Camp 10th Mich Infty Near Rossville, Georgia Jan 15th, 1864 Dear Mother I received your letter dated Nov 29th and was very glad to hear from you. I wrote to you on the 11th I believe. Nearly the whole regiment is going in to the Veteran Corp’s. There is 45 men in our company going. I have not made up my mind whether I shall go into it or not yet but I think that it is the best thing an unmarried man can do we are to get the furlough and the same bounty as other regiments have had that is we get our old hundred dollars bounty for our first enlistment and four hundred and two dollars for this enlistment and thirty-days furlough and uther thirty- or sixty- days in the State to recruit Those that do not go will be put in the 14th Mich if I go as I now think I will you will see me in about three weeks at any rate you will see the regiment. The cars came in to Chattanooga today There is nothing going on here Now every thing is all quiet. I will tell you mother how it is with one about going into the Veterans you see if the regiment goes in I should not like to be left behind and then be stuck into another regiment where I am not aquainted and expecialy the 14th for they are all Irish and a mean set of fellows to besure there is Nick Devereaux and Ed Murphy from Marshall but I do not think much of them you remember Nick telling something about me that was not so when he was at home I have not forgot yet. It is geting late and I must stop writing. Give my love to Father & Georgy and believe me your affectionate son William Bostock I forgot to tell you that I received the three postage stamps much obliged to you W.B.