~Ut{l{a:r!, €ook 1Iook 1921 t1alfne, ",tebigan Happiness good bank account, a good cook, and a good digestion." -a -Rosseau. For assurance that the tempting dishes this cook-book suggests for your enjoyment are the best arts of a GOOD COOK, we bid you select and eat-ior is the proof of the pudding. that We wish you a hearty appetite and a GOOD DIGES- each meal may be a present satisfaction and a TION-that pleasant memory. And now for the Good Bank Account to complete your happiness and insure its permanence-just come in for a talk with us. Let us show you how our service can help you to a GROWING account in this GOOD BANK. " < State Bank No. 265 Saline, :-: Michigan CHEVROLET "FOR ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION" The Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" line; oil and tires in proportion any other automobile on the market. uses less gaso- to its price than These Chevrolet features will. appeal to you-Electric and lights. with dimmer starter demountable with extr~ rim; one-man top, with tailored curtains; ometer, driven from transmission; rims, speed- deep cushions, with high lenses; seat backs. We will be pleased to show you these features and quote prices.The Saline fiafage Geo. v. Cook, Prop. Phone 61 "Some Day You'll Own a Chevrolet." "We may live without and live witho~t conscience, heart; We may live without live without friends, we may book~; But civilized man cannot live without cooks." "Here will be found real, practical recipes, which every housewife will appreciate, as well as many helpful hints which all together make it a household reference book of rare value, worthy of careful preservation." RECIPES BREADS GRAHAM BREAD 1/z cup brown sugar, 3 tablespoons molasses, 1 tablespoon spoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 cup sour milk, % cup wheat ham flour. Let hour.-Mrs. stand one-half hour Esther Heininger. this mixture butter, 1 tea- flour, 2 cups gra- then bake in slow oven o.ne GOOD GINGER BREAD Cream 1/2cup sugar, 1/2cup butter or lard, 1 cup molasses, 2 eggs, 1 cup (sweet or sour milk), 2 cups flour sifted with 1 teaspoon soda, a tluttermilk, little ginger, salt and cinnamon.-Miss Alice Nieland. BRO'YN BREAD 1/z cup molasses, %. cup sugar, 3 tablespoons butter tea~.poons soda, nuts and raisins (level), 2 cups sour if pre- milk, 3 cups graham flour, 2 level fcrred.-Mrs. Nora Wood. RYE BREAD One cup scalded milk, 1 cup boiling water, 1 tablespoon 113 cup brown sugar and molasses, 11/2 teaspoons spoon butter, cake dissolved in 1,4 cup luke warm water, 3 cups of flour, Rye meal.-Miss Matilda Luckhart. lard, 1 table- salt, 14 yeast NUT BREAD 2 cups flour, 2 large teaspoons Baking powder, 1/z cup sugar, egg, 1 cup milk, on back of stove. Bake in moderate oven.-Miss Matilda Luckhart. let rise 20 minutes 1/z cup chopped walnuts; little salt, 1 pan in buttered MUFF'INS ~ cup sugar (white), 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons Baking Powder, 1 tablespoon shortening, saIt.-Mrs. 1 egg, 1 cup sweet milk, Ellen Wenk. 1.4 cup butter, MUFFINS 14 cup sugar, * cup milk, 1 egg, 2 cups flour, 4 teaspoons Baking Powder.-Mrs. Nora Wood. OATMEAL MUFFINS 2 cups rolled oats, 11,4, salt, (level) with a teaspoon stead of oatmeal, 1Iz cup sugar, teaspoons in muffin pans and bake. You may use graham flour if liked.-Mrs. l11z cups sour milk, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoo~ 1 cup flour. Drop in- soda, dissolved in the milk, Tema Moehn. BISCUITS 1 egg, beaten; Powder, pinch of salt; spoon onto greased pan and bake.-Miss Mathilde Meyer. 1Iz cupful cream, 1 cupful milk, 4 teaspoonsfull Baking add flour enough to make a soft dough. Drop from BAIHNG POWDER BISCUIT 2 cups flour, 4 teaspoons Baking Powder, 2 tablespoons -milk, 1Iz teaspoon salt.-Miss Matilda Luckhart. butter, %, cup LAZY BISCUIT Sift 1 cup of flour with a pinch of salt, l11z % cup milk, 2 tablespoons melted shortening. in hot oven.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. teaspoon Bakipg Powder, add fill gem pans and bake Half BAKING POWDER BISCUIT 1 quart flour, 2 teaspoons Baking Powder, 1 level teaspoon salt; mix to a soft dough with sweet cream. Bake in a quick oven.-Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. GRAHAM GEMS 1 cup milk, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons graham (or use 1Iz white flour), or 20 minutes.-Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. sugar, butter, l11z teaspoonsfull Baking Powder. 1 tablespoon l11z cups Bake 15 GRAHAM ~EMS 3 cups sour milk, 1 egg, 1;~ cup shortening, 1 cup -sugar, 1 teaspoon soda, graham flour, to drop from spoon.-Mrs. Nora Wood. CINNAMON BUNS full Baking Powder, 1 teaspoon 21,4, cups full of flour, 4 teaspoons 1/2 cup full of sugar, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons full 2 teaspoons salt, Take 2 full of cinnamon, 4 tablespoons and sift with the flour, salt and tablespoons full Baking Powdu, in very lightly with the tips of the fingers; add the beaten egg to the water and add slowly. Roll out one- sprinkle third of an inch thick on a floured board, brush with melted butter; with sugar, cinnamon and raisins, which have been washed and drained. Roll from the measured into a cowl, rub the shortening full of ra,isins, % cup full of water. full of shortening, sugar jelly roll, cut into one and one-half Place with the cut as for edges up on a well greased pan. Sprinkle with a little sugar and cinnamon and bake in a moderate oven. Remove from the pan at once.-Miss Mathilde Meyer. inch pieces. BUNS 1 cup bread dough, when. ready to put place so not the bread dough, % cup sugar, flour to make a hard loaf as for bread. tins for breakfast which a little -Mrs. Leona Stoll steimer. far enough apart .. Before putting so as not sugar has been added. This makes to rise so much, about 4 or 5 o'clock, add 1 cup warm water into loaves. Put bread in a cool to a little salt a rounding tablespoon .lard, add in and bake tops of buns with milk in about one dozen buns. Let rise double its size, rise until morning into oven go over to touch; then put let JOHNNY CAKE % cup sugar, butter size of an egg, 1 egg, 1 cup sour milk, % cup corn meal, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon soda, sweet milk can be used and 2 teaspoons Baking Powder in place of soda.-Mrs. Nora Wood. JOHNNY CAKE One cup corn meal, 1 cup white flour, 2 teaspoons Baking Powder, % cup 1 egg, 1 cup milk.-Miss Matilda Luckhart. sugar, % cup melted shortening, JOHNNY CAKE One cup flour, 1 cup corn meal, mix with 2 teaspoons of Baking Powder, size of a walnut, 1 egg, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 tea- sugar, butter 2 tablespoons spoon salt.-Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. CAKES SMALL ANGEL FOOD CAKE Whites of 4 eggs, pinch of salt teaspoon cream of tartar flavor and fold in with spoon, add 1,4 sugar, been sifted four Bake in ungreased on two cups until cold.-Mrs. Odessa Webber. and beat times. in the beaten whites; when partly beaten stiff; add 213 cup of granulated 7'2 cup flour which has tin tin. Bake slowly. fold in lightly Invert LARGE LAYER CAKE Ph cups sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup milk, 7'2 cup butter, (scant), 3 cups flour, 2 teaspoons Baking Powder.-Mrs. Esther Heininger. WHITE CAKE 17'2 cups sugar, 1 112 cups flour, eggs last.-Mrs. 7'2 cup butter, good, 112 cup sweet milk, two teaspoons Baking Powder, add the beaten whites of 3 Gertrude Hartman. cream together CREAM CAKE 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon butter, beaten to a cream, 2 eggs, %, cup milk, 1 cup flour, 2 heaping teaspoons Baking Powder; Filling %, cup cream beaten until quite thick, add 1,4 cup sugar.-Mrs. Ellen Wenk. LAYER CAKE Three beaten eggs, 1 113 cups sugar, 113 cup butter, cup sweet milk, 2 cups flour sifted with 2 teaspoons Baking Powder. with vanilla.-Mrs. Mabelle Feldkamp. CAKE creamed together, %, Flavor 17'2 cups sugar, 7'2 cup shortening, 1 scant cup of cold sifted flour, 4 teaspoons Baking Powder, whites of 3 eggs yolks of 3 eggs, water, 3 cups (beaten). Flavoring. This makes a big 3 layer cake.-Miss Alice Nieland. ECONOMICAL CAKE One cup sugar, 7'2 cup butter, whites of 3 eggs, % cup sweet milk, 2 cups flour, 1 heaping teaspoon Baking Powder. Miss Alice Nieland. Bake in 2 layers in hot oven.- Icing for same-- Yolks of 3 eggs, 1 cup powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon va- nilla. Beat 20 minutes.-Miss Alice Nieland. Weidman Auto Co. THE'UNIVERSAL CAR Authorized FORD SALES AND SERVICE 5.500.000 Ford Cars manufactured PHILADELPHIA AND RAY BATTERY SERVICE STATION FREE BATTERY INSPECTION LADIES' REST ROOM Phone Nos. 75 and 49 Remember The recipes in this book cap be made into the best of food only by a good baking stove. "The Range Eternal" in your home assures you of the the best fuel saver; a rust proof top; best in baking results, a copper lining that will not rust or burn out; and a range that cannot be broken .. Before you buy, be sure and see, (In over 100 homes around Saline). Bailey &, Stark SOLD BY SALINE, MICHIGAN WHITE CAKE 11,6 cups sugar, 3 level tablespoons butter, teaspoons Baking Powder, whites flour, 2 heaping Wood. 1 cup sweet milk, 2% cups Nora of 3 eggs.-Mrs. LA YER OR LOAF CAKE 11,6 cups sugar, 1,6cup butter, cream together, 3 eggs stirred into sugar and butter, Mrs. Leona Stoll steimer. %, cup miJk, 2 cups flour, 2 heaping teaspoons Baking Powder.- S'VEET CREAM CAKE One cup sugar, 2 eggs in a cup and fill with sweet cream, 1% cups flour, 2 teaspoons Baking Powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla.-Mrs. Gertrude Hartman. LAYER CAKE 1 cup sugar, butter, cups flour; bake in two layers.-Miss 1 teaspoon 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon Alice Nieland. baking powder, 2 CHOCOLATE CREAM CAKE % cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup water, 3 cups sifted flour, 3 level spoons Baking Powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 4 egg whites. add the sugar gradually, the creaming, flour a little at a time, having the Baking Powder tinue stirring well beaten whites of the eggs, stir or 4 small tea- Cream the butter, and sifted with the flour, con- the water and flour are all used; now add the vanilla and into 3 large layer cake pans and bake in a moderate oven for about 20 minutes . just enough to mix, and pour then add the water continuing until . Filling-Brown and White White of 1 egg, 1h teaspoon vanilla, % tablespoon Spread on each layer, melt spread on top of white frosting become hard.-Mrs. Ellen Wenk. 1,4 of a cake of Baker's on each layer after cold water, 4X sugar. chocolate over steam and has the white frosting WHITE CAKE 11A cups sugar, 1,6 cup butter, cream together, cups flour, 2 teaslloons Baking Powder, 1 teaspoon 4 eggs.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. % cup sweet milk, 2 vanilla, beaten whites of YELLOW CAKE . One cup sugar % cup butter, cream together, 2 teaspoons Baking Powder, yolks of 4 eggs, Moehn. %. cup milk, 2 cups flour, Tema flavor with vanilla.-Mrs. NUT CAKE IY2 cups sugar, 3 tablespoons butter, 1 cup sweet milk, 2 eggs, 1 heaping teaspoon Baking Powder, 2 cups flour, 1 cup chopped nuts.—Miss Matilda Luckhardt. Whites of 11 eggs, 1 heaping cupful of sifted sugar, 1 cup flour sifted 5 ANGEL FOOD each, and and vanilla extracts; beat egg whites, lemon cream of salt the sugar and flavoring and beat. times before measuring, % teaspoon cream of tartar, pinch of salt, V2 tea(cid:173) pinch spoon, to of this the flour carefully and bake very slowly 40 to 45 minutes. Keep oven closed for at leat one-half hour while cake is baking, wrhen done reverse pan to cool, to keep cake from falling. Frost with beaten egg whites and pulverized sugar to stiffen. vor.—Mrs. Mabelle Feldkamp. until very in tartar together, Fold stiff add Fla(cid:173) ANGEL FOOD CAKE 1 1|3 cups sugar sifted 3 times, 1 cup flour sifted 3 times, 1 cup whites of eggs, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar (fresh), 1 teaspoon vanilla, pinch of salt. Beat whites of eggs about half then add cream of tartar and beat thoroughly, then add sugar, vanilla and give a good beating. Fold in flour very lightly. When you start to stir up cake fix your fire and leave oven door open. When cake is ready put in oven and close door and let oven heat gradually. Do not grease tin.