next day, and boil 1% hours longer. Celery Cream Soup One small cup rice, 3 pints milk or 1 pint cream, 2 heads of celery, 1 quart strong white stock, salt, Cayenne. Boil the rice in the milk until it will pass through a sieve. Grate the celery on a bread grater; strain the rice and milk, add celery and white stock; let it boil until celery is perfectly tender ; season with salt and ca- yenne and serve Tomato Soup One quart tomatoes, 1 quart water, 1 onion sliced, 3 slices lemon, 4 cloves, % cup sugar (scant), salt and red pepper to taste. Mix to- gether and cook % of an hour; strain; thicken with 2 tablespoons flour smoothed in a little water with a little of the hot soup added to it. If whipped cream is to be used on top, put a little soda in the soup. Tomato Soup One can tomatoes, %4 teaspoonful soda, 1-3 cup butter, 1-3 cup flour, 3 teasponful salt, % teaspoonful white pepper, 1 quart milk. Cover and stew the tomatoes one-half hour; rub through a strainer and add soda hot. Make a white sauce and add the tomato juice. Serve immediately. Cream of Spinach Soup . Two quarts spinach, 1 oe cream, lump of butter. Cook spinach _ till tender, drain water off. Put spinach through colander, then through spinach back in the water in which it was cooked, put in butter and and season to taste. Whe ome to bal. add xp of seam, Serve. ee Canned spinach may be used. FISH Codfish Balls One and one-fourth Ibs. mashed potatoes, 1 Ib. salt codfish, % pint milk, 1 egg, % teaspoonful pepper. Boil the fish and pour off the water. Melt the butter in the hot potatoes and add the fish, milk and pepper. Beat well, make into balls and fry in butter. Salmon Mould One can salmon, 3 eggs beaten very light, 1 cup bread crumbs, salt, cayenne and parsely, 4 tablespoonsful melted butter. Remove all bones and skin from fish, mince fine and rub into butter till smooth. Add crumbs and eggs to fish and the seasoning. Mix well. Press into buttered mould and steam one hour. Serve cold. Clam Bisque One quart opened clams, 3 pints cold veal consomme, 2 table- _ spoons butter, 2 tablespoonsful blended flour, 1 pint cream, 4 yolks of eggs, stalt and white pepper. Bojl the clams twnty minutes in three pints of consomme. Strain and add butter flour and cream. Cook for a few minutes, then stir in the well beaten yolks.. Cook for a few minutes longer, season with the salt and white pepper to taste. Clam Chowder Fry four slices bacon, cut into dice, add a cup of boiling water, one large onion minced fine, and 2 diced potatoes. Cover and stew until pota- toes are done. Add 1 pint of milk, when it begins to bubble, add the contents of 1 can clams, take away from fire and season with salt and pepper, and serve. . Lobster a la Newburg Two or two and one-half Ibs. lobster, 2 tablespoonsful butter 4 teaspoonful salt, 1 tablespoonful sherry, 2 yolks of eggs 1 cup cream, a few grains of paprika. : a Cut the lobster into small pieces and heat in a saucepan with the butter. Sprinkle with salt and paprika, add sherry. Pour the beaten yolks and cup of cream over the lobster and stir until thick and smooth. Then add one or two tablespoons more of sherry, according to _Serveatonce. ‘ E.R. HENDERSON CONFECTIONERY CIGARS, TOBACCO AND PIPES STATIONERY AND (MAGAZINES 9920 KERCHEVAL AVENUE Phone Hickory 4202 Quality, Service and Fair Prices MEATS, GROCERIES, FRUITS and VEGETABLES Sims Market Phone Hickory 1926 WE DELIVER 9908 KERCHEVAL AVE. Telephone Hickory 5205 BURROW’S Tire and Accessory Co. Vulcanizing, Tires and Accessories BATTERY SERVICE 9615 KERCHEVAL AVE. Between Parkview and Pennsylvania Hickory 1174 Good Shoes For the Entire Family Kercheval Shoe House ESTABLIHED 1905 WALTER A. GRODE, Mer. 9205 KERCHEVAL AVE. Hickory 545 John E. DeKay FUNERAL DIRECTOR 9141 KERCHEVAL AVE., DETROIT Humiston & Lewis “MENS TOGS OF QUALITY’ | Barber Shop in Connection “SERVICE” IS OUR MOTTO 9147 KERCHEVAL AVE. Eastern Rubber and Supply Co. We Handle Accessories of all Kinds FOR PLUMBING CALL Hickory 4028 9120 KERCHEVAL, near Belvidere — gos : Sauce fer Salmon Loaf One cup milk, 1 tablespoonful corn starch, 1 tablespooniul melted butter, 1 egg. Heat milk to the boiling point. Dissolve cornstarch in a little cold milk and add to the milk when it reaches the boiling point, also add the melted butter stirred into the salmon liquor and the egg well beaten. . Clam or Fish Chowder One can Gortons or Burnams clams, 2 medium sized potatoes, 11% inch cube of fat salt pork, 1 sliced onion, 2 level tablespoonsful butter, 1 pint scalded milk. Cook potatoes in one quart of water, fry pork and onion together and strain into potato and water. Add fish, salt and one cracker in each dish. If not rich enough add more milk and butter. Salmon Loaf One can salmon, 3 eggs with white beaten and put in last, juice of one or two lemons, 1 small cup bread crumbs. Mix thoroughly and steam three hours, or bake in a dish set in water as preferred. Salmon Loaf One can salmon, butter crackers, bread crumbs, milk, 1 or 2 eggs, tablespoon butter. Beat eggs; add the bread crumbs and crackers (rolled) ; add salmon and butter; mix with enough milk to make quite wet. Place in pan and sprinkle with cracker crumbs, pieces of butter, salt and pepper. Bake in oven until brown. Salmon Loaf One can salmon, 2 eggs, cracker