T,„ \L i ..>• tf V y < « 3orne Tested I^eeeipts ft BY THE MEMBERS OP THE » \ Ml Pleasant Worqam's Club. ! 19 0 3 - 1 9 04 The Tasteful Trio Ask Your Grocer for Them. Cream Wheat Flakes Ready to eat, morning, noon and night. Health restoring Vita Foda A brain and nerve food for old and young It'll help you Crescent Cereal A rich, wholesome substitute for coffee. Delicious drink. Manufactured by Lake Odessa Malted Cereal Co. LIMITED. - - LAKE ODESSA, MICHIGAN. CAKES COLD W A T ER CAKE—Two cups sugar, ^ c up butter, 3 cups Hour, 1 cup water, 4 eggs, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Bub sugar and butter to a cream, add eggs well beaten, then water, then flour > sifted with the baking powder.-£Mrs. Alma Maxwell. W H I TE CAKE—One cup sugar, butter size of an egg, % cup water, whites of 2 eggs, \V% cups flour, 2 tea(cid:173) spoons of baking powder, flavor with vanilla. Cream the butter and sugar, then add water, then flour and baking powder, add whites of eggs well beaten last.— Mrs Nettie Morrison CARAMEL CAKE—Beat % cup butter to a cream, add gradually 1% cups sugar, yolks of 2 eggs and 1 cup water. 2 cups flour, and beat continuously for about five minutes, then add 3 teaspoons caramel, 1 of vanil(cid:173) la, and another % cup flour containing 2 teaspoons of baking powder, and beat thoroughly, then add the well beaten whites of eggs. Bake in two layers in a mod(cid:173) erately quick oven FILLING—Put % cup sugar and % cup water over the fire and stir until sugar is dissolved and boil with(cid:173) out stirring until the syrup spins a thread, then put in the beaten whites of 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon vaniila and 1 of caramel syrup. Beat until icing is cold and place be(cid:173) tween layers and on top. CARAMEL SYRUP—Put % cup granulated sugar over the fire in granite pan and stir until sugar really burns. Bemove, put in Vz cup boiling watar, put on stove and boil rapidly until you have a molasses like syrup Bot(cid:173) tle and put away for use. This amount is sufficient for three cakes.—Mrs IXattie A. Dodds. MRS HARRISON MOKEE'S W H I TE HOUSE CAKE—One cup butter, 2,% cups flour, 2 cups sugar. % cup sweet milk, whites of 8 eggs, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Beat the butter and sugar to a cream, then add a little of the beaten egg, next a cup of flour and some milk Bepeat this, adding all the milk with the second cup of flour. Finally add the remainder of the egg. Bake in three layers. ICING,—Beat whites of 4 eggs stiff with powdered sugar. 1 small cup grated pineapple, i cup pecans chopped tine. Put whole pecan kernels over the top of cake while icing is soft.—Mrs. Mary Gorham. W H I TE OR Y E L L OW CAKE -One and one-half cups sugar, scant cup butter, 1 cup sweet milk, whites of 5 eggs, 2 heaping teaspoons baking powrier sifted with z% cups flour measured before sifting, flavor with lem(cid:173) on or vaniila. For a yellow cake use yolks of eggs in(cid:173) stead of whites.—Mrs Queenie Marsh. WEDDING CAKE ~\H lbs., butter, \% lbs. sugar, 2 lbs. eggs, 4 lbs raisins, 5 lbs. currants, 2 lbs chopped cit(cid:173) ron, 2 lbs. flour, 2 nutmegs, mace same in bulk, alcohol }4 tti H pt in which has been dropped 12 or 15 drops of oil of lemon, 4 teaspoons soda, 8 teaspoons cream of tartar —Mrs. Eva H. Morrison. D R I ED A P P LE CAKE—3 cups dried sour apples, 3 cups molasses, 1 cup shortening, 4 egscs, 1 cap sour ' milk, 3 level teaspoons soda, 4 cups flour, spices to taste; soak apples until soft in water enough to cover; chop and boil in molasses until clear; when cold add other ingredients This makes a cake in a six quart pan.—Mrs Minnie Dodds. SPICE CAKE—Beat together 1 cup butter and 2 cups sugar to a cream. Add 2 well beaten eggs 1 cup milk, 3 cups flour, 2 tea spoons baking powder, 1 cup seeded raisins, 1 tea spoon cinnamon, % tea spoon cloves.— Mrs. Hattie Marsh, DAKK L A Y ER CAKE—1 cup brown sugar, % cup mo(cid:173) lasses, % cup sour milk, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tea spoon cloves and cinnamon, yolks of three eggs well beaten, whites of eggs for filling and frosting —Mrs. Gertrude Clark. D E V I L 'S FOOD C A K E —1% coffee cups brown sugar, % cup butter, 1 cup sour milk, 1 teaspoon soda, 1% squares chocolate melted, 3 scant cups flour—Mrs. Lot(cid:173) tie Loomis.