( ~alrm QInnk ~nnk I j' I I t J'.f 'tJ r .. ~rrnu~ n1ld I Genell"~J M~n:ha1.mllii$~r t I Peninsular Stoves and Ral)$?,"es New Perfection Oil Stoves ••;, t I t t Ii Ii . i~ ~ .. i i i i "i I Headlight Overalls I I Hirth=Krause Shoes Groceries, Staple and Fancy Ball Brand Rubber Footwear Aristos Flour McCall's Patterns [I,I IrI ncnng@l.IDlI MO L° i: ~@l. emp : ~ ~~a_._a_D_J_'_II_._a_'_._'_._I~.~_1_I_l~l_ -I ~.~~ II SALEM COOK BOOK \Vhenever you or any of your friends are in Salem. we invite "No you to share the joy and help of our Church Home where. _man is Stranger." .- MILESTONES - -Church Organized ,Summit Church Dedicated .Sunday School Organized .Sakm Church Dedicated .L:2:cc' :~;:-_~2 See! ~ty Organized January 7. 1856 January 8. 1862 January 19. 1862 December 29. 1886 June 16. 1897 REV. LUCIA M. STROH Pc:tor Since September 1st, 1922 Officers of Ladies Auxiliary: PresidenL .:. Mr~. Ben Shoebridge Vice PrcsidenL---------------------------Mrs. Secretary_~-'-_',.:...----------~-----------:- Treasurer \Vm. Tousey __-Mrs. S. K. Ha~tman Mrs. Sherman Hartm~n Sr. ., .... .. ~-"'-~-'.' .~ • I 1 \ - J--,-,-,-,-_.- I i cc SALEM COOK BOOK -, ....- -'-'-'-'-'-'--'-'---'l JOHN HIERRHCK cc . i I I , I Dry Goods Staple Men's Work Clothes in Dealer Hardware and Fancy Groceries Fresh Meats Paints and Oils Gasoline and Kerosene' Staple and Fancy Groceries Fence and Drain Supplies SALEM. MICHH]AN ,I I WHEN IN SALEM, STOP FOR REFRESHMEMTS AT t • =m'=&=~n=£'=s =~=OO=tq=.H S{all'Ut 1!llotcI ~aIcm ~ HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS AT , ~ :fll{irhinan GRAS. PAYN~, , C ~ . ProprIetor I Z) Gasoline and Lubricating Oils for Sale Salem Elevator I C. M. Me Laren, Proprietor Dealer in Hay and Grain Coal and Dairy Feeds Chicken Feeds Northville Phone _:-_,_t..".- ....Ih- ~ _ Salem, f __ ~.....d ~....-....-.~. I Mich. I I ~ f. J SALEM COOK BOOK - PREFACE- Xo cook hook, howe\'er ('olllplete. depends no pretention larl(cly UpOIl to olredll!! is an inexhaustihle sueh a \'ariety of one, tested .in ('onkin!! ,re lIIake .('ookin!! he found wife tea. llIay he ahle to prepa n' a lIIoSt elt'lil'ious hreakfast, can, of ,'xperic/H'e itself. and lIIake a good cook. ('areful a ,'olllplete ('ook hut we do \'cnture recipes. that. with ordinary :lttt'lltion the hook. for tlwt. to assel.t care. lune'heon. Success detail. to suhject uf in it will house- or dinner any Alllong the HOlllans. it is said. that the ill\'C'IItor of a IICW sanee was ..Illy rewarded l;ntil he dc\'iscd auother. put if it pro\'ed to he unpleasant. ht' \\'as restrieted Iiher- to the dish If. in tIIlr hook you find Illentioll in\'cntor's kindly the justkc. to a friend. it IHlnJ(~ is Ilsually sOlllethin!! If. Iwwe\'er. attadled ne\\' and palatahle, sOllie redpc and we leave prm'es you to yuu we ask IInslltisf"ctory. to adlllinister Trustinl! in pIa linin!! JIIHY p:u. that our lIIeals, we mUllcstIy eook hook fllay pro.'e suhmit it helpfnl to tIll' to lllany who arc perplexed housekt'epers where\'er it '\"c dcsire Lyell, South Salem. Ita"e hook who ha\'t~ helped so eheerfully and sUl!l!est to aeknowled!!e :'\orth,'ille, responded the that to lIIake this the flll'ors 1'lYlllouth, ladies to those of the undertakinl! shown .\nn soliciting- chllreh liS hy the hllsine"s lInd distant .\rhor lIeh'ertiscments lInd sodety for patronizt. lIIen of cities. who cook those our a SU('('CSS, "'hen .saw their orderinA' frnlll our a(h'ertisers. kindly let thelll know where yon aehertiselllent. The reA'lIlar pri<'e tlf the htlok is ;,5 ('t'n~s. When sent hy lIIaii mId sufn- ..'ient postal!t' to ('(1\'('1' aUl C, sene than six "ystt:rs \\'HEELEH liI" ... r ever\' ,'atsllj., twenh'-five two' "vsters tllhlesp;,,,nfllis of one lemon, (slrllincd), one half hour before in i>aeh ('oektail thin sli('(,s of hrown lake Heillz two and one- :\Iandalay of ,'in- I:upful I'aycnllc pCllpcr, and tl",rou!!hly sherhet cup atld hre,,11 anu eelen' with the onc-follrth salt, dash of st'Hill!! !!l"ss or .. MEATS, POULTRY, GAME AND SAUCES "nd (lIle-half two ('u(lfuls pounos of milk. (I('p(l"r. two t:lhleS(loonfuls of round steak (/-tTtlund) two eK/{s. one-half ste:"" of snit; two eupiul of two hours. BEEF LOAF.-One and one-hal~ JHlIIIllIs twn t'!!I!S, one teaspnnnful of lean heef ('I"'ppell of salt. hutter fine. one- the size of ('ups of sweet milk: mix well and hake.-l\tHS. LOAF.-Threl: I'raeker BEEF of one teaspollnful I'llpfuls l'rHlnhs, buttl'r, of -:\IIlS . .JOH:-; HE:'\WICK. h" If £1o/,l'n I:ra('kers an el!!!, and one and one-half ~IYIW:'\ .\TCHlSO\'. rolled. VEAL LOAF.-Two two teaspoonfuls ('ook IO/l"dher lIleat was cooked juke. ;,r ('uyenne aholll thirty VEAL \\'1,11'watl'n, sw,'('1 luilk, one and ~:'\OWLES. 'lIw-hillf pe(lper, lIIinlites: LOAF.-Thrce one t"hlespoonful tCilspoonful h"urs. Chop until tendcr and IIdd. one-fourth of Slllt, one-half line: hoil down n:' t'hop lean ,'eal, pounds 1111I1 'I'll this "dd fh'c cral'kers, tt'aspoonful flat El\DIA ,JO.:-;ES. ,'cal, IHlI"Hls nUlI'e Iind twu "/-t/-t.,: press baste.--:\IISS of salt in which pound the water (lork: the lemon II dash in " narrow tin and bake one teaspoonful of white pepper, of salt. nne ('lIpful pound olle-half eggs 0111' cofTee cupful 11IItt'~r sir.e or an e!!!!: mix :~nd l)IIke one "nd to!!dlll'r.-~IHS. MATHE'" ('rllmbs, bread pnrk. pork two salt pepp.'r. \'eal VEAL ROLL.-Take skin slices side uown. 1II,'al hoard. sausa!!e and and 1'0 rd. "e"son •.u with salt and pepper. -:\IHS. FREI> C. WHEELER. tllt'n Ttlll in I'loth of hard a flank nf \'('al "IHJut salt season with hoilcd e!!gs, tie "I!"in roll Drop illl'llI's wide, twe1v,' and very pepper. ti!!ht and covcr with la~' veal on pork heavy of hoilinA' water, sene hot or cold, ti(~ with Hoil one and olll,-h"lf in a kettle hours: BEEF unl' pork, h'aSlwotlful '1'.\1'1'. LOAF.-Thrt'e tea('upful p'~pper, IHH"llls of ('I"'I'I,,'d three uf crll('ker " littl •. Sll/-te: wt't with lIIilk ,ulIl ('rulllb.,. one pound bl'd. e/-t/-ts, two teaspoonfuls of I",k., slowly.-:\IRS. ('llllPpt'd ""It one Wl\J. salt. , SALEM COOK BOOK I II I I i I I ••" Bread Flqur Velvet Pastry Flam Self Raising Pancake Flour' Corn IVreal, Etc. " I Con1I11ercial Flour I.i .:.,_ ...-.,- ..".a~1I1!lo.. Detroit, Michigan ll_ll_ ..... _a_g_Q"'Q"Q_Q"'J,..a.-:lll_I"--'~~~ SALEM COOK BOOK 15 and one-half each of pepper pounds and of minced salt four \'eal, rolled butter ~iz'e of small ~,gg; mix 'thoroug-hly, roast three crackers, c;gg~ well two and baste G. S. HAHT~L\X. VEAL CUTLETS.-Beat salt roll the \"eal until in fine ,'racker it ,'rumhs, is :lIl1lo~t hroken dip in heaten fat again, \'ery hot and when and hrown ,'utlets in it. The hot done it will he as tender as chicken,- to ~hreds, egg, season then in fat draws VEAL LOAF.--Three \lne tablespoonful JJeaten, tahlespoonfu]~ cream, Jike other meats.-~IHS. and again. with .crulllbs the meat ~'OXTHIBUTED. togethet pepper, Ha\'e twenty-four inches it QUEEN fonr 'Ihout Let taste. for "Ii\,e oil ,l Y 'H_y SA.LEM COOK BOOK Clo,o BeG,cl. P,oprielo, and Children'5 Coals and Dre56eD Phone 262J Aft FMICYWork HYrienic T<.... ! I i Northville. Mich. I Millinery, Ladies', Miue6' Center Street ------------1 i I I I ,, Ann A,hor. M;.h.pn I The 5landard Can and Truch of the world. Ask your neighbor (!1a~Hlar r f , , ~lIU Arbur Jhliclt SHEL" .'\~D HEAVY H.\RI>\\' ..\J{E EAVE TROCGHIN(; A!'\D REPAIR WORK I'\ORTHVILLE. MICH. t'alr!i a:nmpaltU , Jjl1irk ~. tl. ~. he drivel one. Pboo.. 3111 and <194 I , ~t.• RUMFORD THE \VHOLESOME UAKING POWDER lit Pays:to LJse 8 B8kin~ Powder . Gi\'es Satisfaction. \\'hich I ; ,, ~ , STUFFED BEEF HEART .. ft' 'hr \lnrC'lr \ ~ l' j:r1 II~ ""II'" trr fur .Hut .. ptnl' n" '{(Of let, r Inti' " , ... I -..rnr "Ith I nr', hr .. ", .It. pu' , """I/r In .., • ut ut .( If" 'D ...hltf" .1.-th, "houl unr huur "lib tlour houn) •• kr .. rr tn en,.n; \Jill I SALEM COOK BOOK FRIZZLED B:EF. II hUh' m..', II \f 'h" I ,,'\r' .ith to, IInur ""N.'h .." 11 .1, ... 1 hrd -h." ..... 1.. III '" .. Irr. Irt '" 1•• , .. II!, "'"r "" Ir)1D1l I'"n. •• Ih , II .1 lrrdrd \rj ~, ttl. ". , I f IS • •:.,.....Il_ .....I_a~ SALEM COOK BOOK _1_._1l_4_0_0_lI_a . .. _1l_U_J_a_Il_\_ll_.r~~.:.. THE SALEM 6ARA6E . .. G. 'C. ''BURNHAM; Prop. Salem, Mich.. 6ENERAL REPAIRINfi I II ~ ...l•i IiI 1 ~; ,I j ,I :; 1 Ignition Parts, Fan Belts, Gaskets, etc. in Stock for Standard Make Cars Corduroy, Goodyear and United States Tires and Tube, Battery Recharging Genuine Ford Parts Northville Phone 7129-F2 ------------, IT IS CUSTO~lARY I When ladies are arranging for a Lawn Social or Church Supper to place all order for"VELVET BRAND ICE CREAM" with a local Druggist or Confectioner. Special care is exercised in our Service Department in handling ,uch hu,;ne" 1o, dealm. ~.: • I I i ..i i i i i iI •i i i i i i., I iI i i i : i I t • I I I .'.-.~'_'_D_'_'_II-'G~Cl DETROIT CREUIERY G_11 .... 11,.- .. D_ ~_. II _t ....~~.-..-.o i ......... ---.o SALEM COOK BCOK I if F R I ED LIVER.—Cut the liver in thin slices, pour over it enough boiling to just cover it, let stand a moment, pour off the water, drain on. a cloth, roll in flour, salt lightly, and fry in butter or drippings until nicely browned and thoroughly done; then remove to a hot platter, scatter some generous bits of butter over it, dust lightly with pepper, or fry a fev; thin slices of bacon or salt pork, and then fry liver in the pork drippings: serve the slices'of pork liver. Calf's or bacon with the liver, bacon being especially good with liver is much better than that of beet. Few people know that lamb's liver is as tender and well flavored as calf's liver; it is much less expensive. • MRS. ROY W A T E R M A N. SAUSAGE T U R N O V E R S :- -One quart of flour, a pinch of .-alt, scant half teaspoonfuls of biking powder, enough cupful of shortening, sweet milk to form a dough as lit; rail oat thin, cut into squares; place- in each a pork sausage o." the link variety, pinch the edges together over the top as a turnover; put C O N T R I B U T E D. in a flow oven one hour. tin and bake in a shallow two heaping ROAST LAMB.---Wipe in a baking pan, dredge with pepper, salt and flour, add a. cupful b iling water and a tea- spboriful salt to the pan, baste every ten minutes, and bake fifteen minutes to the pound in a hot oven. When done put the meat r.n a platter, and serve with mint sauce and green peas. M. C. ('. the meat with a damp towel, place C R E A M ED CHICKEN.—.Steam a plump fowl until then chop light and dark meat together. Make a. sauce with four level tablespoonfuls Aristos ftour per to season with a dash of celery salt to give thoroughly MRS; W . W. I'll VYER. •coked in four tablespoonfuls butter, two cupfuls hot milk, salt and pep(cid:173) flavor. Heat chopped chicken in sauce and serve in paper cases or on small slices of tender, toasts. CREAM CHICKEN. One large chicken, one can mushrooms, one quart of cream, five tablespoonfuls of Hour, a little grated onion, grated nutmeg and pepper to taste. Put cream in double boiler to heat; a id the butter and Hoar: stir into a little cold milk, then add the onion and nutmeg, put the picked up chicken and mushrooms in a baking dish, pour the cream over and bake one- half hour.—CONTRIBUTED. ' ROAST FOWL. C l e a n, wash, and wipe fowl dry. Rub sail inside. Fill just with dressing made as follow-.: Take some bread crumbs and enough hot water to soften in a piece of butter (not melted), tin- size of an egg, and sage to taste, salt and pepper. Chopped onions may be added if desired; mix well together and stuff the fowl: bake until tender: baste often.—G. H. K. them, put turn on D U M P L I N G S. Two cupfuls Aristos (lour, a little salt, two baking powder, mix cooking. This amount makes enough for teaspoonfuls to a stiff dough with sweet milk. Keep covered' while two persons. Never drown dump- MRS. CLAYTON DEAKE. SAUSAGE. -Fifteen pounds meat, six ounces salt, live teaspoonfuls black thoroughly. sage, one-half cupful brown sugar; mix pepper, six tablespoonful MRS. ROY WATERMAN. C H I C K EN OR V E AL C R O Q U E T T E S. One ha!/ pound cooked chicken chopped very line and seasoned with one-half tcaspoc nful of salt, celery salt, a little cayenne pepper and white pepper, a feu drops of onion juice, one tea- spoonful ot chopped parsley, one teaspoonful of lemon juice, mix enough cream Sauce (see rule for cream sauce in meat sauces), with the chicken to make it into inches long, roll in tine bread crumbs, then dip in in smoking hot deep can be handled, spread on a shallow plate to cool, then shape then nd servo with horse r&dlsti sauce. MRS. FRF.1) W H E E L E R. in the crumbs again; fry one minute rolls about two and one-half ---------------------------- .• SALEM COOK BOOK '.yt WOODWORTH'S BAZAAR NORTHVILLE, MICH . . Crockery Notions Tin'V\'are Aluminum Ware Sporting Goods 5 & 10 cent Novelties, Etc. At popular prices.--Make Ihis store your headquarters Northville. when in E. L SMITH S. A. LOVEWELL LOVE-WELL FARMS COMPANY PHONE 288 (INCORPORATED) '" MEANS A HOME ... COUNTRY AND SUBURBAN HOMES WE SELL YOt:H::i II: \"(W P:-'I: OAKWOOD SUBDIVISION NORTHVILLE. MICH. ()IliCf' Phone 264 ~achines THE NORTUVILLE ELECTRIC SUOP WORK PROMPTLY DONE Radio Sets and Supplies OR YOU" MO"""I[Y BACK •• PROP and Electric Bell Installation Irons, Eledric Toastero. Grills and Heaten fo, You, Mon.1I in Reading Lamps and Fbtu,es Main St., NORTHVILLE, M!CH au .. fl40TTO C. B TURNBULL. Th. Most 184-J American Beauty and Hot Point Sa.tIS'AClION t.STlMA TES CHEERFULL Y FURNISHED Electric Washing ! Phone I ------------------------- I House Wiring. Motor Wiring. Telephone I,, Itt, 72x72,$4.00 For Good \'lllu~ in Tllbl~ Linen try :h~ White House All-Linen Table Cloths \11-1.. 11"11. ':\:Ir:l Ii... ,. S••.~,o Linen -el., clolla 3'1.1 6 III ..l,in~ $6 2;;, $~ r.o :lnd $12;;0. NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN I E. WHITE, .!._~ ... i v- ~ .... SALEM COOK BOOK :!I PIE.-Cnok in hltkinll' pnn. IIf ~all. CHICKEN IIrlIY)' amI s....,.••1 milk, pilii'll 1''''~IHlOllfuls h"kin" sl... rll'lIilllt. II\1'( ..hirk ..n IInlil F"r In allolher ,'rll~1 II~" "n.' e1ish ,ift p" .....o •.r ano lIIi" Ihllrlllllthly I..lld .., .nd thi,'k ..n A'rl(\'Y. pili "A'II'.....11 11I'"lrn •.• dd """ " ""pf"ls itll a Itll",1 lahl"~p,"'"flll ..hkk ..11 "11" fll I IIf 1I11l1r,1"," ,," ..e1 IIf 'I" ... n OroI' frlllll I ttwn add Ih .. "l'Jr alld lIIilk mixillre allll 1IIL1.,litl'. II. H. S.\ \'1-:11Y. IlIl' of pi •• likc his,,"il.--~IIlS. CHICKEN lak,' IlIft'e Sllllllltheel slll ...J.v len lIIillllles, 1111<'lIlure h.. il ..rnqll ..tt ..s. inl" " liJ:M hru"'n.--:\IIlS. CROQUETTES.- of IIf .\risllIs frlllll r"l1 ill C'jlJr an,1 hrenel ilL' EllS. lahl,'spllllnflli ft'III1''''' .(nd plll"c' Ica ..llpfllis small It FIt.\:\'Joi: tlH' ill ~I,'al in ,Ii~h III ..11..1. li"'lr. ,'hil'k"11 sl ....k. hlllt,'r IIf d,i ..krn h"i1,'d allel Ihe ('hllpp ..d fill": si .... II( Nil ""II( Iwpp ..r "'111 ,"11 III IHsI•.• enwk Ihi. in 1.....11 .....11 h,,"I ..n ""Jr'; W"" it .. \\'h ..n •.,,1<1II,ld •.hil'k ..11 HII,I ,lid.l '11I1 fry dr .. p illl" hoilin" I.rel ..rlllllh,. IIr.. "nd slir MOCK TURKEY.-T, ,'anned Ihr""l'h p..a~. 1 11 "jl/l~: 1111"I'lIpflll IIni.llI~ fri ..d in hlllt ..r. 011., I..asp"onflll ,:r,'diellis m....1 jlrind ..r. ,hap.~ or a I",or. <,n"..r .....ilh fft'shly 'I/HI hake 1.......111'. lIlilllllcs. I..hlnp",,"flll IIn.. ~c'a.nll S,'r,',' I..hl"~pllllllflli h;,lt ..r. C'lIp(1I1s hr,'ad ,'rlllllll" "ne-hllif "lIpflll "nr.J"," nlll ....I•.ry. nn ... fllllrih "lIpflll IIIc.,I., ,,"pf"l SI.Itf', ~IIIt ..nd pepp"r. .. itll "relllll lIlix thllrllll"hl)' bnt wilh ,'r,'am "'"l'" lII"de '•• filII""., abon .. In- 11I11111<1in 'pr"H,1 wilh fri ..d olliolllt 0,1<' ''''1','1 milk. I'llt .,1111.... lII"sll ..ct <'1I"flll I,ot.'""" .\ risl'" """ t" 1.,11', "II11k ill d,,"11I.. h"i1"r hca,1 ,hollid ..r. ~N"". hutl ..r IInd ,,~'s'""~, lillllr. IIl1til Ihi,'k.-.\IIlS. shlllllder. e ..1I li"hll)' ilh H dr ..~.inlt he flll..d ell.\s. KJ-:;\,SI.P.Il. h..l a 11I1 Ih .. I..,," III1HI.. IIf hrc'nd If dc,.ir ..d IIlnihl ..n ~"III" slIlt 0\ er ,.:tre"M /llId )lINer in r"/lIII ..r. .. n il Nnd /ldd " Iiltle l's .. " I.. f"ur Sift n..nr. ~all The ..I..... I".ur ... CO'l;TItIHL'TP.D. IIn... hNlf 1..:lsl'0llllfnl Dr ..1' Ih .. h lI..r lI1u..1 n..1 h.. nll ....... d I.. 1""Hler frill" .IIIlI h"killll I"' .. IlIlI(rlhrr And a "1"'''" inl .. '1 .. 1' h..illn/! c'Ul"t'r; ~("r'.f" t'M"rnt.'" Illinut(" ... "ithnHt rf'IIIH\"inJE' ..... 1..... ,,,It. fI..nr. fresh \ri'I ..' 1 lIIilk 'Iuirkl~'. 'prinklill" IIr ~:l1t I'"rk I f"IlI" " ,'ul'flll ROAST HARE.-Sk ..wrr 10 th .. hll.h .. The h"re .. ~..as"I1 ...1 ":ilh '>lIt. pepl' h,,1 wllt,'r. dllM:'- "rlllui "ilh 1',,1 s"'"e IIIr,li1lln h,,1 ."' ..n and hakc' .. f hillier S..... lip. hils DUMPLINGS.-T '".kill" IIf , pll d ..r. ill 1111.'""I'fllI 1,'a~I..."nful, ~Iir Ihc' st ......."" , .•It•.d 1...ilinlC WHlrr. .. Ut r .11IInl'linJC~ al ,"" .•..-CO;\'TIC PIE. 1111"1'1-:1). Sic...... h"r" HARE f'ftf.k .ire ill. I.in .. 1'1'1"" r. pl.'''"I/ll'iec'r' IIn tho: hroth ah .. ul Ihirt~ ,id ..s lIf hnkin" .. f Ih •• hnft. fr"1II lIIinllle tI, unlil Irnd ..r. p"n wilh and .('I ..r Ihen JI"':" :lnd ..1I"r" ,,'ith .. I.. " ..rllsl: hAle.. in lII ..d,'rAlr 0""" s.lt of hiM'lIi1 ,IIIlIllh .lIlll 1"ld " f ..... pi ..,'e .... f hiscuil \E. of molasses, to thc it to hoilin;.r is thorouj!hly out t.ake on the salt of two ollnces point alHI eooling are CRA~E. and OTHER is better AND ,11'11-0 a deE;:-h:flll FilII ll.redions FIL\:\'K the stlHe for of sldm olf everyone saltpeter, all eooled apply to the and sluoke ::nytillll' BEEF ::!nd ()n~-h.,lf PICKLE.--Fol' p\il!1Hb t.wenty-five pounds snit, on2 i otlnd .. :('~: Lc 1~ :; ~;lC hrine wi!! "0\"(;1' one in:' \" ill' One one hrowlI and of heef. :-OUl!r.lI" It,t let Iikl'wise beef boiling ounce ;.rallon of n boil. to a boil. let \\'eil!ht of watel', :-altpetcr, HenH"'C then put pkkle the beef the ('olne to eOllle after whkh hot. int.o a boiler, the 0\'('1' !wt'f the IIE:>\RY a peeled salt o. out 1I1H'ooked \rllITTAKEH. and take onion pork; veal in ineh if fat, of broth eook out euhes, th.'r(' onion and it until the stir is any hrown amI eook in tire or hoilin;! water to fryin~ l'0tatoes fnt 1'11\\' th ..m to hOlil', flour mixed ,Jdd to the a a add morc of di('ed add an '.\'nOd, ahout a liltle :\'01:'1'0:>\. pOllnds tablespoonfuls and sli!!htly lIl!'at. ('over of a half fat of hrownrd, fril'll lean in a hakin;.r and set hrown dish, in o\'('n. in it. one hot onions. after \\"h ..n tire the llleat, and of ~alt Cool< all ahout and the ele., potatoe~ two hours.- then add re,jedinl! the ,!llOUt a pint In tire. meantillle and onion" cups one-Iralf 1,," arc w('lI l'~ '1 e""kin" if )IHS. .~..sired 1)0:>\ has and in three in a pound tllrn until the meat put pan, thr ])(,'!,prr, and and wllt'll pan slllall a'nd six hal\TH GOULASH.-One pie .... s. on botlr Put sides. llleat when some sllet IIn\'e partly and onr-half in tire potatoes, cooked skillet enrr' •.~\'('t. season with huttel', 1)('])!" I' l'Oulld and when ,tl'ak hot t.,; (and :111 ouious \-:ith water thit-k,'n :11I:1 salt, add ('lit ill the liked), cook sel'\'c if and and to the nn Irollr, IBliTED, 0\'('1' and wash om' '1uart CRANBERRY tlr('11I in a sau('e thelll sto\'(, hoil until they a ft.w lllinutes pnll, pop IIntil SAUCE.--I'il'k 0\'1'1' ptlur SAUCE.-In hurn ..d, add BROWN 1': A " E. CORN.-Put pt'Pller of salt, alternate and huLler and cracker layers in baking" dish with l'l"acker of corn nearly cOI'er with Illilk and hake one-half hour.--'IHS. l'l"lIIllhs cruIllhs CL,\ YTOX , CORN FRITTERS.-One to ;reI all 0" knife tI", pint of "orn ('lit Inilk: Iwo heal one tahlespoonful atld the "orn, cupf!!1 S\\"{'et milk: fry on a ;rriddle and lard, turn as you would ;rriddle ('orn n"'~' he used: if so leal'C out froIll th,' ";r;rs and ,\ristos or cakes, part ('oh, snape oUe ('upful eohs with of hreatl flollr, one teaspoolI- in equal iron spider hake llnlil a g-olden o~ the lililk.-COX- light, salt, unlil ha('k crlllllhs fill parb hrown. TH I B l"l' ED. of hutter Canned olle-half RICE.-On" fitc minlltes. tOlllatoes, TO PREPARE ('ook ('ookeel a l)OiI and of cupful ('lol'es, three frolll the fire and lIIix in one-half fills of hutter.-I. and salt. ,I, C, ,'upful Drain: three-follrths ('upful Cook in a dOli hIe hoiler j'i('e, ont' pint of ('old water, of rins(' in ('old water (,lIpflil of water, the cheese ;rrated until of brill/! to one onion, rCIllOl'C lIIix with '"HI one ('hopped ri('e is soft, and tll'O tahlt'spoon- CURRY OF TOMATO.-Follr tOlllatoes, one tahlespoonful of .\ristos flour, teaspoonful powder', and "lit one-half curry peel for M~I'eral minntes, hot on toast. th .. ,'rt'a1I1,-:\IHS. serve onion jllit'e, one one-half in sikes, teaspoonful -'Ielt the hllttt'r tahlespoonful Sdeet salt. in hlazer, add the "rcam, flour, Car .. IIIUst he takell (;EOHGE CAH EY. ,'urry or the hutter, la'r;re, add the fil'lII, two tahlespoonfuls tomatoes, and fresh tOlliatoes ('ook powder \\'hen a('id in the 101liato will cllrdle and ,easollin;r. FRI':D sallt'd wat.'r: CREAMED PARSNIPS.-\\'ash ('ut ill Iwo Il'II;rtlllds(': PARSNIPS.-Serapo' tcmlt:r: drain ane! """on with hot.- I., D. S. all,1 Sl'ralle the parsnips: fry a lIi('(' hrown in Ill,'lt ..d hllllo'r.-I.. and hlltter, sli,'e parsnips, salt pepper, hoil ane! hoil ulltil tender in A.S. in salted wal.'r ,'rcan.: s('ald let s..lt ..d water peppcr and and l'illt'l{/lr 10 {'ook h'llIl ..r (should vine;rar if de6in'd.- I.. D. S, if desir ..d.--1.. D, S. o'(lOk at kasl one hour) S.... son with COLD SLAW,-Slllll'e put one tahlespoonful o'auh''l!t., shortrnin,!!", 1I0id salt, pepper and sUl{ar. stir in onl' tahlespoonflll c'lIpful \'in!'!!ar, olle-hal~ c":I"'"1 l'fearll: one-harf onion if de-'Il'd: o'an us,' ol'er POUf Ol'er eauhaj!e potalocs l'old :\ristos In a fl'ying" flour, let hut and as salad,- until and sern' hoilill;r hlltter, pcppcr pan one-half "OUlI. Add I.. S. -'inS. FRIED ONIONS.