crumbs. Remove bone from sal- mon and mix salmon well with eggs. Add salt and r and enough _cracker crumbs to make it stiff. Place in a well pian pan and bake. Clam Chowder _ One quart clams, 2 or 3 slices salt pork, 1 large onion, 1 quart sliced potatoes, 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 teaspoonful butter, 14 cup milk, 6 rolled crackers. Wash the clams in a quart of cold water, drain the liquor through sieve; remove the harp parts of the clams and chop fine. Fry the salt pork, add a large onion cut fine; cook until yellow. Add potatoes, the clam liquor and enough hot water to cover. Cook until the potatoes are tender, add- salt, a little pepper, butter and milk, then the chopped clams, rolled crackers and soft parts of clams. Cook all together. Oyster Fritters Twenty-five oysters, 2 eggs, 34 cup water, 1 vii t jee ‘1 teaspoonful When light add the water, then stir in the flour. Beat smooth, add a BANDEMER BROS. CHOICE GROCERIES and MEATS 10501 KERCHEVAL AVE. Phone Hickory 783 Hickory 2667 Garland Tin Shop n- Everything in SHEET METAL WORK ROOFING AND FURNACE WORK 11804 JEFFERSON E. DETROIT, MICH. Phone Hickory 3697-R PETER PAN | Grocery and Fruit STORE ABRAMS BROS, Props. 14542 JEFFERSON EAST Nash Pharmacy Phones Hickory 1266 and 2355 Fairview Coffee Roasters We buy our Coffees direct; do our own blending, giving you the best Cof- fee obtainable at moderate prices. WE ROAST COFFEE DAILY We Carry a Complete Line of the CHOICEST TEAS FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS 11641 E. JEFFERSON at Lycaste TRAGER’S FIRST-CLASS SHOE REPAIRING SHOP Hat Cleaning and Shoe Shining Parlors 14117 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. Between East Lawn and Newport DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVERWARE E. A. Hornik — 11614-18 JEFFERSON EAST 14352 JEFFERSON AVE., E. Detroit. > os Scalloped Oysters One pint oysters, 4 tablespoons oyster liquor, 2 tablespoons milk or cream, } cup stale bread crumbs, 1 cup cracker crumbs, %4 cup melted butter, salt and pepper. Mix bread and cracker crumbs and stir in butter. Put a thin layer in bottom of a buttered shallow baking dish, cover with oysters and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add one- half each of oyster liquor and cream. Repeat and cover top with remaining crumbs. Bake thirty minutes in hot oven. Never use more than two layers of oysters; if three are used the middle one will be underdone when the others are properly cooked. Finan Haddie Place in pan and cover with water; put in oven and bring it to a boil. Remove the bone. The following sauce is served with it: 1 tablespoon butter, 1 teaspoonful fiour. Work together to a smooth smooth paste. Add boiling water slowly, stirring constantly. Boil until all disolves. Crab Toast One teaspoonful butter,, 1 can deviled crab meat, 1 teaspoonful chopped celery, 14 teaspoonful flour, 1 gill cream, salt and cayenne to taste. Put into a chafing dish and butter, melt and add the crab meat and other ingredients. Stir and simmer until the moisture is about evaporated, then place on thin slices of toast, sprinkle a very little sherry over each portion and serve. MEATS Itialian Steak _ Cut round steak 114 inches thick, trim off all fat and edges. Beat into steak 2 cups flour. Cut into pieces to serve. Have pan hot with suet in it. Brown or sear steak quickly. Place in layers in baking pan. Layer of meat, on that sprinkle thick with layer of chopped green peppers which have been prepared by boiling until tender, in salt water. Then layer of onions, which have been prepared in same way. Over that, pieces of pementos. One can of Button mushrooms. Season to taste. Cover all with boili __ Erase. Rowe. _ water. Bake 134 to 2 hours, depends on | | : | COMPLIMENTS OF F. Gayman & Sons CHOICE MEATS and FANCY GROCERIES Hickory 142 9600 KERCHEVAL AVE. BELDING’S Cleaners and Dyers Main Factory 15029 KERCHEVAL AVE., Grosse Pointe ONLY MODERN PLANT ON EAST SIDE Phone Hickory 2092 Branch ‘Store 7422 Kercheval Ave. Hacker & Gehrken GENERAL HARDWARE STOVES, RANGES, PAINTS, OILS and GLASS, AUTO SUPPLIES, GENUINE FORD PARTS Phone Hickory 999 8640-8642 KERCHEVAL AVE. F. J. Marrs 7629 KERCHEVAL AVE. Between Baldwin and Townsend CHOICE MEATS POULTRY, FISH AND GAME In Season Edgewood 3810 MITH’S Confectionery CANDY, ICE CREAM, CIGARS AND NOVELTIES, SCHOOL SUPPLIES FAMOUS JERSEY ICE CREAM 7641 KERCHEVAL AVE. Mrs. M. Hall BEAUTY PARLORS MARCELLING Phone Edgewood 4178 7627 KERCHEVAL AVE. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY L. J. Mills WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 10205 KERCHEVAL AVE. — Meecham 10513 KERCHEVAL AVE. Bet. St. Clair and Hart - CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND Beef and Macaroni One Ib. beef chopped fine, 1 teaspoon salt, 14 teaspoon pepper, 2 eggs slightly beaten, “cup cold water, 34 Ib. macaroni. Grease cara- role and line it well with macaroni, put beef centre add 1 cup of hot water. Cook 35 minutes. Two tablespoons butter blended with 2 tablespoons flour, '4teaspoon salt, 1% teaspoon pepper. Take 1 pint stewed and strained tomatoes; cook until it is white and bubbly, melt butter and blend flour with it and mix. Mrs. GeorGE PETERSEN. Steak a la Creole _ Sear steak in hot pan. Dredge with flour; add 1 