• • .or . 1I \ { . . . We Are As Near To You As You r Telephone Our store is your store-and our order department is always at your service. Every woman who cooks has had the of being out of this or that, experience the moment she is ready to use it. At trying just at such a Inomen t We Invite to step to the telephone, every housewife No. 30, leave the order tiol1 of our efficient service it will be in your hands as soon as Parcel Post or our efficient delivery can get department--and to the prompt it to you. call atten- Not alone do you receive tion and courteous tr,eatment section and the convenience a large stock products. ing here that as clean and pure as can be. prompt atten- in our grocery of selecting from reliable in buy- the things you get will be just best, and most but you have the assurance the of J. G. Sutherland ct. l ~'I I \, 1,1 \ 1 ) i{ I \ I ('OOK nOOK, 1 Lakeville Ladies' Auxiliary COOK BOOK 1915 1'm~tp(1 and tJ'iceI hy tIll' lae1il'~ of the Lakpyille dub and theiJ' fJ'icnd~, OUR MOTTO lI\('an~ thc ('ookeJ'Y' Hood haIll1~~ and ~pi('(-~, an(1 of all in fields and :'?TOYl'~,and RaYOl'Yin llu<'at~. knowh'dg'p that inYentiYenl'P~, herh~, ~wept l'(l]'('fnlness, J'('P]' to taste. I.v in one quart tahlps ('nt nnp, Forster. \\'ate]' of ('ooked (}np pint s\~("tls; whilp hot uf ~wept SP(~:-~(Jnwith remove add Olle quart. off awl 1d (/.. t J' /I of d. stove TO~I.\TO :-;(H'I'. to]))atoes 1)1.1t in one-half IIIilk ; Ipt ('Ollll,-to nem'ly ]'1111 th)"oug'h n fo:ip\'p h) of so,la spt tp(lspoonflll n hoil, ~alt, pepppr and hllt-tP]'.-.1lrs. I'qT.\TO :-;01'['. OIH~ (fuioll, :-'alt, plltnto('~, teaspoonfu) 0111' tahle:-:p(!onH hutte,1', stnlks two 0I1l' quarter Oilp potatc~(,R ill ~alte.l water with tll(> ollioll, slIlooth ('el('1'Y. H('l\Iove amI ruh through ('plery tllPlI t-O!!C'tllPl'. :I1H1 fIll 111' ('I'P:llIlI~{l 'I'h]'('(, lIlilk, two qum't pppper, Ccok nut~'h potatces tll(' lIlilk with hnUpl' to('s ('01111' to a hoil O!H'(' to the Illilk. ('ulery, tpaslH)onful 01}(' tpaspollnfll1 Hour. ,,'III'n soft, R.'ald a fine si('\'e. if YOll wi:-:h.. \11thiH )wginH to thi('],,~n p0111' Boi I lip q Hi('k ly, a<1.1 OIl(> ta hlpHpoo11 and SP1'\'p.-.11 n:. 'film:. Forster. into it nilI' tahlPRpoon quite tea~poon soft, lIlil:"h fo:alt, liUh, Rllg::n'. of butte]' a 1ittl e ('()111 it 011 thp stJ'aillP(l fiIlply <'110}>- '1'\\'0 ('liPS ('()I)kpll tOlllnto('~. TI):\I.\TO :-;Ol'P. fOlll' ('IIPH "'ntp]': hring 4 then foaming, adl1 O1lP tr-aspoon to a boil, it ~tops milk, with fo~aIt, p(~pper ~uH1hutter {wryer. tllPn soda. aeld immediately to tastp-.-A IStir two briskly eups until sweet llie llI. Deru- One-half ('UP 1'it{', two onions, oninn~. ri('(' a 1\(1 ~(}np hone. any and ~('O'l'('H soup. goo(l fOllr onesonp otllPr bone. yegetablcs Boil nntil nll'l'ots, rots, W1t.1t sizel1 potatoes, ISHee potatoes, into handy ten(lpl'. two ear- kpttle VEGETABLE DISI-IES CRKD[ CABBAGE. On\' Pgg, thrpe tahlespoonR hI espooll onc-half hage nJltil fn 1 1\on 1', ('np ('rFalll, t-clHler,-(Jra('() thl'PC heapi np; pepper A-run/d. hntter, sngar, ta- ta hlp~p()()n~fn 1 vllwga.l', heaping onc a[1(l Ralt. ('ook (,<1h- ~Ii('(' (ll'aill tLw one meiliulIl nliTOH C.\BlL\(fE, sizel1 ra.hha.~!:(", hoil until tender, Pgg, beaten 0lH' ('a hhng(~, stir ta.hlpspoonful off water, one of then liglttl good, spt on had\. of ~toYe. salt enp SW(Jct ('ream, flour, onc-half enp \'inegar. anll heat a little,-.l1 r.\;. ,\'. H. 'rake OIlP pepper, Put on f{ ('lly. A layer ('rulllhs. in haking of eitlwr ESC.\LLOPED frpsh Altpl'llatc l1i~h, salt, COUX. or ]a,yprs ('allllC(l of pppi;er and hutter, tllHl hake nntillig'ht hro,yn.-.lfr,\(. ('o1'n, a layer of erackpl' coyer with ('O]'n land f')[HT D. nazn, ('ratkcr "l'\lmbs milk One ('u]) of )1 EXICAX ].j('e ('onkPIl HH'E. stewed, onp-ha If of hig red peppel'; hntter tplHler, t.ill ~ize of eg'g, one fl'Y in bnttpl'. ~I ix all well to taste, hake 20 minntes. wpll tomatoes gl'ppn peppel', ]wppel's Rngar alll1 salt together, onion, two-third:;; I]nal't one I'llO}) onion:;; anll togpthpl'. E~('ALLOPE}) ('n]) g1'at011 ('heese, Oll(' ('n)) Rwpet milk; Cl-IEE~E. 0lH' alternate diRh with salt, pPPlwr pOllr OY('1', bake light Inypl'R of hrp:Hl ('np h1'pal1 CI'UmhR, one anll Heat O. H. allll hUttPT', hrown.-JlIr8. Pgg, one ('hep~p in hakillg rgg in milk, Parker. COOK BOOK. OllP-half ]}.wkag-e :-;pag'hrtti, one pint. ('anll('(l SP.\ G111-:'1''1'1]'1'.\ I,I E:\:\ E. f'ea~on hl(':-;, 1'0111' oniow:; ('h('p~e, dm', ~'alt to b1~tr tog(~tllP]', let ~Pl're.-.111'.'01. with .. ~iIlIlIl(,]' '1', Fond ('1'. ('Iwpprd l'('{l \d(l (l}\('-qU:ll't(']' finp, Olll' t'mll'th-pIlUlld (1ook ~pag'h('tti IW11pm'. tl:llla top:-;, ollioll:-; hellll' and awl it tOlIlU- g-]'atl'd ten- (,h('l':-;(,; ~ti]' i:-; ]'eady to till awl (111t Wi~lt(,l' ~qlHll'lh pm'p. :--~tI'ingy pm'tillil thil'ty IIlin11tpR Ol' ulltil in a :-;lo\\' 0\'('11 until (l1'y. n illto fi1'l11,- IlIny th~t \ftPI' ('hallging ))]'a111 tltp (it' th(,l1l they ()lIioll:-; .• \\,:1t('1', i I' they m'(' rol't ing \\'ntel' iil :-'alh'(l that tilllP. in qW11't('l'S a1l11 m'l'11.-.11 p~, .l. to taste, lH''PlW1"alHl salt heatpn and smooth, hl"n~h 0\'('1' with butter /;al.'erillf, I'J'. Nlle//('(T, light ,add a. little (,I'pam 01' 1"efill ~lIPll~ hea.ping nlH1 hrown in allOt, .II ;('h. pint g'l':lte(l ()lIC ('lln HOlJl'. hatter m~k('~ one oyster. 1I1IP-h;!If' ('lIn ('(m~-()Y~T EI{~. Oil<" ('Ol'll, 1I1lttt-'1' OJ' ('gg well ('I'e,11I1, Oil\' heatpu, hlh]e~po()]lflll Oll0 Fry in hot huttpl'.-.llae 8 c7j()() t. PO'\'.\TOES .\ ~n PE.\~, Fill a h:lkill~ ('(j'ok('('l ~alt, :llHl p()tat(l(.~~ ('(1.('11In,\'ol' with all 1I:.lkl' ('1"a<'1"p1' ('I'nlllh~ Hlltt.'\, alld the (li~1I with nH(ll'unte lanil'~ pea~, ])(ip])(ir a.IHllll1ttel'; pea:-: HI'(" ni('p), ('allllPil of l-~]kpd ~eH:--'Oll lHl111' 1I1i]k 0\'('1' few \ ~nlllP aR e~('al1ope(1 potiltO(~ .• arc ni('(' Rpl'illkl('(l with (',1('1\ laYPl'.-I';lla :\I.\('('.\I:O:\"I ('OH:\". i('(' Illadc of' milk ])('P1H»' ~1]t, g'l'at<,d d\('('~c and Illilk 0\'1'1', ~() it will \\'1'1'11 potat<:e~, with ('I{ EESE. IIdx Pl a 1\(1 fl"Y in hllt1el',- Htf'alll, whennr~I1'ly .Ill's, J, I; . .Yif/I/p, H.\I\:EIl ':11111wa~h HE.\X~. one qnal't of h('all~, a te pint hot water. rOllle to a hoi1.-IJi.~'~'ie 8i.1I e. Let K\L~IOX 1:'\LL~. Remoyp oil a11(l honPR from OIW ra.n of Ralmon, a(l(l fm'lll two Pp:g;s,one alHl ollP-half a(l a~ meat. to t:l~tp, :l little l'llOp])C(l onion. ('hop; ~oak 1lix top:cthpl", a(l(l OlW Mix COOl\: nOOK. 11 into hallR, roll in flour and f}'y hrown.-Illlora Green. :\IE.\'L' 1..0.\1<': One pound ronnd teap.poon 1ft- c'np of hntter. Rteak, II. teaspoon f'}'nlllhR, one water, Bake c'IeaYP~ from ti n,-Florn U1"(XII. s.alt, one ~p;g, y~ C)lP of 1>re:1 c:f ~a1t, and ~a Itpeb'p. a. "P}'y littlC' wntC'}'.-J/n~. of a pinc'h thiR, Rea~()n with eac'h of 3) ix YP1'Ythm'oug'h Iy; Ur(). 81f!/dcJI. lC'Clna wI f0111' poullclR lean fa t, a lH1 a IittlC' to OTH' ha If- l'('c1.peppel', c'loypp. and if not C'a~y to 111 ix, acle1 a. Rmall ronK TEXHEHLOIXS. tie ep.e p.l1Iall tencl('rlo~np. allcl ha"e nf 1Il'(':Hl C'}'111I1hp.,)mttm', a turkpy. pal'P a. (ll'e~sing' a~ fer Rtnffing awl th(' llCmr, Cnt p.auc'" (hot), a. Im'ge It g"amc.-J/ r,~. Thos. FOFst('1'. In1llp of hnttpl'. emIR to~ether. p.t]'ing'p.,' pla('p 1IIacle of one g'lnsR c'nl'}'n nt on platter, thc1II littlp thip. hetwppn p.plit,; pl'P- onion, etc' .. tlw meat, of an amI ponr Oye'}' it a jelly, mrHecl wi t h iR p..oO(I, a,ncl haR a flaYOl' of il-!akc> threp-qnartp].p. Plac'c Onr or JELLIED ,'E.\L. two klllH'klPR of ycal (ahont fin> ponncls), pintp. wntp]', egg-R, two tnhlespoonp. 1IIill('('(1 cal'l'ot, one one lrn>l thyme, p.nlt, tnhleRpoonp. in water. llayp c'nt nn(l hrol\:pn into ~1llall pip('PR, I1m'cl hoilecl t-nhIeRpoons p.lC'y, p.ix ('l()ye'~, little' pel', tn~tr. c'lo,.rp., Rkilll awl Rtl'ain p.hwk. three m\in('Pcl onion, tahlC'~poon thrC'P two ~malJ par- pep- to pm'p.lp)'. in llInp.lin hag' allcl ('ook with y,,:l1 , yral in p.lllnll pic~I'rs, lIlin('rcI t,e'nspoon whitc c'ool\: ~Iowly yral Put thyme ('m'pfully, foul' hmll"!'. i~ ('0111, c'ut yenl awl ppppr}' of Olle' ('al'l'ot, T:"lllOyr onion, p.mall lemon ".h"n jni('e two 12 L.\KEYlI~LE L.\mE~f Al.;XILl.\HY. and H(1I1f'tl'ainca an hour. stoek; Slice :111 he~t parts, jlliee, SimllH'r half la.'"Pl's of yeal fOllr hOllr8. Fon.der. :11H1eggs ~rurn frolll in a. mold. lllolds and garllish.-J//","5. add salt amI lemon eg-g-s, put altel'natl' J\:eep in col(l plH('c T!to.,,;. EGG O~[ELE'L'. "'hit~f' onc (,U]) milk, haking-pow<.1er, ad(l whites l'i Ii , of three eggs ueaten stiff, yolks heaten with tlll'PC tahle8poons ('01'nHtar('h, m)p tpa~l)()oll last and fry.-8arah Clilullbcr- "'hite of egg, heatC'n ~,tiff, place yolk III ('pnter and hake in hot oye11.-8arah OlwJI1lHTlin, PUFFED EGGS, Layer ('r<1('ker tl'umhs, egg~, Rnlt antI penpm', (,1'a('kc1' EseA LLOPED EGG~. Bake fiftepn minnh'I',-.1lrN. (,l'11l1lhf',OlW ('np ('ream, Jla rk el/(lJ/ll)crl iII. One pint oy~t('l'~, Olle pint 1n'p:HI('rnlllh:-:, two eggs, :.\Iix, let stalHI one honr; fry.-IJlwlla rail -" '(f.!/oller. OYSTERS. ~I EXI' LO.\F. One poull(l lwppel', one b'1.hl('~poon hnttp1', of sag'p, OIll' ('UP wn tCl'.-JII',"j. Sale Se('o/"d. lIwa t, ~-3 it'a :;:.pnon ~nIt, OllP teH~poon f'ix ('l'a('l~Cl's g'roullil, pill('h jplly. WlUrl' TO ~EH"E \\"1'1'11 )lK\'I'H. h()r~cradif'h. hepf-f1rat(>(l cranh('lTY 01' ('lll'l'ant IW:1S,('ream ~alW(>. Rancp, hOl'~(w:l(I;il-'h. nna~t Hoaf't Pork-A pplp or C1'nnlw1'1'YRHuce. Hon~t YPHl-'rolllnto 01' mushroom ~:llH'('. HoaRt Lmnh--:.\I iut sauce, noa~t Ooosp--Anplc, F'l'('~h Rn1mon-f1repll ('m'Il Hpef-('npel' YPll ison OJ' T..oh~tel'-Rn In(l (ll'eRsiHI,!. iecil Rm'(lint'~-Rl 1Plll OJ~. Fi~h in genel'al-"'ol'epstt'l'~hil'e IT :1111-:\ r \1s.ta.l'(1. [Ol'sPl'a(1i~h. Hoiled Repf-l Hahhit-Blat'k r111'l':1ntjelly. IPig'ponR-:\ (Uslll'oom ~mH'p. Hoast HO:1~t rr'lll'k('y-(,he~tnllt jell~'. dl'essing', :\111(ton-('11 ~Huee. 1'1':1nt 'Yil(l Duek- Bla('k ('111'1':111t- jt'll.'". COOK nOOK. 13 Hnap.t Cll'ick<>n-,-Sagc CoW Hoi le(l <'lli('ken :t mixtul'e 'rakc llIil('prate. take this l'lIl('1\:E:\ ~.\L.\)) (~orTII EH~.) Boil a ('hi('kp11 till 'flll'CP tablcspoonfuls fat. way: follo\\'ing' l)(llW~ awl all III.W;;t~til' wpll with in .the one of oil, onc-ha If tcaRpoo11 p.:aIt, onp-tenth pel', hen t.<>u wh itps of tllOl'ouo'hly llOnl' :-;PI'\'C (~}()i) (ll' mix with (w;;e silyer gm'ni~h<>(l with lINlyonllai~e OIl eithel' white ('pIer,\' top a lid sel'yp.-J//'8. p,el'yillo'. p,talk~ ('el~''y one thl'ep ('hi('kpll two Pggs. hpfol'e fork), Hpat foul' into Put topp, Ol' parslpy, 'I'll 0.....FrJ'J".'stc/'. out you llIall" to pep- IIIix to p(;'('ps, (1 hodl POlU' yinegal' teaspoon and l'pady well "'fhen lm'gp in ~alall II.\IU('O'I' (n' L.DIB, ('0\'1'1' with wntp}', nd(1 OllP qWll't 'l'ak{> sllOnl(lm' awl hl'cn~t ill kC'Hlc, :-din.s, on0 qnad Rtcw all 1f }ll'efcl'l'c(l mp:1 t ('a II h0 hl'll\\,np(l ('nt two :llHl a half tl1l'llips fol' cf lamh, \\'ash w('l1, put ('nt ('Hl'l'ots ill 81i('c<1. in p,li('pP" thl'(,p oniollti nllll hours with ])<>])1)(>1', 'Cltus, Fust cr fh'st.-J//'s. salt H.\KEn FI~a For nhllllt (h'ippillg' :l tlll'('0 Ran p:111. Hlltt('l' tel', tlWll a(l(l Ollp t(,~l<'lIp swept nlc ('l'pa1l1 an(l hakp ahou1' onc (lOll<' and the 1\".H .I\~ ('lIy . is l1RPly hl'o\\'nc(l.--.lI and BREAD INTRODUCTION of tlH' loaf Bark ip, thc ~nowy Ha (']~ 0f th(' fl 0nl' n\(. IIIi]]. is tll0 when t Bi\(']~ of '(']w Rllll a Jl(1 thp Fa t lH'l" ~ \\' iII. tll!' mill flOllT'. :l1Hl tlw RllOWl'l', cm.\ILDf BHE.\D. awl Thrce ollP-half ('UPR ~'0l1l' milK. on0 tah10P,poOIl p,llOl'teni ng', tln'ep hihlpR1HIOllS hl'O\\'lI ~ng'a I', Oll!' t pasl ilIOn of Roda, onc ('1lpS UI'ahalll flo1ll', 01l(\ ('n]> wlH'nt tp:lRpOOll haking f10111,.-,qa}'ah ('lulJof)('r/ill. pO\\-llPI', tltJ'P(' 14 LAKEYILLE LADIEf;-' AUXILL\RY. 1'\1]'1' HHEAD. cup granulated One Pgg, one-half tUPS flour, one teaspoon four powder, eup sweet milk, spoons baking makes a real let stand one-half hour befcre putting hake in a. ~low oycn for olle hour. tin awl bnttcr stiff batter, the top wel1.-.111'8 .. J. P. cup walnut it one put sugar, salt, meats. in a well buttered one fourth te.a- This ti.n and rrlWll Then rcmoyc from thc in the oycn. lJ erJl berycr. four Two enpRflonr mSCUI'f. ( no more). one hen ping: tC1H'llp 1I1lttpl'-miIk, one-fourth of hnking- pO\nler, half watpr lightly. fur wctting. i\Iix with a fork till Boll and cut. Bake in hot Oyell. I....oul' len'} teaspoolls ta blcspOOll of lard, OllC- tca~poon ~odn, u~c eold soft and hanllle BISCl:I'l'. Onp-ha lf enp ~onr milk, two ('n])R flour, one tnhlespoon Bot wet pnollg'h URe 1ittle medium ~izcd hiscuit~. (HIP-fOlll.th tpnspoon lard w()rkpd III ~o(1a lf 'fhis makes eight flour, cold water. SODA BI~CCIT. Three l'UPS SOUl' milk, one ta.hlcspoon ter melted flour. tog-ethel', two tca~poons FloUJ' to lmlke n niee (long-h. hOlling' wilter, olle-half one ~nwl1 tr-as]1oon so;la, cup JaI'{1 :uHl but- in of haking powder Bake soon. IXDI.\X LOA F. 'fwo eupR Indian water, one-half ilwI som e ~aIt. Clo.'5 ..,;e GardJl0)" two ('up lI1oImoisPs, on(' cg-g-, one teaspoon lllpal, one C'np flour, 'S tea m t wo IHHn'~, then brown in oycn.- rups soda G1L\I LDI GE~r~. OtH' ('up ImttpJ'-mllk, two tnhleRpoollR ~our f'gg-, one ta bI(,spoOJl sng'HJ', eJlong'h Oraham flour rrf'nm, to OIU' make a. !ooitiff uattl'l'.-Nn/'a!l (flwmbcrli'll. ('Jl.\XDY BRO\\'X mm.\n:') floUJ', one-half J'aisins, OIl(' poon snIt. a HhoJ't Two HJHIoJl('-hnlf ('np~ OJ'ahalll tlOlll', nJle cup whpnt. ('np ('OJ'Jl meal, nIle rnp IlwlaRsf's, onc ('11]) iell- in oren t<'n~poOJl soda, Rtpillll -two an(1 one-hnlf two C'UpRROtll' milk, onl' limll'R. Put timp to {ll',\' ()ff.-Ol()8~ic Gardncr. COOK nOOK. 15 One pint teaspoon two flour, fourth salt, milk, h_'laSpOOIlS tins.-Clu~8ie UunlJlcl'. tn tleRpooIlS melted SXOW ~IUFFIl\'S. four two teaspoons baking powcler. Rugal', butter, one- one eup sweet in muflin I-jake I)lWP 1){':\Il'LIXW', One wl'll ha ki ng- pmnh>r heatl'n eg-g-, acld one ('up watpr, si ftccl wi th enough flour Drop twpnty mlinutes.-M hy sp(HlJl~ful 1'8. into '}'. hoiling IAlkeril1('. '/'. spoon Rtitf hatter. fit'tppn OJ' onp tea- to lIla ke a Boil sonp. Two Sln-a KE8. two tenf-ipOOIl salt, OIlP nncl one-fourth :\IlLK (;I:I»»LE-('.\ ('U])S flour, nncl onp-half and f-iiftflo111', salt awl heaten, nl'Op ('ook on OIl(' 8id('. turn em p(lg-es, "'hen an(l ('ups f-i0111'milk, tpl:lRpOOnR socla, soatell; sift haking- til':o1t mixtul'(' alternatint!,' g-PIll pans twpnty-fin' 110111',onl' eg'g', foul' teaspoons hutter; pow,ll'l' with with milk. sug-ar add fl0111'an(l 11nkl' nlHl I'g'g to thl' a(lcl in Imttprl'd lIIinutes.-.1/!'s. '/'hos. FOl'ste!'. 'rhl'ee of spoons F. J)eI'1I7)(>I'.rf('I'. flour, I'OT.\TO c'ups g-r~lte(l 1'.\ XC'.\ K ES. l'HW potato, two ('gg:s, one tpHf-ipOnn socla in flour, thl'P(, salt.-.J/r.,;. tahl(' ,I. Thp well-hPHten whitp of an egg H,lde(l to whippccl ('l'Calll hl'lps to holel it up.-,lI.}',,; .. /. F. /kI'1I1JP}'.r/f'l'. SIlOHT C'.U~E. On(' qU:11't 110nr, on('-half haking' ('np hutte'r, powdpr, onp inc'h thif'k.-.1//'.'~. tpmqHwns Boll thl'(,(, IH'nten, :--titl' clongh. one <,g-g w('ll to 1I1ak(' a lIIilk N. H"rJl.~ . ,One eg-g', onp-foll1.th .10ITXXY C.\ KI~. ('l1P sugnr, two tahl('spoonfnl~ two S0111' c]"pam, one two f'l1pS corn meal, tpal"poonful ('ups haking' hl1ttCl'lllilk, onp POWdPl', one-half tenspoonf111 tpHspoonful ~ocl:1, salt, onp ('UP wheat flol11'.-/kss ('"rIis. LAKEVILLB LAIUKS' AUXILIARY. 16 When you want something good to eat call at LITTLES BAKERY and ask for "OLD HOMESTEAD BREAD" We also lead in Pies and Cakes. Our Fried Cakes are the best G. W. GATECLIFFE Practical Horseshoer and Woodworker. Repairing and General Jobbing. All work guaranteed. Phone 11 W. CHAS. FRANK General Hardware. Blacksmith- ing and Woodwork. Leonard, Mich. BROKENSHAW Sells you Groceries, Farm Seeds and Staple Dry Goods of Quality. We aim to please. We make good. We want your Butter and Eggs. Phone 28. BROKENSHAW COOK BOOK. 17 GRAHAM BREAD. One egg, one-half cup sugar, one-fourth cup short(cid:173) ening (lard or butter), two cups buttermilk, one table- spoonful molasses, one-half teaspoonful ginger, pinch of salt, two cups Graham flour, one cup wheat flour. Bake forty-five minutes.