—Mrs. Leona Stollsteimer. ANGEL FOOD Sift 4 times 1 level cup of floor, 1 cup sugar, 3 level teaspoons of Baking Powder, then add 1 cup boiling hot milk, mix well, then fold in whites of 2 eggs beaten to a froth, do not beat cake after eggs have been added. Do not grease tin.—Miss Alice Nieland. SUNSHINE CAKE Whites of 7 and yolks of 5 eggs, 1 cup white sugar, 1 scant cup flour after sifting 5 times, lA teaspoon cream of tartar, 1 teaspoon extract. Beat yolks until thick and set aside, now add a pinch of salt and cream of tartar to whites and beat until very stiff, add sugar and beat thoroughly, then add flavoring and beaten yolks, beat lightly, and carefully stir in flour. Bake in tube tin in moderate oven 40 to 50 minutes. Do not grease tin.—Mrs. Ger(cid:173) trude Hartman. GOLD CAKE Yolks of 8 eggs, 1 cup sugar, hi cup butter, V2 cup sweet milk, 1% cups of flour, 2 teaspoons of Baking Powder. Cream butter and sugar, beat yolks thoroughly and stir into butter and sugar, put in milk, then flour and stir hard —Mrs. Leona Stollsteimer. SUNSHINE CAKE One cup granulated' sugar and 1 cup flour measured after cream of tartar, teaspoon .\':hites of 8 eggs, yolks of 4, yolks thick and set aside, add a pinch of salt and cream of tartar whites and beat very stiff add ~ugar and flavoring, Bake immediately.-Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. sifting 5 times, Beat vanilla. to whites then fod flour in carefully 1,{ ROLL JELLY CAKE Three eggs beaten separately, sift together teaspoon Baking Powder and salt; add the yolks and 14 cup hot water then the whites beaten stiff, and flavoring.-Mrs. Bertha Schill. 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 and ROLL JELLY CAKE One cup sugar, 4 eggs, 1 cup flour, 1 teaspoon cream of tartar, 1h tea- spoon of soda, pinch of salt. Beat eggs light add ingredients which have all and beat up light again and flavor. Bake in a square been sifted together tin, Odessa Webber. turn upon a towel, spread with jelly, and roll immediately.-Mrs. SPONGE CAKE Three eggs beat 1 minute, add 1% cups sugar then Ii:! cup water, 1 cup flour and 2 teaspoons and beat 5 minutes, add 1 cup flour and beat 1 minute, Baking Powder, vanilla and salt.-Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. SPONGE CAKE One cup sugar, 3 eggs well beaten, 4 tablespoons water, 1 cup flour, 2 teaspoons Baking Powder, beat up quickly and bake.-Mrs. Ellen Wenk. HOT WATER SPONGE CAKE 11,4cups sugar, 1% cups flour, 2 small 1\ tablespoons boiling water, and salt .. Cream yolks and sugar beaten whites, Bake in layers or roll then flour and Baking Powder Leona Stoll steimer. jelly.-Mrs. teaspoons Baking Powder, 4 eggs, add thoroughly. and water. together, Stir SPONGE CAKE Gradually, Beat up 3 egg yolks in a mixing bowl, add 1% cups sifted sugal' lightly In a separate dish beat 3 egg whites with pinch of salt until stiff, Beat all into the first dish containing the beaten yolks and sugar. add 1% cups sifted flour, always thoroughly. stirring, Lastly add 1h cup flour Bake least 1h hour while cake is Dust with and beat. then POUI' together then add slowly 213 cup boiling water and stir again. sifted with 2 teaspoons Baking Powder and stir. in ungreased tin and do not open oven for at baking, when done reverse pan to cool to keep cake from falling. powdered sugar, Mrs. Mabelle Feldkamp. Flavor with vanilla. and stirring makes cake fine grained).- (sifting, beating DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE \xk cups sugar, V2 cup butter, 2 eggs beaten, stir these together, 2 squares chocolate dissolved in 1 cup hot water, V2 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon each, cinnamon and Baking Powder, 1 teaspoon soda in V2 cup sour milk, 2 cups flour. Bake in slow oven.—Mrs. Esther Heininger. , DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE 2 cups sugar, %. cup butter, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of cocoa dissolved in 1 cup of hot water, V2 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 2% cups flour, 1 tea(cid:173) spoon baking powder. The dough will be quite thin.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE 1 cup sugar, yolk of 1 egg, butter size of an egg, V2 cup chocolate, boil(cid:173) ing water enough to melt chocolate. Fill cup with sour or sweet milk, 1 tea(cid:173) spoon soda, W2 cups flour, vanilla.—Miss Mathilde Luckhardt. DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE 2 cups brown sugar, V2 cup butter, 2 eggs, beat well, V2 cup sour milk, 2 cups flour s'fted with 1 teaspoon soda in it; 3 heaping teaspoons cocoa dis(cid:173) solved in V2 cup hot water added to batter last, vanilla.—Mrs. Bertha Schill. DEVIL'S FOOD 1% cups sugar, 1 tablespoon shortening, 1 egg, % cup cocoa, fill cup with hot water after cocoa is dissolved, 'A,k cup sour cream or 1 cup sour milk or buttermilk, 1 cup nut meats, 2 level teaspoons soda and XA teaspoon baking powder, mixed with 2 cups flour. Bake slowly in either loaf or layers.—Miss Alice Nieland. DEVIL'S FOOD 1 cup sugar, V2 cup butter or lard, 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoon soda, *A teaspoon salt, 2 cups flour, 3 tablespoons cocoa, 1 teaspoon vanilla, sift cocoa with flour.—Mrs. Leona Stollsteimer. DEVIL'S FOOD 2 cups sugar, V2 cup butter, 2 eggs, % cup sour milk or buttermilk, 1 level teaspoon soda, 2 cups flour, V2 teaspoon baking powder, 2 squares choco(cid:173) late or 3 heaping tablespoons cocoa boiled up in V2 cup hot water. Flavor to taste.—Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. DEVIL'S FOOD Good. Add contents as follows: 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons cocoa mix(cid:173) ed dry, 14 cup butter, 1 beaten egg, V2 cup sour milk, Y4, cup cold water in which 1 teaspoon soda has been dissolved, 1% cups flour, vanilla (cake is dark red in color).—Mrs. Mabelle Feldkamp. Stein Bloch Clothing IMPERIAL HATS AND GENTS' FURNISHINGS AT LindensGhmitt flpiel & Go. Main Street Ann Arbor, Mich. New Meat Market BOETTNER BUILDING, SALINE Opposite the Interurban Waiting Room A New and Modem Market is here at Your Service Only the best of all kinds of meats are sold, trade at at prices which home. should keep the Robert Jedele Telephone No. 223 George A. Uphans TIRE REPAIRING VULCANIZING Fisk Tires, Auto Accessories, Oils WRIGHT BATTERIES—guaranteed for two years Phone 27 Saline, Michigan W. E. DIETIKER Phone 175 Saline, Michigan. FURNITURE-FINE FUNERAL FURNISHINGS Pictul'e Framing, Rugs, Draperies. Linoleunl, WaIl Paper OUR MOTTO :-Honest Goods at Honest Prices. G. L. PARSONS MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND SHOES Phone 127 Saline, Mich. WOMEN'S AND GffiLS' APPAREL Phone 15 Saline, Michigan BLACK CHOCOLATE CAKE Two squares chocolate grated, ~ cup sweet milk, yolk of 1 egg, % cup sugar boil until soft, stirring continuously; 1 cup sugar, % cup butter, % cup sweet milk, 2 eggs slightly beaten, 1 teaspoon soda in 1,4. cup hot water, 2 cups flour. Add boiled part ,,'hen cool. Vanilla.-Mrs. Minnie Kern. MAHOGANY CAKE 14 cup butter, sugar, 2 squares One cup granulated chocolate, 1 cup wa tel', ~ (level) teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1~ cups flour, 1 (level) t<::aspoon baking powder, 1 egg, cream the sugar and butter Dis- solve the chocolate in ~ cup of warm water and add to the butter and sugar. to- Add the soda dissolved in % cup of hot water. Add the vanilla. gr;ther Last- ly add the beaten egg. Bake in a square cake tin.-Miss Mathilde Meyer. the flour and baking powder and add gradually to' the mixture. together. Sift . POTATOE CHOCOLATE CAKE and allspice, ~ teaspoon, % cup shortening, 2 cups sugar, ~ cup chocolate, 1 cup mashed potatoes, 14 teaspoon, each, cinnamon and cloves, 1 cup add sugar melted choco- separately and add yolks Add milk and dry ingredients which have been sifted to- Bake in 2 eggs, %, cup milk, 2~ cups flour, 5 teaspoons baking powder, each, nutmeg chopped nuts, 1 teaspoon vanilla cream shortening, l~te and mashed potatoes, mix weIll. Beat eggs to first mixture. gether. a loaf.-Miss Mathilde Meyer. Beat well, add nuts, vanilla and stifly beaten egg whites. CHOCOLA TE CAKE First Part-l cup ~rater, yolk of 1 egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla, beat egg and water then add other and cook until smooth. scant cup chocolate or 2 squares grated, % cup sugar, % together, ingredients Second Part-l cup sugar, 2 eggs, % cup butter, 2 cups flour, % cup wa- is cool, first part ter, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon lemon extract. When stir Odessa Webber. Bake in moderate in second part. oven-makes a large cake.-Mrs. CHOCOLATE LOAF CAKE 1% cups sugar, ~ cup butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup sweet milk, % teaspoon vanilla, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1% teaspoons cocoa dissolved in a little hot water.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. MARBLED CHOCOLATE CAI{E 1 cup sugar, and % cup butter beaten to a cream, % cup sweet milk, 1% ('ups flour, 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder. Add the beaten whites of 4 f:ggs last. Dark Part-Take 1 cup of this mixture dissolved in a little hot water. Vanilla.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. and add to it 2 teaspoons cocoa PEACH CAKE 2 cups sugar, 1 scant cup butter, 3 eggs, V2 cup sweet milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 cups peaches, 3 cups flour. Spices.—Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. CHERRY CAKE 1 cup sugar, V2 cup butter, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoonful cocoa, 1 teaspoonful cinnamon, 1% cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 cup cherries, and fill cup with the juice.—Miss Helen Burkhardt. CHERRY CAKE Cream 1 cup of sugar and 1|3 cup butter, add 3 eggs, whites beaten and added last, V2 cup sour milk in which 1 teaspoon soda has been dissolved, V2 teaspoon cinnamon, M cup cherries. Ice with cherry icing.—Mrs. Tema Moehn. .£ C W^ *ft*^ PORK CAKE 1 cup sugar, 1 pound fat salt pork ground fine, 1 cup boiling water, V2 cup mollasses, 1 lb. raisins, citron, nuts, cherries to suit taste, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, allspice and soda. Flour enough to thicken. Any other fruit may be added.—Miss Alice Nieland. SOUR CREAM CAKE 1 cup brown sugar, 1 egg, 1 cup sour cream, V2 teaspoon soda, W2 cups flour, nutmeg and salt.—Mrs. Nora Wood. SPANISH BUN CAKE 2 cups sugar, 2 cups buttermilk, V2 cup molasses, 2 eggs, 2% teaspoons soda, 1 teaspoon ginger, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, V2 teaspoon cloves, 4 cups flour.—Mrs. Leona Stollsteimer. CAKE WITHOUT SUGAR 1 cup molasses, 1 cup hot water, 2 tablespoons lard, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon, each, soda and cinnamon, V2 teaspoon cloves, XA teaspoon allspice, 2 cups flour, mix soda and spices with flour.—Miss Alice Nieland. BUTTERMILK CAKE Cream 1 cup brown sugar, and 2|3 cup butter, 1 egg, 1 cup buttermilk in which put 1 teaspoon soda, 2 cups flour sifted with 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup raisins chopped, cinnamon, allspice, cloves and nutmeg to taste. Bake in slow oven.—Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. APPLE SAUCE CAKE 1 cup sugar, the table, 1 level ins chopped, about 2 cups of flour. scant ¥.l cup shortening, teaspoon soda, dissolved 1 cup apple sauce prepared in the as for sauce, ¥.l cup rais- apple Spices.-Miss Mathilde Meyer. APPLE SAUCE CAKE 1 cup sugar, sauce, 2 cups flour, ¥.l teaspoon cloves, 14 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon soda, ¥.l cup rais- ins. 1 egg, 1 cup unsweetened Bake 45 minutes.-Mrs. ¥.l cup butter, Tema Moehn. apple SPICE CAKE 4 eggs, 2 cups brown sugar, cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 teaspoons spoon nutmeg.-Miss Helen Burkhardt. ¥.l cup melted butter, ¥.l cup sour milk, 2¥.l cinnamon, 1 teaspoon cloves, ¥.l tea- SPICE CAKE 1 cup sugar, nutmeg, ¥.l cup butter, 1 cup chopped raisins, teaspoon 1 level milk, about 2 cups flour.-Miss Mathilde Meyer. 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon teaspoon cinnamon, 1 soda, 1 cup sour SPICE CAKE Ii:! cup brown suga~', ¥.l cup butter, yolks of 2 eggs, 112 cup butter milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 112teaspoon cloves, 2 cups flour. Frosting-1 cup brown sugar, whites of 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, Odessa Webber. teaspoon cloves, beat egg whites and add the rest.