cup water, 1 pint can tomatoes, 1 sweet pepper and one large onion cut into small pieces. Salt. Boil 30 minutes. W. R. Loveripce. Escalloped Oysters Two quarts oysters; drain off liquor, scald and skim it. Add enough milk to make about one quart of liquid and 1 cup or 4 Ib. butter, 1 teaspoon salt. Put a layer of cracker crumbs, (butter dish first), then a layer of oysters and then layer of above dressing until dish is full. Having cracker crumbs with a little of the dressing over the top layer. Will serve 12 people. Mrs. WESTBROOK. Pigs In Blanket Select nice large oysters. Roll each oyster in slice of thin bacon, and fasten with Japanese tooth pick. Cook in a quick oven 20 minutes. : : Mrs. WESTBROOK. Pigs In Blanket Two Ibs. round steak. Sear on both sides, then cut up in squares. Put in each a small slice of bacon, roll together and pin with tooth picks ; cover with water, add % bottle catsup, 2 onions cut up. Season with salt and pepper. Boil slowly for 2 hours. Mrs. Grorce PETERSON. Meat Chowder Two Ibs. meat, 1 large onion, 1 dozen potatoes chopped fine, add 1 can tomatoes, 4 crackers rolled; salt, pepper and thyme to taste then | add water to cover. Boil 1% hour. (A good way to use cold meats.) Recta oe en a HouMEs. = Do You Want a Home? Of Course You Do! And Surely You Want Some Kind of Insurance. We Are in a Position to Supply all Your RealeEstate and Insurance Require- ments. Service Is Our Hobby Let Us Prove It To You RANDALL & OLMSTED 15301 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. Phone Hickory 4268 Phone Hickory 2031 FRED C. DERY HARDWARE 15029 E. JEFFERSON AVE. Corner Maryland WEAR-EVER Feel ALUMINUM WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM [thay The Uo” Kitchen’s Brightest TRADE MARY Ware: We Carry a Big Line of Kitchen Utensils CHISHOLM HARDWARE CO. 14526 E. JEFFERSON AVE. GARCEAU’S THREE BIG MARKETS—THE HOME OF QUALITY Lakeshore Market 14336 E. Jefffferson Ave. Hickory 2326 Drexel 13211 E. Jefferson Ave. Hickory 6229-W Market Devonshire Market 13136 Kercheval Ave. Hickory 8673-R Phone Hickory 2975 Fred J. Kuenz SEGARS AND KANDIES , 14253 JEFFERSON AVE., EAST Lakewood Theater Bldg. COMPLIMENTS OF BOWER’S Drug Store DETROIT, MICH. © 11 14140 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. se Hot Ham Loaf Mince enough boiled ham to make two cupsful, then mix with 10 tablespoonsful of dry bread crumbs, 1 well beaten egg, 1 cupful sweet milk, 1 tablespoon melted butter and add pepper to taste. Form the mixture into a loaf packing rather close; put in a baking pan with a cupful boiling water and bake for 40 minutes, bastink with melted butter. Miss Georcia RILEY. Beef Loaf Four Ibs. fresh lean beef chopped fine. Eight soda crackers rolled fine, 4 eggs well beaten, 6 tablespoons sweet cream. Butter twice the size of an egg. Salt and pepper to taste, about 1% teaspoon pepper and 2 teaspoons salt. Mix all together, make into loaf and roll in flour. Bake 1% hours and keep well basted. Put a good lump of butter in the water with which it is basted. Mrs. WESTBROOK. Salmon Loaf One can salmon. Take out the bones. Two tablespoons butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup bread crumbs. Mix the butter with the salmon and beat the eggs light. Add the bread crumbs, 1 cup milk, salt and pepper to taste. Put in tin and steam one hour. Sauce for Salmon Loaf One cup boiling milk, 1 tablespoon of corn starch, 1 egg. Boil till it thickens. Pour over loaf and serve hot. Mrs. Iza CRAWFORD. Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce _. Trim and wash the leg, pound and salt, place it in a baking pan with lard or butter. Dot bits of butter over the top and roast, adding hot water and basting often. Mix 4 tablespoons of minced mint leaves with one tablespoon of sugar and pinch of paprika, add 4 tablespoons vinegar. When meat is one, skim the fat, pour the liquor over it, and serve on platter with mint sauce in a different dish. Roast Rabbit Salt the rabit and interlard with strips of bacon. Place in a roasting pan 3 sliced onions, 1 bay leaf, 8 whole black peppers, 2 cloves, and a dash of mace, and the rabbit. Add a little wine vinegar water, and a piece of butter. Roast rather quickly. When it is more than half done turn it and roast brown. When done, cut it in pieces, 3 aoe to the gravy, strain, add cream, simmer a minute and serve with add 8 THE BLUEBIRD 14143 EAST JEFFERSON AT NEWPORT WE ALSO HAVE THE FINEST GRADE OF CANDY, CIGARS, MAGAZINES, PRINTING AND DEVELOPING SUPPLIES—SODAS, SUNDAES AND CREAMS—JUST ASK YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT: THEM IRWIN’S “For Better Footwear” 14130 E. JEFFERSON AVE. Bet. Eastlawn and Newport REXEL Sweet Shop New Manager American Geo. H. Course CANDIES, CIGARS, TOBACCOS ICE OREAM, SUNDAES, ‘SODAS 13202 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. COMPLIMENTS OF FRED'S Tire and Battery Service Hickory 698 13104 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. The Gottschalk Shop MEN’S, WOMEN’S and CHILDREN’S FURNISHINGS 13014 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. Hickory 5066 TWO STORES IN ONE DeLuxeUpholstering Co. GrossePointeElectricCo. All Kinds of Furniture Repaired and Upholstered Hickory 786 13031 E. JEFFERSON AVE. ee 3 VEGETABLES ‘Spaghetti One-half package