No 13 Memorandum Continued March 21” 1865 Reveille at six we were relieved by the 17” NY. at about ten oc1ock moved back about thirty rods and formed a line and threw up works the 15” Corps had some very heavy fighting on our right all quiet on our line with the exceptions of a little skirmishing the weather wet Our wagon train started for Goldsboro loaded with wounded. March 22" 1865 Reveille at six the Rebels retreated during the night received orders to march at ten oc1ock took the Goldsboro road and marched five miles and went into camp for the night. it is suposed the Rebels have fell back to Raliegh the Capital of this State the weather was very fine but roads bad. March 23rd 1865 Reveille at six marched at nine went very slow on account of a wagon train being ahead. crossed the Neuse River and passed our Division of the 24” Corps and one No 14 Division of Negro troops belonging to the 25 Corps. marched ten miles and crossed the little river marched into the town of Goldsboro at six oc1ock in the evening passed Gen Schofields head quarters at parade step the 23rd Corps is in camp in town. (The end) March 27th 1865 Dear Mother I rec'd one letter from you yesterday dated Feb 13 and also 2 from Georgy and one from Lem Morton. there is another mail now at head quarters which they are now distributing. In this I send you my journal of events which I thought would be of some interest to you. we are now laying in camp here and have a plenty of rations. I do not know whether you can make this out or not as I have a very poor pen. Give my love to Father and believe me your affect son W Bostock