-Mrs. ¥.l cup molasses, ¥.l COFFEE LAYER CAKE 1 cup brown sugar, ¥.l cup butter, coffee, 1 teaspoon f:oda, 1 teaspoon fo'pices,and nutmeg, 1 cup raisins.-Mrs. 2 eggs, ¥.l cup molasses, ¥.l cup cold baking powder, 2 cups flour, ¥.l teaspoon Tema Moehn. 1\10LASSES LAYER CAKE 1 cup sugar, whites of 2 eggs, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon each of soda, nutmeg, salt.-Mrs. Leona Stoll steimer. 1A. cup butter, ¥.l cup milk, ¥.l cup molasses, yolks of 3 eggs, cloves and MOLASSES CAKE ~~ cup molasses, ¥.l cup sugar, 1 teaspoon 2 cups flour.-Mrs. soda, ¥.l teaspoon Nora Wood. ¥.l cup water, 112 cup shortening, 1 egg, and cloves. A little vinegar, each cinnamon MOLASSES CAKE 1 cup sugar, 1 heaping tablespoon lard, 2 eggs, salt, V2 cup molasses, V-> teaspoon cinnamon, 1 cup boiling water, (Dough is real thin).—Mrs. Leona Stollsteimer. lA teaspoon cloves, 1V2 cups flour, 1 level teaspoon soda, MOLASSES CAKE 1 cupful brown sugar, V2 cupful butter or lard or mixed, 1 cupful mo(cid:173) lasses, 1 cupful butter milk, 1 or 2 eggs, beaten, 1 teaspoonful spices, 2 level teaspoonfuls soda, 1 cup raisins chopped and floured. Flour, cream sugar and shortening, add eggs and molasses, sift spices and soda with flour.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. MOLASSES CAKE xk cup sugar, xk cup lard, Vz cup molasses, 2 eggs, 2 cups flour, 1 tea(cid:173) spoon soda, V2 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 cup boiling water, add water last.— Miss Alice Nieland . FRUIT CAKE 1 cup sugar, V2 cup shortening, 1 egg, 1 cup sour milk, 1xk cups flour, 1 cup raisins (cut fine), 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tea(cid:173) spoon each cinnamon and vanilla, add salt if lard is used in shortening.—Mrs. Ellen Wenk. FRUIT CAKE 2 eggs, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup cream, V2 cup buttermilk, 1 cup butter or lard 5 cups flour, 2 teaspoons soda, V2 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 nut(cid:173) meg, 1 lb. raisins, lcup currants. This makes 2 layers.—Mrs. Odessa Webber FRUIT CAKE 1 cup sugar, % cup butter, 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons sour cream, one cup raisins, cherries, or any fruit desired, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 of cinnamon, V2 of all spice, IV2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon soda.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. APPLE SAUCE CAKE IV2 cups hot apple sauce, sweetened to taste, V2 cup shortening, 1 cup white sugar, 1 egg, V2 teaspoon salt, xk teaspoon cinnamon, % teaspoon cloves XA teaspoon nutmeg, 1 tablespoon cocoa or chocolate, 2V2 cups of flour, 2 level teaspoons soda, % cup raisins.—Miss Helen Burkhardt. APPLE SAUCE CAKE 1 cup sugar, V2 cup butter, 1 cup apple sauce, 2XA cups of flour, 1 tea(cid:173) spoon soda in sauce, 1 teaspoon, each, cinnamon and cloves.—Miss Matilda Luckhardt. BUTTERLESS. EGOLESS AND MILKLESS CAKE 2cups brown sugar, 2 cups hot water, 2 tablespoons lard, IV2 cups rais(cid:173) ins, 1 teaspoon each salt, cinnamon and cloves. Boil all these ingredients 5 minutes after they begin to bubble. When cold add 3 cups of flour, 1 tea(cid:173) spoon soda dissolved in 1 teaspoon hot water. Makes 2 loaves, bake in slow oven 45 minutes.—Mrs. Stella Visel. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE Sift together 2 cups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, add to it % cup milk, 4 level teaspoons shortening; work together and roll in two layers, put one layer in large pan and brush over the top with short(cid:173) ening and place second layer on top. Bake about 15 minutes in moderate oven. When done part the layers and spread with crushed sweetened straw(cid:173) berries, place second layer on top and cover with the berries.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. L—. PIES PIE CRUST FOR 1 PIE 1 cup flour, 1J3 cup lard, % cup cold water. Have lard very cold and chop with a knife into the flour. xk teaspoon of Baking powder added to the flour makes the crust more flakey. Add the water (a little at a time) and pinch of salt.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. LEMON PIE 1 heaping cup sugar, rind and juice of 1 lemon, juice of 1 orange, yolks of 2 eggs. Take sugar, egg yolks, juice and rind and beat up thoroughly, then add 1 1|3 cups of boiling water, thicken with 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, add butter the size of a walnut. For meringue beat egg whites until stiff then add 3 tablespoons of sugar and beat until stiff again, put on pie and brown.—Mrs. Nora Wood. LEMON PIE 2 cups hot water, % cup sugar, let come to a boil, slightly beat yolks of 2 eggs with xk cup sugar, add 1 heaping tablespoon cornstarch and juice and rind of V2 lemon. If this mixture seems thick add a little water as it de(cid:173) pends upon the amount of juice the lemon has; stir all up well and add to boiling water; cook until thick and cool stirring occasionaly. Pour in baked pie shell and frost with meringue of the whites of eggs beaten stiff and 2 tablespoons of sugar.—Mrs. Minnie Kern. LEMON PIE % cup sugar, 2 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons cracker dust, rind and juice of 1 lemon. Mix all and add 1 cup sweet milk. Lastly whites of eggs beaten to a froth. Mix all bake in crust. Do not bake crust separately.—Miss Alice Nieland. CREAM PIE Beat together 3 tablespoons flour, 1 egg, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups milk, cook on stove, when thick put in baked shell and when cold cover with whipped cream.—Mrs. Esther Heininger. CREAM PIE Have a pie shell baked, put into your doubleboiler 2 cups milk and when boiling hot stir in 4 tablespoons sugar, 2 of cornstarch, the yolks of 2 egg* and a pinch of salt, all beaten well together. Cook until thick, stirring all the time, add vanilla. Pour into the pie shell, cover wth a meringue made B. E. Muehlig DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS We welcome the return of competition to the basis of MERIT, SERVICE and VALUE. Phone 395 126 So. Main St. Ann Arbor Ben Uphans Blue Banner and Lowney's Chocolates. Ice Cream Soft Drinks CIGARS and TOBACCOS Daily Newspaper stand—all of Magazines. the latest At the D. U. R. Waiting Room Phone 214 Saline, Michigan "OUR MOTTO" GOOD PICTURES The Best that can be Bought Watch for our Fall and Winter Program Liberty theatre SALINE, MICHIGAN Saline Savings Bank Member Federal Reserve Bank Capital Stock Surplus and Profits Resources over $ 25.000.00 $ 33,000.00 $600,000.00 Saline Savings Bank The One Story Bank on the Corner. SALINE, MICHIGAN the whites of eggs by whipping oven and brown. You may put a sprinkling Miss Vera Zahn. stiff with 4 tablespoons sugar. Place in of cocoanut on top if liked.- BANANA CUSTARD 2 beaten eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 pint sweet milk, 1 tablespon Heat milk and sugar beaten eggs. elrg whites, thicken with cornstarch. When cooled off a little Pour over 3 bananas sliced into a baked crust. 1f2 cup sugar and 2 bananas.-Mrs. Mabelle Feldkamp. cornstarch. add Frost with 2 PUMPKIN PIE Cook the pumpkin and mash. For 1 pie take 3 tablespoons pumpkin, 2 or 3 eggs beaten, 1 cupful milk, 14 'cupfu cream, ginger, mixture Meyer. cinnamon and cloves to taste, and bake. When cold serve with whipped cream.-Miss sugar line pie tin with nice pastry, of mashed to taste in Mathilde put PUMPKIN PIE 2 cups stewed pumpkin, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon molasses, 1 tablespoon smooth then add and' cinnamon to taste, 2 eggs, beat all until flour, g:nger 3 cups milk. This makes 2 pies.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. PEACH PIE Select good ripe peaches, pare and slice fine, place in tin lined with good pastry, add about %. cupful sugar, dot with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon ~.nd flour. Add top crust and bake.-Miss Mathilde Meyer. APPLE CREAM PIE Make bottom crust and partly fill with apples wi th cream to which has been adrled 2i3 cup sugar nutmeg, bake slowly without upper crust. cherrles.-Ml's. Odessb. Webber. cover sliced thin, partly and a little cinnamon or This is also good wtth peaches or BANANA PIE Yolks of 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 cup of sweet milk, 4 tablespoons sugar, boil as custard, when cool pour over sliced bananas in a baked crust, add the beaten whites of 2 eggs and 2 tablespoons powdered sugal' and brown i 1\ oven.-Mrs. Odessa Webber. COCOANUT PIE To 1 pint scalned milk add 1f2 cup sugar, yolks of 2 eggsJ spoon cornstarch. and cook and add 1 cup grated Bake with one ClUst. Beat whites of eggs and add 2 tablespoons sugar and brown in oven.-Mrs. Odessa Webber. Mix together scant table- cocoanut. powdered CHOCOLATE PIE 3 teaspoons grated chocolate, butter the size of a walnut, % cup sugar, yolks of 2 eggs. Cream all together and stir in \Vz cups boiling water, stir till it thickens, remove from fire, add 1 teaspoon vanilla and pour in baked crust. Put beaten whites mixed with 1 teaspoon powdered sugar on top and brown in oven.—Mrs. Tema Moehn. PRUNE PIE V2 pound prunes, boiled and pitted, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon flour, yolks of 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon butter, V2 cup each cream and milk. Bake in 1 crust.— Mrs. Tema Moehn. APPLE CREAM PIE Line a pie tin with crust, fill with sliced apples, cover with Va cup sugar, 1 cup sour cream, salt, 2 tablespoons flour, stir up together. Sprinke cinna(cid:173) mon on top. Bake till apples are tender.—Mrs. Bertha Schill. ELDERBERRY PIE About 2 cups elderberries, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 cup sugar. Sprinkle a little flour over berries. Bake with 2 crusts.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. PUDDINGS and SAUCE,S STEAMED MOLASSES PUDDING one egg, Mix together cup molasses, one teaspoon soda dissolved in % cup cold coffee; salt; 1% cup flour and 1 cup raisins. Serve with sauce.-Mrs. van'lla Turn in butterea mold and steam l1A hours. Tema Moehn. two tablespoons melted butter, three-fourth VANILLA SAUCE Mix together ~4 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon cornstarch, 14 teaspoon minutes vanilla, 1 cup water, and add a lump of butter; and cool before using.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. 14 teaspoon vinegaJ', let boil a few CHEAP MOLASSES PUDDING Scant % cup butter flour, steam 2hours. filled up with hot water, 1 cup molasses, 1 teaspoon Serve with lemon sauce. Very good.- soda, 3 cups 1\1J'S. N 01 a Wood. STEAMED SUET PUDDING Mix together % cup chopped suet, % cup molasses, pinch of salt, % tea- 1.4 Turn into buttered mold and spoon cinnamon, cup each raisinR and current:;;, 1 cup flour. R1cam. Sen'e \\'ith vanilla !'=auce.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. 14 teaspoon cloveR, % teaspoon soda, % cup sour milk, GRAHAM PUDDING ~1? cup molases, 1fz cup raisins, cup Graham flour, nutmeg, Vi cup butter, % cup brown sugar, % cup milk, 1 egg, soda, 1% 1, teaspoon cinnamon, to taste. and salt Sauce-l cup brown sugar, 1.4 cup butter, 1 cup water, thicken with corn- starch. Flavor wit.h vanilla.-Mrs. Nora Wood. APPLE JACK Place in the bottom of a well buttered tin a layer of sliced apples 1Iz cup of sugal', 1 cup of teaspoon 1 egg. butter, flour, 1 teaspoon Put over apples of milk and vanilla over it.-Miss then baking and bake. Stella Arm- covcr with a'dough of powder, % cup milk,,1 When served pour a mixture Lrustcr. PRUNE SOUFFLE To 1 cup cooked prunes add 5 tablespoons powdered sugar, yolks of 5 eggs beaten well, then add whites beaten stiff. Bake 15 to 20 minutes. Serve. —Mrs. Minnie Kern. ORANGE PUDDING Slice 4 oranges, add 1 cup sugar. Let stand in cool place. Make cus(cid:173) tard of 1 pint hot milk, xk cup sugar, beaten yolks of 3 eggs, 1 tablespoon cornstarch. When thick pour over oranges and cover with beaten whites of eggs.—Mrs. Esther Heininger. BANANA AND ORANGE FLOAT Place in a basin 1 pint milk, 6 tablespoons of sugar, when hot stir in yolks of 2 eggs and 1 teaspoon cornstarch, vanilla. Put oranges and bananas in dish and cover with custard. Beat whites for top.—Mrs Bertha Schill. PINAPPLE PUDDING XA box Knox Gelatine, 1 cup water. Put this in a pan, surrounded by hot water, until clear. Add V2 cup milk, 1 cup sugar, let stand a while then add V2 pint whipped cream. Add can pinapple and hickory nuts.