QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE MICHIGAN GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION | SPRING 2009 Full Time Volunteer, Father and Full Time Volunteer, Father and Superintendent Steve Hammon, Superintendent Steve Hammon, Traverse City Golf and Country Club Traverse City Golf and Country Club Takes the Helm of the MiGCSA Takes the Helm of the MiGCSA . . ATTENTION! THIS WILL BE YOUR LAST ISSUE OF COURSE CONDITIONS IF YOU ARE NOT A 2009 MiGCSA MEMBER! NEW FOR 2009 • New Website at www.migcsa.org • Access to the Member’s Only resource section • Online event sign up and registration • Web forum for turf related discussions • 4 Issues of Course Conditions • Education from leaders in the turf industry and the Michigan State University turf team • Email newsletters directed at keeping you up to date on issues that affect you and your course in the state of Michigan • An enormous network of professionals and educators in your town, county and state BENEFITS OF JOINING THE By joining the MiGCSA, you will be able to stay current on issues facing golf courses at a local and state level. MiGCSA has the combined resources required to raise the value of attending district activities, which include education, golf, networking and fund-raising. As a member of the MiGCSA, you will have the opportunity to share your experience and knowledge with colleagues to strengthen your facility. The MiGCSA staff will supply quality, streamlined communications to increase member services in all districts. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MiGCSA provides a single, powerful voice in advocacy issues, philanthropic activities and fund-raising efforts at the state and national level. MiGCSA serves industry partners. Members will benefit from access to these partners and their resources. MiGCSA members are recognized nationally as leaders in education, environmental advocacy and promoting the game of golf. 2009 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION AND DUES STATEMENT MICHIGAN GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION . ____________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME CGCS: ❍ Yes ❍ No _________________________________________________________________________ GCSAA Member # ____________________________________________________________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY POSTAL CODE STATE CELL PHONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY ____________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPANY ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY ____________________________________________________________________________________________ WORK PHONE ____________________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL TITLE OF POSITION POSTAL CODE SPOUSE STATE FAX WEBSITE PLEASE SELECT THE APPROPRIATE MEMBER CLASS: All membership categories will be reviewed by the Membership Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. If needed, check web site for the Detailed Definitions of the following Classes according to our By-Laws. www.migcsa.org ❍ Class AA ❍ Class A ❍ Class SM ❍ Class C ❍ Class D ❍ Class AFF ❍ Class H ❍ Class E ❍ Class SA ❍ Class I ❍ Class R ❍ Class FM = $0 Life Member = $75 Golf Course Superintendent Superintendent Member = $75 Assistant Golf Course Superintendent = $50 = $25 Equipment Technician = $75 Affiliate = $0 Honorary Educator = $0 = $25 (Student or employee that doesn’t fit a listed class) Student /Associate = Will be set by the Board per Individual Case Inactive Retired = $37.50 = Will be set by the Board per Individual Case Facility Membership 3225 West St. Joseph Lansing, MI 48917 Phone: (517)327-9207 Fax: (517)321-0495 www.MiGCSA.org PREFERRED MAILING ADDRESS: ❍ Home ❍ Work DISTRICT: ❍ Greater Detroit ❍ Mid ❍ Northern ❍ Western MEMBER SINCE: _______________________ PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: ❍ E-Mail ❍ Fax ❍ Postal WILL YOU VOLUNTEER FOR A COMMITTEE? ❍ Yes ❍ No TYPE OF OPERATION: ❍ Private ❍ Public ❍ Municipality NUMBER OF GOLF HOLES MAINTAINED: _______________________ PAYMENT INFORMATION CREDIT CARD PAYMENT: ❍ Visa ❍ MasterCard ❍ American Express ________________________ AMOUNT $ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ CARD NUMBER ___________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME ON CARD ___________________________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE EXPIRATION DATE ❍ Enclosed is my check for ___________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT $ PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: MiGCSA 3225 W. St. Joseph Lansing, MI 48917 www.MiGCSA.org course conditions | spring 2009 3 contents 5 6 President’s Perspective If You Knock, We Will Answer! A Note from MiGCSA Executive Director 8 Legislative Update 12 Welcome New Members and MiGCSA Membership Report 14 The First Steps Toward Sustainable Golf 18 Habitat Project at the 2009 GIS 21 Assistant Update 22 Golfonomics 24 The Mower for the Grower 19 Calendar of Events 26 The Michigan Club Managers Association A Note from the Michigan Club Managers Association President 27 In the News 28 2009 Calendar of Events 28 Turf Team Tidbits 10 13 16 Steve Hammon, Superintendent Traverse City Golf & Country Club Lloyd Seese, Equipment Technician/Assistant Superintendent, Thornapple Point Golf Club Dan Koops, Assistant Superintendent Country Club of Detroit Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG . . 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT PAST PRESIDENT SECRETARY/ TREASURER STEVE HAMMON-2010 Northern-Class A Traverse City Golf & Country Club RON DAHLIN, CGCS-2012 Western-Class A The Meadows Golf Club at GVSU JOHN FULLING, CGCS Western-Class A Kalamazoo Country Club JAY ECCLETON, CGCS-2011 Mid-Class A The Emerald BOARD MEMBERS GREGG MATTHEWS -2010 Detroit-Class A Lakelands Golf and Country Club ADAM IKAMAS-2011 Northern-Class A Crystal Mountain Resort GREG PATTINSON-2010 Mid-Class A Captains Club TIM DARK-2011 Detroit-Class A Barton Hills Country Club JEFF HOLMES, CGCS-2011 Western-Class A Egypt Valley C.C RICK HAKKEN-2012 Mid-Class A The Pines GC at Lake Isabella SCOTT PULASKI-2012 Northern-Class A Treetops Resort TAVIS HORTON-2012 Detroit - Class C Birmingham Country Club MiGCSA STAFF MiGCSA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Donn Eurich DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Donna Devereaux DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NEWSLETTER Rebecca Holloway DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION AND EVENTS Jenny Fedewa DIRECTOR OF ADVOCACY AND FUNDRAISING Vanessa Crocetto MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Robin Rings Course Conditions is published 4 times a year by the Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association. Opinions expressed by guest writers do not necessarily reflect the views of the MiCGSA or Eurich Management. For more information on Course Conditions or the MiGCSA please write to the address below or email: news@migca.org MiGCSA 3225 West St. Joseph Lansing, MI 48917 Telephone: 517.327.9207 Facsimile: 517.321.0495 President’s Perspective course conditions | spring 2009 5 STEVE HAMMON It is a great honor to be elected president of the MiGCSA. I appreciate the trust and support you've given me. It will be my distinct privilege to humbly represent you for the ensuing year. For those of you whom I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, my name is Steve Hammon and I have been the Golf Course Superintendent at Traverse City Golf & Country Club for the last 13 years. Prior to TCG&CC, I was the Old Course Superintendent at Indianwood G&CC in Lake Orion and the Assistant Superintendent at Crystal Downs Country Club in Frankfort for seven years. I grew up in the Grand Rapids area where I started working in the pro shop at Forest Hills Golf Course (now Watermark C.C.) back in 1980. My bride of 13 years, Sue, is a 6th grade teacher in Frankfort where we reside, and we have three amazing boys ages 10, 7, and 3. My service to the chapter began many years ago as a member on the Board of Directors for the Northern Michigan Turf Managers Association. I was privileged to serve as its President from 2003 -2005. I was also fortunate to be a part of the initial formation of the MiGCSA nearly 7 years ago, along with many other leaders from around the state. I believe there are 3 critical components in the overall success of the MiGCSA. First, the history and culture of our four very unique districts must be preserved and celebrated. Second, we employ sound administrative and financial management to ensure that we remain strong. We need to run this like a business… and we are. Third, every member gets involved in some way. Come to meetings and events, serve on a committee, volunteer for the board or just talk it up to a neighbor who may not be a member yet. It's been said a thousand times but it's so true, a chapter is only as good as its members. Opportunities for education, fellowship, career development, information, and just plain fun are endless in the MiGCSA for 2009. Our 2009 calendar of events is loaded with great golf and education opportunities all around the state. There are committee meetings, joint meetings, international meetings, technician education, assistant