—Bess Curtis. OLD FASHIONED J O H N NY CAKE. One cup corn meal, one cup white flour, one cup sour milk or cream, one egg, one-half cup sugar, butter the size of an egg, a pinch of salt, one fourth teaspoonful soda mixed with the sour milk, two teas]>oonsful baking powder. Mix the butter and egg then the sugar, then the milk, and lastly the flour with the baking powder sift(cid:173) ed through it.—Mrs. Thos. Forster. CREAM BISCUIT. One quart flour, one-half teaspoonful soda in a little water, one-half teaspoonful salt. Stir in quickly one-half pint thick sour cream. Handle very lightly. These can be made with thick sweet cream and no shortening, using four heaping teaspoonsful instead of soda.— Mrs. Thos. Forster. baking powder SPANISH BUNS. One and one-half cup sugar, three-fourths cup but(cid:173) ter, one cup sweet milk, Ave eggs (keep four whites for icing), three teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon ground cloves, one teaspoon allspice, one and one-half tea(cid:173) Bake in dripping spoons cinnamon, one-half nutmeg. pan. Out in squares, dip in icing. Icing, one and one- half CUDS sugar. Cook to thick syrup, beat in whites of eggs.—Mrs. A. h. Hmincss. GINGER BREAD. One cup butter, one cup sugar, one cup molasses, one cup sour cream, one cup raisins, three eggs, three cups flour, one-half teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful cloves, one teaspoonful cinnamon, two teaspoonsful ginger.—Mrs. Thos. Forster. N TT LOAF. Ten cents of walnut meats, one cup sugar, two cups flour, one cup canned milk ami two teaspoons baking pow(cid:173) der, salt. Let raise before baking.—Alice Shaw. Two cups sour milk, 'A\ cup molasses, two cups of CORN BREAD. 18 eOi'll 111eal, 1 Y:.! Holyed eaten in SOUl' milk, hot.-1J//'8. L.\KEYILLE L.\])lE~' .U;XILL\HY. l'UPS flour, small tablespoon salt. Steam three of s()(la, dis- To he .. hours Hili. Uladdin. C.\KK eg:p;, 2 ('up~ butt<~rlllilk, ;TOIIXXY One ('up ~l1g.\ BIS< TIT. i1Ig' pnwdp}., one tablespoon ypry slllooth. awl onp-hnlf 'nlis will lo\'el tea:-;poon of 1;1}'(l, in a mixing' f-:aIt, one of hmY!. nissolye on(' lpyel teaspoon ('ups of rid} hnttm'-lIlilk .. t(>a~p(~m}s of hak- laq.!,"(' heapi ng tog"etlH'l' of ~(}(1a ill one all(wt'. \(1(1 tn the ~Iix all lI)(\k(' a,bout fiftct'll hi:.wnits.-.J//'.'i. I"a .1/'IlOld. nrSK. Onr pt l)]'e:1(l sponge, ~ Pgg;..:, 1-8 ('np of hnttpl'. 1 pt. S\ypct 1lI ilk. 1 V:.! ~Iix stiff with light, tlwn pllt in bre.hl-pnn, ri~p agnin, 20 IlIinnte~.-R,.aJl.f/dille awl wllPn )ig-ht, a1\(llll~l11l(l lIlouIcl like IN IJ7J Ie. sugar, l'i~p nntil loaf. Bnke Let abont flOHr, ('upfo: let in hard bi~('lIiL STE.\:\IED <:H.\ If .\:\1 mm.\ D. 'rwo ('up~ SOUl" milk, 1 tea~poon so(la, iHg' ])ow(l(>]', 1 tahl('~l)oOl1 Im'(l, 2 bthlespoolls mola~~p:-;, 1 ('np white ~a1t. (}l'nhalll. Rt<,nm 1 :;(l h]'K-.J/l's. flollr, a little' 1\"..J .. XC>Clll. n little hnk- ~ng'al", a little' Rtil' ~tiff witlt J:.\ 1\:1XC: I'On'DEH BIS(T1TS. 2 heaping' O]W qt. Hom', ~ lH'apillg' tcnsp()on~ in howl. ~w('(>t milk ,. ~poon snit, pow(ler, Hu'al. 1 pt. n~lIally.-.lJ ~aH nlHl .\clll rnnngh [1. ?\Ti'lllP, flonr 1'.'; •• • tnl11("Rp()Oll~ qf Im'(l, 1 inhlr- Rift lik(' ahont in Im'(l until (lollg'h, ~oft hnking )Iix tc.. mnkr POW(]('1'. 011r-half tpaspo011 of ]low(lr]'. 11\ i11nl('~.-H1a 11"" e -Porter. of hilkill~' tp;\spoon~ ~() ])(':\fI 'LT XCiS. :-:alt. 1 ('111) sw(>pt milk, Rti]' ~tifT witlt flOll1'; ') ('ook COOK l:OOJ\:. 19 JOHXKY CAKE. One egg, V~ ('UP Rugal', 2 tab]e~po()lls mcltc(l Rhortcu- flo1lr, 1 tca- 111<'(1], 1 ("U]> 11l1tter-ll1ilk, :! cnps ing, 2 tUp~ spoon sOiln, sa]t.--\'irn Frid,', BIW"'X mm.\D. 1 ('1lp~ (;l'nham flour, Thl'pe ~Ugill', y~ ('UP IlIolnfo:sPs, :! ("nps sour milk, teaspoons so(la, SOIlIP salt. 8ti]' salt tllPn RI~l1l'milk. heaping' talllcspo()l1 or hu1tel'- ill- in a hit of hoi]l ng wat('l' :111(1Rugal' so(la Put .Hltl mo]ns~c~, ('np Hllll Illoist011 with ill awl it ~tir hours if ill onp h.l~in, pnt Rtea.ming (IA':-;s timc immcdiately, if in Rmallpl' hp hakpd stenlllpd.-.ll rs. !tul)I), in two ]o:-!YCS,llllt is lIot quitc m;; hro\\'n IId]k,2 to thp 1I0ur; lIIo]asses thc nnd add last, stPillll OIlCS). ('an g'~od as tho' thrl'c TII]'pe ~:\,,'P('t milk, haking' po\n1<']'. ,J()I1~~Y ('.\I\:E. ('UP Illlth']', I/~ Pggs, 1 ('liP ('m'll mcal, Ex('('I]pnt.-.lIrs 1/~ ('U)I Rugal', ('liP 2 ('l1)1R nOliI', 8 tp:IS)lOOllS 1 .. tlllln ('01l/7)7wll. Two mS(TIT. ('liPS of hlltt Pgg, ollP-lw] ,JOII~~Y ('.\I\:E. f ('UP sUg'm', OIll'-ha 1f ('liP ('l'oam, 1 ft'asp0o]l flom' ns ('OJ'lIlIl<'al, s:llt. ~ti]' soft.-I'j'II/IIIO 8mith, :! ('UPS of hlltt-01'-1IIilk, ~()d:l, ha I f as 1I111('h\\'h('nt ('liP som' nnp ~ugm', 1 og'g, 1 tahlespoon GH.\II.Ur BHE.\D. IlJi]k, 1 ('np swP('t milk, ;~ ('lIpS (;1':1h:1111flour, 1 ('up WhO~lt tlIHIl'. in \'eJ'Y slow OY011.-111r.t.;.8nl,. 8('('oJ'd. two-thi]'(ls ('up Im'(l, 1 tp:1R]lOOl1 Roda, Bakp OJl(' lWOWll ~alt, hom' IH'-:\II'LI~(;R FOH -:\IE.\T STE\Y. f!oUl', fl g"PIIe1'0l1s pilWh of t:nt:Il', two good \\'1'11 with to n good ~tifT (long"h. n]'O]) ~t0W iR hOlling', nlul kpo]) w('l1 ('oY('l'e.1 fO]' fifteon !'inlt, :nul one of ~(l(1:1, lIIix('(l 1Il01stpn wit'h ('o]d wfltP1' They WP]'P ncyP]' known to faiI.-.llrs. II. F, One quart t('H~p()On~ (']'('CUIl lImn'; in whilt' lIlinntp!,. 8/H'/H'pJ'. One p,int sw{'pt Illilk, 1 0gg; (;1-::\1 -:\[l'FFI~R. flolll' to lIIak(' a. thin 20 uatter, IJIl.''Jh Cl'. L.-\KI~nLLI'~ LADIES' AUXILIARY 2 tenspOOlls baking powder, a. little salt.-Jealllie BROWN One-third cup melted tillp(} up \\.ith molasses, Huur, :! cups lnrtter-IJIilk, nHEAD. uutter, one-hal :! cups Grahalll .1 cups so(la, 2 leyel teaspoons salt. ~llgal' \rhitc len~l --..} co 1111 e I~IUS/t cr. teaspoow;; f flour, tUP hrowll 2 cups :! nub;, .1 hour. l"aisill~, Bake .1 cnp eggs, Two sa It, J teaspoons ~pllon nntsand 1 hOl11'.-JI (II'V NilJlJle. J cup~ nf tlonr. Xu'!, BRI~AD•. sngar, haki ng l)O\nler, 1 ('np of :! ('ups sweet milk, 1 tea.- Let sblnd 40 minutes thopped and h.1ke (hw Pgg', ;5 ta.hlespoons :1 tpHspoons IlIllk, of baking ti ns.-.M r~. LId. 1)()rlcr. H:l ke i 1\ (1rop cake Goon 'l'E.\ HISClTr. of mclte(l powder. hutter, Htir 1 ('lIp sweet fairly ~1i1L I:IW"'N BHEAD. One s('nnt SpOOIl shm'tening, ('np sugar, t\\.o tahlespoons thl'PC tUPS sour 1Il ilk, molas,~es, two one tea- fllH1 P1HIllgl1 flonr, in moderate Oyen,- larg'e ~p()ons (jl'.lhalll .111'.';.A,n. ~alt, soda, to make SjlC/lCCI'J one-half a soft dough. La].;crille. ('np white 'Bake CIIICKEN PIl~ CRUS~' OR SIlOnr.rCAKE. :3 te:u;]>oons pow- :-:.til' well 1n flour, 1 (,llp \\'ith J1lpltp(l hutter, baking' Hnke 20 lIIinutes ill 1II0(lCl'ate oyen.- rrwo ('llp~ 11ou1' Sl f'tp,l tahl(,~pollns lIIilk, 1 ~gg'. ?\' dS()/I. (1('1', (i ~\\"eet 111(/7lle GI:'\I1.\:\I GJ'~:\If'. Olle ('up Imtt-el'milk Ol' milk, B tahl~spoons iIlg' IIIP1ted, 1 p~;!:, olle-th iJ'd ('llp sll;!:ar, one-fonrth la~se~, ollP-half llillll.-il/rtlllc Schum. traspoOll soda. RtiJ' stiff wit.h sifted ShOl'tpll- enp lllO- 01':1.- '1'E.\ mSCl TI'H, pint One flOHr, R h'vel o11P-f'olll,th tpa:"])0011 sn It, 1 leyel 1 ('liP milk. 1'11h i11to t h .. slJlll'tPll hake in a hot- oVPIl.-l11((7J7e Nels()n. pO\nlpl', ing: n 1H1 then Rtil' hakinp: tPHR110011Rhf\kill~ tn hlpspoon snIt and thp II!ilk P()\Y(1Pf', 1n1'd or bllttcr, 110111' tog-pther; (mt and Holl COOK BOOK. 21 One-fourth O.\'DIEAL GE:\lR. ("np llIilk, 1 egg-, one-half half teaspoo1l 10\'('1 teaspcon salt, lone-half :.:ug-m', 1 lpyel tpaspoon tahlc:;poon haking shcH.tening. enp flour, one- powder, 1 Two ('np:.: flour, 11l:tJpl', 1 heaping' ~ t::;.!.W';. -,)/1'.'1, 'I'. 8/iu('lIwkcr, ti a',pnon DI'op in Imtb'H'd ('Im.ul :\ll'FFIX:-;. one-fCllll'th haking' IlInllin JIlolds allcl bake eup sug-Hr, 1 tahleRpoon }lOWCIl'l',2 (,u}l:-: eI'Calll, qnkkly. 'I'wo ('UPS Imttm'llIilk, GIL\Il.DI mm.\D, Olw-half :3 tahh'spoons flon1', ('llp whp<1t lllPltcd ('llpS (tl'ahalll oll(>-hnlf ta hlespoons ow'-half tin ('(U1S anel hake tenspoon sng-m', :~ tn hlespoolls :.:alt, Jlnts or 40 JIlinlltes,-.1lJ'~, raisins. lllola~ses, 1 teaspoon Pllt into 'I'. Shocmaker. flOll1', 2 Im'cl, 3 s()(la, ('OYl'l,(.(l '}'wo large> potatoes, ST.\ wrEH mm.\ D, -! hpaping- 1 tpHspoon 'rakp stm'tel' salt, 1 qt. ('old watpT'. ~ti1' out a lid pllt in a ('001 phl<'p,-Id(f tahlc"Spoons sllg-al', in 1 pt. of stm'tel', . t J'J/o/d. CAKE Onp awl G1L\XD:\IOTlIlm's a half {'llpS sug-nr, SEEI) CAKE. two Pgg-s, lwat well nntil shol'tpning-, in one a/l(l a half ('lIt all O\'PII,-.1IJ'.'I, fiIw, ,,'ell; ("np thi('k c'ups SOlll' c'l'eam, two or flOllI', two put tnhl(>Rpoons leyel in a g-l'pas<"l t-in, 'I'. FOJ'stp,r. two la.rge (,I'emn'y. teaspoon tahlespoonH 1'lwn put soda, two peel of eandi(~l Reat as n loaf c'nk0 in slow speds, one and thl'pe pie('es ('al'nway of Bake 'I'h l'P('-<)l1(ll'tPl'R ('11P hll ttel'. 1,2, :3, 4 ('.\I\:E. 11'\'('1 te:1~poons flann'ing-. two haking' ('U ps Rllg-a1', th 1'0(' powd("r, OllP ('np floul' and ~Iix and Rift Beat whitps and yolks of cg:.rs spparatply. :11111Rllg-ill'; ('1'P:1111thpsc tog-pthpl'. 1'0111' Pg-g-~,yanilla ('UPS fI 011 1', six 1IIilk, baking- pmnlcl', ("'('H1II huttcr, add in'" awl pattips l'aisins ('a kl',-.1I rs. F. Furst PI', in a large loaf for \(1(1 milk yolk~ .. \\'l1it('s (i a 1111tloul' of p!.!,'I.!.'Rhpatpn ~l1(.~.t nJ\(l ('lit ('nkl", :ll1d nl1(l aH01'lIntply, Hakp Rtifr. in ('llhps, ('lllH'olatp 'I'hell ftnyOl'- th('ll In\'el~R Ol' ns .\,lcln;.ts an(l rm' n 1II:1l'hlp EGO LESS ERUIT C.\KE. Oue ('up urown 2 ('ups flour, ~ocla, spi('(ls 1 tabl espoon to taste, sugar, 1 cup sour milk, 1cup raHnns, 1teaRpOOu shortening:, of melted extract. of lemon.-8//a .II iller. teaslwoll One eup sug-ar, scant SpOOIlR melted ly for an(l hake.-/~ra butter. a ft',,- minutes; Miller. oue-half FE.\'l'HER baking CAKE. powder In 1 cnp (If flour, 1 cup sweet milk, 1 egg:, 3 table- brisk- again stir then a11(l stir tng-etlwr; tllPn ~Hld seasoning- Put all teaspoons 1 teaspoon (lry ing-redients; melted hutter. mIinutes. If ~rhis hC'atecl. 1 melted flour, 1 V:! cups milk, hutter, ~I.ix and sift nncl ep;g \\,pll heaten, g-em pans ....twenty-fiyp be py'eyiously OXg EGG )I C FFI XS. Threp a n(l one-ha.lf po\\'(le1', cups 3 tahlpspoons baking salt, 1 e~g, 3 tahlesp{) teaspoon allspiCe>, if desired.-:lfn~. threp-(pwrters cinna.mon, nutmeg, 'I'. ]llonder. one one> pounil cup molasses, one> teaspoon - tem~p{)on one> and a half eurrantR, half gill rlon>R, onl' s()(la, 8 e>ggs. )IOL.HiSER SPICE CAKK One one-half egg, one-half ('up eup hutter, tpaspoon spires, to make meclium hattpr. of soda, hrown one-half (one-half sug-ar, one-half cup sour milk, te>aspoon enp onp of paeh ), B. Rake in slow oyen.~T. . lllolasses, small flour SpPl1 ('pr. "'HIrrE C.\ KK eggs two "'hitCH of lmttpr, flonr, 1 f'np swpet milk, extraet.-H7a,1Iche heatpn, 1 cup 2 teaspoons Prirk. spoon 2 f'nps Onp ("up sngar, WHITE oll(\-half (:,\ KE. PI', 1 ('n]) swe(\t milk, 2 tpaspoons ('ups SjJeuf'cr tllP heatpll flonY'. A<111 ... (,U]) hutter of haking: white>s of sug:ar, 1 tahle- haki ng- pow(lpr, ('Y'('ame>c1togeth- in two H. po\wl('r 4 ('ggs.-.J. COOK BOOK. 23 CHE.\P FIre!'!' C.\KE. ~rwo-thirds cup hrown ~mgar, fill up with molasses, 4 tahlespoons of shortening, 1 eup SOUl' milk, 2 cups of Hour 01' Iittle more if necessary, 1 eup of fru it, 1 teaspoon so~Ja, :1 tea~poon saIt, spite to taste.-Olo.~s;c Ganlner. SOF'!' GIl\'"mm C.\KE. One ('up brown sugar, 1 cup molasses, 1. egg, stant one-half milk, teaspoon soda, 2 cups Hakp in shallow tillS.-Uloss;c flour, ('up shortening, ginger salt, VunlJle,.. 1. cup butter- 1. full teaspooll and cinnamon. L.\YEH C.\KE. ~rwo egp:s, 1 ('up sugar, swpet milk, Flann' to taste. :! teaspoons of huttpr, 1 cup haking pm\"..h:tlf of ('innamon, 1. lelllon, ('up ('off'l'e with 1 tahle~poon 2 teaspoons WHITE C.\ KE. One ('np silg'al', one-half ('lI]>S of swcl,t milk, 1 and olle-half ('np lmtter, whites of ~ 0ggs, ('UP~ or baking 1)0\\"1]("1'. Bake :3 teaspoons 2 and olle-half flour, 1 teaspoOll yanilla, in two layel's,-'I'eua F1od!/l';-i, (:HEEX .\ PPLE-S.\ TTE C.\KE, OIl(' ant] one-half ha If Sf'aI1t ('up hutter, ('Im'es and einnamon, flour, 2 tpas]>ool1s soda, one-half 1 ('up (']wPIW.] teaspoon ~n1t,-('lrJ.l;.'\;e Om'rlll",., ('u]>s apI)le-salH'p, 1 ('UP ~ug:ar, oue- tpHspoon ('UPS raisins, 2 full SlIXEU CAKE. Two ellps sug-at', t.wo-thit'rls ('UP hutter e(l, 1 ('UP of malk, lIefot'e the flour, ~ henpi ng- tpaspoons on(' ..fourth .llary S. J/;ller, :llHllm'(] mix. llPnten whites of 4 e~g-s, ~tiI"I"P(lin ju~t hak ing- )J()\\"(lpr,a ntl ]PlIHHl.- ~O(ln, ~iftpd in the Hour, 1 tf'nspoon :\IorJ.\SSE~ LO.\F ('.\ KE. onp-hnlf Oup-hnlf ('UP of sugar, 1 ('up ] t(':l~pOOtl ea(,h of {.!itl~(,l"('l()n'~ and (,itlllntllOll, :!1/:! thing-, eg-{.!s,tll(> \'pry last in 1 ('np of ('np lIutter, (,11pSflour, ~ Wf'1J heaten tllolassp~, ~ tpn~poons of soda pnt half "Xot too hot a fil'e,-JI (f ry .~. .11 illr"r, wntp1', hoilin~ npat .\PPLE FROSTIXG, tl10 whitf' of an p~{.!to a stitT fl"oth, a(l<1 a 26 L.\Km'ILL.E L.\DlES) AuXILIARY sour applp, grated -Ruth 8toddard. and enough powdered sugar to thicken. rro a well lwaten eg'g add powdered ~llgar enough flann' with maple fianwing.-I.)thG/ UloddclI. to thicken, ~L\PLE FJW~TIXG. cup molasses, )IOLASSES 'OIH' One sn~m', In'own ('11 pR flolll', one egg, on c-ha If cup two teaspoons C.\KE. ('up hot watpr, two spiceR,-Sa/'ah ~,llOT'tcllillP;, soda, one-half and onc-ha ('np If C. A~GEL FOOD. ,,'!lites of 10 Pggs heaten ('up flour, one tpa'RpOOll crcam tat'tar, ~tiff, 011(' HlHl OIw-fonrt,h ffayor. Cllp~ sug:ar~'(mp Rift flout' atH} ~np;ar fiye times.--8(f/'ah C. One-half :! ClipS ins, pow(lc1'. flour, Rtc:lln R.\ISIN PUFFS. ('up bnttp1', 1 t.up milk, 1 ('np ('hoppcel :! tahlesp001ls hour one-half p.ug-al', 3 tpaspoons in cups.-Flo/'a Orccll. rai~~- baking- Olle> cnp fhmI', :! tea~pooll~ haking ('m'cT' ,,"ith jelly J[r,.,.\ r. H. 1\ ell.'). 'ROLL JELLY :Yt- ('u]1 sngar, C,\1\:E. 4: larg(> well hpatpn POW(}Pl', ~oon after Sprc<1e} 0\'<'1' takpll tin from O\"l'n ahout awl T'oll.- Pgg~' 12xlo. foW-XSHIXE eXKE. 1IIixi ng' howl put t".o ellpR of flour, Into tca~poonR put whiteR fill hakin~ of l'rmailHlel' ., eup, lmttpl', pour Ill' Toaf.-J! n~..J (/.\(. 111011 t/'ns.,<. powdel'~; egg'R, anel heat tog"cthel' thcn two nIl ~ift('tl fill ('np all ()n~-ha1f tOg"ptlWT'. full of ('up with Rwcet mille Bakp fh'c minut(~. 1 rup ~ng'ar, Into of Roft 11'lavor, in laycl'l4 Onr-fouI'th yolk nearly l4\yppt milk, and WhPll ('up RugaT', nl1f>-hnlf two-third ('llp~ SOLID ('HO(,OL.\'I'E 1mI' Rnkel"~ C.\ KE. dlO('olatp, of 1 egg". rool nntil a(l<-1 4 ta hlc~poon~ Cook ('up swcct milk, }-{Odl/('R. flol1r.-'I'cJI(/ OlH'-half. ('UP ~lIlo()th nwltr(l ~hin'y and hnttpr, 1 Ro~la, 1 and 1 tea~poon HOT 'Y.\ TEn CAlor- (~O EGGS). CI'PH 1II ollP-ha :1 1 teaspooll powdered flour. JI r,«. "'. CO('oa. nnd 2 ('ups ~iftetl IAl-kcril1c. heaten '1'., separately, 1 cup sugar, of cup soda, one-half Bake in loaf.- l'L.\IX Fln;IT ('AKE. One ('UP hrowlI ~uga .., 1 (')1 P raisi flour, g'ether; 1 (:np co]d ('offpp, 1 1/2 rups' ~hoI'teJling, 1 teaspOCHl R()(la, one-fOllI'th 1 teaRpnnn tpaRpoOll cinnamon, on~-ha1f Il~; 1'11O}Jhoth 4 tablPRpoons to- of teaspoon clt)\'es.-Bw/"ah nutmeg, O. C.\XE FILLI~W. swpct llli]k in a lhmh]p T,wo cups 3 ta h]pspoon~ ]n I'g'<', ~ta~dl wet np with ad~ 'I'wo ('Up~ ~llgal', :3 eg'gs, 2 tpaRlwonR baking 111('a t~.-JI (f /"Y ./. 111 i"e/". flonr, nut .:\TT c.\ KE. 1 ('UP hutt-el', 1 ('u]> milk, :3 ('n]>~ :2 <:UpR a.ny kin<1 powllm', WHITE C.\ KK Cream tog-ethl'l', Rtil' 2 t(>a~poon~ haking' ] ('uJl RlIg-al' and in 1 ('np ~wpet milk. Stil' add t.hp wll ite~ of :3 eg~~, well })(';}ten.-.ll pO\n101'. Add a ~('ant O1w-half 2 (,llPR llntil ary t'np (If hUttPl'. 110111' ('ontaining- ~mooth, Nih!il('~ then HOLI. ,J ELLY C.\ K E. Hpat thl'P(, eg'g~ unti] 1 ('up f1onr, ~ len'] Oll ("up hoiling- water.-.1/ary fla,'oring' .. ]ig'ht, t<'a~poon~ hakin~ putting .t ndrcU'R. Tl1~t hefm'(' tlWIl .ull1 ] POWdt'I'. in tin, ('11]) ~ugar, ~a]t and ]1'111- ntlrl onr-lIa]f 28 LA KEYILLE LADII~ff AU XILL\RY CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE. T,,'o CUpSbrown sugar, one-half cup butter, 1. teaspoon soda, 1. cgg, 2 tablespoons in onc-half cup of hot wa.ter, 1. teaspoon onc-half cocoa vanilla, tUP snul' milk, dissolyed 2 cups ftour~ SOF'I' FILLIKG. Two tablespo~ms cups boiling water, Boil 1heaping tablespoon 1. teaspoon fourth huttpl'. OTw-foul'th cup of water, thid~.