Douglas Hospital Washington DC Nov 27th 1864 Dear Mother I received your letter with the photogra- phs just before I started from Jackson but was not able to write before I left Mich [Fred?] was well when [he?] I left there I arrived here safely on Wednesday but I am not very well now the Dr [illegible in original] my wound the other day and since then I have been confined to my bed yesterday there was a constant stream of cold water running onto it conducted there by means of a rubber [illegible in original] one end of [which?] was in a basin of water which sat on a stand on the side of the bed this morning then put [illegible in original] flax seed poultice on it. I do not think it is any worse than it was except the irritation caused by the probing the Dr took some peices of bone and a small peice of lead from the ball with which I was wounded I think the Dr will open it and take the peices all out it will be a very painful operation but on the whole it will best thing that could be done for me as it will not get well a great while if it is [allowed to run?] as it was. There was a man met with serious accident this morning just in front of this Hospital he was riding along at a gallop the horse stumbled and the man fell off the horse struck him on the head with his fore foot I think his skull is broken he was brought into this ward he is asleep now and I think he will get well. I had a good thanksgiving dinner the 24” we were paid off on that day too I had a good dinner today also it was sent up by the [cuter?] of our [illegible in original] (the one who provided it) it consisted of bread and butter sausage beef catsup and pie one of the sisters brought me a bowl of tea some sweet potatoes a piece of beef and when all together I made good meal of it well I must close for the present please send me one of Franks and Sarah’s pictures if they are taken no [more?] at the present time from your son A B Holmes Mrs. H I Holmes