workshops, championship events, fundraisers for research, spring and fall education sessions, round tables, holiday parties, and the list goes on and on. Have you seen the brand new and greatly improved www.migcsa.org website? Now you can sign up for any MiGCSA event and pay with a credit card or click one of the other convenient payment options. Our entire membership directory is also available. We have loads of history about our districts and links to all of our very valued industry partners. Not a member of the MiGCSA yet? Then unfortunately this will be the last edition of Course Conditions that you will receive. This outstanding quarterly publication highlights all the great things happening in Michigan - by Michigan Golf Course Superintendents. A membership application is included on page 5. Course Conditions also keeps you up to date with news from our allied partners, what's happening on the legislative front, at the MTF and with the Stewardship program. Don't forget that we continually send out updates and important news via e-mail to all of our members as it happens. You will hear it here first. I urge you to join the MiGCSA today! We need you. Thanks to the generosity of our valued Industry Partners, the very low cost of $50 for an assistant, $25 for a technician and $75 for a superintendent is a great investment for you and your facility. These are difficult times for the economy and especially in the state of Michigan. The benefits of membership are extraordinary. The networking and idea gathering opportunities alone are enough to really benefit your operation, let alone the education, advocacy, communication, career development, and the stress relief of being with your peers every once in a while just to remember that you are not alone when conditions are tough! Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns about your state association. I am available anytime. My email address is steveh@tcgcc.com and my office number is (231) 947-0487. I hope that 2009 brings everyone increased revenues, warm sunny days, and cool nights. STEVE HAMMON, MiGCSA PRESIDENT 6 Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG . If You Knock, We Will Answer! BY DONN EURICH, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Often, the greatest challenge facing an organization is recognizing and acting on opportunity rather than solving a problem! . A stock market When we look back twenty yea rs from now on the times we are in currently , I think historians will write that this is one of the most unusual and eclectic eras in American history which stumbled and fell heavily , causing billions in portfolio losses. An economy which cannot get out of neutral, with declining production, increasing lay offs and a stagnant GD P. We continue to fight a war with no end in sight, which has become so normaliz ed in our lives that news from the Middle East no longer earns front page headlines. We can proudly state we have elected our first African- American president, but then saddled him with a nearly impossible task. How do we function effectively in such difficult times? With this nonstop gloom and doom sensory overload, what can we do to help our members not only survive but thrive in this environment? I suggest we fall back on an old fashion method of communicating and providing service. I propose we listen to our members!! . that sounds craz I know, I know. tex t messaging times. B ut, it’s such an outlandish idea that it just might work! y during these IPod, B lackberry , As more public and private golf clubs suffer declines in revenue, ex pense reduction is sure to follow. As a professional superintendent, y ou are likely being asked to contribute to the solution by broadening y our skills and provide resources in other parts of the business. How can MiGCSA help? What kind of training, information or ideas can we provide to help y ou and y our club? A class on reading financial statements and budgeting? Marketing ideas? Management or supervisory training? Leadership or public speaking? Writing proposals? Tell us, we are listening! The MiGCSA education committee has an ex cellent head start on planning educational sessions for 2009. However, we still want to bring guest speakers to many of our golf events, and are still planning GCSAA education in the fall as well as inviting MiGCSA members to attend the Michigan Golf Course O wners Association fall conference at member costs. We need to hear from yo u what topics and speakers will bring yo u the best value, and justify y our attending these events. Think about how the Chapter can help y ou and y our club. Email y our ideas to me directly at D onnE@ eurich. com, or call me at . I want to hear from y ou as to how we can help. Your suggestions will go to the top of the list when we plan our upcoming events. - 9207 3 27 z ed by these difficult times and challenges. We don’t have to be paraly Many of the problems our country faces are too large for us to solve individually . B ut there is no reason not to ex amine these problems, look for the opportunities within and focus on way s to fix and improve those things we can control. MiGCSA stands ready to help. Working together, there is no reason we can’t be part of the solution. . 5 1 7 - 8 Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG . legislative Update MiGCSA DIRECTOR OF ADVOCACY AND FUNDRAISING VANESSA CROCETTO MiGCSA: MARCH TO THE CAPITOL O n Wednesday , March 4 th, Golf Course Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, MSU faculty , affiliated vendor members, and members of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation joined the Michigan Golf Course Ow ner’s Association for our first Golf D ay at the Capitol. The day began with MiGCSA President, Steve Hammon ( Traverse City Golf and Country Club) , and Craig Hoffman ( The Rock) testify before the Senate Committee on Commerce and Tourism. B oth Hammon and Hoffman spoke on the important role that golf, as part of tourism, play s in the state of Michigan. Hammon also addressed the history and culture of the chapter as well as the role superintend- ents play as environmental stewards of golf course properties in Michigan. ing Later in the day members of the MiGCSA had time to visit their legislators in their offices as well as have lunch with members of both the House and Senate. The membership also participated in group ists interaction with Lansing lobby and well known area pundits. The day concluded with members observing their State Representatives in action during House Session, and a tour of the Capitol B uilding. Steve Hammon, Senator Jason Allen (Traverse City), and Craig Hoffman at the meeting of the Senate Committee on Commerce and Tourism “ The D ay was a tremendous success,” MiGCSA President, Steve Hammon said, “ The value of the partnership between the MiGCSA and MGCO A became very clear as the day progressed. The collaboration between the two groups proved to be ex tremely valuable to our industry as a whole, and it was encouraging to see the impact we truly can make. The MiGCSA had nearly thirty attendees throughout the day and the MGCO A turned out similar numbers. With over fifty legislative offices represented at the Golf D ay luncheon, members stay ed very busy discussing the concerns of their particular districts as well as discussing the importance of state funding for the MSU Ex tension and Agricultural Ex periment Station. Several MiGCSA members speak with State Representative Marty Knollenberg about their concerns in Michigan. Todd Griebe of Turfgrass, Inc. ( Novi) had this to say about the day , “ The day was very enlightening. It was interesting to see the legislative process in action. I was encouraged with the opportunity that we, as individuals and associations, are given to influence our communities and our industry . It is clear that the planning of the day was no easy task, and for such an important day to be so well organiz ed and go so smoothly , kudos, to the staff and to both associations. Thanks to all who participated in making the day a success. O verall, the day was an ex tremely important day , and is one more tool we have in making the MiGCSA a driving force and influential organiz a- tion in the state of Michigan. We look forward to an even more successful day nex t y ear! MiGCSA and MTF members with MSU Turf staff at the Capitol John Fulling and Rep. Larry DeShazor discuss the issues affecting Golf and Business in Kalamazoo A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO FOR THEIR FINANCIAL SUPPORT " ” MICHIGAN GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM T H A N K YO U T O M i G C S A ’ S T O P I N D U S T RY PA R T N E R S SUPPORT THE COMPANIES THAT SUPPORT YOUR ASSOCIATION P L A T I N U M P A R T N E R G O L D P A R T N E R S I L V E R P A R T N E R FOR INFORMATION ON BECOMING A MiGCSA INDUSTRY PARTNER, PLEASE CONTACT VANESSA CROCETTO AT 517-327-9207 10 Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG . A FULL ROUND s t e v e hammon E ach spring edition of Course Conditions will profile the incoming president of the MiGCSA. The current president is Steve Hammon of Traverse City Golf & Country Club. This beautiful up north country club was founded in 1915; TCG&CC took shape in the form of a rustic two-story clubhouse with 9 holes of golf. The original 40 acre