-I'"t! pan with suft'it'ieul /lnd salt fryin!( son with pt'pJH'r onions will he lIlore delicate Ihl' ollions. to ket,,, hullcr ::nd fry until ,'ut thelll theln frfllll 11'..11donI' if thcy are parhoiled FRIED EGG PLANT.-Cllt IIiI' plant arllllllli with sprinkle two: drain and fry in blltt,'r on a cloth: until pepper amI ,,:11, and clip ea('h slit-I' II Ii,.:ht hrllwn.- pfl'>S with in hl'aten \\'. K. C. ill thin ,tkkin;:, a/l(l nicely and th,'n in slil'es half slit-es; put to the pan: hrowned, into a sea- Fri,'d K. C, fried.-\\'. a li,.:ht wt'i;rht (:;r;r, thclI in fine ('r,wker for an ill('h thic'k: an hOllr or erumhs SALSIFY OR VEGETABLE illlllledi::lely into culd ,';ater, serape, OYSTERS" in whil'h tlH're is a tahlespoonJlI1 -\rash and STEWED thin and put I'ine,.:ar: sli,',' .. r tWtl of huilin;r "'h,'n ter It ilia)' he ncc','",ary salted water, to'llll"r. this will pft'\enl a!lowill;r add a leacllpful Ihclll froln of water a pint of sw,'1'1 O'l"('alll, or milk, turllin;r for dark. a pinl of I'llt thl' l.d 10 salsify sillllller h,'fore a tabl!'spuonflll two or Ihree seasunilll!.-\\'. (two if lIIi1k is IIst'd), and a little pCI'Jlt'r. to add lIlor" wat,'r to {'owk in s,.lsify, c'ut of hllt- lIIillllto'S. K. C, :PHI SCALLOP'::D tt'nd,'r ,'ook IIntil -I. G. S. VEGETABLE in ,;;lItcd walr'r, OYSTERS. th,'n -\rllsh a'Hl "'rapt". sli,'c thill. pr()('c,...1 the' saUlI' us with (.tht'r u)'sters. II_~"__""'II__Q D__ll.__J __lI SALEM COOK BOOK • _1I_1I_~_O_II_lI~_"_.~~' ,',---_.~~ i IOverstuffed IFurniture I i ~ ' __ .. I :!9 e.__ D__ ~._ I - ,', I ~ . II i i iI ii II, i i i i f •II Choice Coverings Well Built Frames Separate Cushions Made Under OUf Direct Supervision Everv Piece Guar- I 01 anteed I ! I, '1I 1 Giobe Furniture & Mfg. Co. t Norl h' ilfe. ( 'ome to the Factory and let us ~ . C'.V YOll what we can do for YOll 0- _ •• _. ,:._, __.,--"-.~J. .L.d .... - ...- __ ..A Michigan ._I,...._~.:. "~_.-G~;;~'--'i SALEM COOK BOOK i.-'-'-'K~i~~'~'~~. Ii =========== 30 . Douglas Shoes. for Men Selby Shoes. for. Women Ball Band Rubber Boots Dry Goods and Groceries Our stock is complete and prices and qualities guaranteed South Lyon, Michigan For economical transportation General Repairing Gas. Oils and Tires W. j. Warbylp B. A. Odell I roynetors . Phon~79 SOUTH LYON, MICHIGAN , • a-.:_a .. _. __ .....1 __ ' -_a-_-D~-~--<'~-oac>::~.CI..::;x;~o('_.(I_ll_Da:aD~ I lI I i 1 ~ ....... c:2J....u i ii i i i ii 1; ; II II II Ii iI Ii ~ -~ I, ,;l 1 __ .:. SALEM COOK BOOK 31 DE VILED carefully so as not a ;:,ood sized lump little up we.ll, garnish sweet EGGS,-Boil to break of butter, the eggs hard. When cold, cut the whites, salt, pepper, paste, and remove a pineh now fill the volks, of 'mustard, the whites them lengthwise Add to the volks ,;nd a thelll and round vinegar, cream; mix to a smooth and sene,-MRS, ROY 'VA'l'ERMAN, BAKED eaeh EGGS WITH CRUMBS.-Butter two tablespoonfuls dish mix together (if milk is used add butter), salt each dish in baking of and the mixture allowance the remainder for crumbs for brcad half the co\'er with 1', C. B. of baking thiek rieh of indh'idual each and pepper dish, bake into which until the to season; break eggs dishes and cream and put one~ an egg. arc set,- EGG OMELET.-Three eggs, yolks and whites beaten separately, cornstarch, beaten one-half teaspoonful to a stifi' froth Inst; cook I>lIIall haking in a cupful pOlnkr little nf sweet milk, a little and hutter.-l\IRS. OMELET.-Six teaspoonfuls three salt. Add whites HOY T I~HH I I.J.. e/!/!s, yolks Kini\'sford's milk, pinch six teaspoonfnls of salt. J\dd the heaten whites and whites cornstarch, beaten one separately, teaspoonful last and fry in buttcr.-E, one-half bakin/! C. n. pint of powder. VEGETABLES - SCALLOPED POTATOES.-Slicc raw potatoe .• thin, then put of pntatoes, until ,ulll hits of hutter, salt and pepper bnkc dish is two-thirds \,(~1II0\"f' hOllr, an full, ('ol"t'r, then bake nearly ("lI'cr with a li/!ht brown.-MHS, in a hakin/!" and dred/!e with swcct milk, HOY POTATOES.-l)se sli('c thin, p\;'"c cold in a skillet, and It'! boilcd season with hutter, potatoes that ('o\"er with milk, eo\'(~r, -Iip:htly dOJle: eook uutil cn'alll~', stew \'ery slowly, ahout twenty minutes; 1IIII'e not becn snit and peppcr; them 'H'cr at OJl('('.- turnin/! sen'e di.-h ;"laycr r,-peat Ilollr, ('ol"t'r ,\lid W.\'l'ER:\L\X, CREAMED boiled too soft, Jlearl\" wh,'n' :\1. H. L. POTATOES :'Ilix a tahll'spoonful conk until S;lll('(' milk "HI' thkkcns intn a hakin/! it DELMONICO cold sliced hoilcd ('0\'('1' with white a little, salt (!ish and a(lt! a thkk addinl! AU GRATIN,--Boil each of Aristos fOllr potntoes flour nnd butter, nud Cllt add a cupful in sllwll ch('es(' and hak(' IIntil hl'llwn,--:\lltS. POTATOES,-Ill one hnlf potatoes, sallce FRIED nlld hnke POTATOES.-\rash one hOllr.-:'IIHS. and in i('(' water. nnd sonk all hour strips, \\'hen the fat, anti dllst with salt, tilt' ketth', taken 1'1'0111 and pepper. layer o! grated DE\\'EY 'I hakin/! dish pOlllld "el'lllont pieces. of milk and allli pOllr a little Xow put potatoes ('heese, '\'.\'l'EIDIAX. aItel'llate three JlHOKA "'. place ('heese, ~,\TI'L\X \ay('l's pilllentocs, of pare Drain Cllt potatoes, and dry, thell1 into fry in paper to cook too lIIany potatoc!> then of hro\\'n shake thelll on a sheet Be (~are~1I1 not the fat is apt tn h(','ollle ('hilled and the potatoes /!rease-soaked, FRENCH lenj.dhwise hot fat, to ah,orh at a tilll •. as -~IH:;.BeTH :\IUXX XOEJ .. SARATOGA CHIPS.-,I'nre and allow to soak ill fry ill (ll'ep fat or nil potato,'s, jc(' water IIntil into thin 'In hOllr, slice for they ('IIr! alld arc (ll'licately sha\'in/!s Lift frolll fat as possihle ah,orllt'nt as the potatoes fryin;! 1"'1"'1'. Dllst with salt. IIIl1st cook hdore \H'fol'l' Iiftin/! they (lfl hasket Be ('areflll frolll hrown, also aLIow the fryin~ 'I nother portinn nf potatoes,-MHS, clllt,'r, towel, ;IS free tahle dry in ;t Shake anti put is not to n'h, "t e.lt'h tilll(' hefon' ~ll'X", '\01-:1.. too hot, t" drain fWIII on a \'e;!c- the \\'ater, II1'0 \\'n. tlH' kettle. tile fat fat RUTH that I' SALEM COOK BOOK EXCLUSIVE CLOTHES SHOP FOR MEN AND BOYS Suits Overcoats Hats Furnishings Fine Tailoring Cleaning Pressing ,.. SATISF~CTI9~' (;UARANTEED OPEN EVENINGS Northville, Michigan i .:.-.--,,_ ........_I-..r .-...... ~~ SALEM COOK BOOK 33 FRIED MUSHROOMS.-Peelmushroollls setting them cup sidc up. Sprinkle and put them in a buttered thelll with salt and pepper sauce and dots and fry until tender.-CO:\"THIBUTEO. BEETS.-Cut should and oft. tops, but do not cut the beds any be attached, flavor. ,rash well for it would cause in several waters, of boiling water. Boil steadily until done and a half.) nearly to a pan of cold water, "'hen remove done add suft'icient and with the hands l! slice from the top and the rootlets off. Cut crosswise in a hot dish; \'inegar of set in o\'en a few minutes, and a piece of butter heated in llllY part, them to hleed, not e\'en tht' thus injurinl! to cook then (young salt remove put on'r beets require to season. in about "'hen cut- in \'ery thin slices then pour O\'('r them a few Sprinkle with the skins, to)lether. and sen'e.-I. G. S. PORK AND BEANS.-Look of dry beans. In the morning slightly nntil on them, the~' burst thosc ov('r, wash and drain, C(H'er with fresh water, on remo\'in)!' a few of to soak O\'er night one slowly them in :t spoon heat put pan, of hutter color rootlets, the plenty an hour done, tin)! and placc tablespoonfuls pepper soda quart :l/ld silllmer and hlowing of enough of fat thon.ughl\' baking deep bake teaspoonful Drain; add pound and cook until to rind one inch o\'('r and Hemo\'e top should boiling salt pork which be put salted water tested to be thrown in the water when beans away; are one-fourth llarhoiled. to morc than co\'er the heans; put one-half has heen washed into kettle with heans done di~h; pnt' pork inch three-fourths in one-half about CREAMED SAUCE Aristos cTl'amed carrots.-Y. WHITE tabl('~p(,(lnfuls eighth Blend until tea,poonful thoroughly. smooth CREAMED instead sern~ with slices of frying, of addin/! water in center strips; frolll of dish with skin side up, to time time if necessan'. score' pepp('r and sprinkle hrown of an hour.-:\fISS sugar Z. B. and ONIONS.-I'eel the onions pro('eed the same as with "'. FOR VEGETABLES, flour, cup milk, one :\lelt, butter it bubbles well pepper. When and cook until thick.-MISS. MUSHROOMS.-Treat add two-thirds toast.-CO:\"THIBUTED. __ Two one-fourth tablespoonfuls teaspoonful flour add pan, in sauce add the milk a little Z. 13. the of a cupful sallie of cream a nd bake fried as hutt~r, salt, and two one- season. stir at a time, IIlushwlIIUS onl\', ten millute~; STEWED MUSHROOMS.-Peel To one pint of mushrooms, mushroollls and ('ut off a portion put two tahlespoonfuls them ('()()k slightly, of hutter turn then hot stalk. season with little stew gently make to serve, Mllshrooms salt and stock soup pepper on hoilin!!, water nnd let about fifteen lIIinutes. and milk, Hub togt'ther the liquor ahout as thick ns ('ream. Let hoil and half half flour a little fi\'e minutes. stir in two tablespoonfuls ('an be cooked ill nlmost ('Tl~am or of nny \\'a~' tllllt oysters the beaten yolk lire sen-ed. of the in a pan, in a \'ery them to ready butter an el!!I:. and let and "'hen of lIIushroollls turns hlm'k, throw th(,llI away, they spoon IIsed to stir If a silver arc probably CHILI CON CARNE.-(Mexican into toadstools.-CO:\"TR squares "lIall be('f tender, t/an tnhk'ipoonful wnter, pOllr nnd salt in thr of this to taste. same.mnnner, and add one pint of dlili ;rround into the meat Some ('ooks Ie l\ in!:' out I Bl."J'ED. Recipe.) Chop either roast heef or add two onions, torlliltors pepper and hoil co\'er with wat('r li\'e minutes. and one tablespoonful of it boil ahout and let trcat ('alllwd the tomatot's. fin' minutes beans l'O:-:TH'IIH'TED. red kidnl'v raw until and cook Blend one 11'\'1'1 flour .. or in a little \dd hutter lima Iw:tns .:.:_a-_i_-ll_D_a_a_lI ... g_lI-_Dii.'-lI-_"'i-_-a-_lI-_'lI'_o~~_O_D_a_ I PAI:ILD!:.eH~:::f;;:t2~U~:~:::SHINGS t t... --Y-o-u-a-r-e-C-o-rd-i-al-Iy-In-v-it-e-d-to-C-a-n-a-t-t-he-S-to-r-e-o-f-i "f ue/dig & uchmid qn SPORTING GOODS Where Service and Courtesy Meet ANN ARBOR, MICH. AUTO ACCESSORIES : 205 S. MAIN .:+ " OILS • t SALEM COOK BOOK () C. E. DRAPER, JEWELER Plymouth, OPTOMETRIST Michigan and inspect a complete stock which we are endeavoring to keep up-to-date with new goods of the latest patterns and styles. 91yal !Hemedies - cSan OOX .. I DRUGS STATIONERY CANDY DRUG SUNDRIES CIGARS SODA Worthville f)ru!l Company Sfew:Zrf .9JrDS., !PrDps. 91orthlJille~ SALEM COOK BOOK 35 SALADS AND DRESSINGS MAYONNAISE el'"g-: when size 0; an ildd a teal'upful with three is desired), all .\IHS. HAY SA\-EHY. ('Ollie to a hoil, tahlespoonfuls one DRESSING.-I'ut Illeited it is hoilinl" water put I"radually. sug-a,', one teaspoonful into a stew pan in a tahlespoonful a lUlllp of huttl'r flour, Aristo, heilten (if a lIIustard the and ego!"s, lIIixed dressing Ha\'e three ready lIIustard the teaspoonful and set I'inel!ar, stir to cool. away in with Thin with rest of one-half inl!redients: cupful crealll.- let MAYONNAISE DRC:SSING.--One-half cupful tahlespoonful sour one-half lIIilk, adding- cupful salt, one il l'inel!ar. tahlespoonful little at a time, Cook in douhle one flour, tahles]loonful sUl!ar, .\ristos smooth add two el!l!s well heaten, IOHX hoiler.-.\IRS stir .. one lIIustard, with one ('Iipful ,and last .\IUX:-;. add SALAD DRESSING.- Blend one-half tahlespoonful one ilnd one-fourth S1Il!ilr, SllIooth_ one and one-ha If ta hlespoonfub ('upfnl tahlespoonfuls add one heaten cupful \.illl'I_W1': cook e;.>:j.!,three-fourths in douhle hoiler salt, one-half two and tilhle- one-hillf of A ristos sweet milk, flllUT' tl1l'1l until thick, strain lIIustard, spoonf1l1 ta hlespoon fuls hutter. with ,HId slowly and a litt"~ water, one-half cool.--l\IISS SALAD DRESSING.-Beilt IXEZ "'I-II'1'E.\IAX. t\\'o ej.!;'>:s,add one-half tahlespoonfuls su/-!,'ar, one tahlespoonful then add this lIIixture add four tahlespoonfuls to one-half lIIelted hot pint hutter.-.\IHS. DRESSING.-One cupful :1:';'1 ;__us~al'(!. one teaspoonful l'inel!-ar, su/-!,'nr, one-half if stronl! el".!!:s. 'Hid IIlustard, and fire \'iup;!ar frolll to hot Hellltll't' su/-!,'ar and with one thil'ken add alld salt, mixed .\ristos tahlespoonflll flour tahl('sIHlOnful salt llIustard, l'inel!ar of and .\ristos pcp per I(.t cOllie to a and teaspllonful HOY \L\TEH.\"\X. one nse part wah'r. two salt, add this a little t'!-IAS. then with slllllothed hutter.-.\IHS. thoroughly, DR ~::SSING.-Blend two teaspoonful salt, one teaspoonful Beat two el!/-!,'s,yolks and whites part hoils pour in e/-!,'l!yolks tahlespoonfuls mustard, Sll/-!,'ar, one add four teaspoonful tablespollnfuls separately, hoil and milk, one-half all olle minllll', ('lIpflll milk. when in whites of e/-!,'/-!,'s.-;\lHS. EH.\IA LAXE three DRESSING.-:\Iix Sllj.!ar, little set water, It snit, 011 sto\'(' tlwl'oughly then add let amI SOPEH. teaspoonfuls tahlespoonfuls three ('OllIe to n hoil, and the YHlk Hf all sIllH..th: II with n littlt' water lIIu~tard, two vinegar, fOllr thit-kell with \. F. thell \';!I!.-.\I H~ .. three flour, to taste, hoil. Lastly SALAD te::spol q!g-s: ht'at IlIi~turp watel'. KEXSI.EIL SALAD one hoil. 'hutter, "ineg'II', \\,h('11 first .... 01 heat SALAD tt'aspoollfuls tahles)loonfllis ;\ ristos flour \'AX .\TTA. ,.;!HI.. nflll o! <>nt' ('lIpfnl !'I'd pepper. lltlil. B('at SALAD DRESSING.-Two salt, on" teaspoonful .. f s"lIr Let it if el"'am or hlltter the 1'i11t~j.!nr (';:eupful ('ream. of whipped BEET SALAD.-Two over cupfllis }'ollr !lIle-half '\\'II','EI,EIt. d",ppeo"1e'tery. this hOllr lIlixturc hefore fruit and manlllnaise yolks of fO'1I1'e::I!'S, -If of dressin;.!" is Illade with the heaten lemon the ('omhination of SUjrar, one-half a eupful ~lix well anel ehill hefore of el"'pped of hroken ('lIpfllls one eupflll any ;:-ood salad serYin;:-. :\ 11 in;:-rediellts juiee and one cupful of sen'in,U:.- COXTH IlH,"l'ED. eookt'd nlltllleats, and 11IIIst ht' heet,. a Iitt!.. ehopped to stand one and one-hal onio". ahollt FH ED eolt\.-~IHS. allow it < drcssin!! CABP. o\GF S -\LAD.- One-h,"f olle-half in fin' st:.,ps, I'n Idtlll'" s~n':; p:'pp~'r ',alml drt',s:n;:-, • II' head t'ahhagt' pepper tine !!reell CI'L\S. KEl'\SLER. shredded. eut ill leaf.-:\IHS. one-half strips; sw.'et red 11I;X with BE-::T SALAD.-Boil sOllie heets. slicc :lIld Id stand in \'ine!!ar HlTr One lar;.!"e enpful Jar!!e cupful :Ust' any /!,ood salad drt'ssing with it.-:\1. C, H. one small onion ehoppt'd of ehopped of ehopped heets, onl' eelery, ellpflll largl' of ehopped ,'ery eahha;:-l'. fine. a little lIil!ht. one salt. SUMMER in strips with seissors SALAD.-Pack a. nllmber sharp of lettllce lea\'es salad p!aee a lar!!e tOlllato ftlled with ('hopPt'd On each knife. or On'r all put a ;.!"erlt'rOIlSsprinkling- ti/!,htl~., then to/!,ether in a nest of plate eeler~' and eovered of English Wlllrlllt meats. thi('kl~' with sprinkled [f'aslt'd -,iRS. .AD.-On enll'kers "'. "'. (,,,('h s"lad which TIIAYEU. ~A' have ht'en pl"t<- lay a t'risp lettu(',' next and spoonfnl a 1",11 nf "nUa;.!"e eheese of salad and of pilllento.-:\IHS. "', TlI:\ YElL le,lf. on tlll~>siZtOof a top the !!arnish ~'ut lhe shrt'tltled ~with lIlayonnaise. '\'ith sen-e ,'llt~t'se :lnd this lettm'(' hot paprik,', PINEAPPLE "this 1'1,,1'1'a sli('(' of p'neapple g 'nerous lar!!e walnllt, strips "f Six oran!!es, the ellt'est' hall wit', SALAD.- FRUIT add" Enl!lish walnut 'Illd "tlat! J.I :-.-, six hananas, pOllnd drt'ssin;.!" "ml on .. ellpflll whipped IIH'nls. one-follrth candied nealll.-~IHS. one-follrth sweeten pOllnd 10 taste, ETT.\ ~Id,:\l'(;jl- dressin!! "'. fOllr apples, eherrit's, FRUIT SALAD. 1""111<1Ii!!s, one-half En!!lish walnllts KARTOFFEL Pint d'zen eherries hananas. ('III in pie('es.-~IHS. Chop SALAD. ft'w sli ....s of h'1('on el'isp, urenk ( f ,'jnl'gar Pour ol't'.half the .. thrr l.ot. sa.r~': ellpflll ingredients Inkewarm.-J.. ser,'c St'ason G. S. (drained), one-half one dozen ponnd oran/!,t's. dates, one.fourth one-follrth pOllnd FH,\XK Bt'EHS. eold hoiled in slllall pieees into th .. spider and potatoes :lIld lIlix throul!'h of hae"'l onions. Fr~' a the potatoes. ;.!"r..a,., and pOllr ""er if neces- to taste- salt. pepp ..r lInd \ neltar ..._..-.-~~_a_a_ 38 SALEM COOK BOOK -_10_ .:. j = Hardware a--.O_ll_a_._II_lI ..........~._Q_ll_a_'~>./.IT at your service Anything in this line and ahvays Tell us your \vants and it not ~nocked Jam e s A. H u f f I i iI i I I ,I I I I I I I FARMERS AND MECHANICS r I I, t, BANK :\nn "\ rbor. ~riI' higan Auto Accessories Auto Tires will get it 1'''",,,, 1"0 'on'!'III'I",," i I t J I :\ ut hin~ (':111 tak .. the place oi the Hllman Elcnlt'll ~o organizat ion can afford to he ('old, indifferent 01' rl'pcll{'nt)~' profe.o.;sional. 1t 'I'lw FaI"IllI'rs and ~Icl'hanics Ball k lu g'h'c 1'I'r80nal and ha\'p a pl'l'l"oJJa) .\ I Il'lIt i:-; Ihe aim of t ion to c\'cry ClIstOIllCJ' int('rcst in his acponnt 01' hpl' ae'('olllll, : 1 'I I ! . I , ilt ~ 9i I ~• _I~._..:_ i, ~r l' III It (. r 0 f t h I' F (l II I' I' a I I: I' ~ l' I' \' e ~ ,\ ~ I I' III ...- -'-'-'----_''''1. .,.....-._._ J SALEM COOK BOOK 39 COMBINATION SALAD.-One three-fourths ped walnut meats, one fourth cup pimentoes or sweet red peppers one-half cupful cucumbers cut leaf and garnish with tomatoes cut tine; mix with salad dressing; in qunrters.-:'IIRS. can green peas. cupful chop- llIay be used, sen"e on lettuce CHAS. KEXSLER. water, changing water onions~ ONION AND ORANGE SALAD.-.Slice two or three times. Drain; Spanish onions, soak them in ice slice oranges; mix with the on lettuce Icnf with French or mayonr(aise dressing.-:'IIRS. M. G. tine, English walnut meats, in hah"es and seeded; senc with mayonnaise dressinjr.-:'IIRS. apples and celery cut rather SALAD.-Use white grapes cut C. :.\1. CHAPIX. WALDORF SALAD.-Two cups of sour apples, onc and one-half cups of celer~', one cup of nut meats; cut all quite fine.. Dressing for same: One heaping- teaspoonful of salt, one heaping teaspoonful of dry mustard, three tea- spoonfuls of sugar, nnd if cream is thin, one heaping teaspoonful of flour; mix and wet with a little wnter, cup lump of butter and one-fourth l'upful of Yinegnr ndded slowly. of sweet cream, Cook until it thickens. the npples, etl'. Apples shou1.1 not be cut up until ready for the dressing as they turn dnrk by stand- in/!.--;\JRS. FRED WHEELER. then ndd one well beaten egg, Cool before three-fourths pouring o\"er NUT SALAD.-Two cupfnls of celery, two cnpfnls of apples, and one l'Up- fnl of nuts. STUFFED TOMATOES.-Pare :'Ilix pulp with chopped celery and l~ucumbers cut fill t01l1ato shells with this mixtnre; sen'e on lettuce leaf.- tomatoes, sprinkle with salt, then fine, and scoop out set away to cool. add salad dressing, MRS. CHAS. KEXSLEU. VEAL AND CHICKEN SALAD.-Two cupfuls chickcn l'hopped fine, one l~upful chopped celery, one teaspoonful teaspoonful white pepper, one-half chopped; mix with salad dressing, garnish with hard IlOiled ejr/ls.-:'IIRS. LAXE. onion salt, teaspoonful \"eal a IIII one ('up:ul snit, one-half ten stuffed olives \\'. P. BANANA SALAD •..-Ped on salmi dishes, grind or break fine English walnut mcats and spread dressing. Garnish with individual thickly oYer bananas, lethu'e lean's or pnrslt"....-:\IRS. W. H. TOUSEY. and dress with a mnplllnnise in two lengthwise ri,W bananas ami l'ut DRESSING.-One-hnlf lIIustard, one and one-fourth if till' erealll swed cream, cup or vint"gar. Cook until KELSO~. is thin: mix these Hnd add one e~g, two and one-iullf it tablespoonfuls thickens, strain and let of. butter, tnblespoonful tablespoonful salt, one-half of of sugar, one teaspoonful three-fourths tablespoonful of of flour of a CUll of of a it cool.-:'oIRS. BERT and one-fourth CUCUMBER SALAD IN BO~TS.-One eUl'lIIl1ber,dieed l'elery, pimentoes, lettll('e leaves, slit'ed pickled beets. A !!ood sized CUCUIll- maYllnnaise. dressin!!, ber will make two hoats in which to sen'e it. Do not pare but with damp cloth, used iu salad. Cut {'uclllllher meat pillH'ntos nnd fill hoats, and sern' Ga rnish with slict"d I'ieklt'd heet._.-:'olIlS. nox ~ORTO:\'". just wipe off thcn l'Ut in two h~n!!thwise and scoop out a portion to be and l~aYes. iu small ('uhes: mix with diccd celen' l'O\'cr with ul:lyonnaise on lettll{,l' - BREAD AND ROLLS - NUT BREAD.-Onl' cupflll tos tllJur, one-fourth tl'aspoonflll fuls sw.:l't milk, on.. cupful \r1I1TTA KEU. /{ranulatcd sUj!."lIr.ht'lJ t'gj!."S,fh'c ellpfl/ls Aris- salt, six teHspoonfuls !lakin/{ powder, two cup- lIIellts chopped finc.-:'II RS. II E:\'"RY IIny kind nut 40 SALEM COOK BOOK Cut Flowers For All Occasions Flowers and Vegetable Plants In Season ... Your Patronage Is Solicited ... J. B. CALHOUN -Dealer In- HARD AND SOFT COAL CHARCOAL. COKE AND WOOD CEMENT AND DRAIN TILE FEED Telephone IOOW Farmers Hardware Supply Co. -Dealers In- Hardware Seeds Delco Lighting - Auto Accessories Harness Farm Operating l\Iachinery I II .:-_J_._ Geo. D. Ferguson, Pres. 0_'_._._1__ Floyd E. Frazier, V: Pres. _ .......~,,---1_1 II Phone No. 61 I I!t J_'_I_l_l~l~g ,_.~~ SALEM COOK BOOK .H WHITE two tHblrspoonfuls this mixture sal!, line, o,."r OIH'-h,llf ~'ea';t to rise. "'hen battc]', shape into 10a\"l's, -CO;\TRIIIUTED. eakl' yeast then let rise, 1('[ BREAD.-Blencl ..\rbtos pour dissolHd ene is lig-ht in:" loaf k.wad rise and IJHkl'.. two flour, lJuart tablespoonfuls add three medium sized potatoes potato water: when of boilin~ su!!ar; two in a little warm water ,:lId I'noug-h sifted .\ristos and set flour tablespoonfuls _ cool mashed add in a warm place a thin to make to rise then lard to the spon!!e. again, too stitT. pat not \dd one-half cupful back of SALT RISING BREAD.