• "OUR CHURCH" this Cook-Book to the general public, AID SOCIETY of the IROQUOIS .LUTHER- IN offering the LADIES' AVENUE AN CHURCH recipes which who shall CHRIST does it contains will EVANGELICAL so with the hope that prove the many to all helpful consult its pages. tl}e hope them, we indulge Tried and tested as these recipes have been by those their use the busy and satis- her in toward submitting will aid in easing in a measure house-wife, faction the discharge her to her delight daily confronting foremost duties and in solving one of the problems that the tasks of of one of her family. To the friends whose advertisements our hearty these pages, we assistance the hope that new and increased to them by way of remuneration given us in this publication, appear within the together with patronage may come their kindness. express thanks for for Through frequent use, may this Cook-Book become to many a "trusty guide" and a "friend in neecl." THE COMMITTEE. Detroit, Mich. 1922. Wl1r 3Jrnqunis 1Jjutl1rrau R.S AN"D~ CLOTlHInERS 7419 Mack Ave. 3317 Gratiot Ave. 56 A Knox Gelatine Dessert or Salad is attractive and appetizing. HEALTH BREAD One quart bran, y2 pint graham flour, y2 pint wheat flour, good pinch salt, 2 heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder, sift altogether several times and what does not go through, put in also; 1 heaping teaspoonful soda, dissolved in 1 tablespoonful boiling water and stir into y2 cup of molasses. Pour over dry ingredients 1 tablespoon(cid:173) ful butter, 1 pint milk and the prepared molasses. Add raisins to flour. Mrs. Wm. L. Hartwig.- WHITE FLOUR NUT BREAD Four cups sifted flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup nut meats (chopped), V/2 cups milk, 4 teaspoonfuls baking powder, 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 beaten egg. Mix all dry ingredients first, then add beaten egg and milk gradually. Let raise 20 minutes. Bake 50 minutes in slow oven Mrs. Wm. L. Hartwig. GRAHAM BREAD One cake Fleishmann's yeast, dissolved, 1 cup milk, scalded and cooled, 1 cup luke warm water, 4 tablespoonfuls light brown sugar or molasses, 2 tablespoonfuls melted butter and lard, 4 cups graham flour (sifted), 1 cup white flour, 1 teaspoonful salt. Knead into loaf and let raise to twice its size. Keep in warm place 4 or 5 hours. Make in 2 loaves and bake 1 hour in slow oven. Mrs. Wm. L. Hartwig. BROWN BREAD One teaspoonful salt, 2 cups brown sugar, 4 cups graham flour, 4 cups white flour, 2 teaspoonfuls soda, 4 cups sour milk, and raisins. Mix all together and bake 1 hour. Mrs. Chas. Mann. CORN MEAL MUFFINS One-half cup sugar, 1 egg, y2 teaspoonful salt, 1 heaping table- spoonful butter, 1 cup sour milk, y2 teaspoonful saleratus, 1 cup sweet milk, 2 cups corn meal, 1 cup flour, 2 level teaspoonfuls bak(cid:173) ing powder. Bake in moderate oven 15 minutes. Mrs. Fred Keil, Sr. NUT BREAD Scald 2 cups of milk and 2 cups of water. Then pour it over 2 tablespoonfuls of brown sugar, one teaspoonful salt and one table- spoonful of lard. Let cool until at blood heat, then add four cups of white flour. Beat for ten minutes and add one yeast cake dis(cid:173) solved in one-half cup luke-warm water. Cover and let rise until very light, then add: 1 cup of coarsely chopped nuts and 5 cups of entire wheat flour. Make into a sticky, soft dough. Put into a but(cid:173) tered bowl and let stand until light. Turn onto a molding board and form into loaves. Place in buttered pans, having each half full. Let stand until pans are full. Bake 1 hour. Mrs. A. Eichbauer. 57 Ask your grocer for Knox Gelatine-take no other. Three GRAHA:M BREAD cups graham flour, 0 cup brown Bake 1.% hours. raisins, 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 pint and soda. sugar, 0 cup nut meats 2 teaspoonfuls sour milk, ~lrs. C. E. Saunby. GRAHAlV1 GErdS sugar, butter, cup brown Three-quarters 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful taplespoonful salt, 1 teaspoonful sour milk, 0 cup white flour, 10 cups graham flour. butter, add to above, mix thoroughly. Then add flour, put and bake in medium oven. This makes one dozen. 1 soda, 1 cup Blend lard, IVIix soda with sour milk and in muffin tins salt and egg together. 1 teaspoonful sugar, lard, :Mrs. F. "Vendt. X __ GER:MAN COFFEE butter, 0 cup sugar, CAKE cups of Two tablespoonfuls flour, 10 teaspoonfuls Cream butter, add sugar, beaten egg, milk, ing powder cup flour, over and salt. teaspoonful Pour cinnamon with tablespoonful top and bake 0 hour oven. baking powder, 1 egg, 7'i flour, ;v.i cup milk, 1~ teaspoonful salt. sifted with bak- in shallow pan. Ci\Iix 0 cup sugar, 0 Sprinkle in moderate butter. 1\1rs. Stahlhuth. .......J A cups flour, L.1:levelteaspoonfuls cup sugar, One-half COFFEE 3 level CAKE teaspoonfuls 1. cup milk, 2 baking powder, 2 eggs, 0 cup raisins. butter, Sprinkle top with sugar and cinnamon. Salt to taste. 1\lrs. \\T. E. Fenn. Three o teaspoonful 1 cup brown sugar, cups whole wheat 2 cups salt. Bake 30 to ~.1:5minutes WHOLE WHEAT BREAD flour, 2 cups white sour milk, 2 teaspoonfuls in oven. flour, 1 cup ralStnS, soda, baking :Mrs. A. Garrod. COTTAGE CHEESE KUCHEN foam. add 1. the potato water, tablespoonful Let Boil 1 medium sized potato, when soft mash and scald 1 cup flour. sugar, when rise in a warm place or flour mixed with 2 and cover well. Add more rise and cooled milk, 2 teaspoonfuls it has raised well, mix 1;,4 cup sugar with 1 cup of roast) dough with 2 or 3 eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls with 2 cups of cool add a soaked cake of yeast over warm water of boiled cups again. When shortening mix this olive oil, chicken or goose fat, which makes and the grated rind of a lemon, add enough flour to make quite a stiff dough. into two long Let size to be tins. sprinkled with cinnamon of cottage into a thin layer The rest can be made into larger as pie crust loaves or kuchen Filling-I pound and good lard, oleomargarine into the raised it very tender, or fat of beef rise again. and let (butter Roll salt. and sugar. 58 Knox Gelatine improves soups and gravies. cheese, 4 pared and grated apples, 1 grated lemon rind, 1 cup sugar, salt to taste, 2 or 3 eggs, y2 cup milk or cream, mix well. Sufficient for two tins. Bake about 30 to 40 minutes. BROWN BREAD Mrs. L. Reindel. Two cups sour milk (or buttermilk), 2 teaspoonfuls soda, y2 cup brown sugar, y2 cup molasses, 1 cup raisins, pinch of salt, 1 cup white flour, 3 cups graham flour. Bake in 1 pound coffee cans. Be sure that the lids are on tight. This will make two loaves of bread. Bake in moderate oven 1 hour. Lucile Wiesinger. JOHNNY CAKE One cup cornmeal, 1 cup sour milk, 1 cup flour, 2/3 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 tablespoonful melted butter, y2 teaspoonful baking soda and a little baking powder. Mrs. E. Strubel. WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS One egg, 2 cups sour milk, 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, 2 tablespoon- fuls shortening, 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 level teaspoonful baking soda, and about 2 cups Henkel's whole wheat flour. Bake in muffin tins slowly. y£ DUTCH COFFEE CAKE Mrs. E. Strubel. Four tablespoonfuls butter, 4 tablespoonfuls sugar, 1 egg, 1 scant cup milk, 2 cups flour, 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Sprinkle top with sugar and cinnamon and bake 20 minutes. This makes two cakes. Mrs. W. Wendt. COFFEE CAKE < Three-quarters cup of.sugar, 1 teaspoonful lard, 1 teaspoonful utter, 1 cup milk, little salt, 2 teaspoonfuls Royal baking powder, 2 cups flour. Spread the top with melted butter, then sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Mrs. Koehnlein. BRAN GEMS One-half cup butter, y2 cup brown sugar, 2 eggs, y2 cup milk, iy2 cups flour, 2 cups Pillsbury bran, 4 teaspoonfuls Royal baking powder. Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs well beaten, milk and rest of dry ingredients. Mix well and bake in gem tins until brown. GRAHAM MUFFINS Mrs. H. W. Kammer. Four tablespoonfuls half lard and half butter, ft cup sugar, 1 tablespoonful molasses, 1 egg, 3 cups white flour, y2 teaspoonful salt, 2 heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder, y2 teaspoonful baking soda, 1 cup graham flour, enough milk to make a soft batter (about 2 cups). Stir together lard, butter, sugar and molasses, add well beaten egg. Sift white flour once, then measure 3 cups, then sift 3 times with baking powder, salt, baking soda, add to above ingre(cid:173) dients. Bake in a moderate oven. Mrs. J. T. Willits. re JULIUS KNACK COAL CO. COAL OFFICE: KNACK BLDG. 3 3 43 GRATipT Melrose 6175 YARDS: Holbrook and G.T. R. R. Adelaide and G.T. R. R. Phones Melrose 4360—474 The Mack Ave. Pharmacy George F. Snyder Melrose 3450 Chas. Charvat's Son "Say it with Flowers" Cor. Mack & Field Aves. Opp. Eastern High School Mack Ave. & Sheridan Send for the Knox Gelatine recipe book. CHRISTMAS STOLLEN One quart warm milk, 1 scant pound of butter, y2 pound granu(cid:173) lated sugar, iy2 pounds raisins, l/2 pound currants, % pound blanch(cid:173) ed almonds, chopped, 5 eggs, grated rind of one lemon, 2 cakes compressed yeast. A little salt. Mix together warm milk, butter, sugar, salt, grated lemon rind, beaten eggs and the dissolved yeast. Add flour to handle dough, knead it well, let rise, knead in fruit chopped almonds, divide into loaves, let rise again and bake 45 min(cid:173) utes to 1 hour. Mrs. E. Froehlich. A P P LE CAKE Slice cooking apples on greased pie pans, then make a batter of 1 cup sugar, butter size of an egg, 2 eggs, y2 teaspoonful vanilla, y2 cup milk, \2/i cups flour, ll/2 teaspoonfuls baking powder. Drop batter over apples and bake. Serve with sugar and cream. Mrs. Zuehlke. BAKING POWDER COFFEE CAKE One cup sugar, 4 teaspoonfuls butter, 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 3 cups teaspoonful salt. flour, 2 teaspoonfuls Royal baking powder, % Cream, butter and sugar. Add eggs and milk, flour and baking pow(cid:173) der and salt. Bake in medium oven about 30 to 35 minutes. Mrs. H. W. Kammer. r COFFEE CAKE One and one-half cups flour, *4 cup sugar, 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder, y2 teaspoonful salt, y2 cup raisins, y2 cup shortening, 2 eggs beaten in a cup and cup filled with milk. Sift dry ingredients together, rub shortening in with finger tips, add raisins and liquid and put in a well greased pan. Sprinkle top with y2 cup sugar, a little cinnamon and 1 teaspoonful butter mixed together. Bake in a moderate oven about 30 minutes. Mrs. E. Pokriefka. POPOVERS One cup flour, 1 cup milk, 1 egg, pinch salt. Beat until it bubbles and bake in hot quick oven. Mrs. E. R. Germer. EGG BISCUITS One quart sifter of flour, 4 teaspoonfuls of baking powder, y2 teaspoonful salt, 1 tablespoonful of sugar. Sift all together. Rub in 1 heaping teaspoonful of butter and 1 of lard. Beat egg and fill cup with milk. Add more milk to make soft dough. Pat out on floured board and cut. Bake quickly. Mrs. N. Schuknecht. BROWN BREAD One-half cup sugar, 1 tablespoonful lard (heaping), y2 cup mo(cid:173) lasses, 2 cups sour milk, 2 cups white flour, 2 cups graham flour 1 teaspoonful soda in milk, y2 teaspoonful baking powder sifted with flour. Add raisins if you like. Bake in a rather slow oven. Mrs. Frank Stankrauff. 61 WOOL B A T T I NG W A R R A N T ED P U RE FLEECE WOOL Manufactured by FRANKENMUTH WOOLEN MILL CO. F R A N K E N M U T H, M I C H. This Wool Batting will never Wear Out. After using 5 to 10 years, it can be Renovated at our Mill at a Small Expense. Orders will be filled and sent out by Parcel Post the same day received. Give It a Trial - PHONE MEL. 3885 "SPRUCE UP" APPEARANCE IS 95% OF LIFE Mack Garment Cleaning Co. DOS. J. METTY, Prop. 7619 MACK AVE. DETROIT WALTER J. HILLER DEALER IN DRY GOODS and MEN'S FURNISHINGS 1840 CONCORD AVE. COR. KERCHEVAL DETROIT, MICH. KNOX GELATINE comes in two packages—PLAIN and ACIDULATED (Lemon Flavor). SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUIT FOR BREAKFAST Warm the biscuit in the oven to restore crispness—don't burn— pour hot milk over it, dipping the milk over it until the shreds are swollen; then pour a little cream over the top of the biscuit. Or, serve with cold milk or cream, according to individual taste. SOUR MILK BISCUITS Mix 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar and 2 tablespoonfuls of lard and one egg, then add 1 cup sour milk, mix thoroughly, then add 2 cups flour, y2 teaspoonful Royal baking powder, l/2 teaspoonful salt, Mrs. F. C. Veith. y2 cup raisins. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. PARKER-HOUSE ROLLS Scald 1 pint of milk, add tablespoonful butter, teaspoonful salt. Sift 1 quart flour with 3 tablespoonfuls sugar, add 1 cake yeast dissolved in water. Stir warm milk and flour together, adding more flour to make stiff dough. Let stand over night, in morning knead dough thoroughly, make into small rolls, let stand in warm place un(cid:173) til very light. Bake 15 minutes in hot oven. Mrs. Stahlhuth. KUGELHUPF One cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 5 eggs, 1 lemon rind, 1 cup milk, 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 cup raisins, shredded almonds, 4 cups bread flour. Scald the milk, and let it cool. Then make a sponge of flour and milk, and add yeast cake, previously dissolved in a little milk. Let stand until light. Then add softened butter, sugar and eggs, beat thoroughly and add raisins. Butter two molds and sprinkle with the shredded almonds. Half fill the molds with the mixture and let them stand till they are full. Bake fifty minutes. Mrs. Fleming. WAFFLES One pint buttermilk, x/i pint sweet milk, 2 eggs (beat yolks and whites separatelv), large tablespoonful melted butter, teaspoonful salt, enough sifted flour to make moderately stiff batter. Dissolve in sour milk y2 teaspoonful soda. Mix flour and milk until smooth, add egg yolks, melted butter and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Teaspoonful baking powder added to flour. Fill irons only half full, as they will rise in irons to twice their size. Mrs. Stahlhuth. 61 quickly in your kitchen a large savings you save by thrift into What will gro\v account. today Open an account you. Add to it regularly. have money for every need. at our branch near You will soon There is a branch near your home. RESOURCES OVER ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS Member Federal Reserve Bank Phone Hickory 300 Telephone Main 5248 1llIm. 1J. i.!;nuuert Prescription Specialist Reasonable Prices 2129 Jefferson Ave., East Opp. Water Works Park We Deliver Anywhere ESTABLISHED 1887 J. Adolph Krug VIOLIN SHOP Maker, Dealer and Importer Violins, Bows, Cases, Strings, Trimmings Rooms 303..304 Woodward Bldg. Cor. Woodward and Clifford Entrance al Clifford Use KNOX GELATINE if you would be sure of results. PASTRY to assert I do not hesitate That Some But I wish dinner folks, of course, will I would like to begin with pie. began with dessert. say, 0 fie! RHUBARB PIE One cup chopped rhubarb, 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls butter Use two whites size of walnut, for top. 2 eggs, less 2 whites. flour Bake in one crust~ Mrs. J. N. Ostrander. PINEAPPLE PIE Three-fourths cup grated pineapple, until sugar is melted. gether eggs, 10 cups milk. tablespoon cornstarch, viously vVhen hot wet baked crust, whipped Put add pineapple, salt. in milk, pinch cream on top. ~ cup sugar. boiler, in double sugar Pour Heat to- 2 beaten and 1 in pre- Mrs. J. N. Ostrander. DATE PIE One package water, 0 cup sugar. serve with 'I\Thipped cream. dates, for 2 Pies Recipe cut remove 2.~-j cups stones, Thicken with cornstarch, Boil 5 minutes. in 3 parts, Mrs. E. F. Jackson. A CRUST CUSTARD PIE WITHOUT One pint milk, 3 eggs, beaten, 1 teaspoonful cup of sugar, nutmeg, 2 tablespoonfuls paste with the 2 tablespoonfuls in the remainder of the milk. nutmeg, to the other mixture. Then and cornstarch, when this is thoroughly of flour. of flour and a little milk, beat up the eggs, Stir of cornstarch, :Y4 a smooth then put sugar, beaten add this Mrs. H. C. VV. PUlVIPKIN PIE One pint ginger, 0 teaspoonful teaspoonful Heat well until meg, butter to taste. can be added. steams, pour over 3 well beaten eggs, vanilla pie crust 1\1rs. L. Reindel. pumpkin, 1 pint hot milk, 1 cup sugar, 1 nut- it Fill strained cinnamon, 1 teaspoonful size of a' walnut, salt and bake. PASTE Two eggs, 1 cup of PUFF flour, 1 pound of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of water. Mix M of the butter with the flour, eggs and water, fold, and roll, spread on the rest of the butter, roll 5 or 6 times, place on ice roll and form with whatever shape is wished for patties .. fold over and over Use winter wheat flour for pastry, spring wheat for bread. lvIrs. E. C. Jackson. 65 Phone Melrose 6875 Residence Lincoln 873 WILLIAM ECHTERNKAMP Funeral Director 6308 Gratiot Ave. at Mt. Elliott Detroit, Mich. Phone Melrose 5103 EDW. F. STAHL FRESH, SALTED and SMOKED MEATS . POULTRY, SAUSAGE, ETC. Waterloo and Concord ESTABLISHED 1867 Schmemann & Knorr Snsu,.ance 48 McGraw Building Tel. MaiD 3240 Phone Edgewood 12B7 EDWIN A. HAKENJOS Dry Good., Notions and Furnishings 7602 Kercheval Avenue Base Plugs Baldwin Electric 3938 Baldwin Ave. Wiring and Repairing Fixtures CO. Qu;ck Electr;cal Trouhle Serv;ee Melrose 4945.M The KNOX ACIDULATED package contains flavoring and coloring. PIE (Butterscotch) butter melted in a pan; Two tablespoonfuls it bubbles cook until like candy. sugar, made of 1 pint milk thickened with 2 tablespoonfuls starch, Add this custard ing and stirring with meringue made from the whites of. the eggs. vanilla, to the boiling butter into ready yolks of two eggs, 1 teaspoonful gradually until thick. Have Put add 1 cup brown ready a custard flour or corn- a pinch of salt. and sugar, beat- shell, cover bake 1\1r.s. W. J. Hiller. GREEN TOlVIATO :MINCE :MEAT Chop tomatoes, and the juice One peck green tomatoes. taken from them is measured, Then heat and slightly. of cold water the last off and add 5 pounds poured time bring it sugar, brown put on them. is water and the same amount done a third time, but water tablespoonfuls tablespoonful apples thick. to this. When salt, 1 cup butter, cloves and 1 nutmeg. 