parcel was donated by the Hannah & Lay Company of Traverse City. Stock was sold at $125 and dues were $25 per year. The early membership was filled with the names of prominent individuals who left their mark on the city as well as the Club. By 1928, the membership had grown and interest in the game of golf had increased, so another 9 holes were added to the course. Attending the dedication ceremonies in J uly of 1928 were U nited States V ice President Charles Dawes and financier Andrew Mellon, as well as R. Floyd Clinch, the president of the Traverse City State Bank and the Hannah & Lay Company. Today Traverse City Golf & Country Club sits on 137 acres, has 190 social members and 280 golf members. One of the clubs prominent social members included the late Walter Hagen who retired to Traverse City in 1967. Over the decades the club has hosted many distinguished guests including; President Gerald R. Ford, Patty Berg, Horton Smith, Byron Nelson, Gene Sarazon and Arnold Palmer. Steve has been at the club for 13 years and is a 1989 graduate of the Michigan State Turfgrass Program. He has served on various volunteer committees and boards throughout the Michigan turfgrass industry, some of these groups include; U SGA, GAM, NMTMA, Golfdom, Rainbird and MTE SP. “ I couldn’ t spend some of my time away from the club serving the industry if it wasn’ t for the support of my family, my general manager, green committee members as well as the hard work and dedication of my equipment technician Dave E rtl and my assistant superintendent K evin Breuker” Steve said. “ I have been given an enormous amount of opportunities to help me succeed in this industry from a country club in Iowa at the age of 7, to the French Riviera, Pebble Beach Golf Links and beyond. I have been fortunate to have worked for and network with some really talented people that invested their time in me and my career and to all of them I say thank you.” “ It will be an honor and an absolute privilege to represent all of the hard working men and women in this state that help create great golf course conditions for everyone to enjoy.” ID V ED IN T Y OU B ECOME INV OL F B USINESS? B ob J ohnson and his brother Mike ( Forest H OW D G OL Hills Golf Course now Watermark CC) were the ones that introduced me to the Turf Management Program at Michigan State University , yes Ji m Jo hnson ( Great Lakes Turf) is their other brother, he worked for Lesco HQ at the time. H E . WH ER E D ID Y OU R ECEIV E Y OUR ED UCAT ION? I was fortunate to get into the MSU program as a 1 9 y ear old. I had one y ear with D r. Ken Pay ne and then spent my second y ear during D r. Rogers’ first yea r at MSU. Y OU L IK E T O SEE . WH AT R ESEAR CH ISH ED WOUL T UR F OR ACCOMP ? I think some of the best research that has come out of MSU in the past R ASS MANAG EMENT yea rs would be; greens rolling, moss control, growth regulation control, winter damage repair techniq ues and summer stress. I am looking forward to refined research from these on going projects and Ron Calhoun’s research with more growing degree day models. 4. WHA T DIF IS T H E MOST ? The most difficult part of my job is balancing my time with daily course conditions, green committee and board responsibilities, managing my staff and controlling costs. OF Y OUR ICUL P AR J OB . WH AT SP AR E T D O Y OU D O IN Y OUR IME? In the summer I enjoy trying to keep up with my families non- stop daily activities like, going to beach, bike rides and hikes, Crys tal Mountain water park visits, bon fires on the beach, junior golf at the club and family parties. In the winter I really enjoy taking my kids to school every morning, sledding, school ski nights at Crys tal Mountain, attending high school basketball games and movie night by the fireplace. . WH AT IS Y OUR F AV OR IT E F OOD OR R EST AUR ANT ? The nex t time yo u are in Traverse City , check out Stella’s in the old state hospital buildings. . WH AT IS Y OUR basketball. . GO F AV OR GREEN IT E NON- G OL F SP OR ? College Y OU L IK E T O B E R EMEMB ER ED H OW WOUL Y EAR S R OM NOW? I would like to be remembered as a person who was passionate about training assistants and interns to succeed in this business. 1 course conditions | spring 2009 11 . WH AT IS T H E EASIEST P AR OF Y OUR J OB ? The easiest part of my job is going to work, I love what I do. . WH AT IS T H E B IG G EST ISSUE F ACING SUP ER INT END ENT S T OD AY ? The biggest issue today is cutting ex penses. O ur departments are historically all about spending and with the economy in Michigan, GM ‘ s and committees are looking at the golf and grounds department to cut, cut, cut. P . WH AT T O AD MANAG EMENT IECE OF EQ UIP MENT T O Y OUR AR SENAL WOUL F OR G OL Y OU L IK E F COUR SE ? A new J ohn D eere tractor with a bucket. . WH AT IL H E OL UT IS T B EING IECE OF EQ UIP MENT IS ST ? We have a 1 97 2 Ja cobsen sweeper; this thing will pick up a bushel full of dimes out of the grass. P IN Y OUR D EST IZ ED L EET H AT F T IL . WH AT V AL UAB H E MOST IN T IS T L EAR NED R OF ESSION? Never to burn bridges and to give back to yo ur industry in any way that yo u can. F COUR SE MANAG EMENT Y OU H AV E H E G OL L E T ING 1 4. WH AT IG IS Y OUR B F COUR SE ET P ET G OL T E? My biggest pet peeve is that many golfers think y ou can just turn a dial to make the green speeds faster. P EEV E CONCER NING G EST IQU ET L AY G OL ? WH AT D O Y OU P ? I have been playi ng golf since I was about six , I am a seven handicap. I enjoy golf but love play around the country ing golf with club members IS Y OUR H AND ICAP IS T H EST H E T OUG . WH AT L AY ED different from each other D eepdale on Long Island and Prairie D unes in Hutchinson, Kansas. ? It ‘ s actually a tie and these two courses are so F COUR SE Y OU H AV E G OL A MUL IF Y OU H AD CAR EER some ty pe of corporate marketing firm or own a wine bar. F ER ENT B E? I would own IG AN IN A T OT AL CH OICE, WH AT WOUL IT D IF . NAME ANY T R EE P EOP R EAM SCR AMB L E WH O WOUL L E T EAM? ” I would be the team MAK E UP “ Y OUR captain for, Tom B rokaw, Harrison Ford, Matt Lauer and Ji m Nantz . 9 T 1 0 - 1 1 D D 1 2 L 1 3 H P 1 5 . F . 1 6 P 1 7 . L L Y D 1 8 H D D 1 . 2 3 D L F G 3 - 5 F T T 5 6 7 T . 8 . D 0 0 F 12 Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG . Welcome New 2009 MiGCSA Members . NAME COMPANY CLASSIFICATION Robert Birdsall Mike Brown Michael Greenberg Bruce Hanna Jacob Huizenga William Kolenda Ryan Osborn Gary Ray Collin Romanick Mark Santori Thomas Schemmel Alexander Piotrowski Alan Bidwell Arnold Burkhart Brent Kovacs Joel Larsen Michael Moore Corey Risedorph Douglas Trietch Steve Williams Chris Boyce Jeffrey Carter Brent Davis Dean Baker Gerald Ellis Mark Frever Joel Hoving Albert LeFere Rick Olsen John Page Tyler Manly Craig Ruhl Benjamin Yocic Douglas Boyle Las Lomas Club deGolf Fox Run Country Club Park Shore Golf Club Indian Trails Golf Course Sparta Moose Lodge #50 Golden Sands Golf Course Wuskowhan Players Club Treetops Resort Blythefield Country Club Green Valley Golf Course Naval Academy Livonia Golf Division Walnut Creek Country Club Birchwood Farms Golf & Country Club National Golf Links of America Point O Woods Golf & C.C. Rouge Park Golf Course Kingsley Club, LLC Harbor Shores Golf Club Wuskowhan Players Club Currie Golf Course Gull Lake Country Club Morgan Composting Ellis Sales, Inc./E-Z-GO VEHICLES DryJect of Michigan Commerce Corporation DryJect of Michigan Automatic Supply Michigan Commerce Corporation Pine View Golf Course Polo Fields Golf & C.C. Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class A Class SM Class C Class C Class C Class C Class C Class C Class C Class C Class D Class D Class D Class AFF Class AFF Class AFF Class AFF Class AFF Class AFF Class AFF Class SA Class SA Class SA Class I . MiGCSA Membership Report SUMMARY OF CLASSES 2/17/09 2009 CURRENT 2008 COMPARISON TOTAL 2008 MEMBERSHIP PRECENTAGE RETAINED Class AA Class A Class SM Class C Class D Class E Class AFF Class H Class SA Class R Class I Class FM TOTAL 20 237 51 67 14 20 108 10 6 6 4 0 543 8 221 26 65 8 21 92 10 1 4 4 0 460 IUSTO ODIO DIGNISSIM QUI BLANDIT PRAESENT LUPTATUM ZZRIL DELENIT AUGUE DUIS DOLORE TE FEUGAIT NULLA FACILISI. 