The Battle Creek COOK BOOK THIRD EDITION PUBLISHED BY THE WOMEN OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN * By tha Women of the Firat Congregational Church Copuright, 1922 Battle Creek. Michigan A-B Gas Ranges equipped with A-B O V EN HEAT CONTROL — Save Gas — Save Time — Save Work This wonderful device regulates the oven heat for you—prevents over-bak(cid:173) ing or under-baking; it banishes guess work and makes watching unnecess(cid:173) ary. Every A-B Oven Heat Control is GUARANTEED FOR S YEARS Descriptive Literature Mailed on Request A-B STOVE COMPANY BATTLE CREEK, MICH. This Page of Space is Paid for bp a Friend of The Women's Aid Societp a X COMPLIMENTS OF The BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN THE BATTLE CREEK COOK BOOK A COLLECTION 0» WELL TESTED RECIPES SBLCCTSD BT THE WOMEN OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH BATTLE CREEK, MICH. "Ho Hath Nerer Fed of the Dainties that Are Bred in a Book" BATTLE CREEK, MICH. ELLIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 1922 TABLE OF CONTENTS Soups Fish and Oysters Meats Sauces for Meats Poultry and Game Vegetables Bread Breakfast and Tea Cakes Luncheon and Side Dishes Salads Pastry and Puddings. Desserts and Creams Cake Jellies and Conserves Pickles Confectionery Table of Weights and Measures PAGE 1 10 17 26 28 34 45 51 58 71 82 104 117 142 148 158 164 When You Make Cake Nothing gives such wonderful results in home made cake as Swans Down Cake Flour! Try it in any good recipe. You can have lighter, whiter, finer, better cake—pie crust—pastry, just as you long to have it. Swans Down costs only a few cents for each cake made and yet it saves all the costly waste of cake disappointments. Swans Down has been the grocers' choice for 25 years. IGLEHEART BROTHERS Evansville, Indiana Established 1SS6 Also manufacturers of Swans Down Wheat Bran, Nature's Laxative Food. SWANS DOWN Prepared (Not Self-Rising) CAKE FLOUR Preferred by Housewives for 26 years SOUPS "Ceres presents a plate of vermicelli; Eggs, oysters, too, are amatory food." For love must be sustained like flesh and blood; While Bacchus pours out wine, or hands a jelly; Stock For Soups STOCK for soups is made from meat or bones, or of cooked joints of meat (omitting the fat—this would give a tallowy flavor to the soup), to which may be added chicken, turkey, beef, or mutton bones, well broken up. Put all this in cold water without salt; let it come slowly to boiling point, then skim well; set it back and let it simmer gently for six hours, until the meat is in shreds. Rapid boiling hardens the fiber of the meat, and the savory flavor escapes with the steam. Add a little pepper and salt, strain into a stone jar, let it cool, and remove all the grease. This stock will keep for many days in cold weather, and from it can be made all the various kinds of soups. White Soup A knuckle of veal, 2 turnips, 1 carrot, 2 tablespoons of whole pepper, 2 tablespoons of ground rice or farina. Boil and strain through a sieve. Beat the yolks of three WALK OVER SHOES 2 SOUPS eggs; put in a very little of the whites, add a pint of cream. Do not boil the eggs and cream, but put them in a tureen and stir as you pour the soup upon them. MRS. ANNA SCOTT. Oyster Soup Drain 1 can of oysters. Boil the liquor and 1 pint of water; skim well. Season with butter, pepper, and salt. Add oysters and let come to a boil, then add 1 cup milk or cream, heated separately. Miss COBA C. LEON. Tomato Soup One quart canned tomatoes, 2 heaping tablespoons of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 of sugar, and 1 pint of hot water. Let tomatoes and water come to a boil. Rub flour, butter, and a little tomato juice together, stir into boiling mixture. Boil 15 minutes. Strain through a sieve and serve with dice of toasted bread. MRS. WALTER CLARK. Tomato Soup One quart of tomatoes, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 quart of hot water, 1 teaspoon sugar, pepper to taste, 4 cloves, 1 table(cid:173) spoon of butter, 1 tablespoon chopped onion, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 tablespoon corn-starch. Add cloves, salt and pepper to tomatoes and boil in a porcelain kettle. Put the butter in a saucepan and when it bubbles, put in the onion and parsley. Fry five minutes, being careful not to burn it; let it simmer ten minutes; add more salt SOUPS 3 if needed. Strain it; then add the corn-starch dissolved in a little water. Serve with boiled rice or toasted crackers MRS. SALLIE PALMER. Tomato Soup Boil 1 quart of tomatoes in 1 quart of water until smooth. Add 1 heaping teaspoon of soda. When the effervescence has subsided, add 1 quart of scalded milk with butter size of an egg. Salt and pepper and thicken with cracker crumbs. M R S. J. C. BARBER. Pea Soup Soak 1 quart split peas over night. Next morning boil with 2 carrots, 2 onions, 1 stalk celery and a little piece of salt pork. Boil all the morning, being careful not to scorch; strain, and serve hot. MRS. ARTHUR SMITH. Green Pea Soup Cover a quart of green peas with hot water, and boil until they mash easily. Mash, and add 1 pint of stock or water. Cook together 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 of flour, until smooth, but not brown; add to the peas and then add 1 cup of milk and 1 of cream. Season with salt and pepper, and boil once; strain and serve. A cup of whipped cream added at the last moment is an improve(cid:173) ment. Canned peas may be used if desired. MRS. MAUDE C. WARD. B a t t le C r e ek G a r b a ge C o m pa OltlV (farbcHKC COi PAYINGCTTYTAXES V1*1! V " »l • / • » » )» X J V* WHy HOT TRAPE AT HOME! Bt 4 SOUPS Potato Soup Boil 3 potatoes and put through a colander; mix these with a small piece of melted butter, 1 tablespoon of browned flour, salt, a little onion and a little finely chop(cid:173) ped parsley. Add the mixture with a few bread crumbs to soup stock already prepared. Improved by adding just before serving, a cup of whipped cream. Mas. NELLIE HAWXHURST. Black Bean Soup One pint black beans boiled soft and put through sieve, being careful not to let any of the skins through. Add this to about 1 quart beef stock and season well. Add either catsup or Chilli sauce. Serve with sliced lemon. The whites of hard boiled eggs, chopped fine, are nice to add to any dark soup. MRS. MABY MCCAMLY SMITH. Bean Soup One pint of beans soaked over night in cold water, In the morning add 2 quarts of water and i teaspoon soda. Boil J hour in the soda water, then pour off and wash thoroughly in cold water. Boil again in 2 quarts of water to which is added a little butter, pepper and salt and 1 hard boiled egg, chopped fine. MRS. W. H. NOBLE. Potato Soup Three large potatoes, J green pepper cut fine, 3 onions, 1 slice fat salt pork, 3 stalks celery cut fine, parsley. Cook in small amount of water until done. There should S6UPS 5 be no water to drain off. Remove the salt pork. Mash with a potato masher and add 4 cups milk. Reheat and serve. MRS. RALPH W. HAHBERT. Potato Chowder Six large potatoes, i pound salt pork, 1 onion, 1 table(cid:173) spoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 pint milk or cream; 1 pint water, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon pepper. Dice potatoes and pork; slice onion; fry pork and onion until light brown. Put in kettle layer of potatoes, then onion and pork, sprinkle with salt, pepper and parsley. Repeat until all is used, pour over grease from pan. Add 1 pint water, cover and simmer 20 minutes. Scald milk in boiler and add melted butter and flour browned together, add to pot when potatoes are tender, stir carefully. Season if necessary, serve hot. MRS. H. C. HAWK. Corn Soup Made either of fresh or canned corn. When fresh, cut from cob, and scrape all that is sweet that remains on cob. To 1 pint of corn add 1 quart hot water, boil 1 hour or longer, and put through colander. Put into saucepan butter the size of small egg, and when thoroughly melted, sprinkle in heaping tablespoon of flour. Cook a moment, stirring constantly. Now add J corn pulp and when smoothly mixed, add remainder. Season with cayenne pepper, salt and when done, add a scant pint of boiling milk and a cup of cream. All milk can be used, but in such a case, add more butter. MRS. MARY MCCAMLY SMITH. 