spaghetti, 14 lb. grated cheese, 1 sweet pepper, juice of 3 tomatoes, salt, pepper and a dash of red pepper. Cook spaghetti until tender, add other ingredients. Mix and put into a bake dish and cover with five strips of bacon cut into small pieces. You can improve on this by adding one-half pound of chopped beef and a little onion. Cook one hour. Scalloped Potatoes Pare eight medium sized potatoes; cut into thin slices and cover bottom of pan with them, then put layer of grated cheese and white sauce; alternate with potatoes, cheese and sauce until pan is full. Bake in a hot oven. Scalloped Onions Cut boiled onions in quarters; put in a baking dish, mix with one cup of white sauce. Cover tops with buttered crumbs. Put in oven to reheat and brown crumbs. White Sauce . One-half cup milk, 2 tablespoons butter, salt to taste, pepper, 3 table- spoons flour. Melt butter, stir slowly in flour and seasoning; mix smoothly, add milk slowly, stirring constantly. When sauce becomes too thick it may be thinned by adding one-quarter cup of hot water. Scallops The heart is the only part used. If you buy them in the shell, boil and take out the hearts. Those sold in our markets are generally ready for frying or stewing. Dip them in beaten egg, then in cracker crumbs, and fry in hot lard, or, you may stew them like oysters. The fried scallops are generally preferred. Baked Spaghetti and Potatoes One-half Ib. spaghetti, 1 quart tomatoes, %4 Ib. cheese, Break spaghetti into small pieces ; put in boiling salted water ; boil until tender and drain. Stew and strain tomatoes, season with salt and pepper to — taste and add spaghetti. Sprinkle well with grated cheese and buttered cracker crumbs. — One-third cup vinegar, 1-3 cup water, butter the size of a 1 tablespoon sugar, pinch of salt, 1 teaspoonful flour. Cook : E. A. Schwartz PHARMACIST Hickory 5065 Cor. E. JEFFERSON and DICKERSON DETROIT Fox Creek Confectionery OUR OWN MAKE CANDIES Phone Hickory 319 14716 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. Fairview Wet Wash Laundry Co. ELLA H. GILMORE, Treasurer 1226 GLOVER AVE. WET WASH 20 Ibs or Less, $1.00 Hickory 1833 MIXED BUNDLE, FLAT and WET Ze a Ib. All Flat 8c a Ib. OUR STOCKS ALWAYS COMPLETE IN DRY GOODS—NOTIONS—HOSIERY LADIES’ AND MEN’S FURNISHINGS “AMERICAN LADY” AND ‘“‘WARNER’S RUST-PROOF’’ CORSETS “4 GOOD PLACE TO BUY THE BEST” ARTHUR J. HAKENJOS CO. TWO STORES 8600 GRATIOT AVENUE 8707 KERCHEVAL AVE. Phone Hickory 2117 A. DUNCAN CARTAGE AUTOS FOR EXPRESSING, MOTOR VANS, PIANO MOVING, FUR- NITURE CRATED FOR - SHIPPING Leng Distance Moving Office 11230 E. JEFFERSON AVE. “Fairview’s First and Greatest Cut- Rate Hardware Store’’ HERMAN’S CUT-RATE HARDWARE Wholesale and Retail 11400 E. JEFFERSON AVE. Cor. St. Jean Hickory 5298 Detroit New York Chicago 15 SALADS AND SALAD DRESSINGS Plum Conserve Five pounds plums, five pounds sugar, two pounds raisins, two oranges. Put all through grinder ; cook well, can and seal—Mrs. West- brook Salad Dressing Two eggs beaten with two level teaspoons cornstarch, one dessert- spoon salt, one level ttablespoon mustard, one cup vinegar, half dessert- spoon white pepper, one and one-half cups sweet milk; cook until it thickens.—Mrs. Laura Le Baron. : Fruit Salad Three cups diced pineapple, one cup nuts (chopped), half cup ‘oranges (diced), two pieces lettuce, half cup marshmallows cut fine, half cup red cherries cut fine, one-third cup figs, chopped; one sup salad dressing, half cup whipped cream.—Marion Read. Salad Dressing Half cup vinegar, half cup water, two eggs, one large tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon salt, half teaspoon dry mustard, one teaspoon celery seed, one-quarter teaspoon red pepper, one heaping tablespoon buttér.— Miss Maud Thomas. Fig Filing = Half pound figs, half cup of raisins, chopped together and boiled until real tender ; add half cup of sugar, two teaspoons of lemon.—Miss Maud Thomas. Half cup olive oil, juice of half lemon, juice of half orange, one teaspoon onion juice, one-quarter teaspoon salt, one-quarter teaspoon paprika, one teaspoon Worcestershire sauce, one-quarter teaspoon mus- _ lar, on teaspoon chili sauce, one teaspoon green pepper cut fine, one teaspoon chopped parsley Place all above ingredients in a pint fruit jar, fit a rubber and top lightly on the jar, shake vigorously until well mixed and creamy.—Marion Read. ae One gitart of chestnuts, one bread crumbs, one teaspoon salt, qua — OUR SPECIALTY IS SERVICE The Lenox Moving and Fireproof Storage Company Our New Location—1038-1044 LAKEVIEW AVE. Telephone Hickory 2872 IT ALWAYS PAYS TO WEAR KAHN’S SHOES Philip Kahn 11214 E. JEFFERSON AVE. Bet. Beniteau and Engel Aves. Your Satisfaction Is My Success Expert Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing Optical Repairing a Specialty Chas. Slatkin FAIR DEAL JEWELER DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CLOCKS 11124 JEFFERSON AVE.,, E. Hickory 2582 GRAFONOLAS and RECORDS PIANOS, PLAYERPIANOS and ROLLS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and SUPPLIES LeBaron Music Co. 11210 E. JEFFERSON AVE. CIGARS AND TOBACCO ICE CREAM AND ‘SOFT DRINKS Eshelman’s Confectionery MAGAZINES AND STATIONERY 11114 JEFFERSON AVE., EAST Phone Hickory 2676 Ringelberg Grocery Co. "11036 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. 