20 267 58 80 24 20 134 12 3 5 4 0 627 100% 88% 87% 83% 58% 100% 80% 83% 200% 120% 100% 0% 86% course conditions | spring 2009 UNDER THE HOOD 13 Lloyd Seese EQUIPMENT TECHNICIAN AND ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT, THORNAPPLE POINT GOLF CLUB Lloyd Seese has been with Thornapple Point since 2000 when he was hired into a combination role as E quipment Technician and Assistant Superintendent. He enjoys filling a combination role because it allows him to get outside of the shop more and he likes the change of pace on a daily basis. When asked how much of his time is spent in the shop vs. in the field, he indicated that he couldn’ t be sure because it changes throughout the season. Lloyd grew up farming in West/ Central Michigan, where he worked in the field, fixing equipment and building barns. After that Lloyd went to work for U S Golf Cars in Caledonia where he learned about of the opportunity to work with J ack Thomasma at Thornapple Point. J ack professes that he trusts Lloyd if he is not available for “ anything that comes down the pipe” and says that Lloyd is “ top notch” . He is married to his wife, Ann and has a daughter; Pam. Lloyd is also a proud grandfather. On occasions his dog, Louie visits the golf course to give Lloyd a hand. HOW DID YOU BECOME INVOLVED IN THE GOLF BUSINESS? I felt with my farming background that the golf business was a good fit for me. The golf industry was the closest profession to farming I could find. WHAT IS THE MOST DIFFICULT PART OF YOUR JOB? Trying to stay one step a head of a breakdown or finding a hy draulic hose that is about to burst. WHAT IS THE EASIEST PART OF YOUR JOB? Coming to work every day , if only to be able to witness another sunrise! WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE TOURING PROFESSIONAL? I would have to say , Phil Mickelson, because we are both lefty ’s. WHAT IS THE OLDEST PIECE OF EQUIPMENT IN YOUR FLEET? The oldest piece of eq uipment would be our 1 996 dating back to construction of the golf course. Smithco Spray star WHO INFLUENCED YOU THE MOST ABOUT EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT? My Father, having grown up on a dairy farm taught me the importance of eq uipment maintenance, care and cost. Eq uipment management is key to running a successful business. WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST ISSUE FACING EQUIPMENT MANAGERS TODAY? The biggest issue that I face would be the price of parts to fix the eq uipment and keeping up on the maintenance. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE THE BIGGEST ISSUE WILL BE IN THE FUTURE? Learning to trouble shoot electrical problems. The industry is changing from hy draulic and fuels to parts that are all electric. WHAT IS THE MOST VALUABLE THING THAT YOU HAVE LEARNED IN THE GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT PROFESSION? To pay attention to detail! This is very important to the job in hand. 14 Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG . The First Steps Toward Sustainable Golf BY TOM MEAD After spending the last few years in wetland consulting, one of the industries leading golf course consultants, Tom Mead of Traverse City, is returning home to concentrate on the sustainability aspects of the golf industry in Michigan and around the country. As a leading golf course consultant, he brings more than 35 years of experience in all aspects of golf course development, construction, agronomy, and operations. Like many industries, golf is in a time of major change. Economic uncertainty , climate change and growing concerns about water resources and pesticide use are dictating a new business model. The upsurge in “ green” sentiment worldwide is creating much discussion about environmental issues that are important elements of the broader subject of sustainability . The fundamentals of sustainable golf are simple. The spirit of the game, the financial aspects of the golf business and the environ- mental practices necessary for a sustainable golf course are all compatible. We have the knowledge, technology and budgets to design, construct and maintain sustainable golf facilities right now. All we have to do is shift our values, then reflect them in a new business model that emphasiz es the true spirit of the game and environmentally sound standards and practices. now— We can make this shift enthusiastically putting golf on the leading edge of the forthcoming tidal wave of sustainable business models. O r as an industry , we can be overpowered by the tidal wave, dragged into sustainability , kicking and screaming. Either way , a transition to sustainable designs, standards and practices is inevitable. D uring the past forty yea rs, the golf business has evolved from an insignificant industry to a $ billion per y ear business. While the boom has generated increased golfing interest and ex panded the industry , current standards and practices are not justifiable if we are interested in preserving or improving our environment. The trend for the past forty y ears of building bigger and more ex pensive courses and continually increasing maintenance intensity and budgets might be financially feasible for facilities that cater to the most affluent golfers who are willing to pay anyt hing to play the game. B ut for every one else, the reality of this trend has become financially unsustainable. Furthermore, it is not in harmony with the spirit of golf, with its connection to the natural world. “Sustainability is an economic state where the demands placed on the environment by people and commerce can be met without reducing the capacity to provide for future generations.” The R&A, St. Andrews Every one in the golf industry needs to think about what is good for the game of golf in a pure sense. We need to understand and respect the real intent and spirit of the game, and emphasiz e these aspects in our business plans. We need to think about what is good for our children and grandchildren and the fun they can have play ing golf in the future. We can be wise and proactively shift our business model to preserve our resources and dramatically reduce the use of pesticides on our courses, or we can continue to spend energy — 7 6 course conditions | spring 2009 15 competing for dwindling resources and defending the use of restricted materials. We must prescribe a new sustainable business model that is first and foremost, good for the environment. A transition to sustainable standards and practices will prove to be good for the game, the golf business and the planet. A sustainability action plan will vary from facility to facility , but there are basic req uirements to transition to a financially viable, sustainable business plan. There needs to be a clear understanding of where a facility has been and where it is at present, and a realistic vision of what the possibilities are. Pragmatic, whole- sys tem thinking about what a particular site offers leads to designs and practices that are environmentally and economically sound. A transition to a sustainable model is a multi- undertaking; however, there are two initial steps that will provide the foundation for the sustainable business model to evolve. yea r, complicated To begin, there must be a desire by the decision makers at each individual golf operation to shift to a sustainable business model. O wners, management companies, club boards and committee members must look in the mirror and decide to do the right thing for the game - which means doing the right thing for the environment. At the same time, the leadership of each golf course must commit to educating the pay ing golfer. The American golfer must be recon- nected with the true spirit of the game and its interrelationship with nature. Golfers must clearly understand the environmental impact of the facility they are financially supporting. Communication and public awareness are of utmost importance for a smooth transition to a sustainable model. This req uires redefining what makes a great golf course. ines are The course “ rankings” published by the major golf magaz highly influential in shaping industry standards and driving business priorities. Golf D leadership roles in identify Their leadership is now needed to encourage transition to sustainable practices and standards. ine and Golfweek have taken ing the very best courses architecturally igest, Golf Magaz In the near term, the magaz ines could launch a separate course rating ex plicitly focused on environmental practices and standards— an “ America’s 1 00 Greenest Courses” - ty pe ranking. At the same time, to achieve the ultimate goal of making environmental practices an integral element of what constitutes a great golf course, the magaz gradually adding weight of “ America’s 1 00 Greatest Courses” yea r period, so that courses have to these measures over a five- sufficient time to adopt the environmental practices necessary to be competitive in the rankings. ines could introduce new “ green” measures into its rankings The second step toward a sustainable golf course that provides the most significant environmental benefits is grassing golf courses ( new and ex isting) with varieties of species that are most sustainable in terms of play ability , cost and environmental impact. The irrigation, fertiliz er, pesticide and mowing req uirements for different species adapted to certain regions of the country vary greatly , and the turfgrass species and varieties within the species selected for tees, greens, roughs and especially fairway s directly impacts the other environmental elements and potential to achieve a sustainable facility . % imately 8 0 % of the highly maintained turf area on an average golf In the northern region of the U. S. where cool season grasses thrive, the fine fescues must be considered the ultimate choice in terms of sustainability for most fairway and rough applications and in fewer instances green and tee applications. It is important to recogniz e that fairway s ty pically represent approx to 8 course that req uire considerable water, chemical and energy inputs. Fescues established for green, tee and fairway applications ty pically req uire 6 0 % pesticides and a 5 0 % compared to creeping bentgrass, the standard play currently found on most northern courses. less reduction in mowing freq uency when ing surface less fertiliz ation, 8 0 % less irrigation, 5 0 % In the southern portion of the country where warm season grasses flourish, varieties of seashore