6 SOUP,S Onion Soup Slice 4 large onions very thin, fry in butter. Add 1 quart of well seasoned beef stock, put on top 4 slices toasted bread and sprinkle over 3 tablespoons grated cheese. MRS. H. C. HAWK. Mushroom Soup One onion cut fine, a little parsley, 2 cups of beef stock; boil together 20 minutes; then strain. Add § can mush(cid:173) rooms cut in thin slices, and boil 20 minutes. Add 1 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons of flour and 1 tablespoon of butter; stir flour and butter together. Let boil; and when ready to serve, pour in 1 cup whipped cream. This will serve six persons. MRS. E. C. HINMAN. Vegetable Soup Put 3 pounds of soup bone into 3 quarts of water and boil 4 hours. One hour before serving, grate 1 carrot, 1 potato, and chop J head of cabbage very flne. Add | pint of tomatoes, and salt and pepper to taste. Strain before serving. MRS. W. H. NOBLE. Canned Vegetable Soup One-half bu. tomatoes, 18 ears corn cut off the cob, 2 cabbages cut fine, 12 stalks celery, 2 bunches carrots, 4 green peppers, 12 large onions, 1 red pepper. Season with salt and parsley. Put all together and cook lj hours. Put in sterilized glass jars very hot and seal im- $$enmmifs SOUPS 7 mediately. canned bouillon or bouillon cubes. In the winter combine with soup stock, MRS. RALPH W. HARBEHT. Noodle Soup For the noodles, take 1 egg, a little salt, 4 tablespoons of sweet milk, 2 even teaspoons of baking powder, flour to make stiff enough to roll out. Roll thin, and cut in fine strips, adding to any soup stock and cook 20 minutes. MRS. J. F. HINMAN. Oyster Purie One quart of oysters well cooked in the liquor, then strain through a colander. Set the juice aside, and chop the oysters very fine. Make a cream sauce as follows: 1 cup of butter, and 3 tablespoons of sifted flour; melt in a saucepan, stirring constantly; add to this 1 quart of sweet cream, and let boil one minute; then add the liquor and chopped oysters, salt and pepper; serve on toast. MRS. N. A. OSGOOD. Bouillon Five pounds lean beef from lower round, 3 quarts water; let it come to a boil slowly; skim and set back where it will Keep at a boiling point 8 or 10 hours. About J hour before taking off, add 6 whole peppers, 3 or 4 cloves, small bay leaf, 1 sprig each of thyme, summer savory, and parsley, half a stalk of celery, small onion, and salt to taste. Strain, and when cold, skim. Put on the fire again, and when hot, put in the white of an egg, slightly beaten, with what egg shells you have, broken 8 soufrs in a cup of cold water, and a little burnt sugar for color(cid:173) ing. Strain through a flannel bag. M R S. BELLE H. WARD. Savora Bouillon One half cup diced carrots, 1-3 cup diced turnips, 1-3 cup sliced onions, 1-3 cup chopped-celery, 2 tablespoons Savita, 3 quarts cold water. Put the vegetables to cook and let them come slowly to the boiling point. Let boil for one hour or more or until the vegetables are tender and the liquid is reduced to 11 quarts. Strain out the vegetables and add the Savita and salt if desired. Clarify the stock as follows: Beat the whites of two eggs slightly, break the shells into small pieces and add with the beaten whites to the cool stock. Place over a hot fire and stir"constantly until the boiling point is reached. Boil 2 "minutes^and then set on the back of the range and^let^simmer 20 minutes. Remove the scum and strain through a double thickness of cheese cloth placed over a fine strainer. It may now be served as a clear bouillon, or it may be served in bouillon cups with a spoonful of whipped cream on top. Superior in flavor to any meat bouillon. COURTESY BATTLE CREEK FOOD Co. Mock Chicken Soup Three tablespoons rice, 3 cups water, J cup mushrooms 1 teaspoon Savita, 3 tablespoons butter. Cook the rice one-half hour in the water with the Savita and salt. Cook the mushrooms in a double boiler in the butter, §6ttfs 9 and add to the above ingredients. And you won't miss the pullet. T HE BATTLE CREEK FOOD CO. Cream of Brown Onion Soup Four med. size onions, 3 tablespoons flour, 1 cup water, 3 tablespoons butter, 2 cups milk, li teaspoons salt, i tablespoon Savita. Slice the onions and put in a buttered pan. Add a little water and put into the oven covered. When tender, remove the cover, and brown. Rub the browned onions through a colander, add the water and the white sauce, made by adding the hot milk to the butter and slightly browned flour rub(cid:173) bed together until smooth; cook ten minutes in a double boiler before adding to the onion. Reheat the soup, salt and serve. This makes one quart. COURTESY OF T HE BATTLE CREEK FOOD Co. Turkey Soup Take the remnants of a roast turkey, break the bones, cover with 2 quarts of cold water and cook slowly 4 or 5 hours. Then remove the bones, strain through a colander and add 1 pint of milk. Beat one egg with 1 teaspoon of salt and stir flour into it until it can be rubbed in the hands into fine pieces like rice. Stir into the soup just before removing from the stove. Miss ANNA ETZCORN. FISH AND OYSTERS "NO MAN CAN BE WISE ON AN EMPTY STOMACH." Baked Pickerel Carefully clean and wipe the fish, and lay in a dripping- pan, with enough hot water to prevent scorching. Several muffin rings may be used to keep it off the bottom. Bake slowly, basting often with butter and water. When done, have ready a cup of sweet cream to which a few spoons of hot water have been added; stir in 2 large spoons melted butter, heat all by setting cup in boiling water; add the gravy from the dripping-pan, and let it boil once; place the fish in a hot dish, and pour over it the sauce. Or an egg sauce may be made with drawn butter; stir in the yolk of an egg quickly, and then a teaspoon of chopped parsley. MRS. A. S. PARKER. To Fry Perch and Other Small Fish Remove the heads and scales, clean and wash the inside wipe dry, sprinkle with salt. Dip in beaten egg, then in cracker crumbs, to which a pinch of salt has been added. Have ready a frying-pan half full of hot lard, drop in the fish, and fry as you would doughnuts. If the lard is hot, they will cook in a few minutes. Garnish with thin slices of lemon. MRS. E. BEN FISCHER. Victrolas and Records atTT$fi€R$ PISH AND OYSTERS 11 Stuffing For Baked Fish Two cups bread crumbs, 1 tablespoon each of onion, olives, capers, pickles and parsley. 