Douglas Hospital Washington, DIeĀ· May 22nd 1864 Mrs. K; L. Marsh Dear Friend, Thinking that perhaps you had not heard of my misfortune I have concluded to write and let you know what it is I was wounded on friday the 6th of May in the left leg just above the ankle my legis broken it was done while I was dismounted op. the skermish line bya rebel sharpshooter my health is good othelWise I tell you what it is tiresome to be in this terrible Hospital. I never was obliged to lie on my back so long at a time before in my life I will feel like new man when I get so I can go out on "crutches " instead of lying on this detestable bed all the time and I see they are not to give me any to much to eat but this thing is not going to last long I will be able to get out in the course of a month on crutches . I hope then I can buy all I want in the shape of eatables I have written home and to several other places since I came here the citizens are coming around today with religious papers so we have plenty of reading matter well I must close for this time please address me at Douglas Hospital Ward No. 2 Bed No. 89 Washington DIe. I remain your friend Augustus B. Holmes Mrs. B. F. Marsh. Co. G 8th Mich . Veteran Vol Infantry