— B R E AD SPONGE CAKE—1 cup sponge, % cup short(cid:173) ening, % cup molasses, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon soda, seasoning, spices to taste.—Mrs. Cora Rowlader CHOCOLATE L O AF CAKE 1 egg, 1 cup sugar, 1 table(cid:173) spoon butter, rounded, 1 cup sweet milk, 34 cake Ba(cid:173) ker's chocolate, 1% cups sifted flour, 1 teaspoon soda. Melt chocolate in % milk and dissolve soda in the other %. Put chocolate in last. Be very particular in measuring ingredients.—Mrs. Clara L. Pullen. MOLASSES CAKE—Beat together 1 cup butter and 1 cup of brown sugar, add % cup molasses, 1 cup milk, 1 egg, Y% pints flour sifted with 1% teaspoons baking powder. Bake about forty minutes.—Mrs. Clara Nardin. J AM CAKE—1 cup sugar, %eup butter, 1 cup berry jam, 3 eggs, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, allspice and. cloves, li4 cups sifted (sure) flour, 1 even teaspoon soda.—Mrs. Clara Butcher. RASPBERRY J AM CAKE—2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, yz cup sour milk, 3^ cup butter, 2 cups sifted flour, 1 teaspoon soda, ^teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 3^ tea(cid:173) spoon allspice, 1 cup jam.—Mrs Jessie Bellis. L A Y ER J AM CAKE—1 cup sugar, % cup butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup jam, % teaspoon each cloves and allspice, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon and soda, % cup sour milk, 2 full cups flour. Bake in three layers. Use choco(cid:173) late rilling. FILLING—2 cups brown sugar, % cup butter % cake chocolate in % cup boiling water, boil until it hairs, then cool and spread.—Mrs. Elizabeth Van Leuven. CHOCOLATE C A K E -1 cup sugar, 1 egg, melt piece of butter size of an egg, 2 squares Baker's chocolate, add to sugar and egg V% cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder. Last of all % cup warm water, 1 teaspoon vanilla.—Mrs. May Grigsby. CHOCOLATE C A K E —1% cups granulated sugar, % cup butter creamed with sugar, yolks of 8 eggs and 2 whole eggs beaten ten minutes, % cup sweet milk, 2% cups flour well sifted with two teaspoons baking powder, flour sifted before measuring. Bake in two lavers and ice with chocolate icing.—Mrs Alice "White- sell. PORK CAKE—Chop fine 1 lb. salt fat pork, pour on 1 pt. boiling water and let stand 20 minutes Then add the following: 2 cups sugar, 1 cup molasses, 1% tea(cid:173) spoons soda, 1 teaspoon cloves, 2 tablespoons cinna(cid:173) mon, 1 tablespoon nutmeg, 2 cups raisins, chopped, % cup citron, chopped, 6 cups flour measured before sift(cid:173) ing Bake slowly; makes three loaves; will keep any length of time —Mrs Anna S. Coutant. COOKIES W H I TE COOKIES—2 eggs, 1% cups sugar, % cup but(cid:173) ter, % cup lard, % cup sour milk, 1 small teaspoon soda dissolved in a little hot water, flavoring, 2 level teaspoons baking powder sifted with enough flour to make a very soft dough, do not use rolling pin, smooth out on board with hand and cut with cutter —Mrs. Nel(cid:173) lie Bo wen t. * LEMON COOKIES—1 egg, 1 cup sugar, % cup butter, % cup sweet milk, 2 teaspoons baking powder, the yellow grated from one large lemon, flour to roll out.— Mrs Ella Getchell. SUGAR COOKIES-2 cups sugar, 3 eggs, % cup sour cream, 1 rounding teaspoon soda, 1 cup shortening, pinch of salt, flour for soft dough—Mrs Florence Jameson. BROWN COOKIES—3 eggs, 2 cups white sugar, 2 cups molasses, 1 cup buttermilk, 1 rounding cup lard, 4 tablespoons soda, 2 tablespoons ginger, 1 tablespoon salt, flour to roll out nicely—Mrs Mabel C. Hagan GRAHAM COOKIES—\% cups sugar, ^ cup butter, % cup buttermilk, }£ of this should be sour cream, 2 eggs, 1 round teaspoon soda, graham flour to roll—Mary C. Ryan CRUMB COOKIES—2 eggs, 1 cup brown sugar, % cup shortening, x/2 cup molasses, 2 cups crumbs, 1 teaspoon each cinnamon, cloves, allspice, soda, % cup sour milk; mix soft, sprinkle sugar and a small piece of jelly on each before baking.