--The forl'noon to which has hCl'n ndded bdore a pineh Pour On boiling water hakin!!". put of soda, salt two tablespoon- and sugnr to scald thoroughly, to be by night or milk enough ou~ht of warm wnter until light, time take a bowl half like cake, thell ndd a tablespoon- into let if kept thell full of light, which co\"ercd IifIht, put ready enoug-h for hatter until it to use, at which in a hasin watcr, mid sufl"icient a well light, in the cold water in a warm place until flour, make usually flour to make of SpOIl~l', add One larp:e tablespoonful let rise and hake and knead in a moderate m'en about light into this !reI or more. flOur with lukewarm, of salt or more. soft hour. (just one-half as and scald batter all hour loa\"es ep:!r, salt, one tablespoonful stir sour milk, flour, one-half thoroilg-hly; one-half '"1d graham flour Ollt" !'nough and one-half ('ups is sufl'ident; cupful tl'aspoonfuls to make hake soda, about forty as stiff lIIinutes.- of melted butter, of molasses, one one three as add flonr set of basin water, a two-lJuart the emptying's,. in " warm pinel' If not fuls of corn menl, a cup or bowl. stand W'lrm enough. kl'ep in a ('001 p!;\ce until lukewarm ful of Sift one pint then put spon!re, ~tir into as can he handled). Let -:\IHS. FHED HIDER. BREAD.-One hrown eupflds of Aristos tahlespoonful 'Illd one-half tahll'sjloonfuls loaf one :\IRS. FRED \\"HEELEIL ofhoiling in the bowlfnl a stiff BROWN nsually eak!', sugar, WHOLE WHEAT BREAD.-Pour luk('warm add one (,olllpressed in two tahlespoonfuls three stand in 1II0re flollr lightly until flour, amI stir dou!!"h; knead ('o\"er th,'n warm water, to make cups, in a warm place (olle the one pint of boilinp: water (one-half Yl'ast cake and one a batter tnbl('sjloonful that will drop (75 Fahr.) nnd one-half part j!reater for cups), the of hread qnickly (~annot be IlIad(' dry like and lightly on the hoard. the ordinary Xow mould a('cordill!! in a warm place to size of pans; place one hour, for in greased bake panS; co\"er in a moderately in wfficient (If milk; when soh'ed stir hl'"t well; H'ry Ii!!ht, a soft This whole wheat IIlnst hI' handled six loan's, t",m flour: one egjr, salt, eupfnl ('upful one eorn meal, hake slnwly one-Iwlf one GRAHAM BREAD.-Two of Illtllas.'.es, a little and two and olle-half O\"Cn five lIlinutes.-:\IHS. salt, cupfuls one \\':\1. TAIT. sour milk, one cupful sweet milk, onl' 11'\'1'1 teaspoonful one-half hour.-MHS. of sweet milk, soda, eupful len'( ole Aristos tea'poon- flonr, two three-fourths MYHO:\" ATCI-lISO~. of a cupful flour, in th., of white then I,ut soda, one ('upful steam one hour, cupfuls teaspoonful of of graham flour: BREAD,--Soak lukewarlll batter and water, let " ... Iasses. Pour over a eupful salt. is dissolved. Let and dissolve add stand. one tablespoonful Put this it stand two cupfuls for one hour, into a larjre bowl of butter or boilin/( water and then add five cupfuls two cUl,fuls lanl one cake of compressed ,,'east il~ enough Aristos flour to the .flour and the prepared up with take yeast spoon and and put beat well. Set in greased it pans: let to rise over in bulk, this takes about fifty minutes, Potato wllter is good instead and bake of This makes two loa\"es. GEORGE GRAHAM BRZAD.-One CAREY. eupful of hutterlllilk tablespoonfuls of molasses, two of snda, and a liUI •. salt: lIIix to :l loaf with ICrahal" .. n..... -2\IHS. W:\1. TAl"!'. BREAD.-One flour, and nn,'-half ('''pfuls nne-half fj'aspoonful III ilk, on .. cllpful sour or tahlespoonfuls two of SUlCar, and flnur )!:raham flour, ""l' and one- hakinlf salt, one te'l- to which dlOllped walnut tllrn tea"pnonful adll orH'-half h:ltter, cupful drop Aristos half powd ..r. ,ift h'lCether: SpOl'l1I'llI ~",Ia dissnJved meats. Olll' amI one-half into WHITE;\L\~, a ;rr ..asl'd hread NUT BREAD.-Two .\ ristos Rour, cupfllis lIIeats -;\IHS. CHAS. COLDRE~. four fiue (11I01'1' choppl'll ('upful ollt,-Iwlf in a little ('upfllis milk nr el)(lllllh tn make" hnt water: lIIolassl's, "ne-hai{ tin: hake slowly three-fourths of an hour.-;\IISS 1:\"1-:1. egv:s, two-thirds teaspnonfuls if desired), l..t ,'upful su)!:ar, hakin)!: powder, rise twenty minllte", tw" ('upfuls milk, ('upful one-half f"ur nllt "n .. hOllr, hak., NUT LOAF.-Four teaspnnnfllis tngether, salt: mix all SUlCar, fOllr of Beat the twent\' minlltes delil.it;lIs tw •• e;r;rs and drX ingr ..dients, s;mdwit-hes.-l\1US. of Aristns fl"ur, "ne-half "f hakinlC pnwder, cups (roundin;r), add then add tn them two cupfuls heat well and onc ('upful 0' nf I'llt slnwly into a hutterI'd ahout forty,fin' to rise then bake cupful one "f level hit-k"ry l'hnpped sweet milk. hread minlltl.s. ('nu I' pan. v:ranlliated teaspoonful nllt meats. o\"er stand This makcs this I.ct HAHRY (~lIpful milk, nllt' ATCHISO:", (~upful wah~r, ROLLS.-One salt, ,'upflll one yeast of water intn the mixture, au hour or until "nd :lIC"~ :\"OEI.. into eut add it is Iiv:ht hisl'uit, let h'a,p""nful with th" pi"Cl" ris.' f"r roll nut IWTlI cake. until Put lard lukewarm. enoulCh ,\ristos tl ... n knead ri;c a;rain "ne-:"urth in the milk Bn'ak the Rour intn " hard t" and yeast Inaf. lII"k.~ :l stiff "ne ,'up1'1l1 lard, then eool "',,Id, in s11lall let rises b:ltter, it ,rhen ('ake and hake twenty minutes.-:\IRS, SALEM COOK BOOK one four butter, bring and and add sugar; batter. Cover the butter, let are rounding again. rise pint milk, one pint w"ter, on,' teaspoonful BREAD.-One RAISIN cake cupfuls Aristos ycast foam, one-hal~ flour, one-half cupful one cupful seeded raisins. to the boiling beat well. point: Dissolve cool until the yeast cupful Place sugar, lukewHrm water. one two egl!s, the milk and water fing'c.s half you can bear foam in the ('up let stand while you prepare in a warm place. and set sugar and and raisins, hatter, Let flour eggs, Then full; bake form into 101lves and place forty minutes.-CONTRIllUTEiY. one-half in two rise enouj!h until then cmuhine \'cry to make Let in pans. ~alt. su!!"r, tea,poonful two tablespuonfuls in a ~auee in it; add pan and the fllllir of warm water the yeast with add light, doug'h: pans a soft rise until then yeast of batter, su)!ar, cake onc salt, let rise one-half BUNS.-Dissoh'e, 'cooled, Aristos the morning to make again. are desired, with melted over, add one-half flour to make add one cupful teaspoonful a stiff of to knead, stiff let Can use one cup of soft yeast enough take dough when ready butter, with about again sprinkle and bake cupfuls of hutter, s('t of two wcll to raise; when cinnamon sugar hl'l~llty minutes.-MRS. and rise let RUSKS.-Two cupful dough; damp about raised half stiff Rub Bake it r~se, in place for bis~uit, cinnamon, 20 minutes.-)IRS. dough, bread of milk, sUj!ar it where cupfuls tableslloonful overnight cupful melted into shape then of yeast roll out on mixin)! eut with cake. boiled and is ('001. and ennuj!h In lInd flour rise and rolls spread ~old half hoard hutter hiscuit If ('innamon a A'iass and ELLA KI:\'G. cupful of enouj!h let and sUj!ar, tu make raise one- a ag"ain. o\'en. them in thc beaten light mould oyer the top IRYI:\'G one ej!j!s, Aristos flour biscuit into as you place I-IAl\IlLTOX. BREAKF AST AND TEA CAKES CORN GRIDDLE CAKES.-One-half cupful ('orn m'eal, two heapin/!, haking teaspoonful spoon,"l;; one fourth boiling water, and butter; powder, salt, one one-fourth and ('npful sligar, one-half cupfuls two tahlespoonfuls add lIIilk, two cupfuls hoilin!! water, lIIelted butteI'. lIIix dry ing'redients. cupfuls milk, one egg, let boil five minutes, cook on a hot griddle.-l\IRS. .\ ristos on" and Add beaten lIIeal tea- flou r. one- to ('/!,g' BUCKWHEAT lInd a tetlspoonful CAKES.-Sifta of corn meal soh'ell quart in a \':al'lI\ pla,'(' )lHS. in a half of I. .J. C. ('upful \\'arlll wllt('r. \dd .. salt. Add a yeast cake, t\\'o tahlespoonfuls hard fi\'(, sodn llissoln'd IIdnutes. in warlll watel' of warlll watel', Beat for little Set ('upful \\'ith a half \\'hich oj' to raise of h1l'; he('n db- and a ni/!,ht lIIolasses. o,-er in t1l.. III(\i'nin~.-- ROY TEHRILL. or hm'kwheat quart ";!;!, o,-er nig'ht \\'.-11 heaten, or until one pint of soft, Olll' ,,0111' t('aspoonflll fill soda. two tcaspnonfuls of bakin!! lIIilk. of powder. t,,,, old- '0 .lIat.-(' - llIs. he,ore- CAKES.--One CRUMB GRIDDLE ('up of bread on(' su;!ar two cups and salt. of flour.-l'. SOUR MILK GRIDDLE .\ristos teaspoonful salt, (,l'Il1uhs, soaked teaspoon one-half C. B. ns ('an be turned to hake, TOAST.-Beat ('lit bread in slices, add CAKES.-One quart of sour milk two ej!/!,s well heaten •. \risto" on the griddle withollt Hour hl'eakin:r not "'l'llIg'h t!'aspoonfuls two one efZj! thnwuj!hly, of soda.--C. add one ('upful .. C. B. dip both sides too lIIuch of the milk. into the milk and (';r)J.' Fn' hrown. of l1liik and IlIhture ~JJt,; D \ '\IEI. so ns not to absorb one lar!!e as thin a hatter relldy they arc FRENCH pllll'h of salt: quickly, S~lITH .. . CORN MEAL CAKES.-Seald a pint of fillt' ('orn IIll'nl a little hro\\'n let salt. on hoth sides; sillllller half an hour. eat with hutter drop frolll and syrlll"- a spoon :'lItS. in Ill>ilin:.r milk. :rdddle on a hot add ""d )).\:\'11';1. S:'IITII. SALEM COOK BOOK :-.- --'" Groomes Bathing Beach I -.- -.-. ,,- -.-.-.-.-.- -'-'-'-'-'-'--':., t Whitmore Lake -:- Free Picnic Ground Bathing 45 TI i, Full Lunch Counter Also Oil and Gasoline ---------------------- Everything City-priced COlpe to try our "Eats" And our Mile-lo~'g Sandy Beach ~'. !.. •• Individual Lockers. Good Picnic Grounds Free Make Us A Visit First HANKINS at Stilson Beach Whitmore Lake I.::' II I The Palace Market r. J. Van Atta & Son, Proprs. ..' ; -Dealers Ir.- FRESH. SALT and S:VtOKED MEATS ETC. ETC. ETC. South Lyon, _Michigan South Lyon H01TIe Bakery iI i i i j iiI iI Paul May. Prq:r;etor Give us an order of PARKER HOUSE ROLLS For Picnics. Partie3 and An'ni 'Ier.mries Pies. Cakes and Cookies Our ~yec!alty i II Ii ._-_.~--_O_._.-,r_. _:.. I __ ._-""" I__. ._-_._-_.__I...._. Phone 86 I i i i I ~_C1 ""~ .Uj SALEM COOK BOOK I --....-.-.-.-.. _,--. ,-,_.. -......- ..., 'i"-'-'-'-'- -- CHOICE FR.ESH, SALT AND SMOKED I i HILLS' MEAT MARKET ...MEA TS ... ... Poultry And Oysters In Season ... NORTHVILLE, MICH I II 109 Main Street _ ALL 6000 lJr &, BUY TUEll SHOES OF=== COOKS=== f STARK BROTDERS,NORTUVILLE, Mien. 111.A. 1!1tntbirt ~nn!i I" neam, of tea- sugar, one teaspoonful of salt, shortening the size of an egg or a cup and one (~gg. (~upful ('orn meal, one and one-half of haking powder, l\Ioisten with sour milk.-MRS. of soda, one teaspoonful FRANK CRAXE. cupfuls three cupfuls of huttermilk, three.fourths of SUll"ar,one e/!/!, one-third Aristos hakin/! powder and a s('ant teaspoonful of a 'cupful of flour and two- soda, salt. JOHNNY CAKE.-Two two tahlespoonfuls ,'ream, thirds meal, fine teaspoonful :\IHS. Wl\I. TAIT. JOHNNY CAKE.-One fills eorn meal, one und one-half cupfllis Aristos flour, hutterlllilk-a "'ltl a little salt.-:\I1SS CARRIE S. THAYER. little shortening if sour milk is used-two egg, onc-hllif ('upiul sugar, fine and one-11Il1fcup- two cupfuls sour milk or soda, teaspoonfuls JOHNNY CAKE.-One one teaspoonful .\ristos e~It, one-half cupful soda, a little salt, scant one-half cupful sugar, one and one-half cup- short- flour :I1lt1 two cupfuls corn meal, sifted.-l\JRS. fuls huttermilk, <,ning, one (~upful T. R. C. JOHNNY CAKE.-One salt, one and one-hllif ('upfuls sweet milk, two cupfuls Aristos flour, one cupful meal, three t..aspoonfuls hllking powder, two tablespoonfuls melted shortenin!!: hakc in a I]uh-k o\'en: cupful SUllllr, one teaspoonful j:(ootl~or gems, too.-~IRS. CLA YTOX DEA fiE. egg, one-half WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS.-Two-thirds ('lIpfllls SOliI' milk or buttermilk shorteninp:, cupful Aristos flour, nnl' and flour, one-half cupful brown sUll"ar,onc ell"It,nne (if SOliI' milk is USl'tI threc shortenin!!"), onc two tahlespoonfuls This amnunt makes tw('h'e muft'ins.- if buttermilk soda. salt, nne teaspnonful 4IIlt'-half cupfuls whole wheat and one-follrth tahlespoonfuls t,'aspoonflll :\IHS.. JOHX :\IUXX. -,"!!";, 1', one tellspoonfnl '('"'I'~'nl sllnr'llIilk, flonr; hake oue-half honr.-:\IHS. JOHNNY CAKE.-Crealll salt, add one I)('atcn ell"/!.one le,-el teaspoonful two tublt>spoonfuls two tablcspoonfnls soda, one cnpfuls eorn Illcal, onc-half cnpful Aristos lard, one and one-half XATH1\X BROKA'\'. SALEM COOK BOOK of ~ to X "'1I__~.:. I ! BY USING lI_~_C1_~_ll_ll_O_Q_~.ll_ll_lI_l2~ .:• .-.o_lI_tJ_ll_lI_~lI_~ I . IilOOC~ilOOCilOOCX:leCXX&~ I II THOROUGHLY RELIABLE ~ I I~ THE BEST RESULTS ARE OBTAINED I ~~C 11 B k' ~ a er.s X I II ~l I hocolate ~! xl X ~ Ice CreamiJ Sauces, X ~ (Blue Wrapp«:r. Yellow Label) In making Cakes, Pies. Puddings, is g jX "La Delle Chocolati<>r<,." X~I Frosting, Fudges, Hot B!1d Cold Drinks For more than 143 years this chocolate has been lee standard for purity, flavor delicacy and uniform quality. S7 Highest Awards i:1 ii I I BeRt.tend as Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. R leteblislled 1780 DORCt1~ST~R. MASS. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The trnde-mark, A beautifully on every genuine illustrated fu. Home Made Candies and Dainty Dishes Eent Il("J:c ~ ~X ij sa free. Drop a Postal f:tropo ac:d America V. S."l'a~ 011I00 new recipes package. booklet of I I ; , .... .._.....=======''''~n-==:>ft'~'''~''' clIpflll SALEM COOK BOOK -- =~====-"""',"",=",",<=_=.:=:::D= ,'upful hran, one (lIpfp] liHi BRAN G.EMS,,-One ,.,.l~,_ :'oms. l'ljJk, two GRAHAM GEMS.-T\\"o t:lblec,poc.nt',d IIEnSCHEI. ... Illolasses, :'oil':-;:-;. e;!g:, one two tcasp:'onfliis cupfuls !!"rahalll one-half cupful, flour, salt, eupflll one-half tablesp()('nfuls in huttered sweet hrown /!,elll tins.-:'oIHS. III ilk, one two I'u;.:ar, :'oIATTIIE"- teaspoonful table'poollfuls one la~d KXOWI.i::;, SPONGE CAKE GEMS.-.On2 <.'lIpful .\ ristos two meal, spoonful in g-em pans.-:'oIHS, tablespoonfuls soda dissol\'ed C. melted butt'.;" oll('-third in one CUi 1".:1huttl'n :'oJ. CH ..\! :' . te'''poonful i Tlfter, (I' .' : l!p:ul .. : Cllle-half su;.,-a;', ..ilk, white (Ofolle e.!!:;!,he ten: -nu '. '1r milk, tl);'e< !: 1",],1' :':tlt Cl11 ul (orn , I "- I I i ,..a- l)'lke ==-==~ ~H .\ri,(." hakin._" tl .Hh del', 'II', olle a DELICATE t.wo tablespoonfuls l!:raham flllIlr, :\IHS. CLXYTOX two MUFFINS.--'l\\'o MUFFINS su;!ar, OIH' cllpful teaspoonfuls DE ..\KI-:. h::kiu'! OR GEMS.-One ~'\I'I'c:t loilk, powder; eJ!/l'. 011(' tahlesp( t,\.o cupful' bake ill b.-t~~I'cd .\ri,tn, '11"\,1 bl,tter, ,'r tl,,"~. /.C,'1lI :IIS,- powder, milk minlltes one tablespoonful cupfuls of of su;!ar, \ristos and a little Hou\', salt. two to m:1ke one :1nll one-thinl cupfuls and stir into teasl""'lIful: '" killg: Beat Oil" eg;!, "dd en"ug:h tl1<' aho\'e. fifteen I\::k," <'t in hot o\'en.-:'oIISS 1-:2\1:\1:\ MUFFINS.-One-half and one-h,df fills of 1-::1';"'" pn,'(IP;', "lIpfnls h:UFFlNS,-Small cream these eup ,'uJ!ar, of sweet milk, ('ne e;r,! hcr.:"n nne-half to;.rether: teael!pful then ,fOXES. three 1\'.-0 ('lIpfllls and pllt tablespoonfuls ,\ristos of in Inst.-:\IHS, one or of bllttcr, add a little salt, Illelted flour, butter, one two teaspoon- O. WESTF.\I.L. two tablespoon milk, one teacupflll fills two powder two ('lIpfuls last; bake of Aristos in a hot oYen.-i\IHS. WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS.-Om' one and one flont", blltter, one and one-half two heapin;.r teaspoonfllis of bakin!! GI.EX WI'IITT.\KEH. ellpflll e;!;.r, olle-half fourth ellpfllis whole wheat 50111' milk, flollr, l'Upfllls su:rar, f,)'!r table- two thirds Cllp- tea- le\'el one of Sll;!ar: cggs, lidded one teaspoonflll MUFFINS one eupflll slIlt.-:\IHS. "'. II. TOl'SEY. amI WITHOUT ..\ristos flollr. EGGS.-One one teaspoonflll one-fonrth "upfnls soda, Ollt' t"'hpoonfnl cllpful sour milk, one amount makes CORN MUFFINS.-One-half nine mllfl'ins,--:'oIHS. !'npflll two e;.r;!s, two teaspoon sweet milk, olH'-half ellpflll molass"s, CI.,\YTO\,"" hut; 'r, ,\ristos flollr, flUe-half ('lIpflll CLAYTOX DE.\KK BAKING POWDER ('orn . Three ellpflll ellpfllls tins.-:UHS. on~ tablespoon; 11:.\1\:1-:. I lard. olll".llIllf ellpflll SIl,ZIr, one fills bakin;!" ]ltl,,-'der, one nl1ll nnl'.half nil: I. salt; hake in hlitterl'd ;!em BISCUITS.- three len'l ('liPS of teasp,'ollfuls ,\ )'jd,'s flour, ont'-follrth of bakin;! puwder, shortening, flonr, bakin;! t1wn mix puwder to flollr, a stiff (l\'en the better. Xe\'cr and ro]!' Ii;.rhtly, Cllt with anll sni th" '" ti"'"" 11011;;' with milk. knead bis(',dt hakin;! elltter work The one tilt' short- ".. itn the press flllkk puwder an,1 bake bbl.'uit, in :J flollr, spoonfllis melted fill spoonful J\ristos wda, GRAHAM ;.rraham flour, salt, This into ellpful Sift to one-half ('Ill' of milk, enin;.r hiseuits dough oven.-COXTHIRUTED. the into shape enter the one-half one S\Het milk, sifted with salt.-M. can, FRITTERS,-On(' of baking !'poonful spoon JIRS. W~r. TAIT. fry' and T. R. in Iwt GRAHAM WAFERS.-Ollt, cllpflll hlltt('r and IIIH'-half and lard mixed, ('lIpfllls whit" SII;!ar, on,' ollt'-half "lIpl"lIl rounded tt'aspoonflll sodll, :\Iix in "II till' ;.rrahalll Hour ('upflll ,\risto ... flollr you of powlIer; cllpfnl sweet milk, stir with Aristos ;.rl'l'nse tll a Ii;.rhl hrowlI; t';.r!!', a Iittl,' "ill two flour IInti! SeTVt' \\al'lll snIt; it dmp "ith maple nne tea- fmm a sYTII~'.- ,;0 SALEM COOK BOOK __ lI_lI_lI_ll_~oc,IID~~~~ ••• '~I_D_I~ _llAA>O_'_'~Q_IJ~lI i I i i i I Clothes- I i ,. i @ For Mother and Daughter 0 ••• i I t . ! I I i, Hutzel's I , i Ii ANN ARBOR B. E. Muehlig Dry Goods and Notions WE INV1TE INSPECTION t 126 South Main St .. A . .. -'_I_II_'_'_~~o,..lI_I""'I"'IJ"C_"_~Il'~o.-~~~1 Ann Arbor, i i i i i i iI e a 11fi ij ~i B ij ~ ai o ft:ich. ~ Q ~:.:i SALEM COOK BOOK 5T BANANA onc-half FRITTERS.--:\Iake inch thkk: with a little auout the hananas 111' e,,,'h sliee of hanana with sugar lemon over any preferred fritter uatter, Sliee banana!'oo dip into the batter and fry in hot lard, or orange juice will of imIHO\'C the the hatter. a spoonful ahout Sprinkling' Take powderc(l llanlr. Sift them and sen'e with syrup, making hreaking CAKE.-When li!!ht. Without on the hoard save out a little of the dough hread thc~ lightness any or c'ut IIHlI't~ than in sl)uares. and Cllt out with a cutter, pan and bmwll These are' d('lkious hoth sides of cakes. They are sen'l'd with honey or syrup.-l\IHS. and necessary 1.lan' e\'en better BAPTIST let \"'ry ,:!et turn earefully hot fat cooked ('1..\ YTOX \)[':A KE. in the frying in deep fat. GRAHAM CRACKERS.-One-half tablespoonfuls of ('upful swed milk, of one sugar, teasponnful one-half of c'upful soda, of am! livc flour ('nolllgh to roll SODA BISCUIT.-Sift \'t'ry thin.-:\!HS. one level Wl\I. TAIT. teaspoonful soda and one hakin;! ,'upful powder with l)uart lard: work the lard well to make that a dough one of Aristos thwugh c~an be easily moulded flour, the flour add a little and add just on the grease tops with butter.-CO:-;THIHUTED, roundin;! salt tea- and enoujrh board. ;.hortenin;!. /l'rahalll spoonful olll'-half thiek noli ,'"lr milk "ut and c'ut, when haked, RICE CROQUETTES.--One dry, nllC le''''I)(Ionful to spl'l,ad "nth add a little milk. se I'\"" with maple sides: salt, quart boiled rice that has been cooked three c'gjrS heaten into the rice. ,If not moist Drop on hot hutterI'd syrup.-:\I ItS. \\,:\{, S. THO)II'SO:-;. griddle, fry light browlI quite enough on - SANDWICHES - RIBBON SANDWICHES.-Cut ineh thkk. "lle-'1ua rter ahout to l'Ilt:esc and white hrt:ad with butt.,r: fin arc' one-half Put sliees. hoWl'. Cut damp the same l'ioth Cut olf ar.nund jrraham hread slices of ('rusts, put sikes spread sanlt~ and tngether keep and white hread graham bn'ad with pimen- tllt:re abnut alterlHI~dy under CIIAS. KI';:-;SI.EH. pressure until as a loaf of hread.-:\IHS. LETTUCE SANDWICHES.-Sllrl'ad slic'c,s of whole wheat "n a Il'ltuee leaf and SOIlIl' of the High Art Salad Dressing.-H. tel'. put CHEESE AND WALNUT SANDWICHES.-One-half poulld En;rlish walnut meats, nm'.fourth teasponnful pound salt these Put enollllL'h to spread; throulL'h a food ehopper; mix with any pllt betwe(,n thinly s\ic~ed hrellll.-G. ('heese, hread with hut- U. C. nne- of I-\'ooc!salad F. I.. and a dash SANDWICH "oil ..d c';rl-\'S,one fourth ,'hc'c'st,. sugar ancl Aristos flour, Boil until FILLING.-Two p.. und grated .. 1' OIlt. ";!jl, one teaspoonful onion jui('e, dn'ssinj! :\Iake" one-half thick th .. roujlhly tOj!ether. in j!lass jars. ('001 it will kcep for wCl'ks.--:\IHS. Put -e 111II' Hndy the whites EGG SANDWICHES.- thl' y ..lks very IIutter (If un'ad put as lim'; then mix yolks IInd lI1l1ish-n with mlly .. nnaise spread thin as p ..ssihle, and ('nt and whites, "I' any c'\'I'nly in slluares, ..blonj!s, sweet peppers or paprika, and Cj!gs, cheese; .. ne-half ,'h ..p peppers "upful teasp .... nful IInd p ..ur Olver nther vinegllr, one-half slllt, nnc tablt,- inJ!red- Dilute with a little milk EH:\IA I.A:-;I<; SOPEH. lIlash and s\iC('S CIL'IL'S; pellpc'r season with of hllrd boiled salt, ;!(wd Slllllli dressinj!. ".m! sparinlL'ly with Cut tilt' mixturl'; C. n. "I' trianl-\'Ies.-I'. fourth ('ayeIHw peppc'r. dl'l'"in;! IIntil soft EVER READY two hard lIIi~; "ith ('ul'ful water, ~I'..onful ients whcn Ill'ecll'c!. If kept and ~tir t"jl..tJ ... r in pairs PEANUT and sh,'lIs dr(.s-inj! thl' salad 1..~I'lI,..r,-P, C. n. SANDWICHES.-Ollt' red skins: nut t .. sJH('ad put the mixture pint .. f freshly r.. "stc'd peanuts; relllll\'C' IIII'ats thr"ul-\'h a f..od c'hopper, on thin silt-c's of hread, add sulfi,'ient ancI press thesc' CALEi\I COOK BOOK BAKED BEAN SANDWICHES.-:\Iash with mustard may he addc'd spread and if desired.-CO:-\TIUBUTI';n. hetween hutt'~red eold haked hread, Cdery heans \'cry lea\'es fine, season fine chopped PHILADELPHIA cheese mixed with per SANDWICHES.-One ('anned Spanish )H'ppers, is sutndent Spread SALMON SALAD FOR SANDWICHES.--One for one ('ake of ehcesc. until fine; add snlad dressing until it sIkes of hrc'ad.