paspalum are the best choice in terms of sustainability on most courses. Paspalum, as an environmental alternative to the standard bermudagrass varieties found on southern greens, tees, fairway s and roughs ty pically req uires 3 0 % brackish or effluent water. less fertiliz er and tolerates irrigation with to 5 0 % Growing conditions in the transition z one, an area located between the warm and cool regions, can be very difficult and vary greatly B oth warm season grasses and cool season grasses are utiliz ed in this designated area and no one grass species offers noticeable environmental benefits that generally apply to the entire region. The fescues and seashore paspalums are proven grasses that can provide ex cellent play ing surfaces, with greatly reduced inputs and ex pense that offer the best possibility for long term financial sustain- ability for a significant number of courses located throughout the US. At the same time, it is important to realiz e that these are not perfect grasses or necessarily the best choice for every course. There is ongoing breeding work to improve varieties for all grass species and in the future there may be appropriate new choices for certain locations, but the fescues and paspalums are available now and their adaptability is wide spread. imately 7 6 2 billion gallons of water per y ear. Again, it is B ased on a 2005 survey , the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America estimated that golf courses consume approx important to understand that the fescues and seashore paspalums of the are not the perfect options for every course, but if just 5 0 % approx ,000 golf courses in the country were to convert to these proven low input grasses hundreds of billions of gallons of fresh, potential potable water would be saved annually imately 1 The conversion to the most sustainable grasses at any given facility will not be painless nor revenue- neutral - in the short term. However, the payb ack comes in typi cally three to seven yea rs depending on starting point operating budgets and revenues, and the annual long- term savings are significant. The change of the heart needed to shift to a new sustainable business model doesn’t cost any thing— rating sy stems have the potential to facilitate it with some revamped measurements that emphasiz e sustainable standards and practices. and the major golf course With these two steps accomplished, any facility has the foundation to pursue the other interconnected water resource, plant manage- ment, nature conservation, site design, waste and energy issues that can be adapted to bring about a sustainable business model. . — 5 . 6 . 16 Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG THE BETTER HALF . Dan Koops Dan Koops is the Assistant Superintendent at the Country Club of Detroit. After graduating from the 2 year golf turf program at Michigan State University in 2006 he became the assistant at Battle Creek Country Club where he worked until the end of the 2007 season. Currently serving under Superintendent Bob McCurdy, Dan is entering his second season as Assistant Superintendent at the Club. When Dan is not hard at work on the course he enjoys spending time with his young family. 1. HOW DID YOU BECOME INVOLVED IN THE GOLF y ears and BUSINESS? I was in the landscaping business for 4 ended up taking a class in turf management taught by Thom Nikolai. He opened my ey es to the world of golf turf management. After talking to a few people about the industry , I was introduced to Kevin D ushane at Wuskowhan Play ers Club. Kevin brought me in and gave me a tremendous start in the industry . After one y ear on the crew at Wuskowhan, I was hooked and haven’t looked back since. 2. WHO GREETS YOU AFTER ALONG DAY ON THE COURSE? My wife, Pam and our 3 and Lee. The boys are all under 3 boy s in three consecutive y ears, in three different cities. little boys , Ja son, Rya n yea rs old. We had three 3. WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? I like to spend evenings at home playing with the kids or going for walks with my wife. 6. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GOLF HOLE YOU HAVE PLAYED? The 1 1 th hole of the North Course at Wilmington Country Club in D elaware. The course has great views of the surrounding country side. 7. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE PIECE OF EQUIPMENT YOU HAVE IN YOUR ARSENAL FOR GOLF COURSE MANAGEMENT? The irrigation sys tem, more specifically the computer. I have heard stories about the past and I don’t want to go there. B eing able to press a button then let an automated sy stem do the work itself for 1 0 hours at night is a wonderful thing. 8. WHO INFLUENCED YOU THE MOST ABOUT TURFGRASS MANAGEMENT? I have been fortunate to work for 4 very talented superintendents. Each one has their own styl e and I was able to learn from all of them. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for them. 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE NON-GOLF SPORT? NASCAR, for some reason watching cars make left turns for three hours interests me. 9. WHAT IS THE MOST DIFFICULT PART OF YOUR JOB? Water management, try foot of the property is neither too wet nor too dry ing to make sure that every sq uare 5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE GOLF COURSE THAT YOU HAVE PLAYED? I really enjoy Wuskowhan Players Club in West Olive , Michigan. This is where I started in the golf business and the course has some spectacular views. 10. WHAT IS THE EASIEST PART OF YOUR JOB? Showing up, I enjoy what I do and rarely wish that I was somewhere else. . . WH AT D O Y OU SEE F OR T H E NEX G ENER AT ION OF course conditions | spring 2009 17 INT END ENT S? I see assistants getting more SUP ER . As demands increase on the golf course, more will be ASSIST ANT responsibility placed on the superintendent and conseq uently the assistant. I think that the top tier of assistants will be paid very well, more than they are now. QUICK NINE D OM MAG AZ MAG AZ G OL IND UST SECT G olf Course Industry Magaz INE, G OL INE OR ? ION R ECOR ine F COUR SE R EEN USG A G H E MAST ER S, U. S. OP EN OR ISH OP EN? T he Masters - summer is coming B IT . WEEK END ING IR OR MEET Ice cream headache ION B IG AT ICE CR EAM H EAD ACH E? , B UD R EAK G ET 4. , SNAIL E- MAIL F ace to face MAIL OR F ACE T O F ACE? . MOR NING IF UL B EAUT SUNR SUNSET ISE, SUNNY OR ? Morning sunrise D AY D ECID UOUS T R EEN T EV ER NO T R EE NEX R EE NEX R EE NEX T O G T O G T O G R EEN, R EEN OR R EEN? No trees IT L EIST , NIKE OR MAX I? Whatever I find in the rough SP OT , SNOWMOL L AR D OL D ollar spot D IR T AX OR stock in pampers IAP ER IV ER I D CH ANG ER R AND G OR P IUM? , T EENAG E P AR ENT S? I own . WH AT IS Y OUR IONSH OP IP INION OF T T O T H E R OL E OF T SUP ER H E MECH ANIC INT END ENT ? H E ASSIST ANT IN R EL AT I think that the assistant and the mechanic have eq ually important roles. O ne keeps the crew running and the other keeps the eq uipment running. With out one or the other, the operation will fail. . WH AT R ESEAR CH WOUL Y OU L R ASS MANAG EMENT IK E T O SEE ACCOMP ISH ED ? I would like to know how long T UR F OR grass can go under drought conditions and still come out O water restrictions coming in the future and play ers wanting firmer conditions, I want to know how little I can water a fairway and still be able to bring it back when needed. . K. With 1 4. WH AT H E MICH AR E Y OUR EX F COUR SE SUP ER IONS F P ECT AT INT END ENT S ASSOCIAT R OM T G OL ION? Provide an opportunity for members of the association to get continuing education in all aspects of our industry fer times when members can network with each other. Also to be our voice in Lansing when legislation comes up that affects our industry . Of IG AN BE ? I would IT D ING G OL WOUL AB OUT CH ANG E IF Y OU COUL ANY F COUR SE MANAG EMENT , WHA T change the golfer’s perception that large numbers of trees are beautiful on the golf course. Unless the golf course winds through woods, tree planting should be limited with no memorials. Trees in small numbers, strategically planted are great. Any thing more than that is unnecessary and costly D F ER ENT IG AN IN A MUL IF CH OICE, WH AT IT IF Y OU H AD A T OT AL CAR EER WOUL B E? I think it would be a thrill to be a NASCAR driver and the money is good. If only I could have persuaded my parents to buy me that go- kart I wanted as a kid. IR ST HE F G OL H OUT CH ANG E ANY F H OL E ON Y OUR R EP ER CUSSION, WH IF Y OU COUL COUR SE WIT F B E ? I would change # 9. If our bunker crew ever gets caught by golfers, it will be on #9 because of all the bunkers on the hole. I would get rid of some of the bunkers or make them smaller. It would take some stress out of my life. ONE WOUL G OL ICH . WH O AR E T R EE P EOP L E T EAM” H E T R EAM SCR AMB L E T ? I doubt that they ever swung a club, but I would really like to strike up a conversation with George Washington, Thomas J efferson and Abraham Lincoln. These men are true leaders and some great minds. MAK E UP WOUL Y OUR H AT 1 . F R Y D 2 . T R 3 R 5 6 . T G T T 7 . T F L 8 . D Y T H 9 . D T Y R 1 1 T 1 2 1 3 D L F G . 1 5 . D T H . 