East Cambridge the Feb 11 /62 Dear Brother i received your kind and loving letter last tuesday i am Sorr i did not answered it before but i have not been very well i have had a Cold but i am Getten better now Charly is well and Sends his love to you and Says he guess he wont go to Washington that was all talk about listeng for thirty days Charly Says when you get were the Rebels are you must Shote at them for him to we had a letter from Sam the last week he was well and Said he had a letter from you and Said that you was well baby is well and Send you lots of kisses here they are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . he has got So now that he takes holt of Charly whiskers and pulls them he has large ones like Sams [Sam?] when he wrote he never Sent his love to Eddie I did not like it neather Charly is holden Eddie and am going to Send you a paper to i will try and Send you a better one next time Called the [illegible] fellow i will Send you bugget of fun now Give my to the folkes when you write home Give mine and Charly love to Brothers James i Cant think of any more now So i will Close by Saing Good by for a while write Soon and tell us how the war is Getten along good by from youre loving Brother and sister and baby O. K. .E. Dickerman