1 teaspoon salt and 1 tablespoon melted butter. 2 tablespoons sweet milk. Miss ORPHA PLAISTED. White Fish A La Turbot Steam a fresh white fish until tender. Remove bones, and pick into bits. Make a sauce of 1 pint rich milk, and i cup flour wet with cold water. While still warm, beat in i cup butter. Put in the bottom of pudding dish a layer of fish, season with salt and pepper, then a layer of the sauce; fill the dish with alternate layers of fish and sauce. Cover with a layer of bread crumbs dotted with butter. Bake i hour, and serve in the dish in which it is baked. MRS. PRESTON LOVELL. Turbot A La Creme Boil 4 or 5 pounds of haddock or white fish. Take out all the bones, and shred very fine. Let a quart of milk, i of an onion, and a piece of parsley come to a boil, then stir in a scant cup of flour, which has been mixed with a cup of cold milk, and the yolks of two eggs. Season with i teaspoon of white pepper, salt, and \ teacup of butter. Butter a pan, and put in first a layer of sauce, then one of fish, finishing with sauce. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, and a light grating of cheese. Bake in a moderate oven 1 hour. MRS. MAUDE C. WARD. BATTLE CREEK FRUIT MARKET Cabana 3US 116 W. Main St. Bell 3139; Phone.! 12 FISH AND OYSTERS Salmon Turbot Boil 1 quart of fresh milk, taking off the cream for the top dressing. Reserve enough of the cold milk to moisten 10 level tablespoons of flour. When smooth stir into the hot milk until a thick dressing is made. Add 3 heaping tablespoons of butter, salt and pepper to taste. Shred a can of salmon, and place in a dish alternate layers of salmon and dressing, with the dressing on the top. Sprinkle over it a thin layer of cracker crumbs, dotted with butter and covered with the cream. Bake until a golden brown, and serve immediately. MRS. NELLIE P. HAWXHURST. Fish Chowder Cut 3 lbs. of fresh fish in small pieces, first removing the bones, § pound of potatoes cut in slices—not too thin —1 large onion cut fine, h pound salt pork cut in J inch squares. Put the pork and onion in a pan, and slowly fry to a light brown. Butter a large kettle, and place first a layer of potatoes, next a layer of fish. Then sprinkle on the onion and pork, repeat until all are used, leaving potatoes on top. Barely cover the whole with water. Take 1 quart of boiling milk, to which add 3 oz. of butter after the fish etc. has simmered 10 minutes. Add the hot milk, and let boil without disturbing for 20 minutes. When ready to serve, add a few broken crack(cid:173) ers. If you wish more soup add more milk. MRS. E. C. HINMAN. Fish Chowder Any kind of fresh fish may be used, those having large flakes being preferred. Cut in pieces over an inch thick, FISH AND OYSTERS 13 and 2 inches square. Place eight good sized slices of salt pork in the bottom of an iron pot, and fry crisp; remove the pork, leaving the fat. Put in the pot a layer of fish, a layer of split crackers, and some of the pork chopped fine, with black and red pepper, and chopped onions; then an(cid:173) other layer of fish, another of crackers, and so on until the pot is full. Cover with water, and stew slowly until the fish is cooked. Remove the fish. Thicken the gravy with rolled crackers or flour; boil, and pour over the chowder. MRS. A. S. PARKER. Katie's Clam Chowder Two quarts of hard-shell clams chopped fine. 1 quart of potatoes cut the size of dice. 1 can of tomatoes, 4 medium onions cut fine, i of a lb. of salt pork cut fine, i cup of butter. Salt well. Use fresh red peppers cut fine, if they can be procured, if not use i teaspoon of cayenne pepper, parsley, and celery chopped fine. Put in a large iron kettle to cook, with a cup of rolled cracker crumbs. To this add 1 quart of boiling water. Let boil slowly 2 hours. MRS. S. J. TITUS. Cod-Fish Pie Take a nice thick piece of cod-fish, soak until the fish will part in flakes, changing the water once; then peel and slice some potatoes. Take a deep dish, rub butter on the sides and bottom, put upon that a layer of fish flakes; alternate with layers of potatoes dotted with occasional lumps of butter and a little pepper till the dish is filled. On the top, place a large piece of butter, and § cup of 14 FISH AND OYSTERS milk. Bake in a hot oven until cooked through. A thin paste or crust may cover the whole. MRS. J. F. HINMAN. Lobster Chops Heat in a spider a piece of butter the size of an egg, add 2 heaping tablespoons of flour and brown. Add 1 cup of hot sweet cream, then the lobster, having first shredded it. When cool add the well beaten yolks of three eggs, heat again and season. Spread the mixture J inch thick on a platter. When cool, shape much like lamb-chops. Dip in egg and cracker crumbs and fry in lard. One can of lobster will make 15 to 18 chops. Serve with tomato sauce made as follows: 1 can of tomatoes well cooked. Strain and add a little butter, 2 teaspoons of sugar, and seasoning. Thicken with flour. The chops can be made the day before using. Miss CORA AMRERG. Broiled Oysters Take thin slices of salt pork, and lay on wire frame over coals. Lay an oyster on each piece of pork. Season well. Serve on dry toast. Nice for breakfast or lunch. MRS. CLELLE HUMPHREY WHITE. Broiled Oysters Grease a fine wire gridiron, and dry fine, large, oysters and place upon it; broil quickly over hot coals. Have ready some pieces of buttered toast upon a hot platter, and lay one or two of the oysters upon each piece; put a bit of butter and a little pepper and salt upon each one, and serve as hot as possible, MRS, GROESBECK. F I SH AND OYSTEHS 15 Fried Oysters Season the oysters with salt and pepper. Beat 1 egg, add salt and pepper. Have prepared also a dish of crack(cid:173) ers rolled very fine, and seasoned with salt and pepper. Dip the oysters first in the egg, then in the dry crackers, and fry in hot butter. MRS. C. M. LEON. Deviled Oysters Drain 2 J dozen nice fat oysters, chop, and drain again. Heat J pint of rich milk. Rub a tablespoon each of butter and flour together, and stir in the milk. When thick, take from the fire, add a tablespoon of chopped parsley, the oyster, yolks of 3 eggs well beaten, a little salt and pepper. Fill deep oyster shells with the mixture, sprinkle with stale bread crumbs, set in a baking pan, put in a very hot oven ten minutes. Serve in the shells; garnish with sliced lemon and parsley. M R S. THORP, DETROIT. Deviled Oysters Drain 1 pint of oysters, add i as many cracker crumbs, 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 tablespoon melted butter, salt, pep(cid:173) per, 2 tablespoons of cream, chop together very fine; fill halves of oyster shells, and bake in moderate oven about 20 minutes. Garnish with lemon and parsley. MRS. MARIE UPTON STRONG. Little Pigs In Blankets Season large oysters with salt and pepper. Cut fat pork or bacon into thin slices. Wrap an oyster in each (filral Dn? Store .*. Main St. Pure Drug., Medicine*, Toilet Articles, Cigars and Soda Water Bell Phone 1690 16 FISH AND OYSTERS slice, and fasten with a little skewer (tooth-picks are the best). Cook just long enough in a frying-pan to crisp the bacon—about two minutes. Place on slices of toast. Do not remove the skewer. MRS. J. F. HINMAN. Creamed Oysters Two quarts of oysters, washed and dried in a towel. 