2 tablespoonfuls You may cold add one cup of vinegar. same' portion This on again. to a boil. 2 pounds This that of cold is then strained is Strain the 2 raisins, cinnamon, 1 add 0 peck Boil until 1\1rs. H: C. Wiesinger. One pound prunes, boiled, and stoned. Put same in baked pie crust and cover with whipped cream. Ruth Kellner. PRUNE PIE sweetened LElVION ~1ERINGUE PIE One and one-half ~ups milk, 1 cup sugar, 3 tablespoonfuls juice of 2 lemons, shell. and cornstarch 2 eggs, of salt, 1 pastry starch, grains the sugar yolks with 2 tablespoonfuls thickened mixture. and beat pour 2 egg whites oven. into pastry thoroughly. and 7:l cup sugar. When thoroughly mixed. of grated rind of 1 lemon, corn- few Scald the milk and thicken with the egg Combine and stir into the from fire, add salt cold add the lemon juice and rind, the In a slow the hot milk, remove Brown for 10 mmutes shell and heap with a mering?e ma~e of Cook 10 minutes, F. Auch. PUMPKIN PIE WITHOUT Mrs. Ernest EGGS One pint spoonful ~ teaspoonful stewed pumpkin, ginger, 0 teaspoonful little salt. cloves, 1 pint milk, % cup sugar, ~ tea- nutmeg, cinnamon, 0 teaspoon Mrs. W. M. (Reindel) Weiss. After your APPLE crust of canned pineapple and bake. PIE WITH PINEAPPLE is filled with sliced apples, over them, add 1 cup sugar, put a t~in layer cover WIth crust Mrs. L. Reindel. 67 KNOX GELATINE makes Desserts, Salads, Candies, Puddings, lees, etc. MOCK CHERRY One cup cranberries, 0 cup raisins, 1 tablespoonful add 1 cup sugar, water, vanilla. PIE' boil 10 minutes in 1 cup flour and 1 teaspoonful Mrs. E. Strubel. cup of rhubarb a little flour. One nutmeg, Fill plate and bake. When done beat 2 teaspoonfuls some together. the white of one egg with sugar, put on top and brown in oven. of powdered RHUBARB to 10 cups of sugar. Two Stew or scald rhubarb. :Mix all eggs, PIE Mrs. H. F. Norden. PUMPKIN One and one-half PIE scalded milk, 0 cup sugar, 0 teaspoonful cinnamon, in the order slightly, plate with pastry, until mixture cups 34 teaspoonful put on a rim, and pour then add ingredients is firm and pastry well browned. (if desired), and strained stewed ginger pumpkin, 1 cup salt, 34 teaspoonful egg given. a pie Bake Line in the mixture. 1 egg. Beat :Mrs. F. J. Riley. CRANBERRY PIE One cup cranberries, chopped 1 tablespoonful fine, 1 cup raisins, cornstarch mixed with chopped, 1 sugar. scant Put cup sugar, together with 0 cup hot water. all Bake in 2 crusts. Mrs. W. M. (Reindel) \iVeiss. LEMON PIE One cup sugar, 1 pint water, cornstarch, tablespoonfuls (cold). When cool add yolks of 2 eggs of 1 lemon. top. in baked pie crust dissolved Put ,then add 2 let come to a boil of the water juice and rind for in a little (beaten), and beat whites of eggs :Mrs. E. Strubel. RAISIN PIE One cup raisins, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoonful size vinegar, 10 cups boiling water, pinch flour, butter, of walnut, 1t~blespoonful of salt. Bake In double crust. Mrs. A. Garrod. DESSERTS DESSERT (Called Egg on Toast) Slice Sunshine with piece of apricot tive. cake ~ in thick. It in center. Cover with whipped is most delicious cream, and attrac- Mrs. Hempel. 68 Use KNOX GELATINE if you would be sure of results. PINEAPPLE SHORTCAKE Place in a m!xing bowl one egg, % cup sugar, salt, 1 cup water, 0 teaspoonful fuls of shortemng. teaspoonful Beat floured deep layer cake pan and bake in a moderate minutes. pineapple with whipped six tablespoon- Cream well and then' add 2 cups of flour, 0 powder. and oven for 35 and cover and then turn into a well greased to mix thoroughly Cool and split; fill with grated Mrs. L. Potter. cream .. baking CHOCOLATE in saucepan, ECLAIRS Put 1 cup water heat and add 4 tablespoonfuls and 2 teaspoonfuls salt Sift 1 cup flour, ~ teaspoonful Stir over lard. sugar. rapidly Remove fire and break in 4 eggs, one at a time, beating well after egg. and bake this all at once into boiling water fire until and lard, and mix from each about like eclairs, not open oven first 10 to 15 Put on greased in moderate it gets nice and smooth. pans, oven. Do o hour shape Fill with custard and frost with c'hocolate shape round and fill with. whipped frosting. cream and minutes. For cream puffs, dust with powdered sugar. :Mrs. M. G. Marquardt. CREAM PUFFS Beat whites of 2 eggs until very stiff, add 1 cup sugar, beat well and bake on waxed paper oven. When done fill with chopped pineapple in very moderate and whipped together cream. Mrs. W. Wendt. One-half SPECIAL DESSERT BOULEVARD pound English walnuts, 30 tablespoonfuls crumbs, 1 te~spoonful Royal ba.king powder, eggs mixed with cracker crumbs. MIX dates and nuts WIth sugar, add then add eggs. Bake in a slow oven 0 hour. cracker Cut cream in sherbet in squares' when cold and serve with whipped ~ pound dates, 1 cup granulated This will serve 8 people. separately), fine), 3 glasses. crumbs (beaten cracker sugar, (cut Mrs. Otto Misch. Two beaten tablespoonfuls egg. Mix together, HARD SAUCE. butter, 1 cup po~vdered. sugar, 1 well then add ~ plOt whIpped cream. Mrs. Himelhoch. SAUCE One cup sugar. ~ cup butter, mix well. One tablespoonful enouo'h to fill medium bowl and let come to a add water flour boil.' Add 1 tablespo;nful brandy or vanilla. Mrs. W. Russell. One cup water, 0 cup butter, salt. and a little another, after CREAM PUFFS 1 cup flour, 4 eggs, beaten one Ruth Kellner. 69 The Hemmeter Cigar Co. Manufacturers DETROIT BAY CITY MONROE '4ulhu~$. ~lot'izJCr MILLINERY 7435 KERCHEVAL AVE. AT TOWNSEND EDGEWOOD 1901 Dry Goods Notions CHARLES BANKARD Ladies', Gents', Children's Furnishings PHONES Melrose 919 Melrose 3252 PAUL TAUBE & SONS Fresh7 Salt and Smoked MEATS Home Made Sou.ages We Dress Our Own Poultry 3933 CHENE STREET We Deliver Choice Meats and Poultry SCHATZBERG F. G. Quality Meat Market 10521 Mack Avenue 10507 Mack Ave. Hickory 4210 70 Simply add water and sugar to the KNOX ACIDULATED package. CHARLOTTE granulated 2 squares Knox's cream, hot water, 1 cup powdered vanilla. cream. Melt Soak gelatine chocolate, boiling water, stirring CHOCOLATE tablespoonful .7:3 cup scalded One water, 3 tablespoonfuls cream~ 1 teaspoonful solve and 3 tablespoonfuls gelatine Pour frigerator III scalded and stir until sponge for several this over cool, cake or then add whipped lady fingers Place slice and serve with whipped hours, , (Dessert) )4: cup gelatine, unsweetened in cold water, add 0 cup sugar cold chocolate, sugar, 1 pt. whipped dis- to it add to cream and vanilla. in re- (10). cream. creamy, until :Mrs. Himelhoch. DATE PUDDING Two eggs, 1 cup sugar, elates, 0 cup milk, 0 cup flour powder. Serve with whipped (scant), in shallow pan in moderate cream. Bake 1 cup chopped walnuts, 1 cup chopped 1 teaspoonful baking oven for 30 minutes. Mrs. Himelhoch. CAKE cake crumbs point Two cups stale 20 cups milk to boiling yolks Beat Let come in baking utes, Put back into oven until brown, of 3 or 4 eggs point, add vanilla. to boiling dish, PUDDING are placed in buttered and add 0 cup grated adding remove Bake ~ cup sugar, from fire, pour in moderate dish. Heat chocolate. add to milk. over crumbs oven for 30 min- jam and meringue. serve with whipped cream, 1\1rs. Himelhoch. then take out and spread with raspberry Two cups molasses, 2 tablespoonfuls BREAD rolled bread CRUl\1B crumbs, 1 egg, 1 cup raisins, PUDDING sugar, 1 cup peel, 1 cup walnuts. 1 cup cold water, 1 cnp flour, 1 teaspoonful ] cup soda, Steam 2 hours. 1\11's. G. Redmond. Cream 0 pound of six yolks ground, Eighteen and above mixture. whipped yanilla, Lady Put cream and serve. WHITE butter ICE BOX CAKE and 0 pound eggs, 0 pound almonds, salt and of 4X sugar. blanched, b~aten whites with browned of six Add beaten and eggs. pound maCarOO!1S, Cover wIth alternated in ice box for 36 hours. ~ pinch Fingers This will serve 10 people. 1\Irs. H. Shumacher. One-half cup minute of hot water, ]5 minutes, whipped cream. pinch remove MOCK IVIAPLE TAPIOCA tapioca, 1 cup dark brO\:n sugar, and va11111a.. Cook III double of salt from fire and let It harden, 3 c1!Ps bOI~er serve wIth 1\1rs. J. Brunke. 71 Compliments of Detroit Metallic Casket Co. GENERAL JOBBING PAINTING INTERIOR WOOD TRIM Members of Builders and Traders Exchange Ifc ll[@lfffil~~~~n «:@c Carpenter Contractors Office 2929 Maxwell Avenue Phone Lincoln 828 Detroit, Nlich. 72 For Dainty, Delicious Desserts use KNOX GELATINE. SHREDDED WHEAT BISCUITS vVITH STRAWBERRIES Prepare berries as for ordinary serving. before using. form basket. or milk. blue served, way. berries, Cut or crush Fill Sweeten the cavity with to taste. oblong Peaches, cavity berries pineapple, bananas, blackberries, fruit, and other can be served with Shredded Wheat Biscuit \¥ arm biscuit in top of biscuit in oven to and serve with cream raspberries. . fresh or pre- in the same vVHIP PRUNE prunes, 0 pound or ste~m. When of 5 eggs very stiff. raisins. cool put Stew into as little water through a food chopper. of powdered Six teaspoonfuls vanilla. hot water. :Mix well and set dish in in slow oven for Bake One pound as possible Beat whites sugar another 35 minutes. or more, 1 teaspoonful one co.ntaining large SAUCE One cup sugar. Melt brown. slowly light Cool until milk. fuls cornstarch salt and one sugar vVhen all until carmel in frying is melted, is dissolved. pan, pour stirring constantly in 1 pint of hot \¥et 2 tablespoon- in a little teaspoonful cold milk. butter. Add to mixture, pinch of Cook until thick. 