Sag City Feb 7th /64 Dear brother and sister once more I seat myself to pen you a few lines. To day we are enjoying [two words crossed out] heavens richest blessings which are the most important gifts which can be bestowed upon man so far a worldly matters are concerned: which are health and liberty Yesterday a colored women was sentenced to three years imprisonment condemned for man slaughter she killed an irishman he went into her house about twelve or one oclock [crossed out] [at] night in a state of intoxication The inmates were awakened with a considerable fright the women immediately ordered him away [crossed out] [which] he refused to go she then went out of doors ordering him to leave her premises which he would not do. She then went into the house got a hammer and walked out g again then a short struggle ensued which caused his death. She inflicted eleven blows upon the head five of which five of them fractured the skull The deceased left a wife and four hepless children and the prisoner left two children. The old negro was so teror stricken that he dare not venture to the door to aid or prevent the conflict which was then going on. He was a man who had lodged in her house for nearly a week driven from his own by having his [crossed out] [own] windows broken in and his stove spoiled Perhaps she has recieved her just due but I think the irish have not We recieved a letter from Hattie day before yesterday she said you wantened I should write you the market prices here. Apples are worth at least one dollar per bushel firkin butter is worth [31?] and [33?] cts per pound eggs are probably about 20 cts per dozen as there are none brought into market I cannot tell you what the price is nothing more of importance write when conveient convenient give our respects to all from your brother and sister C and SA Hayes Joseph S Bamber [penciled in] [1864] Highland Oakland Co Mich