-:\IRS. GII.BEHT picees uuttne(l is thin enollgh TIlO:\IPSO:-\. of cake chopped hetween Philadelphia fine. thinly One sliced eream pep- large uread. can of salmon, to spread and pic'k to on e,-enly - CHEESE - MACARONI AND CHEESE.-Cook ma('amlll III hoilin!! tw('nty minutes. uSHally ahout haking hutter, tender. greased ('heese. IIHlII~' layns heat whole. have Top III'ur.-:\I1tS. FHEl> WHEELEH. as desired it quite moist. dish put salt, pepper a layer of thcn the hot (Be sure IUllellroni, a layer fine ('racker to keep water of (~rulllhs. Make and a sprinklin/C of o Ill' eg/C, mix with milk and laycr to he eral'ker ('rumbs. ulltir water hoilin/C). In a [l'rated or slice(} liS over the one-half pour Bake MACARONI srlltcd water cheese milk. 'lIId macaroni; Co\'er until serlson with and bake~ then remove AND CHEESE.-Break tender; drain; put alternate IIlal'amni layers and in small pieces of erllekcr pcpp,~r; nearly erlllllh:" and eook in grate() ('o\'~r with ,JOIl~ ,\SPI.I~. hutter. ('o"er onion. salt and hrown.-:\IltS. sliee and the onion, fry with 'Yhile is ('ooking, th:.' the end of an hour. put three-quarters an of fry in a little add butter. one qllart up uHll'arolli then hreak the two to!!ether, :'liltS. hour. - Add of and ('o"er FUEl) ITALIAN MACARONI.-One beef o!' chopped one pound tOllllltC"'.s and simmer boil. with Will ahout hre'lI] EI.I-:IL twenty minutes. and ('I'lIIuhs one hour. At hake and SPAGHETTI AND CHEES:.-Cook Bnil onion. ~tir in three "nd olw-half salt six e!!!!s hard trlhlespoonfnls ('upful ''I,ll pepper.-:'II CHEES: of HS. :\1. B. SQUFFLS.-One-fourth :\1. !!rated ('heese; three and nfnls huttl'r, se,;son with tahlesp(Il milk; mixed alld scalded milk j!radually. fire, ad(l heaten of Pour O\Tn. rolks into huttered l'j!;!S. S. n .. salt ~er\'t' CHEESE at on('e.-:\1. STRAWS.-To flour taste, Aristlls from the thin as pie crust; I1tes.--CO~TH CHEESE -jdes to make a still' doug-h: of the cut howl; in strips dust III L'T ED. FONDU.-Two one ('upful ful hutter, Srl\t and cavenne. cool if tOll toast.- thil'k ~1. S. H.. '1uickl~:; when e1lees!' add more milk. fine hread :\Ielt butter. two tahlespoonfuls melted hutte'r. thn'f' one and slil-e len!!thwise; of ('upflll one flour eremued with three l'ook live minutes with one spa!!hetti nf llIilk, pint of milk; tahlespoonfuls of hutter rlnd adll e;!:;!s, spag-hetti, heat ('upful g-rated eheesl', tahlespoonfuls ('ayenne. .\ristos :\Ielt then salt, huller, ('ay,'nne of eg-j!s. Cool baking- dish: the mixture hake flour, one-half add floilr and cheese. Itemo\" and fold in the heatt'n ahout tWl'nt~' minutes three e/!/!:" cupful two s('ailled and wh~n well from \I'hite~ in slow one l'upful I!l'Hted l'heese ad,\ tahlcspooufuls until luix with a fork a nHluldinir hoa rll ~l'ith n;lI;r, olle-foul'lh ineh wide, and hake and flepp,'r salt to "I' l'old wat.~ ... and to cleave ulltil as tl'n min- stitT ellllug-il roll ahout ('upfuls ('rlllllhs, OIW cupful milk, adll hread g-rall'lI C'lH'f'se, two e!!I!S, one tahlespoon- season with Illustard. ami ('ook 10~l!er; OIl If 'thin, of hatter. eonsist('!H'\' ('flllllhs 1)(' the ('heese Serve 'I\ilk then anll is lu~lte'(I. add the heaten C')l'lf. Shollid SALEM COOK BOOK Phone 71 T--';~._'-'-'-'-'-'-'-~~;'~-~;';~;'-'-.:i ! I I I ! r I I A. E. HOLLOWAY Rex a 11 S tor eJ i The GROCER SOUTH LYON. - MICHIGAN 53 I I , Drugs Stationery ...\.D. S. and ,-- Hess Remedies Lyon, South B. W. TUTTLE Pharmacist Phone 183 Sundries Kodaks Candies School Supplies Michigan ---H-a-st-in-g--s-&-p-ra-s-il---l '~ FloriSts'~ ..... Our ,cut' Plowers Are Always Fresh . We Specialize in Funeral Designs , Phon ~No. 231 South Lyon, Mich. i i " iI i-, I I, Ii I, iI i iI Ii i i , .:._~_~_. I I II, iI I Marshall's Elevator In- -Dealers Coal _Wood Feed Phone 45 __ ..~ -'"__ . .south Lyon ._._._._._ i I ..........1_._.".-._ .... D.....A.a_.:., SALEM COOK BOOK ••cSa.!Jft 2bit~ .Plowers" , .. ..7fetae. , . !Plymouth, 91Ilchigan I IDbr 'lymnut~ motor ~alrli QIompauy - Lmcoln.!J"~ ~ Fordsol\ CAAS-TlUJCXS -TRACTORS Plyutl1ut~. -:- Always a Little More For a Little. Less Martin's Dry Goods Store AT . PHONE44 Plymouth, Michigan ANN ARBOR !Prosenls ... For Women. Varied Selections Everything of in Men's Accessories. COMPLETE HOME ~'URNISHINGS Distinctive Attire Infants' Wear. .:'_. I----A__ J __ .. • _--... • • _. .-,_ ...... _ ......__ .-. •• :. SAL':M COOK BOOK .j.j salted water, in shape. RICE AND CHEESE.-Boil Drain :llake and two en~n tablespoon in douhle and crealll sa lice of ('lIpflll tllrn ont' salt I'llt of cold water rice tWt'nty millllte, throll1!"h riet' two cllpfllis of milk, fills of Aristo:, smooth IIntil hoiler of hllttt'red sauce. ('nilllh:' ""er :lIore and cook hakinl'" dish, rice, cheese top and h,'b' layer spread ,'nd ert'am sallce in slow o'en or perfect :. \'t'ry line, then siud onion, ad(l as milch ;rrated ,'inep:ar. lIloisten with -' CAKES- AR;.STOS the I'llp to snHloth RULES.-.\Iways the different batter hatter kinds (j.rriddle (IlInff'ins). oft' the top, of dou!!h, cakes). USI' four Use lIleaSllre Aristos flollr after hut rlln it oft. with a knife.-In l'se one ('III' Adstos Use two ClipS Aristos thre(~ ('liPS Aristos ('UP" .\ristos flour flonr to one flollr flour to one it ).fent'ra], is :,ifted. Xever to to one ('lip Iiqllid to one Clip liquid for stiff ('liP liquid for cup liquid jar make for thin for drop soft duuj.rh ~lollj.rh (pie ANGEL (cookies). nust.) FOOD.-Put into j.ro,J(1 si"ed lIIixin~ buwl the whites of ten eggs of salt; fh'c times; measure read~' of ej.rgs about to a \'ery sUj.rar SO the sUj{ar flour. in until Pour O\'l'n, Ha\'e li\'e times, 'Ind a j.renertlllS pim'h sUj.rar, sift sift heat whites tartar \'llnilla .,f fully minutes until and heat un the ej.rp:s. Beat in a uwderate fold in the cake MOCK ANGEL to hoiling point. heat three su~ar, tillles. Into heaten well. Do not HA Y S.\ VERY. j.rreasc hakinj.r teaspoonfuls the ('upful this pour or beat Do not stir the pan or flavor is cold.-~IRS. FIlED WHEELI-:Il. one ('upful FOOD.-Sct Into a sifter a scant one-half stiff froth, now take one and one one cupful le\'c] (llsinp: a flnt wire of pastry teaspoonful fOllrth eups flour (less of Aristo:, tartnr. of erealll heater), of sift of g-ranulated flour), put ducs in th,' SUpll' nut is snlCluth and p:lossy, in t'J""aln of of the whites care- n'Q' forty or pau Cln ('ups or a fllunel spout with then thirty-liv" hatter an unj.rreaSt,(1 pan; haked teaspoonful in ,'ontact ::nd onc in\'ert ('onle hake extrad the into ""heu :'>:OW lIIilk in pan uf hClilinl! waler (' pful fluur, sift OIl<' together CIIH' ,\rhlCls a piul'h Clf salt; put puwdcr, of hot milk; ej.r!;S into the mixture, the eake. Bake then hut in a ultlderHte add the whites of f.. ld in eardully. (l\'('n.-:\IHS. and ellpful four two ('jrjrS, CAKE.-Whites SUNSHINE eupful sUj.rar, one of sHIt. yolks add ('reHuI.tartar granulated and a pineh cake. Beat half, about tht'n beatcn' One tartar Angel whites ]ightly, the SEELEY IL\:\f1LTOX. yolks at once. Will oven seven of small ,'upful A ristos Sift, measure and sct aside of ej.r/!.'s thorollj.rhly then thorollj.rhly, hake add thirty-five ill and heat the to the el!j.rs and yolk" flour, Clue teas'HlOuful and su:wr heater, flour aft('r wasl:in!! stift .. ""l'y put in tubl' lIlinutcs,-)IHS. uutil flonr, fifty Stir pan .. f fin'. eream as for heat in Sllp:;,r In and :II \HY i i i I I I. ifi SALEM COOK BOOK ••• '~O~~_Il~a---A.D"D_J_O_01aWD_O __ tl_U_Q""'Q_.j_~J.-.o~ John McCully Boots Shoes NORTHViLLE. i -------------- FILl\lS c. !H. Jforton ! DRUGS liha !Hexedl Siora Visit the Sweet Shop 91llchlgan 9/orthlllllOJ PALACE MARKET A. C. BALDEN, Proprietor Phone 169 NORTHVILLE, MICH. ----------------i .' Rubbers .:. I I I MICHIGAN I i KODAKS I i i I i i i iI I STATIONERY I i i - i Q i i iI "ElrdriCllUu at -- ---- - ... - ~ lJl1ur ...., -Srr&icr v PHONE. SHOP. 137 PHONE. RES 136 ......... _.AI • ..r ...... IiI"iI" _1-..J .....__ ..;_,...... • ...., SALEM COOK BOOK 57 MOCK ANGEL <:1 piul su;rar, one FOOD.-Heat to hoiling Aristos large and sift of cupful five times; three then eggs heaten of salt smooth; whites Do not grease tin or flour three Into sifter teaspoonfuls put one cupful milk. flour, haking add hoiling milk to dry mixture fold IXEZ stiff, very carefull~' slowl~'.-MISS cake; hake very one powder. and stir e);;rs into "'HITE~I:\X. pinch till hatter. MOCK ANGEL in!!), three (lne el,pful Flavor. ASI'I I~-. It will FOOD.-One cupful sugar, one cupful ,\ristos flour teaspoonfuls level scaldin!! milk to the mixture, baking powder, look a very thin hatter. salt. Stir this lastly Do not grease the beaten whites cake together of tin.-~IHS (heap- then add two eggs. .• /OH:-: CHOCOLATE hutter, three LAYER e!!gs, CAKE.-Two three-fourths (',- (;', fill up with hoiling water and let cool, one teaspoonful l'upfll ful eupfuls \ristos !lour.-~IHS. CHOCOLATE LAYER HEHSCHEL CAKE.-One one-half two soda, cupful e!!gs, sour milk, squares two eream, the sugar eICgs well and add; hutter; and put grate ,nful hutter, (,\lpful tea,!,( /,rbt(.s and half ten ",inutes.-~IHS. flour, hutter: cup hoilinA' water O\'er heat it and let cook Jo:TT1\ ~ld..\L"GI-ILIN, CAKE.-One-half and light, one cupfuls brown sugar, three-fourth~ cupful sour milk, three-fourths cup- soda and three ~lUXX. and one-half one-half Baker's soda cupfuls sugar, hoiling water, cupful chocolate, i:1 sour milk, two cups one-half one sifted : :ld to sugar' pour onc- and heat or cut up chocolate, until thick; mix iu flour sUg'ar. one-half dis.,,,heo (,lIpfu~ hrown l'I1\""']; Ie ami KER. on('-h,,~f soda. one HERSCHEL three hnttn, three-fourth" onl' !-oh. t ••, sp,wnful "Hla t't CREAM CHOCOLATE heaten teaspoonfuls of two le\'el two eggs, two eggs, heaten yolks flour, of watt'f: e!r:!". S,\ YERY. then Bake dry; sifted with hakinA' powder, cream the butter; cupful sugar, and tOl!ether with chocolate one-half add the powder, the baking and put flour the in two layers, cupful three-fourths hutter, cupfuls one cupful SUA'"r. sifted Aristo~ cold water, whites and ~'olks of eggs the whites of n.\ Y lastly filling.-MRS. CHOCOLATE LOAF OR LAYER cupful in hot water, butter, two l'u}lfuls one-half .\ristos SUA'ar, one-half add to hatter; (,lIpflll milk, bake in loaf or CAKE.-Two l,upful sweet milk, one teaspoonful eA'A's, one cupful hrown soda cook yolks of eggs, flour; one l'upful larers.-~IRS. Baker's two-thirds unsweet cned GLEX "'HITT.\- CHOCOLATr: cupful LOAF.-One eoeoll dissoJ\'ed <:upflll SUA'ar, one cupflll boilinl-( water, in a little cnpfnls and one-half t .....o eggs. sour cream, one Aristos le\'el teaspoonfnl flour.-;:\IHS. teaspoonful ~lUXX. and one salt ~IHS. ,J. B, BH.\DLEY. CHOCOLATE CAKE..-Two ('upfuls hrown snl-(ar, e~gs, one-fourth l'upful ('Ot'oa, l'upful hot water, three thn'(' ('npfuls .\ristos flour, three-fourths <:upful teaspoonful fonrths on" the hot water in the COCoa and let cool. Pour nlllilla. in a little FOOD CAKE.- hot watl'r and add last:- Two "P'g'S, one-half ('upful milk. the proper ('onsi"tl'm'y, two tah!l:spoonfuls ~IHS. HI"I'II cupful hutter, ('o('oa. teaspoonful onc DEVIL'S ].fu\'; , !lour hilI' .\ri,'(" IIElu rltT S)IITII. su!!ar. to make one l'upful sour milk, soda. Dis- ~IUXX NOEL. one and one- IIse sufficient soda,-:\IHS. DEVIL'S ,ful ful 'wo h.llf te'''l' wattr, W}J. GYDE, FOOD CAKE. 0111' and onc-half cupfuls su~ar, huttel', ,'anilla, and onc-half one-fourth ('upflll sour milk. ('Ol'oa l'1II'ful one in three teaspoon fill cinnamon, tahlespoonfuls one-half l'lIpfuls .\rist,!, flollr, one teaspoonful two e/!/ls, on('- one hoilillfl soda.-l\IRS. SALEM COOK BOOK il_-~h...4-~_D_-lI-_lI_11_lI_a"'D~lI __ lI_lI_11_Q_-ll_lI_lI_11_a~.:. h.......U..... _ Your Mail Box Is Your Bank iI Although you may live miles from town, your bank is no farther i 58 .:.1_ I t away than your mail box i Almost every form of banking can be done by mail. Whenever you have need of the services of a bank and are unable to come to town, just drop us a line telling us what you want and w~'11 take care of your business for you i Our efficient service and the United States Mail make banking i easy, convenient and safe The Plymouth United Savings Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits over $225,000.00. Resources over $1,700,000.00 I ARNOLD.& COMPANY Known as a Reliable Je\velry Store for over 50 years The proper place to purchase your Dia- mond, your Wedding ring and silverware A eOlllplete Optil'ul Dppal't,mcllt this store is at ~'ollr sCITil'e ill 220 Main St. ........ I~. ~ ~1I _ Ann Arbor Ir-._ ."" • SALEM COOK BOOK APPLE SAUC: CAKE.-One large Cllpflll Sllg-ar, one-half teaspoon cinnamon, (}I,E:-';-:-';- WIIlTT1\KEH, soda, fill and one-half 1'111'1'111shortenin!!" I'lo\'es al~d nlltluel!, I'lIpfllls two SOliI' apple cllpfllls Aristos handflll of Sall('t', flollr, raisins.-:\IHS. .;9 one one APPLE SAUCE ful Sllg-ar, shortening ,~poonfllis if desired,-~mS. soda, one APPLE SAUCE ROY \L\TEIDL\:-';-. CAKE,--Ont'-half CAKE.-One and one-half si~e of an 1'!!,V:,two heaping- teaspoon 1'111einnarllon, ('lIpfllls l'upfllis apple ,\ristos sallee, flollr, one-half teasJloonfll1 I'lo\'('s: one I'lIp- two tea- frllit ('111'1'111shortening-, one one two one-half Scant l'innalllon, sallee, together Dissol\'e ing- it o\'er <.'111':add in rather "scd.-:\IHS. teaspoonflll three 01' one teaspoon fill soda, shortening' soda with salt, one-follrth dashes nlltmeg-, one and three-follrths and Sll;:ar, add a little hot water inl"redients already he:otinv: wdl and Caratuel HOBEHT noss. SAUCE mixe(!. then add frosling' this, shallow pan. salt and and stir CAK -:.-One the adds APPLE the teaspoon ellpflll spit'es that It will tiollr. to the fill I'lon's, ont' raisins, one .\ristos eupfllls heatin;! well, apple into foalll lip 'IIHI the :\Iakes l'akt, .. a fine eake \n~ I'lIpflll teaspoon slIl!'ar. fill eupflll apple ti'tllr. Cream thell raisins. ;;;llll't', hold-, rnn the hak ..d kind ("III he 0\'('1' filII in whit'h howl sligar, one-follrth Il.'ether, add two l'lIpfllls Aristos cllpflll tcaspoi)nflll one-half dissol\'e hll'ter, cinnamon, two ,'otree teaspoonfuls I'lIpflll one ,"w-follrth enpful of hot apple sallce raisins, one-half soda, mix thoroul!'hl~'. ellpflll elo\'es: ,\HCHl]'; teaspoonflll t>r slllall ('upful one nllt meats. stir to- all I,EBH. 11'1111',pinl'h of salt.-:\IHS, APPLE SAUCE pllt in the salll'e while CAKE.-'l'hr<.t, it eal'h of hakinl!' is hot: ellpflll, 110111',one teaspoonful of "pple Salll'e, slwrtenin;!, three teaspoonflll» ~Olll' cllpfllis on~ "III' of Sll!!,ar, one 1'111'1'111of if d("ired.-:\IHS, to!!,dht'r po\\'(h~r, l'innalllon, olle raisins, I'lo\'es, ('lIpful II. II. :'\. ont' 1'111'1'111slIg-ar and S(,,,"t of l'innalllOll, and half hl'al teaspoonflll (,lIld Sllllr appll' ill whit'h t'al'h l'lo\'es Si""'e, one-half has ht't'n sifh'd ('111'1'111('llOppe(1 raisins: ~tl(la.-:\I lint' teaspollnflll of allsp;('" ('lll'rnnt~. ('lIpflll in thlll'- add n:-;. "oda, Aristos or one I'lIpfnls two nlltnll'g-; ('lIpf .. 1 of nllts APPLE 1)lItter. ,"ld ollp:hly one two ('lIpfllls lM:-';-IEL S)llTH. CAKE.-Cream om'-half ('lIpflll ,\ ristos flollr SAUCE CAKE.-:r\lll hllttl'r or APPLE ('Ilpf'" t WIl k\'el lard, tt'a~pllonfllls 'half stir IIltlll, lellsp(l(/llfl/l ORIEl) CAKe' ('111'1'11SIl;<'lIllflll '"1'< lev "I ",,/t if APPLE I:ml line I'lIpl'lIl stllla all"pi •.t., is IISt'(I.-.:\IIlS. sllak MOLASSES ("'pful tWIl "II"-h,'/f ...."isins tt'"sl'"llllful apples, ehllP fine and ('''"k LAyr-R CAKE.-One Ihre(,.f(/lIrlhs lIIolasst's. l'!!,g-s. line-half teaspllonful ('innalll"n.-:\IHS, .\RC'llIE "nl' /lilliI': ('lIpfllls .\ristlls "'ltlppt~1I ill appl., 011<' salll'C, k\'t'l flllllr, one (,lIpfnl two (,lIpfllls I'aisills, lt~vel tWtl tt'aSp(H>llflll teasp"llllfllis Illltllll'.!!, slI)!ar, aPI'II' 1I1l1'- sail"". ('irllla- tlllt,-I..,lf .-Two hillier, (,lIpfllls tWIl 1-11';:-';-11"1' \\'HlTT.\KEB. (lilt' drit,t1 apples, teaspollnfllls soda, sllkes, ('111'1'111lllolasses. .\risills S:\IITII. anl! IlEHln;HT tIIlt'-half lIIi1k, "'II' "lIpfllls ('lIpflll hlltt( .•.• ('111'1'111c1IOJlJll''' fllllll', t watt'r.- CAKE.-Ou,'-follrth one sour ,\ ristos utilk, two cupfllls or pint'h of salt.-)IRS. cupful teaspoonflll flollr, 011(' CIL\S. hutter, soda, onc cllpful one cupful eaeh of 1:,,; h.':': in \' hill's F .'d \'. hell ('p,1 ('ut \'('r~ nice with IIse slltl'icicnt S)IlT] oue \.::nil"': I. ('lIpi:1I hakin!! "lie thi tca:iptlonflll I;, n(\(\ SIlI~ar and Bal,e flour, until of el!!!S hcaten in ineh ":I:ares with a shal'p knife. ice l'realll-:\lHS. CIIAIU.I':~; still'. TWO EGG SPONGE beaten poweler half flollred 'II(' am] stift., ('lIl'flll si fted with olle l'npflll cold water Hlld one '",k .. in a IlltH]erate HOT WATER ('lIpfltl tiJJ' SPONGE "E\'SLEH. CAKE,-Beat sllg'ar; .\ ristos tt'aspoonflll o\'en.-;'.IRS. CAKE.-Folt the ~.olks of one then floll r, one-fOil rth rOllndinJ{ teaspoonful two el!l!s Ih ..n add \,'hiles h::king: "II I, Ol\("- and into a bllttered tt'llspoonflll Tllrn \'anilla. of Sll;!ar, two (,lIpfllls the :,' ~;t:r tl111r to!!'(,ther of 1111 d"rat,' ,1\'en, to!!etlH'r, on .. ('lIl'flll Sift thre .. tea_lltltlllfllis an(\ add to the lIlixtll],('. This lIlakes Jar;!" a CHARI.ES l'/!/!.S, the whites IIf hoilinl! water. I' KE1\SLJo:R. and yolks one of hakin!! Do not l'akl'.-)/IlS. heaft'n teaspoonfll]' alld powder the tins. (;!LBEHT !!n'a-~ SFONGE CAKE.-Three 1""SI}(,cn;1i1 "akin!! fn~.sh "!!'l!S, OIH' Cllpflll pow(\el', one ('upflll .\ristos , "" the ,'ak,'. "'''spoonflll IIIOl'e lhe Bake fr"", fhltl' \'anill" or oth ..r and Slll!al' are thirty tw ..nly to tlan.rin!!. sifted )!ranlllat nOliI', ..d 'II.:!" 1', one six ele" ..rt SPOOII- The ('I!!!S the th .. nit'('r III 0 !'!' "ill he the \HHIE ( lIlilllltes.-)IISS S- C !\'GE CAKF ..--Three Ill"" powd"r. cllpflll tlIw-h,'\f salt IlIillllt"s; flolll' alld hakin;! and \'anilla. add one ('lIpfll' pow(]er t'!!/!S. one cold water, and one-half one ellpful tl1l' "!!!l'S three Beat tlolIl' mill heat and heat H\'e lIIinllt ..s.- two lIlinlll,',s, cllpfllls 110111'. lIlinlltes, mId "I~.ar slll!a 1', Oil .. ellpflll Iwo \l',bp"onfll/s am] "Id water • )IHS. noy "',\'1'- tll('n "eparately, of \'anilla. two ('lipfll'" Bake a TIIO)II'S()'(. in he"p:n!! fills ",,111 \\ at ..r. HI'l' Iwatell all(\ ;.:-rah (,f FOSSFTT. Ih .. :\ ristos !lakin!! heat thre,' .. ne ('lIpflll ER;'.'" 1\. 'r-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-" ISchrader .!J.Jros. SALEM COOK BOOK .-.-.-.-.--.-.-,-,--, ---.:. I i i 1 j j 1 up to date .Purniture Vea/ers and .Puneral 'lJirectors !I•I 'l/orthville~ -:: ... 9l1ichigan QIqambrr.6 Autn ~alr5 i II j ~l1t{}rhnkrr nUll IItllY.6-(@ttrrlnul't i ii ! !I iI I- pIUl1tlt1ttl~.iR id~igatlI I pbl1ur 109 --------. -. -.-.-.-----. -........-----.:. '!.,,- ; null ~rrlttrr ~alr5 SALEM COOK BOOK 63 IVlOLASSES LAYER CAKE.-Two cupful flour, dnnamon sugar, one-half scant cupful cupful hot water, shortening, one teaspoonful and gingcr.-~IRS. HERBERT S~nTH. cggs, two one and soda, cupful molasscs, onc-half cupfuls one tcaspoonful one-half Aristos of each MOLASSES CAKE.-One egg, two-thirds of a cup of molasscs, onc-half of sugar, of a ('upful ('innall1on. and teaspoonful one JOHX H, S~I1'1'H, one teaspoonful of four tablespoonfuls of ginger, soda dissoh'ed of melted butter, one teaspoonful one and one-half cupful in one cupfuls of hoiling water.-~IHS, of Aristos of flour, MOLASSES CAKE.-One of sugar, of a cupful cinnamon, one teaspoonful HAlnIO~ GALE. one teuspoonful of soda, four egg, two thirds of a cupful of molasses, one-half tablespoonfuls of ginger, Add a cupful of melted hutter, one teaspoonful one and one-half of boiling water cupfuls the of Aristos last thing.-~IRS, of flour, MOLASSES LAYER CAKE.-One egg, one cupful ('innamon of SJig;:r, one ('111'1'111 of molasses, ful of and two cupfuls and then sol\'cd add one cupfnl in it.-~IHS, one-half of Aristos teaspoonful flour. Stir of boilin]! water with a s('ant flue-half of lard, of e1Ol'es, one and heat teaspoonful cupful tcuspoon- the aho\'c well of soda dis- MOLASSES one and hIlUe" tahlesp ..onfuls in hasin, add white of e]!;1.'with sligar hoilin/! water, two sli/!ht LAYER teaspoonful FHED BIRD. CAKE.- sQdll fill cupfuls Yolk of one egg, in a Clip, ('UP with molasses Aristos and flour stir tlwroughlr, it two tablespoonfuls add to this till runs seaSon with D.\~IEr. o\'er, c1o\'es, S~fITH. melteel four all Bcat turn and spl'e,l(1 on larers.-MHS. MOLASSES CAKE.-One ('lIpflll molasses ad(1 a small one teaspoonful of hoilin/! watt-I'; flour. then shortenin!!", ill cllpflll ('rl'am. ('upfu( and Iwnt wd\.-~IHS. nne one-half ('upful su/!ar, ('innamon, hake in three (arers, su/!a r. one l'upful chopped nut 1-:'1''I'A Md.AUGHLI~. stirred one egg, \'err thick with Aristos tablespoonfuls fOllr teaspoonful of \'anilla, a rounded Fillin/!: lIIeats; One {'ook cupful until soda sour thil'k SOFT MOLASSES CAKE.-One (~upfullllCllasses, one-half shorteuill/!. of two and one-half two eggs, one teaspoonful each eupfuls of Aristos flllur, one in tilt' hoilin/! water and add the last thinll.-:\IHS. l'upful of soda, ('upful of sll!l'ar. einna~ hoilin!!, FIlEI) CAKE.-On(' ('upful tw .. and lHH'-half su/!ar, oUe cupflll ('upfuls Aristos lard, flour. ('upful one coffee. tw .. eggs, one tea- ('inulllllClll, ('I.. n's and smla. Salt; hake in slow o\'en.-~rIlS. CAKE •.-Onl' and einllamon, ('upful raisins, (~uJlful sUlCar, lHlt' Ilrlllllld, two tahlespoonfuls teaspoonful soda two ('lIpfuls Aristos lard, disslll\'e oue in one flour.-~IRS. teaspoon- cupful AX- l'lIpful /!inller, nnl'.:,,,\f 1114111 and water, Put WHEELEH. COFFEE "lIpflll molasses, the soda n",' sp .... nful (,\-1\:-;, eaelt of h':E~SLEIl, SPICE ..I...... ', uutme/! fill SOliI' IlREW FAI-m~lm. IIdlk, one one slwrlt'11in/!, sp .. ont'1I1 ('inullmon, f.. ur eupfuls raisin-;. LAYER SPICE \'tl11I]() /!ranulatcd 1111" IIne.h.df III('g, h\ tl ('''/!S I;~~ti;, t'1/' well teaspoonfuls teaspoonfllis COFFEE CAKE.