Camp Co “K” 10th Regt Mich Infty Goldsboro N.C. April 7th 1865 Dear Mother I received your letter dated March 26th and was very glad to hear from you. We have received the glorious news of the fall of Richmond it was received in an official dispatch to Gen Sherman who sent it to the different Corps in the Army. it was read to our Brigade by Agt Gen Wiseman and such deafening cheers beating of drums, and firing of guns I have never before heard. It is also reported that the Rebel Gen Buckner commanding a large cavalry force sent in a flag of truce stating that he would surrender his whole force on conditions that he would be granted a full pardon and that his men should be paroled and be allowed to go to their homes and he says that he has always said that he would not fight after the fall of Richmond I understand that there was a Division of infantry sent out to escort them in today. I have never received Mrs. Colmes letter I think there must be some old mail yet to come up to the Regt and I wish it would hurry along. My right eye is very sore and has been for several days I thought at first it was a stye coming on it but it has turned out to be something else it is very sore and the Doctor says I must not read or write much so you must excuse me if I don't write a very long letter We have had several more promotions in the Regt Agt Jewell has been promoted to Captain and provost Marshall on Gen Vanderess staff. 1st Lt RudolphPapst is acting adjutant. there has also been several noncommissioned officers promoted. The weather has been very fine for the last few days with the exceptions of a little sprinkling of rain this afternoon. We drawed some Sanitary goods to day consisting of Irish potatoes Boston crackers and some shirts and drawers hankercheffs and towels but the two latter always go to the officers and [ply?] offs after they get all they want if there is any left they go to the mess. it is a shame the way the people of the north are used in regard to such things articles that are sent for the men in the field who do the work are taken by officers and men at the rear and it is very rarly that anything comes to the front and if it does it has to go through the same process of culling by officers. Well Mother I shall have to close as my eye pains me very bad. Give my love to Father and believe me your affectionate son. William Bostock Co. K, 10th Mich Infty