1 6 . L L Y D 1 7 . D D T 1 8 H D “ D 18 Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG . IN THE ROUGH Habitat Project at the 2009 GIS O n Tuesday and Wednesday of GIS week over 200 people volunteered their time and talents to help those directly affected by the devastation brought by Hurricane Katrina. irmingham Country Club, J erry McV etty of O akhurst Five volunteers from Michigan were in the group on Tuesday and included MiGCSA board member Tavis Horton of B Golf and Country Club, D ave Kechnie of the Lochmoor Club, Scott Trobovich of Sy ngenta and my self. D espite the fact that the day started early for all the volunteers no one was grumbling about having to be at the New O rleans Morial Convention Center before all the other attendees, as a matter of fact most were able to sleep longer than they normally did on a work day . As we waited for the buses and got to meet others volunteers the staff of the GCSAA gave us the essential materials needed for the day ” pouch filled with sunscreen and bandages including a large water bottle, “ emergency along with a shirt that commemorated our efforts. As Sheri Light and Ky la D otson of the GCSAA staff got us on the bus they informed us that our first stop would be the mandatory safety meeting to be held at the Central City Neighborhood Habitat site. The trip took us from the fully recovered warehouse district near the convention center to areas of the city that were still wrapped in the devastation of the category 3 hurricane that swept thru New O / 2 y ears ago. rleans 4 1 ing Amaz ing Grace with his rleans is operating in 5 ,000 volunteers in 2008 different sites and had over 5 We were greeted by Terry , better known as T- Ray , play Scottish B ag Pipes, it was brilliant! He ex plained that the Habitat organiz ation of New . An ing fact when y ou consider that all other Habitat sites in the United States had a of all the building permits in rleans area are currently taken out by the Habitat organiz ation. This project amaz combined total of 4 0,000 in the same period. About 1 2% the New O is primarily funded by Mr. D avid Letterman ( illage in the 9th Ward is funded in part by the D ave Matthews B and ( still others are funded by churches or other philanthropic organiz ations. The general premise was ex plained and those who are to live in these houses must buy them for ,000 ( interest free) and must also invest 25 0 hours of sweat eq uity to q ualify for y ear) while the Musicians million/ million) while the program. 3 0 mph and the first floor is 1 These homes are not constructed in a normal fashion. These are designed to withstand ” above the high water mark sustained winds of up to 1 set by Katrina. A member in the group asked how they knew what the water level was. It was ex plained by T- Ray that during the height of the flooding the authorities placed a “ bottle cap’ on all of the telephone poles at the water level and now those building a home or business along with all of the parish authorities in charge of construction permits know to walk to the nearest pole and look for the high water mark. To reach these heights ( in not where the building starts. Py points of the house, these are then attached to the footings of the home by a series of metal straps, the foundation pillars are added atop until the desired level above the high water mark is achieved and these pillars are attached to the foundation with metal straps as well. The metal straps continue up thru the floor sys tem, the wall sys tem and the rafter sy stems until they end at the top of the house. Essentially making the building connected from 5 0’ underground to the very top of the structure, and secure enough to withstand the winds of category 3 ’ off the ground at this site) the builders put every thing on pillars but this lons are driven 5 0’ into the ground at all load bearing hurricanes. O ur crew was split as some were needed at Central City to finish siding and stairs along with fencing and sod work and 3 0 were needed to start a flooring sy stem at Ferry Place, O 5 $ 1 / 4 V $ 1 . 5 $ 7 5 6 6 course conditions | spring 2009 19 some very encouraging words from the site foreman. Adam informed us that it was his goal when the day started to have the floor joists started on one home. He went on to say that to have one floor sy stem basically finished and the other 2/ 3 rds complete was so far bey ond what they had hoped. He welcomed any of us to come back at any time and help. GIS volunteers for Habitat for Humanity in New Orleans. Wednesday dawned and those that helped woke with renewed hope and a lot of very sore muscles to show for their efforts. And y ou know what? Scott Trobovich accepted Adam’s offer to return and went back on Wednesday for a second helping. Scott said it was just as great as the day before and walls were built and erected by the end of the day . Looks like the Habitat dignitaries will have to change their plans from a wall standing to a roof raising ceremony at the end of the week. Sincerely , RO N D AHLIN, CGCS ICE PRESID ENT MiGCSA a site that sits nex t to the Mississippi River Levee not far away . The crew from Michigan decided that they had the skills to lay sod but really wanted to ex perience something different so we boarded the bus for the ride to the mighty Mississippi River. We were greeted by Kate, who represented the Presbyt erian Church, which is the primary financier of the site. Accompany ing Kate was Adam from North Carolina, who is the primary site foreman and J eremy , his second in command. Kate ex plained that this Habitat site is named in honor of the first firefighter to lose his life in the line of duty during the hurricane, Mr. J ohn Ferry Orlea ns was underwater and while this area was only a driver 9 iron away from the Mississippi River, it was not under as much water as the Central City site. Never the less the house’s foundation was 4 Adam ex plained that the goal was to get one of the floor sys tems finished and ready for a wall raising ceremony scheduled in 4 started to go to work. day s. With that said the group split up and . At the height of the flooding 8 feet off the ground. of New ’x 6 ing and the hammers were pounding. Ky A small pod of men attached the bunk of lumber and crowned, measured, marked and separated it into the appropriate piles. Another pod started installing the metal flashing to the top of the pillars which is needed to protected against termites entering the home, while y et another started to haul the 6 ” beams needed to build the initial wooden support for the flooring sy stem. B efore y ou could shake a tape measure, the saw dust was fly was so impressed; she just had to stand back and start taking pictures or may be she was a little worried that she might accidentally be hit by lumber that was being toted around the building site! B efore the lunch bell rang, one home had the beams set and the floor joist bands done while the other was already getting the initial floor joists set. I felt a little bad for Adam and J eremy as they had little time to help but rather spent most of their time solving little hitches along the way and planning the nex t steps for the crew that had come from around the country la D otson . O ur day started late and ended early by golf course employ ee standards and the closing bell rang at 3 pm. The job site was cleaned and all tools and eq uipment were stored back in the portable shipping vaults used for secure storage. We were then allowed to tour a home that was recently completed but not y et occupied. It is a very comfortable and livable new home with the kitchen facing the street and the living room occupy ing the center of the home. The master bedroom is on the first floor along with a bathroom and laundry room while the upstairs has 2 bedrooms and another bathroom. The crew gathered for a final photo and V % Assistant Update BY TAVIS HORTON, ASSISTANT BOARD LIAISON course conditions | spring 2009 21 The first Assistant Superintendent Sy mposium was held at the Great Lakes Trade Ex position in J anuary 2009. I would like to thank the 2008 a job well done. Assistant Superintendent Committee and the guest speakers on The inaugural Assistant Superintendent Sy mposium was well attend- ed and filled with assistants as well as superintendents from across the state. Every body enjoy ed a great panel of guest speakers that included D an D ingman and B ob McCurdy who recently became superintendents. Each of them shared their interview ex periences and strategies that got them to where they are today from two assistant superintendents, my self and Kevin B reuker who spoke on building a presentation package and the Toro tournament training program, respectively , while Steve Randall, GCSAA Staff Liaison discussed the professional development tools available to assistants through the GCSAA . . We also heard After the guest speakers spoke many of us remained, including the guest speakers, to further discuss career opportunities and challenges for assistants today sy mposium and other assistant events from 2008 was received and new ideas for ‘ 09 were discussed as well as plans for the nex t Assistant Superintendent Sy mposium in 201 0. . We also used this opportunity to evaluate the . Great feedback In J anuary 2009 I became the first assistant superintendent to be elected to the board of directors with the MiGCSA for a three- term. Things are evolving well in Michigan and with the GCSAA. I would encourage y ou to get involved too. Assistants are being given y ear