—Miss Helen Burkhart. CARAMEL BAVARIAN CREAM xk cup sugar, 1 cup hot water, 1 tablespoon gelatine, XA cup cold water, V2 cup milk, 2 egg yolks, xk cup sugar, 2 egg whites, V2 teaspoon vanilla. Caramelize V2 cup sugar, add hot water. Soak gelatine in cold water and add to above. Make a custard of milk, sugar, and egg yolks, and when gelatine is dissolved combine the two mixtures. Set in cold water and when beginning to set, fold in beaten whites and vanilla.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. SNOW PUDDING 2x/£ teaspoons gelatine, 4 tablespoons of cold water, 1 cup hot water, 1 cup sugar, pinch of salt, juice of 1 lemon, whites of 2 eggs. Soak gelatine in cold water until soft. Add boiling water and stir and then add lemon juice and sugar. Let stand in a cool place until it begins to harden. Beat to a foam with beater. Add whites of eggs beaten stiff. Again beat well. Serve with following sauce:— Yolks of 2-eggs, W2 cups milk, x/2 cup sugar, 1 heaping tablespoon corn(cid:173) starch dissolved in milk. Heat milk. Add sugar and egg well beaten and cornstarch to thicken. Flavoring. Cool and pour over snow.—Miss Helen Burkhart. BANANA DESSERT Bring to a boil 1 pint milk, 1|3 cup sugar, XA teaspoon salt, add 2 beaten eggs, 2 teaspoons cornstarch dissolved in % cup cream or milk. Remove from stove and add V2 teaspoon lemon extract and 1 teaspoon orange extract. Now cut sponge or plain cake into slices. Alternate cake and bananas. Pour over this the cold custard. Cover with stiffly beaten egg whites sweetened to taste.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. TAPIOCA CREAM 2 large tablespoons of fine pearl tapioca, V2 teaspoonful salt, 1 small cup of sugar; stir this into 1 qt. of hot milk and boil 10 minutes. Add the whites and yolks of 2 eggs beaten separately. Remove from the fire, add flavoring desired and turn into a dish, flavor the cream by pouring it when cold over any fresh fruit such as strawberries, peaches or oranges. Serve wth whipped cream if desired.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. STEAMED RICE WITH PEACHES Cook a cup of rice in boiling water until half tender, line a pudding dish with xk of it. Add a thick layer of pared and halfed peaches, cover with the remainder of the rice, cover the pudding dish and stem 1 hour. Serve with cream and sugar or with any liquid sauce.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. CAKE FILLINGS CAKE FILLING 1 egg, 1 cup sugar, % cup sweet milk, 1 teaspoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, xk cup cocoanut. Let boil until thick enough to spread.—Mrs. Tema Moehn. SUBSTITUTE FOR WHIPPED CREAM Whites of 2 eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, add a little at a time, 1 cup granulated sugar, beat again until very stiff and smooth. Add 1 apple pared and grated, beat again until very stiff. This icing will keep nice for several ciays.—Miss Alice Nieland. PEAR CAKE FILLING 3 lbs. ripe pears, 1 lb. raisins, 1 lb. dates, 3 lbs, brown sugar, all chopped fine. Cook until thick and put in cans.—Mrs. Ellen Wenk. MARSHMELLOW ICING Boil 1 cup sugar, 5 tablespoons water until it spins a thread from enf of spoon, add to beaten whites of 2 eggs; as soon as this is together drop in about YA lb. marshmellows which have been cut into quarters and beat until cold. Use fresh marshmellows as they will not dissolve if they are dry.— Mrs. Odessa Webber. BOILED FROSTING 1 cup granulated sugar, V2 cup milk, butter size of a walnut. Boil until it spins a thread from spoon. Remove from fire and beat until cold. Add any flavoring desired. If too thick to spread, thin with cold milk or water.— Miss Mathilde Meyer. A CAKE FILLING While cake is still hot spread with butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.—Miss Alice Nieland. CARMEL ICING 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup sweet cream. (Chocolate may also be added). Boil until thick and beat.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. CHERRY FROSTING 1 cup stoned cherries, (fresh or canned), without in bowl and beat until juice, white of 1 egg, Tema stiff.-Mrs. 1 cup granulated Moehn. sugar, put all l<~IGFILLJNG 1 lb. Figs or Raisins, 3 Ibs. fresh pears, 6 cups sugar .. Cook real thick.- Miss Alice Nieland. ICE CREAM }'ILLING Place in a sauce pan 2 cupfuls of granulated sugar, a scant ~ teaspoon threads when d,ropped and 1;2 cup cold water. Cook until cream of tartar, then take from the fire and \vhip into it, as fast. as possible, into cold water, stirring thick "and nearly cold, then pour over the cake and spread with a knife which has been dipped "nto hot water. this icing may be lemon, orange, pinapple or vanilla.-Mrs. the wllile 2 well beaten egg whites. Beat until The flavoring for Ellen Wenk. all it RAISIN AND HICKORY NUT FROSTING 1 cup cream, 1 cup sugar, % cup each chopped raisi~s and hickory nuts. Boil until thick.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. RA ISIN FROSTING Chop 1 cupful of seeded raisins, add 1 cupful sugar and ~ cupful sweet cream. Boil till thick.-Miss Mathilde ~Ieyer. LEMON CAKE FILLING 1 large apple, pared and grated, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg beaten, grated rind of 1 lemon, butter thilde Meyer. size of walnut. Cook until LEMON FILLING juice and thick.-Miss Ma- 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, juice and rind of 1 lemon. Beat well and cook until thick.-Mrs. Tema Moehn . .CREAM FILLING Bring 1 cup of milk to a boil, .add 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 eggs, beaten. Mathilde Meyer. Cook until thick. Remove from stove and add flavoring.-Miss CARMEL ICING 1¥.l cups brown sugar, 4 tablespoons cream or milk. minute then take from fire add a lump of butter thicken.-Mrs. Carl Moehn. and beat until Let boil about 1 to it begins .COOKIES, FRIEDCAKES, and CREAMPUFF S SUGAR COOKIES 2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter teaspoons Baking powder and 2 small teaspoon cinnamon, tlour.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. and lard mixed, 3 eggs, 1 cup sweet milk, 4 soda, a little nutmeg and % teaspoons SOUR CREAM COOKIES 1 cup of sugar, 1 large tablespoon butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup sour cream, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon baking powder. Salt and nutmeg. Mrs. Nora Wood. Flour to l'oIl.- SUGAR COOKIES 1% cups sugar, salt, 1 cup shortening, 2 eggs, % cup sour milk, 1 tea- Bertha and tlour.-Mrs. Flavoring spoon soda and 1 of baking powder. Schill. CREAM COOKIES 1 cup of butter or lard, 3 C?PS of granulated 1 cup sour milk, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1 level ing and flour to make a soft dough.-Miss Mathilde Meyer. sugar, 2 eggs, 1 cup cream, teaspoon soda. Flavor- SUGAR COOKIES 2 eggs, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup lard, 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 3 tea- Odessa and flour enough to roll.-Mrs. Flavoring spoons. baking powder. 'Webber. DROP COOKIES Thoroughly mix 2 cupfuls of sugar and 2 eggs, then add 1 cup of molasses and lh cup sour milk. Add 1 cup raisins or hickory nuts, 1 teaspoon each of cloves and cinnamon, % teaspoon of hot together well and drop from a spoon on a water, 4 cups of flour. Mix all buttered and bake in a slow oven for fifteen minutes.-Mrs. tin having the cakes some distance soda dissolved in a tablespoon Lillian Derr. Sugar apart. DROP COOKIES 2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter and lard mixed, 3 eggs, 1 cup sour milk, 1 tea- spoon each soda, cloves and cinnamon, 1 cup chopped nuts, 1 cup chopped raisins, 5 cups flour. These are fine.-Mrs. Nora Wood. COCOANUT CREAM COOKIES 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup rich cream, ~ cup shredded cocoanut, 3 cups baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt. Mix in order and chill. Stella sprinkle with cocoanut and bake.-Mrs. flour, 3 teaspoons Pat out % inch in thickness Vise!. COOKIES 1Vz cups sugar, 1 small cup lard, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon soda in 213 cup sweet and flour.-Miss Mathilde Meyer. baking powder, vanilla milk, 2 teaspoons FRUIT COOKIES lA~ teaspoon soda in * cup SOUl' milk, 1 cup raisins or nut meats. I1h cups sugar, 1 cup lard, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon each cloves and cinnamon, to Alice thin into which 1 teaspoon baking powder has been sifted.-Miss Flour roll r\ieland. FRUIT COOKIES shortening, raisins and nuts, 1 cup each of citron, (figs and dates may also be used) 2 cups butter all chopped fine; 4 eggs, 3 cups brown sugar, 1 cup ~olasses, cloves and nut- or other meg. Mix and add a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in lh cup of milk and 2 teaspoons of baking powder sifted with ~ cup of flour. Add flour to roll out, roll out oven. Rich delicious and improved by keeping.-Miss lh inch thick, cut out and bake in a moderate 1 heaped teaspoon,. each, of cinnamon, Mathilde Meyer. COCOANUT COOIUES Vz cup butte:!,', 1 cup sugar, beaten light, 1 cup cocoanut. Flour spoon baking powder. to a cream; 1 tablespoon milk, 2 eggs to taste with lemon and vanilla, 1 tea- stir Flavor to roll.-Miss Mathilde Luckhardt. OATMEAL COOKIES 1 cup sugar, %, cup lard, 2 eggs, 6 tablespoons soda, 2 cups flour, 2 cups oatmeal, 1 cup raisins. inger. OATMEAL COOIUES sour cream, %, teaspoon Esther Hein- Spices.-Mrs. (Very good) 1 cup lard and butter mixed (equal parts) or 1 cup lard, 1% cups granulated sugar, (%. cup sweet milk with 1 1 cup chopped raisins, 2 cups rolled oats, 2 cups flour tablespoon vinegar), or a little more, 1 rounded teaspoonful salt, 1 heaping teaspoon cinnamon, 3 eggs beaten; drop from spoon in pan and bake in mod- (;rate ovcn.-Mrs. %, cup sour milk or Leona Stollsteimer. soda, ~ teaspoon ~bristmas ~ooki~s Be sure your stove is filled with kerosene ordered from the STAEB- LER-KEMPF OIL CO. Two cups molasses, two cups brown sugar, 4 oz. citron, 2 oz. lemon peel, 1 oz. orange 1 cup lard, 1 cup buttermilk, salt, nutmeg, 6 tea- peel, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves, allspice, If preparing spoones at night have your this will give you a brilliant flour to roll. lamp filled with Sinclair Kerosene, soda, 3 cups nut meats, light thru a clear chimney. Sta6h16f -K6InO Oil GO. SALINE, MICH. Distributors of Sinclair Gasoline Hi Grade Gasoline Sinclair Oils Quality Products----Phone Sinclair Kerosene Pennsylvania Kerosene Mobile Oils 101 or 242----Prompt Service When in the City call on George W. Seeger For Harnesses, Blankets, Robes, Etc. It is our pleasure to serve you well. All kinds of repairing and oiling neatly and promptly done. It is also our business to repair shoes and if you are looking for first class service, please step in, we give it. "We mend the rips, and patch up the holes, Build up the heels and save the sales." We carry a full line of Dr. Scholl's Tri-Spring Arch Supports, Foot Eases and all kind of Foot Remedies. SALINE, MICHIGAN Huebler's Garage Boettner Building, Saline The ~arage of satisfactory service .selling the following high class cars Studebaker Hupmobile - Franklin Ask for Demonstration-ANY TIME PREST-O-LITE Storage and Battery Service Phone 203 OATMEAL COOKIES 2 cups sugar, 1 heaping cup of lard, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon and salt, teaspoon of soda added to 1 cup of 2 eggs, 1 cup of ground raisins, 1 level sour milk, 3 cups of oatmea1. Flour enough to rol1.-Miss Vera Zahn. '1% cups sugar, 112 cup butter and lard, *' cup sour milk, 2 cups oatmeal OATMEAL COOKIES 1 cup raisins, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon and soda. Miss Mathilde Luckhardt. Flour enough to 1'011.- OATMEAL DROPS 1 cup sugar, ~ cup lard, 1 egg, salt, 1 cup raisins, 1 teaspoon each c:nna- mon and soda, ~ cup hot water, 2 cups gl'ound oat meal, 2 cups white flour. Drop on tins and bake.-Mrs. Bertha Schill. OATMEAL DROPS 1 cup sugar, ~ cup shortening, 1 cup sour milk, 3 cups oat meal, 2 eggs, Flour enough to drop on tin.-M1's. teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon soda. Nora Wood. OATMEAL CRISPS 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons melted butter, baking powder, % teaspoon salt, vanilla to taste, 2~ cups dry oatmeal. Mix, drop on buttered tins and bake.