1 cup of milk, thickened to the consistency of cream, salt and pepper, and 1 cup of sweet cream. Pour dressing over oysters after they have steamed until they begin to curl. When nearly ready to serve, dot with lumps of butter. MRS, W. H. ELDRED. Oyster Patties One pint of small oysters, } pint cream, 1 large tea(cid:173) spoon of flour. Let the cream come to a boil, mix the flour with a little cold milk, and stir into the boiling cream. Season with salt and pepper while the cream is cooking. Let the oysters heat in their own liquor, skim carefully, and strain off all the liquor. Add the oysters to the cream, and boil once. Fill the pattie shells, and serve. The quantity given will fill 18 shells. MRS. THORP, DETROIT. MEATS "Man wants but little here below, As beef, veal, mutton, pork, lamb, venison show." Suggestions For Baking Meat or Tame Fowl Do not season, or put water in the dripper for SO min(cid:173) utes, after placing in a very hot oven. Then season well, add hot water, and bake slowly, basting often. Meats baked in this manner retain all their juices, instead of being drawn out by steam and salt. MRS. B. T. SKINNER. Yorkshire Pudding TO BE SERVED WITH ROAST MEAT. Four eggs beaten very light, a pinch of salt, 12 heaping tablespoons of flour, 1 pint of milk; beat part of the flour with the eggs, and add the rest of the flour and milk gradually. Bake with the meat three quarters of an hour before the roast is done. May be baked without meat by putting 2 or 3 tablespoons of the drippings from the meat in a pan, and when hot pour in the batter, basting oc(cid:173) casionally. Cut in squares and serve on the platter with the roast. Beefsteak Smothered in Onions Grease a hot spider with butter or the suet from the meat, and fry the steak until half done; then cover very thickly with sliced onion, season very well with butter, pepper and salt, and put a little water in the spider to prevent burning; cover closely and set where they will 18 - MEATS cook more moderately. If not cooking fast enough, turn the meat so the onions will come to the bottom. Serve hot, with the onions on top the steak. MRS. N. A. OSGOOD. Sirloin Steak With Oyster Sauce Let your oysters fry a few minutes in butter, pepper, salt, a little flour, and the juice of half a lemon, with enough water to make the quantity of sauce desired. Stir till the oysters are done. Serve with broiled steak. MRS. S. S. HULBERT. Beef Loaf (Small) One-half pound beef (cut from top of round), put twice through grinder (using fat that is on it) and also small piece of onion. Mix with this about half the bulk of dry bread crumbs (barely moistened). Add 1 tablespoon melted butter, salt and pepper and 1 egg beaten slightly. Mix thoroughly using about \ cup milk. Shape into an oval loaf and bake in buttered pan 1 hour. Baste with 1 tablespoon butter melted in J cup hot water. MRS. WENDELL L. SMITH. Beef Loaf Take 3 pounds of raw beef steak, off the round. Chop very fine. One tablespoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of pepper, 10 tablespoons of rolled crackers, 1 cup of milk (partly cream if possible), \ cup of butter, 2 eggs. Season with sage. Put in a deep narrow tin, pour over it a little water and bake about 1 hour. Miss CARRIE MCFARLAND. MEATS Meat Loaf 19 One pound chopped veal, 1 pound chopped beef, 1 pound chopped lean fresh pork, 3 large slices bread, soaked in milk (about 1 pint) until soft, 1 egg, 2 table(cid:173) spoons salt, i tablespoon pepper. Bake about 2 hours. Sliced tomatoes and onion baked on top much improves this loaf. MBS. EVAN HUBBARD. Baked Chops Dip lamb chops in egg and then in bread crumbs. Season well with salt and pepper. Put in a dripper and MRS. J. M. WARD. bake 20 minutes in a hot oven. Breaded Veal Pound veal cutlets; season with salt and pepper; dip in the white of egg; roll in fine cracker crumbs; and fry slowly for half an hour in a very hot spider, with equal quantities of lard and butter. Keep covered closely; turn only once. MRS. AMALIE BURGEE. Veal Loaf Three and one-half pounds of veal, free from bone, chopped fine. Add to it 3 well beaten eggs, 1J tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of pepper, 4 crackers rolled fine, 3 tablespoons of milk, and a piece of butter the size of an egg. Stir well together, make into the form of a loaf and bake 2 hours, basting frequently. Miss EMMA WATTS. tV 7Tfc/«»fc*<« /T KI* vu vipoma The Watchman of Main Street 9 Weet Maia st. 20 MEATS Veal Loaf Three pounds raw veal, and i pound salt pork, chopped and mixed; 3 soda crackers, 3 eggs, sage, pepper, and salt. Make into a loaf after mixing well together. But(cid:173) ter the outside well, and sprinkle with crumbs of crackers. Bake about three hours; baste as often as needed. MRS. Jos. WEEKS. Pressed Veal Boil until thoroughly done, 3 pounds of veal and 1 pound of salt pork (with lean and rind removed), salt and pepper to taste, then chop very fine. DRESSING.—Use 1 cup of the liquid, butter the size of an egg. Let this come to a boil, and stir in 2 well beaten eggs. Boil 2 minutes, stirring constantly, to keep it smooth. Add more salt and pepper if necessary. Pour over the chopped meat, and mix well. If desired, the juice of \ lemon may be added. Place in pan and press. MRS. WM. H. FLAGG. Calf's Liver Baked Soak a calf's liver in salt water for a few moments. Skewer with bacon and sprinkle with chopped onion. Place in a pan with a little water and butter and bake one hour in a hot oven, basting frequently. Use browned flour for the gravy. Pour gravy over the liver and garnish with parsley. MRS. JOHN T. WINSHIP. MEATS 21 Lamb Cutlets Crumbed Season French chops with salt and pepper; dip in melted butter, and roll in fine bread crumbs. Broil over a moderate fire. Serve with potato balls heaped in center of dish. Garnish with parsley. MRS. REED STUART. Sweet-Breads Slowly soak in strong salt water until the blood sepa(cid:173) rates from the meat. Place in boiling water to blanche and harden. After which draw off the thin outer casing, remove any little pipes that may adhear, and cut into strips. Lay on ice until ready to use, and then dip in egg, and roll in bread crumbs. Salt, pepper, and fry slowly in butter. They burn easily. MRS. JOHN T. WINSHIP. Pressed Tongue Cover a large beef tongue with cold water. Put on the stove, and let simmer 4 hours. Take up and cool. Boil the liquor until reduced to a pint. Chop tongue in small pieces, and add to it 1 teaspoon of salt, a small pinch of cayenne pepper, J spoon of ground cinnamon, allspice, and white pepper, J teaspoon of ground cloves and ground mace. Mix well, and press in square tin. Pour over this the boiling liquid, with 3 tablespoons of vinegar added. Set away for 10 hours. Slice thin when served. MRS. GEO. E. HOWES. French Tongue Put in a kettle 1 fresh tongue, li pounds of beef, 1 dozen cloves, 1 dozen allspice, 1 dozen pepper-corns, and 22 MEATS boil until the tongue is ready to skim. Take the tongue out, and strain the stock, then return the tongue, and let it simmer until very