CIRCULAR No. 10-—SERIES OF 1863. ORDNANCE OFFICE, ; WAR DEPARTME . T, Wasuincton, March 16, 1863. ‘The attention of all officers cf the Army having unserviceable Ordnance Stores in their possession, which require the action of an inspecting officer before being finally disposed of, is called to the changes made in paragraph 1023, Revised Regulations of the Army, by General Orders, No. 189, from the Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, D. C., dated November 18, 1862, and recent instructions from the War Department on the same subject, as contained in the ‘' Instruc- tions for making Returns of Ordnance and Orduance. Stores,’’ now in press and shortly to be published. That portion of the paragraph amended by General Orders, No. 189, now reads as follows, the italicized words indicating the change made: ‘©1023. An officer commanding a department, or an army in the field, may give orders, on the report of the authorized inspectors, to sell, destroy, or make such other disposition of any condemned property as the case may require—the sale of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores alone excepted, for which the orders of the War Department must always be taken.’’ eS - The directions given in the paragraph referred to, in regard to inventories of condemned Ordnance property as amended in the ‘‘ Instructions for making Returns of Ordnance Stores,’’ are as follows: ‘The inventories in triplicate, duly signed by the Inspector and approved at the Department or Army Headquarters, (except in cases where the sale of Ordnance Stores are recommended, ) will all be returned to the officer accountable for the stores, to be used by him as vouchers for his next quarterly return of Ordnance property. One inventory will be retained, one will accompany the original copy of the return for the use of the Treasury Department, and one will accompany the duplicate return for the use of the Ordnance Office.”’ That is, instead of sending the third copy of the inventory to this office direct, as heretofore, it must hereafter reach it through the officer accountable for the stores, as part of the duplicate copy of his return. J. Wo RekeP LY, Brig. General, Chief of Ordnance.