-OIH' ('lIpful hrown SU/!llr, one ('upflll (~upful molasses. 011(' ('upful ('In\'es, teaspoonful one sifted Aristos CAKE. __'1'hree-fourths tfour.-MHS. four su~ar, f'ach of eiunalllfln hllking powder, e;!/!s. 1II,'lted hutter ell/!, one strou/! one olle soda. coffee, one teaspoonful HE~HY WHITTAKEH. cupful flour, Aristos hutter, one ('upfuls cupful one three ami l'lon~s, (.rt~llm. hutt.~r spin' \lE~HY th,'n tellspoollful one-half and IInd \\'1-11'1'1'.\ h':EH. sugar, haking add powder yolks 01" tea- poumT water, and nut- of filiiI' Ihen wllt ..r a 11d flou I' a Iternll tely, Ill'alt'n whit.'S IIf ('~~s,-~lnS, SALEM COOK BOOK ~t_c~C_g_g_o_a_O_O_O_O_D_a_o_o~a_a_a_D_D~D_a_a_D_n~1~ I Human Feet Get WeD in Nor-Don Shuze I, NOR DONI II PROPER POSITION and action of positively results in vvell, healthy vvith full blood circulation constantly, u.S.Pat.1239575 feet $11 to $16 i feet, only found under the Nor-Don system by use of Nor-Don shuze Norman S. Donnelly 4852 Avery Ave. Glendale 1926 R QUALITY MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DETROIT Nationally Priced GULBRANSEN PLAYER PIANOS - The Registering Piano styles that priced at $420. $500. $600 ~-. -::-- ---:-- ~--_ -- is made in four __.~ __ - '.~' .: - .i: ( li~l\VICfOR .r- ~ and $700. VICfROLA. the standard of comparison for all talking machines. Table. up- right and period models rang- ing in prices from $25 to $500 When you bl.Y a geunine Vic- tor Victrola you close the av- enue to future regret. \Vhen in need of anything musical be sure to see us before you make your decision: Our ONE PRICE system will save you money. SCHAEBERLE & SON MUSIC HOUSE _1_'_'_I_'_l_._.~r_~ Ann Arbor I ~_a_'_~I_l_'~ ~- i 110S. Ma:n ~t. SALEM COOK BOOK 65 MINNEHAHA of butter. CAKE'.-One Rub these coffee cupful of granulated to a cream then whip the whites sweet milk, cupful One of sugar, of three two cupfuls one-half. eggs of of bilking powder in the f1our.-MRS. and sugar. teaspoonfuls in the butter tlour three THO:\IPSOK and CAKE.-One add one egg and beat, cupful sugar, one cupful water, one tablespoonful shortening two teaspoonfuls beaten baking cupful and stir Aristos GILBERT LAYER to a cream. powder of Aristos cupful sugar, tlour.-:\IRS. AXDHEW FAHRXER. butter size of an egg, beaten sifted WHITE in two cupfuls CAKE.-One one cupful milk, and the whites to tast. cream, powder Flnvor this cake. Will make large to a of baking thing. last of secret two cupfuls Aristos of three eggs, benten after two teaspoonfuls tlour, to n froth mlded eggs the is the arc Beat well before JORDAN CAKE.-Two sweet milk, cupful cream of tartar, cupful Two-thirds size of an e!!g: boil and spread LOAF CAKE.-One oll.layers.-:\IHS. cupful loaf or and three e!!!!s. one one one-half and layers.-:\IRS. sugar. cupfuls soda. cupful one-half teaspoonful sweet milk. one and one half se\'en minutes stirrin/! W:\1. TOUSEY. nil added ROY TEHRILL. one-Iwlf Aristos Bake cupfuls butter, tea- layers. butter the time, when creamY cupful flour. in two sugnr, one su!!ar. one e!!/!, hutter size of nn egg, sweet milk, one ('upful A ristos flou 1', three teaspoonfuls baking _' one powder. one-hnlf spoonful Icing: one-half fla\'or cupful -l\IHS. eggs, powder. one cupful one-half sugar, cupful one cupful Aristos added hoiling water, \'anilla. pineh of salt; the batter will he very thin.-:\IRS. A, F, V,\:\ ATT.\ .• HOT \VATr::R CAKE.-Two uakin/! teaspoonfuls two flour, last, one teaspoonful ROY WATER:\IA:\. LA YER CAKE.-One cg!!, one-half spoonful MHS. HaY \\'ATEIDL\:\. haking c!!!!. cU)lful of milk, one and powder, salt EGGLESS WHITE CAKE.--'I'hree ful SUjrar. one tenspoonfuls MRS. HERBERT and hakin!! threc-fourths powder, S2\IlTH .. salt. t\\'o-thir/ls and' one-half flavorin!!. cupful of cupfuls heat well. sugar, hutter Aristos hake flour, in two size of' an tea- one layers.- teaspoonfuls .\ ristos flour. melted one hutter, onc cupful milk, cup- two hakil1!! powder and flour thoroul?hly.- ('upfuls sift WHITE in cup. butter two together.-MRS. teaspoonfuls CAKE.-'I'wo fill cup with milk, one cupful e!!!!s. whites hroke in ('up. threc tablespoonfuls sugar. flour. two cupfuls Aristns haking and powder flour, su/!ar lemon; sift hakin!! W:\I. GYDE. powder. OLD RELIABLE eupful CAKE.-Two four of flavorin!!: hutter. hakin!! and stir well.-:\IHS. whites powder, half spoonfuls alternatel\" ('upfuls sugar. e/!!!s, thr'ee eupfuls add heaten HaY "'.\TER2\L\:,. one cupful !\ristos of whites sweet milk, one- tea- flour flour, e/!gs two and DOLi.. Y VARDEN eupful sweet mill,. CAKE.-Two thre(' eupfuls ('upfufs Aristos su!wr; flour, fll1e-h:df two heaping three th(' hatter which is to he haked'il1 c!!!!s. A ftCI' mixing al111 heatin;t well layers: teaspoonfll! of dnnamol1 and half lllolasscs. of raisins. :: cupflll of of citrol1, or one eupful of ('urrants raisins IIS(' OI1l'-half aJ;;o sel'd :l1ld chop of chopped; to!!cthcr with hoilcd frosting.- DROP CAKES.-QIH' two cl1pfuls molasses. eupful H!!hl hrown one cupful sour milk. -:\1as. FH ED C. nne flour. of teaspoonful Drop iu drippinjr runnin!! togt'ther. !!in!!l'r. one tl'asponnful pan oue tahlespoonful :'\ut ml'nts if you wish.-2\IRS. eupful butter. teaspoonfuls out take and Oil(' ('lIpful to the remainder a little ndd as mueh Itround of eur- and ('(lOll ('upful raisins. of currants Do not \\'I1 E ELER. su!!ar. ol1e eupfl11 hut- two eg;:!s. h\"o tea- six ('upfuls too III a plaec. dnn.'lInnn. not than powder. half one bakin;! \1101'1' a tahlespo .. nful of do\"('s, two eupfuls ral1ts or ('ne-half ('lIrrlll1b. instead "lIpft:l I'llt cake GINGER lard. tel' or spoonfuls sift ..d .\ristos e1<'5(' for BE:\\"ETT. fear soda. HATTIE 'IIJ! 66 SALEM COOK BOOK When in Need of=n Barn Equipme.nt, Silos Milking Machines, Engines Washing Machines, Water Systems Phone 2408 R. L. SAVERY,Ann Arbor ... A HELPFUL SERVICE ... is given by this bank to residents throughout this district. Many who find it hard to get to town do their business by mail. STATE SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN ••• -...- ........... -.-. ....... -. __ tV- I ........ l"'--.l-"'_~'" LliII L v- _'_'_J~ .:. SALEM COOK BOOK l'~ II SPICE n IInd ..Io\'es. two ('lIpfuls ,'hopp,'d hutter'lIIilk «'an use sour lIIilk). ('upfuls Aristos flollr, one teaspoonful two (,U)l- soda. raisins.- FRUIT C \KE.-OIW <'lIpflll SII!!lIr. "lie-third . ne and one-hlllf raisins, 'h ..pped f '..stin!!: hake One C,\KE.- I,"tt,'r or ea<,h ..f :oist ..n puh'eri1.ed lard. one l'innallll>n • OHTO:\. ('lIpfllls <'inrHlIII.. n IInd <,Io\'l's, .\r'isto, I'lIpflll flollr, one three hlltter. teaspoonful one- e!!,lls: IIse in two layt'rs.-:\IHS. i\. F. "/!!!. olle-half ('lIpflll m.. lasses. \'.\:\ ,\'I''I'A. one <,upflll "11 pfll I sour nnd "'''\'I's sll/!ar with lIIilk, ... ne sweet two ('UPS .\risto, l ..asp .... nflll ('ream and , ..da. flanll' OF WALES slI,rar ... pc-half CAKE.-Two (,lIpflll shortenin!!. e/!!!s. whites fur two-thirds frostin/!. (,lIpful two-thirds sour lIIilk. \':1nill a. o Ill' and two-thirds "lIpflll" .\ristos 68 r--'-L-';-~'h--;-~-'''-S-~;-~-~--s--~-''v-.i'-~--~--;-i-~';-~.-ok--'-"'--'- SALEM COOK BOOK :1 I; •}' ; I I Northville, Michigan Capital, $50,000.00 Surplus, $25,000.00 4 PER CENT Paid on Savings Deposits $1.00 STARTS AN ACCOUNT Checking Accounts Invited SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT T rave\ers' Checks BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. S. Harmon F. E. Bradley M. N. Johnson E. H. Lapham OFFICERS R. Christensen Frank S.(Neal R. M. Terrill F. S. Harmon. President R. Christensen. Vice-President F. S. Neal. Vice-President E. H. Lapham. Cashier Ernest Miller. Asst. Cashier F. R. Lanning, A",. C.. hi., i Member .:.-._ ...........1_._.._.-. Federal 'f i i I, t, I i Reserve System IL-a~._ .-l:l.:all~a .... _~ ... _,-" .-.-.. ••• SALEM COOK BOOK Ii!) FUDGE ('upflll snda, olle-foul'th teaspoonflll OIlC ,!nd OI1('-h:l1i for on('-h:df oll('-h,df Put Fud;re Cakl': cupful cupful \dH'n CAKE.-One hlltter one-half cllpfuls Olle su!mr, cold tOl!etlll'l' HICKORY NUT ('upful sUl!ar, two tahlespoonfuls or drippillg's, cllpflll Arbtos hot huttcl', Cook cupful a little one 1'1!!!, one and SOIlI' lIIi1k, olle \'anilla; 011(' tahlespoollful flour, "'atcr. olle hake t'tulespllonful teaspoollflll olle-half ill cornstarch scnson then salt. ('lIpfuls ('0('(1[1 or c1wcolate, scant one hot water, FilIinl(' ('IIO('o]at", \\'ith va nilla. two ('(H'Oa or la~'crs, lJIixed with \\'ater, cold.-;\JH~. CAKE.-One two ulltil CL.\YTO~ ('upflll it thickells, DE.\l\K Sllv;al', one A~'istos Rour, ('lIpfuls nut two C!!!!S, hi('kory LOAF soda, of ehopped NUT teaspoonful ('upflll one HiCKORY huttet., of t\\'o 1)(>\\'d('1' thorou;dlly; Lastly <:upful \\'hite,~ hakin!! nthel' lJIt'ats.-;\IHS, CAKE.- cllpful teaspoollfuls beat stir nay WATEH:lI.\~, ill/!-Tedients. thl'l'e-fourths e;!gs, foul' ill aile S\\'I'd IIleats,-;\IHS. and tuilk, haldn!! of the wbites ot1<' lar;!(' cupful pillch SOliI'. ('ream, of one fln\'orin/!" salt, IlE~~ETT. cupfuls sug-ar, one-half .\I'istos sifted :IIi:> the flour HATTIE olle-half two ('upfuls powd('r, the (,lIpful ('!!j.(S still' alld of ('hopp('d last ad(l hi('kory NUT CAKE.- of \\'hites aliI' thl'e(' ]~\'c1 teaspoonfuls alld t\\'o-thil'd~ C!!;!S, one hakinj.( ('lIpfllls SU!,W", one-haif cupful s\\'cet milk, hickory fifteen po\\'der, one nllts, llIinlltes.-:llHS. fla\'(,r (,lIpful (,lIpfllls of eIX!!S, t\\'o-thirds fine \\'hite cupful cupful of thorollg:hly; rolled boil CAKE.--Two three blltter, .\l'istos flour, of hickory ('upflll in a cake tin and so on until a layer ('ake CAKE,-Filling: until one nllt teaspoonful lIIeats cake, ('hopped then of is used, with Put oft' cake one intense For Cake: One it throws of hakin!! fine, one raisins sOllie last.-MRS. ('upful ('0,,1 and hottle. Iwo ,\rh.tos e!!!!s, heaten flollr, tahlespoonfuls separately, teaspoonfllls t\\'o of fil Iin::" add su;mr then one-half chpful heat, and one crealll of tlw heah'l1 S:'>IITI-I. ROllr, and to lIut cup- cupfllls Fillill/!.' ellpflll with three a little chopped o\'(~r CHAXE. on pan ('unful sugar, t\\'o tea- I'/!'gs t\\'o nlllilla. \\'ith of SlI/!-'ar, one 1l.\~IEJ. Sll!!a,', of ('reamed tllilk, and of swcd powder ('upflll and ,J.\COB in fr~'in!! add one ('upfuls sprinkle cold water, one tartar, of \\'hites HICKORY bllttel', beatell t\\'o ful .\ristos for Cake: One SOliI' ('I'e:II II, stir ROllI', COMBINATION of "upflll of sifted one-half ('upfuls IIUtill e!!, one r:dsins; P:lt these nuts BURNT stm'e and the hoilin!! water, three OIllH'es and spoonflll last. one-half FROSTING IIl1til hoil llIilk, one-half hutter heat cold; .\J>.\ A~IBJ.EH. CARAMEL IIntil SUGAR \tot hurn Id bllttcr, ('lIpfuls of mda, three FOr: CAKE.-Two it f""IIIS a soft ',e "f fi .ill ~ Lefore an e!!!!: hefore cool !!ds hall it ('upfllis in ('old water, Ii!!ht hrnwl1 stirril1!! takinJ! add one from stovc tablespoonflll SUl('al', ont'-half all fla\'or the with tillle; ('upful add vanilla: of erl'nlll.-:lIRS . ('lIpful foul' e!!/!,s, flOUI', one and tl1I'11 fold 10J!l'thl'l' Ol1t' and teaspoonfnls hutt('r, two tl'aspoonflll \\'hih's lastly ill and C.~ ':E.- -Onc-lwlf of .\I'istos :11', add milk and one huttcr ('lIpful one-half and 1tI;:k, whites (" pfuls :.1;' hakin:' g',.,lIlulatell I: po\\'der sUj!ar, "u;mr, t\\'o J!dher ,HId On;' IHS. Boil frolll 'ter. Hem()\'e :wrd -Two cllpfuls (\1'1', mix well two e!!!!s,- su{Xar, ei!fht ('upful or and fire hrown ten llIinuh's heat hard HOBEHT Rour, thl'l1 :'lIltS. HATTIE white's ,\ ristos tOf.rcther; one add of hlltter, threl' ('lIpfllls of one ei!!ht cupflll .\ristos onto t,'aspoo!1~ul \'anilln.-:'IIHS, HOSS. ('upfu! one BE~~ETT, eJ!!!s, milk, flour, LA YER o!H',half hakin!! "Upfllls po\\'der, \'al1illa. of thl' ('/!.'/!-'" heaten \'anilla. Cn'alll to- stifl': Fillin!!: ('upful milk, to starts too lon,[! two-thirds or hut syrup until do l111t heat sU:!Hr, two SWt'd tea- Illilk, cnl'ful "11(\ one-h:lIf twn three-fnul'ths two one-half G. S, II \RT:'IL\X. and I'Up- 70 .:. _1_0_' i SALEM COOK BOOK _ ...... D_1~D_D 1J1irlltNational __ 11_11_0 __ lunk of Alllt Arbor OldeSt National Bank in Michigan (!}ro. m. tfattrr.6Ou. Your Business Solicited 1&llhrrt prr.6. 1J1. (l)utt.6.6. QIu.6qirr • • • 91lichigan's !}Jest 2Jook 3tores .•• Wahr~s .7fnn .7frbor.1 971ichigan Everything in Books-Wall Paper and Window Shades Special Attention Paid to Mail Orders ...Special Attention Given to Mail Orders ... THE PILBEAM & MARZ CO. CURTAIN SHOP Special Hemstitching on all Materials Curtains Made to Measurements 206 S. Fourth Ave ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN J. B. E I B L E R - Jeweler and Optician.- Dependahle Mer~handise at Reasonable Prices 31480 MAIN "...._'_1 ._......a_.v ._._. .-9......~'_._.~v~_.~._.'_I~ ANN ARBOR, MICHI~AN i ~ SALEM COOK BOOK 71 CAKE.-One and eA'A's,one l'lIpflll one-half sour cream, f1ollr, not sifted, teaspoonful one coffee cllpful This makes soda. two-thirds chopped t\\:o cllpful raisins, butter, one-half loaf cakes.-MRS. two cup- cupful A. F. cupfuls sUA'ar, two tablesiloonfuls FRUIT CAKE.-One of sour milk or hllttermilk, of raisins, one teaspoonful of clO\'es and one-half teaspoonful cupful of sugar, two cupfuls one-half cupful of sifted Aristos soda, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, teaspoonful of nlltmeg,-~IRS. of butter, flour, one one- BERT FRUIT CAKE.-One shortening, two eg/!s, raisins; are cooked cllpful SIlA'ar, one-half two-thirds l'innllmon, c\o"es a good addition: cupflll and allspice two eupfuls Aristos sweet milk, ae('ordinl! onl' teaspoonful to taste. flollr.-:\IRS, cllpflll molllsses, one-half cup- soda, Chopped "'. H. FRUIT three molasses, fills 1\ristos currants, one YAX 1\TTA . . EGGLESS one cllpflll cupflll of half KELSOX. ful one cllpful prllnes TOUSEY, FRUIT f1ollr, hlltter, ellpflll one cllpflll in ;he milk, LOAF CAKE.-One cllpflll Xew Orleans molasses, two teaspoon fills eream tllrtar sifted Aristos soda one ins, one pOllnd currants, crock, mix well with crealll gredients. hands, lIloderate ,(,Ol'SEY, tablcrpoonflll one-quarter the hlltter last after l'innamon, pound This will make ha,'ing warmed lIlakl~ a well eomlllon putting in thl' tartar, o,'ell. frllit two sweet milk, two ellpfllls three sugar, one fh'e cupfuls in the flour, one teaspoonful hrown e:rgs, eitron, one nutmeA', the Put in till' center, and molasses it has heen f1ollred: a little: hakl' si7.ed 10a"es.-:\IHS. one pOllnd flour in II pllt in other Illix well with two hOllrs "', rais- large in- the in a H. PRINCE ALBERT the si7.e of all c/!g, CAKE.-Two two tllhiespoonfllis eggs, one eliI' of sligar, of lIlolasses, one teaspoonflll ('lIpflll of SOliI' lIlilk, one teaspoon fill of soda, ('lIpflll of (wiled raisins.-:\IRS, one pieee of but- of cin- of two cllpfllls :\IYRO:,\ ATCHISO:\'". one l'upful three Cllp- lIlolasses, soda. l'Ul'fll1 SlIlrar, one-half hlltter. .. JOHX ASPLlX, one eA'g, two teaspoonfuls l'lIl'flll ter nanlOn. one-half sift('d Aristos COFFEE flollr, ('old eof1'(~. one-half fills ,\ristos MOLASSES on .. tahll'spoonflll teaspoonful flollr: heat dissfll\'(' stir well and of ('lIpfll] S.\ \'ERY, sugar, tIlt' soda, add raisins flollr, onl' CAKE.-Onl' cinnalllon, onl' cllpflll salt.-:\IRS SPIC::: CAKE.-One-third hlltter, onl' teaspoon fOllrth and hlltter; of of hatter lIlolasSl's l'flllr Ollt part remainder or cllrrants (dred1!ed fill l'lIl'flll sod .... one sllgllr, l'llpflll teaspoonful do,'es, add the ('upflll two ('upfuls hoiling water the hatter. slowly, in and add the flollr Then add the spiel's. if d~sirl'd.-:\IRS. flour) fill with' molasses, hoiling water, one Aristos in which to first part; one HAY and SPICE CAKE.-OrH' cupflll frYings. meat of nntll;ep:. teasponnflll two l'g!!S, one' ('Ilpful flf two ('upfllis nhollt flf eIO\'es.-:\IHS, SPICE CAKE WITHOUT tel'... n,' cllpfll] one-half !!ratt'd sired ..-:VlRS, DE"X teaspoonful 1111tnlf'1!and nnc ('lIpf1l1 flollred H. I'EHKIXS, SOUl" milk, elm'es. twn OIl<' of sligar, of huttermilk :\ristos flour. two-thirds or one of a clIpflll of hlltter. sour milk, one teaspoonful or teaspoonful flf soda, one FH,\~K =GGS.-One CR.\XE. cllpflll sligar, ('lIpfuls Aristos teaspoonflll raisins, one flour, cinnamon, Xut nll~ats may he added one-half teaspoonful if de- one-half cllpflll teaspoon fill hllt- soda. HA YWOOO'S TILLE fine ('upf;lIs of molasses, dissflh'ed PORK CAKE.-One in one pint of hoiling water, pllllnd two cupfuls of salt t,wo tahlespoonfuls cinnamon, one tahlespoonflll fine pOllnd raisins, one hl'aping tl"aspoonful pork of hrown ('hopped sligar, cloves, SOdll, nine ellp- nlltllll',l!. flflur.-:\IRS. H:\R:\IOX GALE. "en' tw,; one gratt.d fuls "rist,,, 72 SALEM COOK BOOK n~' I'i ' .:. '-_I"'-D-_.I.. -i_-I__ I__ ~-_a__-.-_a..,.e_a_,-_o_OJl a_a __ ~_~ Allen H~Paton Company ._. I_a .....:. ;. CITY AND SUBURBAN Real Estate Loans Investments Rooms 412-15 Insurance of All Kinds First National Bank ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Phone 40 I: We ..,/{re Wever 91ndersold .7fnd .?rave the Largest StocK in the City ulze Soodyear 1)1ug CO. 91lichiga n :1 Next Door to D. U. R. Waiting Room Frank Painter's RESTAURANT REGULAR MEALS, I •I I I :-------------1 WEINM:~~h..~~;;~~~;;ERco.I lANN ARBOR, 210.221.223 ~. w iI t•• St. MICHIGAN .1 HIGH GRADE TABLE SUPPLIES ANN ARBOR, IHICHIGAN' 40c I ••1..... 0_1_'_''-''_'_ -.-.-.-._._ _._0_0 __ '~T_' .___.....__•• SALEM COOK BOOK 73 CAKE.-Two one cupful milk, eggs, one two heaping flour, two cupfuls Aristos light and heat well, flavorinjr, then then the whites one baking sugar, cupful teaspoonfuls cream the hutter; and add milk, of the eggs beaten heaping powder add suga; sifted stitf.- flour (:upful sugar, one-half cupful one-half of cupfuls three eggs, Aristos heaten flour, and two added one half butter, teaspoonfuls last.-:\IRS. cup- baking FRED LA YER OR LOAF hutter, tahlespoonful one teaspoonful and with the )IRS. RAY SA VERY. baking yolks \'anilla, of eggs, heaten powder, LAYER ful of milk, powder, -C. WHEELER. CAKE.-One one fla\'oring, and whites ful of butter, spoonfuls tinj!,-)!RS. of hakinjr one cupful of powder, K L, LAR~ED. CAKE.-l'ut filling with finish WHITE full, two teaspoonfuls or loaf,-)IRS half flour, lavers CAKE.-One of a cupful three of . WHITE of 1111 of sweet milk, of bakin!! 'fAlT. powdl'r, three-fourths om'-half SALEM COOK BOOK 81 FRIED CAKES.-Two one (,lIpfu] of e/-(;!:s,one Hllll one-half sour \\"HITTAKEH. ('ream, GI.E:7\ of bllttermilk, Falt.-:lIHS. one teaspoonI'll clIpfuls of sug-:!r. (me cupflll and nutmeg- I of smla. FRIED CAKES.-Two e/-(gs, one ('npful su/-(ar, tllT..e tablespoonfuls sweet milk, two teaspoonfuls bakin/-( powder, .\ risto" melted flour. LUllt'I', one -:lIRS. !"upflll I-IEHBEHT SmTl-1. POTATO FRIED CAKES.-One-half ('ooked, soda, one-half potatoes, the teaspoonfuls one ::nd one-half teaspoonful lard; salt ('upfn]s ('upful of sour of soda, one teaspoonful lIIilk or of Sll!!ar, one egg-, fOllr small ,,,':eel milk withont four BERT :7\1':LSO~. of baking- powder, of melted PUDDINGS, SAUCES AND DESSERTS one cupful of and nutmeg- to taste.--:lIHS. suet one cupful ('hoppt'd flour; mix dry. fine, PUDDING.-One fruit and nnts mixed. one (~upful of of haking- into the dry; sweet milk, one and (Ille-ha]f powder, salt, three-fourths ('upfuls cupful steam in small ('ans or a loaf of ('upful ahoat shorteni!ll! In plll('e of suet, ahout one-half he creamed with the su/-(ar.-F. Then of su,!wr, and one-half two eggs flour with ,",lIlilla; one aud one- lIln\' be " ('upful molasses, fine, one cupful raisins, flour, steam two hours.-:lIHS. one-half tcaspoonful one one-half swed ('upful currants, soda, one-fourth lItilk, one cup- two and teaspoon- HE:7\HY WI-IITT.\KEH. it should PUDDING.-One ('hopped ('upfuls Aristos spiees to taste; 1-1. ('upful SUET cupfuls of well heaten, -two teaspoonfuls this mixture stir half hours. used, when SUET ful suet, ~llle-half salt, ful SUET suet, ont. cupful of cinnamon cadI hut- and PUDDING.-One cupful 1II0lasses, one ('ul'ful tefllli!k. Olll' e::;.., one ":aspoonful elO\-es, f1our.-:\IHS. raisins, ,\ristos SUET PUDDING.-One one suet, Aristos flour WATEIDIAX. cupful hrown sug-ar, to stir quite cupful one like stift. HEHBEHT chopped enpful hread; soda, one teaspclOnful S:\IITII. raisins, Sour milk, steam three one cupful one teaspoonful fiuely !"hopped soda, HOY hours.-:\IRS. .one eupful ,\ristos two hOllrs.-TIlE flour, CARROT raw potatoes ped snet, tc~a-spoonflll STEAM PUDDING.-Chop one of molasses, ('upful fine one cupful of of sour milk. soda, and sud, add one cupful two and one-half of a tt'aspoonful of ('upfuls raisins, of stearn spice: one-half teaspoonful COOK. PUDDING.-One ('hoppt'd fine, ('upful raw ('arrots one C'upfu] chopped one l'npfnl soda, pindl brown salt snlwr, IInd stellm three one and one-half TAPIOCA PUDDING.-Onc ('upful three t'/-(g-s, one ('upful sligar, two qllarts hOIll":;.-:\IHS. tapio(,11 (soHk (:hopped fine; raisin~, ('lIpfllls Arbto:; nne ('upful on~ cupful chop- ftnllr, one FIlA:7\K TEHHILr.. fnr lIIilk, thft,t' slllt ane! hour .., in a f1a\'or.- little water), :\IHS. TAPIOCA ,IOHX ,\SPLI:7\. boiler, cover with watt'r a douhle h..atf'n. tt-as ..oonfu) fllilk: V. hil •.s "111'- "Ill' h... piu!: to 1'"1 ,I"d th .." IIIh.'s 'alt. in indi\ "milia. i"ual thf' "esired DO:'\ It is "i,',' cli,I... , "la" IIl11nun!. Thi, :-:OWI'O:-". cupful _1I".lr. of Kin/lsfnr.l'- t"o C'If!:'. ,'orn . in n dOllhlt- 1... ,I"r • ,clIld Ihen alld sUJrllr Ind hul. hilS heen SIII,"tth ..d \\ ilh I'nllr inlo n h."in to II ,nnilln. ,,'hkh lIIinllle.: pint, flf h.,ilinjl' IlIhle'IHlllnful, "'111I" of "at nf Ihe lilllIor off ,''''I'r ""I" ..r. nn" ,'h,,, ...I.I,,' ..r tI .. rll'l' . CHOCOLATE rit'r. c.H1k IIntil RICE PUDDING.-Thf't't' nrllrly dnn~ tht'n ndd t .... fill ....... M u••"nlted .. n.. ('lIpflll '"J!Ar. PINEAPPLE .I .."r. onr .. hil ... nf rupflll t .. n U:/CC; in A hltl .. hot .... ter or hdtrr )IHS. ROY W.