1tIrs. A. E. SUET PUDDING chopped soda, 1 egg, One cups suet, and one-half ;4 teaspoonful salt. cup sour milk, 1 teaspoonful mon, figs, steamer. Steam 3 hours. This will keep for weeks. cloves; 3 cups \¥ater must fine, 1 cup molasses, 1 .0 teaspoonful flour, 1 cup raisins, nuts not stop boiling lVIrs. Frank Stankrauff. cinna- and under PUDDING cups brown One and one-half tablespoonful of boiling water, just or a minute flour, mixed well with 2 teaspoonfuls two. SAUCE sugar, 0 cup butter, About vanilla flavoring. sugar. or other l\1Irs. Frank the Stankrauff. heaping 2 cups Boil Three eggs, ~ dates, cup nut meats. 3 teaspoonfuls Bake DATE cup sugar, baking in square PUDDING 6 tablespoonfuls powder ~ 1.tablespoonful flour, 10 cups 1 butter, flat tIn In moderate oven. lVIrs. E. R. Germer. TAPIOCA APPLE add 0 teaspoonful arrange (~ all): cup for tapioca and bake Cook 0 cup of Pearl transparent, Core and pare 8 apples; with Pour tender. from oven. sugar over tapioca Dot over one tablespoonful Serve hot or cold with in 4 cups boiling water until ~alt and gra~ed ri.nd of 1 le~und.lemon peel, X pound orange of these salt, flour, work greased 5 cups should pan. and (powdered), X pound citron, peel, 1 pound of walnuts. ;4 All be cut very fine. Add 1 teaspoonful dough. to a stiff of of harthorn Drop into Mrs. Glaser. GINGER DROP CAKES One cup lard, 1 cup dark molasses, 1 teaspoonful on greased ginger, 2 teaspoonfuls pan and press down with soda, fork. 1 cup sugar, flour to stiffen. Requires 1 cup milk, Drop slow oven. Mrs. H. F . Norden. OATlVIEAL COOKIES o One-half ful soda, 2 cups oatmeal, 1 cup nuts, 1 cup raisins, 5 tablespoonfuls Mix in order given, drop from spoon ~nd bake in moderate cup butter or lard, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups flour, ~ teaspoon- cloves and salt, sweet milk, 1 or 2 eggs. oven. 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, °1''o'1rs.Riching. NUT COOKIES Cream 0 pound hazelnuts, bread crumbs of ground enough to drop it with of powdered the rind to make sugar, with juice stiff enough and the the dough 5 eggs, of 1 lemon, pound and to be able ~ a teaspoon. Bake in a slow oven. Mrs. Glaser. MOLASSES DROP CAKES One cup of molasses, 2 teaspoonfuls soda, namon, 0 teaspoonful chopped if desired; lasses, thoroughly, melted then pan and bake beat butter, dry materials about then add ] cup of sugar, 0 cup of melted 1 cup hot water, 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful flour, 2 teasp?onfuls salt, 4 cups of butter, cin- ginger also be added. MIX su~ar, mo- Add stir well, a greased boiling water, well beaten Drop then add the soda and beat eggs, into nuts may together. agaIn. sifted 20 minutes. Mrs. Stendel. 101 The Lutheran llook J'tore --at-- 1315 GRATIOT AVE.NUE DETROIT, MICH. Always on Hand a Fuji Line of BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, DEVOTIONAL BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS AND SCHOOL BOOKS Cards, Postals, Wall Mattos for all occasions Both in German and English Language WALTER G. HUSER Phone Cherry 134=W Olto C. Goeschel, Pres. John Haug, Vice Pres. Robert Schurig, Sec'y John P. Welke, Treas. Phone Melrose 334 Goeschel Grocery Co. Fancy Groceries Fresh -Fruits -Vegetables and Smoked Meats -Poultry 3220-3226-3232 GRATIOT AVE. DETROIT, MICH. Where recipes call for Milk and Cream Use Cream from The Baldwin Creamery and you'll be sure of results Phone Melrose 6522 Walter Bertachinger, Prop. 102 Send for the Knox Gelatine recipe book. vVhites of 3 eggs Stir until boiler. add 2 cups starch. Drop shredded COCOANUT beaten it scrapes MACCAROONS 1 cup of sugar stiff, on bottom, then put remove cocoanut and 1 tablespoonful on buttered pan, bake in moderate oven. in double from fire, dry corn- Mrs. F. Korneffel. FILLED COOKIES cup melted soda, flour cup raisins lard, % cup sour milk, to make (chopped), that will 2 tablespoonfuls dough ~ cup boiling water. Mix well together Roll dough another place thin, cooky cut out, place in center on top, press well 1 cup sugar, roll out flour, 1 thin. 1 cup and boil about a spoonful and together 1\1rs. !vI. G. 1\1arquardt. One-half teaspoonful Filling-l sugar, 2 minutes. of filling, bake. One cup oatmeal, cups (Royal), flour, 1 cup chopped 1 teaspoonful 2 eggs, ~ cup melted 1 teaspoonful baking lard, 2 powder :Mrs. E. L. Rink. OA T:N1EAL COOKIES 1 cup sugar, raisins, cinnamon. :N1AKRONEN One-half pound of ground the rind of 1 lemon and the whites sugar, stir well and drop with a spoon on the tins. in a slow oven. of 3 eggs beaten Bake golden of powdered stiff, brown 1'\'lrs. Glaser. almonds, 0 pound ANISE COOKIES eggs, 0 pound powdered and drop with smooth, salt, stir 1 hour, gradually sugar, a teaspoon a little anise, 34 teaspoon- of flour, stand add 0 pound on tins. Let and bake in a slow oven. :Mrs. Glaser. Fonr ful of harthorn stir until over night, NUT COOKIES One 20 cups milk, stand in which over night. cup Crisco, 2 cups sugar, 2 eggs, flour, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, dissolve] teaspoonful cups 20 4 tablespoonfuls oats, sour of soda. Mix well and Jet rolled In the morning roll out and bake. 1\Irs. L. Potter. One and one-half OATIV1EAL cups butter, 0 cup milk, 2 cups oatmeal, COOKIES 1 2 cups Henkel's Flour, 2 teaspoonfuls Royal Baking cup sugar, Powder. One ponnd dates Boil until put smooth. together with (chopped These FILLIXG fine). 0 cup water, cookies are cut with ~ cup sugar. and cutter small filling when cold. 1\1rs. L. Potter. 103 KNOX GEL ATINE comes (Lemon Flavor). in two packages-PLAIN and ACIDULATED ZIlVI1vIET STERNE stiff: 0 pound ground this until sugar, whites and small Take equal parts of flour and sugar of 3 eggs into the dough. Then roll it out and cut Stir dered mon. it in a moderate with colored oven. sugar. Put frosting almonds, 0 pound pow- teaspoonful of cinna- to the board and wo.rk shape. Bake and sprinkle in star on the cookies Mrs. Glaser. HERl\1ITS sugar, One and one-half ~ups raisins, 4 figs, piece of citron, 1 teaspoonful 1 level and 3 cups of flour and chopped walnuts. soda (dissolved teaspoonful :v.t. cup butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup of all kinds of spices, of water) in 2 tablespoonfuls Mrs. F. R. Burdick. HERMITS sugar, % cup butter, or chopped One and one-half cups brown o teaspoonful spoonfuls milk, 1 cup currants soda, cloves, 0 teaspoonful egg well beaten and spices putting moderate in the oven. flour. and add to first mixture, cut Roll out, 1 teaspoonful nutmeg. raisins, 3 table- flour, 1 egg, cinnamon, 0 teaspoonful add and sugar, in it. Mix flour also add the raisins when in rounds, in a and bake Mrs. A. J ohnske. Cream butter and milk with soda dissolved PEPPER NUTS One pound brown spoonful 1 pound flour, 0 cup chopped cinnamon, sugar, 4 eggs, 1 teaspoonful .0 teaspoonful nuts. pepper, cloves, 0 teaspoonful Mrs. Koehnlein. 1 tea- soda, Two cups spoonful soda, .0 nutmeg, SOUR MILK COOKIES sugar, 1 cup butter, 0 cup sour milk, 1 egg, 1 tea- pinch of salt, flour enough to roll. lVIIrs.E. R. Germer. HERMITS One and one-half cups sugar, 1 scant cup butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup nuts, 1 cup raisins, 1 teaspoonful Powder, Mix in order. oven. all kinds "Make stiff enough of spice, 0 teaspoonful to drop. 10 cups milk, Royal Baking soda. Bake in a moderate J. N. Ostrander. 1 teaspoonful NIrs. SUGAR COOKIES DROP Two cups o cup sweet milk, 0 teaspoonful wet sugar, 0 cup butter sour milk, 2 heaping teaspoonfuls flour. D~op from spoon into pan. 104 (cream together), 2 or 3 eggs. soda, Royal Baking Powder. in 3 tablespoonfuls Mrs. W. J. Hiller. 4 cups Use KNOX GELATINE; if you would be sure of results. VENETIAN CAKES One-half cup butter, 0 cup powdered a small pIece, drop In powdered vanilla, ~ cup cho~ped 1 teaspoonful flour. Take a little flat cake one inch in diameter a little distance Bake 15 minutes. apart. almonds, sugar, yolks of 3 eggs, 1~ cups pastry in tins and place in buttered and roll sugar Mrs. B. L. Kussrow. HONEY DROP CAKES 2 tablespoonfuls butter One cup honey, cups flour, 10 teaspoonfuls honey and bu~ter. Add eggs well beaten. ing powder nut in each. 2 eggs, 1~ the Then add flour, bak- and salt. Drop ~ spoon in pan and press peacan baking powder, pinch salt. Beat (level), Mrs. E. C. Jackson. One and one-half dates, 1 pound teaspoonful cup hot water, 2~ cups flour. allspice, DATE DROP CAKE cups brown sugar, 0 cup butter, 2 or 3 eggs, 1~ 1 pound walnuts, in 34- 1 teaspoonful 1 teaspoonful baking soda dissolved cinnamon. Mrs. N. Schuknecht. OAT MEAL DROP CAKES sugar, 0 cup butter 1 cup cocoanut or chopped sour milk, 1 teaspoonful and lard m.i~ed, 1 nuts, 1 cup raISinS, 7 soda, 2 or more bading One cup granulated cup oatmeal, tablespoonfuls cups of flour. :Mrs. N. Schuknecht. One quart dark pound saleratus. syrup, brown Flour to stiffen. HONEY COOKIES 1 quart sugar, 0 teaspoonful hickory nuts, 1 pint salt, Boil syrup 3 minutes sour cream, 1 teaspoonful and cool. :1'.1rs.N. Schukuecht. 