17 Cream Sauce Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour, salt, pepper and onion juice, then add the cold milk slowly; stir smooth and creamy; cook three minutés—Mrs. Steffens. Salad Dressing One egg, half cup vinegar, one teaspoon mustard, half teaspoon 9 salt, half can Eagle brand milk; beat egg, mustard, salt and milk, add F vinegar. : Cream Dressing ae Beat four whole eggs or eight yolks, add one teaspoon cornstarch . wet with a little cold water; half cup vinegar added gradually to above, cooking in double boiler until thickened, then add one large tablespoon _ butter a little at a time to blend; then mix one teaspoon dry mustard; half teaspoon salt and one-eighth teaspoon red pepper into the above When cool dilute with cream—Mrs. A. W. Hutter. : Mayonnaise Dressing One-half pint milk, 1-3 cup melted butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon salt,,2 teaspoonsful mustard, 1 cup vinegar. Heat milk to boiling point; mix flour in butter; beat eggs thoroughly adding to them sugar, salt, mustard, and vinegar. When milk is ready stir in the flour and butter mixture, then the egg mixture. Boil all together until thick. This makes a pint of thick dressing ; thin with milk or cream when using. : z Salad Dressing Without Oil ae _ Two eggs, 1 tablespoon mixed mustard, 14 teaspoonful salt, butter _ the size of an egg, 3 tablespoons vinegar, 1 tablespoon sugar. Beat the — eggs, then add the mustard, salt and sugar. Beat a little more, then add the melted butter and vinegar. Set the bowl over boiling water and stir constantly until thick and smooth. Use cold. Add a cup of whipped cream the last thing. Two tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoonful mustard, 1 teaspoon ful salt, 1 tablespoonful flour, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 1 cup boiling vinegar. Mix — sugar, mustard, salt, and flour together ; beat in the egg and milk, then — beat in the boiling vinegar. Boil the whole slowly until thick. IT’S DIFFERENT Fairmont’s Better Butter ASK YOUR GROCER St. Jean Pharmacy . Phone Hickory 3151 RICHTER BROS. PROPS. Cor. MACK and St. JEAN, Detroit Fox & Brunner PHARMACISTS Phones Lincoln 2524—430 VANDYKE and FOREST Detroit QUALITY AND SERVICE AT THE Maxwell Meat Market PHONE LINCOLN 1161 8108 E. FOREST Cor. Maxwell PEARSON’S ANDY ana IGARS 8009 EAST FOREST _ M.L. RICH Ladies’ and Children’s Furnishings DRY GOODS Phone Lincoln 2145 8710 EAST FOREST AVENUE DETROIT, MICH. Sam Bibin CHOICE MEATS BUTTER AND EGGS SERVICE AND QUALITY PHONE LINCOLN 4491 SHE A’S ACCESSORY SHOP Gasoline, Oils and Greases Tires—Tire Repairing FREE—Air, Water, Distilled Battery Water at Curb “The Shop By the Side of the Road, To Be a Friend To Man” _--«- 8334. EAST FOREST AVE. 8628 EAST FOREST AVE, at Fisher Boston Brown Bread Two or three tablespoons of sugar, three tablespoons of molasses (Porto Rico), three tablesopons of melted shortening, two cups of sour milk, two level teaspoons of soda, one teaspoon baking powder, one cup of white flour, one-half cup of raisins, stir in graham flour until batter is quite thick. Bake slowly about one hour—Miss Maud Thomas. Chocolate Coffee Cake One cup sugar, one egg, three tablespoons butter, one-quarter cup milk, one-half cup strong liquid coffee, one-quarter cup grated chocolate, two cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder. Bake in a loaf or flat pan.—W. R. Loveridge. . Quick Coffee Cake Sift together one cup flour, half cup of sugar, half teaspoon of cinnamon, half teaspoon salt, three level teaspoons of baking powder, mix into dough one egg, two tablespoons of butter, melted; half cup milk ; spread into a shallow pan, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and bake in a quick oven.—Mrs. Steffens. Muffins Three tablespoons sugar, one tablespoon melted butter, one egg, one cup sweet milk, two cups flour, two and one-half teaspoons baking pow- der, pinch salt—Mrs. Janette Milliard. Johnny Cake _ One-half cup sugar, one tablespoon lard, one egg, one cup sour milk, one level teaspoon soda, one cup cornmeal, one cup flour, pinch of salt.—Elizabeth McLeod. Brown Bread Two and one-half cups sour milk, two teaspoons soda, one table- spoon molasses, half cup brown or white sugar, pinch of salt, two cups graham flour, one cup bran, one cup white flour, one cup raisins, one teaspoon baking powder. Bake slowly 35 minutes——Elizabeth McLeod. Two level teaspoons baking powder, two scups graham flour, one cup) _ white flour, one teaspoon baking soda, one teaspoon salt, two tablespoons butter, one level cup of brown sugar, one cup of chopped nutmeats, one Blue Valley Butter is Good Butter Pasteurized Makes Children Grow Makes Grown-ups Healthy That’s Why Millions Use It NOTICE For just the nicest things to eat Vogel’s Meats can’t be beat, Everything is always fine, And you get your money’s worth each time. Carl W. Vogel $711 E. FOREST AVE. Telephone Lincoln 541 _| Shop Where Your Money Goes Further - Pressel’s © Sanitary Market THE HOME OF QUALITY MEATS 9111 EAST FOREST AVE., at Holcomb Lincoln 679 Kuzee & Bagnell Shoe Co. “Honest Shoes at Honest Prices” 9952 E. FOREST AVE. Next To People’s State Bank Lincoln 4632 s Phone Lincoln 4312 J. A. Whitcomb HARDWARE & HEATING CO. PAINTS, OFLS and GLASS