-Mrs. 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons Elsa Rentschler. GRAHAM COOKIES 1 cup brown sugar, % cup shortening, 1 egg, 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoon Flour soda, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg to suit enough to make soft batter. Drop .on greased tin.-Mrs. taste, 2 cups Graham flour. Nora Wood. GRAHAM COOKIES 1 cup sugar, 1 cup chopped raisins, 1 egg, 1 cup sour cream, 1 teaspoon 'rema Salt and cinnamon.-Mrs. soda, 1 cup each Graham and white flour. Moehn. HERMITS 2 cups sugar, 1 cup butter, 213 cup sour milk, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 cup chopped raisins, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg, 5 cups flour.- Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. ROCKS 1% cups brown sugar, 1 scant cup butter, 3 well beaten eggs, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 cup seeded raisins ground, 1 cup chopped nuts, 2% cups flour, drop on buttered tins.-Mrs. Minnie Kern. VANILLA WAFERS 1 cup sugar, 1 cup shortening, dissolved in 2 teaspoons cups flour.-Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. soda cold coffee, 1 tablespoon vanilla, pinch of salt, 3% 3 eggs, 1 cup molasses, 2 teaspoons CHOCOLATE NUT WAFERS % cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 2 squares unsweetened chocolate, 1 cup chopped walnuts, %. teaspoon vanilla, 118 teaspoon salt, 213 cup of bread flour; cream, butter, then add eggs well beaten, chocolate which has been melted over hot water. Nuts, vanilla, "alt and flour .. Drop from spoon. Bake in a moderate Miss Helen Burkhardt. and add sugar gradually while beating, oven 15 minutes.- FUDGE COOKIES % cup butter, cream it, add 1 cup sugar, 1 square of unsweetened chocolate % cup walnut meats, vanilla, salt, 2 eggs well beaten, 1 cup flour. Spread in tins quiet in squares while hot.-Mrs. thin and bake. Cut Bertha Schill. MOLASSES COOIilES 1 cup sugar, 1 cup shortening, 3 eggs, 2 cups molasses, er, 2 teaspoons Wood. soda. Ginger to suit taste. Flour MOLASSES COOKIES '!z cup cold wat- Nora to roll.-Mrs. 1 cup molasses, 1 cup sugar, 1 heaping cup lard, 1 cup sour milk, 1 cup cinnamon. 2 teaspoons 2 teaspoons ginger, raisins, Flour to roll soft.-Mrs. soda, salt, 1 teaspoon Leona Stollsteimer. COCOANUT BALLS Take sponge cake and cut in 1% inch squares. Now make an icing of 1 cup sugar and %. cup water boiled until it forms a hard ball when dropped in cold water; pour into the beaten whites of 2 eggs and continue beating for a while. Take the cake squares in shredded cocoanut.-Mrs. and dip into the icing and roll Tema Moehn. NUT DROPS 2 cups powdered sugar, 1 cup cracker crumbs, 3 eggs, 2 cups hickory nut meats, vanilla.-Mrs. Elsa Rentschler. NUT COOKIES Whites of 4 eggs, 2 cups powdered sugar, 2 cups of nut meats chopped fine, 6 cups cracker crumbs. Makes nice fancy cookies.—Miss Alice Nieland. PEANUT COOKIES 1 cup sugar, 1 cup of cracker crumbs, 1 cup of peanuts chopped fine, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla.—Miss Alice Nieland. PEANUT DROPS 2 eggs, 1 cup 4x sugar, 1 cup chopped peanuts and 1 cup cracker crumbs. Mix and drop on buttered tins and bake.—Mrs. Tema Moehn. CHOCOLATE NUT COOKIES 2 cups light brown.sugar, 1 cup shortening, 1 cup milk, 2 eggs, 1 cup chopped nuts, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 teaspoon t:oda, 4 cups flour, 3 tablespoons melted chocolate.—'Mrs. Tema Moehn. A NICE XMAS COOKIE l1- cups sugar, V2 cup butter, 2% cups flour, 3 eggs, % lb. English wal(cid:173) nuts or 3 cups cf walnut meats, 1 teaspoon c'nnamon, V2 teaspoon allspice; a few clcve;, 1 teaspocn soda dissolved in 1 tablespoon hot water, 1 pound of dates cut like nut meats. Stir up night before. Drop on greased tins and bake in slow oven.—Mrs. Gertrude Hartman. HICKORY NUT DROPS 3 egg whites, V2 pound pulverized sugar, 2 cups hickory nut meats, 2 tablespoons flour. Drop in greased pan.—Mrs. Ellen Wenk. COCOANUT DROPS 4 egg whites, beaten, 1 pound pulverized sugar, V2 pound cocoanut, pinch of baking powder. Drop small bits on greased tins.—Mrs. Ellen Wenk. PEANUT COOKIES 1 tablespoonful of butter, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 egg, y2 teacup flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, % teacup finely chopped peanuts. Drop small spoonfuls on unbuttered tins.—Mrs. Ellen Wenk. SLAPJACKS NO. 1 3 pounds brown sugar, 1V2 qts. sour cream, 3 heaping tablespoons of soda, V*. raisins ground or chopped, may also be added. Flour.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. tablespoon cloves, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, a little nutmeg, 1 lb. lA pound each lemon and orange peelings. Nuts SLAPJACKS NO. 2 2 quarts molasses, 1 qt. of sour cream or 1 quart buttermilk and 1 pound of lard, 2 pounds brown sugar, V2 pound citrons, xk pound lemon and orange peelings, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, % teaspoon cloves, 4 good tablespoons soda. Flour.—Mrs. Odessa Webbers. LEBKUCHEN (CHRISTMAS COOKIES) 1 quart strained honey, 1 pint lard (melted), Vz pint sour milk, xk pint sour cream, 1 bowl of nuts, % pound peel, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, Vi table(cid:173) spoon nutmeg, 2 tablespoons soda. Dissolve soda in sour milk. Flour to make rather stiff dough. Mix up at night and bake next morning.—Mrs. Ellen Wenk. FRIED CAKES IV2 cups sugar, IV2 cups buttermilk, 3 tablespoons lard or 4 tablespoons sour cream, 2 eggs, (beat well with sugar and lard) 1 teaspoon soda, 1 tea(cid:173) spoon baking powder. Nutmeg and flour to roll.—Mrs. Esther Heininger. FRIED CAKES 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of butter, 2 cups sour milk, 1 teaspoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon soda. Flour.—Miss Mathilde Luckhardt. FRIED CAKES 1 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon salt, V2 quart flour. Stir well then add Vi cup sweet cream, Vz cup sweet milk, 2 well beaten eggs. Stir together, add more flour if needed.—Miss Stella Armbruster. FRIED CAKES 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons melted butter, 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons baking powder, nutmeg and salt, 1 cup sweet milk. Flour.—Miss Stella Armbruster. FRIED CAKES 1 cup sugar, 1 cup sour cream, 1 cup sour milk, pinch of salt, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon soda in sour milk, 1 teaspoon van'lla. Flour enough to roll.—Mrs. Gertrude Hartman. < POTATOE FRIED CAKES 2 cups mashed potatoes, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup sweet milk, 4 tablespoons melted butter, 5 teaspoons baking powder, 6 cups of flour, 3 eggs, salt and nutmeg.—Mrs. Leona Stollsteimer. POTATOE FRIED CAKES 3 eggs beat light, 1 cup milk, 1 cup sugar, 3 good sized potatoes, mashed fme, 1 teaspoon salt, 5 teaspoons baking powder. Flour to roll. Dip in hot lard and turn until a nice brown. Drain and roll in powdered sugar.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. CREAM PUFFS V2 cup butter, 1 cup hot water put over fire together and when boiling stir in 1 cup of flour, stir until it leaves the sides of the pan, take from fire and cool. Break 1 egg at a time and stir thoroughly until 3 have been used. Divide in parts on a tin not close enough to touch and bake 25 minutes. When cold split and put in the cream. *-*W Cream filling—1 cup milk, 3 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon flour, 1 egg. Steam until thick enough.—Miss Vera Zahn. . T. J. GREGG Veterinary Surg'eon and Veterinary Medicines Phone 27 SALINE, MICHIGAN YOURS FOR SERVICE Salin~ m~rtantil~ ~O. Phones: Elevator, No.5; Lumber Office, No. 16 Feed Grinding, Flour, Seeds, and Coal of all kinds; Lumber, Hardware and Builders' Sup- plies. SALINE, MICHIGAN THAT SENSE OF SATISFACTION- is one of the in always getting just what you want many reasons why you should deal at this market. Our stock is so extensive and complete that a great range of choice is offered our customers. Roasts, Steaks, Chops, of all meats, fresh and appe- tizing await your personal inspection, or if the choice is left with us, we will fill your orders with conscious regards to your wishes. tender, Phone 38-F2 LAYHER & WENGER WATCHES BUY THEM OF CLARKIE AND GET SERVICE If you want first class GROCERIES at the lowest possible prices, call on FRED SCHMID Phone 45 ALL ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY Saline Confectionery CANDIES ICE CREAM CIGARS MAGAZINES SCHOOL SUPPLIES BIRTHDAY CANDLES, CAKES AND COOKIES PHONOGRAPHS and Phonograph Needles WM. P A S S OS MICHIGAN If you are looking for good service WE GIVE IT SALINE, STEP IN HARDWARE, PLUMBING, HEATING, TIN WORK, IMPLEMENTS and COAL E D W A RD J. MUIR Phone 101 Saline, Michigan MEATS MEXICAN STEAK Grind 2 lbs. round steak with 2 onions, season and make into bans, iron frying pan or other pan. Take 1 can of Campbells vegetable over meat, add 1 can water put lay in soup. Pour in oven and bake 1 hOUl'.-Mrs. Nora Wood. CHILLE CON CARNE Take 1 lb. hamburg; add 1 chopped onion; ~tewed tomatoes, 1 cup boiled rice, salt, pepper, a little paprika. ] 5 minutes. Good Supper Dish.-Mrs. Nora Wood. fry until brown then add 1 pt. Let simmer MEAT LOAF 1 pound steak, 14 pound salt pork, 2 eggs, 1 cup bread crumbs, 1 cup season with salt, pepper, onions and celery. water, 1\'1rs. Esther Heininger. Bake about 1 hour.- ESCALLOPED POTATOES WlTH HAM Place in ~asserole salt and pepper; crumbs, letting cracker crumbs be the top layer. dish 213 full. Bake.-Mrs. Esther Heininger. a layer thinly sliced potatoes, sprinkle with cracker cover with slices of ham. Repeat until dish is full Pour over it enough hot milk to fill SWISS STEAJi Take a ~iece of round steak about 1% inches thick and pound as much flour in as you can. Brown well on both sideR then pour hot water over it so it almost comes to the top of steak; and a little sliced onion; cover and let cook for about 2 hours; it fry down before tak- ing from fire. This is fine.-Mrs. Bertha Schill. season with salt and pepper let BAI{ED HAM Take a slice of ham 1% inches thick and spread a paste on both sides nuide thus :-1 to make a smooth paste. Bake in milk for about 1% hours.-M 1'S. Bertha Schill. teaspoon each sugar, flour and mustard, add a little water CHILE CON CARNE Take 1 cup hamburg and fry in some butter 1 cup of cooked rice, 1 cup tomatoes, Cook about % hour.-Mrs. Bertha Schill. in frying pan till brown, add 1 cup chopped onions, salt and pepper, SALMON CROQUETTES Mince the contents of 1 can salmon very fine with a fork after removing skin, bones and oil. Add 1 beaten egg and season to taste with salt and pepper, form in the shape of an egg and roll in bred or cracker crumbs and fry until brown.—Mrs. Tema Moehn. ESCALLOPED SALMON Mince the contents of 1 can salmon after removing skin, bones and oil. Make a sauce by letting 2 cups of milk come to a boil then stir in % teaspoon mustard, 1 tablespoon flour, a little salt and pepper wet with milk. Mix this with the salmon and turn in buttered baking dish and bake in moderate oven about 1 hour.—Mrs. Tema Moehn. CHICKEN PIE Cook chicken until meat comes off the bones easy, take meat off and put in pan and with broth, the chicken was cooked in, which has been thickened as gravy. Make biscuit dough with 1 cup flour, u2 cup milk, 2 level tablespoons lard, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 scant teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt; roll out V2 inch thick, cut with small biscuit cutter and place on top of chicken in pan. Bake about 25 minutes in moderate oven.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. LIVER DUMPLINGS Grind 1 lb. liver, a smal piece suet, and onion, soak 2 slices of bread, add to liver and onion, 1 teaspoon salt, dash of pepper, 1 egg. Mix all to(cid:173) gether well and add about 2 tablespoons flour to make stiff enough to drop. Drop by small spoonful into boiling beef stock and cook about 20 minutes.— Mrs. Odessa Webber. SALMON LOAF 1 can salmon, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 cup bread or cracker crumbs, 2 beaten eggs, salt and pepper. Bake in deep bread pan about V2 hour.—Mrs. Ellen Wenk. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH PORK Use left over fried pork, put in frying pan and cut in small pieces. Use as many eggs as you need, add a tablespoon of milk to each egg and season with salt. Pour over meat and fry.