Camp near Fort Fisher Jan 23, 1865 Dear wife It is with pleasure that I seat my Self to write & inform you that I am Still alive & well & I hope this may find you all the Same although I have not received an answer from my last letter I will try it again & See if this will bring an answer I am at the regt but I dont do any duty with my hand it has rained most all day which makes it seem lonesome laying in my tent the rebels are comeing in to our lines quite fast from fifty to one hundred every night we have not drew any pay but expect to every day there is men in the regt says their families are Suffering for hay or rather for the money that is due them there is Some talk of our regt & the Seventh michigan consolidating which will make quite a regt again if they do & I expect they are going to give our regt a chance to reenlist again before long but I See think I cant ^ it without they will give me majorship well I am going to cook Some beans for dinner but I wish I was there at home with you I think I could have something better than hard tack but I Suppose I have got to put up with hard feed eight months bring longer I guess I will ^ this to a close for news is a scarce article here in the potomac army give my respects to all enquiring friends & I Send my love to you & almond please write as Soon as convenient & oblige your husband [homebecomes?] From Benjamin. B. Brock To Mrs Sallyann Brck [illegible in original] & Son