tender, and there is left about 1 pint of stock. Thicken this with browned flour, and add 5 or 6 pickles, chopped fine, and one wine-glass of currant jelly. Pour over tongue, which is placed on a platter and garnish with sliced lemon. The tongue should cook nearly lj days, until very dark. MRS. BELLE H. WARD. Meat Souffle A good way to use scraps of cold beef, ham or fowl, which have been boiled, fried or roasted. Make 1 cup of cream sauce as follows: 1 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 teaspoon flour, salt and pepper. Melt butter and flour together, then slowly stir in the milk. Season with 1 teaspoon of chopped parsley, or celery tops and a little chopped onion. Stir into this sauce 1 cup of chopped meat or fowl; when well mixed, add the beaten yolks of 2 eggs. Cook one minute and set away to cool; then stir in the beaten whites. Bake in a buttered pud(cid:173) ding dish 20 minutes. Pot-Pie Dumpling One cup of flour, 1 heaping teaspoon of baking powder and a little salt. Mix with water as stiff as can be stirred and drop into the kettle with a spoon. Boil 20 minutes without removing cover. Miss ANNA ETZCORN. Roast Veal Put into small frying pan 1 tablespoon butter, and fry a finely chopped onion. Rub veal with teaspoon MEATS 23 ginger and sear in pan with onions, add a little salt and tablespoon flour. Place hot in roasting pan, pour over dressing. When done make gravy by pouring water into pan and thicken with flour. Can add to above, cooked rice J hour before meat is done, and baste with juices of meat or use cooked macaroni, drained and place round meat in platter. Have ready tomato sauce and grated cheese, pour over and place in oven 3 or 4 minutes and serve. Chili sauce can be used in place of tomato sauce. Miss ORPHA PLAISTED. Larded Fillet of Beef Dredge well with salt, pepper and flour, and put without water in a small pan. Bake in hot oven 30 minutes for four pounds, which will serve twelve people. Serve with mushroom, Hollandaise or tomato sauce. BROWN MUSHROOM SAUCE: One can French mush(cid:173) rooms, 2 cups stock, 2 tablespoons flour, 4 tablespoons of butter, salt and pepper. Melt the butter. Add the flour and stir until a dark brown. Gradually add the stock. When this boils add the mushroom liquor. Season and simmer 20 minutes. Skim off grease. Add mushrooms and simmer 5 minutes. Too much cooking toughens mushrooms. MRS. NELLIE P. HAWXHURST Breaded Veal One slice of veal, cut 1 inch thick, 1 egg, bread crumbs, milk, onion, green pepper. Mix the egg with one table- Boots, Stationery aid School Supplies - F i s h e rs 24 MEATS spoon milk, salt and pepper. Dip veal first in the egg and then in the bread crumbs. Brown well in a frying pan. Put in a baking dish. Cover with milk. Add a little onion and green pepper. Bake one hour in a slow oven. MRS. RALPH W. HABBERT. Smothered Veal Order round of veal, about 2 inches thick. Cut in chunks for serving each person. Roll in flour and season with salt and pepper. Brown quickly in frying pan, using part butter and part lard, remove from pan when brown. Put in covered baking dish, sprinkle well with flour, and fill dish with hot water nearly covering the meat. Bake in moderate oven until tender, about li hours. 4 pounds will serve ten to twelve people. Serve with gravy left in bake dish. MRS. R. F. HOFFMASTER. Meat Loaf Two pounds fresh pork (shoulder) and 1 pound smoked ham put through grinder; 1 cup milk, 2 cups crumbs, 2 eggs, little pepper (no salt as ham is salty). Place in pan, then pour over it a small can tomato soup and bake an hour or little longer. MRS. C. P. BAKER. Baked Ham Take 6 or 7 pounds of ham, put about 1 dozen cloves in it. Make a stiff dough of flour and water, sufficient after rolling out to cover the ham all over. Put ham in baker with a little water and bake 4 hours slowly. MRS. ARTHUR GREEN. MEATS H am 25 Slice of ham cat one inch thick. Rub each side with dry mustard and quite a little brown sugar. Place in dripping pan and baste with two tablespoons of vinegar and two of water. Bake 40 minutes in slow oven. Serve with gravy poured over, not thickened. M B S. BERTHA BUSH MINAHAN, Green Bay, Wis. H am In Olive Sauce Take 2 cups of cold boiled ham cut in quarter inch pieces. Brown 2 tablespoons butter and 3 tablespoons flour. Add lj cups stock or water, 2 small onions cut very fine; i green pepper sliced thin, salt and pepper. Cook until thick. Add ham and i cup pimento olives sliced. MRS. RALPH W. HARBERT. A Substitute For Meat Protose Steak With Onions One pound Protose, 1 c. grated onion, 1 tablespoon melted butter, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup brown sauce, i cup water. Remove the protose from the can, cut in half lengthwise, and make six or eight slices of each half, Arrange these on the bottom of a buttered pan. Mix the melted butter and salt with the grated onion. On top of each slice of Protose put a spoonful of the grated onion. Dilute the brown sauce with the water and pour around the Protose, taking care not to disturb the onions. Place in the oven and bake slowly 45 minutes to one hour, or until the onions are perfectly tender. COURTESY T HE BATTLE CREEK FOOD CO. SAUCES FOR MEATS 27 M i nt Sauce Two teaspoons fresh mint chopped, 1 cup boiling water, 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 teaspoons vinegar. Pour water over mint, add sugar and vinegar, boil, then cool and serve. Creole Dressing Yolks of two hard boiled eggs, i teaspoon red pepper, 1 teaspoon black pepper, 1 teaspoon salt, J cup powdered sugar, 1 cup oil, \ cup vinegar, 1 chopped onion. Pre(cid:173) pare two or three hours before serving. Serve with steak or other meats. MRS. JOHN T. WINSHIP. POULTRY AND GAME "And when the pie was opened, The birds began to sing; And is not this a dainty dish To set before the king?" Broiled Spring Chicken Cut up chicken and crush bones to make the pieces lie flat. Broil over a clear fire about two hours before serv(cid:173) ing. Season with butter, salt, and pepper. Pack in an oatmeal boiler, sprinkle in a tablespoon of Worchester- shire sauce, cover closely, and cook till time to serve. This renders the fowl perfectly well done, and is delicious. An ordinary steamer can be used, provided the chicken is put into a covered dish so the steam cannot touch it. MRS. EMMA G. HARBECK. Broiled or Smothered Chicken Cut chicken in quarters. Lay in a dripping pan. Sprinkle with salt; pepper well; dredge with flour; put small bits of butter over all, allowing pieces the size of an egg to each chicken. Cover close with another pan. Bake 40 minutes, then remove pan, and bake with brisk fire until brown. MRS. HOWARD KINGMAN. Broiled Birds Place the birds (cut open) on a hot broiler, and season with salt and pepper. Have prepared a dish of hot water, butter, salt, and pepper; and when the birds begin to POULTRY AND GA*tE 29 brown, dip them in it, and place again over the fire. Re(cid:173) peat the process until the birds seem thoroughly cooked, which will require 20 minutes or J hour. Thicken the dish of hot water, pepper, and salt, with flour, and pour over the game. MRS. C. M. LEON. Fried Spring Chicken Joint up the chickens, and throw into salt and water; let stand a few minutes, rinse, and dry in a cloth like oysters. Put considerable lard in a frying pan until very hot; roll the chicken in flour, pepper, and salt mixed together; put in frying pan, and cover close; turn often and all ways. Be careful the lard does not cook out. GRAVY.