Courteous Treatment 9924 FOREST AVE. Detroit. a Seft Ginger Cake One egg, one teaspoon ginuger, half cup sugar, one and one-half cups flour, half cup molasses, half cup butter; mi xtogether, then add one even teaspoon soda dissolved in three-quarters cup boiling water. Bake 30 minutes——Laura Schneider. Walnut Loaf Four cups sifted flour, four teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon salt, one egg, half cup sugar, one and one-half cups sweet milk, one cup chopped nuts, cream, eggs and sugar, add milk, then nuts and flour; make into a loaf, let raise 20 minutes, bake 35 minutes in slow oven— Laura Schneider. Date Muffins Cream two tablespoons butter with half cup sugar, add two well beaten eggsfi one cup milk, two cups flour, two teaspoons baking pow- der, beat thoroughly, add pinch salt, one cup dates cut fine; bake in quick oven.—Laura Schneider. Brown Bread Two and one-half cups sour milk, two teaspoons soda, one table- spoon molasses, half cup sugar, one tablespoon lard, pinch salt, two cups graham flour, one cup bran, one cup white fiflour, one teaspoon baking powder, one cup raisins. Bake slowly 35 minutes.—Laura ider. Bran Muffins Four cups bran, two cups wheat flour, three cups sour milk, one cup molasses, two teaspoons salaratus, a little salt; have muffin pans hot; bake in hot oven—Mrs. Nettie Ayers. Ginger Bread One-half cup sugar, quarter cup butter, one , half cup molasses, half cup sour milk, one even teaspoon soda disseived in mak, a little ginger, cloves and cinnamon and salt; one and one-half cups flour.— Mrs. Nettie Ayers. ase One cup brown Sugar, one cup milk, one scant cup chopped nut _ ‘meats (walnut), two cups flour, one egg, pinch of salt, two heaping tea- spoons baking powder; let stand in pan 20 minutes; bake one hour in | slow oven.- Mrs. Nettie Ayers. en ee TELEPHONE: MAIN 6604 FRANK H. HOLMES PRESIDENT Holmes-Michael Electric Co. V Electrical Engineers and Contractors 110 E. WOODBRIDGE SsT. DETROIT, MICH, ARTHUR F. DEINZER HENRY J. DEINZER DETROIT 7900 MACK AVE. PHONE: MELROSE 1958 PHONE: LINCOLN 2479 Geo. C. Gitre FUNERAL DIRECTOR LADY ASSISTANT DETROIT 8753 GRATIOT AVE. S. A. SHINDEL FULL LINE OF FINE CONFECTIONS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS GRATIOT AND HOLCOMB MAURICE SCHLUSSEL IRA KAUFMAN S§.&K.HardwareCo. GENERAL HARDWARE JOHN MENIG ED YAGO Menig & Yago Hardware Co. COFFIELD WASHING MACHINES FEDERAL, HORTON 7838 GRATIOT AVENUE PHONE: LINCOLN 251 23 DETROIT Johnny Cake One cup sour milk, one cup cornmeal, half cup white flour, pinch salt, one teaspoon soda, one egg, one tablespoon butter, a little sugar.— Janette: Milliard. Brown Bread One cup white flour, two cups graham flour, half cup brown sugar, half cup Karo syrup, one yinch salt, two cups sour or buttermilk, two teaspoons soda, one cup raisins, one cup walnut meats, grease baking powder tins and fill to one-half: bake in slow oven one hour.—Mrs. | Laura Le Baron. Muffins, Very Good One egg, one cup milk, butter size of walnut, one and one-half cup flour, four teaspoons sugar, two heaping spoons of baking powder, pinch salt ; beat egg, add milk and melted butter ; put flour, salt, baking pow- der and sugar in sifter and sift into egg and milk; stir well and bake in muffin tins about 20 minutes—Mrs. Burr. : Date Bread . One cup graham flour, two cups white flour, three teaspoons baking powder, one-third cup sugar, two teaspoons salt, one-third pound of dates cut fine, one and one-half cups milk, one egg; mix flour, baking powder, sugar, salt and dates ground fine. Beat the egg with fork, add milk ; pour slowly into dry ingredients ;mix well and pour into two well- buttered bread pans. Allow to stand 15 minutes and bake 40 minutes in a moderate oven.—Marion Read. PIE Raisin Pie One cup seeded raisins, half cup sugar, yolk of two eggs, one table- spoon flour, a little salf, put one cup water on raisins and let cook a few minutes, then stir in eggs, sugar, flour and salt and cook until thick. Bake crust and fill with this mixture, then frost with white of eggs.— _ Mrs. Ira Crawford. : : _ Lemon Sponge Pie _ One cup of sugar, quarter cup of butter creamed, two heaping table- spoons of flour, one pinch of salt, juice and grated rind one large lemon, beaten yolks of two eggs, one cup of milk; lastly, add the well-beaten _ whites of two eggs; bake in a pie crust till light brown in color.—Mrs. MIESEL BROTHERS Flowers Furnished for All Occasions “Say It With Flowers” Phone Hickory 575 3728 ST. CLAIR AVE. F. T. MOHN J. W. MOHN QUALITY CANDIES ORLING BROS. SAUSAGES MOHN BROS. Congectionery and Delicatessen 8701 MACK AVE. Lincoln 1698 J. E:GARRETSON SUCCESSORS TO A. J. LUKE DRUG CO. Lincoln 484 9249 MACK AVE., Cor McClellan DETROIT, MICH. Lincoln 2805-3 M. LUDWIG MERCHANT TAILOR CLEANING AND DYEING REPAIRING AND REMODELING Work Called For and Delivered - 8815 MACK AVE., Detroit - 2 3 D. BROOKSMITH Choice Meats, Groceries, Fruits. and Vegetables Phone Lincoln 1071 Phone Lincoln 306 8315-8319 MAC KAVE. DETROIT, MICH. 25 Lemon Pie : Dissolve one an done-half tablespoons cornstarch in a little cold water: with this mix yolks of two eggs, one cup sugar, pinch salt, and stir it all into two cups boiling water; when it has thickened add juice f two lemons and grated rind of one; add two tablespoons of sugar to beaten whites and use for meringue Brown in oven.