Begin Scan 1] A.C. Co. A. 20th Mich - Inft - First Division 9th In front of Petersburg Va Jan 31st 1864 D.M. Bagley Esqr. Dear Sir Your kind favor of the 20th inst came came duly to hand and was perused with interest the more So as it is verry Seldom that I get any news from that part of the State. and if it would not be asking too much of you I would like for you to continue to write me occasionally and keep me posted upon matters of general interest at that place t and I will do the best in my power to interes^ you in return. Just at present this depart- -ment is verry barren of interesting news No offensive operations Seem to be in progress and the troops are trying to make themselves as comfortable as possible under existing circumstances which I can assure you is nothing extra Capt Boice of Lansing has gone home on Sick furlough and I heard that Dr Chubb expected to go out of the service Soon but I dont know that it is true Dr Henery Baker. is with the regt and Dr Chubb is at Division hospital the boys are all well and in good Spirits expecting Soon to See peace again Smile upon our once happy and prosperous land but which has been Cursed nearly four years by the cruelest and most causeless rebellion that ever was known in the past history of the world & which has caused rivers of our best blood to flow and Millions of our treasure to be expended and filled the land with Widows, Orphans, Cripples and desolate hearthstones and all this has been done to Sustain that relick of barbarism Human Slavery The weather has been quite cold for some days past but now it is plesant Give my kind regards to all of my acquaintances there and believe me Yours Truly T.W. Brownell. To D.M. Bagley Esqr. PS. I will give you my address in full T.W. Brownell Co A. 20th Mich Inft 2nd Brigade 1st Division 9th A.C. (please give me Anna's address if you) Washington D.C. have it T.W. Brownell Soldier Washington, D.C. Jany 24 1865 ans Feby 25, 1865.