—Put to the lard a very little water and 1 cup of cream. When it boils, thicken with flour wet with cold milk. Miss OLIVIA S. HINMAN. Sauce for Fried Chicken One-half teacup of butter, juice of $ a lemon, yolks of 2 eggs, a little cayenne pepper, § cup of boiling water, i teaspoon of salt. Beat butter to a cream, add yolks one at a time, the lemon juice, pepper, and salt. Place the bowl with the mixture in a saucepan of boiling water, beat with an egg-beater until sauce begins to thicken, and add the boiling water, beating all the time. When like a soft custard, it is done. Serve in gravy dish, or put around the chicken on platter. MRS. F. P. BOUGHTON, M R S. C O N N E R, China Decorator FIRING & LESSONS PARTY NOVELTIES PHONE 1418 F-2 36 MHJLTRY AND GAkfi Chicken Pie CRUST.—One quart of sifted flour, three teaspoons of baking powder, 1 cup of lard, salt, and milk to make a stiff dough. Roll, and line a pan with the paste. Boil a fowl until tender, pick the meat from the bones; seas(cid:173) on to taste; pour in the pan and cover with a top crust; bake in a slow oven | of an hour. MRS. 0. B. GREEN Chicken in Jelly For each pound of chicken allow a pint of water. When boiling, skim; simmer gently until meat is very tender. Take out chicken, skin, and take all of the flesh from the bones. Put bones in liquor, and boil until water is reduced one-half. Strain, and set away to cool. Next morning skim off fat. Turn jelly into clean sauce(cid:173) pan, removing sediment, and to each quart of jelly add I package of Knox gelatine (which has been soaked an hour in half a cup of cold water), an onion, a stalk of celery, 12 peppercorns, a small piece of mace, 4 cloves, pepper and salt, and the white of one egg. Let it boil, then set back where it will simmer 20 minutes. Strain the jelly through a napkin. In a 3 pint mould put a layer of jelly about f of an inch deep, and set in ice water to harden. Have the chicken cut in long thin strips, and season well with salt and pepper. When jelly in mould is hard, lay in chicken, and cover with the liquid jelly which must be cool, but not hard. Put away to harden. When ready to serve, dip the mould into warm water, and turn into the center of a flat dish. Gar(cid:173) nish with parsley, and if you choose, with mayonnaise sauce. MRS. A. T. PENNIMAN. POULTRY AND GAME 31 Scalloped Chicken One cooked chicken, 1 cup of gravy, 1-tablespoon of butter, 1 egg well beaten, 1 cup of bread crumbs or rolled crackers, salt and pepper. Rid the chicken of skin and bones; cut or chop into pieces, thicken the gravy, and stir until the chicken boils; take it off and add the egg; cover the bottom of the dish with crumbs; pour the gravy and chopped chicken in; cover with crumbs and pieces of butter. Warm over in a quick oven. MRS. H. R. WILLIAMS. Chicken Souffle One pint of cooked chicken finely chopped, 1 pint of cream sauce, 4 eggs, salt and pepper. Stir the chicken and seasoning into the boiling sauce, cook two minutes, add the yolks of the eggs well beaten, and set away to cool; when cold, add the whites well beaten, turn into a buttered dish, and bake \ hour. Serve hot. Can use veal or beef. CREAM SAUCE FOR SOUFFLE.—One cup of milk, 2 table(cid:173) spoons of butter, salt, and pepper. Put butter in small fryingpan. When hot, but not brown, add 2 table(cid:173) spoons flour; stir until smooth; then gradually add the milk. Let it come to a boil. Use cream instead of milk if you have it. M R S. T. M. FLOWER. Creamed Chicken One chicken of 41 pounds or 2 of 6 pounds, 4 sweet(cid:173) breads, and 1 can of mushrooms. Boil chicken and sweet(cid:173) breads and when cold, cut up as for salad. In a sauce(cid:173) pan, put 4 coffee cups or 1 quart cream; in another, 4 32 POULTRY AND GAME large tablespoons butter, and 5 even ones of flour: stir until melted, then pour on the hot cream, stirring until it thickens. Flavor with a small half of a grated onion, and a very little grated nutmeg; season highly with black and red pepper. Put chicken and ingredients, together with sweet-breads and mushrooms (which if large should be cut in 4 pieces), in a baking dish, cover with bread crumbs and pieces of butter, and bake 20 minutes. It can be made without sweet-breads by using more chicken, but is not as good. Serves sixteen persons. MRS. BELLE H. WARD, EVANSTON, I I I. Chop Suey Saute in a tablespoon of shortening for five minutes in the order named below, then skim into a kettle: 1 chopped onion, the meat of a chicken cut in small pieces, 1 can mushrooms, 1 cup celery cut quite fine. Rinse spider with a little hot water, and add to the kettle and cook two or three hours. Season with salt and pepper. Just before serving add 1 tablespoon kitchen bouquet. Serve with boiled rice. MRS. C. A. SQUIER. Chicken A La King One chicken cut up fine, 3 hard boiled eggs, 4 green peppers, 2 pimentos, 1 can mushrooms, teaspoon paprika, } teaspoon salt, J teaspoon pepper, 2 table- i KEAGLE SHOE REPAIR 97 Calhoun St. Phone I637J POULTRY AND GAME 33 spoons melted butter, 3 tablespoons flour, 1 pint milk, 1 pint cream. Make cream sauce of milk, cream, butter and flour add cooked chicken, and other ingredients and cook in double cooker. MRS. J. N. DECKER. Chicken Mousse Cook a chicken and run through food chopper or grinder. Dissolve 1 level tablespoon of Knox gelatine in } cup of the chicken broth. Beat the yolks of 3 eggs. Into them pour slowly 1 cup of hot broth and cook in double cooker until thick. Put this with the gelatine and beat until gelatine is dissolved. Add this to the chicken and when cold fold in one pint of whipped cream. Put into mould to set. Serve on lettuce with salad dressing or as pressed chicken. M R S. J. N. DECKER. V E G E T A B L ES "Take the goods the gods provide theel" Real Boston Baked Beans Two cups beans, soak over night. Boil in fresh water until skins separate. Place in deep earthenware pot and add 1 level teaspoonful of powdered mustard, a pinch of soda and 2 tablespoons of New Orleans mo(cid:173) lasses. Put one whole onion in the center of the beans and J to f pound of lean salt pork on top of the beans with rinds up to brown with the beans. Bake 8 hours in a slow oven. When done skim off the top beans and serve hot with brown bread and dill pickles on Saturday night. CARLETON BROOKS MILLER. Baked Potatoes Pare and slice i dozen potatoes about J inch thick. Grease a small dripper with butter, leaving a little in the tin. Salt, pepper, and butter the slices of potatoes. Put in the tin and bake. Salt, pepper, and butter again. Put in a covered tureen, and serve. MRS. N. A. OSGOOD. Sweet Potatoes Boil with the skins on. When done, remove the skins; mash, add butter, salt, and milk, the same as for white potatoes. Put in baking dish, and bake to a light brown. MRS, EDWARD C. HINMAN. VEGETABLES 35 Sweet Potatoes Steam the potatoes until nearly done; take out; peel them; place them in a dripping pan, with a small lump of butter on each; put in the oven to