a great opportunity to network with our peers in the industry ex ample, Kevin B reuker and I both did presentations at the Golf Industry Show in New O for information and want to hear from other assistants as we all progress through our career challenges. rleans. We found that assistants are looking . For O ne of the goals for 2009 that the committee has committed to is to improve communication to assistants via regular e- news updates and an Assistant Update column in Course Conditions. We feel this is a great way to communicate to assistants across the state and to those who are not able to participate in all the events within their chapter or the state. A second goal is to improve the education provided at local events by focusing on personal development topics like leadership and motivation. If y ou think of something y ou would like to see implemented by the Assistant Committee, please pass it along. If yo u think it’s a great idea, more than likely others do as well. Please share yo ur thoughts and suggestions with us by contacting y our local assistant committee member. The 2009 Assistant Committee information can be found on the MiGCSA website at www. migcsa. org. If y ou are interested in joining the committee, a volunteer form will be emailed to the membership by the MiGCSA shortly Please mark y our calendars to join us on O ctober 1 9, 2009 for the 2nd Assistant Golf event to be held at The Emerald in St. Jo hns. This is a great opportunity to network with fellow assistants and learn more about our industry . . 22 Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG . FROM NATIONAL Golfonomics BY STEVE RANDALL- GCSAA SENIOR MANAGER, CHAPTER OUTREACH STEVE RANDALL As I was walking the show floor at the Golf Industry Show in New rleans, I wanted to stop by and touch base with some folks working the many booths. Funny , the topic of the economy came up. As I spoke to many on the show floor, I heard that, while traffic was moderate, the number of folks looking to purchase goods and services was solid. Thursday , during the preview at the show, I had the opportunity to help out the folks working for Riksha. For those of yo u who aren’t aware, Riksha makes two and three wheel pull carts. They have a new three- wheel pull cart on the market, and I had assisted them when getting their item on the New Product Showcase. I started thinking, three- wheel pullcarts? For golf facilities? So folks could easily rent one of these accessories when play ing a round of golf? Yikes. . ! The Riksha is unique. The two wheels on the side are very large. The third wheel, a small wheel in the back of the cart is smaller and designed to max for sand/ seed mix and a basket to store things y ou might use regularly during the round. imiz e ease of use. The cart also features a holster Thursday is also the day of the chapter ex ecutives session. After I finished my morning duties on the floor, I headed up to our meeting room. Upon conclusion of the ex ecutive session, I started thinking… p. m. Time to head down and ask the q uestion. how are those folks at Riksha doing? It was now 4 . asked and. ? Low and behold. Admittedly , I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear the answer. read doom and gloom for the past six months. So, as I built up the urge I. and purchases were at or better than the levels in O 2008 . wait, did I hear that correctly a while since I’ve heard or seen a story like this. . ! They noted that traffic ? After all, it’s been . I’ve only rlando in . Interesting. I’ll pause. It’s nice to know good stories are out there. GROWING THE GAME, STRENGTHENING YOUR STATUS Out going GCSAA President D avid D owning gave a consistent message during the GIS. “ It’s time to get back to the game,” he said. Current GCSAA President Mark Kuhns ex panded that statement, noting that while times are tough, it’s time to turn to y our peers and y our professional organiz ations to help. For y ou, as a golf course superintendent, it’s more essential than ever to place y ourself in a position of strength. Education, professional development and improving areas within business, communications and leadership are important. Follow the leader may not be good enough! Help grow the game. It’s a benefit to y ou and y our profession. So how, yo u may ask? B ecome involved with the Get Golf Ready initiative. How about making more of y our presence felt with y our own J unior Golf Program? May be y ou can help adults and y outh realiz e y our impact on the game provides the ex cellent play conditions many take for granted. ing The Get Golf Ready program is targeted to millions of adults who have never play ed golf, or have a minimal connection to the game. The GCSAA has joined Golf 20/ 20 in this effort. So how can y ou as a golf course superintendent take action? Contact Golf 20/ 20 representatives and tell them y ou want to be a part of the solution. Everyo ne in the golf industry is here to help. Your story and yo ur impact on the game are vital to its success. isting opportunities. May be it’s making a presence within . May be it’s being Look at ex y our junior or adult golf programs at y our facility at the first tee, listening and learning from y our members or customers on Saturday s and Sunday s. Seek out y our professional organiz ations. The MiGCSA and the GCSAA are here to help. You will find virtually every resource possible to enhance the profession and ex pand the growth and vitality of the game. We are here for y ou. Take advantage of y our membership. Let us be of assistance and have a great 2009 season! O . . . . . . . 24 Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG . INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT The Mower for Grower and So Much More! MICHIGAN GOLF COURSE INDUSTRY PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION meet the needs of individual customers. This involves working with J ohn Deere Credit to tailor operating leases for the shorter northern seasons; offering parts consignment to minimize downtime and cash outlay; full maintenance service programs to reduce operating costs and keep equipment at peak performance; high quality, assured used equipment - essentially anything that helps a golf course efficiently meet their maintenance needs. The after-sale support at Weingartz is similarly world-class. They are exceptionally proud of the professionalism and efficiency of their staff and are proud to have many employees that have been with them for over 20 years! The technicians at Weingartz have over 350 years of combined industry-technical experience and they stock over $2.5 million in repair parts. E very company claims to have exceptional service, Weingartz believes that you have to put your money where your mouth is. After talking to Ron Weingartz, the President of Weingartz, it is apparent that he is very excited about some of the new products introduced at the Golf Industry Show in New Orleans. J ohn Deere introduced a full-line of hybrid mowers and, according to Ron, “ … the most impressive reels that I’ ve ever seen. Adjusting the height- of-cut and the reel-to- bedknife are so quick and easy that you’ re going to have to see them to believe it.” Ron adds that you call them if you’ d like to see it! Weingartz is proud to be a Platinum Partner of the MiGCSA. They fully believe in supporting the industry that supports them. Weingartz was founded as a feed and farm supply store in tica, Michigan in 1945 by Raymond Weingartz Sr. The store had a simple philosophy - to be fair and honest and provide exceptional service. Sixty-four years later the farm supplies are gone and have been replaced with one of the broadest selections of power equipment anywhere. There are now four locations in Michigan (the original in U Farmington Hills, Waterford and Cedar Springs). The founder has passed away and now the company is owned and operated by the third generation of Weingartz owner- ship. Despite all of these changes, the commitment to be fair and honest and to provide exceptional service has never wavered. tica, Ron Weingartz, President The selection of golf course maintenance products offered by Weingartz is as extensive as you will find anywhere. Brands like J ohn Deere, Lastec, Dakota, Salsco, AgriMetal, Allen, Lely, Bernhard-E xpress Dual, Greensgroomer, E xmark, Stihl, RedMax and TurfE x headline their offering. In addition, they are the exclusive distributor of J ohn Deere Golf Irrigation Systems featuring the most advanced control system in the industry. While their product lineup is impressive, Weingartz has earned their share of the market by providing custom, creative solutions to meet customer’s needs. They understand that no two golf courses are identical and tailor programs to U 26 GREEN SIDE UP The Michigan Club Managers Association as an official The Michigan Club Managers Association ( MCMA) was formed in 1 95 chapter of the Club Managers Association of America ( CMAA) , the professional Association for managers of membership clubs. CMAA encompasses close to 7 members across all classifications, and our manager members run more than 3 country , golf, city , athletic, faculty , ya cht, town and military clubs. The objectives of the Association are to promote and advance friendly relations among persons connected with the management of clubs and other