-Mr."\. j'}/)er D. Ha;::a. of cocoa. {lis.'3olyed in 1. and one- 1. tUP white ~ugal', 1 tea~pn(~n corn starch dissolved In of yanilla. Roil uutil \VHI'I'E ('.\KE I:E<'II'E .. 1. cup of sweet cream, One eup of sugar, {'ups of flour, ~ anil one-'half 1. egg.-1llr8. teaspoon vanilla, tea.spoons haking Guy Allen. 1. and two- pow- J, thirds df'l',l RPICE C.\KK On(> ('up of sugar, 1 eup raisins, lard, ol1f'-half cl()n~, oup-ha If tpaspoon a llspiec, 2 cups of flour. 2 tahlc~poons {'innamou, teaspoon, one-hal g'lnger, f 1 tf'aspoon teaspoou -J/n.;. 011.'/ Allen. l\IOL.\RRER {'.\KE. One-half {'l'pamec1 together; teaSl){lons of soda, eup shol{pning-, oue-ha.lf cup sugar, 1. ('up 1 {'up of hoiling watpr all(l 2 ea{'h of glugPl' and 1. teaspoon tpas!10on pa{'lL of ('loyes awl nutmeg, {'ups of flour, 2 eggs lwaten up nn<1~til'rpd molasses, rounding (.innaIJlI'on, Olw-half two .and one-half in lightly at la~t.-.ll rs. 1~7){)r D. Ba;:'(f.. O.\'nIE,\L C.\ KER. Two eggR, 1 ('up shortpni ng, 1 rup hrown ('ooke(l a fp\\' minuteR in 1 ('up watpr; {,lIP raisinR, rolle(l oats, ~ ('ups flour, one-half 1)('(1finp, 1 largp teaspoon lllOn, 1large tpaspoon Roof a walnut in this onp unheaten POl1l' nw to tastp. (1;\ n ncl(l n tn hlp:;:po()l1 of thi~ with tlw re~t an.l hpat (in Tl~suring- fill the ('up with ('ups flour, 1 ('up sn~al', 1 tpaspOoll ~relt salt, mix well a. rnp), hreak swpct milk. F'la- ('akp. for Dpyils Food, or a rapifllv one minnte. This makps a good lay~r eakp or loaf \\~hilp (lry. ('hocolatr egg; ('()()K B()()K 2D eup ~hreddefl 1{ ell!J. eoeoannt, nut mea.ts or fruit.-lllrs. lV. H. EYEHY DAY LAYER OR LOAF CAKE. ';'wo Pgg'f', 1 cup sugar, 2 tableRpoons melted butter, 8 tahlpf'pOOllR f'\\"(.pt milk, ~ teaspoons !-lo(la, flour, flavoring-.--Mnr!J 8. 11/iller. cream of ta.rtar, 1. of YELLOW Gep CAKE. One ('UJlR flmll', ])()w(ler, cup huttpl', two-thir(lf' one-half cup tea~poonfnl eup Rweet milk, tem~p()ollfnl 1. pxtract.-8nrah sug-ar, lemon ()]l(.......half 1. and 1/~ baking O. HOF'l' GI:'Ii GEH BlmA D, One '('up 1l\o]af'sPP-, Olw-half ('UP lard, pilH'h tPHspOOl1S ~o of m ilk, of haking to R]wc':H1 hctwpcn, one-half of watpr of 3 eg-g"p-to n sti tr ,,'hites pour it YOl' with 0]' ynnilla awl OYPl' thc lemon tlw top.-.l/n~, froth into cup Hakp in thin layers h\'Q a.nd one-half flour fiye Pg-g1', ndel 2 ('npR Rug'ar, 1 ('up :3 ('ups of and B tp:H~poons of and nRC as a cream, and enpf' the whitef'l hair, will as pHRRihlp. a~'la- layCT'R the f'lWpa(l hptwppn and Rtir aR fast nTHl wlwn of ~mgar, Bpat syrnp tog-ethey'. awl the hoilp(l I. C. (I"am')f~rlill. FRrIT C.\ KE. One ('llP ~hoT'tcll in~, onp-lta If Cllp moh"lp-!'eR, ] Cllp 1 t(\:1.- nlltR hT'OWIl Rllg'aT', 1 cnp ('ol(] {'offpc, 2 c~:-,rp., 3 {"llPR flour, cinnnmon, RpOOll so(la, })ortcr. awl 1 tp:l!'poon to tn:-;tp, ~ lh~. of rai~inf',-IAlC'illdn 1 tp of ~\\'ppt. {'rcalll, Hoi I tog'ether.-lll 1 ("llp hrown Rn~ar, nry S. M illcJ'. ~r01llHI uu t~, FHO~TI~G FOR C.\I~E. ] ('llP PL.\ IX WHITE C.\ KE. ('T'ea m 1 (,llp su~a l' with nne-ha If ('up hll ttpr of 4 egg'R heaten (s('unt), sti ff, 3 ollP-ha If ('11]>RWPPt, milk, white~ ]pn?l 1 awl one-half tpHf'])()OnR ha]dng- pow(let', ('11]>~ttolly',-J/is8 1 tpa~p()()n N11l1e'l" I'riu('c lPlllOTl extract, . 30 L.\KEVILLg LAmBf" AUXILIARY CUEHRY FILI"ING FOR CAKE. "Thite of 1egg, 1cup sugar, two-thirfls beat cup capnerl stIff.- until nlixand ('herries ii/ rs. Nmrna BoblJ. without the juke. ~IOr..AS~ES Bnot' CA K ES. 1. egg, one-half 1. enp sugar, one-half One cnp molaRseR, 2 teaspoOllR ginger, teaspoonR soda, 4 cups sugar; Res, hutter egg, well heaten tionr by RponnsfnJ on a gT~ased uteR in a hot o\"en.-'ll.are'lla and f1onr, 1 cup hot water. add soda, sifted with bpat well pan. ging'cr Bake H artllcss. t~aspoon rup hutter meltc{l, Ralt, 2 nIix nrolaR- afld water, Drop to fiftef'll min- and Ralt. and tpIl EGG LESS CAKE. One cnp Rugal", 1 cup sweet milk, spoonR ha king allll 5 tahIeRpoons powder, Reasoning. of melted hutter.-lll. 2 rnpR flour, 2 tea- a 1H1la~tl'y neat well C. 1.1. DARK CATn~. 'I'wo rllpR hrown Rug-aI", 1. cup mola.ssf"S, 1. rup huttf'r, ellOpperl sour milk, 1. rup 1 tahlcspoon eloyeR, 1 ta-hlcRpoon 2 teaRp0011R Roda.. cin- Cur- nlltmeg-.-Bes.~ and 1small raiRinR, 2 rups 3 cgg'S, 5 r.llp~ flour, mUllon, 1 tf"aRpo-on allspice t iN. and one-half One 2 e~;gR, 1. cup cloves, 1 teaRpoon butter, spoon ~rICE CAKE. CUPR sug-ar, 4 tabJeRpoo11s meytefl t.pa,- Roda, buttermilk, 1. 1 tcaRpoon 2 C'UpRflonr. cinnamon, MAnTILE CAKI'~. (Lir/ht. ) enpR Rugal", one-half flonr, 2 t('aspOOTlR baking" f'np hnttf'r, pO\\'- One nn~l onc-half 1 cnp Rweet mIlk, d or, whites of 4 e~gK 2 1/~ rups (nm'k.) One rup cup hutter, flonr, J,nlf 1. .teaspoon cups fo;pJ('e~.-.Netttc Davis. hrown one-hnlf :-:.ng-nr, one-half rnp molaRRes, 011P- cnp Ronr milk; two aJHl Olw-ltalf of of 4 eg~l"R,all kinds ROcla, yolkes ~PONGE Thrce eg-:;!R, 1 ('lIP ~ugar, on ROLL .TELLY ('1\ KR. 1 toaRpoon powd~l'" 1tcaspoon flonr, 1 t0nRpoon -N r>ttie Dad.~. haking watpr, 1 rnp lemon ORf'PTH'P. COOK nOOK 31 'rWO cups DRIED .\Ppr.,g of dried apples as fine as raisins CAKK (stew enough and boil until pl'e~eI'Yed; chop ahout ly), las~es eake, 2 eggs, 1 eup hutter, teaR})OOn soda, tle haking }lowdel'; then drain off the molasses :! tea~poonR allspiee, 1. cup ~our mi'lk, 4 cups add :1pplps la~t.-j\- ettie Davis, to cut easi- in 2 cups of mo- the 1. cup sugar, 1 flour a.nd a lit- for \YHITB C.\KK One :1ntl one-ha.lf CUPR RUg':lJ' and 3 table~poons creamed tog'ether, ter teaRlwonR haking' heatpn whiteR of 3 eg'~R, Reas.oning.-J/'r.s. 2 and OlH-'-half cnps 1. enp sweet milk, powder, sifte(l pinch J~'(lw(J.J'd Burns. but- flour, 2 of soda, FlU IT ('.\KE. -1 tahlp~poons Onp eup sugar, hnttpr, ilk, 1 enp raiRinfo:, 2 ('npR flollr, 1 tpclspooon 1111ttprlll men, tea~poon 1. Rpoon el()Ye~.-JI 1 tea~pooll \I Ill. 8. Cadden . 1. cup rinna- Roda, one-ha If tea- nlltllleg', J'S. mpltefl OW" ('UP ~llg~a1', one-qum'tc~r ('np .\PPLl'>S.\ 1TE C.\l\:E. hntter, teasi)()on one teaRponn 011P ~aH- (.inna- so(la e]OYPR, onc ('np rai~inR, nne ('UP not has one a litt]p nnp-half nutmeg', tpa~poon RIHlOn ~alt, mnn, <1i~RolYe(1 in a. litt.le warm water; whi('h he('n S1100n hal,ing- powiler. al1(l salt, RO(lel into -t\0111' awl Un fOl'ty-fi\'(~ minutes ('lo\'p:o:, (,lnnalllon, the haldng- swe('t(,lwd, pow(ler. Bake a.pple-:O:alH'e an(1 :H1cl to thp ,,-holp; f1ream togetlwr Illltmpg' sugar and raisin~. the the in a slnw ()Yen in a loaf Stir thPIl 01' long-m'.-illr.\!. 'I'hos. Forster. apple-sancp one tea- and hnttpr; two ('ups flonr, DEnr;s FOODC.\ KK Onp ancI one-half ('ups sng-';ll' and OllP-half tOg'pthcl', :3 Pg-:-,~,one-half ('np ~onr ('up hot watpT', Olw-half (snmll), ('np~ flon1' hnttpl' tp1' ('r('Hme(l half one-half cl'eaming late yig'ol'ously, of Pg-gs andl'pst fli~Rolyp(l an(l in hot ad(l of thpn ('ho('olate, rllp g"rate(l 1 tpa~p()()n ~()(la, yanilla; sng"ar a[ld yolk~ of eg:-,'1'; thPIl tlw flo11r. ",atel' sonr heaten a1\(l mOf't of r1'pam and s0(la, flonl'.-Jlrs. R.1.JlII'Jls. cnp 1mt- ('l'eam, one- two and aftpl' choro- a~eat whitp~ One-ha 1 Pgg heatcn yanilla, flonr, 1 b-aspoon :1(1(1 an(l heatpn flOll1', a(lil milk with tlw O~E 1f rnp hnttpr, EG(; C.\ KE. 1 ('up milk, 1 rnp ~ngar, sPp:l1'atpl~., ('ream hnttp1" 4 teaspoons haking- a(l(l Rug-ar; yolk. Rift the f1011r altpl'llat('l~' and haking to the 2 cnps powde1" (,l'eam again po\\'(lp1' llIixtnrp; 32 L.\KEnLLF: LADlES' AUXILL\RY . flayor, beat well, greased pan thirty in the beaten whites. fo](l to forty minntes.-\ \ UI'Gna HWl'tncss. Bake in a One-half jnice and grated Heat all of jelly.-lYcttie together 1 egg, water, sistency I ..R~ION I"ILLIXG coffee enp of sngar, 1 tahlespoon I"OR CA KI':. rind of 1 lemon, 1 tahlespoon and boil until it of hnttpI', of i8 of the C011- Dalji8. Ri ft :\IOCK AN(a~L together J times of haking powdpr, FOOD C.\KK 1. cnp sugar, 1 ('up flollr, a p1n('h of ~alt. :3 A(ld 1. cnp of 2 Pggs.-1111'.1;. Last fold in the whites teaspoons (,f hoiling milk, d .b', lJc/'Jlber,fJcl'. nEYlL's FOOD. One-ha If ('np grn ted dlO('ola te, ollP-hal f ('np s,n'pt thick a1H1cool; (hnt- in sonr milk soda dissolvpd ('up sngar, boile(l nntil V:! ('lIp tpaspoon 1. len"l milk and one-half 1 ('np sng"a1', V:! enp butter, tel'lllilk warm woon (,01'llstal'l'll cIi:-:- ad;! 1 tp.n:-:poon Yfl1l- PL.\IN FRlTr C.\KB. One (,l1p h1'own ~l1ga1', ~ Pgw., 1 ClIp mola~~('s, 1 ('11]> slull'tpnillg', 1 V:! ('UPS sonr milk, 2 C11pSof ('hoppc(l raisins, 1 ('UP of If-mOll p<,e1, ~ tpaspoonR <,a(.h of cloyps awl cinna- IIlOII. 1 tpClspOOIlof nut III Pp:, 2 tpaspOolls of swIn, 4 ('up:-: I of flour. Mak(~ two Rmall cakes.- ..]JI'~. 1~7)crn. Baza. COOK BOOK 33 One-ha V:.! ('up ('01(1 water, 1mtter.-'l'en(l, ~pOOll If ('UP nlOla:o;~(1",:J4 ('up :;mp:ar, LAYER C.\KE. 1 pig, 1 tccu;;;poon ~}(la lV:.! cup~ flour, 1. tahlc- (level), 11orl!Jcs. LA Ylm C.\ KE. One cup gl'anulatp(l ('rpC1m tog-ethel'; ~pOOIl~ water, Hea~ollillg'.-.ll 2 Pg'g~ heatpn, 2 ('U]lR flour, J'S. l)d. nlll'ns. RUg'nJ', 1 ta hlc~poon -1 tC1hl('spo()n~ milk, haking 2 tea~poou~ hutter, 5 tahle- pow(ler. Put white of 1 Pg:g in deep FILLI XG FOR C.\ KE. for olle-half 1 ('up' 1'1';1ra~ph('rl'ie~ "'hip iug- will not ~oak Hlrj,J'({ he stiff an(l in thp ('ake ,"eJl d. '/'O""JI hour. ('rn~lHJ(l awl howl, a(hl thp jui('e af 1)('atpn long' enough ('ream. like whippe(l (lplicioll~.-JlJJ'.". i~ truly awl 1. Cllp ~ug:ar, otl'. (l1'aill~l this fill- It flO('H light at all On0 (',up l)(.~t 1 ('up ('01(1 w.atp]', ~JOL.\~~E~ 'Xl'w ()]'lean~ ('.\ KE. ('u]l :~ V:.! ('up~ floul', 1 tnhle~pO()Il 1 ('up ~mg~l1',l egt.!:.-.l/J'.'~. lL J-/. lIlo1aR~p~, O1w-half "ilnilla, ~h01-t0ning, ~o(la, 1 tahle~poon A' ell y. P11t in C1mixing a pind1 (lry. ~i1'.0 of wnlnnt; 1 ('UP of sug-ar, and mix togl'thPl', of hutt(.]' , with milk. rapi(lly for a minut('. Pour OXE E(;C; C.\ KE. howl of ~alt, ))plt hreak into mixing- 011(> awl one-half t('il:-\poon of haking- in a n}('a~uring into this howl an Pg'g' awl all heat in hot ovpn.-.IIi('e ('up~ of flour, powder ('UP a pic('(' fill cup togeth0], Sh".".. Hnke and POHK ('.\KE. On0 Ih. pork ('hopPl'.l tl11'lH>clovl'r 'Eig-ht fine, 1 lh. pork, ('UPR flour, ('001. no eg-:-."S. Ba ke ~l()w Iy.-JI l'a i~in~ ('hoppc'fl, :3 tl1pn :1(1(1f) ('UPS hrown 1 tnhle~p()on RI)(la, J'S. S. X. no(.Ii e- ('UP~ hot Wilt('1' ~ug-a1'. ~]li('l'~ to ta!'te, luJ'. 1,;1''' .J1i1l(T',,, Let JIIollier. ~PO~(;E Fi n) Pgp:~, 1 ('n]> ~ngar, rind "ery ~\Ild t1a\,()l'ing hllt :-''1'at~l Pg'g- till ut0~. in f1011r ('al'pfnlly jni('l' awl ~alt, ,10 not :lIHl lig-ht', ndd ~ng'nl' gradnally of onp-half fol(l ~til'. ('.\KE. 1 ('UP flour, IPill 011. Bpat nn(l heat 1f, tea~p()()n ~llt, yolks of ten Illill- \Yhit(~, ~ift in a Il('(>]l nl1- in beat0n J)ut 34 LA KEnLLI~ LAnTER' A UXTLTARY greased ella Hartness. tin awl ba.ke iu moder.ate oven about 1 hr.-1 r ar- rrhrcc cggs, sour milk, 1 tcaspoon English eurrants, \\"ith flour.-l1/rs. nutmcg, 11/ad,' Hoard. SPICE 1 Yi cups CAKE. sugar, so(la, 1 cnp V:! cup buttpr, choppe(l ~~ cup ra isi us, 1 eup 'rhid~PIl cinnmnon, clovcs. to a. snwoth hot water, a nel Stir Onc cup wa tel' on stovc flour. Pgg'R, one at a time. greased wi Jl make ('l'palll, or patty tins about ahou t 15 puffs. lcmou Stir paste ahout RUcl whf>u cool Rtir five mnuut<"R. 25 minutes in hot 'Ylwn cool fi)ling.-lllrs ..Il/al'k Roan7, fill with whipped (1/'(((;(' .lrJlo/d. CHE.\:\I Pl' FFR. V:! {'up hutter, put ,vhpu boi Iiug ~til' in one hnttpI' al\(l ('UP of si ftpd in 3 in "'rIlj:, ove-n. Bake HOILED lClxn. (7'-hce) oJlP-fourth Boil from spoon. Pour this Onc cup ~mgar, ('llP {'o1<1 water. it awl \'llllilJa. thrpads ollP-fourth l'illg' until .Hld lelllon heaten s))]'pacl on C(I ke.-J/ white of Pgp:, stitTinp: fapt. r,~. S. D. Ba ','cr. t(\aspoon togethm' Hpll1o,'e hot mixturp Hpa.t nntil ('J'CUm tartar, without 8til'- from firp aTHl over w('l1 thid~ al111 OR,\XCm FILLIXG rind .Tnice eol<1 watpr, ~('alcling frolll twcen ,3.1Hl gl'ated 1 eup stir hot in the white, fire stir the layerR of ('nke.-Jf sugal'. in yolk Pnt • FOR C,\KI'J of 1 orange, 1 tahlPRpoon when taking hoiler; hefore colaRpoon p~H'h pork, 1 ('UP lllola~se~, 1 egg', 1 ten~poon flo11r.- ~O(la, Fonr yi :20 (Rng'ar), 1 ('n]) of .Tl\(lg~ y:~i), miah 2 ('npR of Xnhlllll (.\ll11oJl(l~), .TlHlg:es i,':l!l, xiy:~;) iii:l~ () ClI])S of (Honey), 1m: 'IPE FOH SCRlPTl'RE anel one-half last 2 ('UPS of I Sunllwl enpR of I King's ('lnusp (Hl1ttm'), C.\ K E. (1"'lonr), iy:2~ 2 f'nps of .Tm'e- xxx:12 (Haisins), (F'ig~), .Tpl'clll:iah xyii:11 ~ f'llpR of ~l1mhprs xyii:8 (J~g-g-s), 1 cup of I Ralllllel P()\nlpl'), () tahlp~po()ns i,':n (Hnl~illg la~t <'lansc, (1\lilk), 2 teal'])oons Amos COOK nOOK 35 a pineh Chronides of Lcyitieus ii :13 (Salt). ix:D (Spice). Senson to tnste of II thid~ raisins. Cook Clwl 1. enp thirds ~~p()on einnamoll, teaspoon so(la, enp hut.tel' OJ' lard, 1 ('np Imttprmilk, 1. teaspoon nlltlllPg', ttonr ne('es~ar'y,-"M r8.\ 1. tenspooll \', .1, LVeel!J. FRuIT CAKE Wl'l'II APPLES. :3 cups 1. ("np molaHsPs, \\'hpn ('001 :1(1(1 2 cups choppcd sugar, 3 eggs, applcs- two- 1. tcn- 1. cloves, '()1H~ enp ('l'pam, sllt-!:ar, 1. tpaspoon ('nps Ih. mcn! aUll a IIspit'e, raisins t-!:rollnd fillP, 1 teaspoon eadl 'I'll is makps two eakes,-J/ FHUI1' C.\KE. 1 ('np soda, 1 teaspoon Imttc1'milk, 1 and onc-half baking of cloyes, powder, 1. eilllla- a.rtha. Arnold ()n~ ('UP \\'hite sligar, «,nc and two-thir(ls EGGLI.;f;S "'IIITE (,;\KE. hnking" pcnnler awl ('np swept milk, all sift('(l hpat wcll; ClipS flon1' twiec. 4 tahl(~ tog"pt]wr ad,l Imttel' nnd beat wpII. Fla\'{)]'ing.-iJ/r,"I . two tpaspoons acldl awl 'I'hen SpOCl1lSmeltpd ./ ay Ncconl, 'rhrec Pggs, 1 ('UP sligar, snIt 2 tpaspOIH1S hnkillp: ~ift flour, awl hot Oypn. while hot with jpIly an11 111ltil ~Illooth a 11<1hake sngar, tI0111', 1 ('lIP of haking: ])owclpl'. Fill ill y-Onp (S('ilnt), one-fol1l'th r; llli1l11te~ wit,hont until pntting ('1' • tOg-POtc'l'. \\'hite an(l ('up ('11]) hntter,l stilTing. ('l'pamy, Imt ('lHwolatc of yanilla. !) ('OJ'lls1m'('h, whit~ Fla,,01' with in two long ~hppt~. ellp yanilln, Olw-th ir{l tpHspoon water Boil fil'P ~llHl stir llot Pse in IJ'p;/,- lIlay hp adcll'cl.-/J:',:'ie HPIllOY0 fl'Olll too hm'(l. haRtc •\PI'LE ~.\l,(,E {'.\KE. Onp ('lIp ~l1g-m', Oll('-hn 1f ('n]) hn t"trr OJ' Im'(l, onr ClIp ('UP raisins, Olle /AI!;('- two ('UPS flOll1', two Pggs, ol\r ,..~, .1. H. S/WlI('CI', ~oclil, spi('ps to tnstc,-.1/ applp ~au('e, tpaspoon rille. 3G l..AKl~nLLE LADIF.S' AUXILIARY 'l'wo (>o'g;s(heat :O;POXGE C.\KE. the yoll~s well with one-half fom~ar) then b~a.t awl add the whites with. enp of sngar, one and one-half one teaspoon last one-half lpmon ancl yanilla. N. S/)Cn cer. cream tartar enp warm water, and one-half onp-half Rake cups thirty-fise minutt~s.-JI cup the othpl' h:llf tiour slft(ld well WIth soda, awl t(l'a~po()n eaeh of r.l\ .. L teaspoon One cup sng-ar, 8 tablespoons ('.\ KI~. ciullmnon, eup raisins, melte(l la1'(l, 1 cnp 1 tear-:poou allspie(l, 1. (me enp flour, a littl(~ 1. ~onr milk, teaspoon tem~p()()n socIa, one-half saIt.-fi. 1'1'. S. ROLL JELIJY CAKE. Hpat 3 eggs lig-ht and add it st'ant and a hot watpr, 2 tc'aKpoolls haking ('up sugar pilldl of salt, 4 tahlespoons powder in a heaping cnp flonr. SrG.\R ('OOKIES. T,,~o cnps sug:ar, ('llP huttor an(llal'(llllix(l(l, pow(ler. Xntlllf'g'.-iJ/r8. two eg::.!;s,1 ('lIP SOlII' 1 teaFpoon Ro(la awl H. l\"cst/J/w.f. ('l'(1aIll, 1 of haking GHOCOL.\'n} CAKI-}. 01l(>-haIf enp sngar, O1w-haIf ('up hutter, one-half half eup SOUl' milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 tpm~po()ns vanilla, ('ups tlour.-3/ ('o('on, one-half r,~. R. 1restphal. watpl', ('up hot ('UP two eggK, Ol\(,- 2 One scant Ql'J('K C.\ KE. en}) sllg:al', 1 fnIl ha king: pow(lpr a wI ~nIt, Olw-th ir,l into ('np a ncl the rest 111ilk.-ilI ('np flonr, 1 tC'aspoon ('np ~oft Imtt(ll', 2 e'gg-:-: r.\(. 1/. \\.('.\(f /J7wl. One ('up ~ngnl', nl''l'(,H C'.\ KE. two-thirds ('np nl'Olas~es, hp)-thil'(l~ ('np hnttpy'milk, 1 t(1a!'l~oOnso(la. two-thl1"(ls ('np ('l'palll \Y 10 P l'alfo\1l1~,1 tahle'spoon ,I. j\' ~el.'". .. 