Camp [Nall?] on the [rode?] from Warinton to Fredrick Vir Nov 13th [1862?]         Dear Childe               Iit is sumtime since I have had a letter [from?] you I have roat two to you within the last two weeks say ing that the chanse was fare for us to have a fight but we ware to late at Snickers Gap and Manasas Gap we ware martch 20 miles in a day to get to Manasas Gap halted for the night the next mor- ning we a ware put as rear garde of the trane and hade to moove slow we haulted about midnight near Warinton after a march of 20 miles it was colde and we ware a litel shorte of grub but I got into with one of my [tent?] mates and fixt up so that we [had?] a good sleepe the next mor- ning it snowed we mooved into the wodes and had a fine camp but were shorte of bread they finley sent two boys from our Co to the Mill at Warinton and they ground what Corn they had and we got a long verey [well?] the snow was gon before night and we have verey fine wea ther thare is no troubel in lying on the ground with out a tent when we [illegible in original] late at night I am well and [hartey?] [2 words illegible in original] all I can get and [illegible in original] the march as wels well as most of the men my Napsack was rather heavy at first but I have got use to   and get along verey well my lode consist of a Sorde Can of water [Haversack?] with three days rations one Wooling blanket one [Ruder?] and over Coat [2 words illegible in original] three [shirtes?] and lots of litel traps one forth of a tente that is a piece of Coton cloth about two yardes square we have hurde firering amost everey day it is about so far off most of the time what we are to do I can not say [illegible in original] think we are a [illegible in original] and will not have mutch to do this fall I must close to get this in to the male to day from your Father with strong regarde Love to all Miss Alice M Peck A G Peck