associations of similar character; to encourage the education and advancement of its members; and to assist club officers and mem- bers, through their managers, to secure the utmost in efficient and successful operations. ,000 ,000 JEFFREY D. ANDERSON, CCM local CMAA chapter, with the help of the Club Managers Association of America, Our provides our members with the ex pert resources to deliver ex ceptional club ex periences that fulfill the unex pressed needs and desires of our clubs’ membership and their guests that our consistent with their lifesty les. The MCMA enhances our members’ success by offering professional leadership development, ethical standards and responsive services. This mission is accomplished through the following strategic priorities set forth by the Club Managers Association of America: • Providing state- of- the- art educational programs Fostering appropriate relations with allied associations that will contribute to the objectives of the club industry and CMAA’s members • Providing uniq ue information and resources that increase member performance and career potential • Providing ex ecutive career services for members’ career development and assisting clubs in securing management personnel Interpreting changing social, governmental and economic conditions affecting club management • Conducting research and analy ing information/ data related to club management and the club industry of CMAA members’ clubs are golf and country clubs. With the challenges of ’s economy it is vital that our management teams unite to provide our club 8 0% today members with ex ceptional service and amenities that affirm the value of their member- ships. O ur boards rely on our professional ex pertise to guide them as we ride out this economic storm, which in turn offers us the opportunity to showcase our skills. The Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association is a key ally to club managers in the state. Their ex pertise in turf management, course conditions, environmental issues, and long- range planning enhances our most prominent amenity and asset - our golf courses. MiGCSA members are ex perts in their field and their affiliation with CMAA is vital to providing resources and initiatives to help us through our challenges. The cooperation and camaraderie of the various sectors of the golf industry is a true bright spot in the game of golf and the profession of club management - such fellowship is not alway s fostered in other industries. I am thankful for the ex pertise my superin- tendent and his assistant provide to our club and for the contributions they make to our members’ ex perience on a daily basis. In spite of Michigan’s devastating economy , I know that my colleagues across the state will continue to rely on the members of the MiGCSA for their proficiency in turf management in an environmentally and fiscally responsible manner. Thank y ou, MiGCSA, for all y ou do and best wishes for 2009. JEFFREY D. ANDERSON, CCM GENERAL MANAGER, TRAVERSE CITY GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB PRESIDENT, MICHIGAN CLUB MANAGERS ASSOCIATION 7 • • z . course conditions | spring 2009 27 i n t h e n e w s 2008 MiGCSA TURF STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP The MiGCSA would like to thank all applicants to the 2008 MiGCSA Turf Student Scholarship. Congratulations to the MiGCSA scholarship winners Craig Ruhl and Brandon Drzewicki and to all MSU student scholarship winners. Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association Winners Craig Ruhl and Brandon Drzewicki with MiGCSA board members Scott Pulaski and Adam Ikamas. THE MiGCSA LAUNCHES A NEW WEBSITE The MiGCSA has launched their new website. If you have not yet had a chance to visit the association’s website, you may do so by visiting www.migcsa.org. Our new website is equipped with a member’s only area. This means you can now log in to the members only side of the MiGCSA website if you are a current member in good standing. The member’s only area will enable you to post jobs, items for sale, even add events and update your membership information. Not a member yet? Well why not? You can also find information on membership and register for upcoming events online. You no longer need to worry about faxing because you can simply join and register online. The MiGCSA tries hard to keep our membership informed. Please try and find time to check your information online so we are able to reach you if need be. You can also change your method of delivery from traditional mail to email only. This is a great option to reduce the amount of mail we all get and save paper, postage and staff time. Also, please verify your other information from address to phone numbers. Please be confident that none of this information will be used for any other purpose than communicating important MiGCSA information to you in a timely manner. MSU SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Front row left to right : Robert Capecelatro, Brandon Drzewicki, Anthony Puzzuoli, Scott Wilkinson, Ryan Gage, Andrew Bird, Joshua Fuhrman, Alec Kowalewski, Marc Chappell Second row left to right: Michael Wallace, Craig Ruhl, Rusty Willard, Eric Blake, Kevin Kretz, Eric Bryan, Kevin Peck, Michael Krcmarik, Brian McDougal GCSAA ELECTS NEW OFFICERS FOR 2009 During the 2009 business meeting held at the Morial Convention center in New Orleans the membership of the GCSAA elected new officers. Those called on to guide the ship in 2009 include President Mark Kuhns, CGCS of Baltusrol Golf Club in Springfield New Jersey, James Fitzroy, CGCS of Presidents Golf Course in North Quincy Massachusetts and Robert Randquist, CGCS of Boca Rio Golf Club in Boca Raton, Florida. Peter J. Grass, CGCS was elected to his first two year term as a director and Keith A. Ihms, CGCS, and John J. O’Keefe, CGCS were elected directors for their second two year term. Patrick R. Finlen, CGCS, and Sanford G. Queen, CGCS remain on the board for the last year of their two-year terms. David S. Downing, CGCS will serve an additional year as immediate past president. 28 Michigan Golf Course Superintendents Association | WWW.MiGCSA.ORG 2009CALENDAR OF EVENTS . Monday, April 2 , 2 MiG CSA Spring Opener ( Country Club of L ansing) Monday, May 4, 2 Can- Am T ournament ( T he Essex G & CC) Monday, J une 1 Monday, Ju ne 2 , 2 , 2 MiG CSA G olf Event ( MT F F undraiser ( T he Be ar) T he R avines G olf Club) www.MiGCSA.org Visit for more details! Monday, J uly 1 , 2 MiG CSA G olf Event ( F orest L ake CC) T uesday, August 4, 2 Wednesday, August 1 , 2 Monday, September 1 4, 2 Monday, September 2 , 2 Monday, October 5 Monday, October 1 T uesday, October 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 MiG CSA State Championship ( Eagle Eye G C) MT ield D ay ( MSU H ancock Center) F F F F undraiser ( Egypt V alley CC) MT T uck T ate Championship ( R obert T rent Jo nes Masterpiece, T reeT ops R esort) ig Event ( T he B B arton H Assistant’s G olf Outing ( Eq uipment T ech. Meeting ( Crystal Mountain R esort) ills CC) T he Emerald) November 2 , 2 MiG CSA Education ( , 2 T uesday, D ecember 1 , 2 Monday, D ecember 7 F riday, D ecember 1 , 2 Saturday, D ecember 1 T hursday, D ecember 1 , 2 , 2 North Christmas P arty ( MiG CSA R oundtable meeting ( irmingham Country Club) West Christmas P arty ( Cascade Sports B ar, G rand R apids) East Christmas P arty ( Motor City Casino, D etroit) Mid Christmas P arty ( The Michigan Turfgrass Environmental Stewardship Program is a dynamic, proactive program intended to organize efforts of the turfgrass industry, state agencies, Michigan State University, and environmental advocacy groups to advance the environmental stewardship of the turfgrass industry and to recognize environmental achievements. H OUN R ON CAL s Turf Team Tidbits m o u r p F m l l a a C C A Participation has included more than 240 golf courses in the first 10 years of the programs existence. There are some exciting changes to announce as the MTESP enters its second decade. That makes this the perfect time to jump in the game. FREE IS GOOD: There is no longer an annual membership fee to participate in the program. Starting in 2009, courses will be considered members of MTESP if they maintain certified status or if they have an up-to-date environmental action plan. This will allow more courses to informally participate in the program while maintaining a distinction for properties that are actively pursuing or maintaining certification. Program modules are now available FREE. Visit www.turf.msu.edu/gamepiece to request your free virtual copy of the MTESP workbook ($50 value). Submit the completed form today and you will receive a pre-loaded USB thumb drive that includes all the materials, forms, and references to get started. Contact Debbie Swartz with any inquiries, questions or comments at 517.241.1987 or swartzd@michigan.gov. 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 9 2 0 0 9 3 0 0 9 0 0 9 9 0 0 9 0 0 9 1 0 0 9 0 0 9 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 - 3 0 0 9 T B D ) 0 0 9 T B D ) 0 0 9 B 1 0 0 9 2 0 0 9 7 0 0 9 T B D ) B Y M I C H I G A N G O L F C O U R S E S U P E R I N T E N D E N T S A S S O C I AT I O N 3225 W. ST. JOSEPH | LANSING, MI 48917 Pre-sorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Lansing, MI Permit No. 664