my dear brother betseyann got you letter t on sa^urday we was glad to here that you was a she ^ well s^rah got no lette ^ was sour sorry a hear to he^re ^ that you and william was parted other that i hope you can see each outh ^ so ^ when you write yet ^ letter you can speak about each other and when either gets a letter you will both hear frome home i think by the way you write you are trying to keep up you courage and put you trust in god i do you feel thankful that you can write as ^ do r i allways want to here that part of lette^ for [?] ^ particular yes my brother you sand on solid ground on a rock that will not splitt but [?] my dearest brother do not get angry at me for seeming to give you advice i do not think you need it but yet you are in the midt midst of temptation and have not got many privaliges and now you will have to tent with a stra nger o may god protect you be ever near you cling close to him fear not man but call on the name of the lord let our prayers asend to gether and there we shall one day meet is not that a happy [On side of letter] i am afraid you will have hard work to make [End] [Upside down on top of letter] out my write it is mixed up so [End]