Fulton July the 13.. 62 Dear Brother Edd I with pleasur -re this morning sit down to write you. It seems like along time since we have heard from you although we hear from you by the other boys. The folks are not verr well Eliza has not been well this summer. & Franc has had the ague. Henry is at home on a discharge furlough. he is a gain -ing slowly. I wish that the rest [could?] be as lucky as to come home. I hope that you will be better by the time that you get this. But I cant help hope that you may be sick along enough to get home. When last we heard from James he was sick he has not been able to do duty since they have been on James Island. Oh! how I wish that all the soldiers could be well while they are in the army. It is bad enough for them to be way there without being sick. & those that have to suffer with wounds to & there is so many too. Poor [Verne?] has gone it is to bad but ther is no telling when they will have to go The weather is fine now crops look well. it has been verry hot here for more than a week. What will do to go into is less than a week. Our folks are a going to be drove with work their harvesting is a coming on ^ now right a way it is all comeing at once. Can it be you have been gone a year it dont seem possible I hope that you may be home before another year I had a letter from Richard Tylor last night he was well when he wrote. said he had not seen you since he left Yorktown Well Edd what kind of a time did you have the fourth I want you should write & tell me all about it. I went to Fish Creek had a good time & the rest of the folks went to the Rapids. There was a celebration at the Rapids, they said it was an exelent oration. Albert Burch has the ague yet We was all to a party last friday night it was in Mr Porters new house we all went & carried our own supper & had such a good time as I never was to before to such a party It was composed of married & unmarried & they all seemed to enjoy themselves. It would seem so good to have you all back here once more to have good times. My school is pretty small now the berrys are ripe & the folks are a keeping there children at home to pick them. Well Edd I cant write much more for I must tend to my children. Mother will write to you & she will write what I have left out They all send their love to you & the boys. John Conly was killed at the battle on James island. With much love to you all I close. Write soon and oblige your sister Diantha [Written on left side of Scan 4] Edd Days folks & Perrys have got each of their mother boys mayube you have heard of it but I will mention it