Norwich Dec 7th 1865 My Dear Nephew Tis thanksgiving day to day the great Day with the good people of New England the roast Turkey.s Smoke upon the well Loaded Tables and the rich chicken Pies Send forth their fragrance while Pies Cake [etc.?] make up the Programe of thanksgiving Dinner so attractive to all [chapes?] in Yankee Land. – Well here we are Just in time to Share in this time Honored institution reminding us of the days of our Boyhood when to our Young minds and especially our appetites it was the best day in the year: Well we will respect it for its time honored associations and Endeavor to feel in Some degree the Gratitude we ought in view of God.s goodness to us during the past year Both as a Nation and as Individuals: We arrived here safely last Thursday forenoon and found Brother.s family all well and prospering and gave us a cordial and hearty welcome and every effort made to make out stay pleasant and agreeable: Day before yesterday we visited the Great Manufactory of cotton cloth at Baltic 960 feet in Length by 80 feet in width 3 high Stories or 4 including the warping room besides the Great Basement room for Storing Cotton: It employs about one Thousand hands when running full quota and they are now preparing to put up a Large Building in addition as they have abundant water power for the purpose: This Large Mill manufactures cloth enterely for Calico I believe: It is not printed here but taken to another of Sprague.s manufactory.s where it is printed into its Different Styles of print: About 2 miles below tis Manufactory on the River they have built a Dam for another which is to be the largest in the United States 1500 feet in Length: a Gentlemen Said when taking us up to Brothers the other morning that as much machinery was preparing for manufactoring as was now in operation in this Section of country which Seems almost incredible: There are Large Manufactories all around us and the Business is very profitable: The Gentleman alluded to who is well informed Said they admitted they cleared one dollar a pound upon all cotton manufactored which must be an enormous profit. The people here are prospering and men are laying up money while they live well rather ahead of us westerners: Br Noah would See a great change in Norwich in the Splendid Buildings erected Since he left here Business Lively and wide awake full of Yankee enterprise = A gentle Snow has been falling all this morning and the ground looks white although not any frost in the ground to speak of as it was a good time for digging out stone yesterday and mild as october almost = Well Joseph how are Matters progressing there in Highland? How do you Succeed in collecting the average on the Parsonage? Have you enough to Settle up with Frank for this payment? How is Sarah as she was quite feeble when we left? Brother Seymour and family would have been very glad if Br Noah & Wife had found it Convenient To have made a visit here too Br Seymour & family are pleasantly situated and Steadily advancing in property His Daughter has two children Boys one Eleven and the other 4 years of age: The youngest one is chatting way near the Stove and Herbert has just brought him a present of a Silver plated fork to Eat his thanksgiving dinner with that Shines like the burnished Silver = It was from Mrs Hebbard a near neighbor – Please to remember us to Br Noah & wife and our family with Kisses for the Little ones: How is the weather there? Please to write and Direct to Clifton accept regards from Monroe Co Uncle John NY