th March the 14 1864 Camp near StephenBurg Verginey Dear Wife it is With the greatest of Plasure that i spend theas fiew idel moments in Writing to you To let you no how i am at this time My health is very good at Present And when theas few lines does Reach you i hop that they Will find you all Engoin as good a health As i am at this time We are still hear in Camp Whare We Hav Bin all winter But how Long We shall stay hear i Cant Tell We ar under marching orders We are liable to move Eny minit I hant much news to tell you in this letter onley their is [Woncen?] a while a Reb Comes in sid of our lines and gives them selves up their Was to Came in yester day theas ReB Reports That their armey is allmost starvin And i gess that they Be i gess that they dont hav much To Eat at the Best of times But they say that they Will fight as long as their is a man Left But i gess that this springs Campaign Will Cool their [Broth?] [for?] their Eny Way We shall try them I shall Be glad when This is Braught To a Close BeCaus i hav Bin a salger Long a nuf to satisfy me And I Waunt to see the time When i Can git home and when That Time comes i Will stay at home And they may get their harts to [Regt?] that they never will git My name as another Enlisting Roll As long as my name is Ben Brock That is so I Will send you a little More money in this letter to you And i Waunt you to Be Particular And answer my letter Every time so i Will no Whether you git my Letters or not and then i Can tell Whether you git my money or not The other to letters i sent you i Poot tenn dollers in Each one and i shall send you seven this time and that maks 27 in the three letters i Waunt you to tell me [Whein?] Euri arnald Went to When he enlisted Whether he Wwnt in the Western Devision or whare he went I Waunt you to see him and see If he Want Pay up that [illegible] He got a Big Bountey and now He Can Pay it as Well as not if he is a [illegible] Write Soon to me B Brock