August 18th /64 Dear brother and sister again I resume my seat to pen you a few lines to let you know that we are in good health and enjoying the liberties of a once happy people although we are far from that being happy now as a nation When I look around and and realize the many thousands that have left their homes to lay down their lives in defence of their country and then listen to the unprincipaled sentiments of the copperheads at the north it gives me many a sorowfull thought Last night I went to a copperhead Mass meeting and a worse sett of scape goats I believe never was seen this side of king Cotton Joseph I wish you could have been here you could see there just what the party is composed of they were the lowest and most ignorant class of Duch french and all the rowdys of the the town Honorable Mr Clark addressed the audience and a bigger pack of lies never was embodied in the speech of the worst traitor on earth He stated that Abe. was the sole cause of this war that H he had violated evry part of the constitution and that he was deviating wavering and crooked in his ways and an unprincipled wretch while that of little Me was a straight forward course stright as an arrow shot from a bow acted from principle and perfect in evry respect. He might said straight and left out the forward and come nearer the truth perhaps Mac for with little ^ it was all backward and no forwards at while he was had command army of the ^ at least He said he supposed old Abe. would pass a law that it was a military necessity for him to to claim the presidency for the next four years even if they did elect Geo. B Mc. Lellan and to wind up his speech he says the ballot boxes in some states have been governed by the point of the bayonet and who knows but that it may be so here this fall gives advice that we democrats must arm ourselves and pre prepare to do ourselves justice and cast our votes for little Mc. He also stated that if Abe Abraham Lincon was elected that we democrats at the north would rebel and there would be civil war all over the united states such are the sentiments and principles rebel of the [crossed out] [honorable] Mr Clark of Brighton Livingston Co. Sept 21st /64 again I seat myself to to finish my letter. We. are well to day excepting I bad colds Mr. Pierson has been here to day. He says that father has been quite sick but is better now I am glad to hear that I wish he would come out here and stay a while for I believe there is a doctor here that can cure him . I have been at work building a store house but have got through witth that job nothing more this time Ann will write the rest give our respects to all From your affectionate brother write soon Carlos Hayes Joseph Bamber {Hattie} Dear brother and Sister it is with pleasent thoughts that I sit down to pen a few lines to you and I hope it will find you all well as it leaves me at present I hope you will excuse me for not wrighting to you before I certainly am ashaimed of my self [crossed out] [for not have wrighten to you before] we arrived here all safe and sound and I like it far better then I thought that I should I give my love to all [illegible] the children for me and tell them to be good boyes and girls Mary Parson was here to day and she fetched Sues [picture?] but I did not see her I was up to marcies I must close for it is gitting dark love to all excus poor wrighting wright soon Hattie Saginaw City Sep 18th /64 Sunday Afternoon Dear Brother & sister I now take my pen in hand to write [smudged] [to you] I have been trying to get aletter written to you for a long time but I have not made it out I am happy to say that we are well and hope that these few liens will find you the same I have been looking for aletter from you but have not seen one yet but I hope that we shall get one soon and I hope that you will write all the news tell us who has enlisted and who is drafted Hattie is well and enjoys herself very much I am so glad that she dose for I do not know what I should do without her for I could not do my work myself I hope that the time will soone come when we can will come home and see all of you how I do wish that you could come and see us you would find us as happy as pigs in the clover no more now I take my pen to finish my letter that comenced last sunday we heard that father has been very sick but I am glad to hear that he is better you write and tell us just as it is for we have not heard from home since Susie was here I feell so [crossed out word] anxious about father I wish he would come out here and see the doctor that is here I am going to write home if you see him you tell him what I say good bye for this time my love to all Kiss the children for us now do write soon do not waite for me for you can write better then one I can From your sister good bye Annie S Hayes Saginaw Mr. Joseph Bamber Highland [penciled in] [1864-9-18] Oakland Co Mich