brown. MRS. S. 0. BUSH. Sweet Potatoes Select small sweet potatoes, and scrape well. Roll in flour and sugar, and bake slowly in a pan with melted butter, turning frequently. They will scrape more readily if allowed to soak in water an hour or more. MRS. JOHN T. WINSHIP. Sweet Potatoes With Marshmallows. Boil sweet potatoes with jackets on, peel, mash, and add top milk, a little sugar, butter and if desired black walnut meats. Put in baking dish, cover with mash- mallows and let brown in the oven. MRS. WENDELL L. SMITH. Sweet Potatoes With Almonds Mash sufficient sweet potatoes for six persons. Add 1 cup sweet cream and salt and pepper. Put in baking dish and cover with a very thick layer of chopped almonds. Bake until brown and crisp. M R S. C. G. WENCKE. Potatoes Anna Peel and slice potatoes into baking dish with a little salt, pepper, flour and butter between layers (onions if desired). Barely cover with water and let bake in a slow oven about an hour, M R S, WENDELL L. SMITH, 36 VEGETABLES Potato Souffle Take large smooth potatoes, J cup of boiling milk, 1 tablespoon of butter, the whites of 4 eggs. Salt and pepper to taste. In washing potatoes, be careful not to break the skin. Bake them 45 minutes; take from the oven, and cut in halves lengthwise; scoop with a spoon, and put in a hot bowl. Mash light and fine; add the butter, milk, and \ the whites of the eggs. Fill the skins with the mixture, cover with remaining white of eggs, and brown in the oven. MBS. MAUDE C. WARD. Parsley Dressing for Potatoes Seven melted teaspoons butter, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon minced parsley, J spoon salt. Pour over diced, ball or new potatoes. Saratoga Potatoes Peel potatoes, and slice them thin on a sheer. Let stand for several hours in cold water. Drain well, and dry on a towel. Fry a few at a time in boiling lard until crisp. Take out, drain on a cloth, and salt. MBS. CARRIE LEON. Baked Tomatoes Take round, firm tomatoes, cut a hole in the top of each and scoop out the inside. Chop an onion, and put to sim(cid:173) mer in a little butter. When slightly colored, add 1 cup of bread crumbs previously wet in water, chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Mix well together; fill the inside of the PICTURES & FRAMES ALL KINDS OF G in NOVELTIES 17 NORTH McCAMLY PHONE 1418 VEGETABLES 37 tomatoes; sprinkle the tops with bread crumbs, and a little melted butter; bake slowly to a light brown, and thoroughly. Mas. EDWARD C. HINMAN Baked Tomatoes Cut a good slice from the blossom end of tomatoes. Cut across in two or three places deep enough to hold a large tablespoon of mixed and chopped green pepper, onion and parsley. Bake in moderate oven for an hour, with piece of butter and salt on top. Have slices of toast ready to put tomatoes on. Add pieces of butter and cream to the liquor left in pan, thicken with flour, and pour this cream sauce over tomatoes. MRS. NELLIE P. HAWXHURST. Scalloped Tomatoes Scald and peel ripe tomatoes; cut into slices, and re(cid:173) move seeds. Butter an earthen baking dish, put in a layer of bread crumbs, sprinkling with pepper and salt, then a layer of sliced tomatoes, and a few bits of butter. Alternate these, until dish is full, the top being bread crumbs. Bake § hour in hot oven. MRS. NELLIE HAWXHURST. Delmonico Tomatoes Pare the tomatoes and cut out the center; fill the opening with grated bread crumbs, seasoned with butter, salt, and pepper, a little onion if desired. Bake until done. MRS. C. A. EARLE. Fried Tomatoes Remove the stem from tomatoes; do not peel; cut slices i inches thick; pepper and salt both sides, laying 38 VEGETABLES in single slices on a plate. Let stand i or 2 hours. The salt hardens. Dip in egg and cracker, or flour them, and fry in butter or lard. Make a gravy of the juice that is left, with the egg, a little salt and water, and pour over them. For breakfast, slice at night. MRS. CLELLE HUMPHREY WHITE Scalloped Corn • One cup canned corn, 1 green pepper, i an onion, 1 teaspoon salt, J cup milk, 1 cup dry bread broken in small pieces, f cup cracker crumbs ,2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 teaspoon paprika, 1 egg yolk. Wipe pepper and cut in small strips. Cook pepper, onion and butter 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add flour mixed with seasoning. Stir until well blended. Gradually pour on milk. Bring to boiling point, add corn, egg yolk and bread. Turn into baking dish, cover with cracker crumbs and bake in moderate oven until firm and brown on top. Miss MARGARET RITCHIE. Scalloped Cauliflower Take off the green leaves, and soak in salt and water 1 or 2 hours. Boil 1 hour in salt water, drain, and break apart. Put a layer of cauliflower in a baking dish, moisten it with cream sauce, and sprinkle in a little grated cheese, another layer of cauliflower, etc., until all is used. There should be 2 tablespoons of grated cheese and 1 pint of sauce to each head of cauliflower. Cover with bread crumbs and cheese, and dot with bits of butter. Bake J hour in moderate oven. SAUCE.—One cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of flour, 1 table- VEGETABLES 39 spoon of butter. Melt the butter, then add the flour. Stir until smooth; gradually add the milk. Let boil once. Season with salt and pepper. MRS. NELLIE HAWXHURST. Scalloped Cabbage Boil a firm, white cabbage until tender in salted water. When cold, chop, rejecting the coarser portions. Beat 3 eggs thoroughly, adding 1 pint of sweet cream or rich milk. Put the chopped cabbage into a pudding dish, seasoning to taste with salt, white pepper, and bits of butter. Pour over it the milk and eggs, and cover the top with rolled crackers moistened with milk and dotted with bits of butter. Bake for i hour, closely covered, removing the cover for 1 hour to brown. Serve in baking dish. MRS. PRESTON LOVELL. Cabbage Dressing for Hot Slaw- Beat the yolks of 2 eggs, J scant cup of sugar, J cup of vinegar, butter the size of an egg, £ teaspoon of salt and pepper. Put the mixture into a saucepan and stir until it boils, then stir in 1 cup of cream and let it boil once more. Pour over the cabbage while hot. MRS. G. C. STERLING. Cabbage With Apples Take rather a small cabbage, cut out the center, and stuff with apple, quartered, tie in a cloth and boil until tender. Place in dish and turn over it the sauce given in Mrs. Sterling's Hot Slaw. MRS. S. O. BUSH. SCALP ft FACIAL Eltctrical Treatments. 