1 I 2 enp~ flour, 1 ('gg, hnttpl' ~i~e of an em~, Bake in layersnny'awl one-fonrth teaspoon 2 c'nps flour ~ift<"(l ,,~ith 2 tpaspool\s enp shol'tpning, 1 hal~- s(\(l<1;Olu'-folll"th tPH- COOK BOOK 37 spoon nutmeg, 1 teaspoon lemon extract, one-half cup raisins.—Harriet Demberger. HICKORYNUT CAKE. One cup sugar, two-thirds cup sweet milk, 1 table(cid:173) spoon butter, 1 eg£, 1 y2 cups flour, 1 y2 teaspoons baking jM>wder, flavor. Filling—One cup thick sweet cream, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup hickorynut meats chopped fine. Boil until thick.—Estell Elwell. PORK CAKE. One cup pork chopped fine, 1 cup raisins chopped fine, 1 cup boiling water turned on pork and raisins; 1 cup molasses, 1 cup brown sugar, 4 cups Hour, 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon cloves and cinnamon, one-half teaspoon nut(cid:173) meg, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Bake in pan.—Estell Elwell. CORNSTARCH CAKE. Two cups sugar, 2 cups flour, 1 cup butter, 1 cup cornstarch, 1 cup sweet milk, 2 teaspoons baking powder and the whites of (> eggs. Any flavoring desired.—Klla Units; QUEEN. CAKE. Two lbs. sugar, 4 lbs. raisins, 2 lbs. currants, 2 lbs. flour, 1 teaspoon soda, one-half pint cream, 8 eggs, one- half pint wine, one-half pint brandy, 2 and one-half lbs. butter, 2 nutmeg, 1 tablespoon of orange peel or marnml- ade.—Mrs. M. Glover. SPONGE CAKE. Three eggs beaten to a cream, 1 V_» cups sugar, one- half cu]> cold water, 2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder. Flavor to suit taste with peel of one-half lemon rind grated. Heat hard for two minutes and bake thirty minutes in a quick oven.—Mrs. M. Glover. % • LAYER CAKE. One and one-half cups white sugar, one-third cup butter, 1 cup milk, 2 '._. cups flour, 2 j • > teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 eggs.—Lnhi Demberger. PLAIN FRUIT CAKE. Two full cups sugar, two-thirds cup shortening, 2 cups sour milk, 2 tablespoons molasses, 1 teaspoon soda in the milk, 1 egg, 1 cup r;iisins, 1 cup currants, 4 cups 38 LAKE"lLLI~ Ij.\J)m~' .\1JXILL\HY ]Plllon flOlll~, spices and keeps well.-N ettie and (>xtract. ])a/"';s. This makes byo loayes SPICg One enp ~ugaI', 1 ('np ~eeded raisins, of 1. Pgg, 1 rounding -/Jucy B. Sutphen. CAKF. J/:2 (nAK1<~ TN 1..0.\\"ES). {'lon'~, tem.;poon 1/~tpaspoo1l 1. cnp ~onr milk, tem~poon.R()da, butter, 31!~ {'UPR ft~Ul', yolk (,11lnamon. 1j:! enp (;lxm.:n CAKE. One-ha If cnp Rhol'teni np;, 1. ClIp RUl1,'ar ('reamed cloves and cinnamon to ta~tp, add 1cup hoiling water, 1 lwaping awl add 2 y~ ClipS flour, ag'ain stir 1 eup molasses. tpaspoon an(l a(1.1 2 to- Rtir soda. ep:g~ g-ether, and Rtir heaten fine. One pi npappl e, ti uP, 2 1hs. suga 1'. I'IXEA I'PLE ~I.\ 1:11.\ L.\llE. 1. orang-c, 2 ('UPS pieplnnt Cook slow l,v.-1,j~.::"j c 8ill e. o~m EGG CAKK Olle-ha 1f cup hutter, 1 ellp sugar, 1 tlOlll', 1 ('liP swcpt milk, 2 teaspoonR well in a hot oyen.-111r8. and hake ha.king ;1[. (norer. egg, pow(ler. groun(l 2 ('ups ~I ix FRUIT CAl\:E WI'l'I-IOUT EGGS. awl Olw-hal Onc 1 cup of tenspoon lmttpl', soda, tlour done -.Mr.~. A.. Ti.J\~;iqlle. 1. or more it will fall if nee(lp(l. a little lmttermilk, ('innamon, f {'lipS of hrown 1. ('lIp of 1. tl'aspoon Pak(> in lllodprate nl1\l yet he light~ Rugar, 1j~ ('up of raisins, cloves, 1 tea~poon 2 ('UPR of "'h('11 a kin~. o,.en. l~'\it for - CORNSTAROH CAKE. l;"'oul' Pgg:s, 2 ('npR fo'.ngnr,l 1 ('lIP ('ornstar('h, FlnyOl' to suit Illilk, pow(lpl". 2 ('lIpS flolll', 2 tpaRpoons t;l!'5tp.-111I',\(. A 11ua 0(( lI/pJ.-)11 ('up hutter, 1 ('np swPPt' haking" HAISIN olle-half CAKK (1ook on(> awl ll1i1l11tc~; (,l1p J'niRin li'1l101', OIlP-fOlll'th , - ~~, 1 (>0'41' threp-follrths tea~l)O()n,~ tf'nRpOOn IlntlllPg-, 1. tf'aspoon Ro(la. (in 1i'1l101'), !.;tpw clown to hayp . ('liP hllttCl', ('lnnnlllOn,1. 2 ('nps flonr.-llfl's. 1r. .T. Keely. ('UPS I'nlRIllS 20 ('up SlIo'ar ollf'-half ~ .... ') Onp ('np SlIga 1', ollc-ha If ('lIP 111lttf'1', t,,'o-th 2 ('l1p~ \yIII'l'E L.\YEH ('.\KE. . noval 2 teaf'poons il'(l~ ('np , hilkinlY 11OWtlPl' 1 flour, ~ milk, COOK nOOK 39 teaspoon yanilla, whites of four egg~.-JlI 1"8. 1!J. Hosner. EGGLES~ FR1Tr CAKg. OIl(> eup hI'o\yn sng;ar, hal f enp hutter, eath teaspoon ha.l f ("nps teaspoon flonr, one ('np m ilk, one soda, nutmeg two ra i~i nS.-JlI 1".'1'. 8. H o:.ute1". HIHl ('lon'~; one cnp sonr of cinnamon, ("hopped of POHK CAKE. One Ih. pork, 1 Ih. rai~in~, 1 enp mola~~ps, 1. pt. boil- ing; wa.tpI', ~ ('Up~ ~mgaI', ('I'P[Ull l1f:.! Rpiees.-IJotth.: ta l"ta 1'. tea~poon~ H!}JJlnll. ~ocla, ~ teaspoons OW" c'up ~mg;aI' heatell SPOXGE CAKE. olle minute, 1 cup flour, heat- P11 the minutes; tPHspOOIl haking oJlP-half pc:w(ler ('np water. and flaYOl'ing'.-f.Jottic Beat lnlC miJlute; R!}lJIlW. 1. NUT CAKE. r('wo ('UPS flCHlI', 1 tpnspOllll ~/:.!c'up ~weet milk, ('UP IllltteI', hnlf JA)! tie flY IJIlW. s()(ln, 1 ('up sug'aI', ol1e- 1 CU» Iluts, 2 eggs.- EXTHA XWE \\',\L~rT Heat 01: to a C'I'pnm oJlC'-hnlf I)is~olyc- ollP-hi1 ~f ('np of and all(l IIJ('K()RY~TT ('up of hlIttpl' ('cwnstaI'('h sug'ar. add ('.\KE. nllll one eup in ollP-hnlf Thpn of milk of ~ng1lT'. ('np ('UP of whites of c'hoppp(l wa Inut flOllI' with 1 teaspoon of :2 egg'S henten to huttel' ~ti tr. JIIpat~ ancl of haking' A t the pO\wlpI' last a(ld flann' with van ilIa . (1cl(l 1 aucl tIle' ono cup One heaping' .\ PPLE 8.\1'CE C,\In:. ('UP of hrown OIl<' awl ol1P-half of soc1n, 1 eup of c'hopped SUg'ill', 1 ~w:lnt half ('UP l':lUC'C',1 llPclpillg' flour, ~ ('nps of ('U])S of applp rai~ills, 0. C. .t"('It. ''''~)()Cln of ('innaJlloll.-Jf.J's. Imttc'l', of tpa~p()on 1.J ~PI<'E ('-'KE. On0 C'l1p of g'l'allnla10il c'np of shol'tl'ning', olle-thit'cl of ~1ll(111C]l1antity tlolll', 1 t-cilspoon of clon'S.-J/n~. OlH'-lwlf ~ng'tll', 1 ('l1P of 1111ttC'I'lllilk, ('np of ]'ai~ill~, ~ (,l1p~ illlCl (.innamon of of ~o:l~pOOll sti 11' oup-half 40 pnt when P. 1-1.'Poles. into panfo\ hllt that ifo\the way it :o;llOnld be.-Jlr,~. One em)" 1. ('np of apple ~pi('('R, V:! cup of flon r.-/Jo1"othy san('(>, with rai~iJl~ (Jurti,\). MM' . •\PPLI'~ R.\l'C'E U.\KE. (,11}) of ~u()'a.r, II., I~ M l1j~ tpflRpoon (or ('alllled ('1l}1 of ~h()rtening, of ~o<1a ~tirr'e(l 1 in, :2 ('UPR of t'heT')'icR), FHlTl' FHORTIXG. of 1 egg'., 1. 'Yhitp ('up ('np raRphcrri(>~ without is stiff enollgh it IayerR.-ll/l'.,). 8. D. Baker. tllir(l~ nntil three of p:rallnlate(l .1nif'e. Heat ~ng'ar, two- a 11 tog'ether to fo\pI'f'ad on (,:11\:P. rrhiR will ('OYPl" To :3 well HOLI.. heatpll tahle~poonR 2 teaRpoOIl~ haking- qlli('k O"Pll. Turn V. of eol(l water powder. out /1. .TELLY f'.\KE. cg-g'~, ad(1 1 ~wallt and 11/~ Rake ~prpa(l with ~n~'ar, .J. (,11pS Hour ~ifte(1 with in long- tin in a rat1H'1' roll U]).- jell.,-; ('np and (;rearll :xl thp yolkI' hpating ~c'ant lh. of (']'eaIn tartm', HIeTT porNO CAKB. with lh. hutter .and whit(~ Repm'a.tply 1 tea~poon flollr ~ift('d witll 1 Ih. ~llgar. Ad(l 7 cp;g~ and la:"tl,y a<1(1 1 of ~n(la awl 2 of H:lke in a. slow oYen. -11/1',';. V. 'l'. ('.\nA~I EL FHOWrI~G. Two (,llp~ light it hair~ 1 tahl(~poon nntil awl ll1n~. Ndw{/Ird Burns. from ~poon. hrown Rugal', watpr to moiRtpn, hoil ('ream or milk. Ac1cl hnttp]' Rizp of hi<-korynnt CT'ealll.r.- Heat until ponK C.\ KI'l. (frC'p f)'om lean or One lh. pork elll"rantR, ~ngaT', 1 Ih. 1 pt. ~h'ong' Ill. C'itrol1 OJ" ~o{la, 1 tahI('- ('offpp O\'P]' and let Rimmer OIl ~toYe a fpw minutpR hpfOl'P aclcling- flOlll' Chop C'itron fine a.nd ch'c>clge the fruit with ('0 (Tpc, 4 ('UpR hrown Eng'li~h ~p{)on nntmeg', pork thp ]'PRt. ~o it will not () ('n}JR flouT', 1 tahI('~}Joon 1 tahle~poon riwl), II:! ('innamon. ]'ai~ilLR, fo\ettle. Ponr Put eJ'atp OYPll. papPI' in hottom of tin an(l hake ~lowlv This lIIak(~ 011P hll'ge loaf.-J/alJelle in mo.l- A. 'F()l('.'( Onp-fOlll.th \Y.\L~I'T ('UP huttpr, CAKP.. 1 ('up ~lIg-aT', ::? cg'g'~, 1 ('liP COOK nOOK milk, tea~pnonf' two-thirdf'. haking' enp pcnnle1', <'llOppnl walnut 2 tUrf' flc~U1'.-l'. mentf', I). 41 2 heaping 1V~ ('UPf' f'poon~ OI1P-thircl flour, ('()('oa. ('up hutter, 2 eg'!..?,~,:! teaspooll~ V. h VaniIIa.- ('0('0.\ ('.\ K E. 1 cup sugar, 1f2 cup cold water po\\"I!Ollf' ('up ('01(1 watpr, ~l)oon,; 2 1('\'el f' two-thi]'cll" 'rwo oHt 1 ('UP ROnI' milk, allClnutlllPg,l in tin. ('innamon Put Take 1 eg'g, of ~~ihle. -V, I). tI0111', 1 ('np (,In'~IB ('.\KE. ~ug'ar, ('UP of a,1Io\'(' I/~('up lIl.ixtU1'c. 1 tP<1SpOOI1 f'o.la, huttc1', To ]'ef't 1 tp<1f'poon ('up l'n~f'ins, mix as little ('u]> of thp :}l.t on']' top Sprea(l f'('ant. adcJ e.a('h af' pOf'- ('l'lllllhs FE.\TIlj,:~: C.\ KE. Om' ('UP of whitt' 1 Pg;.!:, two-thirds tpa~I)()ons pyen Hift baking' of powclr]' ('UP milk, baking' with l"ugm', 2 tpa~])o()n~ IIlclteel sift-pcl wiih f10111'.-J!I',\,'. H. (,'. ('"rti,\,'. ('u]>~ of FlayOl' 2 c\'en powder. hnHr]', flcllll', lplllon. :! 'I'wo-thircls 4 t':l!llei'poons ha king powcle1'. nOLI. ,JELLY ('.\ 1\:E. ('u]> ~ug-al', 2 tahlcs]>oollf' meltcel hutter, ~\\,ppt, milk, :1 f'gg'f', 1 ('n]) t1om', 2 tpaS])(H)])S (;1'<11H]:-.11 I',\,'. S if/"e. Ow' ('UP sng:ll', a until.it f'pin ('n]) of nnt mCHts will th]'p:1<1 awl whell nearly :l1lCl \'anilla flHnn'ing-.-.Ilrs. WBITE FI{()STIX(l. -J- tahlp~poon~ swPpt Boil (']'eall1. elone a,lc] fl. ('. ('"rtis. 1. Our ('liP salt JHl1'k fr('(' from lpan I'O!:K ('.Ui:E. ('11]> ~ugm', ~ocla, 11/~ ('ups ('inn:l1l1on, ] c'l1O]>])p(] "cry 1 c'u]> lllo1asf'ef', l'ai:-:ins ('l1P nut. f'('('el('cl lIl('nts.--l'i/'(/ fine, 41;~ :11ul 1 ('u]> hoiling' ('up~tt()ll1', l'IlOpp<,cl, Frir'k. wiltel',l 1 t-c'aspoon 1 tahl('sIHH)fl OJ\(' cgg', 1 ('UP ~lIgCl1', :!-:~ C'U]) SOUl' C']'ralll, fill with SOI"n ('HE.DI ('.\1,E. 42 LAKIWILLE L.\DlES' .\ UXILIAUY butterlll!ilk, nutmeg.-JI 2-3 teaspoOJ) soda, 2 cups r.~. l'Jl.; Prid,'. flour. Fla\'or with One ('up sugar, Vt ('up shortening:, 1('up huttermilk, RPlf'E C.\KK 1 tea:o;poon ~oda, 1('up raiHins, spit'eH to Huit taHtp. ~Il'R'l'ARD Onp g"aIIoJl tomatoes, CATRr P. half 1 quart peppers, salt, 1 OUllf'e whole a]]spite, ('lon~ and I'oot f.6ngf'r. \'inegar, 1 pound 1 ouute pound mustard, sugar, 2 rell hrown ('lIP l/t hlnd~ peppel', 1 ounce Boil OIW llOur.-'\'. I). One ('up Hour eremn, 1 ('up ~lIgar, 1 ('up nut llH'AltS. Cook until thid\.,-JI r .... A. I,. ?\';qlw. FILLIXG FOR ('A KE. ()IlP ('UP sng"ar,lh ehoppe(1. it will form a soft halJ.-M J'8. A. I,. X';(/lle. Cook until Nc'r FILLlXG. ('up milk, llllts thiek, or when tpsted in ('olt] watp}' a little hutter, Two ('n])s hrnwn ~ugnr, of IlllttPl'. a soft hall, ad(] \'allilla.-.lf.J'8 Boil until CAILDIEL \\'h('n tpstc(1 in ('0111water FILLIXG. Y:.! ('UP milk, a little t. L... \';(//(('. .. pie('p it fOl'llls One awl one-half rol(] wafpI', 3 ('n])s flour, 2 teaspoons ,,'hites of 4 eg"gs, unhpatcn.-JJ.J'.~. H, e. ('Ilrti.~. \YlII'n~ C.\ Kg. enps ~mg"ar, lh ('up Imttpr, 1 ('U)) of hnking- p()\\'(lpl', PIES One-half pad~agp raisins ~ngal", 1 tahlpspooll en with floul'.-JI hutter, 1 tahlespoon r.,<. '-JeT II'nrd H urns. IL\IRIX 1'1 E. ('ookPII lInti] tplllll'r, 1 ('111' 'I'hil'l\.- vinpgal'. LIDIOX PH1. nearly a litt] .. I'ind awl nl'atp 1 ('lIP of sl1gal', huttel' Yo] ks of ~ ~gg-~, 1 tah]espoon 31 ix tng(.thel' atHl th( • .ll1J('e of 1 h-'JIlOIl size of a hil'l~Ol'Y Hut. aJld of ('m'H~tcll'('h, 1 ('np thf'll add to the alHwP. hoiliJlg; watpl'. COOK BOOK L~t for ('ook until frosting'.-M thiek I",~ •. and t. Ii. Xiqne. put in baked 43 ('rust using whites IL\XAX.\ PIE. Two ~li('~cl banana~, 1 tn hle~poon 1 eup of milk, of eornstal'eh c'u~tal'd V:! eup sugar, the RIieed . t /"/1 01d L. ha.nana~, and iYiq It e. "'hen a IHI whip cool pour into the wh iteR fOJ' fl'osting.-JI1"8 . yolks or hakeil flour. shpll of 2 egg's, Boil on the IL\I~I ~ PIE. Onp ('up sug-ar, 1 tahlp>;;po()n flour, 1 tahle~poon ('up ta.hlpspoon~ hut- ,'inegal', 1 eup {'ool hc.fcwe putti ng" into l'ai~in~, togptll<'l', ::? thpn Cook II:! ter, ""atpI'. ('l'll~t.-I)()JI/la, grouncl all ('It/"tis . .\ PPLE (T~T.\IW 1'1E. ~Iake aeld 2 eggs sh('>ll of paste of it, Haye ,,"ithont you ./. P. f)('I'/IlJe/"!f('/". npper ('an put whip ('rust. a Yrl'Y ~lIlooth applp heaten really ~mJ("e awl and fill with to ea('h V:! tll<' ('ustal'(l. (,l1p ('UP fre~h milk. Bake ni('c r.~. extra it.-JI If )~Ou want. ~olllething ('ream on top wlwn yon sel','e lightly ancl fTST.\ HI> I'm. Two 1 pint eggs, V:! ('up Rugal', ~alt, of miCg.-.lIn~. O .. I'i('h milk. /. NJI.'Jd('/". :2 tahlPRpoons little' Fla,'Ol' with flout:, pilwh g-t:ltccl \l1lt- Put clllrrhpl'ri("R ET,DEIWEHHY pm. in n ('olanllpl' awl a fpw lllinute~ throw' to watcl' O\'Cl' th(Am. Let ~talHl •\1111 ~ ('UPR Rug'al', 2 tahlp~poons jui('e of 1 IplI\on 01' yinpgm' of to make and a littlp flour quitp bll't.-l'. hoiling d)'ain . II\Ol'C I;. ('HE.Dr ('II EHRY PIE. One> ('up swpet (')'rmn, 1 ('up ~m:::al', 1 tahleRpoon HOU1',littlp ~nlt, yolk of 1 egg', 1 ('up ('h(>l'rlr~ ('an ~a mp aR ('.11l npd OlWR). tiJlin~ in. Bent white .11rs. Pred H('(N'ds/('/j. fl'eRh no not hn kc (')'lI~t hpfOJ'p you pu t \ rHold, top and hl'oWIl.-Ura('{'. u~r for One ('np milk, latr, 1t/~ top.-Na for tnhlt'~poons raf1 e. PIE. ('II()('OL.\TJ'; 1 ('n]) ~l1g-Hl', (.hc)('(l- flOHr, Y(llk~ of ~ egg-R, whitc"R ht'ntC'1l 11/~ tahlr~])oonR 44 L.\KEnLLI~ L.\DIES' A UXILL\HY rrhree sqnareof one yanilla. CHOCOLATE C"CRT.\HD PIE. eo'o's 2-:1 <"UJ)RWJ'nr, 2 ta hlp~pOOll~ of MM 'b dlO<"olate melted, (If milk A(l<1 one pint of ~a1t, pint'll alH] hake in one ('rn~t. roeoa OJ' • flay(n~ WIth LE~IOX 'PIE. ~~ng'<1l',l ('up Thl'ce-folll'th~ ('up :! .roJk~, a ta IIJpRpoOllR JCII\(!1l l)1.iJillg' w:lter, suo'a1'; ta hlespoc)]l:'1. c'Ol'n~tR a nil .r . .I/iller. aIHI when P<,,<,Jan\lllHl~.h PIE. two them and heat enongh n.\x.\X,\ of ~ egg~ to a C'J'C:llII, with O1H'-llHIr largp ()]' thl'ep the Pgg~ togetlwT' with Hakp with Ol\(' two (f r!/ for a JaI'g'p pie. RPITC ('old.-J/ a lllPT'ingn<, lI\~Hlp of lIa nana." clone {'oyer with two tn 11 1 PRpOOIlS of ~llgm'. CHE.DI ('HElmy PIE. Yoll,s of ~ eg'gR, 1 ('ll]) ~ngar, 1 ('lJ}) c-lt(>rrf(i~, 1 ('n]) RwCpt ('l'('am. Bnk(' 1 tahl<,~pooll l.a~t nnd(>1-- ('MI~t.-.lIrs.J/ary M'ill~r, put whitp~ in of flo1ll', on top ~lH'P tomntoPR in thp mOl"ning a 1a."P1' of Ralt, with awl Rngm' awl cmEE~ T(nI.\TO tlw nig-ht (l1'a111 off then tnmatoPR, f1akp~ of hllttpl'.-F'or{/- PIE. hpfOl'{l aJHl the Jiqnor. a ~pI'inkle l-'pl'illkJp with the> pif- jni('c J"ilJ IPIIIOIl of (J'n'PII. CIT(}('OL.\TE PI E. Onn hm' dHl('olatp, • .~ tahle~poonR eg'g:~, Rllg'Hl' and flouT' to a (,l'pam; 1at<,.. thp11 n(lil tllp w111t<~ of cgg'R foT' fl"ORting'.-(1arJ'ie 1 ('up ll1ilk, 1 ('np ~l1~ar, 2 egg:", yoJk~, of ('IH)(,o- filling- ~lIl.(l,usp ' thpll the ('ook('cl ('(l1'n~tarc'h. :lIld milk 01' 2 of NihlJlr', (,l'll~t Bake tlonT' Bent first, an'(l , . pm OIlP ('lip T'(li~ill,l-' (~'hoPP('cl): 1 tpa~p()on IL\IRI~ lII!lk, \nth hnl ('I'lI~t:,.-7:.PorteI'. of ('I1lJUlllJOn, y~ tPHsIH)on ('loYP~. 1 ('u]1 Rllg:al', 1 ('11]1 l'kIt Hak<' COOK nOOK J5 LE)JON PIE. Orate 1 lemon, mixing juice with size of egg, 1 thin ('up eol(l watpr, 1 cup Rugal', yolks hutter Bake with cggs, add 4 tn hleRpo()nR of f'ug'ar a nd a fe\\' Rprpall of 2 eggs, slice of bread without lUHler Cl'llf't and top and return to o\,pn to hrowl1.-/J'/ia \\'Iw11 (lone 0\,(>1' grated a piece the heat white~ rind; 1 of cruRt. of 2 (lI'ops of lemon. 11/illcr. B C 'l'T 1m HCOTCH PIE .. ('up hrowll of hutter, yanilla. until Onc 1 tahh»spoon 11a\'or with ('onstantly whites .11a1)('I Reart/8Ic/j. all 'l-'ut of cgg' on to]> or whipped thick. sug'a 1', 1 heapi ng ta hl~poon YI~lk of 1 Pg'}.!:, 1 ellp JIix \ togcther hoil in' ba.ked C]'ust <:l'pa11I.-.11 r8. Ora. flour, of sweet milk, stirring put .and ]?c(l./'icr, and LE)I ():\' PI E . cf and pm't . 'rhc jui('(' 1 ('up of ~ugal', 2-3 ('u]> of ,,'ater, Pg'g~, :! tahlcspoons in a. IIlli('k OYt'Il. ('ll white's the tlw OY(,11a nil hrown Ilow' swe('tpne(l sl ightly.-IIi.:',:'ie of flour, ~tirl'ed \\'hcn eggs, of t-hp gl~atp(1 rillll or. on.e Ip1l1011, tlllT~' E/I~':(, ])1':1t- to thc heat« lil)toh:s'hf in a little watpr. top the sl)J"I'~Hlon the a. n:.'l'Y 1ittle. Lu."lw/'. Hctu1'n 011(' pint. milk, of 2 ('o'o'S. ('ru~t, ~~]till yolks 'Bakc hananas tnrl.-l1/ /'s. () /'n Reo re/', l'epl'at BC'nt la.ypr until <11111 n.