Falmouth March 20th 1863 Dear Mother I take my pen in hand to inform you of my health I am well at present and hope you are the same I see your kind letter of the 22nd day of February and was happy to hear from you to hear that you was well you wanted to know how much money I had sent home I do not know I sent you 25.00 last pay day I lost 20.00 of that I think that our brigade Postmaster stole the money for others have lost some the same way I lay it to him at least I shall send no more that way the next I will send by express if I get my pay I will send you thirty or forty dollars so you can have some to help your self with I am sorry that I lost that for I know that you need it to use for your comfort but if my life is spared I will be home some of these days to support you keep up good courage look at every thing on the bright side I am contented as long as you are well but if you are not then I am home sick but there is Some prospect of this war soon being settled ther is talk of it among the rebs now I hope they will dont you I had a letter from Frank the other day he says he never had better but as my ink is so poor I will send you his letters so you can read it at your leisure but as it is mail time I will close for this time fro I will write to you soon this from your son A H Marsh