—Elizabeth Mc- Leod. Cocoanut Pie Put two even tablespoons grated cocoanut in pint of milk and two even tablespoons cornstarch tirred to a paste, three even tablespoons sugar, yolks three well-beaten eggs; cook in double boiler until thick and smooth. Beat whites of eggs stiff and two tablespoons sugar ; spread on and slightly brown—Laura Schneider. Butter Scotch Pie One cup brown sugar, heaping tablespoon butter, on eheaping table- spoon cornstarch, two cups sweet milk, two yolks eggs; boil sugar and butter moistened with water, pour milk and egg into syrup, boil until thick, season with vanilla; beat whites of eggs stiff with two tablespoons sngar; set in oven to slightly brown.—Laura Schneider. Elysian Cocoanut Pie Yolks of four eggs beaten very thick and light, one teaspoon lemon, oc tablespoons sugar, one pint milk, one cup cocoanut—NMrs. K. C. Cheese Pie _ One and one-quarter pound cottage cheese, three-quarters cup of sugar, one tablespoon butter, three eggs, on tablspoon flour, three eggs. one tablespoon flour, one teaspoon vanilla; mix cheese thoroughly with — a little milk or cream. Make separate batter of three-quarters cup of sugar, on tablespoon butter, wolks of eggs, tablespoon flour, vanilla. Mix cheese together, then add beaten whites of eggs. Make pie crust ine with crust, add mixture, sprinkle cinnamon. Bake in slow oven.— _ Melt two large tablespoons butter and one cup brown sugar, cook until a rich brown, then add a large cup of scalded milk; simmer for a : or u 1e sugar is dissolved and whip in the yolk 8835 MACK AVE.—Lincoln 696 Lincoln 2527-3032 CRANE AVE. Van Parys Cartage STORAGE PACKING AND CRATING—LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING—FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING Our Business Is Moving . Canadian License All Orders Promptly Attended To. Estimates Cheerfully Given General Sheet Metal Roofing Co. ROOFING, SKYLIGHTS, CORNICES, METAL CELLINGS, GUTTERS, ROOF FLASHINGS, EAVETROUGHING, CONDUCTORS, RADIATOR SHIELDS, GAS FITTING, STOVE AND FURNACE REPAIRS W. BEYERCHEN, Proprietor 8754 MACK AVENUE Phone Lincoln 3123 : f MACK AVENUE Indian Village UPHOLSTERING CO. Hardware Co. 7834 MACK AVE. Phone Melrose 811 ; Manufacturers of BUILERS’ HARDWARE Fine Upholstered Furniture TOOLS, CUTLERY, ETC. RE-UPHOLSTERING ae ee HIGH-GRADE REPAIRING Phone Us For Estimates ROY GOULD Have Your Furniture Custom Made, 8309-13 MACK AVE. It’s ae ae Longer Melrose 2024 Mack Avenue Plumbers} M. Newmark & Son and Heating Engineers Peerless Lamp Agent HARRY uty. Desetiaiee Ladies’ and Men’s 7607 MACK AYE. LE: DETROIT, MICH. Fur nishings 7627 MACK AVE. Mock Cherrie Pie One cup cranberries, one cup raisins, one cup sugar, one cup water, one tablespoon flour, one teaspoon vanilla; cut cranberries and raisins in small pieces and cook in double boiler until thick.—Mrs. Nettie Ayers. Pie Crus For One Pie One cup flour, three tablespoons lard, three tablespoons cold water, halt; handle as little as possible—Mrs. Nettie Ayers. Mock Lemon Pie _ Yolks of two eggs, scant cup of sugar, one cup of thick sour milk, one tablespoon cornstarch, flavor with extract of lemon, frost with whites of eggs—Mrs. Nettie Ayers. = PUDDINGS Peach Pudding “Fill a buttered dish with sliced peaches, pour over top a batter of one tablespoon butter, one and one-half cups sweet milk, one cup of flour with one teaspoon baking powder sifted; bake in moderate oven until brown ; serve with cream, sugar or liquid sauce——Mrs. Margarette Holmes. | : Sauce For Pudding ‘ One tablespoon butter, half cup sugar, beat to cream; beat one egg light and mix thoroughly; pour in boiling water until it becomes like | cream, flavor with vanilla—Mrs. Margarette Holmes. - Marshmallow Pudding © _ Two teaspoon granulated gelatin, two cups cold water, one-third cup sugar, one-half cup boiling water, one teaspoon lemon extract, one teaspoon vanilla, one egg white. Soak gelatin in water for three min-_ utes, add boiling water; when dissolved add sugar ; allow to cool; beat egg stiff; when gelatin begins to congeal beat it until it’s fluffy; add ex- — _ tracts and egg-white; let cool; cut in cubes——Marion Read. Graham Pudding _____ One cup raisins chopped, one cup molasses, one teaspoon Solved in one scant cup of sweet milk, one-half teaspoon salt, graham flour; steam three hours and serve with whipped c fine and not expensive.—Mrs. Nettie Ayer eee “two cups — P WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK TO BE THE VERY HIGHEST AND AT LOWEST PRICES. 