\~.\~.\ 2 tahlespoons PIE .• too'ethcr and (~ mixtm'p pie j~ full. flour, tlnyor with and Inxp-J- of 1j~ ('UP sug.ll', "anillp. sliced for )\'hite:-; B~J.lt )1.\ PLE Rynrr Pll~. ('lIP llIa pIp ~,'Tllp, 1 egg, 1 ta hJ c:O;POOllflonr, )Iix well Onc of 1 1('1I10n 0]' 1 tC'a~poon and hake with 11nllhle Cl'ust.-J/'rs. ,f. F. /)cruhrr!J(T. of vanilla, the to- jni('e gethpl' :\1O('K ~II ~(,E :\1 E.\'I', One pint of gl'('('n tOlllatne~, \,pry tine, 2 ('UPS RUg'HI', 1~ Ih, l/~ Boil ('np Yinpg'a]', (lJl togpthe]" 1 tpaspoon V~ hour 4 lm'g'e applC'R ('hop])f'<1 ]''Hi~inR, 1 ('UP mo- arlll taking JURt hpfol'c ('innall1on I'lon~, .. fi1'C', stir in th1'C'f' tHhJespoons Can while hot.-.llar!l((rd ",ate]'. flOlIl' wet of .lrJ/old. in a togethpr lasscs, salt. f1'l"llI tIll' Jittlp ()IlP ('np sour tf':l~pOOll l"OCH Clm.DI ("l'pall1, 1~ ('up spellf'll PIE. I'inllamnn,l ('UP slIg'm', fine, 1~ l'nisins, 1/1 tl'n~poon ('hopp('(l ('lny('s 46 LAKEV[LLI~ LADIFlS' AUXILIARY 3 yolks of eggs, 1 white of egg. the whites of t\\~O eggs, with two tablespoons on after pie is baked and brown in oven. way, stir all Rake like lemon pie, using Put If not hked that hpfore haking. three whites in together sug:ar. CUS'r.\Rn PIE. 'rhl'pe eO'O'Rbeaten wQll, 1 eUl) sugar, of RaIt, )(ix all togetlwT' and ha.ke with OlH' -1 pt. mille pinth ( nutmlpg, ('I'ust.-)/:J'8. n~ :1. L. N iqlfe. MOCK CI-UmRY pm. One eup cranherries, Y2 cup raisins, cut cadI in halyes; 1seant eup water, 1eup sngar, 1 large tahlespooll 'Hom', 1 teaspoon .T. F. DerlllJcr!/cr. Bake with douhle erust.-lll yanilla. }','i • CRE.DI PIE. Rake ('T'URtfi~t. sugHr, pineh of Ralt, 2 white~ for fl'o~tillg. One pt. milk, 2 eggs, tahlcspoOIlR tOl'ustardl. Season to taRte.- V. IJ. 1h cup Use )[l~CE ~[ENr. (heef 'rllrrc is hest), howls meat, two 'of l'aisiIis, two tahlPRpoons five of apples, fiyc of onp of lllo1asReR,onp-half of hllttm', Rugal', one of hoiled cider, eaeh of eiuna- ilIOn, nutmeg' and elove~, one eaell of salt and hlack pepper, and jui('c aTHl grated apph~ tldn with oom(' of 'l'll is three mrtJte~ about mo'C'eb()wl~ of apples and can it while hot. it kecpR \\~(>ll~lo~' the meat was hoiledi add two r'incl of thI'ee lpmons. the liqnor two gallons. Chop meat too thiek fhJ,.e. and hoil ahout time without.-lllr8. two hOllY'S; if -\\'. fl. Kelly. I usually n. or Rut ?\fOCK ~fJXCE ~m.\'r. .. ta hh~poon einnamon, 1J:! , :3 (,ul)~ 'rwe]Yr- ('ups ('hopped appleR, 4 ('ups l"ug'al' dOVPR, Y2 1V~ ellp~ lwarlv Y2 tahh'Rpoon a llspiee, 1 tahle~p()on nutme~, ral~inR, ta hlespoon \'ine~'ar Ol' hoiled ('ider, 4 eupR water. ('00]':('(1 ('a].:p maT he IIln(l~ h:r apple ~~lllce. CUPRm lTI('e meat, nut uteR.-.1II'R. e. Cllrti,\;. A YP1'Y g-()()~1 ill pla('(' of 1 1-2 ('up~ Rugal', 1V~ I; I cup hutter, 1 tpa~pooll Roda, Y2 eup Bake in a Rlow Oy(>nfor 45 min- llRll1g th(" min('e meat Tlll~ IS my recipe; lllf"ntR, 2 ('np~ flour. .and 2 ell pR jplly. ('U p hu ttel' all il :y.J "'hen lL\JRIX PIE. 01ll' ('UP ('hopP(l(l raisins, Put Oil stoye awl hpat until Rlig:htly warm. 1 (,11pIlllttpl'Illilk, 2-3 ('up Put SllgRlHl111pkiu, ] cnp sllg"al', 2 ta.hle- lI~ilk, ] tpa:..;poou eillualllou, 1 tea- spoonR flour, spoon g'}ng-er, V~ tpa!"'.poollRaIt.-/Al1l.ra. 1 pint hot /j(f.'/tO/l. IL\1S1X PIE . .TlIi('p all(l g-rated rilHl of 1 lemon, 1 ('np ]"aIS}UR,1 ('UP :";lIg-ar,1/~ ('np lIlola:..;~ps,:! tahlcRpoOllR tlmIl", 2 tahlc- SpOOllRhutte.]" 1j~ tpa:,,;pooll ~a1t, a few lIlillut~R awl ('001 hpfOl"C nsill~.-I.""'n' :2 ('l1pR wHtel'. 'jaytoJl. rook 48 L.\KIWILLI~ LADmf;' AUXILIARY PUDDINGS SlJE'f PuDlHNG. jJudd'illlj.) Oue Cllp ~llet (/Jquo.{ to jJllltJI :z ('\lPH HPe(led raiR1ns, thoppptl 2 cups fine, 1 enp sweet milk, 1 ('nl' cur- peel, 1tca- Stea.lll tlour, 1 ('np ,and orange lemon lit ('up each of citron, 1Il01a~"eH, rants, l-ipoon Hotla, cinnamon, hn) hours. ' If not wanted S U/lwe f()'J' alJ 0 r e-One (each). e}(wes and nntmeg part of so l'i('h omit corn:-:ta 1'('h. heap'1 ng teaRpoon PO\ll~ ill in a teacnp. iR to kepp hot. i11 a to I.)d/f~(lnl stirring Add little &llt and set on ha<'l{ of stoye take Huh H1lLooth in a little f'low]y, full. 'J'hen nntil (Jlw Y1, ho\\' I, then add hot Rta 1'('h sti l'l'i ng \\'P II. l-illit<~taste. I: IftJ: II •..,.' 1 ('up ~ngar and 1 egp;, hentpll h()ilin~ watrY' unt.il Can he used cold lik('d.-_MI',~. light IFIann' cold water the while, fruit. cup all if (m.\ H.\ ~[ prDDI~G. Onc and onp-half eups of SOUl' milk, 1 tahlespoon ftolIl', 2-3 ('IIP ~ugal', hUttpl', 1 ~~ tcaspoonH soda, 11/~('ups Cn'aham flour, little wheat Rtea1ll1 Y:.! houy's. Sallee-One fT'uit to tastp, ('11P sugar ,,,ith :! ('l'PClHlCIl a tahlpHpOO1\R I/~ C'up salt. in 1 ",p11 hentpn ep:g 01' ",ltitp~ of two cg:g:~. hll ttPl'. Fla nn' to tm"tc.-JI rx. A. Rtir I). 8todda,rd. ~TE.DIEJ) ITJHnXG. One C'llp milk, 1j~ Cllp ~m~rnr, 1j~ C'up mo]as"'p~, 2 ('lipS ftollY', 1 ('lIP raisins, 1 tea~p()()ll 1,h solla. SpT'ye ",ith whippPIl ('rea1ll. ('lIP hnttpr, Steam 2 houT'~. ru TE penD! xc;. 'rwo P::!::!s, 2-3 C'lIp sllgn)', 3 tahh'~poons (TlllllhH, of C'hopprspooll 1 ('Up ~n<,t, 1 tPH- al1!,])j('0. 1 C'llp r1JT'1'allt~, llIPg', COOK nOOK 49 sweet milk, a little add candied ahout half of 5c. of each.-jllrs lemon, or:l,nge and salt and mlix stiff. citron . .f. Iil. DernlJergm'. steam 3 hours. peal sometimes, I LE:.\[ON PUnIHKG. Hutter an earthen Then make '3. lelllon custard 1inger crumbs. water, grated Rngar.:Roil yolks of eggs until ('rnmhs. tahlPRpoonR Sl1{..!;ar and hrown in oyen. .,,(l.mc-Three rind of 2 lemons, a.nd stir it into the mixture thickens. of O/l.'donl Sa,w'e fol' a meringue nIake dish, and Rtrew stale or dry lady of one cup and juice of two, one cup four well beaten oyer four cold pour four beah")Il whiteR, 'Yhen four egg's, three tahlespoons Rpoon ya nilla. Hoi I nntil sugar, little it- thiekeIlR.-J/ gills milk, J'olks of salt, one-half tea.- rs. 'Phos. Forster pound Onp-half F10 1'1' DlH XG. figR {'hopped fine, one-half pound Rnet ('hopped fine, one CllP Rwpet milk, one cup hrown Rug'ar two larg'e cups hread crumhR, cin- namon, and one- lIal f hourR. }"airy two egg's, one teaspoon c10yeR. Steam three ."nme-'l'wo whiteR heaten stiff, onp ('rea.m, one-half sug'a1', one-qllfll>ter eup hot teaspoon one-half SfllI('C for Reat wel1.-.Mrs. '1'lws. Porster ('Un powderpd tpuspoon yanilla. OIL\XGE SHOUT C.\KB. One Pp;g, 1 te~l('llp Rug'ar, 1 tahleRpoon ] CllP Rwept milk, 2 tpa~po()ns baking powder, 2 l'npR flonr. Hnke Split in dripper. ('ake, ,,~hipped ('ream.-Plo/'a. OreclI. Rix orang'eR ~lieed fine, 1 cnp sugar. on oranges, and Rerye with spr~l(l huttf'r, coyer One ellp molaRseR, 1 eup Rweet milk, nn.\H.\ M prnlHXG. ~ (,UPR Graham flour, 1 tea~p()on wda, Rnlt. 11Oll J"S. flour, 1 lwa ping tn hlespoon hut.tpr, 1ta hleR])oon ~inger and a. 1ittl(' llutmeg.-J/ary eup' Rug-aI",1 deR.~rt,"I,poon of 8nlf('(>-One A lIrlrew8. 1. eup ra IRIllR, Stea.m 3 R~O\Y PCDDIXG. Onp pint hoiling watpr, 2 tahleRpoollR Rug-aI', 3~/:! tahlespnonR eornRtm.('h, pinch of :;:..alt. thpn a(l<1 whiteR of 3 e~g's hp:lten p,tiff and heat ])lHl(ling. tltiek; il~to the 8a/l('(>-YolkR of 3 eg-g"R,1 eup Rugal", I1h ellpR milk, thi('kpIlR aIlrl ponr Oypr Rmall pic('(l of hutter. Flayor with Iplllon. r..ook until 'nook until 50, LAKEVILLIs LADIB~;J AUXILIARY pudding. place.-llfl's. S. D. Ba.kcr. Flayor with lemon; then set on ice or in cool Three slices hread 'lspoon cinnamo'n, tP..... 1 pt.-1JI-r8. A. L. Aiqlfe. butter nUBAD PUmlIN'G. (Roaked), 2 eggs, 1cup su~ar, 1 1J2 size of an egg, milk nearly 'CI-IImUY 'Pl~m)}NG. One (:np cream, nf sofln, 1 enp of fruit and flonr eu()n~:h for a 1hi('k hntter, ndd- iug fruit and crp, 1. tea- tem;:,poon nutmeg-, rl H1JE'1' prmnXG. Onp ru]) of ~uet g-T'ouncl tint>, 1 ('up huttermilk, 1 ('np ll\olaRReR, 3 rup~ fiollr, 1 {'up ra iRins, 1 teaRpoon soda. ll[ork l-!om'd ~tealll 2 hour~ awl spt in o\,(>nto dry off.-Jfrs. HrE'l' Pl'])])]XG. =Xl One ('UP Slwt, ('u]1 ll\!ola~s(>~,1 ('UP ~wrrt milk, 1 3 {'llP~ flonr, 1 teagpoon !'o(la, 1 t<~nRpoon('lm"- fill 2 rtt. 1j~tca!'poon salt. ""ill ('np raisins, CR,1 tt-uspoon ('innamon, Rtpn III :2 hourR. ha~jy\. 8(1I/('C-Ollr tahleRpooll hutter, 1j~('np hrowll :;:n:!nr, 52 LAKEYILLg LADIBS) A UXILL\RY 1 teaspoon water, lNbble. flour creamed vanilla 1f:2 teaspoon together. and juice of V~ lemon.-Oarne Add 2-3 cup boili~g One-half cnp Rngar; 1 egg~ 1 tahlcRpoon hutter, err rrnDIXG. tahlPRpoons Rweet milk, 1 te..'lspoon haking for thin hatter. -11/ I"S • SteaHl one-half hour. f~. }.,T-iq1lC. ..'1. 4: flo~n. powder, Any kind of frlllt. LE)ION Pl'DDlXG. to amount of cornstarch in 2 tablespoons OIlC pint hoiling' watpr, a piIH'll of !'1aIt,1 cup sugar; and t11e juiceof 1 or 2 l'tir lellloIlR, according- Let come to a boil, take off the fire and add the whites of 3 eggs well he~lten. 3 ee:gs, 1 ('UP ~n~ar, Stir 'Dressing-YolkR 1 Rcant cup Rweet milk, 1teaspoon Take off the fire JURt hefore it comes to a boil, pour oycr puchling wlwn pudding lemon rind when mak- ing- white part.-ll1iss J.l/avelle N el.';ol1. thorougllly. in a little of juice. is cool. yanilla. Grate APPLB .TOHNXY. Onp cnp hutterm ilk, 2 tahh~poonR shortening, tc'ar.-pooll Ro(la, a 1ittlp haki ng pow(lpr. Rtiff and put Oycr apples.-:l[L~.~ l1f(J1Jelle Nelsoll. Stir moderately V:! OR.\XOE PODDING. time thPlll and let stand a short Rlice 2 orang(~ in lJ11d(linp:(li8h; pour 1 cnp of sn~m. diRh. yolks of 2 oyer in Haye 1pint of hot milk in whi("h ponr beaten eggs, V2 ClIp Rngar, 2 very sm.'111tahlespoons a little Ralt and cook. oranges. put hrown in o'~en. of cggs.-l'Jlla. Butts . of cornRtarcll, on atHl oy<>rpnrlding- and ",Yhipped cre.am is ni('c instc-ad of whitcR "Xow pOllr the ('ooked pudding of the 2 Pgg'Rto a stiff froth in 3 tahleRpooIls of Rugal'. Reat whites .another Ponr .\ RBI PLE F.\ YOHl1'B. of of hitter ("hocolate. r~rn8t.ar('h, 1 tahlespoon all wet with ahont 3 tahlespoolls milk. Pnt 1 pint of milk in a douhle hoiler an(l 1 heaping- Add to this wlwn heat{~l tahl(-spoon 1 tahleRpoon flonr, 3 tahlp- RI){)OnRof whit<~ su:,!ar, 1 heaten P:,!~,pineh of salt, a littlp 000k nntil hutter, thickpned yanilla while into ~la~R cnpR or Rc'lUCP disllPR. it Ren'c awl the swpetened, following tn 1V:! ('npR milk, yolks of 2 Pg'gR, snp:ar ('old with whipp{~l or with plain ('ream slightly ('r(":llll ancl sn.'''ar (likp hoilr(l cURtar(l). is cooling and tnrn Aclrllittle or with fluyored SalWP: roo , ('OOK nOOK 53 suit taste or ahout 2 tabh~spoons. til thitkpne(1 8 III JJ/ a. Noh h. slig'htly. (GetR thicker I~et cook, not boil, un- .-JlII'8. in cooling) BOILED HlCE ceSTARD. all Three {'ups milk, Heat nearly :~ {'up white to "~et up the eg'gs, stan'h sugar, 1 tahlespoon and pinth ('ornRtal't'h, yoll\:R of 2 eggR heaten, hit of huttpr the milk in double boiler, using of salt. Add them a. little to the hot milk and cook until cream. ,..-\d(1heapi ng eup of hot boiled rite, wh i{'h haR bpen cook- ~rhell ,add flayoring ed ~() the grain~ are quitp unhroken. dish aUll After ('O"Pl"with the whites hf'atpIl stiff with 1tablespoon of sug- :U' ~l.(lded. Brown .1Ir,"i. 8mmn Nohl). and sugar. thitkened into a haking from the fire, put Iig'htly. ,yarm.- takin~' Better eohl than like LE~IOX 1'l'D1)J XG R.\ 1.; ('E. One-half 1V:! tahleRpoonR lpnlJon jui('e, {'up ~ugal", 1 ('up boiling watpl', 1 tahlt'- tahl(>~pnonR flour, 2 tahleRpoons fpw gl'ating'R nutml'g. Rtirl'ing rPlllOYPfro1ll fire, ad naris rool a. littl0 sug'm" in and put then :111<1th~' mix<,d ('01'nstar('h an(1 milk, :l little of milk. ing'red ipnts. the otlwr :llHl pour IIpat s.'1lt. On<, ('up ('hopppd ~lwt. 1 cnp ('hoppC'll ral~iIlR, 1 tpa- ('u]> 111ola~~es. ~~ cup swPpt milk, Rpoon Ro(hl, 2 ('ups t/:! :;n- ET ITIHH XG. LAIGJ\'ILLE LADlm:f .\ UXILIAUY hrown sngar, 1 f}uart flour mixed and steamed.-lll'1"8. J 011 It- HYlHon. TAPIOCA PCDDIxn. cup of One-lmlf 2 Pggp., Ih (,l1p sugar, vaniI.la. until in thp nulk AR it doeR RO, haY(~ the yolkR of tapicoa, '1. teaspoon put and let come Soak it tapio('a, 1 pt. in to n egg~ and ~ngal' fire frop.t- frolll the H(~mo'-e soft; of salt, then of milk, pinch watcr unit well and put an(1 a.dd ,-ani11a.; ing.-J//'.'\: ZO(l, h lYiq1.lc heaten ~)(ld to the then in dish. URe whitt'R for ahove. One ('up gl'ated V:! ('UP Illltt('I', 1 tCH.f'])OOIlR()(la, ~1j:! eu ps flour, ~ hours. II:! nip Rugal', earl'ots, HaIfN] to/' jJllddiuy.-T\\Jo C.\ mWT l't:IWIXG. 1. cu'p raisinR, 1 tUP p:ratec1 raw potat()p~, 1. ('up cUl'rants, steam II:! teaspOOIl ~HIt. ('up sugar, 1 lelllon. 2 teaS])OOnR ('Ol'nstay'ch, Boil awl and R(~rYc on puddillg.-'-. togeth(~r (:U])s hot gl'atcc11'ind 'nIter, 1 Pg"g, 1 jni{'e of Ii. COOKIES 0.\1':\1 E.\L num' ('OOKII\~. ('~gR, V:! ('up hllth'l'milk or sweet milk, a wI on('-ha If (,uPI' hrown sugar, Xl 1. tca~poon ('u l' laI'(l, 2 ('inna- t('a~pooll R()(la, 1 teaRpoon RaIt, 2 ta:hlcR])oons ('ups flouT', :! (,UPR oatmcal, l'aiRills aIHlnut lIIO- 1I1cats. One :Y.i 1IlOll, laRscR,2 -.1//'.'\ .. l. Ii. Stoddard. () l\('- haIf ('Ul' GH.\ILnr ~ll ga I', 1 Pgg, ('()()KIE~. p.aIt, ~ ('ups ~Olll' tlmll', 1 tpHspoon II:! ('n]) III('Itp(] h 1Itt P1', 1j~ llLi11.:, :! ('np~ ~o(la.-'I'(,JI((' gi ng01', 1 t('a~poon flom', 1 ('n]) whcnt tpnRpoon Ol'ahHllI II ()d,ff('"~. .\IOL.\SSI':S ('OOKJES. (hH' C'g-:.r,2 tn1Jlpi"]loonR hllttp}', ('otTcp, 1 ('111' hoilillg' ROlla, 1 tpai"pOOll gin:.rPJ', nPO rd."l r.'l. lIlo]a~s('s, flour r. 01' 7 tahle~p()OIlS 1 tpa~pooll r.".. Fred out.-.11 2-3 ('llP ~llgar, to 1'011 Two ('llp~ Sllg:aI', ('()f)KIER. IS ('llP ImH(,l', heatpn well, 1 ('lIP }'ai~ins dlOppP<1 filiP, II:! ('lIP la1'll, H pp:g:4 :? RllIall tpasl)(lonS COOK BOOK. 55 haking- stirred powdpr, in huttel'mllk salt, 1 cup sour milk, They .. :\IOL.\RSES fine.-J/ are COOKI ES. 1 teaspoon r..,. IJd. soda llJ c11-(l!J. One ~'up shortpn ing-, 1 eup Rug-aI', 1 cup best l1lolas~e~, V:.!eup cold waipl', 1 heaping- Geason with '1 Pp:g-. ~ ew tem;;:poon g'ing-el' or 1-3 ineh thick.-M r~. lr. 11. ]{ell!J. OJ'leauH' ~()(]a diRs(~ln'd Boll vanilla. in water, ahout One Pgg, 2 ('up~ ~ug-m', V:.! ('up hutter, Rl'G.\R ('OOKIER. RO(]n, 1 tpnspoon haking' f1, if iH U:oiPspoon ~()(la. fI'oth.-(f/o.'i,'iie 0((/'(111(>1'.. Rtil' ('HE.Dr ITFF~. in one ('n)) of flonr. )lp1t ~~ ('up of huH ..}"in a ('np of hot wntpI', awl it fI'Olll thp in tlll'CP Pggs, on .. at a tilll(, with- small To nse whippp(l ('np \\'hi1e hoiling hpat fir"e and \\'h('n eool f'tir Ollt )w.ating- them. spoonsflll ('I'l'alll Drop tlt(> lIlixture ellHl. hakp in a lIlodeI'ate m'en. tnk .. orlP ('lIP S\\,p<,t ('r'earn, ow'-half on tinR in fot, filhng, 'rake COOK nOOK. 57 pnlyerizefl Ji'l's .. 1. O. Cham7Jcrli,lI. sngar. Flavor with V:! teaspoon Yanilla.- Onp enp molasR(~, sUg's.-(//'(/('c 2Y2 ('11pSflonr. hcat with soda, 1 tca- Hcat ., rnold. ~I ()L,\~SES DUOl' ('OOK I E~. 'I'wo rups ~ug:al',l/~ ('up huttf'r, 1('UP warm wa tCl', 1 ('np molasses, ~ eg'g':-:,2 tpaspOOlls socIa, 1 tpaS])OOll ha Id II~' pow<1('I', 1 tom.'poon Sti'r qUitl\ stiff.-Urw'c ., rJlolrl. ('inna \lion awl o'j llll'PI' :-- C(\(']\ :-- of , xr'r ('()()KIES. One an(l ollP-half ('nps f10nr, 1112 ,. :--l-o' hratcll,:! in whi('h di~:-:oh'p 1 tpilspoon so(la, 1 C'np raisinR, 1 Cllp nut meats, 2 lIlO1'(' ('nps f\olll'.-.l1 rs. 80t,. 8c('orrl. ('nl)S sno'ar 1 ('up l)Uttpl' 3 c\n'(I'~ tahlespoolls hot watpl' :-- , COOK nOOK. 59 eRE.Dr Onc cnp hoiling watcr, V2 cool. takp off anfl stir nntil on Then ad,l one cup of flour, whilc on stOyc. Add threc egg1',.onc at butter. cnp Put PCFFS. Bake 25 minnteR.-J/r8 .. /. Secord. Rh)yc and boil. ThcIl a time well beaten. Al\IOXL\ COOKIES. Three cnps sng-ar, 2 egg's, 2 cups Rweet ]nilk, 1 cnp lemon, 5 eents hnking: amonia. /1. soft.-llI ~Iix rs. A. f-lhoripning', 5 ("ClltS oil of 1»l'id," padl one lw.forc ba.king-. N JW II roer. HOLLED 0.\T8 COOKIES. One enp Rugal' and 1 cnp short.ening bcat~n tog:eth- pr, yolkR of 2 eg'gs, a little RaIt, Y.! ('up Rweet milk, 1 tpa- ~poon :-\Of1::1,1 teaspoon oatR, 2~/~ ('npR flOlll'. Wake tll(~ whites of 2 eg'gs, heat to froth awl .11. sl)],P~Hla littl~ on top of f'ookieR hefore haking.-l1Ir8 IJ(wllwrt"wlI. 2V~ cnps cinnamon, rolled . 0.\'[')[ EAL f'OOKIES. One awl OlH'-half ('npR hrown sugar, :}4 enp lard, 2 eg-g's, y~ ('np RWCf'tmilk, 1 tf'aspoon ] tem~pooH einnamon, :-:alt, 2 tahlespoons moln~~es, 2 ('ups flour, 2 cnps oabllPal, :X't tea.spoon smla, 11:~('UP raisins mHl 1!