\TI-:R)I.\:-:. <;alt. SNOW.-On ,hrrdd ..,l pinr.pplr. .. 'rnf' f'old .. ith .. hipprd (,lIpflll tnpiocn snllk("ll 0\ f'r nilthl. h.. ,J ,,"lil jllil' .. of nnf' ('rrllm. II"'nnn. nnr )IHS, C. )1. ('n \ I'I'\', ""1'1111 "'llar • SALEM COOK BOOK PUDDING. Or ... "lIpflll hlltt,'rlllilk. "Ill' ..1I1.flll 'II"III""~. "nr- ,,"t. ICrahalll fill hll t It'r. "'''' MIIIIII tl'II'I",onfnl siftrd, III'" tll hlrsl'oo" fl""r " ..In. on,' I'lIddin" fill A rist "" "ot "lIpflll rlli~i",. ,'h"pp,'''. SIIII("': On., "lIpful M." .. r. rllix ,I r~' n lid 1'''11r "n ",,11r; ..r. "lInilla.-CO~TH SNOW PUDDING.-;\Iix II lilll .. wIII.'r. I BllTI~I). thre,' I... api"" nnd ~tir i"t" II I'illt ""l'fll IIIi"lIt.,,). \ allilln. I... "II.. k,'d .. f '1I11"r "",I th,' tl ... 11 add H"II11" (' fr,'"' ill dOllh,," a IittJoo MIl. C.... k lI"til I...at .." whilt.~ .. f thn',' ,tm (' lI.. ilo'r, h .. forl' Snlle., n,ldi"Jl jll,t lIIilk p"ttwo.third, of three (,lIpflll ,'Jlll'. "f MIJlnr n"d ('"ok IIl1til "f "ill;c~f"rd'~ tllhl"~I"'''nflll., "f h .. ilin;r wnt .. r to whkh ,'"rll,llIrl'I, ~lirrillJl .'''''~. tI... whit,,~ for Snow 1'1I,ldinJl: n litllo. tlllttrr, h." ,'orn- h ..,." i~ dnlw hri~kh'. "f Int" 111('11,Iir II',,' 011., inl .. ,'r"'I(IIY. ,,'n""1 wilh \"I'llilin . GRAHAM 1.'a~I",,,"fnl ;:"",1 ""pfllb halt t,," on.' 1..1'"''1''''''' hHili,,;: ",tl ,IIIr,'h wilh ;1(1.10.1.. " ... half (aholll fla, or r;!l!', pillt Ihi, .'IHS, 1'.1.1. Ii>. ,Ill \ ;\11I,t .. ! hnt II" h .."t,'" \ GRAHAM yolk, "I~li. PLUM PUDDING, two "..dn. -T"o "lIpflll~ ('lIrrnnt!'o, tllhl"~I",o"flll~ pin(Oh f.. r 1'"ddiIlJl: th .." ndd no,1 Sa",',' IOj.:.-th ..r. 1..... 1 nnd ,Ik,' lI..llt 011" pillt of milk. , t ..n'po""f"l, t" .. rni~in' ("lIprul!'> 1v.o ,'e"ter. itll t"l,.. ill I I III hllll('r ... n'alll I 'l.b. ('OI.I>HI'::-'-, PUDDING.- ,talld. ~ olk of ORANGE ,'Io-t II ,"ilk. flour. p"n h,oIf, .'IH:-: ~II~ , ~I.'n Man:! .'llIk., GRAHAM tw" fr .. ~ti"ll' PUDDING. "/III". of IIlId a pilleh "hit th .. ..s. Tw .. "lIl'flll~ "".In,, hll(l.'r. snit: tWII "lIpfll" ..'. thr .... "lIpfllls st('UIlI u( Ollt' tI,.. h ',It.,,, whit" ""pflll twn hrowlI ,wr,'t Jlrah.II" hnllr"" in H "IJlar. on ..- • of 0"" ")rJl ,""','r with 0"" ,'nl' "f "orn. ",,01 p"lIr the "II" ..1I1.flll of 11I11' of "\'I'r III HI), 1111" t"II'I,,".nflll \\'h,," tlH('" "rnIlJl"s. add of ",It. .\1liS. of I'HEJ> lI'rllhl1l11 fl""r. 1., ......( .... h,oI" ,,, ')" ,'''pful .. nflll of rai ...in!o. \~hupp("(\ 1\nC'. ntH" .. f s.. dn: ,t ..nlll thr .... hOllrs. t.~Iot. ntH" t('nspunllflll CO~'J'HIBL:Tgl'>, s .•lt, nnr- H~CKLEBERRY I' 1\ n rnh' .. , dOIl~ • I,y, '\' • herrie" nf the h .•ldnll 11.. lIr. o"f"b '"nJlh I I 1 IIn '"I1It1injl II'" ""I' 'It dr .. 1' th .. roll .. r. h ..lf th •. rllll. ~IHillkl int" II IIf hlltt ..r (',,, 11 h,,",lfnl HI-. " ..n, r. ,,,or r,.11 " •hllnt ,.r n. .' \ "I' "ith r ... qllArter' lik ....1. II DE.CORATION ill,iet. e... ,. In I rr J I, ~ "I , "inll' ••• it 1111'. di,h. ..,,, 111I1in ke.I rihhon \tith \ '\'" I H";. I'll IIl'LIt:;. p"wd('r. ",Ih roll " ..I hnAnl. 1111.. ROLL. IIIrjC" t .. nh .. nt Orl<' pinl t ..hl ..,p .... nl"l ,'nn.i,t ",ft Ih .. lIIilk thill •• pr"Ad with .. "ith 'IIJ1'IIr. II ,~rllp 'prillidilljr 1..1 Ihi. .. f h .. rri ... hlltl np Jik .. j..l1~ "l1ke rllll lII11d.. "' foil .. ,,": IIf 1I11f1"..1I' 11",1 ..nllllJl'h ""t "'1 tilt' ""III" t .. " hoil ,tll'''. ill I'llt if Ih .. "'''" Ih .. s~ r"p "f '""" 'nll'"r. Orl<' "1'1,(111 of to , Iittll' th ..11 "Ift('c ,",1 hAk .. IIHI 1I.ilk (1..~ir ..,1 "ith .. r of \ri.tns fl""r. .. f .."e~ .h .. rl ..lliIlJl'. .. f hi ... "il ..r. 1'111 1111 , (lu .. k in III<' "III fruit IIrAnjr'" in '/11,,11 pie ..es. illt .. h"h.-, 'I'rinkl .... f1 ..rl~ t.. till In nil" h.1f r't" II'" 'I"k .. "/II"t~ ..d .. r'"jr". IH ..,'''r or"nJl'" in oth.'r .... ilh r'I'" '"l1"r lIut IIl1d ....h ..II, .. 111(1 ir-c- il'" nr IIf All h .. nr. ;\IH:"l. FHEIl DESSERT. :"len .. hilt \\'1I1~EI.LIl luJl''' CuI :.ng,'", of h, t;J,,1 nlllli "n. hutt, illl, f"I, '" ,'r .. rt' rllll,. PUDDING. ~i7." IIf wnlnnt. dk •• "n .. ,ide 111': i, dOll": ROLL lilll BREAD ,,'It-r d htll tI,'r"d •• 1 nl FRUIT r,,' ,;n '1""'11 fll I .IIJ1" r. 1" or w,ll.'r pillt PUDDING. t"'''I'''"l1flll. t"" ,,,,,bt ..n. \rork Hi,id .. Ih .. •. hi ... "il,I"II;ch. "r tarl th .. inll' •••~••ther; I nntil jcll~ f"lIo" tl. I IH ..~..n'" ,.11I .... : th ..11 ,Hid ., pinl d"",,. CO '\'T III Bl........>. OR BLACKBERRY .'IIlS. Olle illlll Oil 011" of 011" pilll ~IIlks h",11 w,'11 IIl1d pnl Illilk. of two in h ,k,' "II'Jl'. dish. ill..h thkk 'prinkl .. "ith (hlltt ..r h ..for .. ellttin;r). ..illll.'1II011 nll,1 hak .. "" ...h,oI( fOllr ('nl "lIpflll ,Ii",., 1'1.".•, IOn ,'11 1I,;nlll<', lOr .. MIl. '\1'\.\ \L':-.TI'\' alld t""1I1y K \IlClII':Il, \ri.to, hnkinJl' '" this l"lrh. .11I,1 rnll ,J"ur ... n.' 1""~I'0"nfnl pow.t.'r. Iittt.. '" I"I IlIhl"'I"","flll ... lahl"'p""I1' "n" p""ihl tIId I,,"k •• ,"I. flnl. 1.1\ 1'1'1('" ill Iwn ,I 1'"11 .11,,1 pllllr S1IJ1"H• the nn .. ""pflll IIIlI p""r 1I\l'r hlltt,'r. .tir ..r: "'ll'h tllhl"'I'0onfnl hllilinJl' w,t SALEM COOK BOOK BLACK dnnal"on. ,'upful Piece salt, one-half l'llddinl!: spoonful -:\fHS. flour, )1. L. S:\[l1' II. nutmel! PUDDING.~Yolk of one egg, hntter size of a wlllnnt, pinch two-thirds molasses; of hutter cnpfnl do not Iik,' warm water, too stir stift'; e!(;!, one sluall smooth, stir or einnallwn, teaspoonful one steam one half-cupful pour hour. sugar, on hot water soda; Sauce one and of smllll for table- cook PUDDING nllc-half tia\"or with SAUCE.-One ('upful hutter; \'Illlilla.-:\fHS. flour, thick: SOUFFL:::.-Soak llnd stew until PRUNE warm water whitl's whip and !\fRS. FHA:\'K BUERS. nf eight prune llbout ,'ery into e;r;!s pulp forty minutes. the hake cupful mix sugar, one heaping thorou/!hl~'; then tahlespoonful add hoilin/! Aristos- till water I-1F:\'RY WHITTAKER. ei;!htecn soft, remo\"e se\'en stiff with this meringue, Sen'e night. chop o,'er and prunes pits tahlespoonfuls turn into immediately pulp powdered fine. Drain. Cll\'er with' the" su;!a r ana; dish, puddin;r fieat a huttered with whipped crealn.- CAKE.-One-half cupful sugar, one-half cupful one C;!/!, onc powder; hakin;r and one-half cupfuls hake two in stand layers, until ready and cO\'er with sugar, let and pIn('e herries hetwel'n and on top of sweet milk, flour, they A risto~ "'hile for use; layers.-COX- one- one' lire spread' CREAM.--Di.;snl\"c and when e'!!l!s. three 'While e;r/!s. neram, hnx one-half hoiling" ndd hoilin,:':- hot FIn""" sweetenl'd tn taste and nf one ;:-elatin~ l'upfHI cf rClllO\"~ frOln and pour in on' sugar stOH' q:lart and n nd into ulOuld8. fla\"()red; scn'c ('old,-~IRS. of the stir- To hutter, SHORT tahlcspol.r.ful "eapin;! teaspoonful I.akin/! mash herries the TRIBCTED. SPANISH cake \~ith hutter, sto\'e p\lt ydks on the milk, heaten in thl' h('rt~:1 \;'hitl's he I'at ..n with EI.L,\ KI:\'G, "f of ',yhipped . three LEMON tahlespoon~u!s extract, onr ('~;p nnd su;rar "nd of e/!1=s and set RAY. lI'...."y CREAM.-One s::;rar, one-fourth pint milk (half ten spoonful t'ren;n salt, pnckra;::e lemon .Iell-O. Beat two tahlespoonfuls Stir sralt. ,;r,1t and hoil 1\S 1\ soft the .Iello-O slowly (:ust,nd. remaining firl1l; lI:Jtil of serve sugar and in slices into the boilin/! Remoye add to custard, like ice cl'eanl.,-:\IRS. one-half two is hetter), tcnspooufnl hot su;rn r, yolks l1Iilk. from fire, heat pour ,T.\:\IES Flayor, e~1=;. four lemon of add yolks. the whites in a l1Iold. II. :\IUR- THE POPULAR JELLO RECIPE.-Dissoh'e in a pint of hoilin!! W1\ter. Pour \\'hen set .Iell-O in big- n'd turn out leUer~ nn a plate. nn the packa/!,'. fla\'IH. to harden. name into a mould snl'l' Be one pnekalte and put to use Jell-O, of an:' in a c..Jt! place the .Jell-O, with PINEAPPLE WHIP.-Ont-half hox Knox's g-e1atine tablespoonfuls pint can dissoln'd, together. IIIl'ats.-:\lRS. pineapple, add juice '\'hen cool, ~ATIIA~ cold water, add add one cupful one and one-half boiling water. ('nps sugar, of one lemon and one oranJ,\'e and add one pillt whippe,!, cream and in dissohed Pour hoil four oft. .illie~ of one until is 2\1i:, all the pinenpple. nut one-half ('upfl:1 sllg"ar BHOKA \\'. the whites of confectioner's on waxl'd stand sug-n r; let a moderate OH:n where SI'I)()P out the I'enters paper for MERINGUES.-Beat a pound 'I'0onfllis in careflllly IJiliekly hy merin/!lIe~ with put them into them I'ard\lll~. lIIay he put :I, a dl'"ert.-l'. a,i(le IInd filled with B. 1'. of ei~ht SIIg-llr that eg-I!s to a stift' froth, then has heen twice sifted; onto rather a a l1Ioml'nt, they will dry hlow off and hoard; Inos" thick the slig-hlly dust su;!a r hrown; and put ha('k into the OH:n to dry. \'ream, \'ream or whipped ,icily, alld iel' sift lIraI' the Ilnd lift These used SAUC:=. FOR PUDDING.-One Inr/!e heaten tnhle'l'0onful and ,-dded of jll,t ftour, Ill'for" t\\'o ellpfllis servill,!!; ('lIpful SIIg-ar, one-half I'upfll\ of hoilill;! water, whill' CO::>h:, THE fta\"llrin;r.- blltter, of one 0111' egg. SALEM COOK BOOK 85 in ic~ and! U. C, paper' soak one' fire until and: and' lined a sieve fruit the ORANGE tin,', )lour o\'er then nnd when it begins whip into the jelly, add to this SPONGE.-Take thi~ nearly half a cup of boiling water to harden, add oranges whip cut one-fourth package a (:upful of cold water, and two-thirds of Plymouth let cupful froth whites sugar; of two it ~tand half Hoek Gela- an hour set e/!gs to a stiff in small pieces; sene very cold.-H. the bottom of a tin mold with white FRUIT CHARLOTTE.-Line Press lady fin/!ers, and the sides with split (lUllce /!"clatine in a half pint of cold water. dissolved, add one cupful sugar, one mold l!nd place powdered pint whippcd This on ice. cream, should JELL-O WHIP WITH of any fruit, When one quart LEMON sugar, add or pieces of "'hen spon/!"e cake. Xext soft, place on the fresh or canned, through thc g-elatine sweetened is cold mix u'ith into pour to ta~te, be eaten ycry cold,-COXTHIllVTED, PRUNES Dissoln' aside until the eonsi-tt'ncy ha"c added. crealll which the cold pour arrange .1ell-0 olle packa/!"e on Lemon it he!!ins to thicken. of whipped cream. .Tell-O into a pint Then beat with in one cupful Stir hccn stewed until ,'ery tcnder. Turn pruncs wcre it ahout into mold cookcd the base of ,"ery to harden, and boil the dessert, this after Be sure whole pruncs ill hi/!" red lettcrs a garnish. as on the package. JELL.Q WITH FRUIT.-Dissolve it (Marion Harland's of boiling water until an eg/!" beater rec:pe).- and set it l\1uch better add more of choppcd reaches prunes, which is one cup of whipped sugar down to tn a thick you IUl\'e turncd to use .Tell-O, with the water syrup. this out, in "~hen' and name the POllr "!"I'all!!e in it, with pint of hoiling water, to set pcaches fruit name lIwt may be preferred .Icll-O in hig redletters 'l!1akc cupfuls of Aristos !lour, one-third Thi~ will mak,: and add about flonr. eupful~ Aristos baking teaspoonfnl flour, one powder, salt, one cupful (:upful of lard, a pinch' of cold water; mix two l,ies.-:'IL lard, ('lIpful C. R. oue-half Thi~ makes cup- two pies. <'/!":.r, one-half cupful two with cupful~ milk Iw.n'r \'rust.-CO:'\THIBUTI (part sugar. cream un -half ~ better), n. teaspoonful on\' each, cupful SALEM COOK BOOK PIE CRUST.-Olle thn'(' CHOCOLATE tablespoollfuls ('upful water. ,\ristos Tbis salt, flour, lIIades onc pie.-MHS. two rounding PIE.-Fh'c frostillg), teaspoonfuls grated e1lOcolate, OIlC te'l1,p. "IIt'-half .\ristos ,JOII:\' ('lIpflll flollr; .\SI'I.I~. one-half do\'{'" RHUBARB "111'1'111 Bakl' PIEPLANT MINCE ('hopped PIE.-One raisins, ('111'1'111 ..tlflpp,'tI t'!!!!, a pin('h rhllbal'b, of salt one ('upflll anti a little sugar,. j!round on,' ht'twl"~n PIE.-Two .\ristos two t'rllsls.--~IHS. (loll"" (,lIpflll filII of pieplant, ej!j!s ont' flollr, Sllj!ar, ('lit ;\I.\HY SI-:I';I.I-:Y IIA:\III.TO~. fmstin!!), th,' white of o nt' for one-half teaspoonful tablespoonflll traet; whit-h (l\'{'r; IIlcrinlflll'. fill a "lip heapinj! ,'''nlains lIIix all wdl Ihe other togethcr, '1'" hc IIIa tit' with CUSTARD lIIilk. PIE.-Thret' in I'rllst I'int /olowly.-:\I H:>. Fit I-:D \\'IIEI-:I.Im. Put inj!rcdicnts turn a I"wer t'gj!.', slHinkle anti in ('rllst ,"cry fine: holtl fill with anti hak(': when t'rIlSt.- -;\1ItS. lH'alt'n lij!ht, on,'-half l'iIlJIIlIllflll nutlllt'j! or this o"er tlone ('oltl watn IIntil ('on'r Il'\:\'1 EI. S:\1ITII. sllj!ar, top "lIpflll (I\'t'r one' lemon ex-- tht' basin runs. a it with salt, one' bake' and CUSTARD 11,.. ,1', in ('rlhL- .\ristos I'llt ,alt; PI::.-Two bellt this :\1It:>.. IOII:\' e).rj!s, four lIIixtllr(' ,\SI'I.I:\'. ta",,"spoonflll_ !-food, t111'11 :llhl slll!ar, t'nou),dl tahlespoonfllP on(' lIIilk for nne pie~ ,.- • .--,- - T ,- ....... ,-.-. - ,- ~.-:-.-.- l-'-' SALEM COOK BOCK '-'-'-'-"1 I GOODYEAR'S I Home Furnishings I i ANN ARBOR, MICH. Smart Attire- i i i KOCH & HENNE FURNITURE. CARPETS. RUGS, LINOLEUM 300-302-304 S. Main AlO1n Arbor ~MiiIll' I,~.non; fuls Aristos 'WA'I'EHl\IA:'\. one (~upful tablespoonfuls two yolks until of cook cover of JIII.DHETH with sUl,wr and PIE.-Grated ej.t'gs and thi('k (not the stift'); a merinl!ne a little \\'HEEI.Jm. and rind lemon the whites for frostin:r), two FH.\:'\K PIE.--Beat tahlespoonfuls CIL\:'\E, one ej.t'j.t',add pOllr this slowly on olle flollr; ('ook until smooth; of hot water, SII!!""1', one l"upful hread hoilinl!' water, leluon Hnd sliee it up nicely, in " crust add alre"dy erumbs. OIW leJllon, and it other baked; thin the of boilinv: \,';:ter of flour with of juice pour made of extra('t. add Place a generous in dOllhle salt. a one into tilt' whites water, litlle lemon: stir shell whkh of this To this into hns beell ...g~S, tht' to o\'en anti IUJllp hoiler, add the pre- two hrown Hctllrn jui('e of one Cllpflll I.'IIIHn, of sn:ra ", one two "j.t'gs and of Kin:rsfol'll's ('ornstareh y .. lks (th., in 1II,...h" If ellp' anll for b"il one ('lIpflll ('old water ellpflll SIIg-ar, mix('d with and two .inke the tahl"'llOon- of ('Il\'er with a ,"erin!!"ue,-:'IJHS. HOY frost. milk, ('ook- till fill one- of :inj.t'), one one-half 'ing. :nil'ely tahlespoonful ('lIpful Fill nust covered, set COCOANUT CREAM eg-j.t's (snve the white PIE.-Two flour, Aristos ('oeoanllt, with cream, a little salt. ('()\'er with two-thirds Bake frostinl!, (,lIpflll the in onn and III'own.-:\IRS. D:\~I n pi!' plnte with a nke ('rust ('ooked mixture: suj.t'ar, l'I'lIst while sprinkle with EL S:'IIITH, hakc; nnd of one one "rt'a'n for cllpful is ('O('O'lnllt whil .. hot PJE.-Line th(~ followinj.t' sugar CREAM sht'll with ('upful of "j.t'j.t's, mixed with of cook I'('IJ, a piece thiekells; the 'half two eornsl,' 'until it removinj.t' the well-heaten extrat't lij.t'htly,- MRS. of from lire. whites \"lIlilla: and hoiler, one-half the lIIinlltes, fillinl! in a douhle one hllttcr fhe After of sprinkle the ej.t'I!S and top with the the add FHED, WHEELER. l'ut nnd one stir pint in the of milk benten and yolks tnhlespoonfuls of Kin;!sford's scald henping- sbr.c of a walllllt and olle shell, two teaspoonful cover with tahlespoonfuls ,'o('oanllt. Hctllrn salt; a pilll'IJ of vanilla a lIIerinl!ue sugoar stir of .illst hdol't' Illade with " little "nd to 0\"'11 "nd hrown of CRi:::AM PIE.-One r,lisins, flour, one ej.t'j.t',benten, one-half tcaspoonful teaspoonflll of cloves. eupful one sour of teaspoonful ('realll, one cnpful of vine!!"ar, of salt, IInke with one-half one tea~poonflll 01' two "l'Ilsts, one of sll~ar, one fto.lsIHlt'nflll of e;'I'l:IlIlOn as 1"'t'ft'rJ"(,(I.- HAl\IILTOl'. PI E.-Line ,/ust when n pie tin with ready to senc a rit'h fill with pi,' erllst, sliced hak(: hanana, and sift sugar, cover top with sweetened whipped ('rean. and sen'" ~,t't aside to li,~:ltly with ,'t OIll'C. SOUR '(:Ilpful of ,of Aristos and a seant ';.ms. 1R\'I:'\G BANANA ('(wI. sligohtly 'pulverized ,-:\IRS, APPLE 'in quarters ~Ind sprinkle to eaeh ,Sprl'ad of huttt~r, ,p;oft.-:\IHS. apple, the CHERRY ('lIpful ont' ,('0\'1'1' KE:'\SLER. nbout in thin sllj.t'ar and are of lippeI' the four sli('es; l'innnmon, tart apples \'cry l'I'lISt and CHAHLES PIE.-l'se and then with If tht'~' remainder eover with Y. 1'. It. PIE.-One sweet milk. large put apples one to one the appl('s of hnlf ahout using Sllj.t'ar, and top IIntil of till' use more tht' 0\'1'1' hake pit,; 1'01'(', pa ri' and on the tablespoonflll or if dry, a liUl' cut I"y; T (';'II':t ,:IIg-ar ...': It,'r hits fruit " itl, : ,,,I the Sllj.t'ar, dot l'I'llst is hrowll ,with lIIerin!!"11I' llnd Im.wn in l)\'en.-:\I ('lIpflll of yolks sUj.t'ar, one three egj.t's, "lIpful salt. ('hl'l'rit's Bak,' with 1-'11.\:'\ K TERn (c1ri.'d (IIll' I 1.1.. ItS. 'f"!'rl'd), pI' en "t ':H'!1 SALEM COOK BOOK 8!1 SOUR CREAM PIE.-One cupful sugar, one cupful raisins, one cupful one egg, o.ne tablespoonful nutmeg, d,n'es. To he made with an upper one teaspoonful lower and cinnamon, crust.-~fRS. sour one tea- 1\r. L •. cream, spoonful S~IITH. ONE CRUST CHERRY one eg/!, tablespoonfuls of milk. two llake without PI E.-One of Aristos a top crust.-l\IRS. day before like presenes. cold dot cupful flour. Mix of cherries, these WM. TAIT. one cupful and add one of sugar~ cupfu,. ' using open a can of cherries, llake crust and fill with fruit, piece with in this way with one crust.-:IIRS. other jelly. Any add sugar and! con:.r with be DA(o\IEI. fruit may PIE.--The they are \\'hen each ~Iince pic is \'er~' nicc mnde BUTTER-SCOTCH PIE.-One cupful brown sugar, one eupful ollc-half e/!!!,s, vanilla. tahlespoonfuls Co\'er with Aristos flour, a merill~"le olle of tablespoonful two whit<,'i of eggs.-l\IHS. hutter, (~old water,. yolks. FRUIT cook until a merin/!ue. used. SMITH. Ollt' and of two CIL\HI.ES I\:E:-;SLEH. BUTTZR-SCOTCH C!!!!S, (\""0 khlcspoollfuls ed, bab'(\ SCHEL ~IC:-;:-;. tog-ether c. ,',1' all 'rw', stir PIE.-Two .\ristos ,,,Id one pint ,,"ith :)t'aten whites eupfuls flour, hutter sy.'ed of sugar, hrown li/!ht size of walnut, mclted luilk: two eg:'; until hrowr. cook and all,l of two' and hrowlI- in a HEH- put thick. ---'IHS. yolks BUTTER-SCOTCH two tablespooufuls PIE.-Two hutter, cupfuls fllllr henpin/! light bl'OwII tablespoonfuls sugar, A ristos yanilla, fn"tin!!. two cupfuls milk, Cook fillin!! Ihe choppcc] walnut meats. and put in a hakcc] crust.-~lItS. yolks of flour, Use whites two one of ALICE ep:;r,. tcas;l('('nfl'] c!!!!~ I";' ACSTI:-;. PUMPKIN PIE (Without cooking).-Three cupfuls !!,ood cupfuls sligar, one tablespoonful gin/!cr, /!rated two floul', one salt. I'llt in crust and pumpkin, hcaping hake three tahle- until a e;.r!!,s, two Sl)(,ollfl!l~ .....l.istos -MHS. nice hrown. ,JOIl:-; MINCE MEAT.--Th,'ce one bowl molasses, two howls or hlltter, one bowl raisills, of CillnllJllOn, each allll blnck pepper; pllt together: apples. suet t<,aspoonfllls salt "'ATEIDIA~. cupflll milk, .\SI'J.J:-;. bowls cooked meat, chopped, one bowl vine/!nr, hoiled fh'e howls SII/!ar, one howl nutmeg boil and IIntil do\'es, rnisins one arc six howls of chopped c~ider, one howl two frllit of HOY" teasp"'lIIflll tender.-~IHS. jlliee, each PUMPKIN cupful "l!.rar, cllpflll, milk. pllllin!! PI E.-One cupful two ell/!s, SHIt, one smHII piec'C of blltter of cooked teHspoollful (melted). FRED "'"EELEH. illto t'rIlSt.-l\/HS. aud browned /!in/!er thorllIHI currallls, c1H1pped apples, two tahlespooufllis ('lIpS dne;ra 1', on(' Cook slowly one fOllr ciuna- pOll nd hour.-- ",at('r, ('lIpflll chopJj('c] spoonflll To b:> '.1. dc' GR-:EN pOllml, .:..reel' mon, raisins. ~/HS. \HCIIIE KERR. TOMATO MINC, "f bro\\'n •. H " oue cupflll GREEN 111'1'pOl'lll]' SlI!!lIr, who!e of (If nllt! ~ms. Cl I.:~"'"ITT.\KEH. tw,~ tHhlespoollfllls t'!!. MEAT.- Iwo pounds Ei/!ht of ..hopped \'int'!!ar, of one cloves. tahlespoonflll two tHblespoonfllls or olle pOllnd raisins of sHlt. olle tablespoonful c'innHmon.- of of pOIlIHl, of chopped tomatoes, 1.11 SALEM COOK BOOK CREEN TOMATO MINCE MEAT. Chup Olle peck t Irt Ilpplt's Ilnd nftt'r choppint: mt'Il".rt' out I." t' Ju.ce II_cd), 1\\" tUlllntut". th ..t "as h .... I",ulIIl- Drnln dralnt'd te I'po,,"ful, lict'ded t"IIIRtoe~ Rml ndd .. II', .\dd fht' puumb ,'innl\lIIun, t'II,'h of r..bins ftnd une cupfulo puund ,'illt'gnr, rhcn rH\Il{"TI';U. 10' IIdd "nt' nnd on ..-hnlf '''II hili I.., d",1' II- ""; ;" ') C" Ir-.I) lII"tllr. h.t one-third one-hnlf "C" el.,,'c5 ('urrllnts Buil green liS IIIl1('h W/lter sugllr, tOlllllt(.C~ finc, I\S IIIl1ch I\pplcs as sligar Chop to the thi<-k lIl\(l clln (white IInd slIlt. IInd add till CREAMS AND ICES - t\\U tnhl"'p"ullfuls .. f milk, ICE CREAM. One pint dd onc Hid I...... t ..hlespuunful t'll-hel\t "f Ruu r lIisst.h'cd in 1\ little ..n C/lll" in II tnhlt'spounflll 'II/ll\r cllpflll thre ..-f,,"rth- .. f uf I\ml lIIilk. two .. f .'r .. 111I, of SIIIl'"r: let lIIilk: ('ollie tn let huil 1'001 '''hen lahlcs)H".nfub 1,10, "f ICE CREAM. t .... (jl/l' "is n I ,I r '11I lilt •• fr ..... er: hc ,t ')lIl1rt crelllll. Onc thc sUJ{IIr .. ith the cr ..a," th .._ .. hit .., t.. n stiff CII'" pint IInli lIIilk. Ulll' pOllnd lIIi1k. add Rnnlf- hdore fmth Rnll IIl1d jll,t "I". ,Ill' ",hi. ••f 1 II n r, , "if t II , ..ru, .. VANILLA 'Il", IIIIl' frIO II,.. '"" CHOCOLATE '1I1t-, httl thcn "t -,,,, 'Ill" .1 \I.d ' _ '. I.. • I III ten ICE CREAM, h.. lilll.t, .. flllik "h ..cnl.t( 1I."t nd (r .... On .. 'I" lft crel\lII. UIII' pint h,,, t .hl"'I,,"'n(lIls Il'rlltt'd lIIilk ... nl' pUllnd rllhhed "h"" ..latc lIIi1k t .. n.. If h..ihnll'. thi,'k ..n_. (' .... k IInltl .t ,Iuwl~ I""lf stirrinlC cnnstllntl~. ill hellten CjrlCS Coni THE EASY WAY TO MAKE ICE CREAM. III 1'.. ,. d"r. (rt' r in • di-h L'- .. on .. 'I"art cOlltents u( I'ollr on it unc clIl,flll I'ollr th" o( .. f .1Ii1k fur a of a pnckll/le to lIIilk IInd stir stir I. I' • .It" 0 I , th •• II', • II TO LEMON I.." ...... Ir .. , d,' f l To lell.O In III !"n,d. t.. "th I' -Ie, IIhl, oI,,,oh('(l. Olle r, hn.". four ICE. ICE. tI, .. I.te, 'Ull of IClllon-. stfRlIl "n,,1 mil '111 rt SNOW FLAKE , "'lIr \.Id th .. re-I o( the l]lI11rt u( milk. 11111I1" (rec e " .ter. ,tr "n thrc .. ellp(lIb Ind Hid 1I little eollT' hc t ...n sllff, -JIlII'c .. 