Detroit Aug 14 1862      Alice Dear Child       with a heart beating high with emotion I atempt to adress you it becomes my duty to say to you that I have Enroled my self as a Volentier for our country and its flag pain full as it is I [feeal?] it to be my duty I am in Col Morrows 24 Regt and Capt [Crosbey's?] Camp the best in the Regt the Surgeon said that they ware the best [mark illegible in original] Corp of men that he ever inspected and they are all American born but one and [most?] [illegible in original] boys except two or 3 now what I want is to have you get Joseph to fetch you down to our house next Satuerday if you can so as to stay some days and I want your Likeness before I go if you are not down to our house by Sunday night I shal try and [illegible in original] after you on Monday we expect to have a ck Sabath School pickni^ on wednsday and I I want you thare I came to town yeste- rday and did expect to go home to day but [we?] shal not untill to morrow or next day please cum to our house on Saturday if youcan you can ng please excuse poor spelli^ and bad penman r ship from your Fathe^ with strong regard Alice M Peck. A. G. P