~ enp nnt mcats l'ol1p(l in flonr. to hak~.-jlliss .1Iol)('l1e Xe!.'wlI. and drop in (lripp~r ~tir all togcther One cup sug-ar, 1 f'g'p:,1j~ cup molassf's WI~E mwps .. teaspoon s()(la till white, floul', g'ing'PI' and spi('es 1 heaping' ('nps ])]'0]1 with sma II spoon on Imttel'e<1 N!)('Jwer. 1j~ cnp shortening', in which stir 3 to tastf', 1 ('ll]1 col(l wn tpl'. .:1. H. tins.-.ll J'.~ • PILLED COOI~ms. For tll<' tIlling- takp 1 ('np of ('ho])])<,<1raisins, 1j~ Clip t-hil'l~awl ('n]) wntpI', 1 tahlf'Rpoon f1onr. sllgaI',1!:! nntil hy m~ing 1 ('n]) sngal',l/~ Pg'g, 81/~ ('np:.: of flollr, ~ tca:-\lwons of ("l'f'alll of tartar, tea~pn()ll of ~()(la. ollt Fol(l on']' thp oth~l' half ,yhile this is l"oo1ing:make the ('ooky <1oug'h ('n]) :.:hoI'tening", 1!:.!,l"np milk, 1 1 the (long:h in n th in ~hept, sl)]'P,Hl with till ing on hn If of (long'h. Reason with YHnilln. in sqllnI'ps.-Nro the mixturc .Ili!!f'r. Boil Boll :nul ('lit rrwo ('lIpS lwown sugaI', 1 ('n]) hutte]', ('np ('01<1wntpI', 1 tpa~po()]1 ~()l1n, 1 tensp()oJl haking 3 cgg'Po,1/~ pow- \YIIl'l'J<} COOKIES. GO L.\I~I~nLLE LADIE~f A UXIIJIAUY i1(,l', V:2 I krlllHJ1"!ICr, tem:,poon nutmeg; flour to make soft donp:h,-illlic COOKIES WITHOUT ECW, 'l'wo ('llPS light brown sugar, 1 tUP swcet milk, 1 ha king' )1O\n1e]', 1 tem"]Joon soda, 1j~ ('np hutter, tl'aspoon tlO1ll' to 1'011out nil-c. ('IIE.\P H"C'l' GOOD GlXGFJHSX.\PS. One (,U]) snga 1', 1 ('up lllolass(~, soda, 1j~ tahleRpoon 1 cnp hot \Vatel', 1 rs . ging-er.-J1/ ('np 1:11'(1,1 tahlc~poon .II. I J(/ 7111)(' rt.wm. S"CG.\U COOKIES. 1'''"0 ('UPS of g']'anlllaJptl 1 ('llP of Rhm.tening', 2 ('gg's, 1V:! teHspoons II:! teaspoon of yanilla, lIlake Roft doug'h alld ]'oll ollt ni('cl,Y,-Jlr8., of soda, 1 tcaspoon Rug-al', 1cup of Rour cream, po\\'.ler of baking' flour 0. O. enough .lUCII. to mUIl.DI FInTl' COOKIES. ()1H~ ('11P ~llg'Cl1',1 egg, 1 ('np smll' 1 teaspoon Drop (;J'ahalll HOll]', 1 ('lip raisins. Illolasses, ~tlt1:1, 1 telhlp~I)Oon ('''»:-\ -.11 J's. /j 11. ('II rU8, ('l'(~mn, 1 teaspoon einnmnon, in tin and 21/~ bake. {;oon :\IOL,\:o\:o\ES ('OOK lESe 'rhl'pe Pgg!o\,1 ('11]> ~llgm', 1 ('llp 1l101aRSPS,1 hig; ('liP Sea- (,11e in 1/, ('lip lwiling water. eillnallloll, !o\oft.-Ulall '~Iix 1:11'd, ~ tC'H!o\poon:-\of ~()(la. ~Oll with I )()I'! ('I'. 1l1ltlllC'g awl FILLED l'f)()KIES. ()IlP ('np ('hopped r:1isin~, V:! ('UP sngal', 1)~('UP wab']' ('Oll- 1 tahlp~poon th(' .lol1gh hy u~inp,' 1 ('UP of' !o\Up,'.ll',l/~('lIP ~h()]'h'lliup,', sti]'J.ing' a 1)(1 make ~rt WhPl'P it will kepp wm'm ttom'. thid~, until Boil tm't:lJ', 1 tra:-:pooH of ~oda, 1 t~l~poon :{I/:! ('lIp~ of Hom', :2 tp:lspoons of Yilllilla. ;\11,1 ~tantl~ .. ('ocky 1 l'g~, I ~ ('UP of milk. of tllp dough othpl' /-;"".([,.,1 thin, ('ocky Oil nilI'll"':. ('lIt out, ~pJ'('ad tll(' top awl hakc top with in n mO(lel'atp ('1'{\alll Holl pa~t(', pnt all- 0\'('11.-.1 I/'s. Two hlltfeJ' )Iix half ~t)c1a. ('UP~ h,'owll ~ug'ar all(~ thlt'k with (;l'aham lard, half 1 ('liP swert milk, tlo111'. 1 rnp shortening, 1 fp«l!'IH)OIl tllill. Holl of r. H.\ II .Dr COOKI ES. (:-\('ant), COOK nOOK, 61. Roil to~ether PUFI"S, CRE.\?\I 1/~C'n-}) hutter, ] at a time, in 3 Cp:P:R, and then ]lHHlcl'ate O1'en, stir 1. cnp flour, not beaten, T,ct cool Rakejn One and one-half cnpR of ~mp:ar, 1. cnp Illlttel"milk, f'OTJR ('(m.Dr COOKIES, :3 ep:g~, 1. 1-3 en p sour IlHkinp: pO\\"(1e1', fln1'o1'inp:,-lJottie ('rea 1ll, RymaJl, teaRpoon ROila, 1 tea spoo n FIUED CAKES, Two Pgg'R, 1 enp 2 teaspoons haking ilk, pi nc'h of snp:m', sa It, :3 ta hlPRpOOllS mcltec1 powder, 1. teaspoon flolll',-JI llntmcg, lard soda, 1 (17'1/ N, ('ream, or ('liP Imttl']'llI .11 iI/fT. egg', thc One a ('np amI of ~alt, Illeg, 1 _teaspooll tlonl'.-J/,'"" Dnr(HIXCTS. :Xt- ('np Rng'a1', 2 tahIespoollR reRt. of ,r 1/1. Ro(ln, 1 tpHs]loon the ('np filled with (J/((ddeJl. Imtterlllilk, thi('k ('ream in pi]H'h po\\"(1p]', nut-- hnking' ' FIUED ('.\ KEf'. 1'wo l1IP(lil1ll1 ~i~e(l potat()(~, maslwd; pim'll 1 ('up of hrown ('np of make :-i\\"eet milk, soft- 11ongh.-.1frs. sugar, two teaspoons Imttm' o. ,I. SlIyder. si~p of walnnt, haking powdp]', of salt, V:! to ~ egg's, flOllr FIUED C.\KEf'. 1'wo eg'gs, 11/:! ('11]1S sng'HJ', 1 ('np swpet milk, 3 tahlp- soft ,,\(1(1 enollgh to 1I1Clkp a S]lOOll~) Rh01'tplIing'. don.!.?:h,roll nwl ('nt ont.-IJ/willda flOlll' I'ortrr. FInED C.\KER. On£> awl one-half egg', 3 llIedilllll to tlw a hon'. the ('l1))S of ~llg'm', hnttp]' si~ed si~e of potatops and tea('ll p of ~wpet 1lIilk, of haking- po\\"- 1 of hllilpd .~ tpa~poons of gillg'p]', '"clnillil.- lllaslu'd ('UPS of ('001.1 ttmll', :o:alt, 1 tpa:-:poon Lpt a slllall adde(l ~ egw;:., ~ heaping d(')', cl pilH'h of .11rs. Un/f.f' .\ J'lIo7d. Onp eg'g, :! ('UPS sugaT', 1 I'Up Sotll' (']'C:I1I1,l FlU ED ('.\Jo~ER. tC'l'llIilk, 1 tpaspoon tp:tR]JcHln sa It, V:! 110m' enough ~oa~pooll t<>:lRpoon c'inna mon, "1 to makp a ~oft dOl1;.dl.-J/rs. ('Il» hl1t- Ii..! haking- 1 tI'HS))OOn YCl II ilia, powd(')'. Ij'lfip (fllrl;s, 62 Iu\KEYILI~E LADIES) AUXILIARY. Three well beaten eggs, F'RIIm CAKES. l'cnp ~"'eet milk, 9 talJlespoons melted salt and nutmeg.-ll/r.s.lr. H. ](elly. sugar, I lard, ]2 tablespoons teaspoon soda, One cup 80ur milk, to make thiekpl' little flour frolll spoon in (leep fat.-J/r8. O. H. Parkcr. I teaspoon than pancake. hatter. so(la, 3 eggs, FHI'!"l' EUS. salt, Drop pmED C.\KES. Four small potatoes, sweet. milk, 2 tahlespoons melte(l hutter, ing powder.-'l'clln H orl,qcs. IV:.! ('ups sug'ar, 2 eggs, I CU]) hak- 2 tahlespoons PnI'I''I'EHS. One teacnp hntter milk, a little tea- flour to make a paste to fall off the spoon nice- lard the sam.e as for fried cakes and fry is it SpI"ye them hot wit.h maple Drop in hot done. to hoil g'ranulated salt, one leyel sllg'ar i('ing- for cakes in water. and pour oyer or syrup it Do, not boil fl'itters.- spoon soda, l~'. until . hpttpr as thil'k as for .11r,r.;•• /. II. H nttN. nO"CGHXe'l'S. Two eg'g's, 1 ("up p:ranulate(l tprmilk, huttpl' haking-IH)\nlcl', I) Cr.r; ('I" . size of walnut, salt, cinnamon sngar, I eup sonr bnt- 1 tpm~poon soda, 1 tenspoon ",i(> 11/. Den/- 01' nutll1c~.-.t SALADS CORX R.\L.\D. ()JlP and olle-half doz. em's of corn eut from ('ob, 2 slIIall heads of ('ahh.q,!,'(\,3 gl'pen ]WPlWI'S,4 large onions, 1 11l11H'h('p\(-ry, 2 qts. Y1ncl-!::l,I',1 ('np salt, 2 ('ups SUg'HI', ]/.~ Ih. ('nleman's '('ook ("O}'llsppm'nte1.r and p:H"h :!O lIIilllltpS. Fred lrolfe, 1ll11Rtal'(1. Th(\n mix pUtillg ('01'11 in last thing.-J/r,l,'. 1-;',." Jlillrr .. Twn l'g'g'Rhpatpll, 1l11\lstal'lI, pln('h Rnlt. tilllP. for ('ahhal-!:p,swPpt "'hPll tahle~pooll the if all ~.\L.\n IlUESSIXG. ('u11 Yinpg-:l1',('liP sng-ar, noil thi('k, lIntil stirring- ('ool, whip ill ('11))('ream, RwCpt or sour f4)1' l'0tatops.-J.)I,.irn 'l'o""II'k(wd. COOK BOOK. 63 One cabbage nressing-3 yinegar. Cook until hage.-H an1lalt. Pri1lce. CABBAGE sliced thin, SALAD. a little eggs, 1j~ cup sugar, 1 cup cream, thick and when salt and sugar. 1. teaspoon cool put on cah- S.\L:~IOX SALAD. cup milk and add 1 tablespoon I-Ieat one-half tem~po()n mustard, 1 tablespoon flour, 1. e~~, 1. .. After the aboye is eoolq:~d, let eool, add 1J~eup hot yinegal'. Pour th is oyer 1 eall salmon on lettuce leayes.-Clo8sie Gardner. a. spoonful a.nd sen'e butter SALAD. 1J:z doz. hananas, One-half 1/4 Ib. En~l ish walnut meats. FHUIT doz. oran~es, (lates, :-\n~ar, 1 of flour, }'olks of 4 eggs, sweet \'inegar ('ream. '{Jook.-.1/ and water mixed, 1. small teaspoon (/ry S . .lUll ere Dressing-2-3 1. dessert of sa.lt, 1. pound of cup spoon of 1. cnp of FHENCH DRESSING. it tea~poon of pepper. to taste. of hutter, Put one sHwll 'rake 1 eup of yirlf-~ar and water, more or less sour, into a douhle boiler with one of saJt and one- use half paprika and one of sugar if in- teaspoon (If preferred, Add one tahlespoon can he omitted, can he used, without 'rhe mustard the quantity lwpper.) of mustard. likpd, or double to the snlad. a('('ording- tahlespoon half and half teaspoon not jur}' Rea t. 3 e~p;s t.horoug'hly, 'and stir cooking' until it is of the consistency Takp off fire, and add 1j~ cup of cream, them slowly into of hoiled SW(.(.t the mixture, ('ustar(l. or sonr. ready \Yhen it oyer tlw potato ('ole1, pour sala(1 [1ish, a nd toss Iightl.r with a fork. keep as ('old as possihlf> till use(l. ~',pr\'ing is Oil top garnishec1 with sli('es of hard-hoiled also he heapp<1 on a phlttpr sprpad with Ipttu{'e leayps, tc,p gaT'n1fo\he(1\yith egg's, alH1 the (li~h lX1SSC(1ahollt tahle . in the Set a way, and Tlw prettiest. way of (11shes, the It maJ thf' tIll' fresh lettuee-Ieayes, in indiY1dual Pp;g'S. .\~p.\n.\(:n" ~.\L.\n. .\spa rap:lls fo\alail, with a maYDnna ise (lI'(>8.sing', is 011(' of the (lish(>fo\mo~t p:ratpfnl Preparp tit .. stalks whieh Rholll(l lw full and white hy hoiling' until in the i('e hox tpIH1er. lllltil Pnt i~ made as fol1ow:-\: \ good mayonnaise (Irain thm'oughly in the s]winp:. and set ('old .. "'hen 64 L.\KEYILLE I.-ADIES' .AUXILIARY. ,yell with II woorlen ire into of. the iee. ~()me ('racked ('cnter and Rtir R]owly add V:z hottle it time one thiek add a littlp time and stir eonstantly. it wiIl not mix Put place a dish and of for pan the yolks spoon a howl four. eg'gR into five minutes. in the a bowl Then beRt olivc oil, add only a. few dropR at at getR too If together. too 1111.1('hoil iR a(l(lr(] sauee If the .J. M.iller. vinegar.-lllary Eig'htepn 1 large larg'c cabbage, onions, :-\ugar, 2 qtP. yinegal', tal'(l Ilh's. Z. H. O'urtis. tendpr, until f;AL.\n. (,OH~ carR corn, 3 ta.blespoons ('up FaIt. 1 scant 3 g'rppn.pepperR, nf mustard, 4 large 4 cup~ Cook all hut mus- tlH'n add lllu~tard with a little water.- nHEH~IX(L SAL.\D lllllRtard, 1 teaspoon ] cnp sugar, size lmtter teaRpoon 1 egg, One Rpoon flonr, of' thing-. (louhle fl'llitR: hananm;;, 1'l1Pl'l'icR awl EngliRh walnut ,,"hile awl when hoiler (}l'ang-es, of a walnut, Rtir well V lIwga 1'. through adfling ('001 mix applcs, ce]cry, nwatR.-IA?JlOF((. scant, 1 cup milk, put vinpgal', 2-3 cup so(la, 1 table- a pie('p in laRt in a 'Cook this the following ")rarm~ehillo DerJll)(T!!('J' . OrlP-half (loz. orangeR, TInt~. da te~, 1 qt. of EngliRh 1 ('lIP of yincgar ~ e~g'R, ~lI\all dl'(':-\Ring 11ntil f]uantity tlti(']~cnR. , . FRTTr SAL.\n. V2 doz. DresRing'-2-3 hananas, awl watpr mixpd, 1 (le~r-:Pl't 'R])OOnof of Ralt, 1 ('np of Rwcct 2 IhR. of ('up of sllg-~r, flollr, ('T'pa,1I\. Cook FHTTI'R.\L.\D. Onp ('11)) ROllr ('l'Ca1l\, 1 teaspoon \n'll wHII ,'iHl'g':\J', 1 P~g yolk heatpn well, V~ ('np warm water, ('J'ea 111,~ tn hlpRpOOllR g'l'a n11]ated~llg'm', ~alt. (1ook in (lonhlc tfllhlcRpOOll corllRtarch l'alh(lJ' Hl)(,(lll ill one \\'hen Ill!!'J'('di(>nt~ of Rnln(l: 1 (H'a11gP, ElIgl ('ool, Rtil' iRh wn lllutR.- Y. [J. in the hpaten white :3 hananaR, hoilpl' a.nd cook (11')' IIlnRtard Rth'l'('(l l/:! ('np 1 tea- :lH(l wlJilp wm'm p11t until it thickellR PI!,"!!,'. 1 (lm~. one 3 applp~, of ('.\ BB.\GJ.; H.\ L.\ n .\ xn IHm~~I xn. 0111' ('lIP ,'iJwg'al', 1/1 teaspoon 2 egg'R, ~-~ ('np ~mg'a.r, ~Illall pie(.(' 1ll11~t:ll'(1, lj, ten~p()on R:lIt, VI tea- LeI' [J.' ]{iqlf('. Boil 10 III inrJt PR l'ltil'ri ng' ('onRta nth'. :-\til' thJ'ol1gh (']lOpppd ('ahhng('.~.1/"8 ])("PpPl'. t. .. of hnttpJ', spoon ('001 awl COOK BOOK. 65 S.\LAD DHESRIXG. the .iuiee of one lemon nut meats, aIHl salt, 2 teaspoons add V~ cup sweet and ~'(:>tin hot water a<1(l 4 ta hlPSpoollS aIHl yinegar, bowl, in a quart add 1/2 tem~poon ftour, yolk~ of 2 cg~s. ('l'eal':t and the whites and of salad cook until oil or it IIleH,pil 'rhis will 1\.e('}1Wf>11 aIHl is goo(l for nny salad.- Squepze eHeh of sugar, smooth; 1J~rnp o:l('h of mustard Rtir of th l('kens. hutt(>r. .1Ir.';. F. H. (/w"/"in. then thp ep:I-!:Rheaten 'rhen 'rwo Pp:g'R, 1 tahlpspnon mixed mustar(l, R.\L.\D DHERRIXG. l'lize cf an ('gp:, 3 tablespoons n Iittle more; Beat Set. the <,gg's, aild the mustard, the melted tIw how]" oyer boiling: water thpn a(](l thi(,]~ awl ('l'p;IUn the smooth. bu:.t thing:.-Jfr.li. lT~P ('01<1. 1h teaspoon yineg:aI', salt hut- and Add /.}d"'(I}'(l lkat sugar. sa It, pi('('e of 1mUPI' 1 taobles})()on sugB!'. illul tpl' and 1he yinpg:aI'. :-,til' ('ollstantly until a ('up of whip]Jp(l nll/"JI.';. VIlli. (]~~z. nrang:es, walnut mpat~. One-half English ])re.'i.'iiJly-2-3 tnlllespoon tog'rthpl' wnt(']',l Cook all ('r<'H lll.-H erll iN' H7 ".e77. ;111(] FHTTI' 8.\L.\D. 1j~ (loz. hananas, 2 Ihs. ,latps. ('U)) ftonr, y~ cup sngar, 2 eg'~!:s, 1 small yineg'ar, 1j~ (,l1p h'aspoon.snlt. \\'hrn ('001, n<1<1OIl(' ('np of swpcl One hox jello, 1 pt. hot water, 1 ta hlespoon ('001 a(]ll thr ~tifl'1y whippet] whitps lemon of 3 Pg'g-:" .TELLO. ('l'P:lm, whipprd hananas, or whnt yery ROU(l. P"PI' fl'nit 'I'hpll liked.- "'hen jni('e. anl1 1 c'np whipppd nuts, <1Ild nrnng'ps, II. No r(fll (111aIll7Jerli 8.\L.\D. O])P ('nn peal', O1W Hn;l n half YE<:ET.\nLE thJ'f\P hCilds g'I'CPll ('1l('l1I11'lH'I',1 tpa~p()on ('elel'.", small pota,l-oeR, hPil HR,l CggR sli('PIl, in~ an(1 in thp ('entm' ni-.:.h with :~ hpets sli('(l(l. of pints onion, 1 tpn('np 2 har(] )lix S<11i1<]with FrCll('h snp:ar, of ('ol(l hoilp(l stI'ill~ hoilpd (]l'e~~- 0.11'- r.'i. '''7/f).~.For.'iff'},. thp howl nRe Illayonnaisp. hi11'(l-hoilp<] Pg-gs :11\<1 lwpts.-.1/ PE.\ S.\L.\D. On('-half hp,H] en hhngr, 1/, 11.. g"OOI]('lH'P~p (]ic'('(l. :O:lIg-n1', 2-:1 folloWR: 1Il1l~1nl'd, 1 tpaRl)()(1Il tl01ll' ~til'J'('(l ollP-half ('np rJ~eaJll R~llil,] O()ll eg'g', littlc plltting S.\L.\D mtES~I ~G. cnp lllllRtanl, ~mgal',lj:.! eup wat.cl', 1 tn.hlpspoon flollI', (jook an(1 add a. little salt. on ('ahhng'p.-.Jlr.'i'. Frrd V:.! cup hnttp1' sweet U{'(wd.;.;lr.l/. l'E.\xc'r .\~D l'ABJ:.\GE Onp ('np Rng:ar, ~~ ('u]1 Yinpga1', 2 eggs. S.\L.\D, whpn ('ool add 1/:.!('np cl'C'am, V:.! ('UP penlluts hilgp.-.JIJ'.;';. "(/Jllraf/oJlcr. I.-IIP-fla Cook HlHI ('ah- ftt. :1I\(]l YolkR of -l- PggR, or :! wholp Pg:-.J'fo:.,2 tahlpspoons (',\lun E'S 8.\L.\D. huHpJ', 1 t~lhlt~ponJ1 d !lPg-a 1', 1 ('11]) Clngp~, c1at0:-:, gl'Cl]>(>:-:, hannnns ( 'I/(( JJJ h (>rI ill. 1 :-:llIall ('I'ealll. tahlpspoon ,C'ook n n<1 when and Rugal' mllf-ihll'd, 2-3 Clip ('()Ol put 01'- 111lt".-.1/r,\' .lIar/; ovpr . Onp-hlllf IlPllCl ('nhhag'p, 1 onion, 2 ('Htlllllh01'S f-ili<'(>(I. 8.\I..\D. IS (,u}> :-:Ug-Hl', 1,4 ('up vill('g'm', ~Inkp .md :-:01,\,(' nt OlH'P. 1 ('Hl; no not. :{ ep;g:~ hpatpll wplJ, whiplwd ('''eitlll. ('ol'k.-.1lr.;.; ~1l1t. . .110.1/ still. S.\L.\fl Two ('np~ yillrg:m~, flHES8IXG. 1 tnhl('~poon mll~tal'cl, hoilpl' nntil hll t tPJ' m'pJ' thi('k. info t op.-.11r.....'1', S flr)(' 1'0\11' pint Ii/(/ kpl'. 'yolk~ of -l- pg:g::-:.. :!-:~ (,llp sugal', 3 tahlcRpo()n~ flOllI' rook ill a (10u])10 turn meIt('d jn1"R :lJHl COOK BOOK. 67 CUCU~IHEH AND OXION S.U.AD. (Rlieed), 1'hree fItS. Y01111g: onions ('umhel's. Lpt stand oyer night enough water oz. celery salt, 2 oz. allspice, mustar,l ly, pour oyer yegetablpR and seal SI1()CII/(Il.'rr. and viIH>g-arto toyer. to coyer) - .and dl'ain off. 2 heaping in In"ine 4 f]tR. gl'een cu- (lV:.! cups salt ano 1 Ih. brown sug-al~,2 tablespoons ground thorough- (lleat dressing- in ~Iason .iar3.-J/n~. 'fl. CI-IICI\:.EX SAh\D. rOHRtcd is hest, teurler Cut ('01(1('hid~pn, Use only the hl'enRt aurl into f]11arter inch l]il'e. fillets from the thighR. ~'Iariu~~te a. pint with once the measurp of French tlr(>~~~illg'awl 8pt away to RPason and ('hill. .At selTing tillw a(ld an pqual hulk of (li('ed celery, and enough mayoll- naise to 1lI018ten thoroughly. on a 1){'llof torn h,tttH'e a nil garnish witl~ ('~ess or t1n.~ g'hpr1d IlR or stonp(] 01in>s. top and fl'inge it 1'00llHlwith the finest Drop a Inl'gp spoon of lIUlyonna iRp Oll ('e1(>I'~rtips. Al'range One pt. of hepts ImWl' fL\L.\D. ('ooke(] awl ('ahhagp ('hoppp(l, 1 ('up of grate(] Rug':n', 1 blhll'Rpnon Rnlt, a littlp 1)('P1wr. \'i negar awl Ij1.:';:'ie Hm'/I pit. ('an.-.lI J'S. ('hopper], 1 pt. of raw ]lOl'Re r[l(]i~h, 2 ('ups of COYI'I' with ('olel .\XIl Two heads of ('ahhage, ('.\HR,\f;J<: hoiling' w:ltel', R.1Ited, 0\'1'1' (11'<1in. Ill. of whitp mustal'd Sl'(\c],('e]eI'Y seed if (]('sirpd. .111'8. cllOppprl fine. POllr it awl]pt it staud 24 hOlll'R fiJlll \'iJlPg':lI', :2 ('ups 1,l'own sllgal', V, CaJl.