0 T cinssurG A 0 S stuDIO O&M 7727 MACK AVE. E Bet. Baldwin and Seyburn S Phone Melrose 5342 Phone Hickory 3459 E. R. GRANT OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted 10312 MACK AVE. Open Evenings Commercial Advertising Electric Signs, Show Cards, Etc. s and Repaints We Teach Sign Painting Phone Hickory 716 The Lewis Sign Co. SIGN PAINTERS and Manufacturers of Opaline Elect We Made Signs Before We Could Talk Office and Studio 10316 MACK AVE. Hickory 5324 Otto Schiller Wholesale and Retail ‘Schiller’s Own Roast of Coffee We Specialize in Coffee Roasted Fresh Daily 10843 MACK AVE. Detroit, Mich. Otto H. Rohr St. Clair Heights Electric Co. WIRING AND FIXTURES Phone Hickory 4008 11005 MACK AVE. ... . Detroit, Mich. Tel. Hickory 5718 The Klick Furniture Co. When in Need of Furniture Give Us a Trial, as We Sure Can Save You Money We Carry Simons Beds in all Sizes and Prices 11117 MACK AVE. Detroit, Mich. Star Market CHOICE MEATS AND POULTRY FRESH AND SMOKED FISH BUTTER AND EGGS A. COFFEN 11131 MACK AVE. Palm Gardens Confectionery CIGARS, TOBACCOS ICE CREAM and CANDY (11137 Mack Avenue 29 A| aH | Date Pudding One cup walnut meats, chopped; one cup chopped dates, one cup sugar, five tablespoons bread crumbs, one heaping tablespoon baking powder, three eggs; mix baking powder with the sugar; mix all to- gether with yolks of eggs, then add whites of eggs beaten stiff; set dish in pan of water and bake 40 minutes——Mary L. Morgan. Brown Pudding One egg, one-half cup dark molasses, one-half cup dark brown , sugar, one level teaspoon soda (dissolved in half cup hot water), one- “ half teaspoon baking powder, one and three-quarter cups flour, one cup raisins, half cup walnut meats, one scant teaspoon lard ; mix all together ; put in buttered pan and steam one hour. Sauce: Yolks of two eggs, one and one-half cups sugar, one large tablespoon butter, two cups milk ; cook all together in double boiler until this forms a custard ; when cool beat in whites of eggs that have been beaten stiff—Ethel Helms. Black Pudding | One-half cup brown sugar, one-half cup molasses, one-half cup sweet milk, butter size of walnut, level teaspoon soda, heaping cup of flour, spice to taste and fruit if preferred; steam one hour and serve with whippd cream or sauce made as follows: One-half cup sugar, one teaspoon flour, lump of butter, one cup boiling water, flavor. with maple- ine or liquor from sweet pickles ; cook up well, then let cool—Mrs. Lou Detwiler. Bullie Pudding Two eggs beaten separately, one cup sugar beat in with yolks, one- half cup butter with it add one cup milk, one cup dates cut up, four ounces walnut meats chopped, one large tablespoon flour, one-half tea- spoon baking powder ; beat in whites of eggs; bake half an hour in. slow oven; serve with whipped cream.—Mrs. Mattie Smith. One cup sugar, one cup milk, one cup nuts, one cup dates, half cup butter (scant), one tablespoon flour, half teaspoon baking powder, two gg, one teaspoon vanilla ; beat yolks and butter well; add sugar, fiour, — ae ing powder, milk, nuts (ground), dates. Beat whites of eggs last; _ add with vanilla; cook 45 minutes in double boiler; serve with whipped oe ——— = crumt ed tind of daé léntoti, leet, egg yolks and sugar, add milk and bake one-half. For top— £ cup Hickory 2060 Established 1909 William Wayne FURNITURE | “Small Profits and Quick Returns” Is Our Motto A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL 10323 MACK AVENUE DETROIT, MICH. SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Satisfaction Guaranteed Daa’s Quality Shoe Store 11252 MACK AVE. MASON’S Pharmacy PRESCIPTIONS A SPECIALTY DETROIT 10500 SHOEMAKER Cor, St. Clair COMPLIMENTS OF H. HARTWIG CHOICE GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Phone Lincoln 2158 4401 CADILLAC AVE BROWN Confectionery Confections, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos, Magazines, Etc. We Specialize in Pan Candies and Fudge—Carmel Nut Sundaes Come in anl Let Us Get Acquainted ‘| 4282 CADILLAC AVE., Cor. Canfield 31 Quick Dessert One-half can blackberries or any kind of juicy stewed fruit, butter, the size of a walnut, sugar to taste, 1 heaping teaspoonful flour, toast. Boil fruit and put into it the butter and flour which has been made. into a paste by adding some water. Sweeten to taste and spread over nicely browned toast. Whip cream and drop over berries. Strawberry Pudding One cup strawberry juice, 1 cup sugar, %4 cup cold water, 2 tablespoons cornstarch, whites of 4 eggs, pinch of salt, juice of &% lemon. Heat the juice to boiling point and add sugar, lemon juice, salt and cornstrach, dissolve in cold water. Stir until transparent ; turn into sherbet dishes lined with fresh split lady-fingers ; chill and garnish with berries. - Rice Meringue Two teacups boiled rice, 3 yolks of eggs, 1 tablespoon sugar, gtated rind of one lemon. Mix all well together, beating the yolks and sugar very light. Bake 10 to 15 minutes. Have ready the whites of three eggs, beaten very light with 1% cups sugar and the juice of one lemon. Pour over the top and return to the oven and bake a light brown. Sesmaal Bread Pudding with Foaming Satice Two cups bread crumbs, 1 cup hot water, 1 cup molasses, 1 egg, ¥% teaspoonful cinnamon, 4% teaspoonful cloves, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 cup flour, 1 cup raisins, 1 teaspoonful soda, 14 teaspoonful nutmeg, % teaspoonful salt. Pour hot water over bread crumbs, add butter and molasses. Sift flour with soda and spices: sensei Steam in mould two hours. acd SPnCes , adil eagand reisms Sauce One-half cup butter, 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 teaspoonful vanilla _ ” > jpoon vanilla, 4 cup “het white of 1 egg beaten. Cream butter, add sugar, _ . ore se’ add i : a ioe rving water, beating oti So add egg Grape Rice - One cup rice, 1 pint bottle grape jui , 1 tablespoon flour. Boil _ sMice over rice and serve with whipped cream. + FURNITURE ana FURNISHINGS j Liberal Outside Credit -| Location on t a FS ood} Means Any