—Mrs. Tema Moehn. MINCE MEAT 2 pounds lean fresh beef (boiled), when cold chop fine, 1 lb. beef suet, cleared of strings and minced, 7 lbs. apples, pared and chopped, 2 lbs. seeded raisins, chopped, 2 lbs. currants, washed and picked over, % lb. citron, cut up fine, 2 tablespoons salt, Wenk. 21,4, cinnamon, 1 tablespoon each nutmeg, cloves, allspice, lbs. brown sugar, 1% qts. boiled cider or cherry juice.-Mrs. fine Ellen MINCE MEAT 4 lbs. beef, 1 peak apples, 2 lbs. currants, 1 lb. brown sugar, 3 lbs. raisins, 1 qt. molasses, % cup salt, 2 qts. cider, 1 qt. boiled cider, 1 tablespoon cinna- mon, 2 nutmegs, 1 teaspoon each allspice and cloves, 1 lb. suet.-l\1rs. Leona Stoll steimer. GREEN TOl\1ATOE MINCE MEAT 1 peck green tomatoes, cut fine, drain off juice and add as much water a1' tender and add 3 lbs. brown sugar, 1 cup "inegar, size of an egg, 1 tablespoon each salt and cinnamon, 1 teaspoon each you drain off, cook until butter cloves, allspice and black pepper, 2 Ibs. raisins. 1\1rs. Odessa Webber. Boil until thick and can.- PICKLED RABBIT Boil rabbit until tender, into a dish and cover add a little salt, an onion may also be sliced in. This can be take out of water and put in cans and will keep for a long time.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. with vinegar, put SALADS and SALAD DRESSING PINEAPLLE SALAD Use the sliced canned pineapples, filling the opening in pineapple with 3 dates, which have been pitted and stuffed with nut meats, pour this and place a marschino cherry on top of the dates.-Mrs. over Tema Moehn. place a slice on a lettuce leaf a tablespoon of dressing FRUIT SALAD 1 cup chopped apples, 1h cup sliced bananas, 1h cup oranges dressing and serve on lettuce leaves. mix with mayonnaise meats over the top.-Ml'S. Tema Moehn. RAISIN SALAD cut up fine, nut Sprinkle 1h cup plumped raisins, 1 cup chopped apples, 14 cup nut meats, 1h cup cherries. Serve on lettuce leaf with salad dressing.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. CHI CKEN SA LA D Take odds and ends of chicken cut up in small pieces, add equal parts of celery and peas and mix with salad dressing.-Mrs. Nora Wood. W ALDORD SALAD 1 qt. sliced cabbage, 2 cups sliced apples, 2 cups celery cut up, 1 cup nut Nor~ Wood. meats. Mix with salad dressing. Serve on lettuce leaf.-Mrs. EGG SALAD Boil eggs hard, 1 for each person. Serve in ripe tomatoes with inside hallowed out.-Mrs. Slice evenly, cover with salad dress- Esther Hein- ing. inger. APPLE SALAD Dice 3 large apples, and cut up a dozen marshmellows, stir up with salad and % cup of whipped cream. Put on lettuce leaves and serve.- dressing Mrs. Bertha Schill. SNOWMAN SALAD Take 1 slice canned pineapple and take out core by rounding out center, Place slice in an individual forming a hole in the middle of the slice. thus serving dish, disert . vertically cherry Mabelle Feldkamp. in the open center of and cover with whipped into this opening 1h banana the pineapple cream. cut crosswise. And set up slice. Top with Marschino the This makes snowman.-Mrs. FRUIT SALAD Cut up in a mixing bowl a bunch or two of white grapes, (white, or pnik and white); % lb. marshmellows scissors, 1 cup of fresh or canned pineapple; of conjealing gether each dish with a cherry.-Mrs. jello and cream, whipped etch, sweeten; mix with the fruit. until stiff, Mabelle Feldkamp. cut seeds removed, in small pieces with the pour over this a rlTeate~ mixture first and than to- and top Serve individually separately COCOANUT SALAD One cup of shredded strain juice of one-half eelery, celery and lemon juice, in a salad bowl and fill them with the mixture. onnaise.-Miss then arrange Vera Zahn. cocoanut, 1 cup of diced banana, 1h cup chopped lemon, mix the cocoanut with the bananas, leaves Serve very cold with may- nests of shredded crisp lettuce SALAD DRESSING Blend 4 tablespoons melted butter with 1 of und let come to a boil, than place over hot water. spoon of sugar and 1 of salt, mix 1 teaspoon mustard c:nne pepper with 1h cup vinegar, thoroughly served, add whipped cream, flour, add 1 cup of milk Beat 3 eggs, add 1 table- and 14 teaspoon cay- (if strong dilute), and add to the eggs, mix thickened. When cook until Vera Zahn. and stir gradually if desired.-Miss into the milk; SALAD DRESSING One egg, four teaspoon mustard, {Part milk).-Mrs. sugar, tablespoons 2 tablespoons Esther Heininger. two teaspoons butter, flour, one cup vinegar, salt. One-half one cup cream. SALAD DRESSING One-half cup sugar, one-half cup vinegar, mustard, to a boil. Thin with cream when ready to use.-Mrs. flour, pinch of salt. one teaspoon Stir all SALAD DRESSING one egg, one-fourth together Tema Moehn. teaspoon and let come One cup vinegar, one-half en, one teaspoon mustard, 1 teaspoon cornstarch, teaspoon salt, add a lump of butter. Stir then in vinegar.-Mrs. egg, cornstarch, Tema Moehn. flour, mustard together cup sugar, one cup milk, one egg, well beat- one teaspoon flour, one-half come to a boil. in heated milk, and sugar and salt; pour Let vinegar SALAD DRESSING One cup sugar, one-half cup vinegar, two eggs, salt, one teaspoon must(cid:173) ard, one tablespoon flour; thin with cream when using.—Mrs. Nora Wood. FRUIT SALAD DRESSING Two eggs, % cup sugar, small one-half cup vinegar, one-half teaspoon mustard, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and cook until thick. fore removing from fire add a small lump of butter. When wanted for use thin with cream. This will keep a long time.—Mrs. Lillian Derr. Just be(cid:173) SALAD DRESSING FOR CABBAGE One-half cup sugar, two eggs, salt, pepper to taste, one-half cup or more cream, sweet or sour, (sour preferred), one-half cup vinegar. Heat four or five tablespoons of lard until hot and pour mixture in and stir until thick.— Mrs. Leona Stollsteimer. SALAD DRESSING One cup vinegar, one-half cup water, butter size of a walnut, put on to boil, one egg, one tablespoon mustard, salt, pepper, two tablespoons of sugar or more, two tablespoons flour, stir this in boiling vinegar until thick, thin with sweet or sour cream.—Mrs. Leona Stollsteimer. SALAD DRESSING One egg, two tablespoons sugar, two tablespoons butter, two tablespoons flour, two tablespoons vinegar, one-half teaspoon mustard, one-half teaspoon salt, one-half cup milk, one-half cup cream, mix all together, adding milk last. Let come to a boil.—Miss Matilda Luckhardt. MISCELLANEOUS COLD SLAW Chop cabbage fine about one quart, one-half cup vinegar, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup sweet cream, salt and pepper, mix well.—Mrs. Nora Wood DEVILED EGGS Boil 6 eggs very hard, allow to cool, take off the shells and cut into halves. Take out the yolks and mash adding 4 tablespoons prepared must- aid, one-half teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon pepper. When this is thor(cid:173) oughly mixed fill the whites of eggs with the mixture, fastening the two aides together with a wooden tooth pick.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. SANDWICH FILLINGS Peanut butter mixed with salad dressing. Ham and pickles chopped fine and mixed with salad dressing. Grated cheese with salad dressing—Mince Salmon fine and wet with salad dressing, season with salt and pepper.—Mrs. Tema Moehn. SOUR MILK GRIDDLE CAKES Two and one-half cups flour, one-half teaspoon salt, two cups sour milk, 1 M teaspoon soda, one egg.—Miss Matilda Luckhardt. POTATO PAN CAKES Eight large potatoes, grated raw, drain off water, add one cup sweet milk, one-half teaspoon baking powder, one-half teaspoon salt, four Well beaten eggs, one cup flour. Bake like pan cakes on hot griddle.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. FRENCH TOAST Add to beaten egg, one-fourth teaspoon salt, one-half spoon sugar, \ cup milk, stir and dip in slices of stale bread and fry on a hot well greased griddle. When brown turn and brown on other side. Serve with syrup.— Mrs. Odessa Webber. ESCALLOPED TOMATOES One pint tomatoes, one-half pint bread crumbs, two tablespoons butter, one tablespoon sugar, two teaspoons salt, pepper to suit taste. Bake one liour for fresh and one-half hour for canned tomatoes.—Mrs Tema Moehn. WAFFELS Three eggs, beaten separate, add to yolks salt, and one-half teaspoon melt cd butter, and one and one-half cups milk, two cups flour, three teaspoons baking powder, beat well, then add whites, bake in waffle iron.—Mrs. Bertha Schill. APPLE FRITTERS One egg, salt, one cup of milk, one cup of flour, one-half teaspoon bak(cid:173) ing powder, beat till smooth, slice a couple of apples in butter. Fry in hot lard, serve with syrup.—Mrs. Bertha Schill. CHEESE DREAMS Make cheese sandwiches and fry in butter till brown on both sides, anil cheese is melted. To be eaten while hot.—Mrs. Bertha Schill. TOMATOE DUMPLINGS Thi-ee eggs, one cup sweet milk, three teaspoons baking powder, salt, flour to make batter stiff enough to drop from spoon into tomatoes. Cover, let boil about fifteen minutes. Use part tomatoes and part water seasoned with butter, salt and pepper for this.—Mrs. Tema Moehn. PRESERVES CARROT MARMALADE One quart carrots, grated; 3 cups sugar, 3 lemons, cut fine; boil until thick and carrots seem tender.—Mrs. Minnie Kern. RHUBARB PRESERVE Eight lbs. rhubarb, 8 lbs. of sugar, 2 lemons, cook the lemons until tender. Cut up the rhubarb, add sugar and cooked sliced lemons, mix and cook all together until thick enough, stirring often. One lb. chopped rais(cid:173) ins may be added.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. RHUBARB AND FIG JAM Five lbs. rhubarb, 6 lbs. sugar, cut the rhubarb in small pieces, sprinkle with the sugar ,and let stand all night. Chop pulp and peel of 3 lemons, 1 lb. figs quite fine. Add to the rhubarb, boil several hours until quite thick.— Mrs. Lillian Derr. CURRANT JAM 2xk quarts currants, 2 oranges chopped, 1 cup cherries, 2xh lbs. sugar, 1 cup raisins, cook 15 minutes, stirring constantly.—Mrs. Nora Wood. CHIPPED PEARS 4 lbs. hard green pears, chipped fine; 4 lbs. sugar, let stand 2 hours, 2 lemons sliced in little chips, % lb. crystalized ginger. Boil together % hour or until pears are clear.—Mrs. Nora Wood. SPICED CHERRIES 7 lbs. cherries, 3 lbs. sugar, 1 pint of vinegar, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, 1 teaspoon allspice, % teaspoon cloves. Boil until thick.—Mrs. Nora Wood. TOMATOE PRESERVE 8 lbs. tomatoes, 4 lbs. sugar, 2 lemons, cinnamon and cloves, % cupful vinegar. Peal and remove seeds fom tomatoes, and cut in pieces. Bring to a boil the sugar, lemons thinly sliced, spices and vinegar, then add tomatoes and cook stirring often until thick enough.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. SUNSHINE CHERRIES Weigh equal pounds of pitted cherries and sugar and stir until sugar is dissolved. Then put in a flat granite or earthen dish and cover with a glass and set in the sun for 2 days, then put in cans.—Mrs. Tenia Moehn. PEACH MARMALADE When canning peaches, save the pairings and the soft or unshapely pieces cover with cold water and simmer until soft. Rub through a sieve, or puree strainer, then boil again 20 minutes. Add half the weight in sugar and boil until it thickens.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. Anything you buy at our store is strictly first quality. We appreciate your business and guarantee satisfaction. MONEY'S WORTH OR MONEY BACK. Burkhart Bros. U S E- SNOW LOAF FLOUR— It makes good be(cid:173) cause it bakes good BREAD, PIES, CAKES, ETC. USE- SALINE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOUR and ALBER &THEURER CORN MEAL SALINE, MICH. I y It's High Quality and Low Prices Recommend it. IT'S USERS ARE IT'S BOOSTERS Alber c& Theurer -MILLERS- SALINE, MICHIGAN Shopping is a Pleasure when you're sure that every dollar buys a real old fashioned dollar's WORTH. We're trying to make shopping in this store a pleasure. the First—by giving greatest Second—by serving you prompt- values. ly. Third—by intelligent sugges(cid:173) tions from our salespeople. This kind of service makes "val(cid:173) ue' greater and shopping a great(cid:173) er pleasure to you and to us. Betty Wales Dresses sold in Ann Arbor at this store only. .ipparel for Women and Children NINA JACKSON jifltUtnerp Savings Bank Building Saline, Mich. Q U A L I TY G R O C E RY Phone 86 "0, weary mothers, mixing dough Don't you wish that food would grow? Your lips would smile, I know to see A-Cookie bush or a Doughnut tree." Always here to supply your needs for cooking or baking Martin Fuoss PICKLES CHERRY PICKLES 1 quart pitted cherries. Place in cold vinegar and leave 3 days. off vinegar 3 weeks, stirring them occasionaIiy, Mrs. Esther Heininger. and add to cherries an equal amount of sugar. Leave in jar then put in cans, but do not seal tightly.