- rI'llPn a(ld 1 qt. IJi.:',:'ie Hod/dt. :\I.\Xfi.\ () peppprs ImLIRn. ('OUX K\L.\D. Two dozcn parR (,Ol'll, 1 1m'gp rahhag-e, 4 g'rcpn pep- :2 .... ('Upl' .1. I)I'own su ga 1', 1/.~('UP :o:a]t, 1/:.!('UP JlIlll't a I'd, tunlPl'iI',:! thJ'ep ollion~.-J/'r."', qt~. \'incg-al', ])('1':0:, tah]('spoolls /,) •• '{ IJC 1/ ('('1'. (T(T~IHEH ~,\L.\n, alll] peppel'~. 1'w(']yp Im'g'p gl'eell ('lH'IIJ1l1wJ's,.... l:u'g'p onions, 4 Pal'p ('l]('UIIIhe1"s, r(~lIIo"e RP(>d~and (,hop lal'g'e pcpppr~. in with onions c'loth hag- allcl clIoain OYPI' nig'ht. In mOl'ning, Hc]cl1 ('up g'ratc~clhOl~C'l'adish, 1 C'llP whitp sug'ar, 2 tflhl(~pooll:-; whitp lIlustm'd RC'ed, 1 tpHspoon ('(\l('I'Y RpPcl. ('o,pJ' with ('old I~'. 8IJPJI('('r. YlIlPg'aI' o\cl(l l/:.! h'H('np ~alt, put a!Hl hottlc.-.11 r......1. GS LAKEVILLB LADIES' AUXIl ..L\ny l\lix 2 teaspoons 1-8 tpHspoon lllnstar(l, gar and 1. cnp sonl' cream. S.\LAD DnBf.\SIKG. (lFith or n~itho'ntBg[J8.) 2 tpaspoons 1 egg. sugar, pepper, fo:.a.lt,1 t<:>aspoon yine- Cook th ick.-M r8. -\r. .1. N eel.'} ~\<1d 1j~ cnp One ean salmon, S.\L:\fOX S.\L.\n. eggs, 3 hoileil awl C"urlllllhrr with sal.Hl drpssing. HllIall can sallllon ..:-Jlfllwl Xels()/I. a little half Usr onion, amount relery of a Cut hnnanas BAKAK.\ f.\..:\L.\D. in fo:.li("es,plaee put OIl sa hHl dressing.-JJ.7'8. {.). H (J.'we/". on ll'th]('p Ican'H ;nul m~g'l' S.\L.\D. pota toes, with mayonnaise Three en})s ("hop])(>(l ("01(1 heets, 1 ('np of 1 ('u]) of hOl'sprad ish, 2 on i0HS. ('hop])('(l fl'('('ly ('oyel' d]'(~"i ng.-JlI r .....IJ'. H 0.')/1 e/". CANDIES Three wilh~]', Imttel' until tnHt('.-/;fl.'} Kelly. it ha1~dens nXE(;.\H CAXDY. ~mg:al', ('nps white the sizp of a. wahlllt. ill wate]'. II:! ('n]) Boil 'nWll p1111. \'illegal', ,,'ithollt V:! stirring ~~~1;1\'0l'to suit cup 'ITRKIHII DELWIIT. ('UPS sugar, Htirl'ing' Two Boil without whitcH of' :! Pgg-s HtitY a1\(l WhPH ]'eHt .\.\d 1 ('n]) ":lllilla. l'ho])pe(luntH POlll' into hllttl']'e(l II:! ('up ('m'll 8.)'1'11P,V:! nlltil it hm'dpllH ill w.\tp1'. is dOll(> heat nll(l })pat ng:nill, a(1(11 /{plI/J. diHh.-Nu!I ('UP watpl'. 'Heat it. tPilH])OOll into Xl'1' FO.\~I CIIOl'OL.\Tg. V:! Two ('llJlR ~llg-H1', of 1/1 tPtlHi)()()n (']'(\HIll Boil HlIg'(\l', wntel'a])(l ill wa1(,1'. of PggH. with ,,'hell ]ow('(l dIOPP("il nllti'. ('001 dip into to lIlplJow ~\dd nllIilln Drop awl on Imttprcrl Boll lllPlted tell'tal', (TPoon vanilla, 2 Pg;g"H,Illlts nn<1 ('llO('o]atPR. it will hal'd(\n pOll]' 0\'P1' ~tit1l.Y heatpIl whitt'H fo:.pl'cnd a1\(l l"holl 1.1 1)(' n 1_ has (\:1I'h Hon Htm until ('ho('oln h". ('ontp(l Th(~c plnt(\ heell tllat for a day 01' ~o.-"'arJlo //O/'!II('.,<.'\. COOK BOOK" GU One enp ~mg-ar, 1-3 cup bntter, OLD F.\SHIOXED T.\FFY. V:.! cup of pilH'h Boil nliilk, 1 teaspoon sa.H. uutil mixtnre 1-3 cup brown sugar, 1. tea- Ya.uil1~, ~alt, butter, form a hard and yanilln. 31ix Rugal', will AJld yinpgar tpl-\tp(l in ("old water .. cnt in Rfluareso-il/rs. -lL Do Bartnesso 1. enp molasses, RpOOll yillegar, milk ha,ll when Ponr in tin and an<1 lllolm.;ses. POT.\TO CAXDYo potatoes, fl'ayor One enp hot maRhcd gar, 1 (Onp dWPl)('{l nut meats, potntops thid\.; thcn 1";1"(1. F'I";d,'o su~\"nr in gratlually 1 It on platf's a.ntl stir knciHl, 3 lhRo pnln~rizf'-(l to tasteo Takc with su- hot nut meatoR nntil in S(]lwre:-:o- (Ont awl Takp -1 ("nps sngar, tartar, huttt'l' tll'oppe(l of when to Imttcrf'tl (":1n, the tt'pth wh ile l'atingo-N(/.'/ pnn and wlwn pnll in watr!'o ltmger yon IHDl E 1L\nE 'f.\FFY. ~ (OUPSwatcr, the ~'-izp of an f'p;g. V:.! Cook teaspoon until FlaY()~' (Oool cnough the apt K {'ll,l}. l(~s to RUit. tnstr'. !Pour pnll it aR long iR to stil"l\. ('ream hrittll' in- as yon to tlw CIL\CKER )Iplt. ~ {Onps g"ranulatcd Hlld :2 a thll'k syrnp; .TACK. Rugal' oyer tH:hh..~.poonR hutter fl'pshly oycr the firt> until it awl tIlt' }}opp('-(l L-et hoil awl ponr for1lls RHUle of molasseso t'Ol'no-U(/.'! K ell.'!o ('IlOCOL.\TE Xl"'J' CHIP~o Orl(' conp hrown tal'tnl', into a RHlIeepano A(ld l-\1)(.'1111('l'enm of tt>J', 1 (OllP JI]()bl~~(>~o Pllt ynnilla tm", fta.,.Ol'o into (0001, (lip in mcltt',l 11(/ J't II r....,"i 0 lllP.ltR awl Boll nllt thin ~trips ('ho("olntp sngar, 1 (011])nnt meatR, 1 tahlespoon 1 tpa~p()on ,-anilln, 1/.'1 PX('ppt nnts tpa- hllt- and in wa- {'rac'k, (Ont with ~l'i~SOl"So".hpn n. it will ha1'(len JllIixtll1'P will yanillao-So ingl'c(]i('nt~ all Hoil hoil llutil llntil awl tlnYOl't'll with 'Ont> (OllP slIg-aJ', V:.! 101lp milk, STIL\\YBEHHY ('.\H,\)IEL~o 1 (OllP ('orn tC':I~~poon stl"n ,,"hploJ'Y pxtrnl't, hUttPI", VI l'it>l-\,1 tahle~po()n PI:l(°e RlIg-m", syrnp, milk Hud I'l'pnm of Boil hll"C will pxtJ'ado to ~oft hall har<1pll Hoil :-;tag-p, n(ld stra,,-hpl'l"ip~, in wateJ'. clo not ~til'" IRpJI]on' up hnt 1 g'ln~~ prcsPITP(] tt>aspoon (OrPHIll of tm'tar hoil lIntil fl"OIll fil'(, anll Pon1' into ~YrUP, 1 st1'fl whcJ'- tmotm'o in ~Hn(OPl)(lJ)o Jl]ix- ad(l Illlttt']O('-(] TO pall~ a.bout H artllesN. LAKEYILLl~ LADIES) AUXILIAUY 11:2 in. deep. nl'ark in slnaH sl}uares.-lV. D. 'rwo hutter cups brown sugar, colate, f()rl1l~ halls.-lJ (/,JI'IIah Pri'1lce. of egg. size FUDGE. 1 rup milk, 2 squares Boil 10 lllillllte~ or until cho- it CHO('OL.\'l']'~ FI'Dfm. eup~ sug:ar, 1 cup 1111i1k,butter lla of gTatf'el eho('olatp, yani ~iz<" of walnut, to ftayor.-N r(1 T,,'o 4 ta hlespoon~ Sr'ott. XOrGE'1' ('.\XDY. Four cups white aIHl w'hen taa] 112 sug'ar, 1enp ghH"ose, 1 ("up' hoiling of 2 egg~ lneats Roil nb(we Beat 'hour. Add ~tiff. add white~ 1 lb. wa.lnut Van 1ra.f}oJl cr. candir'fl clwrrir-~.-L1(elln water. heatpll anc1 1 cup Two-thil'(l~ size of Pgg, V:! square Fl;DGE. ('hocolate. eup err-a III , 2 eups hrown sugar, hl1'tt(>l' cup ~nlgar, it will Onc until of 1 cg-p; well heatr-ll 1./\ mnXI'I'Y CHK\:\1. ('up eorn form a lIar(l and plat101' hall heat into a huttered IAlm7)ert~()}I. Boil whitc tlH'n tUl'n .llrs . .1/. syrup, in nntil 1!~('UP water. {'old ,yater; good and ae1(1 thi('k; and mark in squarps.- tpst ,rhpn hoiling'. '1'wo eups gl'Rnnlatr-el to d is~olYe ('J'cn JI1 of tn riar. elo not sth' while L\f>tpl' hoiling in ('ole1 wat0l'. 1 ('lIP col(l watp1', XMAS OANDY. ~ng'al', Stir well teaspoon hut Ilt('~. 'Yhcn l'PIllOY(, from ~t()n~ an(l ~pt whpre hottOlIl. pla('(' it is 1'0:1(ly .to heg"in to stir. di~h, ;\ lift .lJId, kllPHCl. will he. ('IIO('ola te may he llllHlp hy 11101rtin~('hoe'olatp OY('1' HllIl add Uhf/wile Vb sugar, 4 OJ' 5 mln- hall it will arC/nnel ail' will on hottom of yonI' The ~yrup w.in turn frOln to pnpC'(' it lll('at~ on 'top. tPR kcttlp ('fuHlil's.- "'hen 011t with YOlll' ha1H1s flnyoJ' awl f01:m ~ soft eiJ'cnlatp. Thp 1norr- ill soft on waxP(l 1ll0l'(' t" plll'P wh itc. is Hti tf 01wng'h :1Jl{l pl'PS~ nut III i~.ty gl'ay small a. Frit'k, it pla('p thr is wodi:P(l yon ('an 111111})of p:1I'J'afin ('ream ,. it halls hanel FOl'Ill awl flip 'l'akC' ~ e'llps ~E.\. FO.nr f'.\XDY. lig-ht sng:m', lwown and 1!:.! ('llP watC'l' COOK HOOK. 71 in syrup while and let boil, but do not bnrn. and pour hot, {,aste and whip win seem, 1Ia,:el D .. 1 runl d. to a cream; if you are successful, Beat stirring then ,the whites lig'htly. it (lrop on a platter of two eggs to Yanilla it an,'l a dre:un.- your product'R CRE.Dr CA i'\DY. Hpat whitC'R of 3 f'g-g'Sto stiff little OJ' put TInt mea{s Rug'ar. fnll of eo('oannt and stir Boll froth balls and ill st.iff with ~lip in cho- on top.- 4 tahlespoonR H()ll ('olate. .11i.'is () ('}I eriere !-). 8('('ord. 1'wo ('ups granulated ',Hoil until then of ('orn syrup. nf :! ('!.!;gRwell beaten" til -Jri.'i.\( OCJlcr;ere drop with ('01(1; tlwn 8. 8()~()r([. nIYIXI'l'Y FUDGE. 1/~eup of water, in water, sugar, hrittle nuts and fln nn'ing. platter , 1j~ ('up add the whites Beat un- or pnpcl'. on oilpd spoon ,PICKLES AND RELISHES C.\T:-;t:P- hnshel (J)()('TOR 's F.\ YOHl'1'E.) tomntops then stil'k three ahont padwg'e flfld salt, On.e-'half one 5 cent a.nd ahont cinnamon ~!zf'(l on inns wi th thelll. ('(10k well and pnt mHlc~r; ~ix tn hlf'spoons or al~o 1 tahlPRpoOIl dry llllls,ta.]"(l a11fl little a thin ('ook ('11]1 ~,l1g'm', ~'('antl/~ linl .. lc,ng(lr ~lig'htly, of yilwgar (':Hl.-.l1/'.'~.8. H. Rol)l). and when eayenw' add down, tahlcspoon \\"..]] wash ..fl fI nd ('nt. Oook g-ood tIll oug'h rol- tnfo\tt'; to suit tipd in afl(1 1. Oook i1 it to thin 11/~ Cl1])fo\. ThlR c1epenclR ROllW on stren:.!th L ..t hoil n]) and tlWll hottlp \\'1H'n thi(']~('ned, <\1H1YOllr t<\~tt'. pepper. yinegal' ('innalllon i~hont nearly (lone hag. 'awl 01' ']'O~L\TO ('.\']':-;1'[' 1 • . OJlC l)('('k ripe (']OYPR, all~pi('e g'l'ollncl ~~poon (':\ye11n8 PPP1)('1', 4 ta h lespoOl\R ~i1lt, hhH'k pCPI)(>1",1 tpa('h of '/.i tpa- '/:! tn.hlespooll 111ll~tm'(l, 1 pint Yinpg-al', ~ (,l1p~ in a 1mg-, tOlna tOPR, awl ta hlpspoon rl~hil.ty l'ipt' ('HILI tOJllatoC's ~.\ T;C'E. an(l 1 .1oz. quitp 1)('(']('(1 atHI ('ut, :! ('l1P~ ~l1g-;lT' (\r1lite), Jm'ge ollioJl~ ~:l]t. ;{ tilh]cspoOJl~ LAKBVILLg 72 ~ ('UlY.';yinega.r, V~ tf'aspoon ~nfficiently aftpr n()(ul ha.ying' fm' h:;ked but onions thick; the heans LADIES) AUXILIARY. cayenne sngar, pepper. vinegar IBoil until peppel' and tf)JlI'Hrtoes qnitp well eook(>(l. S. H. RolJ7J. ]neat.-ll1n~. a.dd the and as wella~ '£0::\£.\'1'0 RELISH. One petk tonwtoes (ripe), a tahlp,sp()on 2 oz. mnstal'fl peppers. ('elp'ry ~eed, 2 oz. g-roulhl sug-ar, ~Iix the tog-ether. green yineg'ar. Chop in hl;w] or peppers StaId celery and a fpw tomatoes and se~d, 2 lbfol..sugar, cinna.mon, yinpg-nr 6 oniom;;, 2 cup~ chopped I1j~ qts. V::! cup R{'~l- il g1.iu(]pl', spa- take 'Yith the run through and i.nto tIle and at a time, soften. discard ingrpdients. so they will not bits, parts into other into stir the out of the water snip the mearty pulp toma.to the 4: green f'(~ler'y or yinegal', ~alt, sOllinp;s onions, sonptl them quitkly :1 shar'p seeds, )1 ix :1wl turn knife, (':1n ('01d.-1111-8. Fred l\' 07f. ~fIX ED PI(' KLES. qts. Two g-1.'('en peppers, 1 hea(1 cauliflower, eU('lllllhprfol., 1 qt. small onion~, small :3 stallu;; ,'egptn hle~ to son k in weak r-:nIt watpl' in salllP wntpr until telHle>}'. rI'lwIl drain followi ng' cl1'eSRing-: tumeric, )Ilx ,:ineg-nr together ani1 the () taihleRpoonR sng-ar, l1j~ cnps thp d}'y ingT0Ili('nt~ ('o-ok thif'1~.- until :J celpry. for 24 hr~.; and p:round 1 ('up thl' ('ook lm'gp Put thpn penu' OYP1' thp lllllsltar(l, 1 tahlpspoon tlmu', yinpg-al'. awl J: 1f1J/('1/{~ Pri,.J,'. g'}'cHlnall) .. ad(l 2 qts. Onp Clip yiJwp;a1', 20 larg-e> ripe tomatops, ClIILI ~:\ TJC'K oni()l1l~, a litt10 Rpoons g-inger, l-'llg-:1J'to t:J~t,e. cnYPlllle :3 trnsp{)ons pppprr! :3 tahlPRpoons dn na mOIl, V:! Rpa l.-(fr,rw,qia Porter. () larg-c Ralt, 2 tea- cloY('~ t("a~pooll IXD1.\ REI~lsrr. fi }H', qUfll.t of ~a It. Two q na ds onions, 11lellimil ~izpd ('ll('ll In hPl'~ ('hopped ~ lnrg'p c':l11liflnwpr~, 11i~h~, in ~epnl'ate Lc>t ~tmHl o"e}' nig'ht: onp ('hop n11 filW Hnll put :J h:llHlfnl p0111' hoiling- wntp]' OYP}' t110 :1ho\'P illgl'edipnt~ well; ~llg'm', 1-~ 1h. white th is 1ll1xtUl"P COlllP to a hoil. '/'! oz. tJ0111', les ~10\Y1y 'and cnn.-M r.f? Tho.f? jflr;Nder. 2 g-l'Pcn 1)('1)1)('1"8, ('o,'p}'i l}f~'0:1('h with in tll(> mOl'lli np; (l1'ain 'wine yinpg-ar, 8 cup~ brown Lpi thPll mn kp na~tp' of ~-~ CU1) of Pour OY0}'t110 pick- tllllWl'jC. lllll!-1t:ll'd ~epcl, 1 oz. cp1Cl-v ~('('{l. '1:. f'llp 1ll1l~rard, thl'PP pint~ white all(l anll COOK BOOK 73 RKET RJ.:LISH. (raw), One head of cahbage fine, and the of boiled heets chopped; 1cup hOrRe radish clwpped fine, 1 ulhlespoon dry mustard, 1 .cup sugar, 1 ,.ine~ar to cover. Oook 15 minntes.- same amount ground tahlpspoon .1/ J'N. N. D. Baker. salt, SWBE'f PICKI.JES. 31ake -n, wea k hrine, heat hot and pour over pickles then prick fu]] of holes with fork. })ut it a. layer of ra'isi ns, a. layer of mixed spices to 1 qt. of vinegar. for n mornings; layer of pkldes, in ('ro<:k, 3 cups of g'ranulated Boi I and pout' oyer pi('k les.-JI sugar, r .....Jj7wr D. ]jo;:'o.. HLl('ED PICKLES. ('lH'um hprs Fin~ I]tH. sma]] thin, 1'1i('~l Hprinkle 3 .sweet on V:! cup snIt and ill'ain mid add 2 heapi ng ('ups seed, 1 teaspoon horsp- ta.hlespoon of Hour, 1tahlespoon then stand 3 houl'f'l; g'l'ppn peppPl"S ehop]Jpd fine. let hrown SUg'ill', :! tPHSpOOIlSwhite mustard tnnwrie, 1heaping- radish, N. I). Uakf'l". yilwg:'lI' to ('oypr nwI ('ook a hout 20 lllinutps.-JI r...... HELISH. One peek ripe TO){'\TO 2 tOJllatoes, ('plpry, 2 lhs. l"mg'al',IV:! qts. vineg'ar, 2 oz. cin- seefl, J gl'('('n ppppers, V~ cup salt. lllushlt'(l cel- () llle(Hum sized onions, ('hop tOlllatO('S, onions, into ~easonPtl dnpp:nr.-lll.r ('ups ('hoppe(l namon, :2 oz. ~lix yinpp:al', sal1 and sug'ar. pry and seaf'lOning'; then stir Z. H. ClJrt,i.~. ...... TO~L\'rO ~.\ TWE. Rixtpen ripe tonmtoes, 16 sour applps, 1 Ih. ralRlnR, t) onions, 2 gl~pen pepperR, 1 qt. yineg-nl', 2 rnpR sngl11', 1 tahlp~po()n ('innamon, Roil until donp. 2-3 of ('loY(l~, 2 of salt. 1t.\,y ('I-IOPPJm PICKLF.~. , One pp('k g-l'een tomatoes, 1 doz. Pol'pen f'lWUm lWI'R. Chop all a nil :! l:u'gp (~nions, 2 ("ahhag-es, 2 1ar:.re peppprR. then drain and let Htan(1 thl'P() hours with mw ('np of ~alt; add 1 ('up gl'atpd horsPI>adish, 1 o~. l'elery sped, 1 oz. mUR- nn not tnI'd spe(l, 2 lh!'. sllg-ar, vinegar ('c)()k.- .1/ ,......../ 111(' to ('O,'el.. IJprry. Eight('pn ()nion~, 2 hnndlps COUN nELIsH. ('ar~ of (>orn, 4 Rwpet lwppel>s, of (,plpT'Y,1 hen(l of ('ahhage. J large ('hop tlw 74 L.\KEYIf ...LE LADIES' AUXII ...L\HY lWPP('1'8, onion~ awl mustard :! tUP8 of sugar, hoil let likpd aIHl if torn to ('olot" and it finp, eahhag'e V2 ('up of salt, all tome awl tOrll to a hoil. put- hut in add the a(ld then 4 tabh)'~poons G ('up:~ of about 20 minl1'tes; Put in l'ans.--IJolfie sOllie R/j- \'inpgn1', ("('le1'Y, of g'l'ound thl'n tUIlH-'l'i(' JJI(/JI. - i 'Onp po('k SWEET gTOPll :;.:alt awl of TO:\L\TO t(\matoo~ two cold w,ater through ::l 2 ta'Hh'~l)(Jon~ them a pail 1II()1'ning ancl ('ook ('rock away suga1',.l ('loyes, for usp in two \\'p('k~.-Jfr8 a1\(l 2 (lHYs then ])OU1' o\,pr (;1' wholp ....lrain a tilll(' them few at (hain. oz. "Xo\\' 1'T('l\.LE~. sli(,pfl of pow(lpl'ed and stalHI Ipt ('ol<111(lp1', t£1kp quart ,ind alum. spl'inkl('cl with POlll' Oyer In nig'ht. gO(l(1 yinpgal' over all till 2 qbo'. hoiling' aro l'ooked. takp a qt. of Yincg'Hl'. \~ine~'ar, 1 oz. p.ti('k ('inna1ll011. .. !lfle IJ('~'T.'J. Put in Set 4 Ills. I1pa(ly TO:\L\TO 1'i1'p tOJllatocs thPll (hw pt. hag m'p}' night; (']\I)))]>pl1, 4 ~wo('t ('11]1 ~a Jt, 2 oz. vill('gm'.-.Jlrs II:.! :i pt~. loo~c ('ol('r." g'a 1', lIleJl, a(1 ()nion~, fino and (lraine(l ill ~ ('up~ 811- g'l'OlllH1 (.i Iln£1- hrown 2 ]hs. ppppe]'s 1Il nstm'(l .. !ohJJ ('hoppo(l, :-:pe(l, 1 oz. NY/J/aJJ. HELISIL {'lwp1'e(1 FHE:\"( 'll I'I<'KLE, ()IH' p('('k of g'l"('pn tOlllab:('H, in tl)('lll. amI Drain thl']'Ollg'hly ('Olall(lel" 1 ('liP ~Hlt.lI1ixe(l tlH"1l (ll"ilin th]'ol1gh \\"Htp]' Hlld 1 qt. "tnegn]'. nto~ in :! qtf-:. of yinpp:nr, 1 tf'nspoon \\'hit£, of llln~tal'(l (.innH1HOn, SPctl.-.1la/"/J 2 Ih~. ~ugal", 1 t(,H~PI)(:ll IJ(I/"('. fi Oni()ll~ dlOppe(lfine, s('alr11f> again, Let ~tall(l O\'Pl" hight, then Illinntp~ in 2 Clt:-:. ('ook 20 lII1Jl- 1 tPiU';POOll of POPP{\l", of 1 tca('up ('lon).~, ~Ji('e c\1t(,l'll~ltp Inyel'~ BEET .\:\")) I'OT.\'I'O HELISII. \\'('1] with ~alt, TlH>1l ('nt with two tahl('slH!ons di:-:lI ]ios in of hf'iled l)('{'t~ awl PPPIH']' mHllllltteT' n knife u'ntil of "inl':,.!:m' qnite ilnd ~ti1' S( al.:olli;I:,!,: wel1.-.lI/'.'I'. 1I0W )lob.I-' nntil ;}('_ fill(> a lid lio'lItJ\'. il. (I. to[l~, :-:PH~oning :-';]'(>11 c\1l101l1lt. lH:-lIl' O\'P]' ahf:nt '(-his ~l}(T('SS I'orke/" ill .. Two ('np:-: of h('l't:-: hnilp'd BEET HELISIr. :~ ('llp~ of I'a\\' filiP, 1 ('np 1',ld i:-:h g]'atp(], SpOOll~ of ~aJt .. t-;IJ (',. /). Un:' /I • Illltil ('ho)))lPll tpIHIl'l" filiP, ('nhhag'(' of ~'ngradish, yineg"ar JI a.fJr77c N e7.\io/l', Tnrn ~WEt~'l' PEPPER IL\SH. Fi fteen g'rppn a nel 15 T"Pl1peplwrs, Reparatply. snlt 10 minntes an<11et ~tan1l tOlllato{'S. ()llP ~'allml 1 ?!:nllotl hll'gp C'lwumlwrs, hagp, ,'h01»I1('I1. Jpa\'(' ~tand the {lrain lIIm'p, (~ook slow until stir ag-ain awl ("('leI'Y scp~l jar all wi lltCl'.