—Mrs Mabel C. Adams OATMEAL COOKIES—2 cups sugar, % cup lard, 2 eggs, a little salt, 1 cup sweet or sour milk, 1 cup rai(cid:173) sins, 2 cups uncooked oatmeal, 3 cups flour, 1 teaspoon soda stirred in flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon; drop in greased pan, about one large teaspoonful for a cookie —Mrs Metta Randall. HERMITS—1% cups coffee sugar, 1 cup butter, 1% cups seeded raisins, 3 eggs, 3^ teaspoon soda, 1 tea(cid:173) spoon cinnamon and nutmeg each; mix the same as. cookies—Mrs. Jennie McKay. F R U IT C O O K I E S - 1^ cups sugar, ^ cup butter, 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons sour milk, 1 tea spoon soda, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, % tea spoon cloves, % cup each raisins and currants. Flour to roll soft. -Mrs. Anna Kane. ej*«^ DOUGHNUTS POTATO F R I ED C A K E S -3 medium sized potatoes boiled and mashed fine, 1 teaspoon butter, pinch salt 2 cups granulated sugar, 1 cup sweet milk, 3 eggs, 6 cups flour, 5 level teaspoons baking powder, flavoring. Turn but once in frying.-Mrs. Gertrude Taggart. CREAM DOUGHNUTS Cream together 1 cup each of sour cream and sugar, 2 eggs, 1 level teaspoon soda, a Jittle salt, flour to roll out. Fry in hot lard, and roll in pulverized sugar.—Mrs. Emma Granger. D O U G H N U T S -^ cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1% pints flour, 1% teaspoons baking powder, 1 egg, 1% cups milk, a little nutmeg. Fry a light brown in plenty of hot lard. Serve with sifted sugar.-Mrs. Mae Adams. MISCELLANEOUS BROWN BREAD—1 cup sour milk, 1 cup sweet milk 1 cup molasses, 1 cup corn meal, 2 cups Graham flduf, 1 teaspoon soda dissolved, in the sour milk, pinch of salt. Beat well, ptit m greased tin and bake slowly 1 hour.- Mrs. Eva C Doughty. SAUCE FOR IOE CREAM—2 ounces Baker's choco(cid:173) late. 2 cups granulated sugar 2 tablespoons butter, % cup warm water. Cook together I heaping teaspoon cornstarch, \4, cup milk, pinch of salt. Cook until thick then add other mixture, flavor with vanilla and serve hot on ice cream.—Mrs. Ida P. Dusenbury. W H I TE F L O UR PANOAIC.ES FOR SIX— 2V£. cups but(cid:173) termilk, % teaspoon salt, flour for stiff batter. 2 level teaspoons soda dissolved in half cup boiling water and beaten into the batter Be sure the water is boiling, herein lies the secret of the lightness of your cakes — Dr Amy Holcomb. To O P EN A BAKING POWDER CAN—At some time you have pried off the cover of one Keep that can, cover and all, and for all future ones, cut the top out with your can opener and empty the contents into your old can. —Mrs. Celestia Wight-man SCALLOPED BICE -1 cup rice. 2 cups boiling water, ^ t e a s p o on salt, cooked in double boiler half hour Then add % cup sweet milk, I egg-welLbsaten, apiece of butter, stir well pour into baking* dish and cover with % pound grated cheese Bake slowly until cheese is melted. Serve hot. Mrs Rhetta 0 Dodge FROZEN P U D D I N G —1^ tablespoon gelatine, 1 qt milk, 2 eggs, 1 cup-sugar, l4 lb English walnuts, ~% lb. figs chopped fine, x4 glass wine, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Soak gelatine in a little cold milk, make a boiled custard of milk, eggs and sugar, dissolve gelatine in custard, when cold, add flavoring and fruit and freeze—Mrs. Minnie Newberry BREAD PUDDING—2 cups sour milk, 2 cups bread, crumbs, 1 cup flour, % cup butter, 1 cup raisins, chop(cid:173) ped fine, I cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon soda, spices to taste; steam two hours. Serve with whipped cream or sour sauce.—Mrs Anna Crittenden. MERINGUES—Beat the whites of 9 eggs very light, add 2 cups sugar, drop on paper a dessertspoonful, bake in very slow oven at least forty minutes; put two together with whipped cream not sweetened —Miss Nell Bennett CROQUETTES—This rule holds good for any kind of meat you have Grind the meat. 2 cups cooked and seasoned meat, 1 cup thick gravy or stock. Mix while warm and pour on platter to cool. When perfectly cold take a rounding tablespoonf ul, form into rolls and roll in bread crumbs. Put some bread crumbs on the board, let the croquettes dry for twenty minutes, then roll in beaten egg, be sure to get the egg on the ends as well as the sides. Now roll in the crumbs on the board, having plenty of crumbs. Let stand to dry about one half hour. Have the fat smoking hot and immerse the croquettes just long enough to brown the outside. Drain on manilia paper. Serve two on a lettuce leaf.— Mrs. Martha Bunn. e^eJ^ Index. Cakes Cookies Doughnuts Miscellaneous PAC4.E 1 3 3 4 I > I . •;•• •• •(>' I It