- Pour for BEET RELISH One quart of cooked beets chopped or ground quite fine, rad;sh, grated fine, 1 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon cover with cold vinegar and can.--Mrs. Odessa Webber. 1Iz cup horse salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper, TOlUA TOE RELISH 1 peck ripe tomatoes, chopped fine, separately, cupful salt, chop celery, 21 hours. Heat vinegar ingredients, mix in mustard Mathilde Meyer. 1 cupful celery, 6 white onions, 2 red peppers, 1 ounce mustard seed, 2 pounds brown sugar, tomatoes, and sugar onions and sprinkle with salt. and let cool. Drain tomatoes all 1Iz Let stand and other seed and pour on vinegar. Do not cook.-l\liss CHOPPED TOl\IA TOE PICI{LES 1 peck green tomatoes, 4 red peppers, 4 onions, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, teaspoon cloves, 2~ cups sugar, 1 cup salt, 2 qts. vinegar. let set boil until In morning drain and add other in salt over night. Minnie Kern. tender.-Mrs. If.! Chop tomatoes and and ingredients, TOl\IA TOE RELISH 1 peck ripe tomatoes, 8 onions, 3 red peppers, 11~ cups grated horse radish, 2 oz. mustard sugar, of balck pepper, 1 qt. vinegar, and drain off almost add other ingredients. ~oJd place with safety.-Mrs. scant as much water It is not tablespoon celery salt, chop tomatoes 1Iz cup salt, 114 cups white tablespoons seed, 2 scant fine as you can. Chop onions and peppers, in crocks in a to be cooked and can be kept Tema Moehn. CORN SALAD Two dozen ears of corn cut off of cob, 6 red peppers, 10 onions chopped, seed, %. cup salt, 1 cup sugar, 21h tumeric, % lb. white mustard Boil 30 minutes.-Mrs. Nora Wood. 2 teaspoons qts. vinegar. CORN SALAD 18 ears of sweet com, 1V2 heads of cabbage, 1 green pepper, and 2 table(cid:173) spoons of salt, 2 cups sugar, 2 tablespoons dry mustard, V2 gallon vinegar. Wet mustard with a little water, chop the cabbage and peppers fine and put it all together, boil until tender and put in cans while hot and seal.—Miss Ma(cid:173) thilde Meyer. CORN RELISH 1 dozen ears of corn cut fine, 4 cups vinegar, 2 cups brown sugar, 1 tablespoon mustard seed, 1 tablespoon tumeric, 2 tablespoons salt, a pinch of red pepper, boil until tender.—Mrs. Ellen Wenk. CORN SALAD 18 ears of corn, 1 large head of cabbage, 4 large onions, 4 red peppers (sweet), 1 tablespoon celery seed or 1 bunch celery, 1 tablespoon, each, mustard seed and salt, 3 pints vinegar, 3 cups browyn sugar, tumeric to color. Cook- corn, cabbage and onions 20 minutes, add peppers, celery, and cook 20 minutes more and add tumeric, when nearly done.—Mrs. Leona Stollsteimer. CORN RELISH 18 ears of corn, pour boiling water over it and let stand a few minutes, cool in cold water, drain and cut off cobs. Add to it 1 small head of cabbage chopped, 2 bunches celery, 3 green peppers, 3 red peppers, all chopped, V2 cup Coleman's mustard, 2 cups of brown sugar, 1 qt. vinegar, 2 tablespoons salt, cook 20 minutes and can hot.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. SWEET PICKELS Wash 7 lbs. of fruit, put into a kettle 4 lbs. of sugar, 1 qt. of vinegar, 2 long sticks of cinnamon and 2 tablespoons of whole cloves, tied in a bag. Boil down the syrup for nearly 10 minutes, then drop in the fruit, a few at a time, and simmer till tender, but do not let them fall apart. Take them from the syrup and put in cans until all are done. Then boil down the syrup until thick and pour over the fruit, sealing at once. This is the best rule for making all kinds of sweet pickles, peaches, pears, plums, crabapples, or ordinary apples. In using peaches a few cloves shoud be stuck into each one, with plums, the skins should be pricked and apples quartered.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. CHILLI SAUCE 12 ripe tomatcy s pared, 2 large peppers chopped fine, 1 large onion chop(cid:173) ped fine, 2 cups vinegar, 1 tablespoon salt, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 teaspoon, each, allspice, nutmeg, cloves, and ginger. Boil until quite thick.—Mrs. Ellen Wenk. CHILLI SAUCE 4 large onions, 8 large sour apples, 14 large ripe tomatoes, 1 lb. raisins. Chop and add 1 tablespoon gi-ound cinnamon, 1 tablespoon ground mustard. Sugar and vinegar to taste.—Miss Mathilde Meyer. TOMATOE CATSUP *4 bu. ripe tomatoes, 1 tablespoon ground mustard, 1 handful cloves, 3 onions, 1 pt. vinegar. Boil and strain. Then add 2 cups sugar, handful salt, pepper to taste, 1 tablespoon allspice, tied in a cloth. Boil until thick enough.—Mrs. Tema Moehn. TOMATOE CATSUP 1 peck ripe tomatoes, cook and sti*ain, cook until it thickens, then add 2 teaspoons salt, 1 cup vinegar, Vi cup brown sugar, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1|8 teaspoon red pepper, % teaspoon mustard, V* teaspoon allspice. Cook until quite thick and bottle while hot.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. CHUMI PICKLES 2 gallons pickels cut in % inch pieces. Leave in salt brine strong enough to carry an egg, for three days, freshen for 2V% days, changing water once a day. Take weak vinegar and 15 grape leaves and 1 teaspoon alum, 2 tablespoons mustard seed, 2 tablespoons cassia bud, 1 tablespoon celery seed, sweeten vinegar and boil all slowly for 15 minutes. Then add pickles and boil all for 20 minutes and can.—Miss Alice Nieland. PICKLES For 2 gal. pickels add % cup mixed spices, % cup salt, 3[4 cup ground mustard, add 1 cup sugar for 4 mornings, fill with quite strong vinegar, do not weight them down, allow pickles to float.—Mrs. Odessa Webber. DUTCH PICKLES 1 dozen cucumbers peeled and sliced, let stand in salt water over night, drain, add 2 qts. of onions (scant), 3 teaspoons flour, % teaspoon salt, % tea(cid:173) spoon tumeric, V2 teaspoon mustard. Mix well with cold vinegar, 1*4 qts. hot vinegar to which has been added 1 lb. brown sugar, let come to a boil, add cucumbers and onions, cook 5 minutes, and can, also add 1 sweet red pepper.— Miss Matilda Luckhardt. RAG PICKLES 2 qts. green tomatoes, 2 qts. cabbage, 5 large onions, 2 green peppers, 2 red peppers, all sliced fine, 2 cups sugar, 2 teaspoons tumeric, 2 teaspoons celery seed, 2 tablespoons mustard seed, 2 tablespoons salt, 2 qts. vinegar. Boil V2 hour.—Mrs. Nora Wood. PICKLES 1 dozen sliced peeled cucumbers, salt a little and let stand over night, squeeze out and add 3 sliced onions, which have been salted for 1 hour, 1 cup brown sugar, % teaspoon pepper, and mustard seed, 1 pint vinegar, this come to a boil, then add cucumbers and onions, let boil 15 minutes, add tumeric last as it stains kettle.-Miss Alice Nieland. 1 teaspoon, tumeric each, let CUCUMBER PICKLES To 1 gallon vinegar add 1 tea cup sugar, mustard, cumbers, pickels will soon be ready for the table.-Mrs. stir all well and put stir well, when the jar in cucumbers. 1, teacup Everytime salt, 1 teacup you add fresh cu- The is full cover with horse radish leaves. Odes,sa Webber. MIXED PICKLES 6 quarts sliced about good sized cucumbers, thick, 1 qt. onions, scald with weak brine, heat brine for 3 mornings and pour over pickles. After scalding for 3 mornings drain and cover with weak vinegar, add 3 lbs. of brown sugar, 1 tablespoon, each, celery and mustard seed, %. teaspoon ground mustard, 1/~ hour or until onions are cooked. Ca'n while hot.-Mrs. allspice, and pepper. Odessa Webber. 1 teaspoon, IA in. each, tumeric, Boil CANDIES and ICE CREAM FUDGE 4 cups granulated chocolate, 1h cup butter, cold water. sugar, cook until 1 cup cream, 1 cup water, 1h ('up Baker's firmly when dropped into it holds together Beat until cool and creamy.-Miss Matilda Luckhardt. POPCORN BALLS To 2 qts. of popped corn use 1 cup of brown sugar, take from fire and add a teaspoon of butter and tea- Then pour over COlonand mix well. 14 cup water and 1,4 it strings; boil until spoon soda, }<'orminto balls with buttered hands.-Mrs. stir until it gets foamy. Tema Moehn. PEANUT BUTTER FUDGE 2 cups powdered sugar, ter, mix and boil. When it boils vigorously, into buttered into squares.-Mrs. pans' and cut 1h cup milk; 2 heaping tablespoons cook 5 minutes. Ellen Wenke peanut but- Beat, pour FUDGE 2 cups brown sugalo, 1h cup cream (sweet or sour), butter chocolate or a little more; boil until it forms Then remove from fire and add 1 teaspoon vanilla into buttered pan. When cool enough cut into squares.- size of a hick- a soft ball and beat ory nut, 1 square in cold water. until Mrs. Leona Stoll steimer. thick. Pour SEA FOAM FUDGE 2 cups white sugar, it spins a heavy thread, stiff, add nuts and beat until Nora Wood. 1h cup white corn syrup, % cup water. then pour over Boil until the whites of 2 eggs, beaten until stiff enough to drop onto greased paper.-Mrs. PENOCHE 3 cups brown sugar, 1 cup rich milk, Boil until Take off stove, add chopped nuts and beat small piece of butter. it holds together until creamy, in cold water. then .spread in greased tins.-Mrs. Nora Wood. 2 cups brown sugalo, * cup cream, CHOCOLATE CARAMELS large lump of butter, chocolate, 3 squares dropped in cold water. Esther Heininger. flavor with vanilla; in buttered Pour boil until tin. Cut 1h cup molasses, it gets very hard when in small squares.-Mrs. SEA FOAM CANDY 2 cups brown sugar, lh cup water, boil until whites of 1 egg, beat until drop on waxed paper cold, add fruit or nuts to harden.-Mrs. Odessa Webber. it hairs, stir into the beaten as you beat, when cold CARAMELS 2 cups sugar, 1% cups syrup, 2 cups cream, 1 cup butter, boil Test for a .firm ball nuts. When nearly flavoring Odessa Webber. in cold water; cold cut add 2 teaspoons in cubes.-Mrs. together. and 1 cup of PEANUT CANDY 1 lb. brown sugar, 1 cup syrup, taking from fire, add 4 tablespoons w Webber. test butter; in cold water add peanuts for firm ball before Odes- and cooL-Mrs. CHOCOLATE I"UDGE Boil 2 cups sugar, lh cup sweet milk, 1,4 cup syrup, 2 tablespoons !j minutes; cup chopped nuts, hutter, mould and cut take fr.om fire and add a lump of butter, and a pinch of soda; in squares.-Mrs. till stir Tema Moehn. it begins %. teaspoon vanilla, to cool; pour cocoa, 1 in CHOCOLATE CREAMS Put in a pan 2 cups of granulated sugar, spoon of cream of tartar forms a soft ball in cold water. the syrup, awhile then put a salt in it, and cook till it stir with comfort l.alls, and dip in melted bitter waxed paper; then pour out on platter on botto~ of platter; and let cool then beat till add any kind of flavoring.-l\lrs. chocolate with a little parafine Bertha Schill. let stand lh cup of water, dissolved in a little water and not till your hand can rest in small stiff; let coolon then roll Be sure in ,it, CHOCOLATE }'UDGE Put 2 cups white sugar (scant) in 1,4 cake in 1 tablespoon hot put gins to boil put it creams, when beaten en a sauc~r. quite into buttered Wenk. cool; pour then chocolate and 1 cup sweet cream on the stove and when fine; when this be- unsweetened Stir until Then l:emove from fire and beat until tins. Nuts may be used.-Mrs;. Ellen Boil and stir vigorously. butter. cut MAPLE MOOSE Yolks of 4 eggs beaten Hght, 1 cup maple put light; beat until cold; 1 pint whipped cream; in salt and ice; let stand 3 hours.-Mi~s Matilda Luckhardt. .cook together syrup; in ice cream freezer, until pack ICE CREAl\1 2 quarts cream, 1 quart milk, 4 eggs beaten, 2 cups sugar, 2 teaspoons va- nilla, stir all up good together and freeze.-Mrs. Tema Moehn. COLD PACK CANNING Approximate Density Terms Explained. 1. THIN SYR UP is sugar and water boiled sufficiently to dissolve all sugar; but is not sticky. 2. MEDIUM THIN SYRUP is that which has begun to thicken and be- comes sticky when cooled on the finger tip or spoon. 