-JI rs. H. ll~cstl)" a.l. (lI'ain. ~:H'h a]]~pi('e, pepper. (1::111 while ,yater and nig'ht. let ~tam:1 oyer and 1 fIt. "illegal'. Let "illegal', 2 lh~. Two ('Io\-e~, ~inge)'.' qt~. cinnamon, in thin bag hot 01' it will kPP11 in an spices PICKLES. S"-EET ('uenmhpl's, anJ grape Ih~. stnn(l Se\"cn put freshpn :3 (hys with tlwn drain. in hrine 3 days. 2 tahle~poons then Ipnyes, Then 1 oz. p~H'h of all:;;ph'e, in :;;yrnp mHl s('ald up rg:g. in weak s!O\yly sug'aJ', 3 pt~. of \"inp- Put 3 day~ in :;;u('- Cnt all(l ~Ii('e an)- p,hape ~'ou Iik{>.-.11 r,~. 17• 't. a<1(l 3 Ihs. {'ap~ia lm(ls, to a hoiling' to hol(l S('ald :llnm, Let ,-inegal', 2 honrs, gar, pi('klps ('e:;;sion. ~e('(1. ('elpry point Onp-hnlf IW('k ripp tomato('-." ('HILI S.\lTE. 2 oniOlH~ chl'ppell prpJwr~, ad(l 2 tahlespo()n~ Hpoon eH("h of l'loyes :;;llg'ar, of a11(l ('innallloll.-H. 1 tahl<"spoon Porter. fine. 2 ('up:;; yinegar, Boil nntiJ thi('k, of ~alt, :3 :;;mall then 1 tea- On<' pe('k COLD T.\I:LE tI'matop~, ripp RELISH. par<,d {'hoppell ('olil el1'aill finp, 3 h('all~ ('el('1',\', 2 and Ipt () l:::ll'ge onions IV:! ,-inpg'ar, ('UPS Iwown ~ngnl', 1 cnp :p'ated h01>:O;P1,(1<1- 1 enp ~alt, ~nlt with tOJlmtoPR l)(>fo1'e Yon (lrain in t.he mOl'ni ng- will no not heat an'y.-.llr,~. H. r. e"rfi,~. 2 oz. white mn:;;tard seeel. If 1)1'1'- he r~fl(ly to (l1'a in in the <1ftc1'- thPlll. Oyer llig'ht, reel peppers, i~h, 5 ('np:;; )Iix pill'e(l Jloem. ('OLD 'l'O~L\TO HELIRH. l'ipp Onp pe('k tomn toP~ ehopp(~(l DI'a in ofl' .111\('1', H(l(l to tOJIl\:ltoe:;; 3 lh~. hl'own Rng'nr, 3 J1(>a,-1"(,pICI'.'", :3 medium Rizp OniOJlR, 2 gl'een :;;P(>(l. 1 oz. ('inllamoll, Yl'g:etn hIpR, pnt peppCl~:;;, 1 oz. V:! ('np salt, 3 pint:;; of yltwgar. ('a n.- r. T. tog'etlwr lllllRta1'(l Chop fiJlP. n nfl all (T(T:\IBEH PI('KLER. Tnkp pi('k]e~ fl'om h1'ine> mill tnl~n ~,l('a](lill:.! wat(,l~ on tIl<'llI a 11<1spt on hiWk of ~tOYC to :own]<1ti II tCJlelCI', ('hilllg"c' ('0\'P1'('(1 with watm' gooel sl1ga1'.-J/J'.'~. If. e. ('"rti.'"I. :3 tim(~. of pi('kl~ ('itler yilH'g,nt., <1el.l2 c'np~ of g"rannlatpel To a 2 qnad jar Orw pe(.1\: of gl'C'e>lltOJll:lt()(>~. (j Jm':.!p 011 iOll~, 1 <1oz. ('nOW-('1I0W. 78 LAKEVILLE LADIBS) AUXILIARY or green red tOCR, sprinkle drain night, <.:ahlmge and ('ook with pepper, until peppers, 1 large oyer eabbage. of tllem 1 teaeup liquor. all ehopped Chop off the peppers salt, fine, the stand the Slice lpt add Put them; toma- oyer onion~, to black ('ook fine. to cover to ~,uit the on fire add tm~tp an,l enough eider vinegar CIOV(,Rawl tender.-.lIrs. cinnamon H. O. C"dis. strong ni(l awl -HrrJl and water '1'a ke large salt pour OIl ~""eet erealll, in' HI w'e!!. and (,H]';'-\~I ED CC(,TnmEU~. gTPen ('lWl1l11 bcrR, pare' awl diec, pbH'(l boil until tender, f'alt awl pepper drain to suit off in liq- taf'tp. CHI;;;P PICKLE~. over take ('an, hrine in weak ~('al(ling water Ill:! pts. Put then pour a :! qt. ('up 01' more of ~ng'm', 1 roun;ling 1 tahlespoon awl when R('al(ling hot 1I111~ta 1'<1.-1'i,.((. "'rid.'. ,,-hole mixed spieeA.. ('an and RPal. nigllt; oy("r them awl of vineg'ar, teaspoon 'again. in morning flrajn elI'nin, For If:!, 11l'11Rtard, H('at mHl adfl pick leA., too Rtl'Ong), ground (not no not omit gronncl CHILI R.\ rCE. ripe Twputy tahl('~lH)()]\~ salt, gro IIIIII ('in11anwn, ('I()n'~" tomatopf', n tahlespoollR 2 small () ('npR yiueg'ar.-HlaJldw () Oni(HlR, 3 gr("Pll pppperR, ;-{ brown tf'mq)oons sug'ar, 3 tpaRpoo11s g'ing'eI', V:! teaspoon FI"i('k. One gallon I'hopped o\,pr (lI'aill nnd night), J. g'()(I(I ~ir.p.l onions, I/~g-ill hl,H'k PPPPP1', 1..m1'.• /:"/''';(''' \<1(1 (.lo\'("R nu(l ~tlt !':Iwell. (put Onp C:EIDL\X S,\l'('E. tmllat('}( ..f' 0111 g':111011('llOppptl :! gills white mustard ('11]) nf RaIt ('nhllHg'e, 8 lwpper~, Ree(l, :! lh~. hrown Rugal', 2 qtR. goml yi nr- Boil 80 1Itinlltp:-:.- to ta~te. 1..\ XSlxn SLICEIl ('l1('lIl11h('r~, I'WKLER. Foul' quart!' sli('('(l then al\41 a11(llllix nn(l a(lll ('lIP l-Ialt. a limn's, tlll'ol1!.!:h foC'(l dlOpprr '1':1kr hnn(ls Then ill'nill lH']'!' pnt 1/('l~, 1~, stnful 11eil lli ng- see(l, 1 tpaR])OOll hOl'Sf>l-:l(lisll, P110ngh yiIwg"ar on fo:foY('and J\I1H'h 1IIOrp yineg-nr ,,'hP11 hot p01ll' oyrl' ns I'PqniI'Pfl ('n p~ 111'0wn Rngal', ~ tpa<,:,poollR whi. tp :! tea~p()Ol1S tn J\IpI'i(', 1 lwapi ng- ta hl~pOOll to ('OYP1'. T.rt ('n('nmhp1"S nll(l this the in with :3 Rlllnll Hwpet, pep- t'W'lP!I- lpt; ~ 1I11l~tal'd flouI', of thin. Put !,!'o(l(ltllell 'foll()win~": to make ('()ok nhollt atl(l :1S 15 or 20 mlnnto~. X'iq I/r. COOK nOOK 79 Then tnIl. Exccllpnt.-J/ r.~. J. l~. QVEEX 01,' R.UTER. of gTPon tOlllatocR ('hoppc(l Onc-half pc('k nlg-ht), all onions. llllIstnrd Chop sepct, V:! C'up hlad\: 1 In.rg'p re(l }wpper, tilH'. (1l'ainclloycr 21m'g'o ('np white Rng-HT',1 ('np g-rateel hor~dr:Hli~h, 1 t<~lRpoon hla('k 2-3 llt. of awl 1 tPHRpOOll ('lon's ')[ ix wpII a wI ~pa I tig'ht. Jlt ill no not cook.-.lI ('innamon, tog-ethel' llln~tard i II ylo'll .. 1 of fine and R stalk~ cclm'y, l/~ cnp ~ult, V:! ~;;eed, 1 cup ppppel', ,'inpg-ar. rs. P. n. (J (f rr.£", FRUIT SECTION Pur])lp 'rhe g-rapes wlth autumn sunshine hot, fl'ng-I'ant 1)('(1<'11,the .1ni('y heq!:amot. iR knowle(lg:p, Thp SP('ret of I~nowl<,(lg-p of dOlilCSti(' p('onollly Knowlpllg-e of ~lnitm''y In\\'~ sa\'ps thrift -lioll !jfcll(Jl(". sayes hl'alth incomc; and life. (/r1eo';Kill !/.o.;!r>y. -0" ::\L\H~L\L.\nE. 1pincapplo, 1 Ol'ung<" ('. PIXE.\I'PLE PIEPL.\XT ('lI]>S ('hopl)(>l} ph'plant, .\XIl 'rhrec ('ook lIntil thi('k, ac1111l1lt IllPHts.-Jtrs. :3 lhs. RUg-HI'. H.I'al"I.'(''', Fin' qnart~ )lpill (THlL\XT ('l1l'rants, ('OXSEllYE. 5 Ih~. ~l1gal', 2 11>s. ralsln~, Ipt hoil ~Iowly thc O1'ang-o~ a nd put tll(' to l'ell\O"O bittpl' ~qucpzP hpat ~lowly tl{p OI'ilng-e~ on tllP sug-al', awl hoil ~O 1Il1nl1tp~.-.l1 4 lwa I in ('old Wil- {'hop ta~t('; add all then j"o".1'),.,1 .II il- then illl,l Ol'(lllg'C~. tel' ('ofll':-'ply. tog-ethpl', 1"1". I'E.\H~. ('l1l1'I'EO pm'PIl ('olll wntpl', an(1 quartcl'c(1 ppal"l-', 1 oz. goingO('rroot. Eio'ht I)(lllrHl~ (If jlli('p. ~~ll,!!.al",:~ l~IIIOI1S, 1 pt, -,"plIow part and Put Oil ~(";tl whilp .1nl('o nlHl ~ug-m' llOt.-.lIr.o.;. the nlb'runtc l(>111Onrill(1 into t11in pipcp~, ('ut g-ingPl" and IPnrhoi1 Inyel'~ of pparR :-;lwinklPll with and in prp~Pl'ying. kpttlp '/'ho-". "'()J",ld"r. f) Ills. ('ut that llRing' only. in ~ll~nll ]>101'(":'. lelll- glngpr, ('ook :~ 110111': ... SO ter. LAKF"',YILLE LADIES' AUXILIARY Eig-ht ('an white CORN. ('np~ eorn, 1 ("np sug'ar, CAXXED 14 enp &'1lt, little wa- Iwt.-JtrR. Fred He(lrd,~/(',Ij, Put plnms hoil and to a hoil Hn(l ('ook few millutps; til dOll(>. '\~hen C.\NXl?'\n in a kettle 3 or 4 min,ute-s. PLrM~. of cold water, then ('an. done nse this wa.tPl' for SJ.\:'im out then let COlne syrup ]~ppeat w;;inp; same- un- ..M'iller jplly.-J.}ra into 8.cyen l'E.\R pOUI1(ls pear~, COX~Imn.~. lwele(l and () Ills. 1 Ill. raisins, and just Chop hefore all t~lking fhW hefore ehoPlwd, lig'ht hrown 2 lemons, sUg'ar. from firp add 1 rR. cool~ing.-l1/ 3 Ol"ang-ps ullpeplcll, Cook tplHler Jh. of nut meats. t'}/)cr n. Ua~'a.. nntil Rix poulllls S.\RA'J'OG.\ JELLY. ('U1Tanh;; /ll' philliS, (; Ihs. sugar. Boil () orang-es awl 1/:! hour all ('hopped ('an.-(Jr((('c raisins, 1 lh. . t rould. PIXE.\I'l'LE .TELLY. (hIP pitH'apple, :) ('ups likp(l.-J/'r.'l. sugar. fjlfe"(/. 2 Ol',l1lg('s all <'11Op])(>cl,:3 ('nps Hcl if 'l'h}'P(l quinl'cs IIlinutl's ;H) dp~,il'cd.-H. aw] f 'or! ('I', Ql"IXCE ('hippc(] add 3 c'ups lIOXEY. fill(>,2 ('UPS ("oIl] water, sug-al' and ('ook until Boil as thi('k (hlC' g-allon c,)II WlIllO 11, 1 oz. WllOlfl ('hl'}'l'ies, 1 qt. oz. ('lon'S. SPI<'ED ('BEHHlER. sng,ll', 11101'11 i1Ig-:-:n wI pOlll' oypr spa1.-N, (I. ('herl'ic:-:. 1 pt. wpak yinog-m', fo}' n ft is not nprcs~nl'Y to II eat s.'Tnp Eight tpwlOl' pOlllHls ])eal':-:, R Ihs. ~llg'nl'; thC'lI sli('cd, also lllltil c'onk 1I11til thic'k.-/f. /'ortr.,.. f' ea J'.~. 1/1 ('}','staIlize(] <1<1(] 2 ll'lI1011Shoi1ed c,.ino'(,}, alld :-- :-- ' (7 iII.'I")' ~('Y('n ponlHl:;; SPICED (,HEnHJE~ ('hl'}'l'ip:-:, J Ihs. ~ng:al', 1 pt, dlwg-m', tlti('k.-.lIn.;. until ('ook • and ('l()\'(\;'\ to tast('. . C'lIl11CllllOII t'}1i "'rid,', COOK nOOK MISCELLANEOUS ~:m.\~OX1XU Fun ~,\l'~.\(~E :\IE.\T~. Two tClhlp~pc;onf-' ~(lge, :-;pOOllS ])pppel' to 10 Ih~. 1IIpat.-Jfr8. :3 tahlp~poons ('. H. ~a1t, f)arker. 81 ., tahh'- :~WG.\n cnmn 11.\:\I~. Eip:h t po lllH 1:-; of ~n It, In'own Rnga 1', 1 tahlpslwon I'm' 100 Ills. lIlPlIL-.Ilr.\'. of :3 oz. of R:0)> <1iHh awl ]'.wk l)('PpCl'. mL\ l'E .JTl< 'E. Pid~ g-l'apc~ from stemH awl waRl\. to ("0\'<'1' g1'al)('~, hoil until tpIHlpr Put on clloup:h awl Rtr.1in throngh of jui<,p to 1 howl of sngal'. :Hoil 4 JIIin- watcr a doth. lltCR, hott10 a howls awl s('a1.-.1lr.'I'. IJi.~:.~'i('Bartlett, O/f"{)."iso. HE('IPE FOH I'I<'KLIX(; I'OHE:. nUl' hllwlrc<1 2 01'.8. ~mltp('tl'e, R gnl. watel'. \\'hpl1 this 'H'ekH; pClI1HIH pork, RIlls. all i~ ('001 pOll I' 0\'('1' JlIpat awl thpl1 take ollt al1,l ~lIIokp.-JI1''''. Boil Ralt, 2 IhR. Rug'm', ancl skim. togethpl' it ~taJl(1 ~ix let I'J. ('lfrl;",. Eig-ht • ~ng-al', V:! g-J'l"dients hppf ilncl hoil Ih. ~altpet1'P, on l'ton", let tell miJ111tc~. InX'1PE Fd poullds mcnt, () IhR. RaIt, 3 Ihl'. hl'O"'11 sa ltpptJ.p, 1 ta hlp~poon PPPPCI" 1 tillllcHpooIl ~ug'm', :! oz. Hocln.-l,lWiJldn f)()rI(~r. OllP conXEH BEEF. 1ll1Ilch'e<1 1~H1Jl(IHIIH'flt, I1.~. ~lJt, 1~ Ih. ppppel',l/:! lh. ~altpptT'(', (; 11.:-;. l)1'own ~lJg'1'11 ;rp l~'l1f"dl. longer, iRa thin mu~lJ. it fine, n(l(~ Ralt, hlnJ'k Into pam::. to eool, Rhce awl SC'H.\ ppr, E. tenr1e1' hOgR' liyp1's, hearts nntil 'tRalt and when (lone, remove the meat. anrl tet and Rcraps of Roil tlwn tllir.ken with cornmeal thi~ ("ook well, at1s.RU- ('. Pl'~C[I. Little rUE:\I1l":\I I('B CUEAl\I. oyer 1 fit. crpam whipped lV~ fitS. milk, 1 egg' beaten well with 21/;! cups tahlespoon so(la. mak('S a () fit. pind1 tens])oon ..-JI n~.O. H. Pnrkrr .. vanilla, fn~h<'l salt, V:! until partl~y stiff sug'ar, 1 This FH07.EX Pl"nmXG. tl)(' milk, a(1(1 the sug-ar and stir One cup milk, 1V:! cups ~mg'ar, yolk of 1 egp;, 1 cup vanilla, 1 pt. cream, 1 tah1tx.. 1 ('UP raisins, V~ ('up chopPCfl nuts, pres<,r\'e£1 fruit, 1 teaspoon l'pol)n ('ornstal'eh, ~kal(l flis.~oly('(1. ~Iix t'ornsta1'('h with a littlp ('01<1milk and add with lwat- Cook fully en yolk of 3 qnH1'tpl'Rof an hour, Take from the fire, a(l(l salt, n1nilla, ('old add the ('rea m, (fro ".ford. \\"hipp<,d, and fl'{'PZP. Rel"\'(~ 1;) people.-('(flrr;r egg to the s('aJrlcll milk. stirring- o('("asiona])y. frllit and nuts. "'lwn until salt. the .r()lk~ separab'ly, One flllnI.t {'ream, 2 qts. milk, 4 e::r~, whitps :lIHl 4- (,llpS I.m~m., pinl'11 l':aIt, 1 tea~p()()n IP111- ICE crm.\:\I. 84 LAKE,rILLE LADIES' AUXILIARY on and Yallilla. ('001 a THl freer-p.-I'; Cook part of milk d (f. Oas(;addclI. and yolks of eg-gs; then FROZEX InSQ"CB. tI'Pr-c.-.lf 1 g'allon, take 1 y~ qt~. milk, a(' Ndw()t. SII EHBEWl'. juicp 1 pt. wah'l', of 2 Ip1ll()n~, 3 enpR sngal', l'an pineappll'. 1 pt. Pla:~lI r~l ICI~CItE.DI. Two qual'tR milk, flour, 8 l'np~ gTam is sl ig.Itt- "'11Pn ('rem II. to fl'per-c l'e~d\r HINTS r alwaYR plc\('(' a ~teame(l to dry IllY n little. a few Jllinllt('~ likp it.-J.;. U. pUIlding; in a hot O\"('n foT' '1'I.Y it n1H1 ~pp how yon ;\(ldillg' 4\ 111('(' <1ark ~nl1('e flW ('ottag-p to thp RnlH'P c-l plld(linp: lit tIp ('(W0<1(I}. ('ho('olatp. i~ lWHlc 1Iy Fl'i(',1 ('ake~ k('pp h,~t \\'11pn pln"('ll in it ~tone jm' ('clJ'pflllly ('O\'CI'PCl. 4\11<11'<1\\'gJ'at('ll not dl'Y out. potato to fl'ip(l ('akp~ awl tltp'y will COOK BOOK. 85 white llluslin and gtretch this tig-htlJ :--ing'it tig'htl.r on the crust. A(ld a. littlp rollpJ oats to eat.-l". too hot it ig almost to lemona(le, L. aroulHl th~ pie, pre~- on (layg when In making- eu~tar(l a tnhleHpoon of flour pie I 11<1.Ypfount1 that if it will not whey ~o <1uickly.-l"'. I ad(l Jj. To ('}pnn an iroll Sillk u~e kermwllP oil and Dutch Clea nser.-fl'. _1. 'ro remoye gTPa:--e:--]lot:--from silk, usp chlol'oform.- n. O. 'ro reJipye ('hilhlains, use ehlorofol'lll.-]". H. Orease an iron kettle hpfol'c eooking mush.-1' .. 1. To kcpp fl(ltiron~ hot, COycr with a pan, to wllith a woodcn knob has hPPll fastpllcd.-S. U. "ro keep san(lwiehl~ moist wrap in paraffinc -J~. B. paper. Adl1 salt to starch and it will not frccze out.-S. U. 'ro prcyent ready to rcmoye ('ur(llinp:, don't from firc.-T. soups with milk in salt A. until ". c may JiyC wit110ut poetry, music and art, ".c may liyp without c--- '\"c may Jiye (l fricnds, lllPn (':lIlllOt li,'p without ro()k~. -R.l1/. IIp may lin"). without hooks, "'hat i~ knowlc(lg'e hnt g'ripyin~. Ile may liyc without hope, "'hat is hope hut \lerpiying-. If e ma~. Iiye without 10\.e. ".hat is pn~~ion without Rut- whpT"pis th .. ma.n that pining- (lining. ('an ]i,.p without -8 ..1/. 86 Iu\.KEVILLE LADIES) AUXILIARY. Add a little wiwlo\\'s.-B. D. kerosene oil to watcr, when you wash l;sc r:riz for tired, aching fect.-fl. L. In cooking- or a pa.n of wa tel' 0\'('1' kettle in the pan will cook dry but heef of any tough meats instcad of a covcr. the meat won't.-I. Aftpl' a l'loth wet Y011 Imve ('leaned in maehine oil.-H. a zinc or oilcloth, !t. place kind, 1'he wa.ter A.. I'uh with .Aftpr hamR nrc Rmokcd CO:1l'RC Ra It.-JI. N. awl good and (lry, pad\: in Pnt a garmpnt.-l'. n hnn(1£111 of n. flo11r in p:nRolinc, hefor£' you wHRh "1\011 RPtting fl'nit trees, at thc rootR to kppp tlWlll moiRt.-fJ. pnt 2 or 3 rottenapplPR 111. rro nmke l1.'1ppr Rtick on r011p:h or limp walls, SIze vinpgal' allil ghH'. rro llwkp pml,te for pnl)(>r, nRP half 11onl' a11(l h:l1f with star('h. To make lIOW~PplantR grow, URC thc watcr wash lwcf or ('hi('kpn in. that 'yon trospoonR make OIW tahlPRpoon. tahlcRpoo11s of (1ry aml Roli(l matprial mnke OlIe cup makc 01H' ('np. 'I'.\nCE 01.' :\fE.\RrnE. liql1i(l nwtprial saltRpoon. tcaRpoon. one-qunrtpr tah10Rpo011R of '.\ Rpe<'1\:mnkcs Four R.'11tspoonR mn kc on£' 1'hr('(' I~ig'ht Rixteen rrwo g-i)]s mflkp on0 ('np. 011(' \\'i11P g'liu~s IlInkPR o11e-hnlf g'il]' 011P (,l1p ('ontainR pig'ht. 01111('CRof rl'(111Pg'gR, a ,'prnge 011P-half OU1U'Phottlp 0110 tnhlps}lool1 Onp tel hlPRpoon Onp hp:q)p(l One Two tahlpRpoonR g'J'Ollllrl Rpif'p makp Fi\'e llntlllPg'R 1I1nkp OTW onnrp. Onp '111:n1 slftPf1 pnshy size, nwke t:1hl~pool1 p(nnlerccl teaRpoon Imtter mnl\:cs onc o11n('e. sugar m'a kcs grn lllllatp(l one pOl11Hl. pxh'net makPR twcl\'() liqul(l. flonr ma keR oI1P-h:1If O1l1WP. one Ollllf'C. tpaspoons. ()1W 0111H'P. Rugal' makp'R onp O1l1H'P. flOlll' mnkcR OIlP pOlIllil. COOK nOOK. 87 flour make~ one lb. one pound. Rug'ar makes sifted patent g-ranulated Ie~" one g'ill, pint butter makeR one pound. ehopppfl meat, One quart One Reant One pint One pint Onc cnp. ri(.c makeR one-ha If poun(1. One One cup Rtemme(l 'OIl<' enp demH'd One ('llP Rtale hrp:1fl erumhs cup cOl'nmpal mal\.(~~ Rix OUIH'eR. ('nrrnnt~ paf'keel, 1'aiRinR makeR Rix ounce~. nmkPR ~ix ounces. lllak(~~ two ounces. nwkeR one pound. 'l'ABLI.J OF PHOPORTIONS. of one flollr rPfplire~ fo}' pa~try. pint of hutter, or flour requi1"e~ one heaping- tnhlpspoon flonr reflni}'e~ two table~poo11~ of hnt- of flour }'eqllil'p~ one cup of hutter for cup hutter qllart la1"(l mixp(l One 'awl One quart of for hl~cn it. of of hutter tpr One quart for 8hort('akes. Onp quart eake~. of ~alt. One qnart inp; })O\wler. One quart muffin~, g-em~, etc. for hattprR of all kind~. of Onf' mea~ln'e hrea(l .. Onp quart (If flonr rpqnireR one-half Icyel tpa~poon of flonr requires four tea~poon~ of hak- of flonr rpqnjreR onp pint of milk for One quart of flour rcqnir~ Ol1P ~cant quart of milk Iif1111d to threp mpa~ln'e~ flonr for tea~poon One One tea~poon One tea~poon A Rpoon nl('an~ that of ~o(la to one pint of RO(la to one of ~alt to OIl(' ponnrl t11p material of ROnI' milk. enp of mola~~p~. of nH'at. ~houl(l tpa~poon menns nhon~ the cclg'p of the Rpoon a~ the howl ~i11kR helow it. lwaping- a~ h ip;h a hoyc tll(' low it. •\11 dry '.\ Onp-ha If of a spoon the ~poon shonld lllPasnrPfl spoon. i~ mea:;:.nre(l hy 1' ]}01111(1 TDrE Fon ~IE.\'fS. !) to 10 III inutps COOK BOOK. fillet of leg', IW1'pOlln(] (simlllered) H('ef, per poun(] loin of, plain, ]leI' ])OllW] lob) 01' ~hOllld('l', 1)('1']l0UlH] 20 to ..to n\illut('~ Beef, "Mutton, 10 to 12 lIlillute~ .Mutton, ~tllf-Yp