1 EGGLESS COOKIES One cup lard, 10 cups light brown sweetened with ~ teaspoonful dough. put then sprinkle with granulated and fill with jelly. together Roll, soda, enough sugar, ~ ,cup sour milk, soft sugar. When baked, to make flour Mrs. Row. COOKIES One quart flour, 2 teaspoonfuls in bowl, 10 cups cold milk, ~ nutmeg. Mix well wIth the hands Roll out sugar. 1 cup bu.tter. 4 eggs . ..t sprinkle with sugar table?poonfuls to ~ stIff batter. and bake to a lIght brown. Mrs. vValter Russell. thin, Royal Bak~ng Powder. sift 105 Capital $2,500,000 Surplus $1,000,000 Peninsular State Bank Deposits $36.000,000 COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS SOLICITED Main Office: 140 Fort Street, W. Interest Paid on Savin~s Accounts The Manager of our Branch in your neigborhood is a good man to know. Step in and get acquainted. FRED W. NIEMANN Quality M eat Market BUTTER and EGGS Phone Edgewood 974 6636 Kercheval Avenue We Deliver Phone: Lincoln 1013 You've tried the rest Now try the Best St. Clair Heights Creamery Pure Milk Cream and Buttermilk Warren Corner and Kerwin Leo Kirchner Company Departlnent ESTABLISHED ]879 Store 2930-2936 Gratiot Ave. Branch Store -Mack Ave. Cor. Townsend Electric Store-2907 -2909 Gratiot Ave. 106 The KNOX ACIDULATED package contains flavoring and coloring. ROCKS sugar, One cup butter, mon, 1 teaspoonful cups Drop off spoon on buttered OATMEAL flour, 1 teaspoonful cups l~ allspice, 1 cup walnuts, 1 pound 2 eggs, 1 teaspoonful cinna- dates, 2,% hot water. in 3 tablespoonfuls soda tins. DROP COOKIES Mrs. J. Hornik. One cup brown sugar, ~ cup shortening (butter 2 eggs, ~ cup sour milk, 2 cups flour, 2 cups oatmeal, soda ful powder, 1 teaspoonful cloves. Mix all 1 level cup nut meats, 1 teaspoonful and drop from spoon on greased and lard), 1 teaspoon- baking salt, teaspoonful tins. (dissolved 1 cup raisins, teaspoonful ~ cinnamon, together in sour milk), teaspoonful nutmeg, ~ ~ Mrs. Geo. Reindel. SPRITZKUCHEN Nine and three-quarter monds or walnuts, 1 pound flour. Put ~ pound in pastry ounces butter, ~ pound chopped sugar, bags and squeeze on pans. 1 large or two small al- eggs, Mrs. W. Wendt. MOLASSES COOKIES 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, pinch of salt, 1 teaspoonful together Beat vinegar. turns ture into this and add enough flour Put 1 cup molasses then add 1 level color, over teaspoonful fire in a frying soda. to roll out. pan until it Stir other mix- 1Ylrs. F. R. Burdick. CHOCOLATE WAFERS One cup of brown sugar, 1 cup of granulated butter, 1 egg, 1 cup of grated extract, thin, cut with little enough square flour to make cutter. chocolate, 1 teaspoonful (about cups), Bake a very short sugar, 1 cup of of vanilla roll very time. Mrs. O. C. Kreinheder. stiff l~ • ALlvIOND COOKIES Three-quarters of a pound of butter, 1 pound of almonds, pound of sugar, 1 pound of flour, ~ pound of chocolate, 1 teaspoonful bake of baking oven. in moderate in buttered :Mrs. O. C. Kreinheder. powder. Drop tins 1 4 eggs, and ROCKS sugar, 0 cup butter, cups 1 teaspoonful One and one-half cinnamon, flour or more, 1 teaspoonful spoonful 2.0 cups a of hot water, in large pieces, 1 pound dates in buttered pan and bake in slow oven. 3 eggs, 1 table- cloves, in cut 111 pIeces. Drop from spoon soda dissolved ,%. pou.nd English walnuts cut 1 teaspoonful tablespoonful allspice, baking 1\1rs. Otto Misch. 107 KNOX GELATINE makes Desserts, Sl!lads, Candies, Puddings, lees, etc. COFFEE CUP CAKES One cup cold coffee, 1 cup butter, flour, 4 eggs, 0 pound raisins, nutmeg, 0 teaspoonful spoonful tartar, 1 teaspoonful 2 teaspoonfuls cloves, 2 teaspoonfuls 3 cups brown sugar, 4 cups 1 tea- cream of in a little sweet milk. cinnamon, baking soda dissolved Mrs. Otto Misch. DATE COOKIES One and one-half o cup sour cream, 0 cup so un milk, 1 teaspoonful sugar, 1 cup shortening, cups lemon or almond extract. Flour to make soft dough. 1 or 2 eggs, soda, a little One-half Put thick. and bake. DATE FILLING pound dates, 0 cup sugar, filling on one side of cookie, a little water. fold the other Boil until side over Mrs. G. T. Bruflodt. DATE WAFERS cups Four flour, 1 egg, 2 cups lard, 1 teaspoonful rolled oats, 1 cup sour milk, 1 cup sugar, 0 pound dates, lard and flour, 1 teaspoonful oatmeal, cut cakes Press soda, 2 cups salt, add Roll and 2 pieces of dough, put date filling. beaten egg, sugar, into forms; between edges of dough together soda and milk and cream. Royal Baking and bake. Powder. Cut One-half DATE FILLING pound dates, 0 cup water, gether and boil until thickens. Put between 7'3 cup sugar. Mix to- as filling. cookies LITTLE BUTTER PRETZELS Mrs. H. Schumacher. One pound butter, 10 eggs rind of 3 lemons, sugar, teaspoonful Run over with fork, Royal Baking vanilla (take only whites of eggs), 1 pound salt, 1 heaping in long strips. to taste, flour. little Roll Powder, form in rings and bake. Grandma Grim. WHITE PEPPER NUTS One pound brown sugar, 4 eggs 1 pound flour, 1 teaspoonful white pepper, 1 scant half ful baking Mrs. H. C. Wiesinger. soda. (beat eggs and sugar 0 hour), teaspoon- OATMEAL COOKIES One cup shortening 4 tablespoonfuls milk, ~ mon, 2 cups Mix in order given; from teaspoon sift salt, on to buttered flour, 1 cup raisins, (half and half), 1 cup white sugar, 2 eggs, cinna .. teaspoonful teaspoonful soda, ] 2 cups dry rolled Quaker Oats. spices with the flour. Drop oven. in a moderate Bake soda, pan. Mrs. H. C. Wiesinger. 108 Use KNOX GELATINE if you would be sure of results. Two cups sugar, or cream, nuts, 30 cups 1 teaspoonful flour. Drop from spoon 1 cup butter, COOKIES FRUIT milk soda, 1 cup raisins, 0 cup chopped wal- 3 eggs, 4 tablespoonfuls on pan. Mrs. H. C. Bake slowly. \iViesinger. One-quarter o teaspoonful COCOANUT cup Dromedary vanilla, vanilla tures, thoroughly. shape into cakes Beat MACAROONS cocoanut, 1 egg white. egg white and bake in moderate Y3 cup condensed milk, Mix cocoanut, and Combine mix- 15 minutes. oven stiff. milk until :Mrs. John Hemmeter. Three eggs, beaten pinch 1 pound butter. and nuts Last, hot water, powder, spoonful dates powder. in pans, bake in moderate in 1 inch strips DATE separately, salt, 10 cups chopped Melt BARS 1 cup sugar, flour, 10 teaspoonfuls nuts, dates, 1 cup chopped butter with and egg yolks fold in the beaten whites (beaten), hot water, then of eggs. oven about 0 hour. and sprinkle with powdered sugar. add sugar, flour baking 1 table- salt, and baking thin Spread cut V\Then done, 4 tablespoonfuls :Mrs. John Hemmeter. One and one-half ful cloves, teaspoonfuls cup citron, GElVIS sugar, 1cup butter, WANDERING cups .0 teaspoonful powder, 0 cup baking .0 cup raisins, nutmeg, enough flour figs, 1 teaspoonful 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon- cinnamon, 2 currants, 0 .0 cup to roll out. 2 cups brown it strings. r sugar, Add vanilla. ICING FOR COOKIES 31 cup butter, 1 cup hot water; boil until lVIrs. Veitengrubcr. DATE STICKERS One cup white sugar, 3 eggs, 1 cup walnut meats, dates, tins cut fine, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoonful (slow oven), cut ancl roll in powdered cut fine, 1 cup Bake in bread vanilla. sugar. ~Irs. C. E. Saunby. 109 Your Rugs 100% Clean 2184 Mt. Elliott Ave. Edgewood 3401 and other high-grade Pianos and Players, Cheney and Starr Phonographs, Rolls and Records. Wellensiek's Music House 3361 Gratiot near Mack We also sell the famous Reproducing Piano Edith Evans-(Schumann-Heink's "The tone is so mellow and sympathetic find it a joy and pleasure to play on it." accompanist) who purchased a Packard grand in]une 1913 says: and the action so unusually good that all pianists will Phone Melrose 1048 Repairin&' Promptly Done I MEN Who wear good c}othes appreciate good tailoring- Here you get both. 2 TROUSER SUITS Made to order as low as $35 8758-8760 Mack Avenue at Crane John Ochenfeld & Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in Baby Carriages, Strollers Doll Cabs & Reed Furniture 3775 Gratiot AveDue Detroit, Mich. 110 Simply add water and sugar to the KNOX ACIDULATED package. PICKLES AND PRESERVES and Chili Sauce! to work-don't Pickles, Catsup Get Make them sweet or make But don't delay another be cross; hour. them sour, CHILI SAUCE-Very Good One-half bushel (put of through white onions 2 tablespoonfuls cloves, 4 tablespoonfuls vinegar. Boil three hours. red tomatoes, 12 reJ food chopper), cinnamon, 1 teaspoonful salt, 1 teaspoonful peppers, 2 quarts 6 cups brown sugar, allspice, 1 teaspoonful red pepper, 2 quarts Mrs. H. Malow. Two dozen corn, 1 cabbage, o gallon wine vinegar, 1 pound sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls mustard. celery, 2 red peppers, CORN CHOWDER 2 bunches add 1 tablespoonful let boil a few minutes salt, boil 20 minutes, in let cabbage drain: put longer, Chop cabbage, mustard add little red peppers, last, at fill in can. Mrs. W. M. (Reindel) \Veiss. STRAWBERRY CONSERVE Two quarts strawberries, 1 pineapple, ;4 pound nuts. Cook all slowly 3 pounds sugar, 1 pound thick. until 2 oranges, raisins, Pour in glasses. ~1rs. W. M. (Reindel) Weiss. MUSTARD PICKLES One-half dozen large cucumbers cut up, 1 quart green 4 quarts cauliflower, peppers, 0 pound Coleman's mustard, 1 ounce turmeric, brown sugar, 10 cups of flour, 1 gallon cider vineg£!.r. cut up, 3 heads tomatoes small onions, 6 green 4 cups Mrs. F. Wendt. BEET RELISH One quart beets, boiled and chopped, 1 quart chopped, 1 cup horse radish, 1 tablespoonful sugar Boil 15 minutes. 