3. MEDIUM THICK SYRUP is that which has thickened enough to }'ol1or pile up over the edge of a spoon when you try to pour it out. 4. THICK SYRUP is that which has become so thick that it is difficult to pour. out of a spoon or container (not sugared). THIN SYRUPS are used for all sweet fruits that are not too delicate in texture and color, such as cherries, peaches, apples, etc. MEDIUM THIN SYRUPS are used in the canning of sweet fruits, berries, etc. such as blackberries, currants, dewberries, the medium- rasp- huckleberries, MEDIUM THICK SYRUPS are used in the canning of all sour fruits, sour apples, etc., and delicately colored fruits, such as gooseberries, such as strawberries apricots, and red raspberries. THICK SYRUP is used in preserving and in making all kinds of sun preserves. I. Soft fruits, such as strawberries, blackberries, dewberries, sweet cherries, peaches, apricots, etc. FRUITS jars or in glass Pack immediately the same day fruit through a strainer. Recipe for canning soft fruits-Can and rinse the fruit by pouring water over it and stem. ~yrup of 18 per cent density. E'n. (Cap and tip tin cans). water-seal minutes; Remove. in paper quart water, boiled to medium thick.) in aluminum pressure Tighten to prevent Place rubber and top in place. Sterilize in hot water bath outfit 16 minutes; steam-pressure is picked. Grade Cull, seed, tin cans. Add boiling hot tight- in outfit under 5 pounds steam, 8 cooker, with 10 pounds of steam, 5 minutes. jars to 1 joints. Wrap glass sugar outfit, 10 minutes; to cool and test then store. 11h quarts bleaching; Partially covers. Invert (Syrup: II. Sour berry "fruits, such as currants, gooseberries, cranberries and sour cherries. Pack berries same day as picked. Recipe for canning SOUl' berry fruits.-Can hull, and clean. Blanch in hot water in cold water. cent density until tight. in water seal outfit, 12 minutes; in aluminum pressure-cooker Remove jars. 1 minute. closely in container. Stem, Remove and dip quickly Add hot syrup of 28 per not Sterilize in hot-water bath outfit, 16 minutes; in 5-pound steam pressure outfit, 10 minutes; outfit under 15 pounds of steam, 5 minutes. joints. Wrap in (Cap and tip tin-cans). and cap in place. covers and invert to cool and test Seal partially, Place rubber Tighten full. paper and store. III. Hard fruits, such as apples, pears, quinces, etc. Recipe for canning hard fruits.—Grade, blanch 1V2 minutes, and plunge quickly in cold water. Core, pit, or remove skins, if necessary. Pack whole, quartered, or sliced, as desired. Add boiling hot syrup of from 18 to 28 per cent density, (medium thick). Place rubbers and caps in position. Partially tighten. (Cap and tip tin cans). Sterilize 20 minutes in hot water bath outfit, 12 minutes in water seal outfit; 8 minutes under 5 pounds steam in steam pressure outfit; 6 minutes in aluminum pressure-cooker under 15 pounds pressure. Remove jars. Tighten covers and invert to cool and test joints. Wrap glass jars in paper to prevent bleaching, and store. IV. Citrus fruits.—Oranges canned whole for breakfast dishes or sliced for fruit salads. The object of canning citrus fruits- is, first, to save the surplus and by-products; second, to furnish wholesome fruits at reasonable cost to more of our people; third, to help the producer to transform by-pro(cid:173) ducts into net profits. Recipe for canning whole oranges.—Select windfall or packing-plant culls. Use no unsound or decayed fruit. Remove skins and white fibre on surface. Blanch fruit in boiling water \xk minutes. Dip in cold water quick(cid:173) ly. Pack containers full. Add boiling hot sirup of about 18 or 20 per cent density. Place rubber and cap in position. Partially seal, not tight. (Cap and tip tin cans.) Sterilize 12 minutes in hot-water bath outfit; 8 minutes in water seal outfit; 6 minutes in steam pressure outfit under 5-pounds of steam; 4 minutes in aluminum pressure-cooker outfit under 15 pounds of steam. Re(cid:173) move jars. Tighten covers. Invert to cool and test joints. Wrap glass jars with paper to prevent bleaching, and store. Recipe for canning sliced oranges for salad purposes.—The oranges may be divided into their natural sections or sliced with a knife. Pack jar or container fufl. Pour over product hot sirup of 18 per cent density. Place rubber and cap in position. Partially seal, not tight. (Cap and tip tin cans.) Sterilize 10 minutes in hot-water bath outfit; 6 minutes in water seal outfit; 5 minutes in steam pressure outfit with 5 pounds steam; 4 minutes in alumin(cid:173) um pressure cooker outfit under 10 pounds steam. Remove jars. Tighten ' covers. bleaching, and store. Invert to cool and test joints. Wrap jars with paper to prevent "SUGAR SIRUPS" The following sirup table is computed on the number of pounds of sugar in 100 pounds of solution, and, therefore, is called a "per cent table." Per Cent 16 20 25 30 32 35 40 45 50 55 60 Sugar 1 pound 1 pound, 4 ounces 1 pound, 9 ounces 2 pounds, 8 ounces 1 pound 2 pounds, 3 ounces 2 pounds, 8 ounces 2 pounds, 13 ounces 3 pounds, 2 ounces 3 pounds, 7 ounces 3 pounds, 12 ounces Water 3 quarts 3 quarts 3 quarts 4 quarts 1% quarts 3 quarts 3 quarts 3 quarts 3 quarts 3 quarts 3 quarts VEGETABLES I. Root and tuber vegetables, such as carrots, parsnips, beets, tur(cid:173) nips, sweet potatoes, etc., Recipe.—Grade for size, color, and degree of ripe(cid:173) ness. Wash thoroughly. Use vegetable brush. Scald in boiling hot water sufficiently to loosen skin. Plunge quickly in cold water. Scrape or pare to remove skin. Pack whole or cut in sections or cubes. Add boiling hot water and 1 level teaspoonful salt to the quart. Place rubbers and tops in posi(cid:173) tion. Partially seal, but not tight. (Cap and tip tin cans.) Sterilize 90 minutes in hot-water bath outfit; 75 minutes in water, seal outfit; 60 min(cid:173) utes in steam-pressure outfit under 5 pounds of steam; 35 minutes in alum(cid:173) inum pressure-cooker under 20 pounds of steam. Remove jars. Tighten covei-s. Invert to cool and test joints. Store. II. Tomatoes and Corn. Recipe for canning tomatoes.—Grade for size, ripeness, and color. Scald in hot water enough to loosen skins. Plunge quickly in cold water. Remove core and skin.. Pack whole. Fill container with whole tomatoes. Add 1 level teaspoonful of salt to each quart. Place rubber and cap in posi(cid:173) tion. Partially seal, but not tight. (Cap and tip tin cans.) Sterilize 22 minutes in hot water bath outfit; 18 minutes in water seal outfit; 15 minutes in steam pressure outfit under 5 ppunds steam; 10 minutes in" aluminum pressure cooker under 20 pounds steam. Remove jars. Tighten covers. In- vert to cool and test joints. Wrap jars in paper and store. Recipe for canning sweet corn on the cob. Can corn the same day pick(cid:173) ed. Remove husks, silks, and grade for size. Blanch on the cob in boiling water 5 to 15 minutes. Plunge quickly in cold water. Pack jars, alternat(cid:173) ing butts and tips, in xk gallon glass jars or 1 gallon tin cans. Pour over boiling hot water and add 2 level teaspoonfuls of salt to each gallon. Place rubbers and tops in position. Seal partially but not tight. (Cap and tip tin cans.) Sterilize in hot water bath outfit 180 minutes; 90 minutes in water seal outfit; 60 minutes in steam pressure outfit under 5 pounds steam. 35 minutes in aluminum pressure cooker under 20 pounds steam. Remove jars. Tighten covers. Invert to cool and test joints. Wrap glass jars with paper and store. Note.—When sweet corn is taken from jar or tin can for table use, re(cid:173) move ears as soon as jar or can is opened. Heat corn, slightly buttered, in steamer. Do not allow ears to stand in water or to be boiled in vrnusr the second time. Recipe for cann;ng sweet corn cut from cob.—Can the same day as picked. Remove husks and silks. Blanch on the cob in boiling hot water P to 15 minutes. Plunge quickly in cold water. Cut the corn from the cob with a thin, sharp-bladed knife. Pack corn in jar tightly until full. Add 1 level teaspoonful of salt to each quart and sufficient hot water to fill. Place rubbber and top in position; seal partially but not tight. (Cap and tip tin cans.) Sterilize 180 minutes in hot water bath outfit; 90 minutes in water seal outfit; 60 minutes in steam pressure outfit under 5 pounds of steam; 35 minutes in aluminum pressure cooker under 20 pounds of steam. Remove jars. Tighten covers. Invert to cool and test joints. Wrap with paper and store. III. Vegetables, such as Lima beans, string beans, peas, okra, etc. Recipe for canning.—Can same day vegetables are picked. Cull, string, and grade. Blanch in boiling hot water for 2 to 5 minutes. Remove and plunge quickly in cold water. Pack in container until full. Add boiling hot water to fill crevices. Add 1 level teaspoonful of salt to each quart. Place rubbers and tops in position. Partially seal, but not tight. (Cap and tip tin cans.) Sterilize in hot water bath outfit 120 minutes; 90 minutes in water seal outfit; 60 minutes in steam pressure outfit under 5 pounds of steam; 40 minutes in aluminum pressure cooker under 20 pounds of steam. Remove jars. Tighten covers and invert to cool. Wrap jars in paper and store. IV. Pumpkin and squash. Recipe for canning pie filling.—Cut up into convenient sections. Core and remove skins. Cook for 30 minutes to reduce to pulp. Pack in glass jars or tin cans. Add 1 cup of sugar and 1 teaspoonful of salt to each quart of pulp. Place rubber and top in position. Partially seal, but not tight. Sterilize 60 minutes in hot water bath outfit; 50 minutes in water seal out(cid:173) fit; 40 minutes in steam pressure outfit under 5 pounds of steam; 30 minutes in aluminum pressure cooker under 20 pounds of steam. Remove. Tighten covers. Invert to cool and test joints. Wrap in paper and store. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Boiling 1 pint of vinegar in the teakettle will remove the lime deposit. Scrape and rinse well. Use turpentine instead of water for mixing stove polish. Cut hot bread with a hot knife. To remove iron rust; mix salt and a little lemon juice, put in the sun; use 2 applications, if necessary. When sour milk is needed and you have none on hand use a little vinegar in sweet milk. Instead of 2 teaspoons of baking powder use 1 small teaspoon soda and 2 level teaspoons cream of tartar. To clean granite pans in which food sticks to the bottom of pan put in a little water and drop in some soda, let boil up, it will wash off easy. Push a common pin thro cork of bottles containing poisonous medicine and there will be no danger of picking up wrong bottle in the dark. Tins often come off from the ends of shoe strings, try dipping them in hot glue and twist to a point, let dry and they will be as good as new. If fried cakes are set in a hot oven a few minutes before uring it will be found that they are as light and fluffy as fresh ones. Put a small piece of adhesive plaster on the bottom of a salt cellar in(cid:173) stead of the cork. A razor blade is excellent for ripping garments. Use fine steel wool to clean aluminum. To keep milk a longer length of time without ice let come to a near boil on the stove and cool and cover and set in a cool place. To clean hair brushes put a little soda in warm water and dip in several times, rinse and let dry. To keep lemons.—Cover with fresh water. Change the water occasion(cid:173) ally. If moths get into a carpet on the floor and it is convenient to take it up, lay a cold wet cloth on it and iron with a hot iron. The steam will kill the moths. To keep away moths.—Sprinkle tobacco under the carpet. Salt and water make a splendid gargle for sore throat. Salt thrown on fire will put out fire in chimney. T A B LE OF WEIGHTS a nd MEASURES 4 saltspoonfuls make 1 teaspoonful 3 teaspoonful s make 1 tablespoonful 4 tablespoonfuls (liquid) make xk cupful. 2 gills make 1 cupful. 2 pints make 1 quart. 4 quarts make 1 gallon. 8 quarts make 1 peck. 4 cupfuls of flour make 1 lb. 2 cupfuls of solid butter make 1 lb. 2 cupfuls of granulated sugar make 1 lb. 3 cupfuls of meal make 1 lb. 2 cupfuls of solid meat make 1 lb. 2 tablespoonfuls of butter make 1 ounce. 2 tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar make 1 ounce. 3 teaspoonfuls of baking powder should weigh 1 ounce. 8Ummfctnger J^lusic H o u se ® We wish to announce that we will be pleased to see all of our old customers, as well as the new ones, at our new location, 305 Maynard street. Our new stoie is larger and more up to date, which enables us to carry a larger and better stock of all musical merchandise. A visit will convince you that you can buy more for your money at our store than elsewhere. A positive guarantee with everything. You will find a c e. . i„te stock of German records, from which to make a selection. 305 MAYNARD STREET ANN ARBOR. MICH. DO THAT