75 West Main Street. Bell Phone 3S63 SHAMPOOING ft MANICURING flfL- •JEIjrttttw & I t rm UWJ« J M t t t tg Mail your subscription remittance today. Send a postal card request for a sample copy of GOOD HEALTH. ADDRESS Good Health Publishing Company Battle Creek, Michigan. I — i . | r - ~ ' - .in - - - -- - • -- - I, - — • -—^— WHAT WOULD A GOOD RECEIPT BE WITHOUT GOOD MATERIALS The most skillful chef in the world, working with a tried and tested recipe would achieve poor success unless his ingredients were exactly what he knew them to be. But with the ingredients of known quality and merit his simplest dishes would be fit to set be(cid:173) fore a king. For years, this store has been dealing in groceries and supplies of known quality and established merit—on that basis the reputation of this store has been built. Just as the excellence of the recipes in this book has been established by test, so has the reputa(cid:173) tion of this store. T he T. W. W h a l en O r o o e ry O o. Established, 1900 TOELLER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Battle Creek, Mich. READY-TO-WEAR DRESS GOODS LINENS DOMESTICS MILLINERY SHOES HOSIERY HOUSE FURNISHINGS "Exclusive Agents For Athena Underwear" The Sign of Good Printing ELLIS PUBLISHING CO. PRINTERS - BINDERS ELECTROTYPERS E N G R A V E RS BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN The Makers of this Book "Cleaning and dyeing Saves lots of buying things things" M WILL H. SPINK 61 EAST M A IN ST. PHONE 74i 'GO TO FISHER'S FIRST" For Books, Stationery, Office Supplies Party Favors, Novelties, etc. E. C. F I S H ER 8c C O. 12-14 W E ST M A IN STREET PHONE 128 COMPLIMENTS OF H. A. BROMBERG Jeweler and Optician Bromberg Building," Monument Square BATTLE CREEK, MICH. Wearing Apparel, Millinery AND Furnishings for Women Bell Phone 159 BATTLE CREEK, MICH. THE BEST RECEIPTS Fail With Poor Heat. Try Oar Coal and Have SUCCESS RATH BUN a KRAFT CO. •ELL M O NI - »T37 CITIZENS PHONE lOST "Our Coal Make* Warm Friend*" B7 S O U TH McCAMLY ST. A B B E Y 'S R I C H E L I EU G R O C E RY THE QUALITY STORE 130 North Division Bell Phone 3456 & 3457 Automatic Phone 26S5 When you are hurried and in need of im(cid:173) mediate service phone us for any of the leading brands of groceries; delicacies, jams and other condiments. One of the im(cid:173) portant parts of our service is that we not only supply you food products that are fresh and pure at maximum value and at a moder(cid:173) ate price but that we protect you through our guarantee of satisfaction in everything you buy here. We recommend Richelieu products. BREAD S o ld tty a.11 G r o c e rs Made by Gartner BaKing Co. Hours 8>30 To 6 P.M. Bell Phone — 8 6 51 — 3U;e Comfort j&fop 522-23 ^oat ^uilMttg Harper Mrs. Method Hatr Offlee )ren O. Cummings Careful Shampooing Marceling Facial Treatments Scalp Treatment* Hairdresaing Manicuring N. E. HUBBARD GENERAL INSURANCE 412 P O ST B U I L D I NG BELL PHONE I7S OUR RECIPE: SUDDEN SERVICE C. R. Brewer Lumber Co. I ll Marshall Street Prepare for the Camping and Outdoor Season "United" Products The Best Equipment " N U G G E T" OUTFIT ALL-STEEL CAMP STOOL The "NUGGET" is a practical, folding Camp Stove and Oven. Cooks, Bakes, Broils. Outfit consists of Stove, Oven, Meat Broiler, Extension Handle, Folding Handle Fry Pan, and Kit Bag. Folding Camp Stool. Every part of steel. Seat pliable. All joints electric(cid:173) ally welded. Tested to over 350 pounds. Height 16 inches. UNITED STEEL & WIRE CO. Battle Creek, Mich. Apparel For Ladies, Misses and Children Let Us Furnish Your. Floor Coverings. We Carry a Complete Line of Carpets, Linoleums. Rugs and Dry Goods, Millinery and Notions WEICKGENANT'S DEPT. STORE ALL LADIES Are proud of their Kitchen. Let us cover your table with ZINC JONES SHEET METAL CO m PHONE 599 66 S. JEFFERSON AVE. Eaoe Troughing Roofing Stop and Shop at the "3Butcbcr Sbop" im«'$ Wear of Quality BUTCHER, ROBERTS & MILLARD BELL PHONE 1417-W MRS. NELLIE FISH HAIR GOODS MANUFACTURED WHOLESALE, RETAIL. HAIR DRESSING MANICURING AND MASSAGING. 608 City National Bank BIdg. Battle Creek, Mich. MILK PRODUCERS CO. 47 KALAMAZOO STREET F. W. SULLIVAN WHOLESALE & RETAIL SCIENTIFICALLY PASTUERIZED Milk, Cream, Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese and Velvet Ice Cream THE MOST PRECIOUS OF PERFUMES A t t ar of roses is distilled from the crushed petals of the rose. Taken in the fullness of its bloom and beauty, the rose withers and is gone — but lives for ages as an essence, inexpressibly sweet. it is with a real noble soul; adversity b ut dis(cid:173) go tills the perfection of the character. And, ill for(cid:173) t u ne brings out a sweet nobility. (Compliments of The Parley Company.) FARLEY FUNERAL HOME 105 W. Van Buren St. THE GOOD HEALTH CAFE Washington at Champion Here you will find the finest food that the markets afford — cooked and served so appetizing that you will be delighted. 'No meat — but the best there is to eat' THE GOOD HEALTH GROCERY 47 N. Washington Ave. FINE GROCERIES AND FRUITS SANITARIUM HEALTH SAVOY FOODS QUALITY PRODUCTS OUR OWN DELIVERY A Tribute to Your Success FROM L. W. ROBINSON POST BLDG. Battle Creek, Mich. The Enquirer and News Battle Creek's Newspaper Institution nrhe Classified Department of the *• Enquirer and News is the Market Place of Calhoun County. THE JURY- ROWE COMPANY OF BATTLE CREEK FURNITURE, RUGS, STOVES AND COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHINGS 79-81-83 West Main St. Battle Creek, Mich. G. E. FITZGERALD HARDWARE SHEET METAL WORK 91 W E ST MAIM S T, "Better Shoes For Less Money" MERRITT & CALDWELL SHOE PARLORS G. S. CALDWELL, PROPRIETOR 51} W. MAIN S T. OVER OWL DRUG ARCADE BLDG. B A T T LE CREEK. MICHIGAN How About It? GOVERNMENT STATISTICS SHOW THAT 7 PERSONS OUT OF EVERY 10, SUFFER FROM SOME FORM OF FOOT TROUBLE —Are you one of the Seven?— DR. G. H. A L W A RD CHIROPODIST—FOOT SPECIALIST 2 07 POST BLDG. PHONE BELL 217 Do Not Neglect YOUR P E R S O N AL APPEARANCE AND LOOSE FAVOR AMONG YOUR FRIENDS MARCELINO MANICURING ELECTRICAL, FACIAL AND SCALP TREATMENTS -EXPERIENCED OPERATORS- MARINELLO PREPARATIONS-HAIR GOODS ALWARD HAIR SHOP SOS POST BLDG. P H O NE BELL 217 THE MOON Founded in 1879 THE JOURNAL in 1872 Founded The Home Newspaper of Battle Creek. THE MOON-JOURNAL Owned, Managed, Edited, and Manned in All Departments by Battle Creek People. The Best Buy for News. The Best Advertising Bay. Goes Into 60 Per Cent, of the City's Homes. GOOD COOKING NEED-5 GOOD -5PICE,S USE somas AND TASTE THE DIFFERENCE A FULL LINE Also—Squibb's Soda—Olive oil—Vanilla & Household Specialties at AMBERG, MURPHY DRUG COMPANY Ltd. SO YEARS AT 5 EAST MAIN STREET ASK THE WOMAN WHO USES THEM GAGB s e l ls Stationery that y ou will be Proud to u se Cameras, Photo Supplies and Superior Service Plate and Society Engraving McCamly Street on the Bridge BATTLE CREEK Map we suggest SQUIBB'S SPICES for pour Cabinet Money cannot buy better nor Science produce purer. Goes flavor. farther and gives better OWL DRUG COMPANY 53 W. Main Street Battle Creek, Mich. Look for the Yellow Owl Front H. A. PRESTON CO. A STANDARD OF QUALITY HAS BEEN SET FOR MERCHANDISE BY T H IS F I RM FOR 40 YEARS 7 C a st M a in S t r e et GEORGE BODINE FLOYD BODINE BODINE BROTHERS THE FRENCH DRY CLEANERS AND DYERS PRESSING A ND R E P A I R I NG BELL PHONE 365 3« N. JEFFERSON AVE. B A T T LE CREEK, M I C H. SERVICE — QUALITY 45-47 Jefferson Ave>* South Both Phones 1504 GENERAL LAUNDRY WORK SPECIAL SERVICE FAMILY WASHING SPECIAL EQUIPPED LACE CURTAIN DEPARTMENT OF BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAB SOPT-WATER-UUNDRY J Eight out of every ten homes in Battle Creek are using an A-B Gas Range Exclusive A-B features make this range the best value on the mar(cid:173) ket today. FOR BETTER COOKING AND BETTER BAKING, BUY AN A-B GAS RANGE. Sold in Battle Creek by THE BATTLE CREEK GAS CO. Work Called for and Delivered IVAN HOLMBERG TAILOR CLEANING-PRESSING-REPAIRING BELL PHONE 2236 4 0 5^ MAPLE ST. Your Sunbaig g)