2 cups vinegar. raw cabbage, dry mustard, 0 cup (Reindel) Weiss. 1\1rs. W. M. , PIMENTOS Can peppers soon as they a~e picked. Cover for 10 minutes. seeds Dram them and peel and core. Fill with boiling water Pack and boil stem all jars. at once skm, them .with boiling carefully in sterilized in wash boiler 45 Mrs. H. C. W. water remove glass minutes. III For Dainty, Delicious Desserts use KNOX GELATINE. small MUSTARD cucumbers, large onions, PICKLES chopped, 1 quart chopped, 1 quart peppers, pieces, Onions, 3 green cucumbers cucum- small small onions, chopped, cauliflower Drain or sugar, 1 ounce celery seed, 1 ounce mus- to boil. Mix % cup flour, 1 teaspoonful pour slowly over Let come to boil and add 0 gallon in morning and chopped. 6 cups ~ pound dry mustard with vinegar, slowly. until well mixed. stir peppers, One quart large bers, whole, 1 quart whole, 1 cauliflower, 2 red in brine less of vinegar, tard turmeric, pickle mixture, and can. over night. let come seed, Mrs. Himelhoch. CUCU11BER sliced cucumbers, PICKLES sprinkle with One gallon over night, with weakened spices. When then rinse with cold water, vinegar, boiled, put add 2 cups in cans. stand cover sugar, 0 package mixed salt. Let in kettle, and put Mrs. W. M. (Reindel) Weiss. JUICE GRAPE One cup of grapes cup of sugar. jar and fill.jar with boiling water. Must be air (do not crush), scant Put tight. in quart Excellent. Mrs. H. C. VV. MEAT RELISH cucumbers, One quart small green 1 pint dozen this very fine, and scald in weak vinegar. large cucumbers, 0 head tomatoes, 3 green lay in salt water seeds removed, 1 stalk cabbage, 1 dozen sugar. Drain peppers, over night. Mrs. W. M. (Reindel) Weiss. little celery, onions, 0 Chop all in morning Weigh STRAWBERRY strawberries and also same weight until stantly 1 pound of. walnuts. juice forms; -PINEAPPLE PRESERVE and put with of sugar Stir place on stove and boil until into dish. same weight to keep from burning. Just before taking Put in jars. of pineapple this and let stand Stir con- from fire, add thick. Mrs. Himelhoch. GRAPE MARMALADE Three pounds of grapes large oranges, 1 pound raisins grind entire orange can and seal. (seeded), 2 pounds white (seeded), Yl pound dates in food chopper. Cook one hour or 2 sugar, (pitted), longer, Mrs. E. Froehlich. GRAPE CONSERVE 6 pounds of grapes, o pound of currants, 1 cup of walnuts. Six pounds colander a few minutes; slowly hulls, add nuts longer, when bottling. boil and boil a few minutes of sugar, 1 pound Pulp grapes; to remove about and currants; of raisins, boil pulp add fifteen minutes; it is ready Mrs. O. C. Kreinheder. through stones; raisins take for 112 Pink Coloring for fancy desserts in each package of KNOX GEL A TINE. Four and one-quarter Let sugar. cups utes. fine. all forty-five minutes. Add 3 oranges, Parboil 10 RHUBAI{B cups rhubarb stand over night. CONSERVE (cut Cook slowly for in small pieces), 40 ten min- cut seeded and boil raisins, cut fine, 1 package pieces orange peel. Add to mixture Put in glasses and seal. :Mrs. E. C. Jackson. I MUSTARD PICKLES Six quarts small pickles, 2 red and 2 green peppers cauliflower. 3 heads (small), onions 3 quarts white cider vinegar, 6 cups granulated 2 cups flour, 5 cents of turmeric and onions mustard, onions and cauliflower and turmeric. in salt brine flour cut fine, 5 quarts sugar, 1 cup Coleman's mustard, Put pickles powder dressing: Add pickles, The Boil until following thick. (use half). 24 hours. and let come to boil. . Mrs. A. Eichbauer. CANNED BEANS One peck of green beans. are well covered. of salt, 3 tablespoonfuls Cook 20 minutes. Put enough water on beans so they Add 1 cup vinegar, 0 cup sugar, and can. 11rs. Stahlhuth. Slice small cucumbers SLICED TURMERIC and onions. Then pour off liquid, stand three hours. pickles add 0 to ~ cup brown sugar. One tablespoonful mustard ful cover. Then pour over enough cider vinegar lVlrs. B. L. Kussrow. and celery seed, 1 red pepper, cut up, 1 scant fifteen minutes. Boil about turmeric powder. PICKLES Sprinkle with salt and let of yellow tablespoon- to and to each quart CORN RELISH Twelve ears corn, 1 medium head cabbage, 2 red peppers, 3 or 4 green peppers, 1 quart vinegar, 20 cups brown sugar, ful chopped vinegar minutes fine or put and sugar, and put Cut corn off ears, food chopper, enough salt add cabbage, turmeric. to taste, through in jars. salt 6 stalks celery, mustard, to taste, 1 teaspoon- peppers then add mustard celery, and turmeric. Boil 20 Mrs. W. Knoll. 4 tablespoonfuls PEACH CONSERVE 1 pound white 4 pounds sugar. Four peaches, almonds, pounds pound blanched small pieces, wash and remove very thin. for 1 hour. Conserve in nuts, in glasses. then pour seeds from grapes, Cook slowly until well mixed, add sugar should be thick and clear when done. grapes, Pare peaches cut 3 oranges, 0 in slice oranges and cook Put Mrs. W. Knoll. 113 ARTHUR F. DEINZER HENRY J. DEINZER Phone MelTolle 1959 CHENEY PHONOGRAPHS 7900 MACK A VENUE AT BEALS Coffield Wa.hers. Detroit, Mich. Phone lincoln 3874-M Delivery Service H. BOHN Groceries, Meats and Orling's Fine Sausages 8014 Mack Avenue Detroit, Michigan Compliments of a Friend 114 Try KNOX ACIDULA TED GELATINE with the Lemon Flavor enclosed. CORN RELISH Cut kernels from 1 dozen ears of corn. 2 red peppers, onions, 2 bunches seeds and all, 1 large head cabbage. 2 pounds of sugar, 1 box mustard, ~ cup salt, 1 tablespoonful white pepper. gentle heat. Chop 4 silver 4 green skinned of celery, peppers, Chop to even fineness. Mix 2 tablespoonfuls celery seed, Boil all 1 hour over 1\1rs. Cramer Thirty peppers, Chop this all fine and boil until quite large tomatoes, 15 tablespoonfuls sugar, 6 large 1 cup vinegar, thick. celery, 4 red salt to taste. . CELERY SAUCE 10 large onions, Mrs. A. Johnske. SPICED PUMPKIN Pare pumpkin and cut into cubes and allow to stand over and to every pound of pumpkin with vinegar morning add stick cinnamon taste; simmer pierced with a fork. let and a few pieces of ginger slowly pumpkin until Seal while hot. of about an inch; cover night; drain well next take a pound of sugar; to and can be root according is clear, Mrs. O. C. Kreinheder. CHILI SAUCE or more large ripe tomatoes, 6 green sweet peppers, 8 onions, 8 tablespoonfuls Twenty-four vinegar, 4 tablespoonfuls ginger, chop onions spices salt, 1 tablespoonful 1 teaspoonful ground and peppers fine. cloves. Boil and vinegar and boil down to ~ the quantity. teacups 8 small of sugar, 1 tablespoonful and slice tomatoes, add sugar, then cinnamon, Peel 1. hour, Mrs. H. F. Norden. ORANGE DELIGHT Slice 4 large, thin skinned oranges and boil 1 hour. Measure, water 1 cup sugar. 1.~ it jellies. fire, add juice of ~ lemon. hours or until Let stand over night. very fine. Add 8 cups and to each cup of liquid add boil slowly from before removing In the morning 1\1rs. B. L. Kussrow. Ten minutes DILL PICKLES Fill 2 quart fruit jar with pickles and a little dill, 2 tablespoon- fuls of coarse salt, alum the size of a dice, 2 cups of vinegar, cups cold water. keep indefinitely. filled, add water 2 (seal). Will :!\tlrs. Hempel. is not If jar FAVORITE PICKLE One quart boiled beets pepper, and keep from the air. 1 c~p grated of fine chopped 2 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoonful cabbage, horse radish. 1. quart of salt, Cover with fine chopped 1. teaspoonful cold vinegar 1\1rs. H. C. Stendell. 115 KNOX GELATINE makes dainty desserts for dainty people. CURRIE CUCUMBERS Six medium sized cucumbers, let stand about 6 hours. Pour over water, 2 cups vinegar pepper, 1 teaspoonful powder. again, to 1 cup water add cucumbers currie powder, Boil above, then put in jars. pare and salt and add 1 teaspoonful (about 2 handfuls), then drain well. Dilute black turmeric to a boil and .0 teaspoonful and let come :Mrs. A. J ohnske. CUCUl\1BER green RELISH large apples, chopped chopped, cucumbers, fine, 1 quart small onions, dozen chopped or cauliflower, fine, 1 quart left whole, 1 large and salt and add 3 pounds brown 34 pound white mustard Let all come to a good boil. Make paste of 1 cup white 34 cup mustard in slowly One onions, cabbage 3 cooking brine over night, drain in the morning sugar, 1.0 quarts vinegar, 1 quart water, seed. .0 ounce flour, and boil up. Put chopped. Mix all and cover with in jars while hot, and seal. chopped, hot 3 red peppers, turmeric. flour, Stir Mrs. Zuehlke. CHILI SAUCE One peck ripe tablespoonfuls vinegar. tomatoes, mixed spices, Cook until thick. onions, 1 quart 2 .0 cup salt, 1 pound sugar, 1 pint From a French 3 red peppers, chef. Mrs. E. Strubel. PEACH CONSERVE Four pounds oranges lemons three three together of seedless Cook from 5 to 10 minutes the peaches raisins until sliced peaches, 4 pounds white sugar, and rind of one. Cut and peel of one. Cut in small into small strips. slices. are very soft. and .0 pound blanched Then almonds JUlce of Juices of Cook all add 1 pound or walnuts. longer, and seal hot jars. Mrs. H. F. Hoffmeyer. in glass CUCUMBER PICKLES over night. Put drain. pickles utes. pepper clear vinegar, good. small pickles equal in salt water parts Take in to draw out some of the salt. Drain. and horse radish pieces of vinegar pickles Then put boil and water, In the morning, and put Leave in about 5 min- chili, in, also a few spices. Now take in bag and boil in cans, putting small sugar to taste, mixed spices, put Pour boiling vinegar over pickles and seal. Mrs. Walter Russell. 