1 '." IH ..nlte', IIld '" hip until -is hunnn"s III: IOllr ~nd one-hRIf cup(lIls Mlll'lIr, SII,I:IIf. fUllr 1..lllUns: "lIIiII ..: .. hen creallled.-\'. put thrnulfh l'Ut lIellrlr 1', s. ~ic\'C. IIIllI n( (ollr white' "'" tlrc' .. ',. c ..,,- CHERRY r TO t' CRAPE 1"111, ",t ..r 1I11' nllkc- "'I\I'n thrce h I( (ro ... n heRt IIUlTt- ~IH:-;. FIL\~" in thc ..-t'll-helltell Bl'KItS. ICE. , Onc I'lIlt ch ..rrle .., nn .. pint I' ..; 'II 1[.1r. nne Alld nllc-h.,1( pilll- On ... 'lII .rt ....t .. n 1(" .. nn .. pint ,ter, ",01 ('hill. Sened Il'fRpC jllkc. "ith jllice crll,hed .. f twn kc ill .. SHERBET. II ph I "jlIT, l II • I LEMON MILK SHERBET. ',,1 nnd o( ,I "'I e nf , r f. CRANDMA'S lemon" One '1" rt h ,If t"o t .. "t f .- 1 ... (1 i ,It,d Ir ......... I> ... h Irec of ""', ,II Ililk II rot ., ", ,n' 1'.' .t f LEMON MILK SHERBET. "'~..r ", .. h, ." t r, ..." Ic" ," IIn .hle hoil ..r the milk, to th. "" of lI'f I> .., "'1Il"t n... ,I th .. 1...llIon, 'lit..; III free.cr. h"ihn,r th I,,' I... ,,,I the tn flp"n '" , 0..,( '1 'h ... l>c ft' rl .. Ihr. .. hit<, I r " • " tI n SHERBET. , Irn e, lIIilk, nne ~nd one-fnurth On .. qlllTt milk. on .. pint i, much Thi, ~"S:-; I.Ol'IS'" th ..n OHId th .. hellt ..n .. hitc' inJ!' "lIp(1I1- of illlp"" ('d if TII \ YEll. 'UIC"r 'UIT.1f Rlld /lr.,ted \\'hcn then ('rc I'~ck" .•nd k," '\0 .. opcn ,'n Rnd Rdd th .. \\ hite,. until (onl. It lnntlllllc tllrninJ!' I".int. (lEU I. GOHIlO~ one pint 'U/lI": hoil of t .. 0 C/llt- "nd the juice IIld cool. III C' o( If! Ii: '. \\ I... 'd,I f 0' r It IIll' II Il. SALEM COOK BOOK LEMON Ih •• Iwo SHERBET. eill'hl pinl'appll'; or -Threl' lIIinlll ..'. lIIixlllr len 1'001 Ihl' tlwn ..dd Ihl' 1ll'all'lI whit ..s of boil shredded hardl'n, PINEAPPLE SHERBET. whip Ih •• whit .., of fnllr nf Iwo h'lIlons. AND STRAWBERRY wntl'r; jnkl' and pll]p RASPBSRRY pinl "hil.' .i"ic(' "f of Ihl' ('lIpflll, ,.. hI .. ; 1'111 in ., Iwo 1'1t"•. "II/lrl of "ith fOllr .11111fn.',,'. On.' "!lit' "h '1I!l"r, fOllr on .. I( """", il IInlil In"'7.l'r I'inish fr",'dnl< 01' ..d pin""pl'l<-, ('O"TIIIBLTJ;J) Il'n'l'0nnflll, Itr"l 'I" ,rt "t • '. ( ""'" I I " , II... I II 'I,'r; ,,, I'.nl ,"','s (,J • rI 'In 'rl ", 1111Ih .. • SHERBET. On.' 1'11I101 I" 01 J.'III1,n', 1)1'.•l<-n \\ 111I" IH'Tr\ 0' 11111'" t ,J one l'flll'S. of :'lix '1IIlar, Olll' pinl w"l ..r, ,.nd ~IIlS. D. CHOCOLATE SAUCE frel'7.e. jlli .... of ,\. TO SERVE WITH of w.tI .. r. olll'.I ... lf I'lIl'flll VANILLA of 01 of "aler, hinlL,fon\" , .•nill. •. <,nrnsl.tr. "Ier Boil" ... Id "'tlt ..(1 ..ho ..ol..I.' till l'rl'.lIny. I'IA' or "it h "lIlllln '1I!l .•r, six (.hl. h, 01'" h ,I, Ir . ,,,I .n".hil)(' .,nel 'lilt , 1'''01'' fll Is of .pllli ,01<1 ,. 11111111t , •• lIIixtllre till ,r. hol "il h ICE CR~.AM.- ,: il Six .., PUNCH.- " ...:hil1o eherrie" COI.D}t E~. CURRENT .ielly. hnlf ..."hl. .. , er, 1I1inut •• r ..nll' ...• Ier t"l'lll • 1'. (nnl J/rr.1I11 n" ..- , ..ry II. t .. C. TEA PUNCH. 1'1/1 Ol1e l"hlt"lltlllllful qU.1T1 o( hoilin", w.,ll'r; lrnin II1ll1l Ilnd add" this ",ide CO~TJlI Hl'TEJ>. ('0' 1'1' thl' (If "'/lAr, ul1li1 '-f'r~ .."lei. )1(1un,\ il1l" lell "j pill'h .. r Ihe \\'I1l'n ond pour .1 lATIn' pil' it )elllll ..nd _land tf'11 .i" I"" 10 '''T\ ..• M Il'f' 111,1 I,,'r , ide fnr Illd of rl',,,I~ jllke CRAPE JUICE. T,'n 1,,,ullll- "f jlr.lp"'. , • ,inllles, ,I ill GRA-E I ') "rt' .irtilthl UICE. 1'001 I1nd ,Irain, lit. Uk, ,'l1n_ nr Hf'I11f)\(' srr.pl" .... "I I1IllI 'II' Ih ..11 ."Id three .• \IH~. frOlI1 ,t .."". ,''''er Tn one qu.'rl lin. I w" 'I'.nrh p 'II' ,-hn('nl Ihrl''' "f 1I••k ..r', f ," II r •. p]a(' ..d .. , er ler, hot I" " 'n f. r. (o"k .rH. hnil II .. lr,If'1 CHOCOLATE. r. 1//1 Id I' I '" II. I, ,,,II.: It _ I" ,n .. " III,tl'; r'I> 'J\11l 92 SALEM COOK BOOK tablespoonfuls cocoa, milk, three-fourths cupfnl sugar, one-fourth cupful boilinl! boilinl! water: milk adding and enough one minllte, will froth Cover mny be made of boil when ns milling". ne('rled. ponr form, few drops into preventin!l" :\ to make scalded wh,'n a a milk, few scald milk; slllOoth beat ~Clim, which and a in mhance "'lI1illn makes COCOA.-Three fonr SlIl!ar relnaininl! nsinl! salt, cocoa, add grains mix paste: two minntes, is so nnsil!htly. reheated pleasing" This in n dOllble chanl!e.-T. pint LEMONADE.-The of cold water. PINEAPPLE cnpfnls and salt, wllter eg;r beater, is known boiler :'II. H. jnice of tborolll!hly Stit. qllart syrnp lemon A. G. H. in' by jnice: ORANG: of onc-bnlf sngllr, II water. little :'Ilakes ','att'r, hoililll! eool. LEMONADE.-Onc one I!rate,l till' strain can sHltar an,] and water the add o Ill' lelllOn, three and Sllrve. of .inice IlIinntes: pint pineapple, ten i,'" water. ,,'der. tnbiespoonfllls siI;rar. one O!lP cllpfnl thrce add lel,,"ns. Sll)mr, "lake the in pi:1C''1'ple le1ll011 g'lasseb.,- one n allli of S:,rn, of one lar/.!'e or two snIHII oran,~cs, juice F:GGNOGG.- jnice in II g'lass, well-beaten The l('nloll cold wllter II cl)ol of one C)!'!!:, vne other 1'. H. CANNING, PICKLING AND PRESERVING into the si('k.-:-;. :..ct nonri:;hing' in another- pour the g'lass: whitc drink for tablespoonfnl and fill with GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING FRUIT IN JARS.-I'llek preplll'ed snll'ar thc the water. neck Hefill in a drall!!ht. keepinll', of the in sterili"ed frnit and Karo. jars 1'1'1('e jars jars, jars with nsin!! This tepid watel'. contents the doe" Inetho,l and on a Cook of onc not kill cover rack nntil jar. with in boiler frnit Se"l boilinl! and is soft ,.nd in the cool fruit, anel syrnp 11I,,,le from to the in jar. placiaJl,' to insllre fill hoiler settles ,,'ithollt and, the spores th .. jars shonld he reheated for one-half hOllr on the third day. Fi,'e tht' (crystal of pounds white), htlilinl! IIntil ~(lft "IHllI~h the t""1S. frllit rin!!, leak. ('apfnl.; nlpfl.l strain Iwt\\'e"l1 rl!hb~,:' no' tlft. it to o\'cdlowin;t, jar BZANS to h(' "lire ,loe, AND P ":AS.-'-'il1\' I,.;,.-thinl. ,alt, ('npfnl wipe that ('ollk ahout fifl<'en lIlin!lte;. Do illl)wrf"dion~. IH>llIlIl Karo syrup :'Ilak .. a (,tlok into of a sil\'er slowly ~terili"ed spoon ~)erries, ,"ne water, to pier':e 'hoilinll' jar .and fit ('ap 'bcalls, 'boiling- not TO CAN BERRIES.-\\"lSh on~ and "111' watel'; Karo an,l onc-h::lf cook sn)!'ar, IH>llIuls slowly nfh'en Ihop in the fruit sligar, alld reuII"'e one-half minntes. frllit and with a knittinll' net.dle. the fl'llit. Insert Drop frnit the halHllc jar In\'('rt Fill STRING '(,;Int For f) E,\ KE. c:lc-h,df corn to ,'s('ape. s('al ';lIickly. BEf.NS. Sl'''':lI', I:ntil t<:lIcler. CI..\ '1''1'0:-; o\'er syrup to allow air .i,"' "nd TO CAN CORN, ('nto oll('-h:1If ";at~r. cupfl'l Cook scor,'h.--)IHS. TO CAN CORN them. to cook OR BEANS.-Ten When IIntil ncarly tencler. to 1:'11101' rins~, and done eo,'er: ('npfuls add ('orn one-half Fill CallS as filII st'al while fresh as salt: jllst the cook elHltIl!h liquor, cupful 'water 'half 'tables, lIS(' drain using- oft. CANNED cold water of hot watt'r 'Cook abollt PEACH:S.-l'are IIntil read~' to one pOlllld of ('ill'ht minlltes. to put sUl.'ar. Put TO CAN STRING BEANS.--To ('ook the in the Let samc peach('s, syrllp. this in I!las.; jars cook and fOllr qllarts cook twenty sug-ar or heans. cupful as possible hot. When \'('I!,.tables, and then add hot.--:'\1. in hal\'c.; ('ut :'Ilake to a syrllp a syrup seal whilc of strinl! lIlinllt"s, alld to beans then se~.1. fr ..,hen.- of O;lt. quart l'"e ")lening- and enough one- with Yeg"c- for salt. in II dish of th .. fruit. omittinl! la,' adc1 H. (llr.)ken) ,uld ,rhen :'lIlt:'. one-half op,'nt"] (;r.E~ of IJllarts of 1'0111' off thret' cupflll for ''''JIlTT.\ KFn, salt use boilillg- water fiy(' cook and and lIlinutes. I'lIt in cans the water alld put on ('old wilkr SALEM COOK BOOK 93 CORN.-Take two-thirds llIinutes. GI I.BEBT TO CAN S\VEET one-I);)lf thorou!!hly saule as the CANNED cupful and fruit. salt, of hoil twenty --'lUS. PLUMS.--\rash of fruit hot.--'1. to a pound and seal while of sup:ar jars -l\IHS. HOY \,'ATEHl\/A:'\. GRAPES,,-Take Pat 0n the tahle. CANNED two disl.es the pulp skins. pOllnd of 'in g-Iacs .:.. rs and scal while hot.--'1. seed COIlIC Ollt easily, sugar H. until allowing" the one-half ti,,:: pulp and let hoil H. of nine cupfuls a cupful I'ut of corn, of water. iu ~'Iass cans one eupfu[ Stir the~e hot hoilin!! of sUg"ar tOg"ethe; seal and TIIO-'/I'SO:'\. the fruit well in cold water, ten Illinutcs. "'hen then add on" pound in !llass dOllC put the p:rapes and wash thelll in on:> dish and skins throug-h of put to a pound then fruit. tho ....up:hh .. Ha\'e Boil in the other. \dd :l sie"e. thc "'hen dOTW put a syrup CANNfD PEARS.-I'rcpare fruit. of S~'T11p to one quart for the cc.l,! watt'J'. eonll' sugar 'read," of 'syrnp 'look l'i:'.ar and ('an 1)(' easil~' pierce,l with 'tw!'nty ",hen This will to a fast Before \s the in thc pcars donc .. pl'l'\'ent hoil put dOlle pl'H'c lloing- each lIlinutes. \rhen fruit has of one pint this ha\'e pieee of water the is pared pears lImp frolll tUrllin!! ;IIHI boil a fork, which will probably ('arefully into all pared it and one cupful and a dish the thl'Y he ahout dark. When lIntil C: ...NNt-:D PUMPKIN.--Stew t'upful of pUlllpkin take teaspoonful of I-in!!!'r, Ollt" eighth of nutm!';!. ()o"hle piJ1<'h of ~nlt. this nmount mnkcs (tne pint. R. in I!lass pUlllpkin three-fourths jars.-.-'1. down cupful teaspoonful Heat nil dry and brown. of g"ranulated of cinnamon. to hoiling" point \rhen To three- sup:al', one one-eighth and to mak,' re;uly cllpflll d plllllpkin dis~;"h'ed in l'ne eupful d hot milk: ill:,; onl' eg;! allli ,'nou/!h llltlre milk to fill pie.-)/H~. fourths scant tcaspoonful pint cans. tthree-fourlh'; .cool. then 'WHEF1,FH. ears lar!!'e two l'upfnls remo"e le,'el green ('orn. red pepp!'r: onc hend dlllp /!ranulalt'd of eahhage onions one qnart l~nhhage, sup:ar. from fir!' tn hlt'spoonfuls and Mid three he:lpinl!' I!round musta I'd, one enn while hot. -:\IIlS. IIE:'\HY \\'IIITT.\KER. put in pi!' nse it FHEJ> C, let (mediulll aud pep- \'ine/ral'. tahle- table- -'rRS. sweet two tablespoonfuls cars corn. salt, one head two quarts fine. P.ut nil ing'redients tumeric. Cut to;rether eorn nnd from coh, ('ook twcnty cabhage. four pcppers, vinegar. ehop mustard peppers to amI lllinutes.-:\lRS • CORN SALA~.--Fifteen onions, lar/rc four two tnhlespoonfuls fifte!'n minut"s, .size). 'per: -Cook .spoonfuls spoonful 'GLE:" WIITTT,\ KEH. "ristos tunll~ri<'. !lou r. CORN SALAD.-,Tweh'c one salt, then two taste. eupful one ,one-hnlf suit enhhn~" •G. S. IIAHT:\L\:'\. sll/ra~, teaspoonful CORN SALAD.- Eij!'hteen two 1'('(1peppers, fine. t'!H'Jlpcd n" h:,'~'J!,'llo 1 •. f dnc/rar, -peppers drain ('001<;- :\IHS. ouc-hnlf .1011:'\ RE~\\'ICK. honr one-fourth nfter CORN SALAD,-Tweh'e relllO\'ed). mustard. (s('eds 'peJlP~r tahlt"pot'nful and :\lHS. 1'('1'1"'1' ,1011:'\ line. put all .\:-iI'I.l:'\. of onions. ponnds DUTCH PICKLE.~Four onc (Iuart two of of hro\\'n salt. 0",. and tahlespoonfuls cahhag"c, to;!(,thel'. ,inS. GI.l :'\ \rIIITT.\J_ER. -'It'aslIr!' one-half three gre!'n enrs of corn. two eupfuls one nnd one-half of Sllp:nr, two tahlespoonfuls pound of mustard, heing ChOPP!'11, then Let put hends of cnhbag-e of salt, and and cabha/:,e tncrcther the nil cars sweet eupfuls three cupful one to)!ether sugar. and eook corn, OI/(, head cabhag-c. ,'ine!!ar. Cut twcnty minute.';. tahlespoonfuL; from coho chop two eorn Can while salt, cabhage hot.- one Inrp:e rell !J.ne q!wrls of ('ahha;.:e. f]uarts of snp:ar diss(ll\'(~d in three two heads of ('eler,l', qnarts peppers. four of llIustard sel'd. ehop etc., after it is ehopped. all \rill )!;'ee:1 tOI:latoes, cupful on~d''llf of ('aId ,'ineg-nr. fine and mix well ke('!, h n l'rock.- SALEM COOK BOOK CORN SALAD.-Eighteen rellloved), .. n,' ellpflll (seeds three-follrths salt, celery '\,h"11 slIIooll,cd with :'II.\~. tine. tender then fOllr Jar!!e SII!!ar. cllpflll mllstard, ellt eorn, hef .. re add and a little vine!!ar. onions, two qllarts larl{e green ears one corn, eabba:re, three from eoh. ehop onions, and lar!!e vine!!ar, :llId salt slI/!ar eorn \'ine!!ar, three six heaping peppers, boil takin!! frOIll ston', in eans add mllstard, frllit.-:'IIHS. like Seal :rreen bllnches yeppers ('elery, tahiespoonfllis t'abba,\ .\:'>IBI.EIt. syrnp hoil IIntil ne;xl day. I{o..d with th .. 'spices, Ihen he:'1 syrllp :dlslii( .... then Sll.lWr, 1>11l' thre" add ollne" pints pickles ag-ain and pOllr on RIPE CUCUMBER PICKLE,-Pare ni,'" rip .. ('lIt'lIll1hers eellter; seeds hrine in weak three or and all alld pllt the soft into fresh \'ine:rar fOllr pOllntb plat'e eold water te Illie I', bllt Sll!!ar or the vine!!lIr, Sll!!ar and einnallloll \'ery !!ently Iwenty add a little llIore water III inlltes. hrown IIntil and water in sail for a ,'ollpl,' not soft. to eaeh qllart III 0 rt' Sll!!ar, Prepare:.l over of hOllrs; and slil'~ len/!th- lIi:rht; drain sweet If stick ,'lIt'lIll1- 1.'" with of vine;wr. season with "I' well and add till' :1I111 ,',., t'aek in !!Iass enns SHOEBHII>GE. BE~,', vinef.!a.'. PICKLES,-(~lIantit~. S,'al whil,' Iwt.-:'IIHS, renw",' wise: fronl relllO\'e find sillllller vinef.!ar with vinef.!ar cinnalllon. Boil hers nnd sillllller the swel'l DILL is 100 sharp, for Iift"l'n 'Ill" l.tS. To six 1)1Iart<, of ro,'k salt, a le\'el t,'asIHlonflll of whole pepper, ~wo red Ilt'at 10 the hoilin~ poinl, of powd"l'ed :01",". two then arid one 'Ill" rc of peppers ",HI :,t ont'" O\'l'r pi ..klt.s tahlespoonflll Ih'e rlllYs or or on,' fOllr or alr ..ady of dill lon~l'r in l'''ns pl:,,'ed se!'d 10 a two-l)lI"rl thl'Y ar,' re:"l\' litted to II ", \\'" )',,, two thin ..ider in with .."n. Seal -~I HS. PICKLE,-The tOllllltoes w/lshed, sli"l'd 1lI0rning- hoil in water shollid he strit'llv lo,"ato,'s and /llIowed lInlil I,r soak "'nd .... ' of dn ..gar add live pOlIIH]S of hrowl; l'Io\'es. 1<1"'Jl \\'ill allsph-,', an,l throllgh winll'l' wilhollt ..inn::nlon . '!r"':Il, One- ,,\,er .... 1_ '"Id- littlc' in w':I1I~ hrine dl'"in th!'n in a'lll h',il. sn:rar, \ l'i'\, ,. '";,in!!.- pOllr "'''\'l's, add on,. pOlIlHI of teaspoonflll radish, water one hay of horse ronnds am] "illef.!ar six clill stalks five or .IIHI aft!'r they work GLE~ \\'IIITTAKEH, GREEN TOMATO hllsh!'1 of Drain. To "'1.. qllllrt spil'es Cook only a short SYCI,J.I': lwlf lIi!!ht. /lnd .. r. inf.! sllt'h ,"'ppt'r, :'IIBS. (;\':0. ".\~ In as pl' ..f,'rred-wholl' tilll ... .. GREEN TOMATO Sprinkle sli •.t't\. In the Illornin;.r drain PICKLE.-One thelll throll~h alEain. one !!re"'n pel'k leaspoonflll tOlllato,'; S/llt alld let t".o '1l1al'ls dn!'!!"r. pOllnd f.!rolllHl 1II11stard. Onl' I"hlesp .... nflll :'II/lke /I s-,"rllp of an,l SIlIEAt, Ollc-follrth l'Io .....s and !!in!!er and on ..-half sli;.!:htly or thl'Y hl'gin lIntil the eaY"'Hl" pl'p)ll'r. ,:'I!BS. CL.\ t"asllllollflll to .IIions nill'ht. 1"11111 d" hrown of t'innllilloll, the 10'lIato,'s he lIs ..d in pl"t'e iliOn 1IIHL .. Io\'l's thirll'en starH] ovel' tw,) ",,,'h ('ollk IIWY !') ... illlln- of in sa ..ks.- MUST ARD PICKLES.- half 1'111'1'111'"l1st/lr,l. h,,1f g.,,1Ion \'inl'~"r. add :.:r"'1J ,WI'.,t "IIII'd watt'r. p"pl"'rs. :';,'al.l 111'0 qllarts oniolls Iwo all hilt Two t'lIpfllls onl'-hllif t!'aspllonflll :'IIi" in Ihe dn"!!ar Sll;.!:"r, one t'1I11flll .\ risto, tlllllerh-. on,. 01111<'"('("en' and "re'all"' liOIlI'. onl'- Sf' d OIH'- .. "'lIn; 1'01.] IInlil l'ook (sih'er skins) Onl' lar!!!' ('uIlIiRower, ihr ...' or dozl'n "nions slllall "lIt'Il" h,'rs. in vin!';rar Soak and wal,'r. "II O\','r I'h,' dr.',sin'! ni!!hl ilIOn' in III":. SALEM COOK BOOK 91> cauliflower cupfuls MUSTARD PICKLES.-Three onions, threl' flour, color. flour, \'ine~ar vent -l\IRS. hI' used four laqre head 'lua I\l:s vinejrar, twel\'e ~Iake Illustard which scorching, two tablespoonfuls hot and has then BE:\"JA~ll:>:. as salad pour brine sugar been made boiling pickles. SHOE BRIDGE. over mustard, cover and and mix with two onions if one wishes.-!\IHS. quarts (steamed), sugar, one small in strips), Aristos small cucumbers, two lJuarts (cut ('upfuls add four and sticks ami red peppers three-fourths cinnamon, eucumbers \"inegar thoroughly, over and night. pour stirrinl£ tumeric to Take into the to pre- to vinegar. hot a little and Add cold cook tumeric dressin~ PICKLE.-.Four cauliflowers stand let two quarts teaspoonful over vine/:"ar, whole tahlespoonful one ()uarts fine), in same. slIIali two lJuarts (cut night two c!tlYes. pounds Smooth tumeric \\'M. GYDK TEHHILL. l'innamon and . FHA:>:" ('uclllllbers, greeu In mornin/! one sUl£ar, and one-half four in a Iittlc ,'ille/!ar, two and quarts small in Cook tomatocs. wash tahlespoonful in cold water. whole tahlespoon- add to the pi<'kles.-l\IHS. PICKLES.--I'are /:"ond-sizcd in salt of SUl("ar, Cook ulltil onions and water. 'Il'cordin/:" and sliee medium-sized for eaeh lJuart). eucumhers, peel Soak euculllhers eo,'er one with ,'ine/!ar, teaSI)f)( •.lf'ul of one-Iwlf Illixed and and t(> spiel" Drain, to taste, then mix of lIIustard and tUlllcri<', ;rlass jars. elear, (not add Thb I!eapin/:") to the hot alllolint in a little onc \'ineg-ar; lIIakl's tcaspoonful conk onc \'ineg-ar of the flour, a few lIIinutes quart.--~IHS. followin!!,' one-l'i/:"htlr lonlte!" FUED 'MUSTARD t\,o hrine t"l("ether one onions, weak Cook l'iI1lHII'ltln, fuls Arist"s ,d",,'e; then quarts and flour, add MUSTARD (two (,njons over night ... Is cupful ill a ha/:"). ll'.,,'poonful of slicc onions t\\o-tl (tied One tea,;poonful and put WilEELFR. in MUSTARD clIpful onc tllustard one spoonful and ta rd Cut tUlllcric. to thh.ken tittlt' watl'r.-l'IHS. a boil, DRESSING ,;u/:"ar, o Ill' quart onc seed, one-hal PICKLE.-Twch'c \'incg-ar, onc tahlt~spoonful eU('llIllhcrs with f ta hlcspoonfuls iu pieccs, flour, mllstard slicc "'1'1. GYDE. cuelllllhers, thrc .. tahlespoonful salt, A ristos onions, eelery tahlcspoonful flou 1', one-half pllt one seed, lar/:" •. ()nion.~, tahle- IIIUS- f1l1 olle ground ta h]espoon 1IIH1 tllmeric all smoothed in a kettle an(1 brin/! tog-ctht'1' with a OLIVE PICKLES.--Follr '1"arts Sll;.:'ar, one-half ('lIpflll white te,lspoonflll "ine!!,ar. thl'lI1 !!Iix a,nd let all :'IIHS. llIH' allspi('t', and "'ash over stand to/:"ether and \\'~1. GYDE. teaspoon sliec nil£ht. ('()\'cr ('ul'flll half elO\'l's. over Drain, d('sirt'd. ('Il('lIlnhers, sced, ent'h thcn Illnstard fill pickles, dozcn laqrc ('lIpflll seed, pour one one-half of ('dery add dash salt; onions, one olh'e oil, one- cinnamon and hoiling- water them, ir 0"1'1' oli\'l~ oil Drain the with and cold cold water Omit ,'inegar. Clip spoonfllls fill OLIVE steins CHERRIES,-Cst' half oft. with in llIw-half salt eold water. of l.,n with CEL -::RY PICKLE,-OIH' three IH'Plll'r, red sl'iSSOI'S and la I';:-e fresh pack of eider pint Senl.-:'IIHS. II. I't'ck green eherrics frllit \'ineg-ar, n. tomatocs, in cans. pOllr SA "EHY. two not over-ripe with stems I)issoln~ the on'r two clwrrit,s on. tahlc- amI tahlesponnfnl:i cinnalllon, th1'<'I' pints \'ilwgar, lar!!,c onions, ('lIpS li!!,ht hrown Sll/:"ar, fOllr tahlespoonfllis two six Iwads teaspoonfuls ('c\t'ry ER1\L\ enrry chopped LA:>:E !lllwdt'r. finc. SOI'EH. onc-half Boil all choppcd salt, ('UP- to/:"cther CRABAPPLE SIlU"al', IIn., pint Seal in /:"Iass jars.--:'IIRS. PICKLE,-~e\'.'n vilw!!'ar, line pounds teaspoonfnl fruit, This t'e! pil'klt.s a.nllunt as pears, makes ahont peaehes and four qllarts. al'l'll's.-1\1 each steamed of This nntil cinnamon pil'kle ItS. CLAYTO:>: tcntler, ami can three cl'H'es IIsed DEA "E. bt' PICKLING onc ('ook with ,in('/:"ar, anti SYRUP, h'asl'oonful tht, dlwl.mr 'I'ak(' each for three pOllnds l'innanlOn of a lon;r time.-~lnS. of anti brown ('Im'cs, Slll£ar 'Tic to Ollt' ill Spiel'S ~1. I .. S~TlTH. fin •. on" thrt" ful nntil ,,,"stard, ft'mkr. Pllllnds ti.'tl fill' in hap's. ,,11 '" RICH pin! nr a el"th SALEM COOK BOOK PICKLED PEACHES.-Eight two ounces of stick cinnamon, Let vinegar, and boil a short sugar, vinegl\r. peaches peach in can separately can is full. Seal hot. after MRS. FRED WHEELER. sugar and spices boil until time (do not and when can is full pour If stone jars are used, of four fruit, pounds pounds of brown two ounces of whole cloves, one Cjuart of it forms a syrup, drop in the each syrup around peaches until should be poured off let peaches get the liquor too soft). Put they have been kept a week, boiled again and poured o\'er the pickles.- large green sweet peppers PICKLED CABBAGE.-Slice the bottom of a crock with a layer of the sliced cabhage, thin slices of Cover of the red sweet peppers mustard Inyers of cabbnge, peppers, then ('on'r with cold \-inegar. Tic a ('loth over wecks.-~mS. seed and celery seed. the top and put FRED C. "'HEELER. white cabbage fine, using a \-er~' sharp knife. then a layer. a few slices of adds to the looks; sprinkle with salt, brown 5U;:-~1r, white Continue the crock is nearly full. and weight down. two Put a plate o\'er cabbage in a cool placc, Hendy to use in about Pack gently with a pot;;to masher. snit, sugar and seed until remo\'ed), (seeds CARROT MARMALADE.-One and one-half pounds earrots. and carrots. two lemons, Cut hoth Cook cooked eomhine, and thick and perfedly lemon;. of "'ash and prepare sugar. in small pieees and remove seeds aud fihrous white ('entns in separate ad(L to the mixture hlemle drain in It and cook, squ('Pzing:. To cneh eupflll of juke intn jell:- small pi('{'('s, ncarly ('ov('r with water ('upful of hag- without iu a tin dish in a hot oven with su;rar juice thirty minutes keepin;.r the selllll oiL the clopr open ancl ~;tir often. :\s Try hy runninjr oR' a hig' spoon, soon flS the timc is up draw from th{' front of sto\'e and add hot SIlg:ar, stirring' wcll. Haye jelly g-Iasse,. dropped in cold ....nttol' nnd fill '1l1iekly. Let stand three days then eo\'('r with paraft'in, -~IIS;-; CARHIE FOSSETT, Boil it will sUlfg:est jt-lly hefore the time is lip. '''hen allow thrt~c-fourths I3rinl! to the front n;.rain for two minutes, nml put it SAL"£M COOK BOOK 97 peppers, ture glass white onr CABBAGE chopped gallon of one-fourth one jars with mixture. sugar, ca\lbage the CUCUMBER lIlustard. drop he ndded SALAD.