116 KNOX ACIDULA TED GELATINE saves squeezing lemons. the cost, time and bother of PEPPER HASH One dozen green peppers, 1 dozen red peppers 3 large onions. Chop fine let st~nd for 10 minutes, drain. and Cover dry and add 3 tablespoonfuls sugar. Cook 15 minutes. seed), out wate:, a boIl. DraIn, gar for cold meats. and 2 cups (wash cover with again, salt, 1 quart in jars. and take boilina-° let come t~ vine- Fine Pack One quart QUINCE 6 large cranberries, with 10 cups water. berries. through JELLY apples, Boil cranberries mix with bag, To each cup of juice, add 1 cup of sugar. or until jellies. Drain it Mrs. Walter Russell. 8 large quinces. and quinces apples then measure Boil and the juice. Boil about 20 minutes, :1\1rs. W. J. Hiller. l\1USTARD (cut Two small onions, quarts tomatoes green in weak brine and drain. fuls and scald and pour over pickles 2 quarts in small pieces), 24 hours, 12 tablespoonfuls 1 cup flour, 2 quarts Dressing: powder, and let stand turmeric hot. PICKLES 2 quarts small Put 2 heads then scald in same water 2 tablespoon- cauliflower. cucumbers, mustard, vinegar. Stir well 1\1rs. H. \lV. Kammer. CHOW CHOW tomatoes, 1 large (take seed out). green One-half peck green peppers a colander drain and let dissolved take through it come to a boil. Stir 2 large fine. Mix well with 1 cup salt and let stand morning vinegar starch, minutes cup sugar, tard, 1 teaspoonful ~ler: 1 cup grated In Jars. 1 cup mustard curry horse seeds, powder, radish. fire and let in water. it off 3 tablespoonfuls 1 tablespoonful Mix all well Take in chow chow. overnight. 2 tablespoonfuls cabbage, 6 large onions, Chop all very together In the cover with 0 gallon of corn a few add 1 ground mus- pow- turmeric Pack After cold, together. it cool. When and the :1\1rs. Walter Russell. CUCUMBER Slice 10 onions. white mustard Boil 3 quarts seed, SUEY and salt, and vinegar, 4 cups 1 tablespoonf~ll currie and onions powde:, and boIl 20 mInutes. Fifty pickles, and drain. night, spoonfuls tablespoonful pickles stand let sugar, cele~y over 2 table- seed. 1 1 sm~ll bag of mIxed .spIces. Add Can whIle :Mrs. V\T. J. Hiller. hot. 117 See that the name K-N-O-X is on each package of gelatine you buy. PEPPER HASH One and one-half dozen green peppers, 0 dozen red peppers, 1 table- and Let stand 5 minutes. 10 minutes. all Can, and 1 dozen onions, 2 cups white spoonful mustard onions and pour boiling water over Drain, together, boil 20 minutes. this will keep all winter. them. again and let stand Do not use hot peppers. seed, 2 tablespoonfuls salt. Chop peppers add hot water pints vinegar, sugar, 10 Put Mrs. W. J. Hiller. DILL PICKLES Salt pickles over night, and 2 cups vinegar. a piece of horse radish root. then boil 1 gallon water Pour over pickles hot, put dill to 1 cup salt and in jars Mrs. Chas. Mann. CORN RELISH One dozen ears corn, 0 dozen heads o hour with four 3 small mustard, 1 pint vinegar, 0 pint water, sugar, (chop these red peppers to taste. 2 cups salt Put celery, 1 head cabbage, ingredients Boil fine). 2 tablespoonfuls into jars. Mrs. H. W. Kammer. TOMATO CATSUP One dozen large onions, ground 2 grated 2 ounces allspice, pepper, 1 ounce ground celery, 1 bushel Add tomatoes small bags. Add other until tomatoes. Bottle thick. nutmegs, at once. 2 quarts black pepper, vinegar, 2 ounces cloves, 2 ounces mustard 2 pounds brown and celery Cut onions ground 2 ounces ground red flour, 2 heads salt, pieces. in from 4 to 5 hours sugar, into small Tie spices 1 pint and boil until well cooked. Strain. ingredients and boil Mrs. H. W. Kammer. GOOD CATSUP cut in small pieces. a sieve. To the pulp of these One bushel tomatoes then rub through soft, add 8 cups and boil fuls cinnamon, allspice, three hours. 6 level 2 teaspoonfuls sugar, 8 cups vinegar, 20 level Just before bottling, teaspoonfuls cloves. red pepper, tablespoonfuls Cook until very tomatoes salt, teaspoon- 2 teaspoonfuls add 8 level Mrs. VV. J. Hiller. GERMAN CHILI SAUCE WITHOUT SPICE One peck tomatoes, 1 large red pepper, cup vinegar, 1 cup brown sugar, ~ cup salt. Boil 6 medium onions, Mrs. W. J. Hiller. three hours. ] 118 Knox Acidulated Gelatine-no bother-no trouble-no squeezing lemons. SLICED PICKLES .One gallon pickles, 1 handful salt. with hot water t~blespoonfuls mustard vmegar, sugar. 2 cups onions. Put boil pickles. in pickles. and let stand over night. seed, 2 tablespoonfuls Boil together Let vinegar Four Slice pickles and cover large onions, 2 celery seed, 1 quart vinegar, seed and come to a boil. Do not Mrs. H. F. Hoffmeyer. sugar, CELERY RELISH (take seeds out), One dozen cucumbers Let stand over night. 2 quarts water, toes, 2 quarts onions, 1 dozen celery. ful of salt. quarts vinegar, handful mustard mustard. tomatoes, When hot :Mix in vinegar, celery, in glass jars. Very good. onions, to remove, ready seed, 4 tablespoonfuls cucumbers. add 4 chopped boil vinegar In morning 2 pounds .0 peck of green toma- Chop and mix with hand- Two small drain well. sugar, brown flour, 3 tablespoonfuls and water, \tVhen boiled, then add add paste. and seal red peppers, Mrs. H. F. Hoffmeyer. DUTCH PICKLES Twelve large cucumbers, Let vinegar, onions. half pint ~ teaspoonful mustard, powder. toes. Add onions Cook this 5 minutes, stand in salt and water 3 tablespoonfuls pared and sliced, over night. flour, y,l sliced One and one- salt, turmeric then add 1 can of chopped pimen- 2 quarts .0 teaspoonful teaspoonful 1 pound sugar, and cucumbers, and scald good. :r..1rs. G. Ferner. CHOP SUEY PICKLES Fifty medium size cucumbers, sliced (unpeeled), Ten onions of white vinegar, sliced and salted 2 tablespoonfuls over night. mustard salted over Now take 3 seed, 1 table- 2 table- sugar, 3 red night. quarts spoonful celery spoonfuls whole peppers sliced. seeel, 1 tablespoonful allspice (in a sack), Cook ten minutes. ground pepper, 4 cups white Mrs. G. Ferner. CELERY RELISH One quart green tomatoes chopped, 1 dozen stalks cucumbers 1 quart chopped, 1 green pepper celery chopped. salt brine over all. Let st~nd for 10 ml?utes, J\1ix 2 tablespoontuls add 4 small cups pour over sugar, ~ large the coptents m kettle. it creams. Do not boIl. 1 quart pers chopped, strong put in kett1e. little vinegar, quart vinegar; fire until cabbage chopped, chopped, 2 red pep- :r=>ourboilit;g hot dram. and Coleman s mustard m a and 1 the cup ~our, Stir over Mrs. J. Hornick. 119 Where recipes call for Gelatine use Knox Gelatine. DAINTIES FRENCH DAINTIES (CANDY) 1 cup cold water. cups boiling water, five minutes. Add the boiling water. fifteen minutes. Two envelopes Knox Acidulated Gelatine, 4 cups granulated Soak the gelatine and. boil slowly for vVhen somewhat the Lemon Flavor 10 cold water add the sugar equal parts. spoonful of .in one To the other part add one-half into shallow tins over night; powdered flavors and colors, and adding chopped nuts, dates or figs. sugar, in the dissolved into two tea- envelope, dissolved extract. Pour stand or Vary by using different cooled add to one part one-half found in separate that have been dipped into squares. and one tablespoonful extract and let stand to crystallize. in cold water. Roll of cloves. Let turn out and cut in fine granulated tablespoonful \Vhen Divide teaspoonful lemon water, sugar DIVINITY CANDY slow fire, stirring Two cups white sugar, 0 cup IZaro corn syrup, Y; cup cold water. l\1ix together well, stirring about 5 min. before putting on fire. Cook over it V\Thile this is boiling, beat whites of 2 eggs until is entirely very stiff. the vanilla and 1 cup same way as much as possible. Add 1 teaspoonful chopped walnut meats. When the mixture starts to become creamy, pour slowly into beaten whites beating always in squares before it gets cold. often, until when dropped brittle. Pour'syrup into cold water into buttered dish. Cut 1V1rs.A. Johnske. SEA FOAl\'1 sugar, 0 cup corn syrup, 0 cup water, Cook sugar, water and syrup together Two cups granulated cup nut meats, 2 eggs. it will harden which have been broken in small pieces and add gradually, constantly, pour Beat into squares. to the beaten whites from the fire, stir pan, cool and cut in cold water. into buttered of eggs. Take until 1 until in nut meats stirring and creamy :Mrs. Schumacher. FUDGE Two cups of sugar, 1 cup of thick sweet chocolate. of chopped nuts, Boil until it makes a soft ball in the water, stir turn out and cut in squares. cream, 0 pound of in 1 cup 1\1rs. E. C. Jackson. STUFFED fill the date with fondant DATES Remove the stone, folded of white fondant a pecan nut. Do not quite close the date but showing. Roll in coarse granulated sugar. into wl;ich has been leave a line lV1rs. E. C. Jackson. 120 FOUR PINTS of jelly in each package of Knox Gelatine. Open steamed and roll fondant STUFFED figs at stem end, in granulated sugar. FIGS fill with chopped nuts, mix with KISSES One-hal f pound cocoanut, 2 egg whites, 20 COCOANUT ounces of sugar. Bake. :Mrs. H. F. Hoffmeyer. :Mrs. E. C. Jackson. PUFFED RICE CANDY One cup sugar, 0 cup water, 1 teaspoonful 7'8 teaspoonful size walnut, 2 tablespoonfuls molasses, 0 package puffed forms salt, butter rice. Boil all a syrup. Heat puffed rice in oven and add syrup. except puffed rice together ingredients vinegar, until it :Mrs. H. \\!. Kammer. CHOCOLATE 1 cup milk, 10 cocoa or 1 square Baker sugar, FUDGE tablespoonfuls chocolate, butter, 1 teaspoonful Boil sugar, milk, butter soft ball when tried in cold water. Pour and beat until creamy. Two cups spoonfuls Add nutmeats gether until nutmeats pan and mark into squares. or cocoanut. or cocoanut it forms 4 table- vanilla. and cocoa to- Add vanilla, into buttered 1\1rs. H. \\!. Kammer. KISSES CHOCOLATE ALl\IOND Four egg whites, 0 pound powdered sugar, 1 teaspoonful mon, 0 poung grated almonds, 1 cake grated sweet chocolate. egg whites late. add cinnamon, ;,0 hour, and sugar almonds cinna- Beat and choco- 1\tfrs. C. E. Saunby. 121 Knox Gelatine two envelopes. is measured ready for use-each package is divided into HELPFUL HINTS HELPFUL Acidulated Water HINTS is water TO HOUSEKEEPERS to which or vinegar lemon JUIce is added. One tablespoonful of the acid is allowed to 1 quart water. To Blanch Almonds. and let stand 2 minutes; skins. Dry between towels. Cover drain, put Jordan almonds with boiling water the and rub off into cold water, To Shred Almonds. 'Vise of the nut. Cut blanched almonds in thin strips, length- Macaroon Dust. Dry macaroons Flavoring Extracts mixture when cold. goodness passes off with the steam. pounded and sifted. and Wine I f added while mixture should be added if possible is hot, much of to a the Mixed :Mustard. :Mix 2 tablespoonfuls mustard sugar, paste. Vinegar may be used in place of water. add hot water gradually until of the consistency and 1 teaspoonful of a thick To Prevent 1 teaspoonful Salt cornstarch from Lumping. :Mix with cornstarch, allowing to 6 teaspoonft~ls salt. To Remove Grass Stains Cut Glass should be washed hot and of same temperature. of a pound Three-quarters makes 25 cups. from cotton goods, wash in alcohol. and rinsed in water that is not very of coffee will make 1 gallon, 1 gallon One 3 pound chicken will make 2 quarts 10 persons. of salad "and will serve Bread crumbs absorb grease. One gallon of in sherbet served should always be used for frying, as cracker crumbs ice cream, if glasses, 30 at served least. on plates, will serve 24; if To Remove Fruit Stains. Pour face, having it fall ter of cold water than dipping stain in and out of hot water; and hang out of doors on frosty from a distance of three boiling water feet. over This or wring articles night. sur- stained is much bet- out To Clean Graniteware where mixtures fill with cold water, on. Half ually to boiling point, Any soap powder may be used in place of washing have been cooked or burned soda, heat water grad- then empty, when dish may be easily washed. add washing soda. 122 Knox Gelatine solves the problem of "What to have for dessert}" To Wash Mirrors wrung skin. out of warm water, This method and Windows. skin then wipe with a piece of dry chamois Rub over with chamois saves much strength .. To Remove White Spots water nearly to boiling point. rub over Alcohol or camphor quickly applied may be used. spot with a dry cloth. Place over spot, from Furniture. Repeat if Dip a cloth in hot remove quickly, and removed. is not spot Should Sink Drain chance to get choked, pour copperas dissolved in 2 quarts boiling water. repeat before for a plumber. sending into sink ~ pound If this is not efficacious, To Remove Grease Spots. Cold water and Ivory Soap will move grease spots is useful cately colored goods. for black woolen goods, but is always Ether from cotton and woolen fabrics. leaves a slight sure and safe to use. re- Castilian Cream ring on deli- Never put cogs of an Egg-beater in water. To Clean a Copper Boiler use Putz Pomade Cream. woolen cloth when boiler woolen cloth and polish with flannel or chamois. use oxalic acid. is warm, not hot; and brasses Faucets are treated Apply with then rub off with second I f badly tarnished in the same way. Polish for Hard Wood Floors. turpentine. a paste will be formed. Put in saucepan Use 1 part beeswax and 2 parts and when wax is dissolved on range, To clean Piano Keys, rub over with alcohol. To remove old Tea and Coffee Stains, wet spot with cold water, Then wash and let stand two or three hours. and hard soap. Repeat if necessary. cover with glycerine, with cold water then cover with a piece of old linen; For a Burn apply equal parts of white of egg and olive oil mixed if applied at once no then cover with the together, blister will cloth and keep the same wet with cold water. pain and prevents blistering. Or apply at once cooking soda, takes out form. This To Remove Dust brush. from Rattan Furniture use a painter's small A little vanilla flavor. APPLE SAUCE HINT added to the apple sauce will greatly improve the :Mrs. Armstrong. 123 Knox Gelatine is economical-FOUR PINTS in each package. Five iron vessel; You find that the same time stirring stir until dissolved. HARD SOAP WITHOUT BOILING tallow (saved or clean grease :Melt and set aside and 3/z pounds as well). to cool until it slowly into the grease (not grease until both are thoroughly a can of Red Seal Lye in 3.0 pints of cold water or will do just Dissolve earthen has become hot; when cooled to the temperature and hot, pour at become then pour and set fine wire. thin twine or layers greasy it is not stirring; then cut up, put and boil until as above directed cakes. up drippings lukewarm. in an the lye between luke warm into the lye), and combined separate, Cover shape with is streaked with by improper into a vessel or pan with a little water into a mould again into into a mould or wooden box lined inside with paper. in a warm place when it can be cut any desired I f the soap separates combined, soap is all melted and clear. for a few days before and thick: but not too long or they will thoroughly it all and let stand or caused smooth Pour cutting SENNA PRUNES FOR CONSTIPATION Mrs. L. Reindel. Twenty-four prunes, 1 pint of boiling water, 2 tablespoonfuls Steep senna leaves. then strain, wash stew-pan cover and simmer until put will keep for months. in a jar and use as required. in the water where and put in the senna water the prunes have absorbed prunes These senna it will keep hot 2 hours; and prunes, then and the water; a~e delicious all 1\1rs. Vei tengru ber. 124 Try the Knox Gelatine recipes found in this book. I TABLE OF MEASURES (liquid) (dry) (liquid) to teaspoonfuls teaspoonfuls tablespoonfuls Four Three Four Two wineglasses Two gills (liquid) Two cups .equal Two pints equal. One quart Two cups or one pint granulated si fted flour equals is equal is equal to is equal is equal is equal to 1 tablespoonful to 1 tablespoonful to. 0 gill, 34 cup, 1 wineglassful 1 gill 1 cup 1 pint 1 quart 1 pound 1 pound , sugar equals tsp tbsp pt. qt gal. lb pk bu pkg doz oz ABBREVIATIONS teaspoon tablespoon pint quart gallon pound peck bushel package dozen ounce ..,~ Knox Gelatine makes a transparent. tender. quivering jelly. TIME TABLE FOR COOKING VEGETABLES IN WATER Asparagus Beets (young) Beets (old) Carrots Cabbage Cauliflower Celery Green Peas Green Corn Lima Beans Onions Parsnips Potatoes Rice Spinach String Beans , Turnips Tomatoes '0' ••••••••••• 20 to 40 minutes .45 minutes 3 to 4 hours 25 to 30 minutes 15 minutes 20 to 30 minutes 20 to 30 minutes 30 to 45 minutes 12 to 30 minutes 1 hour or more 45 to 60 minutes 30 to 45 minutes 25 to 30 minutes 20 to 45 minutes 30 to 45 minutes 1 to 3 hours 45 minutes 1 to 3 hours 126 DESSERTS can be made in a short time with Knox Gelatine. TIME TABLE FOR ROASTING (Per Pound) (well done) (rare) Beef, Round Beef Ribs Beef Ribs - Mqtton, Leg (well done) Mutton, Leg (rare) Mutton, Loin (rare) Mutton, Shoulder Lamb (well done) Veal (well done) Pork (well done) Chicken Goose Turkey, (stuffed) 8-pound , : , ' 10 to 12 minutes 12 to 15 minutes 8 to 10 minutes 15 minutes 8 minutes 8 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes 25 minutes 30 minutes 15 minutes 18 to 20 minutes About 2 hours Now all good things must have an end So there's no need of further looking; For this completes our book, dear friend, And we will leave you to your cooking. 127 Use Knox Gelatine--the two quart package. COURSE DINNER Five Course Dinner-lVlrs. Walter Wendt Anchovy *Dumpling on Toast Soup Olives Celery Chicken, en Casserole, with lVlushrooms Mashed Potatoes Creamed Cauliflower Asparagus Salad lVIaple Custard, with Whipped Cream Coffee *Dumpling Recipe. Two eggs, well beaten, enough cracker to absorb the eggs, 1 heaping and scant of sugar, of nut.meg. Boil fifteen minutes teaspoonful tablespoonful crumbs pinch of salt, in beef stock. Three Course Luncheon-Mrs. Grapefruit Walter Wendt Broiled Lamb Chops Escalloped Potatoes Raspberry Sherbet French Peas Strawberry Shortcake 128