-Two one Hne, boiling large heads cabbage, these :\lix stand twenty-four cupful water; salt. let Take two quarts pound white mustard hot. Seal boiling PICKLES.-One Put this mixturc at once.-MRS. gallon in a crock. vinegar, of good seed; and shredded pour hours; vinegar. Hne. over drain two come cider let to a boil HEXR Y '\'HITTA one After cupful c\ll'llInbers salt. in solution, 11t any in vinep:ar, plate place tillle. seasoued over If sweet them to keep pickles with mixed are spices them down. scald desired. and sugar two red the mix- fill and pounds pour and KER. one cupful are washed Cucum- some to taste.- of (one simmer Itallon brown cold then quart the slllall head onions. soft nip:ht. part; eaulifto\l'er. head one chop all cover Drain. t\l'O I!allon)ol"er flollr, Ilot mu~"y. but l'upful tumeri('. the ~;l stir well. FOR CUCUMBER other' Seal ;\Iix salt. one .1re washed FHi\XK P!CKLES.-To ;.rrotlnd then lIIustartl, drop \. F. ('lIpflll in salt ..BER PICKLES.-Olw CUCU,\ one su;.:a(', hOI'.":n:dj~h. SOllk ('II('lIl11hl'rs an(l ;\IHS. \. CUCUMBER '1'" !loill. "lIpful hoilin).!' hlllf one-half p:ar W. P. L.\:\"E. one C]lIart let slI;.:a1'; ami \X .\'1''1'.\. ""er hot :md SLICED salt fCH,'p"onful I' all with \\'ith ooc Con ;\lHS. EH;\I.\ L.\XE SOPER. CUCUMBER stancl let !!IlIst:frd. \ illl';.:ar. three In the a two-quart lllorninj! draill, e,!n take I'll I'fll 1 or tablespoonflll lI10re of of lI1iXf'll ,lOll:\" S\V':E:T 1I. S;\IITlI. CUCUMBER ni.Lrht. For one,half one l\IHS. worth put CRISP CUCUMBER PICKLES.-l'lIt pour 0111' alld su;!ar, nil" rOllndinl! sealding- water olle-half pints c'lIelllllbers o\'er of in thelll. \'illC'/!llI' a weak then (not teaslJOonfll1 of ground pkes. Ileat. add pi('kles. then ean hrine drain too o\'er again. strong), lIIustard, sea\.- lllHI '. eeharin powlIer to :: !!alloll ;.rl1o(l cider dne;.:ar. PICKLES.- Olle I'upflll ('oal's<, salt \"ash :lIId fh'e ('II('ll!lIhers ('ents' and in pro'par,lkn. INDIA =AST fOllr ollnccs: 0 'nce,: salt, fOllr slll,.11 CIl('Ulllbl'rs. wash tl:,'y "r" 1''' .dy to ,,5('. cayenne. Heady for 1I .•e in a week.-COXTHIBUTED. one ;.:a!lon; Cllrry PICKLES.-"inc!!ar, II1l1stllrd, fOllr Ollnel'S; OUIll'f'; the mixtllre ill ;.rin,lrl'r, tllllleril' and onf'-eig-hth 'IlH1 pllt ,;\lll~. HEX.' \.\IIX SIIOEBHIDGE. powder. OUl1('e5: two for two ollnces; lIIustard seed, ounces. Take a week, when st'uHl three powder. let 98 SALEM COOK BOOK peck of cucumhers, one gallon of dnegar, CUCUMBER PICKLES.-One of hrown onc cupful soh"Cd in a little keep some tilile sng'ar, dnegar. in an open one cupful Stir well of salt put and crock.-~lRS. PICKLES.-Two to cover them to rinse and let off for SWEET put CUCUMBER in enough water over in \"ineA"ar and splash water scald just and drain and put pickles in warm cans. sugar, a piece of alum the hot o\'{~r pickles Pour (one-third Add sizc of a small and pickles; lander a kettle then brown to taste. FRAXK cupfuls stand the water and one cupful on the of mustard. cold. dis- 'Viii cucumber~ CRAXE. of three da~'s. salt !o one hundred salt and let drain. and two-thirds to the hickory vinegar nut one and mixed Put in eol- Put in \'inegar), cupful of spices cup CUCUMBERS cup of one-half of white mustard onc or more pare.) salt and drain. add oli\'e oil; Seal; keep let Cover with WITH OLIVE OIL.-Onc salt, six mediulII sizcd onions, tenspoonful seal..--~IRS. WM. Tl\lT. of slllaIl, and one gallon sliced, of celery seed, one one seed, of vinegar. salt the jrlass jars and Fill it settle \rash let the stand cm'umhcrs two and and one-half in layers of cl1('lIlnbers, onions throutrh the cucumhers then fill one-half cup sliced cucumbers, ounces oil, not off then the jars with \'inctrar. of oli\'e (do thin \\':1sh and seeds. hou;'s. slice in cool,dry place.--2\IRS. pound PEAR.-Eitrht one-half of crystallized in some of and ginp;er and pulp Jlounds FRED WHEELER. of of prl'sen'ed g-inp;er root. (pear), root lemons fruit g-inger Four the slowly the root rind. Chip and hoil fruit and one hour; gin;rer-root chip lelllons to pears and boil slowly one hour lon~er. eip;ht pounds (in jar,,) peeled. of and boiled quitI' light or Can use the until fine, in small Can while GINGER sugar, amount grate sugar add juice brown same tender, add the bits, hot.-2\fRS. the oran;:cs top;ether FRENCH juicl' as peeled until JAM.-One for it FRED WHEELER. PRESERVES.--Scald jelly .. ami ClIt jellks. pouno Cook \,1<1 to the in slIIall Can he put fruit, from one "'H'-half white). (crystal from spoon. slice other cxtraet slowly wny that st erilized '\'ash, "nd fruit juke. pan' Place frnit thick .. tested. fruits. some of and cook jellies g-lass n nd senl the till llrc like Iam may Stir .klly. fin juil'e quarts rh-~ ponnds rind of of cnrrants, and of seeded of squeeze and two Boil IRYIXG H.\:\iILTON, raisins them. out silt all in tlllnblers.--:\IHS. piel'es with to two pound of hours if necessary. core in layers with sug-ar. one-fourth fruit hcrril's :llash until or pound Karo heavily drops and "urran ton;..r enough and stand 1£ dry a cup of water may sug-"r he added. he tested to frequently on a cold pn~\'ent plate hllrnin.2". in the Turn to Hea~ samc into PINEAPPLE pineapple AND STRAWBERRY (~hopped fine. one pint then it boil a few minuh's fast. noil and stir quite sugar. add pin"applt', until often JAM.-One add about pint strawherries. one ""pful watn cook until it mpes, tcmlt'r Do unt one to the add prepare tlu'n lJuart one TWO, threc then put at a ti 11I1'.-2\1 RS. CLA )''1'0:-: DEA ],:'-'. THREE l~upfuls SUjrar. CONSERV::.-One Cook the pineapplt: ('upful twcnty Illirltltl's. in till' strawherries any ~;':nl<' as as they e!o not want jar" }lresern~ ..-:\IR:-i. or pinenpple, two ane! SUI!"r tng-dhcr ('upfuls ahout tn cook to l'il'ees, CL\ ),TO~ pint SUjrar. let strawherries than more ONE, strawherries, tl'n minutes, Cook DE.U,E. CURRANT pounds chopped. lIIeats.-:\IRS. of sug-ar, Boil ahollt n, B. CONSERVE.--Two rine! of two ornn;.:cs. }lllunds hoil and chop of ('nrrants. two and fin('; onl' pound of on('.half hour, pllt in jclly ('liPS and s('al. Xice onl'.half raisirn, for ('old WATERMELON CONSERVE.--One-half of a larp;e melon. insh]e. 1II(')on n/l() mf'lon Ann cook let Six 1"lIIons, cook lemons. .stant! O\'crnig-ht, IIntil It rind and all; cut up and pour then sug-'lJ' thiekens.-MRS. two cnpfuls CllAHLES take COLDHI'~:-;. cut out the into the water- tn t1Jrc,' of the SALEM COOK BOOK 99 two large peck green pears, two ounces green ginger PEAR CONSERYE.-One-fourth sugar, and core one-fourth four pounds Peel, quarter through food chopper. three lelllons, cupful water. ping same in cold water as prepared and put the grated frolll Comhine all with four pOllnds jrramdatcd thrce tweh-e jelly glasses.-COi\"TRIllUTED. rind (the yellow only) of lelllons, and cook for jrreen ging-er root and cut sugar, oranges, root, one-fourth peek hard, green pears, drop- dark. Drain cupful of water the gray coating three lelllnn~. in food chopper. III' thc juicc of t'I'O oran;::es and hours. fill in nne-fourth Scrape the root This quantity will two and onc-half two ollnees of to prevent Cnok till in order turning tender pounds Cook until PLUM CONSERYE.-Five seeded raisins (chopped), pounds alum (pitted), two four oranges .. Tuice and rind chopped fine. five pounds sugar, raisins, in sack. Mix ingredients four oranges PLUM CONSERYE.--One-half blue phlms, (juice and rind), thick.-l\JHS. W. I-I. TOUSEY. seeded peck the pounds sugar, one pound coffee put H. C. DEi\"NIS. sugar, one two oranges. the ('ook the grape pulp to remove seeds; add the grape skins and rinds), thick.-.'IIRS . twenty-fil'e minutes.-l\IRS. pounds of grapes, the to the pulp and cook fifteen minutes. to other mixture Chop oranges and simmer until and oranges two pounds and grape (omitting and boil GRAPE CONSERYL.-Three through pounds raisins skins two Put pound raisins, fnod chopper; raisins then add sugar •JOBi\" ASPLIi\". GRAPE CONSERYE.-Five pounds grapes, five pounds sugar, three oranges. Seed the grapes, add the other ingredients two pounds and boil thick; sealns SPICED CURRANTS OR HUCKLEBERRIES.-Three CHAS. RYDER. jelly.-.'IIRS. the pounds pint dnelIar. this recipe.-l\1HS. ripe ('llrr:lIlts, one tnblespoonful Boil one hour. Huckleberries CI..\ YTON DEAKE. pounds white sugar, e:t(~hof cinnamon and elo"es, one are ,'ery nice indeed spiced after raisins, until SPICED FRUIT.--Seven three tahlespoonfnls J(ar, HOY WATmDIAN. APPLE, QUINCE, with one cupful throuj!h a ('olander; spoonfuls with a little vineg'ar, two tahlespoonfuls horse radish.-.'IIHS. two cupfuls white mustard seed, tUIll' dc, one ounce II. C', DEl'NIS. RIPE TOMATO RELISH.-Three uilll' larj!" onions, three red peppers, salt and It't stand m'er nill'ht. Drain, pounds brown SHlrar, "I'" cupful white MilS. \\'.'11. GYDE. hunches celery, one ]leek ripe tomatoes, :\Iix with ont'-hlllf cupful two chop all fine. then add four cupfuls cold vine'!ar, lIlustard see/I, cinnallJon nnt! cloves.- 100 SALEM COOK BOOK Fruit Appricots Sour Apples Crab Apples lllackberries Gooseberries Raspberries Huckleberries Strawberries Cherries Currants Wild Grapes Sour Pears Bartlett Peaches Plums Peaches Pineapples Quinces Rhubarb Tomatoes (whole) Pears (in hah'es) (whole) (sliced) Table for Canning Fruit Quantity of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sugar per quart 2 teacupfuls 1% teacupfuls 2 teacupfuls 1% teacupfuls teacupfuls 2 teacupful teacupful 2 tencupfuls 1% teacupfuls teacupfuls 2 teacupfuls 2 teacupfuls 2 teacupfuls I1j2 teacupfuls 2 2 teacupfuls teacupful 1 1'/2 teacupfuls teacupfuls 3 3 teacupfuls o tea('IIJI~ul Time for boiling fruit 10 minutes- 10 minutes. 25 minutes 6 minutes. 8 minutes' 6 minutes 5 minute5 8 minutes 5 minutes 6 minutes H1 minutes 30 minutes 20 minutes 8 minute, 10 mniutes 15 minut~, 15 mirlllt ..s :30 minutes 1(l minute- ~O lninllte;.; (:hop and drain three head.; (one-half thor- in large mouth bottles or cans. Do not cook.-:'IIRS. CL,\ YTO:\" \"inq.rar, one cupful peck tomatoes, :'Ilix to/!ethcr too ripe, cupful nol TOMATO RELISH.-One over night. Chop four large green peppers, nine /!(,ocl-sil.edonions, celery fine, one-half pound) whitc mustard oughly and put DI~AKE. two pounds brown sugar. four cupfuls seed, salt, COLD TOMATO RELISH.-One peck ripe tlllllillocs, two cupfuls chopped celery, six medium-sized onions, ounces white mustard them in a hag to drain (H'er night, squeeze tomatoes all WATERS. seed, scant one-half cupful together hut do not cook. Can it or kccp in open eroek.-MHS. fivc cupfuls dnegar, salt. tomatocs, lhrec green peppers,. t\l''' put and \'cgctables Hne; mix :'IIE!.\"I:\" Peel let salt, COLD TOMATO RELISH.-One cupful stand over night. half bunches celery, six onions, and one green pepper onion anll pepper three cupfuls brown sugar, seed, onc-half cupful ground horsc radish, onc quart -MRS. CHAS. RYDElL finc; In morning (scell removcd). drain, fine, onc- then add tllrcc Chop cclery. two ounccs white Illustard \'incgar. Mix thoroughly_ peck of ripe tomatoes choppcll COLD MEAT RELISH.-One threc g-rcen peppers, eig-ht onions, one-half cupful of salt, one alll] onc-ha)f cupfuls of hrown sU.l!ar, one and onc-half IlJllslal'l1 seed. two teaspoonfuls of hlaek pepper, and one quart of duc!!a r. Drllw out all the juke while chopping, :lIYHO:\" ATCHlSO:\". cupfuls of horse radish, pcck of ripc tomatoes, ten ccnts' worth or a eolauller.-;I1IlS. hut do not pul through CUCUMBER RELISH.-Eight largc grccn ('\u'umhcrs, celery all choppcd and mixcd together, six lar!!e onion-, sprinkle with onc-fourth two heads cupful salt and let stand o\'cr night. PIE PLANT RELISH.-Two howls pie-plant (eut filW), two howls SU:~':lr, two oranges, one lemon. Hemo\'e seeds from lemon anel orange. cut in small pieces, cook all together with just enough water Cook unlil peeling is tender.-:\IRS. W. H. TOl'SEY. the fruit to keep from hurning. SALEM COOK BOOK 101 two spoonful DRESSING.-Two tahlespoonfuls tlllllerk CUCUMBE~ (:upfuls sUlrar, one pint tablespoonfuls mustard, and white RELISH.-Tweh'e two pepper.-:\IHS. large \'inegar, Aristos CLAHEXCE cucumbers cupful water, one-half tea- one-half flour TOU'SEY. (pee]ed and peppers, seeded), red one a cans or half Fill large mllons, (not celery, in one cupful in a bal!, ounces full and fill up with ('old \'inegar. of two heads too fine). Stir then add three Ihe of salt and let stand of white mustard seed. Seal. Heady to use in three I1lrlre green S. S. RELISH.-Twel\'e large cucumbers, one 'Iuart cabbage, stand and let put o\'er through night. two-thirds cupful mustard of salt SUl!ar, onions, six large six food chopper, mix with three Drain. Co\'er with \'inegar seed, and clo\'es: cinnamon drain Chop twelve JJepper. day, two-thirds four weeks.-~IRS. CUCUMBER tomatoes, green tablespoonfu]s 'Hid two cupfuls Cook. Jled cabhage, suit taste.--MRS. SUNSHINE Chop one (iYDE. pounds four ,,,,mon, onc-half ~IRS. W~1. GYDE. BEI::T RELISH.-One one quart gallon cooked grated horse chopped add radish, beets, sugar, one-half salt gallon and \'inegar chop- to ,JOHX ASPLIX. RELISH.--Three cut and each quarter I!flOd \'ine:rar, <)uartered, fu] raisins, Put in the "dds mlH'h to this IlEA KK the spices fruit. one one teaspoonful in little Let cook twenty-fi\'e larl!e ground bags. relish. pounds in three orange, chop cinnamon, I.et dnegar minutes. Put in (:ups or RELISH.-Hem()\'e (chopped onions fi\'e minutes. seeds fine). and let stand salt and one and one-half PEPPER six peeled "dd water spoonfuls and let hoil CHILI Drain cupfuls Store in glass ripe tomatoes, twenty miutes. SAUCE.-Thirty fine. One cupful each teaspoonful sugar, of I!round three cupfuls cinnamon crab apples, Three rind parts. the one-half and sugar teaspoonful not sugar, too line, not pared but cored and one cup- pounds pound clo\'es. then put nut meats CLA YTO~ one ground tb a boil, of broken come One cupful jelly glasses.-:\IRS. fmm six red and in a saucepan, Put and add one cupful of \'inegar. Bring six green peppers co\'er with boiling two table- to boiling point sugar, jars.-~IRS. six large vinegar, and ROY ". ATER~IAN. onions, three one green pepper. salt, 'V~1. tablespoonfuls Cook.-~IRS. do\'es. CHILI SAUCE.-l'eel hrown sugar, rt'd peppers clo\'es hours. four quarts line), two grated (chopped and ginger, If not sweet enough one hushel onions one ounce tomatoes, (chopped add fine), of allspice, nutmegs, one cupful add more sugar.-~1RS. SAUCE.-Thirty-six CHILI I!reen pepper, one teaspoonful •1. II. BR,\DI.EY. cinnamon, salt ripe one one teaspoonful to taste, tomatoes, and ('lo\'es. six onions, cupfuls one-half one pint six bunches one ounce celery \'inegar, three and each of cin- salt; and A. F. VAX ATT1\. \'inegar, one cupful one brown sugar, three boil Cook slowly until thick.-~IRS . CHILI teaspoonfuls SAUCE.-Eighteen one teaspoonful two on" ,'upful one and one-half ,Iowl\'.-~IHS. GLEX WH/'l'TAKEH. of sugar, salt, ripe BRIGHT RED TOMATO CATSUP.-Stew verv soft, ('lIpfll]s until two enoul!h .pan, Fla\'or. ItIULI.. \':ithod of siIakinv ellpful, ':;;"11", to I:oil withollt or n :-nunll ql!nn~ity stirring' dropped \...ith the ;:nel wht'n fingers, Then fin!!'e)'.> clln the the syrllp and work lell\'e 01' to 11 eream. IIntil slllooth. white, and mould • 1>1.1;':' "n~ '.'lIpt'::1 w " ulltil a J;'~'-- r('''I<,\'e he :\'ow t"k,' YOI' up Ilre n .\; into iln." NOUGAT.-Two ('upfuls ('upful of water, white one-hl1lf sU,mr, e,!'Irs. two stir tht: platter.-:\IISS chop roasted into of whites and then on to Il'l'eased and in eleall sUll'ar melt. tin When sh_ct. pale Holl in ('old water and press BRITTLE.--Shell Il'ranulated graduall~' 011 hutteru] one-half until like it n'll'ks soft putty PEANUT two !tllllp, pOllnels Put will pOllr up,-It, B. C, tlllkkly then ('upful of Karo ('Orn ,'yrup. SYl'lIp "ntl Wilt whitt's. stir lint:! SlIlwr, heatt'n I' Boil stitlly HILDHETH nuts to measllrc \\'HEEI.EIL ooe frying ('oft'ee thin pan, eolor Stir o\'cr and ('Iellr slow fir ... ad.1 Hllt., as possihle, '\'hen" "I pint. It ,":d l,rel1k AFTER-DINNER one-fourth MINTS.-'I'wo teaspoonful ing water. sup:ar, wllter until aside frolll varied. /lnd ereM'l tllrtal' is SUI,rar the t" ('001. Whl'lI a SIH,,:n on wax llissol\'ed, IlIkewarm paper ORIENTAL throllll'h thin, IIsin;r ellt if k,'pt DELIGHTS.-Take a Illeat pow(kn'd Ollt with a few days, ('hopper, slI;rar slllall grind roll boarll: 13etter le\'<'I ('upfuls Sllp:ar, on~-half ""pflll ('relllll tartar, thl'e~ until thell it spins let a thrt"I() hoil without add the pepperlllint and if possihle. the drops frolll stirring, heat The peppcl'lllillt. "P"OIl, '\'hell l'reall'Y. fl'I\'"rin'.f till on a IlIal'h!e slah ho;). Boil :-it;!' "lily d"lIe set Drop he Illay elJlIal wei;rht alternatinp: instead of ('utter ('ooky the flollr of dates, fi;rs and as YOIl p:rind, stk'kinl!' fruit to pre\'ent rilisin, :\Iold an" and IllOl(linp: sll!.!'ar. t" plI\\'dl'!'('rl and thld with KITCHEN KINKS AND GENERAL HINTS Eqllal For parts headache of p('roxide and :!lIlIl,Ollia wrin;r eloths Ollt of hot water \l'i11 I'ell,o\'e with ink s:a:n' allllllOllia froltl :uHI dothin;r. salt in it, IIse hot water \dth tH11lt'1' of a little su;rar of ;rasoline leall in i~. in a pail (If r,Iin Pllt one nip:ht. turpentine 1I1so pre\'ents used to rinse will he rust. elllpty all old fl,,,'ors. Illore dllrahle alld ;rlos,.y: IIse fruit jars. hefnre the;; arc on pllt whip tht'n the :lnd apply to hell(!. For For deanin;r clothes water, soak that windows fade: in it clothes ''''er polish mixed with stOH'. of Turpelltine in water that unheaten ('n'alll relllO\'t' Sto\'e a ('old A pineh soda away, will destroy Paint sticks The the To soak Pailfllis slllell Sprinkle fi rt'. A ('loth \\'Iwn has IIf ('old water. of 5('ol'l'h taste sent su('('ess{ully, a seor('h in eold water and IIf cold watt'r the (','al with watt:r paint. hott,'r a pall the burned, to ;rlass of white ('an he relllt,,'ed an added e;r;r, with thin to dne;rnr. h"t erealll, will en"hle Oil" to Illllrk rllh tht: s(,ol'l'hed th~ stain will in rooms \l'ht'rt' llisappellr. paintinll' IIrtit-le with a sli('e of onion, is heinl!' or six doses administered. five doses IUl\'e been taken. At e\'Cry fifteen minutes remedy for breaking slowly, Hepeat it dissolve For RECIPE FOR A HAPPY DAY Take II little dash of eold water, A little lea \"en of prayer, A little bit of sunshine gold, Dissol\'ed in the morning air . .\dd to ~'our l1Ielll SOllIemerrillleut, for kith and kin, And then liS a prime in!!."redient, ill. A plent." of work thrown Add thought Flavor ~ot it all with essence of for!!"etting a dash of pIa.". lo\'('. Let the dear old Book and a !!"Ianecabove COIl.pldt. the wl"lI spent day. 108 SALEM COOK BOOK Capital, $50,000.00 Surplus, $25,000.00 4 PER CENT Paid on Savings Deposits $1.00 STARTS AN ACCOUNT Checking Accounts Invited SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Travelers' Checks BOARD OF DIRECTORS F. S. Harmon F. E. Bradley M. N. Johnson R. Christensen Frank S.!Neal R. M. Terrill E. H. Lapham OFFICERS F. S. Harmon, President R. Christensen, Vice-President F. S. Neal, Vice-President E. H. Lapham, Cashier Ernest Miller, Asst. Cashier F. R. Lanning, Asst. Cashier ...----- Member ...... -.---. ._. Federal ._r..... . Reserve . System i tI iI I I I .:. SALEM COOK BOOK 109 INDEX ._u u u .. _. _ . .. .. .. .... .__. ..__' .. .... _... SOUpS Fish and Shell Fish .. l'I.eats. Poultry, Game and Sauces Eggs Vegetables Salads and Dressings Bread and Rolls __. Breakfas1 and Tea Cakes Sandwiches Cheese __ .. Cakes Icings __ Cookies . Doughnuts Puddings, Sauces and Desserts Pies __ _ Creams and Ice3 Beverages .._... __ Canning, Pickling and Preserving Candy Ki!chen Kinks and General Hints Table of Weights and Measures _ _.. __ _..__ .. __ .. .. _ _ .. __ _ .. .. _ u __ .. u _ u .. ~ _ .. _ u __ __ ..__ .._.. _.._.. .. . . u __ .... __ .. __ • __ ~_.. .._..__... _ •• u .. _ ... _. .. .. .. _ u .. ... _.._ .. . . _.. . _.. u _ _.. _ __ _.. __ .._ u __ .._ _.. _ _ _ .. _ _ .. _ _ __ .. __ .. _ _ __ u __ __ _ __ __ __ .. n .. PAGE 7 9 13 2S 27 35 39 44 5 1 S2 5S 74 76 80 81 85 90 91 92 103 104 110 11() SALEM COOK BOOK TABLE OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES of sugar sugaL One quart of tlour One heaping tablespoonful Two cupfuls of i!ranulated Two heaping cupfuls of powdered sug;ar One pint of finely ehoppt'd meat packed solidly Two cupfuls of solid butter One rounding tablespoonful the size of an eg:: Butter Two round tablespoonfuls Four lilJuid One generous pint of liquid Two saltspoon fuls make Two coffeespoonfuls make Three teaspoonfuls Two cupfuls make One heaping (dry) make teaspoonfuls of of hutteL of coffee -= tablespoonful 2 onnces or Vt The cup used is the common measure holding one-half pint. of butter 1 pound 1 ounce 1 pound 1 pound 1 pound 1 pound 1 ounce ,t, ('upful 1 OUl1ce '2 ounees or 1 tahlespoonful 1 pound 1 coft'eespoonful 1 teaspoonful 1 tahlespoonful 1 pint cupful - FINIS- / . ..... .. '\ III I t I' ) I I I 1 can yellow peaches (halves) 1 pint vanilla ice cream !/z cup chopped nuts Peach Melba (St:TlJes S OT 6 penons) Drain the sirup from the canned peaches and boil it down until about 1 cup remains. Add a drop or two of red coloring matter, the sirup an at- tractive pink, and chill. When ready to serve, place the peaches on rlates, fill the centers with the ice cream, pour on a little 0 the sirup, and sprinkle the chopped nuts over the top. just enough to tint